HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-12-06, Page 9ColnPlete Results 'of last Monday's Mnnicipla Election 'in HuTon ,County - "on page 18. ' 104th, 'Keay -No. ,48 'Three Seek Post of Deputy' -Reeve, Five New Councillors a Certainty In Monilay's-ilunicipal Election Goderich (voters will go to the polls next Monday to choose, a 'mayor; deputy -reeve and six coun- cillors. Voters in.fils David's and St.' Patrick's vvards will also be called upon to select public school • trustees. Deputy -reeve John Gra- ham received an acclamation es 'reeve for 1952. Mayor. J. snackins is beteg oPposed by John IS,pain in his attempt at re-election. The :contest nrousing, the most •speoulatien •.is -the three -cornered .fight to fillthe adeptity-reeve'ss elair left vacant by Mr. daharn'releva- tion to reeve which 'office has' heen left vacant by the redrenient-Y,Of Reeve Earl ,Elliott from municipal politics. Another, point of interest is that there will be,..at least five 'new faces on the council in •thet Councillor. Leo. Walzak has also retired from municipalspolitics, and three other members of the 1951 •Council are contesting the .office of 'deputy -reeve. They are Council - :401.s .Allaire, 'Drennan, awl '.Jackson. .List of randhlates - The following arelhe candidates for• municipal, offices in. Monday's election:: la4Y011--4. • E. Huckins, John Spain. • RDEVE-john IL Graham (accl.) D'E'INUTt-REEVE Joseph AI:. laire, Elliott. Drennan, Raymond Jackson."' • ,(00IINCILLORS (Six to be elec- ted)-1William AnderSon, Robert E.. JACK STODDART MAKES . pgRAcmous RECOVERY .Jack Stoddart,referred to as a "miracle man" by his (lectors and nurses, is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Irene McAstocker, ,Kingston street, following his discharge from hospital where Ire Was confined for more than two months following a 'fell frera the mast of the Stasbuck on September 25 while the vessel was in Port Arthur. .• The accident dceurre.d when Sted- dart was comingsdown feom fixing the range lights on the after mast. 'He •suddenly lost his grip and plunged to the steel deck below. He was rushed to 1St. Joseph's hos. pital in Port Arthur where x-rays revealed that he had a fractured pelvis, injuries to the left shoulder end elbow, a broken noses slight coneuesion and' a cut left Oehrows . • Blacked :Out Stoddart says that he. fortunately blacked out as he tell so that lifs niuseles were sufficiently re)trse.d to prevent more serious injury. • On- lookers told him afterwards that he "crumpled like are accordion" when he hit the steel deck. • His doctors sa,y that they don't under- stand 'how he remained alive: •While he is recovering, Stoddart can't put any weignt . on Ills left Side and ' may have to have his nose broken again to straighten it out at the Workmen's Compere Barnes, .Ernest Fisher, William sation hospital in Malton. Just SEEKS "FINAL TERM 'Kenneth J. Pennington, C. M. Robertson, Johns Vincent, -.William R. Wood. •o. •a'k• P.TJ,C:---Dr. W. F. „Gallow; George MacEwan (amis.). ISCII1,00/_ TRUSTEES ,-r St. . David's Ward, William T. LiniThy, 'Harold W. Shore, Jelin Thorpe; • 'St. Andrew's Ward, Donald .Aber - hart (accl.); 'St. deorge's, Ward, • Mrs. S. C. Anderson (accl.) ;' St. Patrick's Ward, E. G-.• Kershaw, Joseph Moody, J. J. Morris, with • Carleton •Worsell by acclamation for the unexpired term of W. E. Dockstader. • • Towx 'WILL CONTEST ASSESSMVTT, APPAL s The town of Goderin will contest the appeal to the, coanty, judge of Mirton Kilpatrick against the de- eision of tbe court of .