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The Signal, 1937-4-14, Page 8
!•d 7 •4' 1 I • • 1,0 U, , 1rvu0t .4.114 • mr 5 F I✓N 1,•u �i , .. � 1rt( II V a•�i �y�a ii'' U , ,n ��yyyyy+'y� �y .. 'Cbi�c 14 •4 Q aff 5 h- t bber. eek : • ,,..s nco or leather' oles, . Sites -;6 to eC .rs Imo•\\I 47 �S.F-'.C' 0. et,M14rt la)"��i i "l1 r l ` < h, r rc. nA, � ,y J4H n �r u yy r... M1 Y r H y 1. . r y{.y 4 lJ -r f e ,I. 24. t f ---v°4,4 ,' 1, i tl ' , , 100 ' iter t ca h _ , t1 r y It- ° ,, It O fi' uOlb4 �h XM!"!^;1. r1J.70t0t Iu.GA org.4-t � rcl,,•y, '-•,,,,e',.•,.. • ` I( o! : r h e -Wei, R 'uotoitin t Q -''+ort 1�. .'i�fl�eU Y+e ��` YN ;71 ai fat ±1 . -: &ii �elaarch. tae - fhla .t r of that S id,' ' ,b'ooli wig e.givon I,: r :by"• -Misr a . o .' � .i:'i,. res • (11 1 *.avol. 7777 5 ; VeN Ihr':,W�T.nMti', ;are rk, Sr'�' Tip u9 6 — w attic. •w d .� rw >' x•'. F�5& eee P • rtr�{, { 'I ' %` U. Ayey� �1 ++ ��qr i „ F.j' i�. p. 1 tA\ its ♦ 11�11�J"� m1 e(' • ,. X4J4Sa c /` NM,P.1 !<rin�.ix tA,ar0 .�Xa t.4f.C,�t`.., h▪ ... i17d•�. "'- '� ;.4,Jhla,+df. MJr»:'V. V.1.aik;:i rx6�''lrrt3,.e'•._:. I ((�. �y t 4i '•O ,i ty the- too . vm5b pg. "A.2..IW9r+L,1 ii.-- Tat. _. *^�Ni !Kry+�i �,'E, `i°�!_; i' -Y.: ?*4 ,,; .+'u�.'.• _il .t- t,(+T-. ,:t".".'t 1, `•..�;' Meeni. " Il' : _ .. 1g 93 01.18; :.r..�1�: �170..' r'0704 J0 ?�1 �70:7 4 et » .. .eere„ 4:40'f" .:nt9,' ,ahaua e �c, •I ���4CO a ffi.;0C4"Oa' a' {S c �PfL• ?SlNtt RSA?,wMrs ?t,:y•. }� f y " QF'µ` Y A`� Y. � ` rP i3 F^J �y� f ',rO titagtg, 404 ri i ?i �'�'1: !t :.'7'^" j`F'bi A Y14�I+ I F,97 i ' �IJ,µ t�(.F +•.L'�., y++ i er 7 ail ' got' S73Id iith I i eetla r °dl 1Y . �•�tI"�,t L ttvaIrazabotte' &- J,.� �� ryu fae^Td. e� � the 'f �� '`iii r o l 1 �I � AC�dx I r. , illi Plainee, who ctia posett of ' hreOdin f �...` ' .. ..:•..'rr{C�PiZLL ,t,:L��- .•% �le-la. to P.�.ACO/a19.„_ 4,oZe:r.ts ug "AO; ; .Hoi74& lolagehui �'-.the u hothe n,iaY o e O A 11bGh og b�,t057a ,slil& r ntly purchased byMr. • 1u.. - aePat om_ hVme " >(�Y .,'_• i1.I. Yu`l rt•th! -iaifit. tlnr`t a raenths, .-.arid during .gait 10Orti ix -Stewart last a horse' I. a time - h0-' •,pld,e w4'brether betted ' ef:ter peculiar . manner redently`. ]E eiurninS 4.46_ hO a �n the trent It :, of .t, l ielt p.a�r to' bif once one night' the horse fell ;e�46 a 6to.0.s ± `, came 'grain), a�at. ovow' ii' led ;.�ra�oaa� an- . sa _.sia�e �aalo a$ad. ; , tfla��.h 4-- �' . _ �elaIz: tam �e�..0 - i_..�..__.,,n„f,•.,___a.__ , y C..''!. , ee.,,NE�7^°_'.•�rJFr;="� .I.I. .Ai'= 1 died. s d. ,. - � lost'..nom hasher �►f wheat. The annual 'I aster 't�ianlcgffieriin� • ., meting of t'hc; 317.D.S. of : i!431 i The; grein... flerj diy waas ysolc to farm- Presb: Wrier( rt eeurch is tort 1st Iti _ r r nod � i ;the ifsir c ._ ici'di!�. •Yf� �pp LPu V 4'• .t" F 3.vana of Grey townShi .; ;ati4 J. Fer- • sb a, ' .of 1Goderic1. The couple The z E! lases $'oaz�A and yytle Q ald- spent e :We end in 3aiil and aLp- t � tog odor& ► -were gtae�t( on Man- get red ore ,�61r Q .:Weir, IR.; eon , .LL..:`: ... ry{r 9>}•i:,wyl u6 .lf:,ffi18R ,K e �'.'