HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-4-1, Page 7, L -e••, -e eine_ e. eee..:e3 c • an 1.• - Lea C-:,;---•1 C 7,3 c2 .to • e2 • VLIn Fee -,27"-• Lel Veer.) 3 azr'r c12 Z.11.c.47.cwar;k • taCi) Atto.s....•-.?.xOi r(21t C..`4:47,7."v '5VV,-.112 ta41e1,1" Q7_:*".3t4 414 ea ft:4;Y tO,',5,0=t% TtiV3,V3• 7., a L_Ivo OVA (at,,,wT t"141.5Yfr 07r4' z3 a • -ft"d0e, - •cn, CL '• v474 in MO ragillt • LJ "-4-s azoto- 0-,-tQrv craw tn.-a C3,-1 ntlt:1* lizota el.)Wo.a 'at4 vt4,- di.44 oti rctr.zr-nr,l' tAkAt72.,...-7112.t4 tho. =co e'-`-•77`47' t°11,0',1, volcr,„341•0 gg T•ava-,17,1‘;7'',.-z'awzta f=.3 V:-?.° teateegM Clon0 et314'4a0D2atla c•tc..zr4, tatIS tb altc.i.„04,4tvi gro ygltt) ,cicitcro ,41 Si tiTA, •c4'4afT.' tt- _ 'tvc,:o'&7.147 t4.41574;:xota Mca=1-tti"4.b.gczo 8"170,7i, Vcoz CtiPEco. 'Patl 1',04=o p; -Vita ant •ItailEak 'at to kto-ct,'0 107 ,at qlato Cfm' vgla t 0=2. "0PP,-.0 •c= to t --(10,7t4•40 k tc) $ .`e 'ese it"le ,vaa'• Pfa e4, Lt4,cr2`240(t' j3 "13 • tet 112 7a' um 4, 0 .tsa a 11 r,"ei•-"0 1?oto 100, o LLf'oz. Ittga =•••,1 .1z5g,• ZO•=.'1 =1:‘14, oi;%y\=•/. ta• - • tSt'OtIlil,"O tita t0,141;4:.•t*-;Alt.'tto.it Vry'lPan covcritYofirb to ow= 20z Imp -44,1d rita OA-) * kiait Ii reToiseeV :N• mi,•• to 11,14 •MI:Z 0 4.74s ,t o &skeet e„. Oval - 44`14e4; itt4,A et, Etr,1111 ,- r4a; cl,"V",), r..,4,--, 2. °''; 0,1. ' , P.1$,,t,', tVa :0410,r0:, , ,, 4,. - = - 7. l' t7'eltri °S41,4, co ,c1T4 to..7o:s7Q,44., ' , , 44t>.-::, '=,,t, -pp.,. .- tv0=, ott.., tt.V.' QM -t1:4 r?1L,-,,ttc-ta.,t,,-,,- .7,70 P; , . cz .':'\%.,v'tr4V4-41P,:.1.,1Z-tga";,,Ac,tat-;,,r,,1„±., a , „:r4- ttozrci,04.1,-c,,,,.„ ,c..,,:t• ,,z..".eT.,ov4 ,cAti:,,,,,,=,,-,7§ QX C3 3t1 'CA11tI.,,X.1; .t..t.-2,;;?);1t t11i.1*4 ZL, NM* M.1--.-aroa thq cptal,t,',. ' ,4',3-. t;0t14,,c:c`•„.1.ta...0:0 ,il't .' t.7p;:o„t,;.c, , tan' ht4t' vAel, tl27!,,r,43"tca al, loto. ; ,-4'0',;-).„r4--,' trv•rt.tpb mgtil-Zia...)2'4:,,,; ., t.- arotletAtl. MOae ',,,., 4 0t, q.:e rl , Se , el Drittl -.6Z)740kg. Ltst),. 0 4t:iint-t.-...ts 3'tp 11pt11ti-,-, 4czr,4.vca 4144m.' 'ZQt:= r1.- .,6`-'44V4tI. - '4'.441,44-':Jitli.t.g. 11 ttatcP- =t4tto '444' ,=,c4.,a*te..1 eta, 14=trti,1 r -P Cc VC? t CC3D .41 " libta147 (3.4, 44'NA"./ ti2 , :Ctt Oat7 4?-\tZ, Oz• 4:Mr 1-141 Zc e33 L3L 4I( 4g4q7.,0741.,cot)0."4= PAE-7,4,?)g.‘.117,r4fdli,c):plticI'ip3N oulqob. , "arla t,t*Ot vtat,ttTL.„-41, 474-z7o,..,4=cra, too. „.07. ca•cti 1,4tAWZ.74 (013arZ0 tz„.•'a oe ii 11 ••-•••14 _ad 4'6 '41 t211.) 4\441 tita On0i. O351. Relpt TIP ee_tb," teeee 4' ' tft." rt, g 4t, 3LTiC3 r;c1t,tri*, ,tIrtta to,,4c2 'Z'A",',U 4r -el e -Ce .Q411t 4 Pe, ..t`, ,tp 11 • -,xnt:4104P 4 tzaur-vb• I t14, .4.1to -0; -0- ant flOa- wdo V4iW ttcom tc, ,oc.lc‘T;t•L'a2'1, a0.1".V- g To° tit3r0 41tla s ihbittic 'tg tL t tt-c0* tp...:,,,-zze,t74„.tltrair.