HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-4-28, Page 70 , • - 0 '41# ,assaraf, cmr,14, , 413 ,4"`..V.41tWo t-tV,.70 to or= cort, nee-tt4.,,P.4d- "S.4 -..,01FUitt IP(ir ,es40 14,4:1-q,UzAin ,r34 be laid, alitta •174104 Or coyfR, • iL -,('eattCovrowoOollf wIgkori tfit Mittrgae. e.gi* ,trarred irltiV0,6147," AlCDra Vlust4.3, bepitrlat t7pE hi 11,q ceyelaPia5,4y1J-923P •-iotI,Svot;f2tti. oltstay.,e0. 4211-6 '11204th;0Y oa-Aati -Gordon, - VC: itititl'e, 10143110p town - I t in r37- r'i7,-'(ot' ,/j Ilatd .4.4Dyz. tta, "Mq#),--44*.;•r, ' SA Zitlu7RNI. , . ,,Lcnovac•-•:, `=").r • .'tltZ77C"!47.11,1"X*,- , rk-cy EStO, - 4.11. ,)» asae ,yer ' •• 6 Allt:',1**/.-/Z, -t , +Tv,. • .‘, .44 . '''''.4-4:Vt'26ttl,"44*4 • 414 o .1.eadea. 1 aaoscoasoascar'aota t -433 ikroj',7gt;--,,fgt/tIA 'r.:1" -Va• . • a la`2,74‘ k7,74 t,111•:..1 tgat,T4 i7.2" -e* t 2' = Its a4rs IrClr t:44‘aggazta ,a4 -41s1 a„. MasTal cn,ttICI" V.W=1 c?, ,isSats tsaa‘a'4. .t4.; c7tt.t.4 VS> ''t•'4a4 tal t.4:1, toiml dc,27 zA ft ,t • , ,tv•41b rotto 1/t. 11t 3dt Ig_Yrr MOttler t."tt ar-N,* 0•=4,) 1i.0:i40.2 )1..1 i• • -- • • ttrt ge -„; tv-cp-s- Q.MP2:41)-'Y';3;fts,' ,'P-,:171P711.VGa• • - ' 1'211 „pttr.„ , . - • - 4v" -a tt5 41i`it ta(tk.11",'&" ,,e,titirta 'taLrt.itt,,I*t'-'-g-i34-r-w4gui, 1,1.440; ""Ettii0'. WOO' 0,17.Mt.O.To ' tttb:,/.7.41,4 WA4,1 -414 tle70'440',,3W-Pti: *". C'eat o -aro '• a C-a...seas IT t • - — sarAtea too' - tytO tt 110t 41. iM,P-1-:1A1 04.-1 . rlt.: 140- S4 .„ . '1Virn 4Zt),,,V4:14;4111/°t 4"7 C--;00,1i.tt; , , , tato ainsaatttpaa l'am70,74t411::::a• LI? taan taa that qveu r14-* C4 • - 7 * •'''r•II4.*Sal`•--P.1-57.4rota4t-Zo, . ,.? rl?diz.com tor, - zi* t:21;7m74, '..•:-t.f.a_111 tgt-- . , . 'area% - rtstrv"-g:"P.7,-IM..131°, • " cptet, verit.ktto rt,a2t2tr $0:11q1 Qf Wa-t- tirdlitt I t4 (.17ZrIIT `ItItiqr h t t t •, • •• Nns ,^ P, '74or bliNtraftch • •Yeat, PestCoct tbe 'Itasband, two on% --;07en %Inc Edgar. botta o2 MerZillo9,..surviva. Tains Ell_Wleth Bar vey, (isualiter vge Robert Canal; litollaa. cera...1n1 n , 0.Ve eri t In U — Itittitzt-r et-agentlall, a 01.'4 late ittiSePh. e k41-747.74 tv-434,104,11.0.rt•:Vs;..? op,V0 asaalV VZ,Ar4 414' tAt ' 'VA11:4;t7 tool vt44,:gt=tilogotox ' 11,11.(& 76'0 '111141-triTo•Coicot .4#1414,5'0,1`04t #19,: . '-t-T4,:t_134:54,5qz*Itltigpc4;t_ott. aogH,'; -ti--100 „It wrote to frov. )ootttet„ tgpmc,. 4.1 ow Ito won:4049%A remedies, Intpt, tg)), not hbut. d oldie= ota ttL,ta . ' • I" , • , I - • , ' thgv/toon onwe clozrit.34torros. ottrattiostett jantliin Onititt;imintrotbltiouttly,:y4ULla,- . ,,___,,:_:, -, the fifth doss' -" - , -- - '41.1',',' ....,,t411/0-ittil?4,04toza.,,Ize4.74) eat% ,,,,c,x4,14s.„, 7'9,..v.odt--,P0,11.-ii- t Im' 41.1-7•,07creaor, otar4. 4,,,idn' tha ufalgr-sto t .the sit up, I kept' du tablvial'he :Li1. 'ega the , Thb yount,-, ke: t4ztsewtt, .C.,;11%,, • , *** S4107$111n7,100 1-11' 4,t ' Ztt (1, tk Side on • ttieie. form Z5V.! „ , • Grr&,'t••;417,,,t,,,, 1V7 L'* ' V.43 4141." a 0,t' 'wttati_ th,t•.t) chonld yer vihon 404-21r c • , • #144 - „ . te..141'..