HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-4-21, Page 3Ag - 1!' 11 '10 qt. OFJT,ItJ A ) 'f3 kt(1 ni; +e r .,k,xi ;x '• r_: `ice-'_•.:�'� rr Rr n tor4 z71;65:";:-`i;o::-:14°51"; •c.w NOS • BAC PIPE ig' t P IE TOBACCO 1:riaca cod' iftweamm IE IiO 4Di1IICO g.d$ i no16 AIIi D A(CetEMIV =a ": ' . y. vvO GO IPilnahe 292 • 60646 • 1.1vgaraLLOP fir [itiiiJY rdne. ap;-_.- (Established 1870) - Ann'ual payments: $2,0,Q per ;1000 i'lePgmileAnd,Gegeittle Towniahhaand Tn --opledericli, M. A. 11M, Clinton. 1111. 111,iNUMILIOD, (g a miella. i� luau i roam • Page i.) u ereaoe f0erdin7C M•..to n•dgriaelat. .. > ntly ande [ down, by than iv Connell, • talcobolle',heves age3i e. -.1y in ' sold illegally in 1Hluroaa county, and where= thp 2.824 eonnniil;' of r ji,e' tetvia Of' Goder .eb fonvt dt . a redo- Dation to>'the L1 snot Conttrol..1llaiard requesting, the evtablistiment of 1I - se r •19 p- tabic A re i>lnea ►s,.aded t44'4 vvreas..it its now the opinion sof the - ,majority of the citizens of -the town of t derieh that snoh lige4ned beer ,I.ftr1oat are -A,47 - Wine -it •ii eica 'mall finandaY iy, etc.: tenor' - ,- lis the Mina/dial cobnncill of the tow :-oo--G!odert Ii, tliaat . we do now petition the 'Liquor Con-; trot -,Board. of Ontario to cancel the licenses of all 'beverage ooms Within the -limits of the town of Goderich." 'In presenting the resolution, Coot., drier ERretilias T thea -sir-: e s ression -off -.Views by other members. Councillor Bumber said lie Waal fully in accord wwthalhe labia ee.wia0-114-+ =t -W o. _ink _ llV Voted for the beverage rooms. with the idea that they would be half -way. between a liquor store "and nothing ; off' condi ,�n>i:•:.>, eo.. �t,�ie ,.In, lis -•e (>< a t _ ,n t an A11 i= - wu`w �th,e' -to and_ times better off with s .,.liquor stoke. . 3f✓ the beverage ro 4 ++ - were subjected io a ~popular vote', --they.. would be turned down three to one; said the councillor, Councillor Brown e.lso declared that he was in accord with the resoIut'lon,. He thought the old Liquor'Control Act was all right; now "we have the old. bar back again under another guise." CouncillorealTigierwito said he was not in the council' of •1934, thought the resolution should not be .rushed through; it shotrkl - ref4red to a committee for consideration��• • Councillor Salkeld said h i wits will- ing the- resolution should 611ow the usual routine. ft was > 'too line .portant ..a. matter for any snap judg- ment. . _. - r Reeve Turner said he was" "a mem— ber ber of the 1934 council. "A petition cathe in asking for a Liquor store. No 3Mff!>"'• . ^ Yel`Y'.>`" Wig, and just at that time the beverage rooms came into existence. Plenty of ttxzte was given_ for.. a..counter-peti- tibn, but none came in, and the coun- cil decided in favor of beverage rooms.- :This was a natter of -Gov- erment policy. Botta „pa! rties were more Tor less linked up with it.- Ile would like to see a Province -wide vote of the people taken as to whether they wanted liquor In amy shape or form. es It was decided to refer the--resolu-. ion to committee of the whole co T Cil. ,' Councillor Huckinu asked if there Am o F. 'C easy C® EFirr%) Atcadon1 ai�l� Gvi�� ®rr Car 0b lZt1.� A,NC[ reseutatirve London I:1ife Insurance Co. Mike Masonic Temp est Street, Goderich Nelnoua Ioi m, Manager. 