HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-5-26, Page 11
etZen'-*OletaltZXtom-Ac' 414.01
eOnnitnY tnatilsa atOple,C*Oalh PVar attire
and the (Wean 2.01.414Vnt tnnWV1+-
tne Varna -1,0h the adeertisinc stolItstaas
t912 czelaNG,
.1‘1=Tairli *2111141;te 1\10,, 21
Vara FreiGhters IFoTt
Sallt =62 Stelae--
. TIAntergeteM Oettaa
The arbor fairly bustled with ate
tinily Oven the Mena -end mad the
early part of this Week, eight eteanl.
era which made port hne ve days
eliaispiaaiiea ri11L laustiele
of grain and tons-Wiriceight
The Superior was the first to ar-
rive or, Friday evening, with 82;000
bushels of oats for the elevat-o-r
cleared on Satertley with a- mega of
nselt for the bead ot the Lakes.
Following closely on the Melts of
the Superior on the trip to Groderich
eseseteesaarnansearee etheastear4eatereetenen
58,030 pustels of fitix'airthe eleenTot
1k. Illerjadge_iggliegiand
E. IL Doug es arrived, light, at the
elevator to take on cargoes of wheat,
108,9901uh1 thd 11)4,000 buehels
*Fst!.P nni-Pleno . „ Rictaintlir
, Wet en 41
elevator ft;te the same destinatien.
The omen tramp Sonia made its
!first arip to Goderich on Sunday and
leadetteasecateZas of e 9edernch salt,
clearing for Prince -Bidafitld island.
Last night the freighter' Winnieen
arrived from Antherstburg wittiest ette-
ecp of sugar which Is being unloaded
at the freight sheds; and the steamer
Novadoe also arrived last night to take
on a cargo or wheat, at the elevator for
The knevernment exit Iiiiseford, in
port here last week -end, deposited five
million trout fry in the lake off Bay -
on Tuesday.
The tug Forrest left On Tuesday for
Southampton to pick :up a dredge to
proceed thence to tar -field Ise -dredge
'out the river where a pier is to be
AT Vitt-6MA
A tta
473 A'Th Pati,,,,=.47Z9
, .
Rim:CM sCiltOTP11)Dtr 171.4tVi CIVO Tarl
bait tinna APO snenaley. Let tie rnna Yntlin
si rate On yOur fanOrinaenatnartalpta
gONAIL =21C°
Mrs. O. Z. Robinson, jr., spent the
Week -end at uffalo.
Mr. Fred °ride of Toronto, vras a
week -end visitor in tonna
Mr. Jaele Calder. of Toronto, anent
the weelhand at rectory.*
Mr. Ernest Pritchard was up from
Toronto for the •tioliday 'weekend.
linnes Ebb Met' was in Detroit
over the weekeend nielting friends.
Mr W. U. Baker, of Port Burwell,
spent thee week -end at hb hoine bere.
Mr. Donald annrison, etudent at Os-
goode all, lo vacetioning at his home
here- anass.' _ _
Mr. Ina. 'Weak of----einsteallion, flitted -
in town over the week -end with Ina
family. - -
r., and Mrs. L. H. Zinn visited
with relatives at Toronto over the
NEM- J. Bicknell is with her aunt,
Miss Bernice Eltggarth was ihome
retbeelveeirsenta feeneentetatterd Nn
Mrs. k/. A. Nairn. and Mr. aced Mrs.
R. C.- Hip motored to Toronto ono
day last wee.
*-"-Miee jeate aanteDonahnestena le eat-
aideasaegenaillton;n#atitraied .116111
for the Nsreelaiteid. - --
Miss Jessie Croft, of Brantford,
visited her friend, Miss Peggy cooper
over the week -end.
Missealtargaret MeNtehen, of Mac-
Donald Hall, Guelph, spent the week-
end at her home here.
Miss Ddrothy Muir has returned to
Grand Bend after spending the week-
end- with her '; Mother.
Miss Mary LeRoy, of Collingw000,
spent the week -end with her cousin,
Miss Marjorie MaCtie.
Mr. Wm. Black, of the Bank of
Montreal, Kingsville, spent the week-
end at hi$ home here.
Miss Kathleen Little, who is attend-
ing ELa.vergal College at Toronto, was
home for the week -end.
Constable Melville Craigie, special
duty ofileer at Toronto, was a week-
end visitor in Goderich.