-!,CoMpC7 t lalas, to 44 1.4 latmno ty ay". tiara and ste..10. sat * * and, ip,dvoeWt1 fatal, 4n. 4:14:44 and tkza gore It hod t , aria, camtem atolo' vcr4,. then ,demetbl.,1,-vata less than - *eels ; vat; otont4 „ ret.Ot) re3lruent the Vale. again. 11 -stm laeYer Witheitt Malltaabeh - " 1 4;',,i47TiPluatoL-4o14r,9'4.64ii.: ,t, t:',i7,0 m, • . uz0Q ve um - - ,; - .._ __. Alas Mio en..J,L404), 1144. .4).tr.1a41,*'0614,17..cim:.4,,,,,,,,7:_ ,.....,,4* Ii4 0-a• to z • vVe4,ding et Beincloaaaak414.'de,loAd: 034ingh*'-Z.,,,4a-ta ac,4-tu. w.i.b..0.14<a;q-0444.rilv em #1...1,,, ,.,,,•4• 'ocatc4,..au,p_a% to, Oratz= ' Bastizo4...of,z4wieto„..,,,tit .z.igoL,i)i tto..15-',7:iii-Ia. -vti 'Aladoro; °a% .V.I.or„,obk.7stivea,sg this-inlbe4s. . aNto It'hen It Vara MP 'vent= 02 fath tI(/,,*""tiat7et ztrtettra-rit,--1-, — ,--""- 41,naings, 11012. -OK' Ulm. EWA,. Ana. .4.k:atax, %al. agtano Aratacitzooti 7,,rU vortd- i tat.. e/tz/ee4tt-,t-ia --oratoza-teet-.4--=t-teroeevore.,..a (p.m a (..Plat„ala 0 ' vho coaa at that Intilem the !Muer; lienetlen prom. vp&Zte Cop 02 Ittte Zibl.4 ljitAr. to 8=...,, taot rime have niade tne (IreTat...Ho a- contribis,tion 0 hietory., Tin= who hare ' aaaloretii themeeivaesleatth heavy CI= . The OrealoYtertanz4wmo At'Mqvc1 wolai.ireaans-4saaato eatraca 144110, 111,1 .4 41 dit17 now."---(Mrsa) is! he" pseasaa. to tiri=t1 -the axesat et ay. eertuin aeki wanteo., -instead ee at. the late Pairld Eattlii1C4 2t1 gettivm Vitnxi M-iivell`4001e7; aaltilitta-cicp4 ltafOraterV .1011 at rga vvau dPAI Ir:ro• zt doia141-":41, ht -due. •tP kati 7, The cereaamay albtraterforme . Greige tara ante re. Haptings will maide Ridgetos-an. tled ha- DracFre re.tte •A man. og AmY Toll olad 'Rob :agea011hoheY; vorsal t, 17. Ctniler' Catd,,M Wa4/4g,, Mra. W. Tatt; col* tht 'Maar attomaaanti-Ment. AnolsIg. .09-711r*11; aeocittien, rerotXdnlahey: 14"4-7e.X1, ~to/ -Waal sVdith.a.Molt% tat; breat vac% tbanlovelna tar V.,,.1 t =Om tirolog- expelled, lupe allowed to pollute - :`, alte rile of cotton. ,' blealome tomo: backache, rhea rs- ' sPaithal rewaled la the friendeldp 02 than. tandaezvassive I atine. Virt=e114‘,M latitt"' Tree, Ctoel la the en=liato Mat Salts is an excellent dittrotie or 1 retaUd to ell the iterote a faith. That nosy 'overlent. voidable ba aasisting the • '.' a teked With P fat tY ,,Oratrg ttla qto tT- 411 ugo, the chart 1-1430,1 or *0 wirva TAD 13 a th ozzlo. the blood -caret= and produce treat- and thate poet:a-lived 'their jell3t-litoe Colr larat-tife ,sraprvor et the adeat Leaidealto Ol? the county.. „ 1_0.2 tawitd. tito, t • 02, the commas o idoiatrona asottehAppers tO Witt aelg,, Malden, had =MY aolln vhtott to the /elky didnd eVelnd a ar-$11 lov= molt 43/ must= rOLtL reward to.o stamtal arithmetto anti no hi .Joht; ridd; "I*49-4-31IPAiMPNOlOvoldtion a:nature. It not the UT -V. that =ahem welfid firet learn. tot 1104. laC/1/ 16{ten•-1111eallten '"tr'"Inlaatg, theY Were vitort3hipPed1 ate ielnIgo 02 1111`, on a cod-aseraatheaz ISto was: acre WUI# 4F4 It 1 Voir the- lac* twenty4eags, troiltne ingtnd,y4lle gith Obtetir.1.tru.