'Phone 230 ''a u 0 Co o Roo` ur i( 1IIs`� LI K. CIS add REAL t ©tile flt alto nu. obio Fatal Menne tjutt- ietikit2 Geo. ����Dni° SOD dor JII®r�, II�IIN 1CIIM, =IP 1�£�7I`�TIICELM., mlIDNlID9 Flee, Academia, Aunt enneli ille and EMCIC> untmee Agents OFFICE, NEXT Tto DAMN OF COWJElEteE Me= -- - - 4 d¢rr lel .'l.fi'YlatKr„t„ ' ONZUMANCCt ,ki k. . Amt* ru u6ll 12o GEO- , . c�a�c�c r nrL alit -0c sta L'.' b.. cri CWS '''�� ' t.. •x+13'^^ ,N ''rl;`m, . - .R.. - e cad eorrespon1en ;fr an the Nitta v'e Taller Cid he bad beeta eriticiu d lay the .peed e of ' !Magma - non and -lid too 11'e >rtatepiyers. -of God- erich for dot sending the town's fire equ1p,tent to 'Dungannon on the oc- -ca_si t s of the ret .fire --there, }le. did not see why he should be fertt1- i ed ; . be was only carrying out the ecision of the council, ins recorded in tht : ttn + . geks,, .y1a-. well a .ft1 e d aancfl (>f' the Piro Underwriters';. usthey' knew whet )alight happen if the equUenent were out; off - town; even while the pumper was un- der repair recently there Vas a fire. As chairman of the fire Committee he intended to live up to his duty. Councillor Humber thought the -Reeve bad, done exactly --what - he should have done. Councillor Bingham said he khew of peopiee„ayla..a_.Iaaa] at., first ea edetic --net;-- sic inn�-;-out tb . equipment but who after 'Considera- tion had changed their opinion. Deputy Reeve Huckins said it did A y •L " 10,41t r 4 Yt b i i 7ott ' 3 Lae hid had experience. in -doing t-ie—ln- some cases they did not even receive a "thank you." He thought the Reeve had done what was right. HAe _ Oriel had received help from other towns at the time o the organ fac- tory fire; but the Deputy Reeve said the circumstances were quite different. The council then turned to the question of garbage dumping grounds and' sanitary Inspection. The Reeve said there were places that had not been cleaned up in years. Coundiil Humber said the fire `chief shoul7l' make an inspection of the' basements of business places. Some years ago there was such an inspection and some basements were found in very bad cen l�itiom from- •t-he^,s+andi3oint of -fire haziird. A motion was passed that the fire chief make an inspection of--aril-busi- ness premises. should clean up its own back yard, at the rear of the town hall. There was a brief discussion of plains for- Coronation Day, with a re-' ference to committee of the whole council. .t -4trellifz-F. Young. -_ It will be Interesting for readers to see how many of they 'remember. • The present 4 t s see .�Kur31e4" .• '»0, y. --u•3 . Carat aittee 04 tho-. Whe e 4 uncil went into c&' mittee and in- teucted the special eosiin 1ttee to ar- ra age a joint meeting of the various apizaaio. is of the town to decide _,>,O for CoAnation Day, The cII 'limn of the finance rcesni Kttee a instrueted to have the tax col - lee 1t take "drastic action" in the matter of ta$es in arrears. The question of the beer parlors was laid over. it1a__regard to the proposed ceree-. tery commission, it was decided that on account of the work commenced this year by the existing cemetery committee the committee should be allowed to complete this work and that. 110 eemelWy cO i ii lssron be ap- pointed this years ) 0 O Housic1eani is the order of t��c ' d „i y and wit�l it comes need of E-- Ouse Futn slhings to replace t �e dd and worn-out Stauntoies, &en - meal = •'Papers, ' suitable for any room, , - 4�.. -priced front...® ��tI Cilurtzkao "'Made-up Curtains in ruffle' ale or thenew rI:enrr::; ®® tto OM DEo ,y_-•-. 0 Glial 1kT et Plain and fancy Marquisette, also smart "open- leaves, ' in Tuscan {} Diet. Priced at 20e, to by llo 0 retonnes; Shadow., Cloth and-+'femespnns ;: .tabble, for evet`'jr purposes 'riced at ....,:. ...118 t®„ $1O5 (d. '®on C®ver* See ,tke new patterns in 4 -yd. wide Lino- leums. - Covers your floor without a seam. INLAID .LINOLEUM --For lasting satisfac- "tion, Inlaid Linoleum cemented to your goon. • Comollemica Rugs In the new 1937 patterns, always a large stock on hand. p .o all sizes and boughtL before the recent pace raise. ? ;IA ° I 1N ? `� , =PM AT !Ft fi YOU LE O PAY. LOEtt o �, LU, GaierericPcn The "r eaut'k in in last Wcelea t ipunal