. ppear be - r, . �P. JirAvolzgi.rrr i( yrt1/11 ▪ a holto - rr d atcl'4Y �'E A�+r M'e rY""r r { r�I � p Lam. _>.34R•� A ', • it '.Y y'-V,'+,l .,+"ri r+,V4+rNir "fir Y'y^ 4 " ,,r-(yrrd nn. oro;, a O� ite at b rr is l •P40. •1 �Y e age 1111 x'k �� >.�� ]IDa� � - d , e;,19 nett 'no. 1 '" � � day, °. ' 770171t e xtt the, ae ,. ,' 0!: ]1)i m.. 'illit 11 Ility 01701cgan *,,(N 0,tizatign _spEiattt, .4": _ l cblxT - � 1 t . ' qty 4 '! �1{ll:irfE'a+uH :.�!�. '��'-�1.�` .i��':'�'. 'Q�✓k7l-�tY� ^7� e. t Y, M p )1 .1 J if • ,Ivincrusaa. "age s J.J r_ - .CR UIGNOL OIL WAVE, reg. ;95 • • ...Spaentall 'R g. U.00 OIL WIAVE, for . . , ...$3.50 OI rIER WAVES e .0Vo60, `mai SJ!+0 4. v.e zfly an % errnenoe l (operator alto Y©n II Ianr. ... - ✓'1YM V�(/ i 3-3J tl.�lUTY 317.03P T17,9pa 5 ; �ezt4 dry _ Capnfall Theatre f�1to�� 4'2 4 r' • a044 ,:cottast ,dry t QQQ ti v"� c n4iglorr ,tr 3 71 0, ttf1"0 4', : off: ! 1, �� allett - ' : lc`3. 'man', W t s.. .vct r }� lir I_ „ M1 Q Ci e k 1'IR p /94. Vani :1 on). - � • - ,r G 3_ h ..-��, int c$d , `UQ L ix *v woe- - 1.re6 a 4 • art }, _. daughter, ;l-�arI E', , u'Iy. -T tOP .100u0 .. 001204011 ' h ital, on -M a ,.! rti 1 i unt 'co.t'. o&' Y_. .17A,1'1Yr',' 1.1'1'1'1'9" • r• - • 0 I two bins t t go hand rn hand, ogee l6 ©ppQat pn �f , • Daae,. Kei,anTe G u a m _®y -(616....: ,lI • DRESSES YOU CAN WEAR NOW AND ON INTO THE SUMMER - -' RAYON CREPES, in large Morals, Space Prints and Novelty Patterns`--=st decd' with' High, Lo', or Vynecks Shoit sleeves-, Swing slkifts—Novelty • line—with selectioci- of colors. SIZES 14 tO 20 — SIZES la to y, hf%u4�lY..v onion - •IA„.e,FN ;ccs " ,iy`0 the "gCt ,f the *new t ' in 'Crepe, -Lee, gtIeor ' 0.414 Print Silk—Many any " Ins 32' " "�A,1bYJJ,i S •m▪ m,mR�-^T AYE 1 ,cS posy' tae' Co Line,» •wh1c Ill- presented, by group of young pep -I0: of the'cdrurcl i..- Everyone';is cordhtlly. welcome., nitilletthstItelhidgageKM .., , Cal�l�ell. _ IWIM G , MAFEKfl G, , April 12. --Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 'Alton and family, of- Lon- don, spent the, week -end with - .friends here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Menary . anpd , Irene , spe»t•Suuday- with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Me ary, of _Dungannon. ¢, r. and Mrs. �-yHerb..�} McQuillan, of ll no e .1. SSU J-wlth-Lh 1-i o ally .-- * for . *�tga t e J. Ids Thursd{ . ffeepoon. • , tt to - f akins on miaera.at Bridge on Monday ehen.:teld Mlles Miellaughton, phis °1�.� ��• �• , �+,r'-•S7 � i�ilde on Rt(on. Dr me a r► �fJ• .-.g.��t �-EII . ,Gid 1�E !� Y Whitely, in hip, 31st ye -Ur. The funeral, erviee will ' be con- 'ducked at his late,.htuner • .,..4 adz 1,M' .. Q q� A 2 .m.. nt F Gl �' Q rt � at , '.i.Ilt e, .0.;•."XI a7i1^,if; 1; lF� and loving memone, of our only, vialld, Reginald Ehrboti Jewell, Who 'died even meta ago April lath, 1939, em 0%'''Yeareee April brines back 1101021101te3 . Of a street child gOne.'to met. 'Are ,the ones vzholated him- bes • e Chartered Accountant 89. Ontario street, Stratford, Ontario felth Toronto --Ontario.) -- DT !