Respire Iney Program-eAddress by
v. D. tn. Law
An Empire Day service was held at
Victoria public school on Friday
afternoon, with more than three hun-
dred children gathered in the lower
hall' -to- take e"part s patriotte
demonstration. Principal litonehouse
was chairman. •
The program opened with all
saluting the flag sad singing "0
C$anada,"' after eChich two patriotic
readings were given by Betty Jean
McNee and Lucille Patterson. A
duet was sung two atandergarten
pupils, Catherine Cutt and Edward
Jenkins, and Hazel Boyce, winner at
the Clinton music festival, -sang a
Rev. D. J. Lane gave an interesting
talk on "The Britieh Empire," and
the proceedings were leteraght to a
tdose with the singing of the National
41 •
§®1 1Fa
SadOTfiiin "-ADWED. toONDON
MD. am.
Mr. caad 1.10 M. Earl Elnan, Q.It
RaCmatra, llp -11,4DOTIsd& Upon Torontoe ivereta °stored guests at the
As One 'el tkc Me.st magnificent iiht of Lerd, and Lady
Eua Anmerrion Astor at 4 St. ;lames Square, Loudon,
ma:gland, on , .,ronation 4ve, Miry
• lltb. There eassee` sixteen at The din
Ralph 'MeCriath, well-known ace tier- pasta, vIthcr* iheluded all the
figure -skating champion who sky -rock- Astor lemur
etted to fame 'with his Superb show- friends. Mrs.
ing at Reston last winter, in eompeti- glean Of21.011,
.tion with: this continent's champions,- Lii1;* m'oTt„tr.
'e tome of tiaeir titled
Mott was given the
a friend of-Lordaand
Miehaen :and -it NVDO'
waereirr -a- ear- -sm-up at Toronto ,throUgh him , Oat elle invitation was
60. IRS7
241Zeirnalan4 IIMMP4D
6.thz.71 ',04:1th,1.1
tql) 1131=17,1t„.3 nitaTtatmt men
AATIVM, tatly 26,—A oeripus acci-
dent napperted in the tiNailgatt roil -
'road stearin ent SetUrdae, when An-
drawanianconneld oil Atbutta. VsraD
badly"tejured. Tne stale of the jig-
ger broke, throwing him off. He wan
taken by Dr. Pridhanr of Mitchell to
Stratford hospital, `witere It, ma found
he hada &mil fracture and .was bad-
ly bruited andecUt. jetties Merlin,
riding in the same jigger, was slight-
ly injured.
WM 70 1071 EER
71111M MEM
11.00011 Comma
pens- Actiom Clleco
DC- Eke=
Goderichat tax. rate for 1937 will
remain int 60 mills in the eloilar, An
increase of half -a -mill In the 'Colle-
giate Institute levy is balanced by a
reduction of nail -a -mile In tan gen-
ashAIME-11 gous clEllatS eral "The- annotates of reeapts- a-ef-
recently end suffered injuries whien exteoded, I ,
penditteres Air the currant. year,
presented ta the regular meeting of
may 'seriously Impair his future career lif.-3tItiotteelosite is Well-intown Diltm Net 11B323 Vaught ant (538dmall9
The youngster, who is a son of B. Elliott a. --------------- en to ,Ah Leonard has a flock of several as follows
on the curved, blades.
Ilkeent &ADA -the town touneil on --Friday- night- last,
G*derich etkl 1305,- a son of Mr. Enna.
h ski f RECEIPTS
H. McCreath, cwell-known Goderich the -Signai-Ste a series of letters !hundred chicks on the nort e o
Old Boy of Toronto, was in town last from Europe Which are being read the ,harbor some of which, believe it Cemetery $ ZAK) 00
week -end, bobbling on erdches, as 4111.44%wm 41124. "w otaka or n
o 71,j,„_, •
0 -
700 00
details of the -acetone Ralph stated mr. and Mrs, Elliott hod excellent seagulls which frequent the water-
DOg -taeN itoo 00
that when driving near his home one seats on CormaatIou Pay, about one front Local improvement taxes.400 00
•cight; 42g- leapedatitabla thee er Unnadred,eareertike enr
- id ntraltee-
ffarflren'brarlrane/Inninfntise eatFn'*"-alThee Weetralnener snlaseesseetasteethearroatire. aesSitelousealarn;4141-4)*Ametta
machkae swerved and 'wrapped itself procession pas4ed them both going to follow the lead of their aerial cou-
around a steel hydro pole. Ralph and returning from the Abbey. They sine. The chieks are wont to s,cretch
suffered two broken ribso a badly liedk a spleudict view of all the royal along the shore of Snug Harbor, and
eirencirederk-neesedtd-lacetyeararee:,,,f.4 ...amq,"..ui 01* rAt/1,1401'414. re
C.,n,c'e of From& exact Zzon*Ile of
the 2vaartv'ella Ragrenll
Prank Sproat, evrenty-eighteyeatr-old
Sealforth young man, mar wall be de-
seeribed .as the man who came back
from the jaws of death.