of the la merited death :of my old school -.;,,£,ate, Dr. J. 1D. Whitely, and. the mtereame to his having -taught Pehoo1 for c year jar two prow ted Vie to -'loot=: up Vie list of the young Men who passed the =m1114404 n114404 Roc third class certificates 9a the lame year ashe, 18'&0. Candidates from the whole county wrote In GoderIch at that Mae, and the. successful young men were: - Joselph ]3arkloy, Johann 9t1:'1i f, lflt'e tor" .:aerie, Jai nee W. Campbell, Phom- as Campbell, John Connolly, Hugh Davidson, David C. Dorrence, comes a Duncan, Thomas H. Den ,, hag, . t t aro. .shall -44 1raliotxt tarruel- -ice -beet ; William Forrest, Archibald *Graeey, `71;fo ' 'i ' A, Sagan, Wm. J. klanalln, George W. Jaeltman, John J'unleson, George L. Johnston, Michael D. $.Ong, Richard 'Leas, David McConnell, Rob- ert MiNer, Peter McKinnon, Gilbert A. Poivell, ,John Powell, Thomas N. Rodgers. Robert Sample, John Smith, Robert Stothers, James Scott, James Tisdale, James B. W1,Iitely, David Wigetra;—RRo i --Wj tti ,-J-ohn Yrntng: ,Was w" i3+ � r +m r^� 1t >Jitw �Y�m n. 1 London, Ont. („ (t; : a •vr r 7 Senior these writer rr:>lU 21°®rte CCtr r ownship Brothers Plead Guilty to (Charges • --, -FFi es IIarnnposed ira_p_e_maza14,� Trac Cases Two Grey • towa,ship brothers, Clif- ford and GeorgeThornton on Thursday pleaded guilty before. Magistrate J. A. Makins to a 'Vital of ten (barges of breaking and entering and stealing - 192 bushels of ,barley and wheat, an estimated lo�.a of (r' forTthe wi - ers, Robert Sinipsoj}t'tind tti fl'Eiam eel - diff. !Eirt Cardiff lost. o Ill }''"nine bushels of taken .from ,...the home of Simpson, who had stored it in the 'house Per safe -keeping 'and left it in charge Of George Thornton, his hired man of five years standing. The ten thefts, _ acme brothers, were 'made on sloes, each without the, his brother, Clifford y tine of court when be pleaded not gailty to a charge of stealing wheat from Harry Cardiff, but straightened the matter otit when he stated Wil- liam Cardiff was the Victim of the theft. Clifford pleaded guilty to seven charges, George to three. Simpson, who' has just returned from spending the wihter in the bush six miles from home for his - health, surprised the court when he asked if •he could take George Thorn- ton back with him. The brothers, however, had been remanded for sen- tence. "Tisk,' tisk,"," mourned- - -Simpsdn. "First I lose my grain, then I lose my helper." Anther Adjournment For a second time the Moore,len- nings Case was adjourned, tbisr time for two weeks. Elmer Mobre, of Colborne township, is charged with obstructing an officer, driving with- out a permit and without licence plates. County Constable A. Jennings, who allegedly knocked Moore down in a _scnf le__W1W-11 the men refused- to accompany, him to the police court, is -charged by Moore with assault occa- sioning actual bodily harm. Moor,>'s bail was renewed in the Sum of $500. • James Steele, of Sartford, and his sixteen -year-old son, Clayton, pleaded not guilty to (Urges of attempting to steal coal and wood from C.N.R. property. $444, *.. to the serent oeea- owledge of set the rou- No evidence «•u,: offered in a charge of false pretences preferred against Miss Chrh tena Baird, of London, who was alleged to have obtained a dress from a elipton ' merchant wit bout -•pay- ing,.