HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-4-21, Page 8,tea -fit 0414, rev /l ns, f3 , SIN 1 q ,111 AVaig " Mt1.ab =111`"21.,,,04.` if e' 73.1=0311111M1 M - a. .200 a' 1 1!! \i 114 =WO OM w 2�e pa' '�t-yttj� Zee4 1.1�! 4A! F! 220 -Vagm 70 2Se inuomanoutz up. , ff03 p Ca � UP fpr CI 4 Med 'COQ r7‘ r1T L L.'•' 1 1 -rt lJ`' 1114000411 , n � ,Ag 6 0.,.. a 10;7,p �TJ4"'tl'"C¢GIT1409*V nitigrataileTK Y Iaxonn Linens --rad, 'cgt;i1-1:4Nkt pin , MUGS AM 'NM IIDEIUGS'EVRIE - , ` Jr i i I A.O\i/ y C V V MP B E La.T.-/3UFILOP°S � ita ,dl,:,a;,r,; t ' J� c�yymit Z' . qd .0 �j��!�, ,1�kY ,,Pv✓ yy'•� 77��f �jjj piplt e 0 :1. IlF�7Sa7'+ '; '`!"7A1`H. n, � 1,It(7 • 7a 7! Itgooti ,,i.e Q3ptt ti-' 'c ltt.>x i wUL . lalat 4y pt* 2.%16,„. ' t ac.o'. { orpo yp.'s'{'.. Olt 7ii}w�-0(M1!(,MR(ip! IM13 i.S4 'r ', t' itap�"oi' 1' !'yUy.R e . atich- 1 o ' the training- .sAi 11 . SdFa .4,� 81h1 s aa'ar Thet( 'or ►. thlo out n ma.! Rr? jj�;R�l aYMP ixyJ"�.., '9 .1Trp oti�lj�1. ,figt7 titrOng, ' , ose -t Tk 143 - e. torpor !, OA' -ion d otbae1a iiiceetint - of the tediylerlan W. ...sit rndQn, . lr ,aro .Z1.4.14;i1-02, Tao.. , b-< 1b titt Ail go 1"arndt>t,_ 'R► 'aaplor�.. 1ssr 0, Bic=,.Irss.-2s,,,«' i �or�irr, I s, Waiter, ,Ars. Mdditt ' hdl. Tarn. -Or41dbkto, 1!{ rp^pmarrcnru irciS fiC olj-1 t M 7� ryry jy yy ,� y y ' irCF' . wIt4 4c7'';%'' at 14 • ` • 0 tart • IA -• � vid>.owz ° . ,of CMwt5 P 'hvxxl M. 'm•Rrro� 'fh'w �}Skl ttroeJR"r2'H1?'.:'1 k IridoM 6/34) held on T ursday 'eveni;i ; A fid, ,' Bae^ las %'far ltac�' e -d -r to dt at -0 the school. A goys' o > hest to the Ma4n feature oritlie,efellinfrand there will also be a. d iraUsir,,A zuo* Crate. Q147 The twenty-third =Mal meeting: f - of th ot14.110 Provtucla1 '.W0112.P.P sioonnaryy soeictiy of the,'_ -rieit i n Jutty� '.��y to hr'Gh, , 7tytiad�iate, on T aesda y, Wednadalt and ' t dl ' of this -week, < Mrs: D. J. Lane, priest - dent of Huron Presbyterial, and .4*g,, A L_ 4.'VpiG4l7L84 �F d C '�n u'!','al3' 176 .4 n t- t �� bA 4 4'k•: ,• j }!RbVA pe_d man' neral sessions, and Mrs . Jr' F. Thomson and- AilesEdith- Tay1or are attending as, delegates. F �tr., With Ali :that highway work planned' 'the honeymoon 1e over when he be - r he summer, >`'r., -Hepburn_ may be”' gins to think of her as expensive a- - - n d - of g' Itsa his W,ZZ, 4-o 4.ste id ' of ,tear.,•Que1 Chronicle - Another vletOr .- -'. itch ter `Record. I Telegraph. _ ..- youneminummis CF RUr- V IE4! V - ,lr�'•'+.1 1E N TrQ "ta,r'/ N d �r• .t :.. �watAB l'!' OV c DEAD HOES AND CATTLE__ } Our Ailen Will Shoot Old and Disabled Animals Tl1 j .:' 1:1(O f S'$0CT $ NEAREST STATION COLLECT 4= :♦;.. ,''6 1100 IIS Mt""ll"`�i ilg , N G3O©'TA L LOWt ©. - 0 —.4444 hV. a+� Le 1 , 41td Colony 16-oa. . ,�a ,;o Bottle :Canadian ' Reda Handled_ 4 -,String EaCh p ez vast xi laVrart 4tit titinY 1 -Ib. Tisa -w/2 1GL.11 smatnicarnit nit ,with Pectin 1 444 141,,on Tins Tins infahd Califorange ecloated V Cgto 4- Olt: Diked Pali 1' So Tim 414441 inty,' iittM 111 IND GIERANIIS11It't i '1 &11,1L, A ' .rtaeetin • for the organization of the - oderieh nisebiill ' Club for - the coming season will be held at. the town hall next "Tuesday night, at 8 (Meek - 'It, is 'h.dped 'themes will bo, at Jorge "at- aa- rive executive may be'named and the grand old game given a good !start for, 1A• 7. •.. 