„1 0E1, 4c; 0 3rpi1 31L C3r4t,k l',P",,VcW. gar -1" golz' p a .,PP bot., lo 'than ho Q6 A4 ap, tot 2,ho f,'"ZI•Tg047,b.11,.. w"O',4-o;w41.44a: &Val t.tho• Ca"01Z tt) •it too nta,,otAlmiiv,t3pt r4tolu alarGaZ'Otntation tho. ,Itttor to bat04 ,&7 r4. 4,1 01 .i4lo uttav ka.." t-4,0 OPtla0a0v0 t 4-rs:'..111,4111tv Tiavo. • • 0 0 tiro rotatcati Domoa, tt. wh,10 43paty k4., 9 . r8=', • -1101 TO.C4r4$ 00: 47-3,Tor v.66 VAl6 *, otatmc,-4,- 40,tatY j:61,tatc* t4114' qivro han,kon tottorVation..c0. '94• • ,,;' to6 .1..t0t7 tka' at•tt,„b6 gq14 114% itt lt:Mt 113, 1 tn ti,,x-:41 4". . . At.tron- ,,batoo • 124 ota, tIo e'e"e; 0,a tPfr.70704 — am'45 tL.0 lotterlorpt •0, t4,:ec4 vtowq..c:4 tr04..„ 1-04,, 10 14414 itet-Clinton,,Neeeeepeol,„ lent '01[6 rGet 5Z -a 14 MU rat- fr7.-417,-,-,i,,Z,,,,,tLakito4V,11 sit?' • tv C, o <4 707 Plea 14 lrra41.d. V03. ft`tna •w054 -t=Qatitlza,47. Ink It( to ,t titro ofiso, 'AT ' ••• va*, 04,6rao.1 mc -47 tJ -44"'4 • - , L'Z4 Mt .171'. , attr40141'.;:341-.111, vcQL ovez .r7V-.'tt440-70r.r,D7fq- 3t 1112 <ant a.. •vattori., pr-ia*,•'4Icv tta .VeolS714'eltal Wto44F„4-yote rpm- frl ma 10,5 th0 ziebg AWattatlo„46. .(4914.. z.z.‘at•-•4 1`...aa. a „Great az(1,.zonnt100 oc„,P25.0,4WATII,Piy,,P9W al a =la b 143 vrat040.O. Ana vogu'Llgiqa." 1111W0- 3i' (13,73 rnany Ina:- 1414344a 1v0.7. of to ,read 04,4,01 11116;;VL'aw1/4,?4 C1V5t)%(7a ma 4:1;z0 0,,,ryg6g h waa 111 •" ona trt. Oateo grota wroneter„ oorrie, 111 riaton "andltitiO361t- t11 ,dcathnEMII whtch oe. 02 the :meeting-. Was a aid= LLT jk4k,9-Z1 fg.s gittla Ot3. ,)‘740,,V74'4'.,(rh ,IWt7D-44 w\aa_eot teitcte,roa ro Vli.o Atm tiotorlOy 40"vaatid"V.. ziatt-ot t toe - 40 s 41 Vt=t,a It4Itt;-% -wal tan in "ctlittai Av.stia4, 1817d611.4 Esau:41;11v t14 4„IcaZ4or itc"bt'vslottt, ,mtv tiztthua,460p 610- ' it& t` zav6nGei iVadi; • LIT. 111 cr--=•aa Moo 04k1 o catmarzl LeT Dar- EaM 00,0 D41,1=4,1 Ct:::;=',13 C:1 ElQ1:1141g ,t140 iottotr cat atelatcl t,,,11„;3 CartIlr3 J03. Irktilk. taa t.arGilta of two vv.= trto ZSE:I04d- vnt2,, was ttta <I a c,int-3 wadInC. • on Co-? Oth, vit(s„ti ,e4c;',"t (lanGhtor of ael tam Attarg.,41,2z Wallac9, vaa tnitca r4rf-laco ce1.41 og. r.11: 'UM 17,7,..=n014 ,eaciato411. l'=;= Wo r$z=ntion that C2Walit VotIP C2 VcrIzm had inviter! tirs. 4amts Mar,se of the in° Water t!::::.(17;SI ieta-their twenty - 'one ohltdrcht oh a 1?= trill> to rrance„ bat we have et, !sea that this was a ,r-c?t,-;:c47.-,t.--,-ntation, and no czera Ic.ras entetdcd by the Pre ter 02 Herald. - - :- At the h.;`, -='4.C.,/ tto, briVa =other, EdLot'-e.h71s.ZZo CZA7c,-(Incclak,-7.TaTch Z4th, Vera il,,c.i'klaughter of Mrs. Elt=h;n1 Vcrsythe and the late Hen2;1 ForzYt....t;, Va.3 :112itcd. in =ar- riage to WirSII..1 Gianter, son a lir. and 'VIM Attort Illader or qa.