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The Signal, 1937-4-28, Page 2
t-cct1Strirr tiVir 't e lo' 43,4 tr. W,1.01 • : wrima. MOt4Z; ','etiiptilera prim 02,0 per year, 1).1 in Advance. Seibecribers -wed plerace add ate 51,10141.eSTAllt PRROS,` • -'11 4414:dette.$tr eniee alteee April 28tle 1037 L.V.70 A'' CPLIMSPOEVIM attofher column is a ktter on ,ent alike at Oshawa from the a of tar. Erzest Priahardr, ' wen 41gte has tarot disputed the .Calladian workers tot join trk4tttatiOnl labor organisations. It hau Vadei. ana does make. objection AgrAtMe leaders In this •tean---Zrie Pritelaard, frOnt. „nettiCtlitialltrwittistiteshistery ote labor et Great Britain, tell no of any -in 7tille Old .Country that was w-vv-Attcawsi • wp....1-4ecrizscurivaq, ef:angrBrittsber who was ever called .sTitanee ,Gerinany to engineer a ,ttgre. in either of. these countries? stbleada and the United etatee are terrrrrOiseParate nationally as are -04',141---4:14;01-, and Gerinany, and treseigb Thellignal belleveo in the eui- -of--ftemnelly relations h'etweeu the two eou tries it is of 'opinion that Asterssagittitera, may better be kept at r-„Vtis.)44.Srs4rassis _OAF correspOnilenit ti ''VLA IleVe that -there -It lese-rto affinity be- 'trria. trade- unionie d Liberalism. eitl'airal.6 have atwaya demanded a iratO thanisl) or the under dog, and when oppressed workers' otruck for fair '''sara..ats and. &gent working eonditions LWralistn stood by them. But this de= not mean that Ltberate Auust ate 1_, Oyery, strike. "rhe s -world -the Angio-SaxOtt iy-o-rfraThiry .rate ---has advanced very 'far from the --Oaten= 'of seventy-five, fifty, even . trrentygloa:Jears ago, so faras labor Conditions are coneerned. in this eihy and geneeatien every strike must .Audtbdrirssitssewsrlstms--and meth- ods catd;,dreunastanees. •$i Liberat, manrof any class or party or -var- iety of opinion, is bound to favor the ssr...rr;r,a4ccraFirasssissuls-rsvenossaontlicleslar_ the artrefes to which out 'OOrrespondaE Wets. The Signal had reference to the. _Oahawa strike, and it is notewor V that Mr. Pritchard mattes no attem,A. to justify that strike. Neither have Vse noticed in The Toreonto Star, ter, in the reported speecheO-rot the leadero' ost Oshatia, the slight - eft atteittpt Ittstifi' the otrike. Its Seemed, to . be taken for granted that just' biesusp the union leaders ,stiatated a strike., everybodY'-eteent ergAblY the employers -should eo ,r31/2,er- it trIci-aiGht- thing, ut we do 41 not. .belleve the General Motors em- fOlOsat-OshaWa were oppressed or oncIainG. -thre-newspapese, victueee0 of the atrihers. showed re eearlealay Welledreased and prooper- . - -etv.istroVntr aroma of people. It is s" Vaoriatiy- Tat -tunt ther-are •and • - • tr&o.*#ter $te -vaot- ojor- Itty 'of the -people- Ontarle Ire • pv.....*4 the cupretzei -gait to at fo7 z 4-igetovtzeiai-alferfeinde ; tit e„,e4,,i4enitizetie wort at good wages, 4--trietiott,,*aptrardatt. a -no• t`r,7,:tih,tO':it,',Ottaiit-e them Mica foeget- tta"44.at• 410 ,itkvolfl'et ,,,,talsing the r41.044,0_02,:people thronsitout the ,Proa Wheiehave- to 'Serlinp and Save •et a& who have not 6466 4114athe'Comforta and 00_nyene 8144° the Zotore Ir°7 Coil is a"71O tcr VCtt,at ,gki:',4;014t ttio,f --41411 " 13 1j1I •tzetildrit ita ttatz V41,11.0"'Pgairc &ttet/ the peep e fee . thct "a _ tor • ot (to oreoulta- ' • 4,4 Is • • • C HER , -1 f) cm ti t ' 3j37 ?C L ,..14.. t ' 6 CaPI'',' C O'' '' • 4 ag' 0 '-1(:l 1"l— ' '''''1., i,,a,',, ,''7-i.‘,., ;:' ,,,, 7.:i'47k'll, , 'A .,,IV '''''. .c , .,..,,,. A ? a, . I14 C'2 ‘4ifia'".-. "0 , Pcti! ,„ .. .,(i, t4b ,,,...4 _ i,,,,..4 . . -4.4o.