-wriurzimuty.--suintamom ter' parents,' ',„Mr. and Mrs. Sam. lss Mary -Phillips, -of- Torontte..-spent 'ili 744. `---44":-e-- -;:iiirvieVnirr'alk-,, 'ariiirc, - ' Graduate '-09--thi--lIzegirk. of:,. - Wednesday evening with -Mr. ahd Mrs. rbuto and Ontario Veterinary College. Elmere Phillips. . e°Trtbeer;se io iglittiv'" 161 hwueemkille- se d*ays at • alga Vera rAlizenbY. returned te her enr neighber Sapmill. 'Teams and Weelt. Phones: Day 206; residenea home on saturday after spending a -trucks have beenA-0001Ing from aliedie eme. • „ectiord with huger and smaller legs - , fertnight in tendon. - Quillen • end Dirs. ugh Menary • afp• The whistle ip'phlething new at Wit - 744,N11`36 - tended the funeral of Utak ,aunt• the time of year, .ctilling Men to the work. 10•11404,_Ir iv jr,t,dy, 41 neshNis' small. late, alles. Christopher Raynard, at The farnterte,libt Week on 'Friday spzrunt-n om-weit .housatedoing. Ethel, on onday afternooe. were buoy .getting home.' their fertilik-' Bolt 2, 000,2,1m,..4fras ompa, .5_ Mr. and Mrs. Irvine enrY and osa er from. ZderieSitung to help with the spent Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Thos. uPring seeding._ - Fergusoe, of Lanesville. Our iriend. and neighbor, NISEI Clara ,Mr. Geo. ElenrY, of Wingham, spent Fuiford is- ereiefed back te her far • 'Sunday with his -sister, Mrs. Sain,,, Golisoont_sleugte.2 e.:, 10: !Ong the winter -in Alton. " tante. Addeeas your; letter to M. J. , The W.M.S. ., of Blake's church will -dtilliaa llo*.-e-The. contest , which . TAGO-ART. % A anagev,, New nk _of' hofoldIntie4.el_sr ..,:arisl i.mi;trittL,ting a.:!,, t.isi,,...boo:±6_,. _Iiiinktaie:t.,`htbbegele:_se:gra,ro1147,.,0„;ocintonoltizi8::LIThew Inroata,lidt: _,Tettritio_t,2bforze brreirlddttgisi.n,raH La7:niec.Ixtooncou, rr,(,)indeliatip,te, ?I:Li: viz, pRAQuiss on, the. lodingeeide will be' 'entertain' eauneration will be discussed .when '7144*4111d t'r tvogo '173) E1127°7 ---k.`4".9-* ;jelev_Yoa_bdief 171.1r_1•611.1491.tR.;.al.°.".7AC°11kreed7:112111tit:14,-.. _ ......_ . - -. ' . , ., ---...„--?-7..._. __ LLTT:7--"=t1=162-11:P=P-mnam-'"' , i ti-at--41/0,Stmieli-Tvillii:.-tfe-Iiiii; ,c" , _116"V '10.4'15,1'45wwir A--dieeeriptive note- on the reveiree .e. side of the plaque is . "as- folloWe re don, the Province , of Ontario Vs 11118i a, "In' 1809, two Years; after tient qrtif granted by royal warrant a coit.,,e2 u tomfievp !3,7-,A,"0,.ta-i7„. .10,'Ilriezir''43;44. ,941111-'''atv'Ullil.--N.t.irttlizetraV4rd: maple leaves on a green around qmr- hiciunted oh the upper half liy the Om 00-nra„=, -.Pay - -co..- 2. slum I= To .m„7.ji,,__,E.4r me of St. 'Georg& In 1299 by royal 'warrant theris-vrae added as a 'crest a With bear on a wreath of colore right- nide and a -comedian deer on the_ lbft 'side, „Welber witb the =Otto 0.03/10gleila _A1502 PZI(5.,M e'Urtga-e'per 'dozen, 13e, 16c, lfee; hut - rw-, ¢y\� 0�{,� Q } i 1tutionee ' Is. - 1 • f � ( n LTir, oa (1 4 a. �i Asls t Sc �.. a 0tpt. +sk' 0rfA.�_ • t i�1 04104 ,. �9� fir,, �.A �y� G3�'�r•+r.