11 , 7 i GcDdlerrtict;h Markot Pari c 44-44444144. s I�ItuWtlt(Yl( - Bens, 5 lbs., ile ; hens, 4,g. ]lis., 8c ; under 4 lbs., "7c. !Eggs mil Butter Eggs, per dozen., ' 13c, 15c, 18c; bu t- 1 b., 28c. y ll4ive Steell - �.... -Bacon hogs, cwt.; $8,50; beef, lb., 6c -le; 'Veal, lb., 8c. ' Grab heaat�'bus., $1..30 ; buckwheat, 41*m.-MieT4 .111 'fig barley, ', i.a0 05, Vegetables . ,. Potatoes, new, $1.257-$1.80. Mow and gbeil • Bran, 100 -lb. bag, $1.95; snorts, 100 - lb. bag, $2,00; Manitoba flour, 100 -ib. bag, 'ca3.60-$a.3&. - ll'unbliie Hee llfth A Public Meeting of the Citi - Bens of tine Town of Goderich. .vvill be held in the Town sin on j for the4,pUrnose of in -organizing the Goderich MusiCal Society. 7-8 HEAD) UARICafaS.‘ aio: 'PAINT Allittiarisi UMW eree la In OM' QttreltAof ;We Volt/Ye/Y. aave 'Yon Money • amm isubsasnsas la 1iirc: when shemOap,,d eta, Moved- ti ,*,r 0phew, MTrsa c i lcfllb1r iZ P wink, in Cret4rIc slatcre, ,1VXrr. pro - t or my,, ' died at 10 o: sal it it -0=7,410, P1410h unti't.: -*ow 04 MO, v4VIth a, oa`d. " Q : a 1 '; hurch- Arkdritid' Are 'WO • C • a.1 1.tY ;.-can-,�•-' «�x.i+,-- rte ._:``iS it on''' rch 3rci tficirtimir yy y�F Mi lA II �i�'a ti qa�( I4•:lRr1 �att9am>.trd"rzamY^, a • ko,a gOraP,� cit � ,s... aJ 0 1 � cal LL I 14 � L�I�.4U �. � � i7 t3f£1nQtIt1. m` mot.»� ..:��In; � F♦�,('�y ��ki,�[�!. R� �71r�1 02,00'.1tI, *lint* and �� t' ttt ' v ' � Vi�1�� office uta` T • ` 1 rzh 0a:" 1 iul ATO fir F vozw..anal, oft trozaar TO 4-40' i tiftrer,'; .or,eottaae V 5' (1 �tttr . hlD >�t_. et .c13. Ici wlllln, -;cork eight; 1iOurs mill! wiU. -,earn 4'Q30' weekly,, pial O 0 "- Y4F0-A R. ___ IIIA 1140 +!161 d7' -' 1:1 .doter, 11 tc. Court. f:e ouaye, Q oderieh. lephono ti3. ;-0 r {} CY ra '1 1 I . A IY4 , Tient w$is TaTtfil,rdlea4144 the door o 1t4 !tome 'fotblifiI4g' ming. a neighbor, Anther Callen, to inquire after hiss' he# tla. Ur.r Hurley,who wad oge, oac- eum'bcd-to a 'toa;rt attack. He was a lifelong resident of Goderich, being -a son of Patri . and , faar aret +Lias - earthy, Hurl ,,- ' o' .vitas' married, for - y fo11(r years' .fa a1 to brah membor Pt Holy Nathe tituld of the Knights children, pa t* Oollins, of Re - of North ..134,4tAllso -by a brother And -two urley and, Mrs. 6' arst Mitirifead, • of Point Ed- ank-Zra. V. H. IleGuire, Detroit. 4):4,'Plere ,here for the fan- eral Wild conducted ion consin of thede--ebilsed, of St. Peter's interment ,attaar in Colborne R. C. cemetery,. tto pallbealmrs being D. M. The death of lAlerandbr alpass occurred suddenly about 10 o'clock Friday night, wrAen he collapsed on the floor of jas. ,Howard'S hardware his usuai healthic,"was, looking after the store d'aring3he absence of Mr. Howard, and. tzr.fgaL,..' preparhas:10_ lark up 'for the nighk"When he was strieka en. He wt4s harp. sixty-seven years ago at