HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-12-06, Page 6-PAOi $I , This ad sponsored by Better Business Committee of the Goderich 'Junior Chamber of Commerce. 47-9 neetetetmettelitetwetmitootoometetOmetrottormeteervetoccetweaskreral Christmas Trees Order 'thernNOW hone 730w or 47Q i TODAY` to But d0 t i a ointment• later. avoid d s• pp OUZ WHOLESALE"~rRIIIT AND PRODUCE at" the rear : of Godea1ch ' Fruit Market on East Street. 47-9. A tz-n a Pinikalall'i13,aar't-ot=t'i aZ7-2''t`r3ua9c;t`'j .,-` 113 ;G` E4-`'1.-Zil drb.+i`ski"'estikaYe'.2 - 2s-ZZ1M-2•1 o I steric Dwelling Erected r• cte in 1836 by George Weston GOD .' th 1.1 Yars House ' in. TornshiP (Frown Tho London Free .Press) Lug cabins are becoming ,rare •in Ontario today, so much -so "'that in Southwestern Ontario, ilei rt I \eitl?, 'first curator ur the• esti I it i ioneer Jluscuni (,the forlaler ,old N .rth Street Public Sebook•it (lode rich) which was „(,'stabiished. last; July by the Huron `County •Couucil, toured' tbt , epuiity til purchase aril original ilouie of .the -early .settlers for' the county m 1Seuln, • A. reeent- i,ssue of ',Looking Over 'Western Ontario," featured' , weekly in The IFee Pres'r-showed that the curator was .s>u•essful, and that the 4ailin he bought was 011e' of ''rnr•nber•ry'S landmarks,. located near Bluevale. The cabin has been dismantled, only to be 'rebuilt and occupied •by him. * *„ In» Cloderich Township, B'ayttield, stands a qutaint.log home, 115 years old, Occupied by Mr. and `1 •s- ,Frank Picslt. It was built in 1S36 by George Weston, N1rs. Picot's nraternarq; grandfather; The hand. on whk1r it was constructeda was bought by tins brother, an• employee of the Canada 'Co. The land was :narked. by the- »felling of a number of, trees, so that partiepar spelt, Would be 'easily recognized -by George when he•.came. ° •George Weston's father,, General 1` eston, came to 'Cagada from Eng- -and fought in- the 'War of 1812'He awl his family were taken prisoners, and in 1814, while they were- still prisoners, George was born,, i. 1.011, * * *.. The cabin; Picturesquely situated 011 on 80 -acre farm, of which: 35 acres: is.:bush, IS built of cedar togs `—that is all but one log, which' is of -_ ash.. It 4s • 13 by- 24 feet in dimension, a one -and -a -half ' storey RtrllCture. - Once* •whitewashed as was the -custom qf. the early.•, day,S, the interior 'of -th'e ".i.tabili has been covered and .wallpapered.) in ' more recent 'years. The beams, all cedar, are five and a- half by seven inches, and the •ceiling' of -the. ground floor and; upper floor are 'of butternut wood. ,In stniuinr months, it is as 1.001 *' as any •--modern; 'air -condi - 4 inlilding, anti' U1 fine* »winter, ' it is heated by a wood hell t'er-- coal lire is too warm. Incident1y, the 'fuel.comes sir iii , the. bush on thee' farm.. 'Tluti Modern . Beating • system replaces the :tiler brick .fire- place 'l111ilt•-with.' the cabin, but torn out years ago. , . ,. ....Over -'a• century ohl,'..the) cabin uses coal air lamps' for fighting,- but ighting,but the. uioderrr telephone .ivas in- • ,i4 alled -a niiniber ..of years, ago. -tf'i,rantllnuther 'Weston's own.Spin- ' ''Hing -wheel • i5• still in the .atic, . a_ discarded -hitt not; forgotten relic. I A dollar ;gold :piece,' one-half incl. -On diameters and,• -da ted'•];811, which }wa ' used as part payment to George• Weston for eattle-he 50l(1, is today treasured (1 by ',Sirs. Picot. -.George (Weston must »have„been an ind115t ions and progressive 101111, -for he 1lnilt :incl operated-- On his property: one of the 'first sawmills in Western Ontario, and letter 11e built a lime]:fin.