�_ t l t'�44' fir.:, ,t o ' : unf.,• rw --2ii o• • +t. n §aim._ �� *eaarlor� )T���' �®r �,�Illo did Thorn Mali," . be as p4 h l 0'010 , 'p' Monday'. _ , WO; i , dor the cofltruetiot1Jlif the all ion and 'om. adani$a,�`� ,alums'-��t(�p'.R hi .' 1 r -�y. 1irnn TAW �jy�_y �1' 4 the t� ,!x �t, seat tAi "A ,. • .. _ i - �rKYq��� the . ,; � -t � omp3I.c erd oheojt On `-4: ' tel "b W •Tr lit'.1/ i i Cana a;, dyable . ( .; the Tr:ei r� • . loWeet).er, tear tender not, recce - sexily` accepted. .3* Clerk of the Municipality,4, It 6, Goilgrioh. desires -either full or part-time re- peeeentative for Gbderich district. us€ have wide and favorable acquain- 'glee tee; 3, • latpraneeticay ili% 6.1,,,..41711 &--mtla678 '02 'ectirrafadOtion :1 i 1. s5ti ;1 i iae drwi I d::47.0.tirst:b,:!.i;v:,,,It.m.,,,,,,,i4;;;tactioltuollitztitrr:::::,07ire,Lttl_iiiintft.,4i....,:0,04;374041w.,, ,ertttn,.::,,..i,leat ..!. iatrie.rta:::o:z,,j4iilttaitt:,,e:,t:vt.tt:a:zaawais::e,;t do,:atitli.„11,rfliteft: '1)ASTURE Will( TO AIM OR SELL ..a.notelswida00b00gliteatitiliatertaldartr.421/6p.,?,4.. -a * TrtrblIPSOAN''''Or: '14-A121/11t co', wotaitAgeatiad dotlts atilt tt:le,ittlatkit'tfOt"°011eCit$461ar°"141e14°15.•:127,":4 tondl'ito-lar,,•34:. ;171r4:1 11'1(103111-tOedia2krinaa' ;in' 8itililliTallgd: 11N THE, hIRST DIVISION COURT Thomas Moore Costello, Division Court Judgei'Tuesday, the 23rd day of Marcie JOHN WIIeLIAM NIXON, ,Primarj -Creditor, -4110k-ANDER 41-seCt4BIll-ESTATlir. Upon the application of the PrimarT tor for the applfiant and upon hear- ing read the a davit- of Frank Don- nelly, filed: - • 1. IT IS ORDURE)) that service upon the Pnimary Debtor, Thomas Mceabe, crf the summons hi this action by,publishing this order together with week for three weeks-Preaeding...Thurc- day,- the 22ad day of .A.prii,"1237, in The Signal, a neivspe.per published at the. town of- Goderich, be deemed good and Vtifticient service of tile said su 11 41, sAtIMEll Atmoog erkteg attended fee anyeehereeltert-Vdr 'effort made tO glice Satiate o' tfly NOSE. THROAT. I CE oe :And 'ifolaa .London. Eng. n Waterloo Street "Stratfor6. -vOrEktflOYe." 0'4 ken Wednyeday, April -28th, 'fro $r . -AND IT IS MIRTH= Ofte DER D that the 404 Primary Debtor, to' the said 8111:1113101243 qn the o ce of the Clerk of the First Tlivision Court .the County of uron at Goderich On or before tho Kit day of May, 1937, and in default judement may be signed against him. $142.00 on a 'Promissory note made by the Primary Debtor on the 22nd day of March, 1927, in' favor of the Prini:- ary. Creditor ler_ $100.00 payable twelve Months after date together with the sum of $42.00, being the amount of interest thereon to the 10th day -of March, 193t ° . Ala the Primary Creditor further claime' the costs -of 'this action. • TIDDIEDZIIVANTMED Barrister, Etc. Telephong 55. JP- Barrister and- Solicitor , Vaephcine 512. ALED TENDER!' addreesed to the undersign -and' tefiderSed "Tender meta' e'reeetllay -4.1111 20 1037. for the cation ean be teen and forme of ten- der obtained at the otijee of the Chte-Z, 'Works, Ottalia, 'at the o eee of' the' litZgEfirr Sun Life uilding, Adelaidoz,and torte Streets, Torent4 Xelephone Agin 5391. Goderich. Phone VA bathe. 