- Itoh. 'art Zsatt4e, .0.41 Thursday last Agnis Eralifdrit; .: wife a tavidlanratair, ,e,ed at in hero. seventramVad Year. ifr beieaVed husband, to - id one. danglater seirTe: :Y.4100r- • 'v.- te. ateallao-andolialsoe -alleles Martin, vassed away op, Bata!, ay aa sinety-tevecatIt y-earr, Her- -husband; the late jegoph Eitidson. eliedotwenty4 fivessyeartagd.., ,Bleaensilaildren • sur- -alite,-four on and eeven daaighterS. vas read ars, cordon oleolta, and theraa are tlairtyative fer 0. - aa - preeesatation made by Got children, MY great-grandehildrea and Malta tor the florae which t sixteea, grea.tosreat-grandelaildren. PizaiatI t? 3,11.ft.ttcztlt - 37 2111 QPPIER-514.-....*V.....,tr— hu- kidneys exerete *Lehi impuritieo. ii Po*, prevatitatlan est o, yo and ------------ es with their at the IseraVena with avyterence o,speck. •find to ars tad te'think them lb an artto. 11'ho 'Perfect Gentleman: "So carryall lounped IntO you -I didn't see Stylish Stout: "Flatterer I" oy end the labzetaz -sw-sownty- -of-a-ea/fish kind oyer food and cenditiona, who had thq to-&&2the little AZnT,lifstheswee-eareatinv, seemingly so easy to crush by a bloW from a, =master's heel, that took the 'Mit, venturing here and there, utilizing powers a adaptation and social organleAtion that opened the gates of the future. lite lesson should be patent that selfish aggrandisement in * 4- • • thatotthig oatInet was =do to John Peear, ironence powers =41 etspacitiea of de- the eternal_ Wader the etalra. The elterata--joraelt of faithful ones .whose ,fellowship . , wholti-leaViitet -the.-&trUct.. The.cd=s- fOnee, so-teUttarding- theatmlatee, 'aid 0,3-, Ina 011,10,1 faith Tumid h -e, Ono, .t,t) love cleeed to us. °the venture of Cod and friendship with Eira ei,valtbie and The better life under- Collie carsetion calla to all. ing44- tiee and adventuring in nobler living, and corporate action in venturing to new attitude and ovsmerA--, to bring about nobler cocial and notional and inter- national conditione, "221±121.7 their! appeal to tt3. 17e need to be sVaraltean- like to -leave the ungodly oracs of thirca. some comfortable easy place, with /no behind- that hinder pure caul undefiled adventuro rogram contemplated, is an worship and following of God. And wc mot_ to be Pared- 3.-Vith Ming OUtt- t511) want an- Abral=1, or ratilienq et them, who will pull up stakes 1111.11a the era.S3 ,F9:3:m the 'on Miller. 110170. Van, r =et- a:Vistula tate was Vom- cloatoe. was iu ices, the eed nal ••aa'7. ',,iiiviteir o -O P aCe fit- ItOsedale viorizones itmotattato.