Pour inonths ago, less two days,
Spieat was picked out of a ditch be-
e...J-461de the 4..1.N'.R. crossing Ca No. 8
$re. /highway tut the outskirts' of Geoderich,
- wholes he had •been hurled when nis
billet was struck by an incoming gas -
electric trail). Within arm's length
of his unconscious badly -battered form
VMS the -dead body of his elderly earn-
panto.tt, Edward Powell. The front
wheels of the wrecked truck wer.e
lifted from the broken Tel:wine (4,
Powell, who wan -then carefully cov-
ered with sicking, and- young Sproat
was tendeely but hurriedly placed up-
on a fitrateater and rushed in an am-
bulance to Alexandre hospital, where
doetors immediately began a "hope -
/43D" struzfilte to retain a flickering
spark of life.
Sproat's head was herribly battered,
tWo-inch pieee his •skull hlaving
been driven in. piercing a section of
the brain.
As he lay on vrhat was believed to
be his death bed, tebtative arrange-
ments were made for an inquest.
Doctors gave Ittin tWenty-four bouts to
live, but did not relax for a moment
their, careful vigil. Pressure on the
sbrain was relieved and eonstant at-
tention revealed a' oligbt illnarevemenl
in his condition, but only after Weetin
tef hovering in the Shadow -a
hope was etiteatained for his -recovery.
Be begaav to take intereat hie
ourroundinge, and at fit -at formed
monoeyllabie sentences. As time wore
on, even the fear that hia brain would
be affected woo dieaelled. Be drew.
atronger and more alert day by day
alad finally Ms relecleed from tbe
Dunclat-- wenatoholiday guests irrEct'
and Mr‘s. Alex. evin.
iss Doria prey, of St. Catharines,
snetat tbe.wtelt-end with her parents,
Mr. and rs. F. la. Riley.
iss iiIldred Anderson, who is at-
tending Stratford Normal Scheel,
spent the week -end in town.
aere and Mass -Roes Inning, ef elnortie
Bay, were receat guests with Mrs.
Thomas Young, South street
MT. and Mrs. Fred •411. F.agte and
iss Millie Eagle, of Hamilton, tsPeut
the week -end with relaeives here.
Miss Olive Robertson was up from
Hamilton to spend the .holiday with
her mother, rs. J. A. Robertson.
Mr. Jas. Hume and Donald licQuar-
rie, of Toronto, spent the week -tend
with Mrs. 0. A. Nairn and family.
entateelierrig.,,e, afe Pluieea•aad
Mr. Albert Baker, of Gordon -7
visited at their home over the holi-
Mr. and Mrs. R.eg. Mu.nre, of Strat-
ford, were holidey guests with Mr.
and-aties.-Jolan-fitory and -Mr. Dave
Don Lane, who is empleyed with .a
(Toronto truet company, easealt the
week -end with his parents at the
Mr. and rs. C. A. Crooke; accom-
panied by Nat. John Bald, went to
Victoria Harbor and Midland for the
•Ted•and Gallo nevem, of New-
market, were week -end edaltore at the
home of their at, Mist; Mabel
Visitors last weelvensl at the home
of Mr. J. P. Hume were Donald
Hume, Jean and Margaret ()nasty, all
a Toronto.
nin. G. Robertson, rs. Robert-
son and daughters, Mary and Retail,
es719,...aran1C7 ell. -hotel siarilr
This- fealearted yofi. "hadth, thrice Canadian after S ium ta Indite gift(' of getting vaTer neai a -here where -a few Provital Government
rtix.e ti utt 43
•) 00
2 067 tat'
singles figure skating champion, Nortn to their seats.; The sidewalks were s— 'g s ,
American doubles champion and run- packed about eight deep with people 1 601
nrentals 500 00
reill-emselaffirems eatel-
Netsie&ttleyiettet- •
Art graft plant
keuvincial retie'
—nen"- rtena-an
100 Ou
ay tax.,.... lItiO 461
1,100 tal
rkuth y t 2,599.0
er repel t Of the finance come
mittee'-reCOMMeitidett thnainagrante----
of $300 to Alexandra hospital, and ac -
Talmo two thina,s cannot be Id
by any ordinarsr intetitent betty of
teen and women, rsthe have ene,0 to
We. The former cannot be cutiteratedt
but it is, no doubt, within the agree
vince of the torn ettemell to =ar
a statistical statement of the comtey
pasesing tbsrough the beverages roo s
o2 our would
year. elfrerthviinwt7ereot
the Butane aituation here.
therannla IrManttlan.fin--Innge -
you to use your utmost influence- toe rid
°tar town of this menetroue evil, wad
to make it again a deem, Cafe Dia _
prosperous place in wbieb to live."