-a;-~'' 'The charge' was diemfs d. ' 11 vatic Cir ;. » u Traffic .cases were settled t . op t, court as follows: Hay & ('ompan , of Woodstoek, paid $10 and eo'1s for overloading ; and Arthur Abbott, of .Merljpp and Clifford Morrison, of . Mount Forest, paid $20 and costs foe a similar offence. Edwin Stevens, of Stratford, and Miss " Madeleine Bell; of Blyth, each paid $5 and' costa for sVeeding. Both were t ra vellia g in excess of sixty miles per hour on highway No. S. _ Albert Albert .1. Harris, of Sebringville, paid a fine of 425 and costs on a reds - leas driving eharge, the result of an adeident between Mitchell _.and_- Strat- ford on Tuesday night. The i{larrie car careened into the ditch after rimming the rear of a ear driven by Plain= 1eling, also of t bringvillt. No one wrap- trust. L2q, nIIa,� e ilei c is z At W'ingh ini at a - morning court =Won Thum 41fi y, taiglatrafe Matins convicted George Iliarcrin, of lllotiiet township, on a charge of oc aniting ttnmornon Downey. $eotible between the til® men' coammnoae i in February. when Downey aecnoc Elastic) of stealing grana and tools, Harris tvao acquittal. The attach erica the result of an i n to chance of 'bsapc>a s of 4 a at the Itoc"Iney gam. tlgl♦at vit=c= wore balm in a tcvoctradl-o v toff attar •est c -Dial. 1•\,.�J....^.^f• V'4.,`,.r;;3, 'i,f�e.. 0 t rr fer tba IrMakeen, TAU Cede - id* op Catu l: r ,; y t i t 1.,,C :k.., ' al's r i t=1: n 2 iic� main, =nun- :fir '� elza .i e3titr #tleta sirs 'e>ra sung( t:.lxa ,, C0'�£," ,:- -49r• Q 4D2 the 0. G. 11. T. and SGIt r,.' ra of ma Galalotr Writ - .++.++++44 - jl alms vio= Imizroor D Alk 49C rE3 and otetv= h 9 not .^di Mat all t3ar.`3G', ote„ t `cot to remoxsta •fzem ttrIr 4 hQ0®aid Vito Brat c ► 1M7. Zli�kAltIDli38 O CST IS.IK' Int10133 nctdoZ41 34) Ce $tern 1?tterina a Svelelf17 ;-- All, WoEtla Q lit,m.r.ntvoall .... Clueet3ctor to j►,allia>o ....,: ia: y of the '�1'1J,_<,..,.n =rent tea will be held .from 3 t 5 p.m. and a salad tea will be served the Q. 0. 1. T. groups at 6 pin. On $ltnday she will 2a s ti t £. r fid � •ti •� d �� �i 4K supliorted and ' directed jointly Jay Women's Missionary Society and the board of Sabbath schooLa and young people's societies. Miss Tennant has. school tvork and eras been a leader in Q. 0. 1. T. grou,s. She Is a graduate of Vi terieirUniversity. Special,;Usk will be rendered at the. Sunday e, orning Church service by gi t o ua tes of the 0. 0. 1. T. groups. TO EET III GOIDIERIICH Presbyterial VMS- _'onvenion_ at North St. United Claurch 'Tuesday Next The Women's Missionary Society of the Huron Presbytery of the I'nited eistrrcr--svili hold its --.eleventh nnn,ral meeting in North street United church, t,otterieh, my- T lesdtiy, Api`Yi- -27tfre There will be two sessions, at 1.30 a.m. and 1.30 pen. The guest speaker of the conven- of Weston, president of the •dominion Board of the W.M.S. Mrs. W. J. Greer, of Winghane Is the president of -,Wit Presbyterial Society. oe Q: .0 Two properties located on tile` Eastern continuation of Kirkland Lake and Larder Lake Mining Areas in the Rouyn -Mining Oisteict, Quebec. SMS,/ QQ RrhrEsoa=.-To:D=oloS7 Prospectus mailed upon request, IllangEsey Seeutetle§lea tt � l F • ;A° i.A• 5 I, AJ11, +1 R�' 6 ' "4 { u i � i k Wl •„^ �j "i D F �•kayh.ixrl A�'fm+`c4`: •'.�' r'.'N.K 1' V YARD $110.60 CASA PIER MN, MIME" OUR OCE E Xe =DIM 007U 0 o Oo o��®���Il �1 o CdUo $7.50 CASll1 PER 7009 Y 5o ASN, FR DMUTE 3I D D. & Ir, Cone -cleaned Anthrac}4Puck ec #� y, o> tv and 1n1&bc •�&„ J conA always in stock. /Coal i' '1.,-.3; , ce and Hardware). Plumbing Store tt the Harbor r,. -., 'li•I[ONES-i-OT®Iit; E 9.8.—] I®UBE 112 Youso Preeoesq„ PORED 1117C .44 • 1937 F WS the economy ear fin the II*Ow-price ffieliall . ma big, family. Gizi automobile with plenty of room for everybody%) legs and elbows, and deep luggage compartment. lt has new beauty, new quiet, new all -steel body . . new riding comfort on tsinds of roads . . . new Easy -Action Safety Irralies that give ""the safety of steel from pedal to wheel.” And many more details you'll like. $30A MONTH, with veasormable down -pay. anent, buy') any nets Ford National Finance Plan. Tudor Tourina -Sedan 7,7 r.