‘e,C-',.2.7,-,_"=;,-.11y was performed by Rev. A. W., C.,`hcpherd e? the 2g- caondville Ctrirn. After a tioneyrnoon• 0 Tzzonto and other points, the 1,-,t,`=„7 CeUe;:e will reside on the_ •T12...11'..L.;:,,c(="'s far= un Ner. •ttighway„wpt Scat'orth; 114 .4, 000........00.a.00.0,..0,01 • Monuments 11 viCilleaSp C\LIN'I-1-72M-PLATING Imam A r-IONTLIENT:— tilt =tens nINORE DIT._!LVG1 s 3414° /LAI ClitIcar.12.1-Earlt-itint'510170 cLa.v.za, ON . • SZLNE—t-,...v.Z.,3? a.,11 tl; rgca Pic 0= 9 p ear= evtte tfret: hatn AtWatI4e4Dlinegn — etictfr\41„.vz3 Ma Shell dealers of the Harriston and Goderich distrIcts, together their employees, n Urine in all about 106, met in Winglaare, Thursday even- ing of' tazt wee:. The linsinesO rt oZ the evening\ was co:lauded in the toWn halt, whote mootlan pletures °tau inStruetive Dind aucatkinal native were shown. AddresPes enplaining the ObjettS and futhre -pOlicies a the COrapauY were given NT L. g. Martin, assigtant trogglat,,, Joel Carattbell, : assistop - deneral . sAalces manager. Vellowing the business led a lItamistrttet was -Served in the Bruns- velch....hoteLthe...enteAfiWilent_bkEhisb. wan -provided-by Artbutv,s orchestm-of tenni and the Exwlsior Male quartette Palnierston. The meeting this vat' was one a the most successful ever held And reflects credit on the district manager, W. Mood, of Goder7. lel2; and W. rreitz, of Harriston, for the efficient' manner in which they have their districts organIzed.—Wing- ham Advanee-Times. r f4M rtuf 11 0 rat tn• GOtins-1 ACt61(of *4'..;sp,t,4t41o,gar Ver alto. 674-` lcIpylaktitci,t14-44 wan 440.4',„ .41td.ttpvt.e.1.1Ott...sC. «s., ', '0..iinte-e-0 t/0441da, front arnthotio. otholqvi.0 erb .1\i, Otykl..1WanTil 16C0 -1.0a vollgaDlp Celatck,4wto otrete,fat)pla,bit; peot;), .t•Z#111.4s. t'r -Wel tkte 21f1 b-'r'oZtifasa,.a.11 the-• Y.,gPD1Cre gcliP 711>77.07.= liest•os•-4,,f,: 1ft It VC -N111113 .4,f ,to •PtTOP, 1144 OV400th() tlilkly ,,v,-11 , tho,. t -OA ono:, te ..4avo qeeeie Cee,) *re lek .<1 01' cta43 t ;Oet :loin= ibmtattvor w''"1/4a7.(1`g tolac.a tra, 3417' et:txilla, 1.4 11414 o tti ttvitt-,)3. ohould and via L%2 COrz wizilr2,_c,. toorgA tIntrI nnovorp tn'-4'77- -cmwa ufai -G3 ) th .1.14 efitka . ntit'aUa V7 cam, thirvoact z,e3ati to a ItgaVcet=0. 04* ,r1.11i,01E4g1.10tr 4:i84r44, „1,914z11-...' Of? Itcu _ Intit4,J to von Month:a la =man and all wort: r'''•'st kirt4t. ,t'tV 44 ' t'11A4 e -110 trill, to Et* ti4ticc 47 :kt4 &al.tcta -7 • e•-• o) '417sa =ZEES. f'ster,Lri lit ic itoccr' to a tots ;414jp041;141,r 0t1t 1011e4.11:1V., _ ti 1414 'Th5 1io'vldtiu6:7 t-lat.zAVY ,44 l';` ILV rmt0-IttopIxt le mo -Tea rf-t-IIT'tzt.*: It tOt -tkaaptlig..b,K,112-An TKO two tom 'two rlabt carry ob? Zna on to 6-ttlibto 4nne ot mont-'.