Thie, oleo woo laid on the mble.
(Lbongantles 12,ezca.-40
commended. the ftdlowinG rates: 31125
mills in the dollar for genetzi per-
w„„seeee 8.73 intik, Jor
10 .111-P,F-- FillsEal#
teetinnthee ler the current year faiddrie;'
orearttlat-e7 nstitite'rline -111 ffir
relief. Toilets to be paid In two in-
etalments ann. discounts and penal -
gulls were picking upeminnows.Ili
Public schools
was about. te go to the aid or the Separate school
chick when he saw aoother seemlier Relief ......
madly over tile -pebbles- and -hari oit;1
into the shallow' water. The iniir of
chicks floundered around for a time,
buoyed up by their -downy feathers,
and then -scram-bled ashore.
Leonard says it is not unusual to
see chicks in the water, aml nome has
drowned yet.
per -up for the North American singles who had taken up their position the.
chalipinitehip twit -*inter,' had lelyea &ay "before. • _ -
of training at Cleveland all summer, .
but is rather dubious at present ow-
ing to his 'injured knee.
,Asked how he firet started -on his
career, Ralph stated he always was
fond of hockey mad played from child-
hood -if -14s. He then joined the Gran-
ite Club, in which ownerehip of figure
skates is compulsory, and decided he
might as well make use of them.
The intricacies of the sport intrigued
him and he determined -to master
them, and did, until he is rated amocg
the top-notebers of North America and
is talked of tie m.s.teriaL for the next
think Ws a sissies' gnine,"
cso7 at nonse pt Beaforth.
under vare 4.4lot-tar. It is
reiekeit' the brawn t$2 bt511 18
orv4dttally cracttitz tip and wortting
Ott a thz stag% ;awl Dtrarar" Ellgo.ot
wb..11 (tw t14',trx; WI= *tea Zrzilt7
(4nr Ce0stst on).;41tt-zs,. er.)„ItAt
t -Z.0 41,400 a Cl'.r4,‘,,,gtttc,,adiat
means three hours' hard practice
every day, and you absolutely have was in towo over the week-eradeand
to be in condition." reported great enthusiasm among the
And Ralph is just that. He is big- 'Toronto Old_ Boys over the Goderich
Oki Home Week in August. He says
framed, broad, almost burly, Old yet,
:as thousands who have seen him in
action will testify, 'ie is the acme of
grace .and light as a ,feether cet the
ice -
No doubt thie 'talented youngster
has the town -of Goderich behind him gram or Monday (civic holiday), Au -
in wishing him a complete irecovery
from his unfortunate accioeut.
Temperatures of the last week and
of the corresprarding week of last
year, as recorded ofiicielly, were as
follow -s:
1937 1936
Max. Min. Max. Min.
Wed., May 19 ....52 39 59 39
Thurs., May 20 ....51 41 47 37
Fri., May 21 40. 61 33
Gs 54 - 76 41
Sat., May .92
Sun.,' May 23 64 45 81 61
Mon., May 24 53 51
Tues., -May 25 76 42
The Y.P.r. of Victoria street lailtet
chur? concleding its; winter series
• of m'etings 00 Monday, May 31, with
en social.
Rev. A. C. Calder, of St. (i'eorge.4
church. „was appointed a member of
72 48
of qic
locese or Iluriiio WhiCh Wili fit:--seS-
sion at St. Paul's ('athedral, London.,
iest week.
1,432 3o; oeptoove or the trust of $2,0119 under
2,011 ill slitte_evill of the late Lthriatorther'0.
60,406 61:Crabb of Chicage tor spechal upkeep -
_lof lots in Mal.tland cemetery.
$127,ntIl 731 The public works cotnruittee re -
Sala ries IS X PE N 1 ) IT it Er3$ , ported- that C. M. Roberteon had
6,000 oo agreed to • pay his 'proportion of the
feriuting and advertising1,000 001, tot of a new walk on Liamilten street
Fire department ,:0000 0000 in front of ids property and recom-
Law coSts
mended that thie pieee of evalk be
works and road oil
•Cintrity anti relief.
1.(;iribaluet:s library
Bank interest,
Pa re, s
Park 'House
t_tektatee .arsieeviwsseresee3;;;•=e;e-e::-Al.'/IM
aepa ra te school
Collegiate Institute
BEREAVED 11:77siirirki(leeittile 'lett" 176(300
there will be aegreat crowd here from Robert Haldane, pianist and ar-Ipebenture account
sociation of Wateento eagaging the metered A‘e home town of Klatt CoffIrtY „Settee '4069
ranger with -Red Itahl's orchestra, ' rewee Railway,
the city-. Th011uron Old Boys' As-
9,500 00 i conetrueted. Other recommendations
Mr. B. 11:' 51"erreiitri:- lie---Vaveftt - iv - - -,,„,0404.--
• 6°0 001 were that no action be taken on H.