London*, Angland, and as a to Goderich Sii0a ?ears ago. Ms, he wad taarrieds 0,,,Second trine in 1221, •to !Mita Catheria a atter, native Of Monday atternoo4 1M -V. 2.111,t dreane, • Etnon stbresby*lara church, who D. —Inter_ Was ins- Zoitland Among' .thosa ,igtending the' funeral 'frail' oat of tow4, 'tvere Mr. and Um Oraigie 'And Urn. MI Pre.4,4; r'y.'t t fltrob„t. ()death, 3RINEstr;za. LEE, irister and Solicitor Sufi Life nilding, Adelaide and Vic- toria Streets, Toronto 2. Tele#1_1•94.4i1-F 1.1-04 61301i rcras.;-In c4": n rff : •C c t t " ma, Otis 410 to 41 ,T,>44 715. ;:4 .. it " �l�, �Lry, �y �Ry �! ry !! JR4 (� .� � .5;� .. 4ik{��4,!y !�4i1R{!:': '� N.... , - ii Ii,AA �°' H ' ' �.J;',} ' 7!� (� - � � '.,jj 0��"'ra t ' Q pry, }�::�1 ... 1.f; m. 0 rw } oti ,a (��fy'.A y ..3L L , • �1"at$g0, a t ‘',' . i tratitcri• 1 � �L iad b'itt. ors (�1�. a-04=14 0 1': , .. 1_ R1f1 '' 3or'th, �faIr�.,' gq IS. T Vo s,�? 1 ° --i"4. ori IDI®usii T L,8' jideo 'striae, p _AM1 . --a' to vi-..a4tud.e1 680 -Z3rooder - -nand chick lt', lelione 870, ,..al ,5.•. 41 0 it 0 � 1 '�o Ll 'al'�ue To 'age Your $eIoctrto //�g.7i-9-07-Poe . . � . .. alb n, O . zA .=-- 1 A G ELECT C qp 'washer dt�0t'-,-.-gfa�tran�e3: ill sell ,dor balance " payaments.-J. R, .u{ NIL'uP7•'.�',idd'FA' .y i"LS �A2:�XRnr�+.w.r 5`�`�' AS _.<,._..,__._:�`k}IY'11,A :.aiiF�ld.�`�.14-.4z�S:J�-_ 1L .T`OR in good condition ; reason- able price. ., i ply4 .;110-X 8, SIGNAL - „mat, ,i4 w .. ._. _ 7x_ 1i goad -anditio cheap, ApPly J. A UoL'Oc1NTNEDL. 7-8. !DB WICKER BABt CARRIAkilso a high chair. Both lfrgood. condition. Apply to MRS. GRAHAM INGLIS, Lighthoase stieet. Phone 429. a MEN an sevea71r Qua house, both ers church, of the. • Quinn and Mrs,.,,rrluinn,..tif Onliktoen, McCann, all of 40don. E041.1 iltit-N13 =me e eatis4 tivirgehimue7 Area early'-, rune 10 the honit',a of Frank llelesio, Cedar tarot, bet,t„'leent-8.80) and draft's pocatdormo4.tho sat/tided threet'aOre tic'easibta hilt It Sealed team. addressed to the under- -signed and endorsed. "Tender for minion and Thom Drata,", will be accepted un- iss7, for the cOnstruetion of the =ion Tile to he supPlictl-,_4y-2,:lhe_Tor,baship, Plans 'and' sp-iiiiflotitions can l'oto seep. •at the °Mee of' the 'Clerk of the ToWnship a !certified -cheque on Dc Rhartered bank in Canada, payable to the- r of The contract to he conigleted I4Ile ifith day of June, TO37. The lowest _or any tender not .4sees- sadly accepted. Ely) Order, ;Clerk of tlite--a&unlei garden. Apply M. W. OWELL, 4 St, Vincent- street. Phone 21.3. oats and 1344 21-tdriey. (both 1035 'DA STU'RE 'FARM-, TO glaNT oR SELL for sale; also good 'dining -room suite and large. hall reek. Apply to MRS. RUTH THOMPSON ...or HARVEY We7are instrueted by Mrs. W. _EL Oremblay to sell hy public auction, withoat reserve, at the premises, corner of Keay's, and Raglan streets, Goderich, on commencing 1.80 o'elock--01-L-Shrifir the property consisting of lots 1256, 1257, on which thelo Is an urto-date ,,cottage of eight Tooma,and verandah. splendid_ and ,i'gTrioiti date of lie -fait talemoafrden soil is a rich" loasa and is tiled to deTntriol any -surplus moisture," -There too; heitto41744v!tievmty .1,;fertjosexivveronatol vidtifle; Pima' and Collegiate, thlte inntes' Valk 10 eluare. Can take posseeDien at once, • Orzalt AL ZiOtriat1, 44, 1 ler ttrlo 1'01:9 gnett..