—Iche EZefibzteritita- church, Toronto, ou Sala, ing and election of oMoars of t Belgrave. • tardily' lasts -Of Siva' McIntosh, Olivea branch of the Womerag., Ind daughter of the lateMr. and Mrs• held on Tuecday aStarnoma in t t 't died kora 14th at ihis (*PA Oliver of Bruasels, to Robert tem' Halle There asaa a good a /elan IreidO, an 'old ,resklent of the 1.71arleh dUtr-e ' ----- — sistesiaa Warwick, son of Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ergs? leassmon, preeident, ttbnoWs74:algatt,P.tnot#3- - ,osasaaeotram P„Alcr, 11"119.171114°' •12 .eightY-tw° I-TV:Warwick of nassels. erso , tAftar'the opening exe 1ft - saaa7greassass,assoraiitafaa” • sa --os_ogaHay tatansbape and, Eimer, of • Orediton, sands:two deighter#,. IsTarso- --Motheoresult of a road sacei-didit 4soess, 1111-715-tt"ti"-'44.-1 wan -Strauglian, who Vras unabl to go. )0.1_ George Smith of London and Wass near- Seafortil aklasnary John • t3ri '4 [A II...." I , W. ichardson of andon is suing Dr. Tjet:nrlaT3iir. „.:21Z:fat,f1:miteri it'rern,,,.% rew . prtall,„„A Laura at. beme. J. C. RosS of Seaforth for unspecified aim.-- B. - .--- --- --r---'. --. — .' \ — ---''. William Robertson, well-known re - damages. It is claimed that Dr. — for 111 dislVti T. ''''. P1'1"8 'aim ninde e .Ter to-behel here ildent of Wingham, died on Thurodav• Ross was the owner and driver of -the June ard. . last in his neventy-drot year. 'For other car in the' crash, which seat J. J. V.1 11--iii,,,,n ware appointed °lion and regi- -- many years deceased conducted a Richardson to the 'hospital. stration committee and Mrs: S. Johneton, . , • lOneDenszid—Badlley Mrs. Geo. Sturdy, Mrs. P. Ross and 'Mrs. A quiet wedding. took- place at the J. Wood a were appointed to arrange\ for Londesboro par§onage on April 14th, the dinner. An instrumental trio, "Nellie when Vera Elizabeth, only. daughter Grey" was given by Mrs. b. A. Elowtori„ of My. and MTS. Peter MacDonald, be- Mrs. R. J. OPhil,lips and Miss Margaret came the bride of 'Lorne Roy, young- email- k 141;fka James Woods spoke n est son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bad_ gardening .,iTd t gave ts.ome hietlp ley, of Galt. Bev. A. W. Gardiner tous ghts,xeclha. by -.6"ajecflower ebro Aritn officiated. The young ecniple will re- with the letter of .your • maiden name." side on the groom's farm sear Following are the -officers for 1937-38.\ liespeler. ' honorary' president, Mrs. James Woods; Chased b,y a r resident, Mrs. pigar i•awson; 1st vice - Robert MeNall, of Rinloss township, president, Mrs. W. T..Robtrison; 2nd vice-. teports that he was chased one day president, Mrs. J, J. Wilsor; secretary - last week by a black bear which is treasurer, Mias, Margaret Wir.g: district 151; nEaD —RegisterealsOptiniaetrist — 3yes Bsoanatmet2 Saga% .7itteal (17 years in.Stratford), at 1E4Draxaseries &weary Stare "Satisfaction' at ..oderate Cost" • rre THE CEADING FUNERAL- DIRECTORS AND. EMBALMERS -Ambitlanee- aorticeaataallohotirs, day or night nones: Stove 19. Rea. VI GOD 012101711 erc Funeeall Dinettes* anal rknib All eallo promptly attanded to day or night —AMBIIIILANCM _ attp,viipcop:par Street, 1'" wo (44 Or T Udom URDBRTAKER Huron Old wale Graduate Goderleh Coliedtate Inatitialto 13510 VititT ITIARREN AVE.. , DETROIT, MICHIGAN - Tiiok,t1s=e CO'nf3c place to the rieln rail= impulse that WAS 170;11.tna inim eaoti_ travalied to come to birth and fruition• ewe we rsot felt at times a similar urge? NOW do we treat it? lct la not caslr =Plain Mb voice within or the voice without that calls us onv,arel to noble doing and aolna. Statesmen, missionaries, evangeliets, social reforme.rs, ad \ many who -were unknown te, "the reality of that voice -and call, )ng obeyed have done greatly for OcidIe aohursanity. we all not miss the reminder of the .41110.4<;2'at•A' • , -14-4eIggItt0244: coliaderviitions to a - Zit; asaaolastataesoasas asecook:41.Waa Prete and ebdeottves. • I a. tiOtn Vith such a, strength. w ----------- ow& end go out in Od's name tO the excelled. No vonaer becanie a friend -- s "Get thee out" Abraham gave life pure and sweet for all people. „ it1-4 ' 111 4314. neat $ • ilia ‘Fo SioF8 estor Hamilton; PreSs vo:_;• Greenock swamp. Whew emifront seoriterWit by -the bear McNeil banged a pail, Mrs. R. J. Phillips, Miss 8. -Carter and but the noise'failed to frighten Bruin, am. Nirm. cl:aig: visiting coromitte which---kePt, oft tOrailig, and McNeil Eleanor Wilon, ,Mrs. E. PhilliPs: r peared into the swamp. O. Taylor, Itaiss Josephine Weir, 11/Ita.-C. Death el lltichard Oaanun Mrs. 0, Bean, Mrs. J, J. Robertson, Urs. A, Howson; directors: Mrs. O. Sturdy, " -Richard. -Usbornie, died J. etelta, Mrs, F. R,oss, Mrs,. E. Raithby: April 15th at his home in Usborne auditors: Mrs. J. Thompson, Miss Viola township at the age of eighty years. Thompson. Deceased vvas Vern near kheter and spent his whole life in that district 14'or a number bf -years he was a mem- ber of theOUsborne township council. lElis wife nedecensed him and he is survived by one son, eeeil J., of Us - borne, and one daughter, Mrs. P. F. Doupe,. of Landoo. —42411ffile-e Melaka _Celebration -MantitirMiirITHIZEnera forth on April 20th celebrated their golden wedding- day at the home of their son, Thomas Butt, Kippen. They have a family of four sons, Wil- Mibi-EtigeroantoThomme Wellington, Of Kippejt, -Roy- Arnold, of Stratford, and John Elam, of Flia,t, Mich'. They received Many gifts and Were the honored guests at a banquet tendered by their gaintik in the evening. 11.22BUIRE r 1,5 ,.;•:47...mcv») ,;•014.46.cciW.Tor)17.4.' - - 1Ithi‘Ood-advenhp turing ,way Abraliani I a Ore,' liitirde, With sutra a Periiiiiiel-nince. !etter thing; buuding tam; -and tatnatril took to his heels. The bear disa:P-- gram 43°InnlIttea• lvirs---cl Brratt' Mr6* LEBBURN, April 23.--Mro. L. Camp- bell, of -,Dungannon, has spent a couple of weeks oath 16Irs. E. Stewart. klr. William Stirling arrived- e en Friday least alter spending a few days With his brother, Alex., near ileatorth. Miso Catherine Horton, of Godera svut Stsullay,at the home ot her grandparents here. ' and Mrs'. 