'Mee -fringe electrie trontmla urday, and on Wedneeddti '10 to "in by appointment. A. ;widen -to and o tee--Octiner of South street and ritannia road, • IlacICILLOP.,_ UTTI6L VIBE MEM - Amp CO. -Farm and 'whited -town prOperty insured. . Seaforth ;. Thomas Moylee, Moe- Male forth; Jamea ShOldice, _Walton; Wm. Thomas. Moylan, Seaforth; W, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton. It2.- 1, Brumfield; R. P. Metterelier„ 1, Dublin; Chas. P. eWitt, Trite Policy-holdera tan matte VAT: . eras and get their cards eeeple the lito-Yal atilt, Clinton; Catvinif), Akeeerle,Itineston Street, (leder otto.7.5tnatilmt,til ,iierzi, f7e't;atlitalii.i.134)411t4t.: ,,,,,Itat2z4y,:.,Aiti,,,,,,,,,,,, lirtfarato a_1141,41,4L,,,rifs4atirystimi., , 0,:r., I ,, 111440,, itm printill tovrao ai ug ritog., ear_eddlt4;.... .4;1..1,4114. tk„q;-:#;,,,,'""-'7'.!"1; Ua."'" ', r , ,. _ , „ vbrithilt ZPtigir ,Ittt, all0drigrroa,1107:14. lintefta-lhiltn,11/04: 041t.j.,44v,,,elfel..2.,L:0143,.w.bet:oul,11,:4,,:t. die,Litio.....,L„,,,,4',41;:,:„.Zeti.11:10,:q*: ',:it2:01ittitortaVa' 46:,0, C...041°UtirtIllit, A,,u,44,,,14.414,44, toi.2,'7.irla.t.t.k.titteintailtritnittr44,41 -atrvOltitipt:vigtti. raoot a.:'0 4 cAri:titcia,'11,Fr':u,,'tnit!ite:ht:::3,';',.,,Dtta,'..':. cs ' 11' '6 ' I;;1;'-',;1,111't'cair")-.1:atit ::.4teolieliit4‘1114:1 it on 4, 41Cdttiozot" 4atif, r4, ,bc,74, cvit.:'.',Iit: ,Zdt rttz 0.6t et..I taw Te bzt- t tanelltama 0.0,16 ,s , .111•.' -::::::, Cseett MO if r. 441v . ? _. 4 - Chetterfields, Davenports, Chiik 0i24. rebuilt,' reCo '. erect•` like-'n-ew`. -Choice of latest ..aerials. laid t �► � ,Guaranteed first class workmanship. n_-�taots made -to Queen An , . R : eedj` epoino-t. `Rees Yi` ble" cess,----'- ,, .., . . b • F R&D' Y-zr �DN(�u_ s a yr ' . e- _ ... •ifmb-r.61ltS rrtL ttwJ! A r. t ' ri • ,Ivincrusaa. "age s J.J r_ - .CR UIGNOL OIL WAVE, reg. ;95 • • ...Spaentall 'R g. U.00 OIL WIAVE, for . . , ...$3.50 OI rIER WAVES e .0Vo60, `mai SJ!+0 4. v.e zfly an % errnenoe l (operator alto Y©n II Ianr. ... - ✓'1YM V�(/ i 3-3J tl.�lUTY 317.03P T17,9pa 5 ; �ezt4 dry _ Capnfall Theatre f�1to�� 4'2 4 r' • a044 ,:cottast ,dry t QQQ ti v"� c n4iglorr ,tr 3 71 0, ttf1"0 4', : off: ! 1, �� allett - ' : lc`3. 'man', W t s.. .vct r }� lir I_ „ M1 Q Ci e k 1'IR p /94. Vani :1 on). - � • - ,r G 3_ h ..-��, int c$d , `UQ L ix *v woe- - 1.re6 a 4 • art }, _. daughter, ;l-�arI E', , u'Iy. -T tOP .100u0 .. 001204011 ' h ital, on -M a ,.! rti 1 i unt 'co.t'. o&' Y_. .17A,1'1Yr',' 1.1'1'1'1'9" • r• - • 0 I two bins t t go hand rn hand, ogee l6 ©ppQat pn �f , • Daae,. Kei,anTe G u a m _®y -(616....: ,lI • DRESSES YOU CAN WEAR NOW AND ON INTO THE SUMMER - -' RAYON CREPES, in large Morals, Space Prints and Novelty Patterns`--=st decd' with' High, Lo', or Vynecks Shoit sleeves-, Swing slkifts—Novelty • line—with selectioci- of colors. SIZES 14 tO 20 — SIZES la to y, hf%u4�lY..v onion - •IA„.e,FN ;ccs " ,iy`0 the "gCt ,f the *new t ' in 'Crepe, -Lee, gtIeor ' 0.414 Print Silk—Many any " Ins 32' " "�A,1bYJJ,i S •m▪ m,mR�-^T AYE 1 ,cS posy' tae' Co Line,» •wh1c Ill- presented, by group of young pep -I0: of the'cdrurcl i..