-iNdt 4e-41 Zt'g4c4rt, 4-4 RN the ,rottThret::::,oat:;:a16:071c,tzw,'eris,tarivabwisi" isiate'-'11'V'462tte1' fOrstit:;161tOutIrthe7t4'- 'conditias loot 'TOM combined opecificatioi- arid fOrm of tender oatt be obtained on apWation 'to Venders Mutt tolude the toWin,..7 of the "`"%-it$1"Ltra.PitatulTAlfr.6.11',Vbi1-Oti' 6144.11, 14c* t41zzit. flatada 420tatt014.10z). On" attatd 14r4, lactfai alto' kpWla do the Malayan dwelling. All Odern conyeniences, large Mtn porch, ready for occupying May ist.. Por further information apply to ROBERT. JOHNSTON, Receiver James Buchanan Estate., Phone 131. God6rich„ ,Phone baths. Electronic electikk and chirropractie..,,,,,,W9 and nefolli-41seases„_____ iirg" p.m. On Tuesday; FrlilaylahrEok urday, and, on Wednesday 10 "t!ti a.m. only, or conaultation by aii-poif 4- 10,1 I II die 613 -.4(f)44,Ciatig South street- -and Britannia..-iveradt--,-- - rjeKILLOp MUTUAL towoitinrcerPrrsoAertitc.inBsuroredad.foot., p. rdesidentt: Knox, Iiondesboro; Chris. Leonliardt, 'Dublin; James Connolly, Goderich; Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; . 111.. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex. ucEwing; Blyth; Prank McGregor, Clihten. James Watt, myth ; John E. Pepper, Dublin.; Chas. P. Hewitt, Kin - Policy -holders eon make alL pay- ments and get their cards recelpted ,the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin (Matt's Grocery, Kingston street, Goderich, or 3. H. Reid's General Store, 1:ayfield. TOWED in the breeding of your -chicks, or are You satisfied with "just chick's?" The breeding with which' increase of tvventy to twenty-five eggs 'per bird On the. year'a ProdUation: Do not let the short-sighted novilt.of a dollar or two on the purchase price 02-479urierielararob„-You of any- laier dollars of profit vvhieh Meadow Glade Chicks -can give. - In visiting our flock last December a poultry expert s id he bad not _seen_ ch good -og.g • from pullota for yearb. At that Ev• ery ichielt Is gnarainteedi to be from our OW sWelt. specialize in one brig ednib-White horrut Their reputation for high production is widelY known. cent lepos, Six-week d pullets 45e. re also have a few ttarted Chicks. otiUTT5N, Bak 5, Cloderich. Phone 14Z Carlow. Vo.anintittsf Waal .1 The Town 'of .botleviclat:tian for sale. perty,". ',0,1111-011- IS Iteitab Zs. IMO 1 -et -di 010414 Eqa 077,M 1937 ouo Designs arid prices to please all. Work done reasonably. Save Homy Godwriclit 119S7 , Talmo tiDEMIE,Altuinitr. 1280=1 -28- -mg 1031 .a.V LTA701=1:02 \k, Dirse0umeS Mast 110 ' 'with 11)37 Tax Bills ear rOle installment period. - Purchase your PtrepaYment Re- ceipts early tatill'IltiVe Inonel ' YOu cannot buy all now, budget yettr Teat thio year by 10=0401111 a, meal* eachttwath.. Otte Discounts will% alloWed Vat: ltetlez, ratt •