13orace Horton mo- tored to 'Llatowel and Porter"S Hill on Thum:day. • s, Mr.- and Mira. Franklin Berton, of Listowel, °pent el•turday evening and rt-of-Sundersaarith „the.-.4atter's par- ariswasngia-Although the Weather Wista very wet and disagree- able this did not .Prerent nine ladies from attending the April W.M.S. meeting at the parsonage at Nile on Wednesdiay last. The eatly part of the. afternoon was spent in quilting. and afterwarda short meeting was conducted by 'Visa Edith Horton. Mrs., LYTEL Drug Business Soad.—Miss Mary Milne, who has been conducting the White City drug afore since the death of her fathia, the late Dr. Milne, completed a deal on Thursday Whereby of Toronto, a graduate pharmacfSr i2 --druggist session. Mr. Willows is of a bright disposition and we bespeak for him a fair share of the trade. - Death 02 WIrs, A,. B. easar.—The death occiarred ahr-Wtndsoas on Tueoa day, April 20th, of Mrs. A: B. Carr, a lifelong resident of this district. liza Ann Nesbitt was born in the township of Morris November 10th, 1803, and received her early educa- tion there. After her, m rriage to John Wilford they came to Blyth where she resided continuously until last fall, when She went to Windsor. r. Wilford died in NM and in 1912 she was ntarried to A. B. Carr, who passed away in 1930. Mrs. Carr was a valued member of the women's or- ganizations of the United church, hav- ing held practically all the Weep of the W.M.S. atilt W.A. At the time of her death sh0 was presldent 61 the W.O.T.Tie Blyth.' urviving are two cons, Dr. E. C. Wilford of Chen - Cu, West China, and A. E. Wilford, of Windsor; two brothers, Robert Nes- bitt, of Ellythvand,-MorrirP Neabitt, of Detroit; also one stater, Vim Thomas McKenzie. of Toronto. 0 111473=d1E,B,,,JA.,-4--..,g•qmze,..--"tieadatrong joan," a conseili Way, spooaorea by the choir of the ignited church, waG put on in Memorial Hall on Friday night and was largely attended. The, members of the east were: Aura,. a school teacher, Miss P. Robinson; 31m o Day, a prosperous merchant, Harojet_Wightman; Richard Randall, jim's Foster siin, Bert Grey; Granny Jim Day's mother, Miss Jesqle Alex. Mrs. Pomeroy read the devotional Richmend; Honore', the Irish house- -Litorton ledpi the Bible reading , leaflet and the pastor led in prayer keeper, Miss 'Margaret M litMde-. one of Aura's pupils, Mlso Harki C,owan • Able, a peddler. Stanley Sib- thorp; I.kle. his son. Phil. Phillips: Tack Day, Jim Day's son, n black Sheep, Gerald Dentleld ; Joan Iran Pelt, sailing under false colors, Miss P. Blamilton. The Sunday setiool or- Otestra of ten pfeces mw.te 'before" the pldy and between acts. Miss liathlopri--togan gave a piano solo and Misses Ruth Brook, Jean McCallum, Irene Mroattinm and Ruth Hilhour gave rotifer And viveni num -hers. in the absence of the pastor. Rev. 11 A: Brook, the Sunday school superintendent, T,eslle Itilhonn, nyted chairman. Mr... Harold "Phillip. was (mach. 11-tker'a S1111 Did, I spent all that (hog11 yon gckv nit.. Ita !ter N evea' mind'. 