°Tevision CiiI .an aPpeai against the assessment ;of Kilpatrick's Windings on parts of lots 215, and 10, it Was decided at the town council meeting Tues- day night. Kilpatrick complains that the buildings havebeen over - .'seed bY $325., Two appeals to the county judge against the decisions of the court s of revision have 'been filed,. Mr. Kilpattick's and one by Mrs. L. K. • Wurtele who complains that she has been over -assessed on both land and' buildings on her property on St. Vincent street and Gloucester Terrace.. The appeals are to, be heard on December „.1.8. Town Solicitor, Town Solicitor Kenneth limiter appeared at the council ineetieg to enquire :whether the council wanted legal reaesentation at the hearing. He pointed out • tbat when s Mr. Kilpatrick had ap- pealed against his assessment last • year the ,judge had said* thee the ----assessnient was too, high on Mrs testpatrick's, house alone but that th4 towil-itiseetor had -taken the • _view that this' applied to, all nets. houees. Councillor Jackson ,said that the judge had • expressed the opinion that assessments on all new helms Were too high. The _mayor said that 10 per cent; had been taken off the assessment of all new Ifoneeti' • but that Kilpatrick's house is much Targtr than hiost new 1iouses4 , -,Mr. Hunter enquired whether the evened wanted to put sMr. Kit- 'Detrick- to-the,expense- of appealing awl lost his assessment every' , year. "Dide the .judge, go throngli the. „Kilpatrick ' Iniuser naked the mayor. .4Ile didn't. go Through any of ' the homes," replied Mr. Hunter. Opillien Not as Good .."Then I don't think. the judge's opinion IS as good as that of the town assessor wile Atnlic:es lils gs- sekstaent ateoialing .te _the regnia- • Timis Speclifted' by ',the provincial geferlintent,'"-said---MrAltieklne, - Is it my, understanding that `you Want to .fight this caSe On the ••grounds that your assessment is fair?" Mr. Hinder asked. .-.."That was the opinion' of the court' of: reVision,!'. Said. Councillor '„Incicson. , . «•• A inotiOn by Reeve. Elliott, Set- onded by Cooneillor, Witizak that a legal defenee to contest the appeal be prepared was earried. limy, hesis "taking things easy" but rest ets tiffit he'll. be unable to play II ey .h,os for, teen 'years. . .. . • STEVE STO'THERS FETED ' AT O.A.O.'(GATHERING Mayer of 'doderith •for 1951 who will be '''Seeking- re-election, in next Monday's s municipal • election for 'What lie told*. Friday night's nom- ination meeting Would be his Onal term. Ileis oppbSed by John Spain. CORRlOeTION An announcement in last web's Signal -Star concerning the signing of . employment contract's by the Goderic.h Manufacturing Company and" the Goderieh • Organ Company with' the International Union of Operating Engineers, Lecel 798, said that e basic Wage increase of from five to 10 cents, an hour had been granted.. This should hAve • read from two to 10 cents. . RECEIVES ACOLAIVIATION Knox Men's Club }folds Big, Auction for BuilOing Fund. More than 1500 people ,:yisieed 'MacKay Hall on !Satiudayssafter- noon and evening to purel„,nise a total of '05 'articles at the anction. sale held by the Men's Club of Knox' Church in aid of the 'building fond for The ne4' church. he sale netted $1251.50. ••s.• Auctioneer Ed. 'Elliott, Clintnns worked without remuneration .from 1.30 to 5.00 in the afternoon 'and from' 7.00 Until almost 11 o'clock in the evening, knocking down AO items of .value, „donated Iby chitreb members, asa a • power chain saw that went- for1,145 and hn antique French clock of blue china for $27.50. ,Buyers of antiques froni. as, far•aWay hs Seaforth Ind' Tees - water 'attendedthe sale and" pins • chased a number Of articles. • • •. • • JOHN IL GR•AHAM . . One someWhat Unique feature was • • • Thursday night, last was,' .Stev'e Stothers Night' at the Ontario Agri- eitstsral College,terpli; when 600 frien0 of. the for er agriceltural representative,. for Wellington coun- ty met in CreelmanUall toi bid farewell to him on hie retirement from .the service. Among those pre- sent who speke in praise of Mr. 