-VT nue L -c-'•'; wfith othor netivitien -that a eotaifta- 1-4:1°11 4'17" to 1 1414 trc:ctla&'.41tat 11446 pat vao vat Into 1trnotmo tonc2zvatOn 0 it 2 tha ro- IPPUOIO Clii4 tea . maining.00dland 11ra0 1 toot soztaitat catEet- onLtt,'" Ittt orr It Or ikfr mit CO- tpta Zot groma idconseratlena ir9ople =Um c-ItI°EattorY 12abababilit9k atai 130Y41 (:13-84141 to cu4 cia tk07 that volaatlaq Wardet he ontv:;:iary ttcaV CIT:471.t1M744:34 1)3. t74", :to. to calza ova =Mum= ontatoday If tea ae= trooda bad tz-e., Do betit.2 tOlt4hto tto 00th W tag' arll ttloy• t)2at. 150t)t(Vo 11 amid =7 the sub-marginat land loft in tltnbor Ix" 4r0 °nth° °t1 1114W It*ictIrla oglazi'VOttg,a104.Tood vat= that enwhe crops and allowing fire to run through too It3Y ontshell? feed, but t1=2 Op ten=o ntiO to (tb tatte to' the. coo when left on evers! 10O.11 acre Parm, and all tk't4 lt,Podtmetba ratIou -riM#Ittann 32 C'2 tar) on that he has rather than clearing for cgriculttral Ill -411m ttP41' 1/14. luldtv shortr 1t 4o ititoarnolli ma lay lors_L4:!,c3tatlY 1"1Catta- -How teh of the Br -3 ts," he comtnent% take measures to cprecerve the wood. lolled ate :nom =Wet to. enKs c *, .31R halt, Esight --he ezpected to wavo Ti ,opt, tkt 24,oratIV littfb and ttra thwtoititigly .odibr .forma ,and _claw that; t*e'. 6 boon com41k4,1111117..., Neeta'Ats: and 0 Great deslto to t,91g toll people. bre= t alb oto-st- - 4f7bao ttS !entitle -pilot- _Southern Trior170 "of the States came Lieu to gq03 vial MO bolt veeevil tha - Van threitening the cotton. crop. 'This pest had to be ught. c Among °thee -things ,he ad - sed f r em te--- grOV7 peanuts in place of cotton for at while, peanuta and sweet potatoes au eo tnerclal commodities. VZ ny who had i:Pmf- lered the rotting of their cotton bap; vests through -the peat took his ;ounce's. When he. saw, the. harvest of Peanutas and oweet _potatoes that reseted frora his advice he-SE1W he had place one mistake; he had not increased the demand as Well as the (supply. SO, desperately, he sought what might be -done--to---use---up-,-the- tremendous-ero ihtii were gotr-from-thMe eouthertfl 'soils. To the liirboratory he at C20111 - Ing to develop commercial use. Slow- ly nature gave her secrets to him one by one. Numerous by-products were made. The slave honk, who never knew hig-phrents and was carried from , NILE, March 30. -=Misses Lois and Joyce Feagan are visiting with their aunt, Dirs. Stanley VanStone, of Ben - miller. .., LlIss Violet Free is holidaying with friends In Goderich this week. Miss Anne Tabb, of Toronto, visited ovef the week -end at the home of her parents. _ Master Elwin Feagan is spending his helidaye at the berne of his uncle, Mr. ilea,. Feagan, of Goderieh township. Mr. Ross Taylor is quite 111 in -Alex- andra hospital, Goderich. Master Elwin Ryan also is on the sick list, at Ids home here. We hope for them a speedy recoVery. ;o1 at'- Easter services were held in the chairch an Sunday. The IL.adies' Ofilld furnished flowers for the occaSion and afterwards sent them to the sick and shut-in of the ;com- yanity. Do and Sa,,V the 11114.04- things In •Ito lq.nT4."-i-Vi'idy•i-,,---”;2:,,' "What're yene„dping with that red ''fatIleiiifew ' - " dilven- .lanip1(14VfO'il'4,1r-lia found It; some darn fool left it beside a hole in the road." , ee'e- yOU SEED 1rnLL I WILL W FERTILIZER TOO ! f.