11 give you, 'another roll. for the several missionaries on the Program. The eluiptt‘r in the studs book in F. -hotter form • was read by SI I AS Alma Sallowa. Miss faallows WO , appointed a ssist a n t Riecretary Theameetilig (armed with sinaintt and prase. A dainty lunch was served and the birthday box was passed. s . ' LO WIDN COND1111T1133- Lorni. Igody,.._pahlishor of The St. ilarye Jonrnal-Argus. itai.4 been ap- ! pointedby ihe moderator of the United ,1 t'hurch to be n member of, a, i.Offitnti- Mon to explore the ‘‘1101P. .97tatter nt 1 il1tet1 rhurch puhlientions with the 1 object of nerea sing their efreet e - gnu rotrprov 01?..tyromas, 11:10,13,", and, to sUbinit plans Pot° .the pro- ./.1P44w,4-, ("action of a Angle "national public:1- rv7.4.1323, :1122 I tion whic-h will atleguntely vover all Mitises or our rhtircli ; • iKeep on plitgraina. tlieniettiber titc first olive yOli gueeet.d in tiMitng O'ot of a bottle looaena up the otheros-aton- - ' tree! Daily Itilerald. 1 els , Soap:les-A son p. now reported achieved, has been for ages' Um Oniall hOleo 11.004,tegg\h0po. -Viartstlan Sete/1We ttonitat. 4 11, t • ••••••••••m*4•••••••••,......... Euovy egouszo 1937 U 0 GETS Designs and prices to please all. Work done reasonably, 4•*" 000 , ; •••• ••••• Td.20 a ga9 a,0 vto, co, it &Coopea_300 2ko gum= tzt), coelazaq szErav 01,40g cc,..,cdtmo 112‘ Euo'‘,...71sa biz tc30020 D2 0,012 it voyate cAm @wo {?mvo lb/ vozamou 4.-M•raC5t1,p7041T.0 °nom 07-cirsa.vAcc,L. c:),=zriDnc3,, aDO fig, upm 60211c Eaco 600CIDO geocLoo4 vthao gag vow 08002.11.a0 (Llalou Datao Mastocc): no no= Federal lloarch Corpora- tion, nationally known lacalinditao 0Y- ation, asked 1214motoricta in 14 vzidoly reparated citiee in U.S. to COntributo thoir tOrtrfcc.s Da tooting -o °"*Infory garsolisiein their own care. First--t-tho tank olpach car twig drained ei the gasalino it had boon =duo. rt The tartha of true= carp wore thou filled with thit3 "Enyntert? goceltae." Mid unknown motes fuoi wao Sunoco, With tho color loft out. E. W. Saybolt Co.Compony, indapondont pe- troleum ieeline ouilaorifiez, chochod this "mystery oacolino" and cell:Med that it was =mist Eiluo Sunoco, Ahor thoco motorieto had atalliclosat time io compo tho porforraaneo ol "ilild'affloolorod Dino Sunoco in Calais • own cam csaainot the, gaaolino they had mod proviowly, Roes Yoderal iat vostiapathro called upon thaw end ob- tained their frank, hosicot (vitae= eV the unknown mem hzoL " a...tc. Nam aaaaftlitoa. kltreat oat boelLor40012m-aoranzi, C,)21 pas, Table, above, chows whot the= motor- ist) reported aftor comparing Bluo Sunoco against 34 gator gocolinos, 11 hosing or:ha-prim:A. rulthminoto, 8.5% o tho ootra-pricod ticoro ototod thth Mud Sunocoperform: hotior than tho hiesiserpricod uob they had beeroutinq. MARIAM IINGLIIS rktugatoia Stroot.,,, Corner Bayfield and Britannia Etoadi " C.• •.• 1 ' •,-,".ta'a; _ r