2'000 (10 read lit front of Ws store, and that
5,000 Otif to
1,900 001er,,,e, a
3,000 00
1,000 00!
1,800 0°1 pa int ing
230 00, Mitehell's' request for permirsion
he be requested to make applicatiou
for a building permit in the usual
t hat the Matter oef.zepairing and
gasoline pump on the Bayfeld
the reef of the skating fink
bankl 6fr tie 916t nfih-Urmitele8 Efttm- roy today to attend the. funeral of his Street lighting 3,800
liton to aseist an putting on the pro--Lmother, whOetiled on Meteday. His Town water account. -3,00o
mother, Mrs. Iterbert Haldane, had Discounts on taxes 2,100
gust 2nd, which promises to be one ''`e
been ill a hyng able. Bank loan reserve 5,000
of the biggest days of the week. Wafer, light and harbor300
- •' 0 Vitilt Co., power 360
A FORMER GODIn UCH TEACHER Free ifethodllst National plants 900
Fume IT
fort- &LI
DI 11)
oiki 1D 7omonantent off
Manama Goff Old:D.—Keen
Fine weather; ninth .eool breeze,
featared the arictoria Dag opening
tournament at the Maitlamdealolf Club.
The grounds .and elubhouse were de-
corated gaily with flags and stream-
ers and keen competition was enjoyed.
The tourney and season were offis
cially opened /1)y Mr: G. L. Parsons,
prestdent of the club; who teed off the
_first ball, a straight Eliot directly down
the fairway.
The various events than commenced,
beginning with the ladies' competl-
whieh, 4rtedlidted Ike gallows:
bigh aggregate, lilies Get-
trude Wheeler, Miss Graee Whtson;
long hall, Mies Norah Costeno, Mrs.
T, itchell; putting, Mrs.,,,„He C.
Dunlop, Mrs. Roschman, of .Elmira ;
The Saskatoon Star -Phoenix of re- Art Craft plant 459
cent date contains a,'„ likeness of Miss
$127,991 73
who has received. the degree of Mas -
Victoria Miners, B.A., B. Ed., M. Ed.,
tin. meeting. Fire Chief Beacom sub- the tree tplatntett in !the Square on
All the members were present at
ter of Education at the Univereity of
Saskatchewan. Miss Miners is the Rev. C. A. Weapon aff Los Angelles
f I la I f ()unmet ion Day.
BS a consideration for the use of the
The Are committee reported that
Semi on
bt left. with khe chairman of the rem-
ee The special committee recommended
• - • e
00 a grant of $50 to the Canadian Red
00 Cross Society in connection' with the
00; disastrous floods in the Thames VAL-
ley district.
001, The water, light and harbor cone
• nelttee reported. that the ,ginrands
00 I the former ice house site were being
ta0, levelled anti put in
00 The etenetery- and parks committee
00. recommended acceptance of the plans
00: for a burial vault at Maitland cetne-
• tery to be constructed by Mra Frank
00POlinston; also that thank o be ex -
00' tended to Mr. C. Wurtele for the gift
Dedicated Miscellaneous .......... . 2,780 60i of a metal 8weid to he attached to
first woiman and the second person to 0 dote° tat ce
receive this degree at Saskatchewan.
She is a former girl of the Exeter
district who some years ago was on
the staff of Victoria public school in
-Goderiehe .She -is {mow - -principal of
one of the pu-idlc schools. at Saska- Los Angeles._ California, preachkag at
toon. the dedication service at the Free
Methodist church on Sunday morning.
Mr. Watson occupies the unusual dual
position of b-eing both a lawyer and
pastor of First Methodist church in
Lae Angeles. He was accompacoled to
Goder1ch by his father, who at the
age of seventy-six is an active min-
ister and legislator of the Free Metho-
dist Church gin -this continent.
The forceful speaker took as his
Salvation Arney. The bowl contained text verse 5 of Psalm 93, "Itolinees
eighty-six (Tilts, and this was halt upmarrretit Thine -houtse, 0 Lord, for-
te the round sum of $1.25 before it ever." lie declared that the fa 1 1 ii re
sects bad
Itaaedir t
- -We, the Loyal Council of Women
was donated.
Another eampaign was launched on witnessed by a large numher of
'ourft vtailleisioue(enirtt:n1(1,gnitousanisti
"f NV1(17a tetner :1;,of t ::-1 (al ng the leverage
eaunr df(e111710718: to bring'
iatives here.
visited for **vault days with their re-
oliver, of Elmira, Miss Agnes Cump-
putting and approachirag, Mrs. S. a.. Tuvmday.