'Stoners was Hon. Thonias L. K.etis nedy„ Ontario Ministersof, ;Agricul- ture. and ethers prominentlit; On- tario agrietiltiire tidded to the .'gen- , eral' tribute. On behalf of, all the agrieulttiral group S in •Wellington county Mr..Stethers was presented with a handsome cane and a leather wallet and Mrs. Stothers with a bouquet of rose.-• On the preelous' Tuesday even- ing Mr. and Mrs.j'• Stothers were guests of honor at, a banquet of the ,Arthur L4ons1C1ub and after complimentary, addresses were with .a beautiful, silver tea- . . , a carton -of gasket • handles which Gordon, McManus, presidentof the men's_ 'club, said "sold • like ,hot cakes." The., Auctioneet told. ,bis Customers that the bandies were for garagedoors and he ,couldn't get rid of them fast enough. , • -.• ' .Special Assistant '‘V,AIXable, assistance .was given to the auctioneer by Mrs. Elliott who 'distinguished rticles 'of 'china of lm unique value. r. Elliott's book- keeper, Danny_ olquhoun, also gave his time, and'services to. the sales, while 'Harry ealeCreath spelled the nuitioneer off. Probably one of the most ap- preciated donations to the, sale was •a water -color p.ainting ' of • • th-e elevator by Philip, 'Carter Johnson, erehitect of the new church. The picture was purchased by ' R,."', M. Menzies of Purity Fleur eStills. , ' There were so many items don- e red to.the sale that they. were not 01.1. sold, and so•the Metes Club 'de- cided to.bold another session last •night : '' , '• - '' pot. • .. , • . , • • As already noted in these col- umns; Mr; and Mrs. -Stoners have taken up residence in IrsiicktioW, not far from the farfn 'home In ,Asheeld where Mr. •Stethersspent his early years... - Save Time and Money! Here's How 0_ • Goderich merchants have tried to lighten the load of, you ChristMas shopping by making'.': many gift Suggestions in this issue of, The Shift al-Sthe ,Christmas shopping number of 20 Pages. ; You can . help, yourself by going through these advertise-. ments carefully and making a selection from them of suitable. gifts for persons on your list. Keep this issue on hand and. refer to it Just.before you leave • on a, •Christmas shopping ex- iieditionf., You will find it will 'save you"bOth time and money. Try it. 1 AT: JHJ WATERFRONT." Two vessels arrived at the harbor Jost week 'with • grain sfor winter storage.. They were the. Mantadoc on Noveniber 29 with 239,000 bushels 'of wheat and the Port Wil- doc on November :30 with 299,000 bushels of oats and wheat. Arrivals at the Goderich Elevator and Transit Company during the past week were as follows; Decem- ber 1, Starbnek, 104,000 bus. -bar- ley s December 2, Laketon, 295,000 brie. barley. • CUBS' PARENTS NIGHT •••7•IL••••••••••••• Deputy-Reeve,Of Goderich for 1951 Who received an acchlanatien as Reeve for, 1952 at Friday night's nomination Meeting in the town hall. • Candian Artists • Thrill Audience in Second Concert • Retiring ,Members of -Town Council Criticize Apathy Two retiring members of the 1951 towncouncil urged the public 'to take an.increased interet cipals affairs at , the norainatiOn meeting on 'Friday night. ,• Ree': par]. Elliott Said she thought 11. would e a. good idea Ira lot more , people came out to council meet- ings, remarking on 7the. fact "that the • junior hamber ef ,Cseineree• sent delegations to attend the early Vert of the. year. • "As .the saying goes, If you don't Attempt anything, you don't aecOnn--'. plish anything," said retiring poun- cillor Leo 'Walzak. • • "Few people at- tend 'council meetings' and tonse- (silently a lot of misinformation gets around. 'How many people,. for ex- ample, know that, according to o1: - ficial • standards, we . are ander- polteed.• • As for the salary .,(fues- • tion, 'Mr. Baker Was, not' alone In re- questing pay for Outwit Members. 'An old-fashiened town Meeting might he ,the Way to get 80111-eof these questions :answered." . • • 'Increased County Rate . • Reeve Elliott Was calledsuPon, to answer a number 01: 'questions front the 'floors including one .by C. M.