` • .rtbe ry" pa„..0-cam (4cariatAtron ' uc3sta32t,th1 rIta 44111Criud- cum etaullitsatstaa4244 1 -Coe Pc.-reElattzildatiratztitttel-al---- 4dedattlrata. ,,tatttolta. 2,* 111 14 441 Tut n!vo wend thirty -me differ- land that remains on "their formal other diseases that/ hirdto In gc good ,ztta ent hinds,00 min in them ands all of If a farmer considers the woodlOt an WhielY have built up a rosintam. cording to relitorto 4 lata -427 -02 CO24 theta are v1e:102 than a corto milk:" asset:- he win 'preserve It. A wood- owners have had ceasIderable trouble 1070111froln. tt,s' a211-3 of MO rstal Car" lot that pays divide:2dpi is more liable herr =ea ibtaiattna matgrIal .2.fg to be preeerved than one that op_ au,t. thia fall from colds and reap in the the.tralTi of hourez ntd other build111130. Much lar .returno ATitt.1.2, .red vety,8:. fiock. An ililiner -blrel----eusellet- and many cin atle now tarts in the over a period of years. by fellowfug- Elam' eggli, therefrom) It to, imEtortant grease made frorn the edible, imi-nels. foreetry principlee in the manamment to feed the birds a proper - ration. L/ediehres ha v been,,entracte4V-to50. than In carrying on the common prac- Body weight tenet be kept up, a d If ego are wanted a lay maah 24' from thio ground nut. 4 valuable tims of clear -cutting young growth, * c \ , creozote oil mil; an iltrivrtant find allowing tree e to deeay, cutting ah , which bras turned,: out to toe a valuable valuable species and leaving weed "Well. vr t do you want, m Boy; " aid in the treatment of PulrnontlrY trees toi seed up the woods. Farm-enty cents' worth o liver Farm -and five trotade. We will bay another bag of era will plant tree e more readily ft rents chance. pother will peanuts and as we chew them t their neighbor Is making money from bring the quarter in the moraine. abeett the things and tate off ou bit4 woods. hat to Dr. Carver.' All woodland should have aman •' trees coining on ready to tahe the • 1414 A farmer in converention with a tourist remarked that hill father. nine tY years old. was still living and work Ing- on the farm -where. he waa Ilium_ **Ninety pars fed, peer' gairl"the tour Let. "Is his health good?" " `Tatto't much now. Ile's been complairdn' for a few mouthn trocie" "Who t's the matter with him?' • '--41 donno; nome times I think that farming don't agree with -himl" t •e Ae4 4,14 )40 .-G`x.cion Lincisw oSrnitht hkk place of the large tree;:o that are cut. This reproduction may- lieL.--ecured na- turally, that is, from the gtvd that fella from ,the large trees, and the fa rineflAfeetr ' Wit Ailitt?Tio e'Utili outlay. It is a guarantee that there will be a woodlot there fifty to seventy- five years hence. The natural repro- duction le interfered with and in many woodlots eliminated by' the grazing of live stock. More reforestalon could he evirred In a few years item natural reproduction if all ceoodlots had the stook shut out than will by planting in the next fifty yearn. 