- Everyone';is cordhtlly. welcome., nitilletthstItelhidgageKM .., , Cal�l�ell. _ IWIM G , MAFEKfl G, , April 12. --Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 'Alton and family, of- Lon- don, spent the, week -end with - .friends here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Menary . anpd , Irene , spe»t•Suuday- with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Me ary, of _Dungannon. ¢, r. and Mrs. �-yHerb..�} McQuillan, of ll no e .1. SSU J-wlth-Lh 1-i o ally .-- * for . *�tga t e J. Ids Thursd{ . ffeepoon. • , tt to - f akins on miaera.at Bridge on Monday ehen.:teld Mlles Miellaughton, phis °1�.� ��• �• , �+,r'-•S7 � i�ilde on Rt(on. Dr me a r► �fJ• .-.g.��t �-EII . ,Gid 1�E !� Y Whitely, in hip, 31st ye -Ur. The funeral, erviee will ' be con- 'ducked at his late,.htuner • .,..4 adz 1,M' .. Q q� A 2 .m.. nt F Gl �' Q rt � at , '.i.Ilt e, .0.;•."XI a7i1^,if; 1; lF� and loving memone, of our only, vialld, Reginald Ehrboti Jewell, Who 'died even meta ago April lath, 1939, em 0%'''Yeareee April brines back 1101021101te3 . Of a street child gOne.'to met. 'Are ,the ones vzholated him- bes • e Chartered Accountant 89. Ontario street, Stratford, Ontario felth Toronto --Ontario.) -- DT !-wriurzimuty.--suintamom ter' parents,' ',„Mr. and Mrs. Sam. lss Mary -Phillips, -of- Torontte..-spent 'ili 744. `---44":-e-- -;:iiirvieVnirr'alk-,, 'ariiirc, - ' Graduate '-09--thi--lIzegirk. of:,. - Wednesday evening with -Mr. ahd Mrs. rbuto and Ontario Veterinary College. Elmere Phillips. . e°Trtbeer;se io iglittiv'" 161 hwueemkille- se d*ays at • alga Vera rAlizenbY. returned te her enr neighber Sapmill. 'Teams and Weelt. Phones: Day 206; residenea home on saturday after spending a -trucks have beenA-0001Ing from aliedie eme. • „ectiord with huger and smaller legs - , fertnight in tendon. - Quillen • end Dirs. ugh Menary • afp• The whistle ip'phlething new at Wit - 744,N11`36 - tended the funeral of Utak ,aunt• the time of year, .ctilling Men to the work. 10•11404,_Ir iv jr,t,dy, 41 neshNis' small. late, alles. Christopher Raynard, at The farnterte,libt Week on 'Friday spzrunt-n om-weit .housatedoing. Ethel, on onday afternooe. were buoy .getting home.' their fertilik-' Bolt 2, 000,2,1m,..4fras ompa, .5_ Mr. and Mrs. Irvine enrY and osa er from. ZderieSitung to help with the spent Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Thos. uPring seeding._ - Fergusoe, of Lanesville. Our iriend. and neighbor, NISEI Clara ,Mr. Geo. ElenrY, of Wingham, spent Fuiford is- ereiefed back te her far • 'Sunday with his -sister, Mrs. Sain,,, Golisoont_sleugte.2 e.:, 10: !Ong the winter -in Alton. " tante. Addeeas your; letter to M. J. , The W.M.S. ., of Blake's church will -dtilliaa llo*.