• Robertson, *candidate for council, who wanted 'it ,explained why the assessments Were increased as was the rate And yet there was _no sur- plus, at the end, of the sear.. * ite wahr reaSon '. for increased. taxes was • the inerease in the courity--rate over Which 'we have no control," „ answeeed the reeve. "Another item was,the arenas" in enswer to another question, Mr. (Elliott said he would hate, to think that 'anyone would -fail to make inipeovemesits on his property liecaase .of the very small amount that the assessor might add. fie •reminded his iitrdltq)ec, that the :ISsessiOnt ha• d been entirely _gone over. . , • s ' s$iinple Figuring • "As far fts the town's !tinanee8 are concerned it's a simple -Matter, to tigare it out,*7 said Centicillor- Walzak. 'Pll•grAnt you that there may be errors . here, and:"there in the assessment 'hut, everyone knows that ,there were, glaring 'inequities in the previmis a ssesswent and We are getting it straightened out."4 • ,stistais .4. • DOE HEARS PETITION * ' It waS an appreciative audience • s 'which was present at-'ne second *concert of the • Canadian Artists series, arranged by the Department of Edgetition and, presented, by the •Godeeich District Collegiate '4nsti- • FertYsPare'nts who atteeded Cubs' "Parents Night" were intensely in- terested andsentertained by verious groups tit the.26 boys who, are being s. •instructed•In the • work of the, Godes; rich, • cubs, •under their eubmaster,. Bushell,- Who Was asSisted byhis son Ronald; a King Scout, in •Monday night hi MacKay Hall. ince 'withdemonstrations of Nth work and its Meaning was ex- -Wined by Mr. Bushell, who, at the opening, Of. the meeting welc•onted 'the parents. The boys -went through the aliening -ceremonies, the mean- ing of which was described by the cubmaster.s • . • Mrs. John K.„„SuIlY, -Ineitilref .the parents, .expressed *appreciation of the splendid . work Mr. Bushell is doing •fer the cub's., • , •• ' • - The' •meeting was opened mien the Lord's Prnyer and was closed with the grind hotvl and prayer by Mr. Bushell. liot chocelate and cookies were enjoyed by •all after the ineeting, the ,choeolate- being • made by • Mrs. Bert 'Mills andSMrs.' tute on ThUrsday night. The concert Was a rare musical treatand that the audience enjoyed it was shown the enthusiastic Illegalise accorded enc,h artiSt. The proiram 'was introduced: by Mr. Ralph _Marro, . chairman of tbe Goderich:' District, Collegiate inste- tuteslioard;! in the alisence, -bee:time of illness, Of -Principal A. It. SOU:. Altjthe alists were talented Cap.- aditins. French Songs Miss lerdnia Skakune soprano, was bein in -Calgary,' Alberta, of l'kranien parentage and the .concert was 'opened by her singing a groaii ofsskitench songs Which gave full, play her lovely voice. They were "Arabia" by BeZet, "Chem Keith Hopkinson, lierco President; Purchases Godericb Organ Company • ' One of Gbderich's oldest industries, the 62 -year -Old lEtode--; rich Organ. Company Limited- yesterday was sold to Mi. 3Co. Hopkinson of Goclerieli, who also head.s the Iluion Ungineering and Research Company Limited, Mr; Ilopkinson.plans to .keep thesame name the,Pocleriell .9rgan Company, for the newly acquired plait old to make )14.• changes An the staff which at,„present number about 25, The.. • The boys entertained their andes•Nuit".by Bachelot and the heauti-, fully sung "Les -Mies' de Cadiz': by Delibes. • Mary' Nay Sehleehtifig, violinist, is a student from the ,Royal Con- servatory of Music at ,Toronto and at present teaching in • London. Sire •played "Praeludium and 'Al- legro" by Kreisky, a lovely .melody, which she •followed • with lalasort- 'Kreisler's lively "Rondo," for •which. ,she was 'accorded en ovation. • With charming effeet, the pianist, Miss 'Thelma Ahannes, played two lath century sonata:C-15y .Searlatti, And Weber's 'Perpetual Motion." She ,is a popular perfbrmer on na- tional 'network -broadcasts and was chosen tostOur the Prairie provinces. Baritone Soloist, . 