%,,,,,,44,.. :7-44.---'-c\r"''''''';-44'-r- ,t,,,,,, ,,..,4 11= c ••".',6{ '''''' '2,,,,,,,,!,4,44- ..c.017?:‘''' ,!:..-; , L , ,,,.,..„ - .74 ,, ,. „ ,v..; '1.-V',-.:. -;Ln r"' '..ez,..t,c;,*6.:4....",,•i-,,ir4 ribrx,„707,1:itralto ;,:.,,a‘„,, 0 - - 04ti,v4,74 106, ' . -,1-‘ tt'.'-'' .'',:: --•*"" c' ;.,4t;'..0r,aq'., • ' ..1.*q.':1,..P4.3i,, ;E:7,4,72..b. Nr911.06v.•13 44r01:4Y7' cg,.0r.e."; il',At 1D114.0 p.60.7i7-,'.0,:# te 7,5CQ 77Ar", .051)11e4491tk tiltitar°04/'.. ,dt7;Ci tfitP0191; 'ir ' . P'1'714rIt'll'l O t ____ .i,'•10 , hat here il,elttee nOt Sig ,alitft delebt p„t040. 1'4. ii„.,1,-:!. 14 11, 11„. • Iti,.. , •,, i .,., - ‘, Vb)10.$ glt4iiii1V3 returned 'with Stem - ... that in bits general eittitude toWard' tha, eee140 fe0110;.-04c4.111.:t.,,,e1;‘.."ee-idaree eke, .14 01.0,ov• to 1,x,1,W4 1741! ,q,0 A st::74/ '17•:°:4‘c"' N* *14 44174 b-'4-411 • rtto Ill m.„ i , . .... ....... , Mr. 49110 ,..19v9.t.-110 liii-sr0Plito. Oa tile 9tIMA. 40 ..„.14,14 tile :07.0mIgiglituil ,'591: 0 , t ' Itut.g#4,1sr bt?. ia,V a teer ,daYe Vtie support, of tug., 14411110.oz ontatio..Tho 'V 'ran. .attrritd .4,4,0 - COtA, 'Pr'obtee'llit.soela-rOoNf,PPatMeit,04 .r...,.,,-, $ 4+7,14*01:k.A,t,;,,,,4 r,47,.,,AL. azt, 1.9-21:„, .,,AT-r,1t,0,,,, t,..,,Atii:1,6*.,7,. ,,, - .,, lppi zn0r W00% 00,0...,,z4i , l'*1.1,, - :r....,,--,..-----.v.d.H2O.:Its;;,...ciLM.'*.tolfr,-,0,04 ' read outt.60*,,,,,Fir.,,,onator, aciptak.. trlii,...701,14,4 itk, b 11,*gctql, 'PO, ' ''' ' ,''' 0 r,Ti,,z41,t,..4*-4,„•.f..,.. ...,41:##ti:- • Ur -a,' 011,v1r-401410*To9,,, -ozletd*'-4,- 4.0 . , 44 " ss sralaseyeO, is,. Tilt end Mtea. Iltith Tiltee ,„. ,3 - - m, 111 '1Z1; tattl,. ',0t4.:410.1.4... ,.,111.4: tf-^1 ifreIlla fteleplattelie4re, ,e. .: ... *flan, 'trite Aerate a , 1114,telgeelletS - . ,,,44.0.ge e rk ceener' .1M74, `, WO% 104,01,rgrii,. ivaatent *to 1416.; ono awl reahOv'brw.9:111•fora 'LT:, m,..,,,?,- t,,,,t sired reform: We 'believe Suit 'the t4131/:' r'''C*4 '44-'1 `4114111 Z''''*11'''''''''','''''' Z144,.- 4 viz:- v.:14.. inav,,,ma etv, Igtvoto,o; toot the. i -i40441.14. vittli, 1 t`4,1r ritv/67a• at. far eV° daughter, T,4trO. A, t, cl. etritte ase a incaop 02 labor, tgivant .4/16',IP1011%et"4",,r11' 'rt--4.,,-,,,,,e,c2. ' ah----- „,,... --t----,,.11.--. j' 4 a • Ili ent lo on the sal37 oot._.1L.ntt\y..... .aot, „trilavtsr.r,,0bIt 41.:,‘,t,,,,„ dr....Afft-41.07,A ¶7O, , ee _ , ,e, 11,4.1 , .0 *CA ' ,_ .,''..... , kelete,',re,4„...ev, 4,i.Q. va.- • vg,'A:4:, $14 opitt, 4..e.emetel to =, (Irene rettteieetir ho e Ohl:41100 after: ll'rvi. W.iill Pte' n1 '',14-tro,-='4ihat,..- 1003t 'lye it Jest 'now, with labor ttotta. otitp,0 pro,,,,...7 z voto, car my 00%.,,41- 440,t3.ilt etemide. atrti-igtieb sQ rai10. In Vkielite Ott. th10': •bizt.44(a, 6,p Ivo continentl stiot 4 wandred learrj iro tette ,47,ree, condttet 4 .e4zellA -,v-'','•:=Z*t7t.p 'PIZ 140.4,„0.4V _IiPt lae. . *11411441, the e1/4eete V. her bisteir Ittlare: ,e, my 'le tedo toe eemelp , neve, we believe, the eteelhe vspa I'm. ,:mio.i.. ,710,i7ozro.,.-aiii,A viii *twit ,A74•4•g,..?7,;-,-,747. i; tf.1 4.1.7 4t -L., • ' °again L. C. frateripore baluinteutet .about ae mueh oat ov eat? zio to Ita. liata':itrA,V-1it.lifte `%'"Iitti - '',..) ' ' lao 22Vg-cf ;'.'4„.4...4,-,c4-1,.111444, - 9f tho 3. CL. 1,, biklad, 1 Um.. ,Itarelee ' , thumbecrew today, Soda', "eeffee el will ci%1 rtuat' ptut ',filo of tt,ato., unittoiv4 ap,, ,V,-.1'• rlitW1 rit,=, 'it*. :, ttw4a, t nuttligietti;111,04gbIter,oia.-4-eraopt:oli;errelli..ft: 0.,,fro,le,o,011,, come. pot through demi:glance of labor 1(4'11.'Ca,,,,,, t,;.,T.,t44. 