4- The _main aetirit,v 41 a eop.5e1vg lion rommittee should be education, and the following phases ebould be em - pint : 1. The value of wooditote to the farmer. eonriounity and Province. 2. Foreotrf principles that may f.conorn1eally he practised in woodland '1 on Southern ()ntario woodlots. , In fully ninety-nine casee. out of a. disrourage ordinal-) weeds. and one :I. The necessity and the teell 1 hundred- the average garden needs a good anneal fertilieleigeeearefully, top- nt establlahing plantetions and m Intl, good 'piece of 'huven. to"- show off the plied to prevent burning, will feed the breaks. eirinicipalitlee should take adlerfaiiges of the flowers. ' The. green turf aets.as a neeessary - foreground. and.' of "c0111*Se, it mitkes the best pos- sible carpet tor...._ottidoor play or 11v- ing4eeta. Grosit prOdeles the all Im- portant contrast for etone walks, walls and hedges. And a good lawn, of rich green and- velvety softnpes, free from Vegetables one afternoon too handed humps and 'weeds, *IF fibeditillenit to et- ,-„,.. .„ ,-„derixu, frum---Blunel'r daYs tain. Prelitninferk tireeaittihrid,-'fireee:.; 'When both seaS011753 and time were ever. are advisable, bemuse mice estab'I limited. Only a fee vegetahlect were fished It is hard to make changes. grown in the early days. FA' wtItuneti -There ere two Ways to make a lawndid not have the variety to offer and. For quick results sodding is the usual the average Mato regarded the =Alen grass eufikeently to provide healthy. the lead In planting. as they elIn welt even and deep green growth. Gimes the fifty to Kerenty-tive years It takes makes Ito gilowth in cool weather and tree. to grow .to merrhantahle SIZe • la W ion should he wettest. therefore. In b the early spring or fall • Planting on the Farrra The old idea of planting Woodland on the farm iu consItiered Sonattll Out all the vegetable PP411 011 1111 asset bv most farmers. The own- er of a ten to lateen acre woodlot Is independent In regard to fuelwebd and lumber for repairs and minor building around tlie farm. An tigrieulturel -dietriet will erne- better rerops and '11 ving eoutlittions are improved If ten to fifteen per rentof aye area le in ne part of the farms whefe one crop is a tlie %Ina rabbit ittirf-tiii-eatizr tvinlihre4k for Tana wittt.,,r pia;t1ce..' -.there, arc some tikS' teetieriV•iietifeti e ,s0,1ef,reett,)el. If orditiarz 'field sod, Is inii:Ciatikeit et:hi liie lis ti I" 11 tl 1 1 it ( am it lig.. sun r 1 o so( q fall of weeds and the grass Is of in- ferior „quality. ei, eeeseettavolly pmedble. bee as a rule the rover - The second method of obtaining fr 'age gardener elope, not produce tine. lawn Is toy seeding. This Is II gond