'a Pleasing In variation nquelity of tone were a group of songs sung TOWN COUNCIL BRIEFS Thumbs Down Of 125, letters sent out by the. Own clerk -to Goderleh merchants' regarding extra polieing, only nide replies were received. Town eoun- eil moved that- the letter8* be re- ceiVed and filed and the matter dosed at the cobncil meeting Tues- day night. • The clerk's letter suggested en - •gaging an sadditienal police officer te patrol the Squere and business 'places. wlthin, the fire -Ilmits from midnight nntil dawn. It panted' out that in some other municipal- ities the additional expense is borne by be parties receiving -the pro- tection and that if 100 merchants were 'prepared to share in the coat, it would :not exceed free centS per, day to • each property. owner, Threeijn Fivor' ° FEED frrOp LOOTED Provincial police are investigat7 ' leg °Saturday. night break-in of the (1... R.Yalientid ,on feed store on liarnilton street., • A quantitY•,,of, eigerettee valued at $40 Wag 'stolen: Bafrance was made by a rear door. • ...•••••••••••:•••••*••,•,•04•• •.• NtWc0503141-4314A0It Nirs, Win, Blaek, 404)derich- notincoii the marriage of her (laugh,. --fer; Itl1zabeth-tIelep,*to-Wm4. John , Newcombe, on.. Xret..and Mrs, aoim W. vIveoral*, Clederieli.,The marriage took /Agee at Thorold on • Aegtet 0, 1061.. :10nlysthree itierchante ;requested the inuseuni, ,subject to the selec- the addsaid, itional protoetien and • tion of a., suitable site by the town More Police • A motion that t Mayor 'declare Boxing day, Dece her 26; a civic holiday Was carried. • • '• - The cetincil also passed as motion by Councillor Jackson that each committee chairman' prepare a brief atuninarizing his .dutie'S for mObers of ,the new ' cOuncil was carped. The briefs are .to be presented to the next meeting of -council in coin.: mittee on approval for incorporation into *the standing rules and regula- Oehe. . . • ,Fire Engine, to Museum ,* A reeommendfation of the fire m tomittee that the,„old lire engine, ptirchased by the town In the 187013, be loaned.' to • the Huron County Museum,. on' the pliderstanding that it be kept Indoors, was approved. Council also depided to „grant a pernlif "WV' a log cabin to they vverd prepared, to par, for It.. -Ot'''tbtserOnes •steitt -he -w as,prepare to pay not in extdsi-of :five cents per day., inhere *as no other solu- tion 'hiltthought that the* cost of adequate protection should' be borne by th&ratepayers at large. Ile was of the opinion that a police officer should be available at all *times - night and' .'day -;•and that there should be a large enough forte to provide for this. " One _merchant who said he was, not prepared to pay for the ad- ditiotial protection said to -"let the few who Want it do the paying or else hire a night Watehman. "Almost' • 100, per cent aP41iy," remarked the mayor. low -Rental big of a. road .to the north. side of the town clerk reported that he the hailior . was refetred to the had retelved fifteen enquiries- con- industrial committee. telling the ,ailvertisement rgarding • iflotibt waireipressecity the town housing under the' tio- solicitor abbiltthe possibility Of op. minion.Brevincial` building scheme. Proval he* givenby the pepart. A. motion by' 'Councillor Itiekson ment of Highways th bylaws setting that the town 'clerk ascertain thow up tWo;20-ville-a.h.hour Speed zOnee many. applicants ;would qualify in the -t9Wn. Bylaw 40 would runder the prov.isions of the plan esta,I)IIsh 20-an-himr and haVe the 'data.".ready for the male 011 1)ritannla•rottirtrom. Softth 1052 caitneit 'Was tarried. , protection of school thildren. Pen- alties for