4.,,g0,14,tregO.ve1..)111H,t,,-,te. „ . Att01.1.4t.11•574;141210, 4:14t7aViehi..1tot ;1/4,0,4Zr. ,_ Rev, eand-Mre., 11. '4,a. rktlaterealeilne , , tmions=iilikie after- 411, keireteentea itPrlotri-s-", r'.°014-.'rr.:41ii, ,-...r'-tA3107.4244711----t-'itti.so. ,"241't. tAt' ,.fatit:*11,,p,m4 0.=,..4.1f ozolovw. rIt..11:.,Yriza,'"vvrp-Sul:9•4:1-7,V-9; 171-16. ,.....::;:olk,11. , , mere fraction - of -, , . s people,,,,enot -Twat ele=lify 4x3ri ii-Le,,,,Aieevonrill'. itoztLee, 4 o' 4Y,,, -rat mut.rad ' ` ttiiquiih-iiitiardlid-hatd-eatide eeto,-- ezeee,ei-eeeoieee-eee,:eeeee,eeeeeeee,eeeeee,,,eeee, Tr .le,I14Or„re.i_1....,L..4...7.:1mi'qt'teli:,9-1;1:4 ieaCe1;4tciaiiroviitrtzt.4,0,,=.fii!!;.) ?ti 0gjutice twota the'peopiitrouh a a92971rprf904ri:seE 1'. 0ni:t, 6tUrn„• tr7,0 t.p.MtUnt.70.Xtlinat, UV- :Viet At tiO o* ---at.? 141.4, i3cr0;3. -4- Mvic,ifigma iVki*.cao..--,tU'os-rkvil„:-KThe •egEereeelfetittreeltreeiSt11LI-1 ,, ‘,.10• ./1.,, etteli.Sr OzeStrangt Vor ,onep .012.0: Mnt. 1,41 towl...put ter - end . Itentrith lauSilli.vray! Nect0 brotilertio0d. The-t7C-Pilti.doen eve:- ltdaceenten, etertent and eitia---re •treert'- , te daya-theedeav_eold thlee -oil! pout.. Ivave In*. '";11-:-`buldiei Waop hi. the la" Itrsera)rrtereterq end great amrses for Agterel, la a teb 0 t7,1:141-4014,41 42% loge SiMme early fiat- tatnnuer,.1011,7611 . _ .1 hat..aotgAse -t4mt thia voutz-tnersu ai l'io (Won,' wife- tWo IF04.2. b tat1;- ,e, Vhteeeder , lest: feteeekkeir_._ home at, DIDIROT2E4E4 VOVE10 ci:431 2Q.Corzgi. efar . the _creme= Mount -Foreet„ having dioeidoed, of their h . lentufee, weire Win be 16:6a-itrecIlditua hi tistnesa, to Mire lattetone oft Well, at any rate we do not- hear 471,,ttra ,'..-icez" astat774T,'.6ttoel(4rtpatev!31t hoe,the ie one ,respeas.. The r onlai._:_pow hao ten !‘akifr, Gs . rerd' IsseattiltretiOg Uy complaint Og. a drought, 6pLOOSOre'4 bY" tars 047t,P11, IN_ etre aleo„ a mitchineS, to peel petat,oes..e-Aolteirlite.'hillgues-loir'laree-Oalt.,..„toili. Ur, -lilt. O . r?_... ...0 _ . _ I . . )41,ttle atervg..77-,3,.(taut tho, riv"ii?rocontratts 'Crtre„pe-Tisses,........--r..,. - sit. . FON. are 'etvirPYIng;t1107)3tit'iiver Sprint Gately here. 'ill; big .-...----, • - *.C.;:,7--- _1_1. 11..1.41.1....11* •- ' - - t1W' ' c 0111,op. •We. bid to -and_ their. • baeeball leasheo have , comelenced the, • _,... .9 babe. ton welconme to the village. . s - Ceraltel:ailde Bile tilrtk.fte-11,4r. An' • season's tittle'. Velt . I , ._ drew XtroGyegor Celebrated. his 85th s.....„.:sr . --,,,,,s .• hirthdaY on April 10th: fie isea on trees Wiiiiie-gnt in 'le• 4 a i'il .11 .1:, 1 '1,4 lrY ,•;-, '46(ta sem.e,vit11,orte; ,i,._ -, l',,e`efet 4iwzieletteeal. eAfeek ,' e . er0e014,41f. e ,,,A7,01,to iiiii4001*(7-4%?7,4,-,,,,„ 'I '' •i:;•.''' noustier [16- fiend, --iiiitt :iittle*-ifiettil- Oft Illayrravi etsitat' -Just evatele - -,_. _.__._ _ _ Akr. ?1,1 .rn44 , • r 1111 cOrre r‘az -0 -- -- Ilth ciiticessiiirroderieh-Al'xiwtellitie .. ' • 0 0 0 not get full Possession of the -roadsbe- where Mr. MacGregor was born. He In. Middleset eounty 33,000 trees cane the cootractor; Headvie,. of is :etre.,pf tweive•rehildrenr.eight hors are to be Palate& this year as a cone amilton, had • an unpaid clabie-of' iiiiirefeer :girls. Mr. MactPregor lum; $2426,401) against the compaiTiefdretis one sister, Mrie litteDonaid, of Wind - serration project. We ' ve not heard Work. When„ this debt-. was Ad, sor, and three brothers. Sohn, iNter Wind - of any .similar move on the part of everything ran •omoothly, end • the and George; of Dakota, livings!' Mr. Huron county's cdnservation oo tult- road was a