Adjutant Hyrmi l'urdy,
0 . ure had been a great disettpeinttnent , eee.ey (,11(1,,_,se
srp"Ilitter(11 11 rfl,tus of 111A. tow 0 before the chairman
d R. 1 I loYd were 'vatlos Army. "floulices the tag day States. Mr. Waits00 warned the re- off I he Liquor Commission. li'e al,•o
of the Sal -1 tt(1)1r(hotiugnI(tC)rt(14.tli4CaIfilltill)Lrini a till:41.
Miss Jean Winter and laiss Mary .
Ajohnaton were home. from Toronto, bell ,
where they are teaching, for the holi-
day week-enti. ,
Mesa BileeneO'Brie.re of Oakville.
"Quality is being put above holiness
today,"_ declared Rev. C. A. Watson of
A hanging electric ligbt bowl in the
police office at the court house, for
many weeks a target for penny -pitch-
ing o cers, county officials and news-
papermen, was emptied the other
day, when the stenographer com-
plained the light was insufficient on
dull days, and the- contents were
turned over to Adjutant Purdy, of the
t. a report o nspeet on 0 fire departmeut outfit at the fire in
ids premises at Saltford Mr. Wm. Sy-
monds? had allowed $25 off the price
of tbe water tank purcluesed from him
for the cemetery, and the committee
recommended that -crae-half -of thla
amount be turned over to the lilt
men's fund.
Committee or the whole reported as
follows: "With referent* to com-
munication from North, street United
church, tiAlticug ate council to take
the premises on the Square. Most
of the buildings were reported "OK."
A number of reeommendations to im-
prove conditions were made.
A namber of applications for build. -
het_ permits were referred to the lire
(loderich Motor SU 103 applied for.
permission to erect a metal sign on
the front of the premises on South
street. Referred to piddle works
sent a resolution passed at tche lust
towijqiii, steps to close the beverage rooms In
The clerk of Colborne
"that W' 418 a cOuneil reoperate with Goderiels we recommend that any acs
Luth(e."(i•liligurcie)f,'s 141,1; r'10():1:1:rstillelPInc(:)(11:::irlit-le Pttilitletniittnli)a:ttleat6riti;T' cinvr:nri°Pinndein:linveti4711°t n°fv7ildte-11
La% te;.tateritle- This ":1 s la id on i ii,. tint t tenders received for the altera-
theirroahmolitlirealon of, the herrn' g 4. rooms The Induetrial committee reported
flung required by the Geceriiniatit to -
I Council of W011111221 lit out the National building on NeW-
The secretary of' the Leval Council gate etreet as an armory were con-
shierably• higher than expected, and
that iieeend tyf a cost of $2:100 the
cost eetild he from $3700 to •Ie000,
awl it was, recointnended that the
Gmertinient. 1.4. informed to tele ef-
held on Saturday exceeded Lis lu
not for eleakeeerseesee.. ft 11 041 a new arrangement be re -
before holine-s r4,1114-ot you petition him
OITA Cil.tid second In ,the raen'e driving
t'and established an all-time record for' fer ehe ilowefall tiresucceseful tis.111111 1114,51114. 11(.1.4. or ji y tatt,,Nicut. ,
cognitLen •qatility
ce.et, there cant be one g_recati • The 1 ,1 m.8 1 Council of Women is
114,, 10 iiiii,ested.
pirturize re n'ts mere all adopted.
The iltiavOCIDGGARAtanl..3 11.1%sputatlen
c°ViniPPF-Itill°1.Pnit torr eross.' winner iti tag coil t ri hit haus here, e82.45 being li& 's 12 11 istrt
tourffey for received._ The previous high Was last t„bit$
tzLyareb„,...todny," Was, his claim. Councillor Huckins inquired if there
rhe..comp.),,A ef repre111sent lies of tile NN It any information as In the deputa -
ssees year, when the sum of $75 was col- . ,
opent tbe Week -end ..etian) an. lt
.Mr.. and .Mrs,, D. . Me Orrin, n.gserliiigi', - tetroAlt.e.ftwe
'tird on 'reit ion tyt teder nee(' s a hole et tit N , 1 „,., .,
David's 8treet. ond. I/ow net Prize *WS won ffry i leered. Agsist i rig Adjutant 1 y g : ‘,, in . :1 ia, , , i w,rnren'w orgailitzn 1 inns of the 'lion -to Toronto reir,arding hceserage
Miss, Margaret Strang, of Tpronto, , Saturday were Mrs. l'yrdy, NI re. and a moral centre • pi, • f ,r tow 11, 111111, Ils refore, you 1%• 111 remade
and Miss Grace Strang. Of egliell)", Brady, of Hamilton, second.