-e-The. contest , which . TAGO-ART. % A anagev,, New nk _of' hofoldIntie4.el_sr ..,:arisl i.mi;trittL,ting a.:!,, t.isi,,...boo:±6_,. _Iiiinktaie:t.,`htbbegele:_se:gra,ro1147,.,0„;ocintonoltizi8::LIThew Inroata,lidt: _,Tettritio_t,2bforze brreirlddttgisi.n,raH La7:niec.Ixtooncou, rr,(,)indeliatip,te, ?I:Li: viz, pRAQuiss on, the. lodingeeide will be' 'entertain' eauneration will be discussed .when '7144*4111d t'r tvogo '173) E1127°7 ---k.`4".9-* ;jelev_Yoa_bdief 171.1r_1•611.1491.tR.;.al.°.".7AC°11kreed7:112111tit:14,-.. _ ......_ . - -. ' . , ., ---...„--?-7..._. __ LLTT:7--"=t1=162-11:P=P-mnam-'"' , i ti-at--41/0,Stmieli-Tvillii:.-tfe-Iiiii; ,c" , _116"V '10.4'15,1'45wwir A--dieeeriptive note- on the reveiree .e. side of the plaque is . "as- folloWe re don, the Province , of Ontario Vs 11118i a, "In' 1809, two Years; after tient qrtif granted by royal warrant a coit.,,e2 u tomfievp !3,7-,A,"0,.ta-i7„. .10,'Ilriezir''43;44. ,941111-'''atv'Ullil.--N.t.irttlizetraV4rd: maple leaves on a green around qmr- hiciunted oh the upper half liy the Om 00-nra„=, -.Pay - -co..- 2. slum I= To .m„7.ji,,__,E.4r me of St. 'Georg& In 1299 by royal 'warrant theris-vrae added as a 'crest a With bear on a wreath of colore right- nide and a -comedian deer on the_ lbft 'side, „Welber witb the =Otto 0.03/10gleila _A1502 PZI(5.,M e'Urtga-e'per 'dozen, 13e, 16c, lfee; hut - rw-, ¢y\� 0�{,� Q } i 1tutionee ' Is. - 1 • f � ( n LTir, oa (1 4 a. �i Asls t Sc �.. a 0tpt. +sk' 0rfA.�_ • t i�1 04104 ,. �9� fir,, �.A �y� G3�'�r•+r.�_ t l t'�44' fir.:, ,t o ' : unf.,• rw --2ii o• • +t. n §aim._ �� *eaarlor� )T���' �®r �,�Illo did Thorn Mali," . be as p4 h l 0'010 , 'p' Monday'. _ , WO; i , dor the cofltruetiot1Jlif the all ion and 'om. adani$a,�`� ,alums'-��t(�p'.R hi .' 1 r -�y. 1irnn TAW �jy�_y �1' 4 the t� ,!x �t, seat tAi "A ,. • .. _ i - �rKYq��� the . ,; � -t � omp3I.c erd oheojt On `-4: ' tel "b W •Tr lit'.1/ i i Cana a;, dyable . ( .; the Tr:ei r� • . loWeet).er, tear tender not, recce - sexily` accepted. .3* Clerk of the Municipality,4, It 6, Goilgrioh. desires -either full or part-time re- peeeentative for Gbderich district. us€ have wide and favorable acquain- 'glee tee; 3, • latpraneeticay ili% 6.1,,,..41711 &--mtla678 '02 'ectirrafadOtion :1 i 1. s5ti ;1 i iae drwi I d::47.0.tirst:b,:!.i;v:,,,It.m.,,,,,,,i4;;;tactioltuollitztitrr:::::,07ire,Lttl_iiiintft.,4i....,:0,04;374041w.,, ,ertttn,.::,,..i,leat ..!. iatrie.rta:::o:z,,j4iilttaitt:,,e:,t:vt.tt:a:zaawais::e,;t do,:atitli.„11,rfliteft: '1)ASTURE Will( TO AIM OR SELL ..a.notelswida00b00gliteatitiliatertaldartr.421/6p.,?,4.. -a * TrtrblIPSOAN''''Or: '14-A121/11t co', wotaitAgeatiad dotlts atilt tt:le,ittlatkit'tfOt"°011eCit$461ar°"141e14°15.