succees tropa the begiu- neGvegor mos a farmer andriettreci tee. , ning. • , , to the village twentiii-four fears lige. 0 0 0 A great impetus was given to the He lives with his daughter and son. tYrittii... to rha 'ire iirrsorcre baurci e --theselliageengsst Wheu the road was opened, Exeter after all. The town council. having • was sa-s•vilitage _ of e few hundred reduced a proposed grant from $1,000 people, tint :in lose than ten years the to ,c,4750, the band had decided to break •population had increased to 2000,, up, but an egreentent has been reached and Ifs manufacturing concerns. gave under which it will continue. employment to a large number of workmen. , , ' Aim Meeteei Industry . The aenellneement -of a bicycle road The elder verity started a small race. Stratford to floderich sand re • - foundry in the mirth end, and made a turn, as May 24th recalls to old-tim- financial -success of building -teapers, ..crs-thesgtletrtstsr... relhasltry.s. of the -'91)1s., visTim..,7gowafr,andtrother,ltario414144: iirtliets,4 days erniri--ildeis-in-arlreajii-f, imkjementn. -rNfebtrir -gave hini-a bon,' > AlfeeTs•WAgissiae-sbulit...a.. Larger -mapy a "century"• rues -and the roads were nothing like the smooth- pave- brick- "folindry - -diiivliBMT7irar'' into manufacturing on a 'larger scale. meats of today. ., • 0 0 0 In 1888, assey- arris gave him' an order for 50,000 plovvs. It wottld hardly be fair for Prost- In 1876, Hensall was but a name. O s epburn- to take _rulvantage of the The P.ettys were, frirpers. and drovers, , general support given to hint in ve- They saw itheli Opportunity, and laid lotion to the Oshawa strike by 'call- out fifty acres In Own fots, and in Ina a general &provincial elec.tion at, the -sp.ring of 1877 they held an auc- ... 'Hon sale, selling a large number. this time. . There is no reason to -- The villa,ge began to groyv rapidly. ., suppooe that Mr. 1Flepburn has queb a As in Iffensall and Exeter, so in • ours* in mind, but sOme Censerva- Londesborough and Blyth. ilsxpan- tIVCS aDpear to be apprehensive. It sion and , prosperity visited. these vit- . be not a party issue that is involved; Imes „as well as all the other stations Conservatives as well as, Liberalo alimg the ling:- Not only these vii- ZrassenlMgrtsiiMMAPPre'r4-44 titer loges profited by the braiding of the Premier's attitude, end no election lo 111 IngDa= Rood- CrYclo i46-13mClcillo jr.:(6.1,4z0'. aionaga, ciLo. Izeqo 114 - (By W. H. Johnston,1 be London Free Press); . The county of lituron possessed ed - vantages 'oyer .inlatid counties An g on e s ore -drICA The countys,always nOted for s fer- tilitYs grew great crePts of wheat and other produce, and a--; .0144et bad to Le found for thetis 'AS there were no railroads, much of the grain was shipped by 'water trona Bayfield, but muck more from 1Goderich. • for twenty or thirty Miles wheat was teamed to Goderich, often oxen drew the loads, as herSes were few. in 1858, tire Buffal4,14.1ralte:;11Luron Ti,Itags‘1413.-vr-ns-S-0-..gelle..leMensda9C. 'C'tfitten --AMP treifizirta-1Yreik.:'. the centres for the shipment of 'Milli; Seaforth especially, was a busy town. for the grain trade. Sometinres there was Ryer one mile of wagrilis smd sleigr)A with geain wattling to be un- loaded. .Many of these loads of •groin' stem' driven' f rom _points tWenty to thirty miles. risaray. Is .t any wonder that Seafortt was a busy And prosperous town - in those 4113,10 Goderich and Clinton were too, only to 0lesser degree. ' The huge tra e Over the Buffalo et Lake -Huron Araks -ay and the devel- opment of agriculture in North Enr- on. Bruce and- 1?