- People ea me from • miles to see "Nanny," thi;atirst horse, in Goderilth Township, • 1vh-ich••-he' pwnt'd and use I to draw logs at the mill; , *• 4. Mrs: Pieot has li•Ve(1 in her grand- father's home all her Ii`fe kith the 'xeeption of. a few yea rs'» following her marriage. Her father; Walter •1 Weston, son of George, Was •born .there and 1i,ved all his' life there. Oeeasionally : artists, some' from 'our* neighboring country to, the south of its, call at the Picot .home to sketch• one of the 'oldest •hoines i11 Ontario, which lies on a. hill banked with cedars,, and `overlook- ,i'ng ., .d. ;•alley through which, runs a stream. - • 4 Rclassi led1 ad 'brings results . ¶i1 UR$DAY, me. °tb,' 1i'5J, Neweetleviiikwoolowectocivotioctioc �- 'TIAs OU I.STMAS, GIVE, ,Golf Bags Golf • R.alls� Golf Clubs Golf - Ca.dyr Carts Willl be delivered any' time, including Christmas Eve. * • Frank Reid- PHONE 346. At Clitristinasi -47.8. Still standing in .: Goderich Township after 115 years, this log house, occupied by Mr: ' • andr.Mrs. Frank Picot„ R.& 2, Bayfield, is a read link with the district's past, Its history is described in the -accompanying article. •. London Free Press engraving. Lifelong Learning Democratic Hope` k •.)By J. ROY>j$IILEY • f1>'rector of -University .Extension at the. University -of Toronto) - Lifelong' learning is t11e, real hope oft our d"ernoCrat*y,; the. old view 'that a •Canadian's. "education" ,ended'with elementary or seeoiidaiy school -=or "even with university— has been piettyvell discarded. On all sides we find acceptance of the premise that learning•,is 0 `con- tinuouss, process. - The materiatists.say the ,ultimate' in humanatta.inineirt is "',security" --adequate housing, plenty of food., 11 minimum» of work, and .n1 worries or,' .responsibilities. But such -.,,.a •lmrely - materialistic'philosophy has truly been called '.the )sleight of 'intelligea1(e .11x11 18 110se 111110- an educated animal. .' ,Spiritual' 'values' must •rte nurtured and nourished .from the cradle to the grave. .Statistics show t11(1t 11pbrexinlate ly;if} aper --Hent of all (`anadia ns are - over (11. The trend to longer life' expec•tiIney' is' c0ntinuiny, 'and, yith the- field -for :adult c.dtl41)tion. as grating year lis year., At the 5atne tittle, stir travel, 011110 a11(1 teleh i,5iuli sire bringing the 'cultures— of ,far- trlvay lands to our doorsteps, .Massey ILciioI't.: The Mini -key 'Rep -ort on'. national development In the.arts, letters,. and, sciences, has. eiuphasired tile :vital' 'For all 'round heating satisfaction buy the famous .. • LEHIGH', VALLEY ANTHRACITE The name Lehigh Valley is your assurance of top quality ,coal, 'known for its consistent dependability, : It gives you, faster,heat, burns longer with minimum atten- » ian °acrid saves .ybu Money •on your heating 'costs. LEHY IT VALLEY ANTHRACITE BBRWIND POCAHONTAS •MALBERTA BRIQUETTE$ • CAVALIER and -YANG STOKER C0'. 4w lw • AULT'S CO. • Phone 75W • . East End •of • Nelson St. Evenings 75M 45tf, • part; -that the universities play through providing a centre for adult education. The `report points out that not oily . does the university serve voluntary groups,A.--is al'^ the fountainhead, of a iStrganci of cervi ltlllal. • :activities..• r tJ iversity libbrliries, -coliservato:ries of music, 'collections Ofpictures; -fly's; grama,- phalle records, ntuseum 'materials of all sorts are placed • a1" the. dis- po5a1 of the pub1iC,ifl that hospitable spirit' which is in .the university 'tradition. The ; •unl.ite,rtity'- also reanches into the conimunitythrourgh night Classes, summer'''. Schools, musical organizations and extension departruents. 'They n provide many with ••an opportunity to broaden their ;interests' deepen their ulad •st•xiding. 7.`aking, the Uni- versity of 'Toronto'as all example,; 'recti ret oft almost every coilcefv-, able subjeet are• available for adults of ilii ages. • The • lien ,wife anxious to snake Ler .119ine' beautiful may study period furniture at the Royal On- tario Museum. .Men -or -women whd. realize». that the express thelmselves• is liandi(-t1'1111ing, them in business (1;i' C0ltlnlunity•. lffe have 0• \111( .cif cOU1'es in, 1'11i71ic •tn 11. 