•:127,":4 tondl'ito-lar,,•34:. ;171r4:1 11'1(103111-tOedia2krinaa' ;in' 8itililliTallgd: 11N THE, hIRST DIVISION COURT Thomas Moore Costello, Division Court Judgei'Tuesday, the 23rd day of Marcie JOHN WIIeLIAM NIXON, ,Primarj -Creditor, -4110k-ANDER 41-seCt4BIll-ESTATlir. Upon the application of the PrimarT tor for the applfiant and upon hear- ing read the a davit- of Frank Don- nelly, filed: - • 1. IT IS ORDURE)) that service upon the Pnimary Debtor, Thomas Mceabe, crf the summons hi this action by,publishing this order together with week for three weeks-Preaeding...Thurc- day,- the 22ad day of .A.prii,"1237, in The Signal, a neivspe.per published at the. town of- Goderich, be deemed good and Vtifticient service of tile said su 11 41, sAtIMEll Atmoog erkteg attended fee anyeehereeltert-Vdr 'effort made tO glice Satiate o' tfly NOSE. THROAT. I CE oe :And 'ifolaa .London. Eng. n Waterloo Street "Stratfor6. -vOrEktflOYe." 0'4 ken Wednyeday, April -28th, 'fro $r . -AND IT IS MIRTH= Ofte DER D that the 404 Primary Debtor, to' the said 8111:1113101243 qn the o ce of the Clerk of the First Tlivision Court .the County of uron at Goderich On or before tho Kit day of May, 1937, and in default judement may be signed against him. $142.00 on a 'Promissory note made by the Primary Debtor on the 22nd day of March, 1927, in' favor of the Prini:- ary. Creditor ler_ $100.00 payable twelve Months after date together with the sum of $42.00, being the amount of interest thereon to the 10th day -of March, 193t ° . Ala the Primary Creditor further claime' the costs -of 'this action. • TIDDIEDZIIVANTMED Barrister, Etc. Telephong 55. JP- Barrister and- Solicitor , Vaephcine 512. ALED TENDER!' addreesed to the undersign -and' tefiderSed "Tender meta' e'reeetllay -4.1111 20 1037. for the cation ean be teen and forme of ten- der obtained at the otijee of the Chte-Z, 'Works, Ottalia, 'at the o eee of' the' litZgEfirr Sun Life uilding, Adelaidoz,and torte Streets, Torent4 Xelephone Agin 5391. Goderich. Phone VA bathe. 'Mee -fringe electrie trontmla urday, and on Wedneeddti '10 to "in by appointment. A. ;widen -to and o tee--Octiner of South street and ritannia road, • IlacICILLOP.,_ UTTI6L VIBE MEM - Amp CO. -Farm and 'whited -town prOperty insured. . Seaforth ;. Thomas Moylee, Moe- Male forth; Jamea ShOldice, _Walton; Wm. Thomas. Moylan, Seaforth; W, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton. It2.- 1, Brumfield; R. P. Metterelier„ 1, Dublin; Chas. P. eWitt, Trite Policy-holdera tan matte VAT: . eras and get their cards eeeple the lito-Yal atilt, Clinton; Catvinif), Akeeerle,Itineston Street, (leder otto.7.5tnatilmt,til ,iierzi, f7e't;atlitalii.i.134)411t4t.: ,,,,,Itat2z4y,:.,Aiti,,,,,,,,,,,, lirtfarato a_1141,41,4L,,,rifs4atirystimi., , 0,:r., I ,, 111440,, itm printill tovrao ai ug ritog., ear_eddlt4;.... .4;1..1,4114. tk„q;-:#;,,,,'""-'7'.!"1; Ua."'" ', r , ,. _ , „ vbrithilt ZPtigir ,Ittt, all0drigrroa,1107:14. lintefta-lhiltn,11/04: 041t.j.,44v,,,elfel..2.,L:0143,.w.bet:oul,11,:4,,:t. die,Litio.....,L„,,,,4',41;:,:„.Zeti.11:10,:q*: ',:it2:01ittitortaVa' 46:,0, C...041°UtirtIllit, A,,u,44,,,14.414,44, toi.2,'7.irla.t.t.k.titteintailtritnittr44,41 -atrvOltitipt:vigtti. raoot a.:'0 4 cAri:titcia,'11,Fr':u,,'tnit!ite:ht:::3,';',.,,Dtta,'..':. cs ' 11' '6 ' I;;1;'-',;1,111't'cair")-.1:atit ::.4teolieliit4‘1114:1 it on 4, 41Cdttiozot" 4atif, r4, ,bc,74, cvit.:'.',Iit: ,Zdt rttz 0.6t et..I taw Te bzt- t tanelltama 0.0,16 ,s , .111•.' -::::::, Cseett MO if r. 441v .