-erth combined to ad- vertise the need of a railreati for that territory, and widen-welte financiers -Intiffx.Oftsir&VrItitains Guelph and Palmerston, tO-OoUth- trrapton, on.- )14eite Enron, With a hmateh line from Paimerstion, thrOugh Brussels, LueknoW,sitipley to Kineasts di _This sverrstrnsbrnt. _ tire Weilinstoo, Grey .4 litruice RallevaY, and it opened ug a large territory with fine ' Its route waa oettled with a fine claw of4, peopleT *Tto* -fat a ;were -about_ t hirde cleared, and they were juekin .e pa to take edvantoze of the IP" p. faonKtgo jp.yi:0,010.2A by the new ralltriad. •' • /rho road wale opened in the meting of- 115711,- -thougheenot quite. finieheell.' neei the. writer re- 'embera caeltaille ,activity -in the. vielnity of White - dumb, tkeedern - and. -AtWeod, tliite plea.- then call 'Meow ttae tip., -A Lleto firm- owned -UM tha_ Mine taw01:4%,,..,=.41-... eett Milli= of W.I. of linmaog. atom. litettliee. trot:eel), and Itineamihroi- It:ado-emelt -0tridee. • eIC:Teere -tho Veroete, (i)r,V 6 Renee Italliee4yt7L10-.ozcsaa. to-tnitt la nut -o'a'-ut1,--tnaos, ecas;;Tatravid1;,„Vm,4.,_ .„111,14 like DashwOod and zurteli,a V needed to shoW how the &province' miles to the west, shared In' the conO . whole stands in the matter. Mr. venienee of. having shipping Points ilitephnrpiLis 311rinly dace for two not far away. more years, if lie Glederida whole term, and the el eau be tally The Gedeileh a- CluelpleeTernala efloyeel improving tho, financial lattilway, Partly ta•we by the city,. of Sk4,01,0ttleT -CO Witgla Of 1310 Rrovilkee. ,0949zieb, la Part of the P, eye - Guelph; and running front Guelphs to, • ,oce/rtopioritIcat V/tib' bY "theta Malta' Europe metecially with Goderich„ c'41,111 11 t! 11 1413 08N-EttA griVAIACtelT. al of having eon eetion with , La/ • cetera ifilnrOri neole Watten, ;And OtSlitete Tito ei.al.• yeas= thrterglit' Rlyth ' and Aulteme, lt/6vAe Cele. .t.elitVec'ei's ',.'.41 467a '23v:3 oervieg a, large, tagea ;of peoeiterotte to' dl,' -k& Vitlfeeentr'e tii--14,7; blet--11 territory. Vale* 100t. fei.--e miles before feel Vela- ete ' m2 -?;`,44,0,11.3 t;t3. eenteeleg Goderich Vetee eltpenclive to (044e\70, altreetbre In to .1a7.C.,3 it (effelZe build, enzeor elalea g that g toot ti,,,a-i ranterta_ and .ersir oral24-0.1.1n1 40e.ertc •abeint a , million tioltage a Vile. no 2.3 no 046i,4-tito In: vitliti.t.P.'',,e;,t4,F,t..3 ',001nnob--- to thre ter:74,00r elle Wait, tho leht',6,- 02 rtrati,-frttl: C.4% -itt ttitrit--i'.. and Mivoie 6'no mteciality .dViiie t. --ela`eir thb....0ia CI V,k,e1i,e,:nedf- ee --&..V.h..4117.11'=r-i . • . tc. it 11 111r 01 I I A 11 • k,11 • or the former Margare Currie, died in 1004. ,.„ Ohl "Iltesident* Ileparts.-Death ha's claimed another of Bayfield's older residents, hi the. person of Mrs.. Mitry Jane Fraser, who. passed away on Saturday, April 17th, at the home of Herbert L. Witse, Vroderich 'town- Shisir-15eCeittred• Witgrswittely end -tat, (trebly' known in flits district. She was horn in Baylleld May fttio 1854.. a xleogitter. of -the- late ary Anne "gia-s'aiiV.gragrETHFre.:1" woman she taught school for some trasaLst=thirssAirstrWartirerst§er,4h-e, was married- to John Fraser, and they ran a general 'store in connec- t -toil with tb.eir residence on Main St. They retired in :lune, 1967, when the business was biked overby J.1E1. Reid. .spesoser died -in Aloft, 4027.- With or honing rtenty_of milk_ and__ , r7ee, L A • • `Fliiizatradaolizzolemai Wiatatatze icaiZev-eRopeali Anfrikko Eike aoftret Midokinal 1. 