infraction of the speed limit would be not •less than five dollars and,not more than $50 fii. the first offence and not less then $10 ands not more than $50 for plant now makes toildt seats and drain boards. • • by the_ baritone soloists Robert Foster, 7who was born. in Sasktiteh-: man and •was a former member of the R,C.M.P. The songs were "Alma Del Core" , by ' Antonio Caldera, "Poor Peter," in three pa rts, by ,,Schumann and "De Proven'/.a Il Mar" by Verdi., , After singing,"InVictus" by Bruno "Preach Not TO Me, Your Musty Rules" by, Dr. Arne, "Hills. of Home," and "Rolling Down to Rio" by German, Mr. Foster was heartily applauded and generously game back tosing magnificently the sabsequent offences. - ' • stirring "Yeomen of Englend.1" , Bylaw' 47, prescribing a -speed Miss letonia •Skakiim was re - 'limit of 2o. miles an hour on the peatedly recalled after singing 'Square,•provides a penalty for the "Cloths of Heaven" by .Dunhill, "My first offence Of not less than live Heir from "The Chocolate 'Soldier" doilairS and nOt •more than $50; and "Spring of MY `Heart" by or' the seconi ortence of not less Strauss. • ,She responded • with a 'than- '$10--Aild not more- than 4000 and syinpathetie slnglng- of and snspension of the driver's "Bless This House." ' , license for not , more than three , Roumanian.' Da*ees months and for any .euheequent ,Of.1 Exqnisitely pleyed SeIettions in fence 'a penalty og not lets than • „seeond group by,MleSSchlechting $20 sand not more than .$200 and were Roumanian Dances by, Dar- ospension of.,license for not More- tole; "Humoresque and, Brahms than six months. ' Artingarian Dance." She responded e Only in Parks • when' recalled with "Banjo and "I am. very _doubtful • if these by- •Piddle."- . • laws will be *Preyed 1)3' the De' OBrilliaall'gxecut,ed,‘piane'lZI:OP iiient of flighwAyS," Mr. Hunter by TIreinia Johannes were e. jileas- 801(1 In a letter to the toWn•cleseh, Ing Annie to the program. Her Art -selections were----"The-elutse",‘''bv -specifically states that bylaws MO Kreisler, - "Spanish Dani -'e" by be pasesd by local municipalitiee-•,Grenados and '"fiiiprOmptu in sA Only in caSea where the -.roads riin 1 Plat" and ' "Waite Opus 42" by through a pubile park. ...Tills clear- chopith ly does not apply to the School zone! bylaw. • TWO ACCIDENTS BIAME "It .may be that the 'department' will treat the Square As being pal Of the Market Stellate within the • ' • ' ON SOFT SHOULDETtS definition of a park," the letter Hitting a soft Shoulder* On the suggested. .tli concession road of ,Colliorne 'Connell refused to pass a byleW Township on 'Saturday II fterimon prohibiting the parking of vehicles, etciiied ft ear driven by Peter from November to March inciusive.t"ettt -Clinton to rollover between the hours of two a.m. and, eleVeral times" resulting in $800, SeVen ans. on any street exceptingdamage to the car. Thedriver was the outer 'elvetunference of t1f.6 ( 1111,L midnight on 119ured. I , quart frOln KitigStOtt street A. to fontretil Street and on genth street dtihip thick*, driven 113'iSattirday,' r (Urchin Nei - between the ,Square • and Bight 4504 Of Clinton, hit a soft shoulder avenue. the bylaw weitild have Of 'the „read on the Put Line ,'of provided for'theIemotil of vehicles 004er1e11 Township and turned over, from the streets at the times spec)... etcasing41100Ydamage to the vehicle, ficti by the town forpnian, the•owner Nelsen suirered minor face and heed „ 40, • thel'Ofu,Atudrde, Nueote7,011Zt is ex - petted' that new lines will he added to the present ones Whiela neeessitate en increme 'igs.staff the plant. ° There • will be no connection, whatever, between the -Psi= .Ens gineertng 'CorapanY Limited ,mtid., the Goderich. Organ Company, the' latter being run by Mr. flOpkinSok. as n separate. and distinct indostry. Manager of the' Goderieh .Organ Company has" ,been .Mr. Frank Saunders, who is retiring because of ill health. • . • The 'exact date of U10. founding of the toms:nosy sis Mit precisely known but , part -of the present. property was deeded to the coMpAny in .1880 by the Canada 'Company, In" 1892 the -Company' - sens - ipur- eliased by a syndicate inchiding Jim MacKay, Jim Clark and Jim McIntosh. The president of the company. at that time was J. T. • • Garrow and the' secretary, Menzies. ". Makes Purchase • A. little later, the 'late Alex. • • Saunders,. father of 'Frank Saunders and the late Charles Saunders, put - chased. an Interest' In the husineei and eventually* bought the bueine outright in 1903. • Mr. Chefle Saunders eventually, headed ' the' btxsiness Until his death in • Detent- ber, 1950, when Mr. Frank' Saunders carried on. Originally, the company made organs whitii= were shipped All over CAnada and to Great Britain o Iso. Mr.. Prank S. -a -tinders • recalls that many of there. Were - sent to Glasgow, Scotland. In '1930, the nitrunfasture of organs wag discon- tinued •and the company ;continued ,in making pitunbers' woodwork: Peak • employment at the .plant , was6 during World War ;I wben shell boxes W'ere made.sfor war lall(lrt)ele.2s0 eeitliidphityneees:.staff -numbered , KEITH °HOPKINSON • , Pl.'esitient and, .denetal Manager of the Huron Engineerings and Re- searen Company,, ,wbose Purchase of the d'oderich Organ Coinnaey. was Announced 'yesterday afternoOns FOR CITIZENSHIP A, petition for citizenship • for Margaret Jean Ljangsten, Gbderich, was presented by Crown Attorney H. Glenn- llaysf'K.C., before Judge ,T, M. Costelleln County Court oh Monday. The applicant was form- erly Margaret D. • Bryant apd was born in San 'Francisco, California in 1928. Her .husband,Nor; mad,Ljanggren was born at Manys ,berties,` Alberta.Her application will be recommended', • '. • , Mrs. Mary Helesic of doderich, a native of Ciechoalavakia, • took, the oath of allegiance, ea her, citizen - shin papers have been granted. • • Special, dates were - set for • five civil actions listed. • — . "-A .recomUiendatien7bY the -fifiltiftte) committee that the question of the bylaws tovering salarieS for the maker' 'and' eoUteillork be referred to the 1952 council Was. approved, . he following apPOintrnents were made t� the neNviy constituted Mait- land Cemetery Board George Mac - Ewan and fl. , 0.. Sanderson, for three years; 'George Mathieson and Ployd Lodge for tivo :ears; Miner Cranston, for One year. :A- letter fro& the towinolicitor, J. •K. I-1Utiter, saying that 'there' wits nOt likely to be a hearing by the Board of Bailway torarals- sioners on the request for the build- Joy -riding Airmen • Released on Bail -44-ourT Members • Of the -RCF. Radar School, Clinton, • pleaded guilty to a Oarge bf • joymriding 'before Magistrate D. • E. Holmes:, K.C., hist •Thursdascs" They.. were Edward P.. Johnson, Yvon court Valilan- (ir:ih1 C. MeNathara and Charles (4 Hu1.t , Grown Attorney H., GlennrHays„ K(1, 4014! tile. (111)11. that.• the guar,' tette took 0 tail. belonging „to Roy Mane, Clinton, from a perking let 'at the station and went into Clinton. After a round -about seseela by Pile police the car was fennel behind a theatre in Clinton. ' • • • They were released on their own bail of $200 each, to , appear the following •week. • They were told to pay the taxi artverlive d011arss and bring the receipt, and beprepared' •to make over an amount of money Thursday next: Left Hand Torn° Ford Cunningham' pleaded guilty tosSitteking '4- . left 'hand turn, bn' Tomtit° setrect' Goderich, ii front of a 'ear driven by Prpvincial Cdestable Parkinsen. • i}le-was fined five :dollars and • costs, or seven (1ays. .