thing like the varlet:1.i thit le po2441111e. deal ebeaper than sodding. and While A:teen:dile experto4 point out that slower at first produces In the end a there Le no (mem? for runt:Ina out of _i_pti-n. of much finer and better grass lettnee early in the primmer. for PN• 11110 one that win (continue to IniprOve ample. whole. nfter the eea4o11 fog the 1 year after year. One nhould be 0111 i'0- leaf variety. head lettuee coot& tn, ftil to eeteare the hest quality of grass grown and then duritd the hot wentle seed and this must be eown•liberallyiler the ('ea type. The latter In a court - Preferably tooth tengthwiszi and acrosei,pail. conbeal-Shaped type whieli defies , to Maitre oven rlIstribui4on. geetling'f'the tient. !Ake the head variety it 'should be done. of Ceirree, on a wind- ;should he started fairly early. prob- 1 less day. . i ably 0 week or two rafter the first leaf Long hefore the seeding. how- ; is sown. And with nearly all Gebel' I Have ever. the gnu shored Ile i'Vegetahleq. through the elk. of several arellliedll worked tip Into a flue state i tepee, It Is IIIWSIIIIP to spread seedinC: nvs,p,_ Of fillth. Any little hump e 'Mel linevesting or a considerable ' --ehould he -eultivated- --ont. the [period. . .liellquei. filkid in, and - after 'settling' Like/ the Ordimary garden 6 . filled otain, If a verk 11011‘,Ty roller is :Sott Stitcl varOILY, ctv4rn -Rag I, itn r\ nit)liliable, this should be • nsed. fed- ' Peas Barb- ,al. torl eV -4'1'11 (carts'. 'or lot*it l'AIO• More by the rstill or a bar- ' .-- I sr --,f-4 ifq::-.,-ata thcit row. Witen.0110 its Fra 0AM theiootnal is he iiiit In just as steal as the gott ta lotot Mid goling to remailruo. then tlt fit to woric. A mod plan is. to OW :,:e'erl*oltOcalid toe sown ahd Alto soil sln in a foot-tterm) trmzell f1120,1 to. Vcitt4n I fitet rartVd liOnY ono) Walk' 0015.• td VIVI' /miles of Me., topOvitt2 Vert ver. rev ,fho 1.1cgt.fotc, wootal It IAIIP 'eta aradttaItP. og C",'. • I-:.;'-':-'7 10 not,6A5.',Iry ie gii .ivr4,,:,:e 6112 1=4,-,:ilozi.% jibiLt ttt-Uda Tel ezinrgtvx-W' tt anp el tItetlo tvotda i.',4°Lierat hav6 TlanUrt;',, itztouratz4 -47,- prentott IWO t.1),eda prt4loutly ta II*,',,..e:;rotIlh t*, otV the Ant - It oUll ,D ina3r ilob ifoNtAatrst tio, volt i.illotr iv,;'.nr,9;',' ill'..roa 'r"... o as Or ,Ai10 tlft0 11011,af V4104, t 0r t-,ilzklall, tfy..3 btrx-0-1:ca A v,:vVi.,'4gtio r4Ov'ilite,,. li (r.41tv:altalt !VA' ,., ',.%1Illy.' to 4;1 cilly ,tilart-,tihi,n,;tOn::,-, 4-,'"-.4.1, '' An = ilt1/4'..iiltX,21 tntt,''' a"4"t--4,:i,' Z-,,:f..,:.•L .c6.;a:,;:;...:at* 't`cr‘t•a'P.- 1niZT ce;:'•.,.2.-17 t"..•1•7,,""Xo vgp:.1 tt.=, t..3 t4g.1! t. -:,,...,,-,,...