04, Re. -Itatig4vearfunge And rar.40-im Caraada,-, erereeeerestee, gr.:ogo trrwct '11,142,01Tr're. v -r _ ZPMEINCS CGC1--0,1EZ . In a wide Variety of styles and colors, blending perfectly with your Spring Engemble—White-, Blue, Yellow, , Beige, Navy And Grey. noy're SmLua Mamma They've MAYSIF.R. rr•-• vopn urong-oF VALurg < , 2,PRIZELDFAB212,n3 Vramitinr um,y3 &VOIEDIED • -By Betty 'Barclay --8Prin=rsaltsts,40 dishes, $o we ,theiss-be excused if we insist upon enjoying 'a dessert con- taining dates, retains, or some other\ fold, ricissin-Calories. An. eggless' rennet -custard ma e wahont baking' The overwhelmkag majority given closing the strike in Oshavkt suggests that, similar secret vote might have prevented the strike tu the first place. There should be some government '\roaehinery toi determine the still, of the workers as a whole before an and the general business of the -country is disrupted by a strike. the exception of .three years in Sault Ste. Marie and Awe- terma Saskats chevvon, where Mr. Prager went 118..11 missionor in the Presbyterian church. Makes a particularly desithble spring dessert. ere are two timely re- 451pese- - - Date Rennet-Custaefel they spent all- their married life in 1 rennet tablet Baytleld. The late rs. Fraser had 1 tablespoon eold water been in failing health for some time. 1 pint ea -ilk ' . - .----. -.---- - She had made her home with her 3 tablespoons sugar niece, rs. (Herbert L. Wise, for over 20 dates . . two years. She was a devoted mem-. Maraschino cherries . bor of the Presbyterian church, hav- h sl - 4rtgsstastgiossstfessdaysss&ss,Tsarer---T.-r,err, r pisaolsoeszennet tablet .3.11. -me in-. ifirrtmirgtu"rmotte-- years in the former Presbyterian Ilinetpurcgre.e. church here, and was an enthusiastic ,half cup slightly wenn rehire Prest :, supporter of the present 1C1102 Pre's- the throuth a strainer. -Add str_ tried() hyteriaia ehurch. She bad been. wesideht doe....w......vir_s_ :she.,, dates and sugar to rentaiiiing one and vived by one-lyrether, -Thomas It -1111- rf .e.upb-iillir. Warm to leilmeenallir: liott, of London. After a private ser. -not hate' Remove from stove. Add vice at -the residence Of E. L. Wise. me. diteasolved tablet. Stir a few seconds titabowletoyiazettftda_etno_otatt,_ ihth: Loprfuatecebraylieseevien. ,elandeztotigriaimstmzae.diatetetly061tnto,unitnir tivirm_didar _ , Minh for the f meet* cervice. Re 'clout ten mingtee, e-Viteueeltill....„Itee, W. A.- "roving, a lleneall, interim fore -cerving, garnieh with -dime _of moderator for Mitten aid Bayileld, dates and nuarasehino, cherrlea ar- coudtetted the'segvice, Interetent waa ranged like a floWee, Using the deteete adee ha Baeld cemetery, c. pall- for tpetalo and the eltertiee for the bearcer0e- being: Itlenotery hearee, M. centre.. - " IMoz4et-pletilire'bearetee, 3rita1:0.• Id. ''.,,r- L'alretto4.4-' . Atehilev,::11tuattima,•outzga Dem?, 1. sadiacse vanilla vaunt !penile? Sam EionOton, 3. •Maud= and 1 Rant Milt , ,George Lindeny. Amonget fillends ie, diem bread . tind.treelativez fre a Optpuee riho at- mutter . teneento old. vete.,,Zg.-,P#61_,. Art 1,1143.1nia Ito' 0 1:31111ott. • Mleeee ISette Wad, %nitrate (13/v/en BMW" Mel?. and 1.,Lrct W. he Re tee cell:as itkeept hwad, butte? 4W.ti-tinana, .0 itio4aleigi i- 1-erae-'-.9tilosi. IgOhtrg ong, --o-ntin atiodu ,t -tat, sItiel igold. ant contain, tatee. Ae O. Zillette 'the- Obeli, bread afeeong alt deSeettr c„ - 7 4,1 4-44- c 1 ., lite- 'Leto Shore; .1mati7ay, 10 one, &Mt. e..44' f=6 int,e;en'atlota S1_, 'ittlItt,,, eq., tteeiteetee .e.: e.„-ez4f,x.:=,,7L t7 more -raillwaY that tea0 bieeett, the, eauce 2, emoroeconteevezWe atell„ illeceellip er=.04 te'teA d'-:•-',1.1",„r4.1,c9-9 AtaaliZ di -.the othere 'pe(i.t tegetreeee, ,,atr-aa. „ 02. r0,2.