5.n(1 in Spee'ch ImproVeinent to choose, from.. .Courses are ivcn in fmodern 1anguages, Slavic subjects, home goiclelling,' cEnglltsll, • 11/11510 '•n'iipl'eciation;, ivagazlne' writing and_ many, other- subjects. `• 't\'tanuatl. Skill • •_ In .night elaS'4es in ' technic.tir schools, handicrafts give, • many people a sense of relief from strain and a feeling of accomplishment. ?or the man who sits°at a desk all day, there Is no pater therapy than to acquire skill ;with his hands: " All •of this. effort , to furnish facil- ities for adult eductatton steins from a realization of the•need to provide a balanced life for the .individual. Some people14hoose a, different 'uni- versity course each session. Think •oi_the interest they add to their lives. over a. few years. 'Education. is a venture of • faith in the-fut)ire, and those who think of learning as .a 'continuing 'process Will find life, full' of new and' excit- ing experiences. - • - �' A joyful, happy way of .expressing thi season's greetings in gifts or decorations for the twine. Alwaysappropriate...alwaysoppreciated! POINSETTIAS and other Christmas plants for home, friends or customers % �� CORSAGES , . , for holiday;parties fir CARNATIONS and ROSES , 0"For Aift,arrangements We send Chrtsfmas FLOWERS -BY -WIRE anywhere Your Satisfaction Gvatanteed .- • b law FLOR1STS JACKSoNS ,'PHONE 105 Lova R4r ito X'R /'1 �IPA'OS 0/1 Op ,ONTN THi=• EMBLEM QF A' QUALIFiED ELECTRJC)AN .;iron - •_... . & -GIN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Your Agent ' for GAL Delco -Beast Oil Burner. -47tP • »- �° ...*.nom The Leader in safety--"Unisteel" Body by Fished Theaeader in beauty— grate and elegance in every fine' detail ! The. Lender in safety, comfort -- insulated; welded, solid steel Bedy'by. Fisher! The Leader: in Alloy,, • ease of driving»— Panoramk Visibility I The Lender in 'comfort body', lhorbughly insu- later'' against vibrations, noise,dirtl • y}Y ilff'c• n&Y } S dt Q 1a The Leader in comfort --t- rick opholsteries, leg=room, head -room aplenty The leader in thrift-- Chevrolet's blg 9P h.p.,, 'varve-in•hedd `engine, a rent penny pi"ncher!' The 'Leader, in riding comfort-•- , full width'seflts, room for 'nil' ' Tho Leader, in;!ow-cost operation—world'll)amplon vnlVe-in.heod rtngine! Chtioso Chevrolet -- The leader in solos.' and popularity with all the features. ' your want! The Leaded" in sgfety, ,with' the now Jumbo- ' Drum brokesl•• ANY way you look at a Chevrolet, you'll find, another good reason for its Leadership — another .cleat: ' and convincing explanetioU for the fact that more people ‘ly‘tiy Chevrolet than any other car. But the best proof of Chevrolet Leader. ' ship ^ is to experienceits performance on the road —its • glorious comfort, its amazingly easy Centre. Point steering, the brilliant response of the valve-. °itt•head hevxojet engine. .And1dorl,°t Forget, Chevro», let; the " ender, offers you all, this and the lowest price, t oI So visit your -Chevrolet dealer ., see and dri -e'Chevrolet for yourself riglat away! Theleoder in. owner loyalty I You'll be proud of your now •fhevrolot 1 Chevrolet's tinte•provea .Eowee fide Aulomultie Transnnt.ssion* \coupled •with the 105,:h.p. thevro, AutOMATI`t TRA•NSM15510N let, YQIVe-Ln :lead Ettgille with IIs r0ulic valve ° llfters'and Econot`Ifiset• Retie Axle formd_a peerleds Power Teale that is exclusive to Chevrolet in its held. into clutch pedal l No •gelirshifting 1. No 'power 'steps or 'surges a .Only hitherto tan dreamed. of, (Iriving"eaee and Velvet' velocity .... a smooth,. , unbroken flow of •power,at all ,Engine .speeds 1 ., $Comttnotfos of Pow4rG114e Auto�i atit '''ran ,h(asio„ earl• 105-h.t1. ngihe optioriat fort ife' Jiuz'tattnadeis o! extra coAt. - WITH TIME -PROVEN •C-l1'SI tt