-„,„„n. it h tip -rre af,Ant104,..puar-to-mita7,47:27,, nit'st"4".mr 'and' Is held afid the vegetntole'Varden is'") egn`r"' "("l'i (IP 11"U/a atterc sae - t11 -01? woo1- ot' tr"VeiVitfatilitIrfx vvfortuov4stfosi.,,,Ov nettu tos' n reservoir that 'tenors the 3 -erre round. With a climnte 416 to !Jeep a reguler ftIlpply of water in rigorous 0P4n.ft.aoin 'to stich a thing is the wells and oiitrIngoo. , The a eea In w oodla s bout(' itocreneed In many MP:trio-too and tnoort farms would he wever Ir sotne plant - Ina were dotoe. Each farmer should earefully survey lids farm. and decide on the Norodom,* that Otould ,ir pia nted. Verv little plantina °is necessary or will tr sneeeeaful in a tvoodlot that Iliac not been pantureol for Wars, teu natttre has 114I4.101441 to the 41111 41 rtlnZ of 41 1111W el -.4p of treeo. ['hinted tree41 would he crowded oat 113 the vigarreo. trceN . -that have sta rted roan seed. Tree4 may he lentited In a rOTIIPT that ot geed NI up or an eVOrgreco, Kok nine he needed on the north est Hides of the woods. riling will he oureeeseful In tin "etured woodlot. Theeplanting ed up the restockine, and it Ize owner %In opportunity to in- , vtilunbie speeles emelt as pine o'otilc and White net) teitIte 1e atiol enenr grate under the shatle nf trQPrt sue) r1 proplar 'The freea iti ttiol pato rid tanderp1antl114 and ‘i-qufro the sie-foet strap- ozwn lana wilIvary:iottral tad 4tgP.4 ow!, `14au17 farjiht ta#tkir i/VrrArgr, "htitaMo trz,a2 D,c1.1,-Tatits)zt-,4,01111zoMptto:-Ilit'a ti .‘,--,1.--..,-:,,,, 1 , 1 t"4.,-zzo mo,ccr.t, ib,,e,kplai r„42 -3.L. --;.t -c.,' r,„ -,-:,,,,se 0..lil . ., VauCCI CQ.:.:?,-..,';7;.T.t:‘:0 aniT-')4' ' o) ,, tt* -17B, 71 )" .14.4.,14 13 w4n1 6041 11)1 open give; tradO, pp-meo r, -.e t „ Ceo DI.=.1t0.1117 t:',.e'r-Y-fe'eree%e •••••••,..-0,.r... a111, eatio'gr• ryar$cl iv_a!, —aggtin=00 at vfier, _ Vi? B unDwaryur4 ' Huron Ohl hooy. Graduate Goderich Cone -aisle Institute, 13510 WOST WAEIDEIN DERROIIT, MICHIGAN, - treenc;ts=3 cm CM TfiFtti:t IUG @ph -Ong 1102 ED) te • Farmers 'Will benefit by over $100480 yearly through reductions in rural tele- phone fates, effective April lst. In this district rural telephone rates are reduced 25 cents per month -43.00 yearly. ahoo vocluncatiano aro— Noad ieutADOD Mocgr-aones— , reduced from 30 cents to 1-5,C4rIltp...pQr. rirmnth 111)dsit type' (ef(ective with t!er bills). Ona'0110011001) ekaToo— uzincza_telopi=cea vedueed front $24145 to 06,04,1s3 r (where instrument !girl_ telephones, reduced tfto81.0 ; in - aide move charges' reduced Irom $1.00 to $1.00 (effective April kit). Mari? hod Lazo B3aDoute,o CcflOs 20 -scent peraon.:to-person calls reduced to 15 cents. "the entra toot for reversing charges on calls to nearby places is cancelled (effec- tive April' lot). 000g 3o00 =- The special type of equipment available for the hard -of -hearing is reduced from $2.50 to $1.50 per month. • lrigae reduction% especially those akfectissta farmers' telephones, will tend to increathe the amoral use of telephone service, malting it of greater value to every user. et, .71-4tee , 44414144 s •