-rra4,. _, titel la Ole ono perOgetted aid ec;ttttIr, li t which v7ao.34votrAeltiv IP v,,,,.„, -A artz re4keetAel, Teel2a° 0 reer,t,..,,,,-,att.:1, runnitna-ovae?,---eimini--Leit6ilterh, -OD Etitil, f tat4g itwet, 4 11:"Yie ,'' Y''7 A. ''''°'' km Oreeito to OWeel Com% Witte a, eartilde. It eet s begt,alOpg_ rtheo, 9Ide ., 111I1 , tt - t • - ' ., , t , ' ) ' ,1/2 , tt•'', ' 7„ . , % " C /4 tt it02013 ,,freee* ,OrelegpVillleeeto ,o,feetteLic-Mieee.Wa,Pae,eltqc*F4. _ ri!, .„9, 4Er'itteilta,'6-70:; ,,,„:44-17,,k ,_„, : .t,,,,,,,,, x,.4 ::--tvio. --tz:'''0116-'t/dir'd'Ittzt.:Eltda tin,e8,1P.i.,:Stte4'-r(g.Nvete t4, A. V. at,. vta,e4-4"'4 tf -0-4 ,,„0, e -,,,,,,,,,H-04„-- to '' t zovti atotSg. titt bv "'4/ei.,;-4, thev+, 'eat; ,.,,,a , , . _,,, , Iwo 110 teee`l-eeettb. Cee..eiel, ttca- zee 4.4e.e.4,--, Towate- *elereeeeaererettieitZalitirea tO the terea, raltnitestita, •teeeler orstleutitoetellacTiuT9 4/eg-1 '''-eL'sl%;41t-;geetetafa:- ' ' V4'14/6'' -Ekbbl' lifrt4irt"5"15-4. "" tt° 2M1A 4 " tic, tat0 d trona) II,. - - ' ' patent/tea; of Intro, el ea , Itt*.id or l''''t41Z- il),,ogamtsit311a;r'Irc°tIttrittia hotrucr:Ja g OA Ow int,0 htlindikaa a* tho ro261. 7211°‘ ,r7.4.,„atte tut, otta 1;, , d the .4oeitife. villneta and tornatfatp eee evaratitem were; teett?0,2 aftee tench ablW, tho butt ID to build theee ogrobitiou in the tektetsehlita -Wag over- 0,:etreeeeteee4 --011 tee. r4,11w4P at little cOit to thempelvee, cattle by a pulag,tvote. 10. Ittrt:t44 4_ 4t2' ,,... tra2,-bittlottri 00.,t,,,,t„,..z=tt.tim • - bat ,t,41.1111--4. lahrtd7:4?ttillt.,---pa...h.p. ..,--1,1ho' egtiaearttee cited, the bonds pleeeige .61 thae004 , at talw ollattal loai-41.2,,tta., ,,,,,,taza,,, .ao_ma tWOJilia., . . ,, fOtinill 4 Wide' etlearttet, ad the- real ' ir Ida' volttbevid eut'obsion eleeved -the rittilia- .19rae-loneesineeerottenetira ostogatetzsiaovee..4,,t,- peek lee crAte i Itottheautem eernee or:111=A &rants beta Of the.-eralv'ert0 bud tlet2 011 the cer vagiyitti zattlitz 1.1: vtlitA t6,4,,,,,,,,,: ir,),, thrOugh the tot/nate; of ehereberee traett, aa wen at a. bridge over- the tutz dc*0 ul, te,,,5 vot, d, ledejilfeetriette„ and . Proveel a leoctir;to ilileetIlle River . at Po r t Albert, am ..exeletteetelk 1441 0.4,-Qtett),Yeee,keeeee ftiht eltstiot,, enneing the egroteth" 6 raisilitittilsr eentniente - ..'' - - 10 tsaz,to 'dal oaltitz, 0 etv,, ve,ele;e, see (310,Erle; tteoteetee* and- Pordwielt. Blifea4.0etts.tiSttzta"-thtilitta tstov e_il, to atiteetvez,,,. ,thee. Ilareatiegattge rood The pontil van. oltoot Novelette". but '1414tbt- tttA g---- . -ee, did . net Pjtilke 4 SUMO in tiritutf. 'HA nigonnot:tatis,tmi.thre4'vontpetolt4lellit•IJ tigtigiggl•Cliii-att-A77 t ,:d5e141.4.- '.ito,,,oz-mo--4114-.2tv6;--tillit" jt1W 'e11119114e141-.--.-fillaltki Ilit-tale:--it-val le tot of 0.noztrat 0 ,Itm#dee5,-Azi,t.L1/4„,,,,eeeee leteW-4117Vint re-eoftete -driftfd-. tee*Crel vitbe-te,- .'er* ta-4 tai . ,% ,,,,_ . ,, fleet 40.1,.:044,t4t0 to, D-,',.t-iitut.,-1.,,t7 'feet: eleepeetUt ,ti ._ traine were .liable Them Itee no roue 40ititi, WU) 110 v/tee cenreat*',refeeS*Ted $,ti .,17,-tr,-.,.4,, to le4W-ttto timer Aliliere The eMoi,it Oreat Wat helped &CM * eh: 'the ,Ai- . - wan:, dem. Coteventectly- in Incti, nt141, nen founit they needled. Tratroia • 4 14 taw or Utz ftrittry4ott tatte AZ.11110 664,1,1, tga 'Chattigekl,,,,,t0 the Millet* ' to ebrlue up teepPliee. • Nit iny f 11 I t IlloaYS-stretts Mill to a 'foreign.. eeltateror: ttet.olmirozt ardliate ezt07 vitie,o,"' Aatztd. Itt tat2a,;7: that it vou :fnalloter no. .t4P,P1?