& charge of careless 'driving againsto Frank Haines, Tnekersmith, was dismissed. et; to the Day/field ratittor the.: te paY Charges in tonnettion With injuries. •4, • 1 tlie removal and be liable to' a rrovinelal Constable' 1)000.141 fine of .not ,less, than two thIllars• Trunibley* IrrOatigated hiith tifid. net • Wore than $10. ° cidents: I o WHIER T TO VOTE Polls will be opened at •the following places on Mondayi•December 10th, frinn. 10 o'clock a.m. to 6 o'clock p.m, for'Goderich•0- munitipal elections: • . , POLLING SUB -DIVISION NO. 1 At 'Gardner's Garage, at corner of Victoria Elgin Avenue. , POIIING SUB. -DIVISION NO. 2 At Mr. Skeoth's Residence, at corner of Bayneld Road and 'Britannia Road.'" POLLING SUB -DIVISION NO. • At Mrs. MeGraw's..Residence, afEast street -and Victoria' 4 , 4 .Street. Street ,and - ••••• „ PO4LING SUB -DIVISION NO.4 At, Mr. A. R. (Bert) Mohring's Residence, corner 9x- • ford and c ainbridge streets. POLLING su13-Div-1810N NO.:5 At Town Hall, Wtst street. POLLING S'6B-1MVTSION NO. 6 • At Town „Hall, Bast street, POLLING: SUB -DIVISION No. 7 • At Miss E. Bec;Ik's ReSiden* on Victoria street. • POLLING -SUB -DIVISION NO. -8 t'red, Robinson's Residenee, 59 Wolfe street. POLLING SUB -DIVISION At CorniSb. 4leetric, on 'West §.t.t.eet. POLLING §UB -DIVISION ko: 10 ,,At Mr. Chas, Black's' Residence, 'on Montreal street. • •POLLING SUB -DIVISION NO, 11 * At Mr. E. W. MacLeod's Residenee, corner of Elgin ' Avenue and Wollegloy street. POLLING SUB -DIVISION NO, At44/frs, Vsrm„ 01. iteSidencts:: 0,411 Dritannia.'routl. 1 • Visitors Throng to Watch Parade Croved8 of people' including visitors from • as far away Sea•-• forth, Amberley; BelgraYeandf•L'Ondeshoro lined the . sioaie and connecting streets last_ Thursday to. watch :the , colorful •saitta clans painde• ,sponsored liy. the Junior Chamber of 'Commerce. when it was ' all ever More than 2,500 kiddies to•ok advantage, Of the unique opportunity to sit on „ Santa's knee and tell hirn of their most ardent wishes Os to-Christ/nag gifts. • The procession was led by afloat ilontaining a huge replica -of Jumbo th* elephant playing?his' one man • bandfollowed by 13' other doats of , shnilar .size depteting various . scenesfiont fairy •tales and ."rmrsery rhyTheS.These included the mouse.. who. ran' up the clock, Oinderelln, Jack the Giants killer, • Old ICI'ng • Cole, the old lady Who liv'ed in. the shoes' St. (barge Itnd ilis:4,ragert ltTld the teyland express. • (Behind. these. floats, came 1Santa's •4)eeia1 .train bearing Mrs. !Santa Clans and rhea . •Santa himself with his reindeer. Costumed Figure ,More than -80 charactors In A variety of costumes took part in. „ the parade, including turbanned oriental potentates, °cowgirls. royal. courtiers; court fools, Robin . Rood and his Merr3r Mbn, -cowboys,- In-, dians, ,Eskimoes, workers from Santa'S toy- shop, raid the ytembtra OrSailtirieonit. rn addition to the recorded music emanating from -the flouts,' stirring nutirtitii airs wre rendered ,by., the Vroderich• Bine Water ;Band. , Many families made A holiday of the event Goderich' children were given •.a _from school and bus -loads: cif • came Irani qut of town to view. 0* s,proceSsion,...2•" xi* Itort mum OROP IttiblVli • Two,,hundred and 4.glitY41Ve lers sons are enrOi4 in rural edInninit ity 'night Sehool, elasSes In tle.- county and about 35 more elPeeted to register on Thursday tverdpg,• DeMtther 6.• 'Most et ,the toutside tall work haS now been tonapleted with utmost all cattle stabled for the Winter and the, Majority art;in good cow dition.-Vhero -IS atilt considerable busking earn fo be picked. Most farmers appear,' to ittrO'e twilit/Cut supplies of roughage -and, Co0136., grains • in • storage .fOr the winter months. Arill1INT1,11) more ENGINtillt IL, J. ()Ingres-a 8tretford hati ac(el)ted the ',H)oiltion of mite oti• Outer with the (Maudlin Tar and Chemical- company: litte, Sr. ()Ingres hod fQmIly lurPeot to•loresk Stratford itt the p-4 of thio.wg to make their ,hotifte i.n (logivitdiu