e Gearge Jenner,' with .Dr. Newtoti-
i rairder, Vtrarr Latster, Laverne Intelter, t e horn . Nettles --Witlerter n marni ' Ciii'/I4;-‘;:ifirTi-':;-(V,11';trd.i:;iibli: ' w• -
Spent .the- holiday Week -end vvith their seo-1 mpetition was particolarly (10,,a ' Dorothy Steel and Secretary NI. 1101(1. rentre fraternity i8 substituted for . „r „1,,,,11,, 11 i,„ a hrtinch ,,,f the
.. be 14411 of Goderich; Capt. W. Garinnon,'filirlity. gcricru.ItY 14 ,1114't114`) 1 "I f"r
31iss Margaret Reddlit, . o in the two -ball mixed foursome,
I 40 4y hyExte!1(:•rt;:in(e.'1,1)1e1 1'11 11111(1)(1-1)iiiir; pt o ‘ incurd- 4 'on nei I, vc-hich t
Mrs' "' in the afternoon. Pairs 1)(4aig t led in 1411.1ndpt.1!"11.. iimitisitell,:e.orlotAht; hi4,,iisiiiiitti 11,1)1,114:14)1 if.,orn,toritliit,,lig '.::.:.:1.1%111,4„11! ou.,.(1, in 4 a " a"
sister, MiSs Mabel Strang.
Adilnison- and children, Mary and tra t ford In et
13111, nil orThatvill.e, visited with the . put thr4, g '
ugh n slr,tng temper -
Misses MacVicar lest, week -end.
Mr. aod Mrs. E. I). Weber and fam-
ily. of initehener, spent the holiday
with Mrs. Weber's parents, Mr. and
A. Cleellenger, Elgin avenue.
MT. and lire. Fload D. Sheiver and
d a ugh ter s, Niisses Gwendolyn mid
Mildred, visited •Mt. Shaver's par-
ents, Mr. and airs. ,C. E. Beck, over
the vseek-end.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Aitcaison and Mr.
IL Aitchison, of Sevens, and viro. 1L.
J. /dutch, of Leamingt.on, spent the
vreek-end at the home of Blr. and nate.
3. E. Mita: a
groee And net classes.
wilancr3 I ind I If.11t 1' Friend of `...e e
Low gro4,---lst, " • • • " more min admiration society. 114,44. r4,.:=4111111o0 Which Made referetee
were as follasns: •
MM. Pearl %lined% Goderieb,
and Mr. Troonian Steilvatt, of Port
otdbotne, were united in marriage at
the parsonage if Vietoria atteet United
ehareh on Saturday afternoon. nev.
A. D. Moorhouse ditchaited.'-' The
couple were attended by 11r. 4nal Mrs.
tiort14,,crat7ford, og Aft,tw
the eeiemonst dii23)4ra."Cltzlart.
attended d trzeeitua &Meat* at ties.
Gt=afers ho=e V= atc-a; tvAt4,
f‘v frroida, tad tcf,t tate--411ati**,
en 0 ta=natneani lasator trip.
-41 vAlt tt-'..140 At V4n conutr„),
say thtit holiness is a . lovely tiling, a
Mrs. Oliver and R. L. Lloyd; and forth. to (-1199 human *wreeliage and economic
t hi ng to he admired, and when ii ' waste that follow In the train of the
Wed). Miss G -race Watson anti Ted
eotnee to carrying it through we f rev umof intoNicating liquor. HU-
I'lante, Mrs. W. A. Coulthurst and I sometimes track up. man IA reckaitv and economic waste!
sledge T. M. Costello; low net-- 1 st
eyellists Pedal frO2112 Stratfeed to
Goallerich callid litclann Ing ngainst wrong' That ig whet 1
"Iteligion requireS a ixositive prowl.-
..,.,—, .__., ih,. ii.,,,,t. meeting or we shall have
0, have a vote on 11.”
A large number of Goderiehltes vvere causes wars, and religion is something
' In further diecussion the Mayor
on hand on Monday afternoon to see of a war, Something that is cumtinuril- —. -- '481(1 nobody had legs use for the aev-
twenty-tive eycliste, entered in a nine- ly fighting wrong. Isolineog never Miss Tina Lisentnb, Mr. Norman erag' rooms than blineelf. '
ty-mile race, Stratford to Goderieh
and return, dash, into town via high-
way No. 8 and Kingnton. street, eirele
the Square onee and head out the
The Myor Wit ted t 101t t he twitter
had beet) taktai, wirli NIT*. Italian -
14(4 and it was learned there MIS no
4 101 lit'e of getting an interview in Cor-
onation week -rids %14-ek," said Ills
Wership, 814114 Of 05 have attended
- a meeting every alight and it wee im-
peaeible to get away."