-716 ttkz° c°P.' 'free'lote: MOW ter t'heeee oyere elhom tIttey,,e,evishVe . Whet tho•General ratio cam. -to To- dMt‘';f4t44e,,ittieta to tell Me. Were kta,t,:sr tote,=ited 'a large Oe eel* did not •T,..Titte.ftekt day e.„. y 0 ''''OtAd out, the .nentee- !tte'e.)!4eetPree*fatatiVe. Whate't44, efe$e t0a*. wEa dieni ovett their itak 1:1.41,...t:6,M•v411.;11; Wilee'.14dele, 4r-2411.1.0•,n14U,6 ''ATOggi'f.0. 4t16 ittl'or - ta; Mot ,ototto'104,4 0 *114 iris 3 11,prere tr 4e, eth(':r-A 4 ton1,1 ,r eee 1 '11 11 g. 1111 IN r11,1,1tor 111 Luctelebei; Ir. and Mr0. ,-Et are ,abyle, dishee: aedeeeld few ceeteEd ralikee, Itolyrood; Lltee. D'orman and 'atingle. ereeeb tt4t mitt: teteeeeceee-eot hot. ter 'Ruth; itziatemeett 4tr. an& ilen; iatc neyelefteegeotieete-Tv& mum Mcia.eo, iStratheey; Mretned Met "Stilue ;ebte, lexculteitatelp.,didebvtitiv tate otttio-, 16040,13 Ivaktitait r-,.-zrif„.24301...114,...4;,,,,AiabiLtua- (ft: •Ipstall, Mr. atd -43605 Vac': (1.4*vIeh.,,..44yr,v.sttalt n.z.r tended to Up- 10t1.),#4 =411,4 (-OlYed4--..el.ftejee it,`-t-4,tately ovo6 . t,ntt,• ,rLrind ' harKlet Mime er:"..,747:rtitiet0 '''-'41e4 ' Speitnide With eaglet' . lilac. • . 317 ihe Elbe RIERAlt YOUR IkOlgE HOW gOGiana JEId1w©1 MOT Ekoildn-cEsc2 ? Wene CLocc.- (6 an? Eampe,c.131EL g? Let me give you an estimate No obligation incur No trouble about terms - under the Weigle Improve- - thent,--Pian." REM -Me fill 411 4110Vinct, tOod plaid ante Artibetita‘; telled 401' pe4eled,'411a1-- itinong ,tho wo taari ttia litultgo• ttioN):: Itativo!i; ritnotint; plItt tot ,:then‘ Wit'eertti*Olieed geettefelly; hy the -titithlt,lb 410:1144 ',0iihitiiiitM"-,7ttit,4. `.2 16.;1‘q thia itRit be''Perid. Aidelt tt*- tlatittaree that Ita'S teen feetItec'i OI e 'the ieuttl01011ae-f, ieetmreteelre laa ItaItEin'A'eheo, lie' re te Nottm4;rt,nnitita It* talltIteO tatiltar, t'aattezIolt.,%. _ ttv tr.;:at,a-iO4 .344: t• f bee e in en o ury.• h caltze . i,t • t.v i ,Ilitillgy.,;' , '1.w..t,c421_,iz...1113.1zt.,Tetrd %,,,A..8 . 44)Oli i\c,taiwoaa, Wilde ekeya 144etZeireet -et!) .... ' • IteteClitleet-, - a ' T , fatit,t2AAii-,44-1,141q4.1,--,,ttso,,•;ri • Ai 4 ' ',:±41 t4:1,Z,L,, ),-,-Wit,17:41 4# tteeelera la , ri0110iSta; , ohlie mtoogu iliont ..tii-). the lat6 'Sir PtietteilerlIna. .t ' 10 klettnitree ltI wviee4t., leseeesiVea ' t1.1. - eePZ1.1,ii teivoetIte ,Vereeiete., b tt.'ea 5C -,W,: -.1atnf.,,tV''. 4,110.:.vOillittItotta 7.i1t. .,4 eeteeeedeotee-.0/717=41,,tue4.4 .S.T.,(1:7,..., ' 4t111141pa, , ia--,:: mal Ottiogt llitto' '-.5vrot la.o...taniteqopt,p, to ki'vz :'.144-4ti. to ' Witthati,' °thitOugli t,,6), OrlIttq- 1h' 4, ttiz,m=- ti",4':.'Itt .' Wo le,4141t4ana. 01116 illiettlette'Ite,Centrz, 4, ' tvbt173, ' t"1 'att 'Kum. To vold ' 1,,,,•,c;40. plat704. to t taidi thtelegit rete40. riteheall,e'elleiett. C•::',1 -=..i.1,',.-.):' tzttna te. 4,=ecte',e'.t C'epee,, %Myth '444 Altoaptuat.(% votrio, teit, o • antztts' tttt-1.-. 12 tutniz 2t,,,r1 lailoot=3, It'.4• riotttlo-A loz-Mtvil, 344„-,-,,,:l t.,v,,Y1.1•44 '.,,,,,-, taptnrp,', t:_,;.tr! tt,..q!'7,r1:,; t:.>•-ozaa, : 'A OA' ott'skr-2 tIcal'n' C:4t [L tt",_-, , ttl. '''. , - M011 rt,1 pn.1cZt) 113 fad In :and out fot-voutendg tanaeily tifitat the Wentinesiute- ,upoz-Powor unit citi.eiett officient ItefgOi410M ovn4uting the \tottirra tvd4irdiat 41t 4 ecotrpout, 24-4 antra yd.= 'of clicptullbtle atlittel ilizcz mat, tatItty ottat VIet.yeindkouto 8t3 04 oniiy b.,ilitove.ei iiittlotAdblidt'OVatioat •tOr*onsi'7-1- voiv In retell; away'? You titeer4,tuir Oinitior vottiot ",” miao t.11 'tlft otligatiottmd telot alpribt ; how -0 ov,tilt ity tiv Amor Irm 0