Oouneillor Hawkins saki he hoped
the deputation would get away befere
(tied)) Mrs. George Jenner and Chas.
Meakins, Miss Margaret Nicol 'tfiti
John Phreons.
Afternoon tea was served by the
ladiee of the club.
A general meeting of playens will
be held at the elub house on Wednas-
day. June 2, At 3 p.m. Everybody
riruuiowNtr$7,1,01t1 MG4314
J. 3.1 oger, former Ree;e 02 Goder-
ids and chairman of the public worka
co mittee of the town. for some yearn,
suffered a painful shatina up on Mon-
day whete be wee thrown from hia
wagon on South street, Mr. Mater
Me -hauling a load 44' metal Wpm
clattered oudI an thq Fzagon
toIs atruelt a hole' 11 the rO641. The
taorce leaped in frlaht and Mr. %loser
;Mateter the aide of the Wagon.
P4rinstely be was thrown deal* of
ah6 eaiatelfs and angered olg ceratehes
surrenders. Iloly people are natnrsi
born fighters. If you don't kete) hely
people fighting against Ain they wal
goon be fighting anteing themselves.
Same Way on the return leg ox the Bible hollnese will everet,me eve -y
urind. f,bstacie. There 64 no such thing as
A few front Godtarieh motored after Oefe-a-t."
the pack on the teturn trip, and It lo After the isermon the church
said the cyclista yere hitting a thirty -
teen, Mr. Viilliatn ItIverg, Mel Clark
five -mile -per -hour clip. Some sew a and Mrs. H. A alarlatt, vvife of the
Guelph rider arrOWn for a loan when paetor, Advanced to the altar rail,
be craghed into a partied car noir
Seafortia. Be was badly cut plena
the bead and face.
Coleman, of Hamilton Mople,
Lelia; ,Clua, took .0,eet place in.. the
rnee; George Thirktrka, 02tiathatie
eectind, and Jaineo.tiartire of nnoronte
Wnrrene, third. The Stautford eity
troeney, far t flrat Stratford ridef
to nein, Went to Wildaaat, Whea•
was dath In the raea.
where the dedieatory vow e were ad-
ministered by Mr Watori, who rasa
offered the dedleatory prayer.
Rev. W, Hamilton of Brantford and
'Rev. II. A., MarlAtt, tha local paeter,
neeisten Mr. Watson In the service
Previone to the mular period of wor-
dily a love feast wee held in Fhich
the WO membera of the aural and
numberOn slate= frora =dove parte
of 5he Province tool: paft
ithrby rind Mrs W. H. -Farrow and,
to, were week end guests of Mr. and the matter of the weekly half -holiday
New Petiftien Adviaod
daughter, Miss Bertha, alt of Torun- Some merehanto were present and
Mrs • I). laseumte
etre. W. Warnock hat; returned. to j 15,71,1 tbhnrotngfthtugehpt.iomC:ntcncalleSalnlei
town after spending the winter with clone would be preferable aet a bard
her daughter Mrs Guest at Winnipeg, and rant bylaw'.
and the last month with her dangle Tile deputation wars advieed that the
ter. Mrs. Sperling at Durham,
31 r. nd Mrs. Iloger Rose. of Plc itigeZrtrtio,siln of(urrld'abebylealaw7latitfle411 tIlanatthea naeVa;
t on with Mr. a nd Mrs. Eva nn, Mr. ettpiretsbe traellext:eroprao-
Jnek of Bruaiele, were The Mayor the:
pp:tritillotynieell. oak'
Franela Glailrrop, of lAntowel. and Mr.
week end guests of Mr. and MTV -A eounela for their ea-cnerrftlolh lir MO-
,Por!tkir, Waterloo otartset.
• Dr: and Mrs. <I. ',W. Ferrier ohtl
ehlidren and Mr. Mee Pinder, of
tiehnwa, visited over the holiday with
Mis and Mr. W. E. Plade.r. (Ithee
caseate wore Mr. and lare. Reel Entire
ro and children, on • Stratford, and
Mr. and Ilra EU. Smaa, Of Aram.
big the oti..ervanictNe of \Corbenatiot& ir4
MIte Pave: sltnciin
0ouneillor Ilkiehisrs referred to fl`,..0
ir=hazion paszsd bsr the Medi Cilsr
tilla,0 ago v/Itb ra2p4 tte-
qa tloa attD C4:611 12 (..tIttil2