HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-11-22, Page 9.Tia it$DAr, NOY. 0244, ,19111 r kir 1950-51 Windsor -Detroit Metropolitan Champions SANIIS ; PONTIACS For quick results -,-try` a classified ad in The Signal -Star Garrity. and District .-"Word has been receive14of the death, At RO etown, .ask,, •of Mrs. R. A. `(Dietl:) I%X111er. She - '.vas forruerly Jeans Todd of St, Helens, John Passnaore, ws»lro has' been: Hydro superintendent—at leusall f'or the last thirty-five years, is retiring at the end .of this year. 'Thos. R. Abraham has 'been ap- • pointed acting reeve of Turnberry for the remainder of 19 $1, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Reeve Underwood, • The ' McGowan school, No. 10, East Wawanosb,; was re -opened last week after a, lapse of more„ than six . years; The teacher is 'rMiss Mildred Biggins, of Morris tinvn= ship. •. Miss Higgins was teaching do S.S. No. 7, Bast Wawanosh, which its now closed becaus& of lack of pupils. • Miss S: 1. :11dLean, who' bas re- signed from the teaching staff of the Seaforth putUle ,school after 41 year's' service, was the guest of honor at a gathering of the staff and pupils and was presented with moneya, purse of money ythe school board, a radio by former Pupils, and other gifts. 'Donald MacLean of Luckno'w • has been a patient in Wingham hos- pital, ospital, for more than bwo weeks, since Suffering a back injury lit tc :,;til from an apple t •ec., at Douglas' Graham's, orchard. 'Mr. MacLean has been put .in a ' cast. 1 -Ie was assisting in picking apples at Gra- ham's and was about to come down with,,, his last basket of the day when he received the fall, dropping. n .distance of_ 10 or., -12. feet:- ` __ ._ !OGOOD'REA$ONS • te 1/14 g'" 3 q!i Series F-1 Pickup G:P.174-4J00 lbs. 1 Series F-1 Panel G.V. W.-4700 .lbs., etearomeme 710 441174# • Take your pick ofLthis, pair of husky, hustling Ford Trucks ... the strong,'' • • rugged F-1 Pickup -+-.ori the long, hand- some F-1 Panel ... and you've goiyour- self a truck you;canr depend on for,years 4 ,...of otrtsta.nd;ng.,trucking.. economy ,.and.. durability. And these F-1 Ford Trucks oder you the•?fine t in driving lease with ' such utstanding features as the steering column gear shift. From these nimble half -tons ... to massive 5 ton "Big jobs", every Ford Truck hi this year's. thriftiest, most complete line in Ford Trucking history. has "been truck -engineered for steady dependable performance . .' built stronger to last longer. Drop into • your nearby * Fred . Truck Dealer's soon and get all the farts on the Ford Truck to fit your hauling needs. "'rob THEATRE...radio listening you'll onioy .` 9.` bray 'Friday lilghf'. "Dominion,'Nefiaorlc 1a• • Mil fv; ) PI 10711oMr Ford's famous Power Pilot is a fully- --proved method of geteicii the most power from the least gas. It automatically niete,Js . and. fires ;the right , amount of gas at t , • the right '• 'instant: to match exactly :, constantly' chani,kt' speed, load add power requirements. • empire Blase Features/ . 7 Series Ratings ;',� 12 Wheelbases Cab-Orter.,Eagine Models Choke *12 Cobs •=--5itottiord-or Debrxe " ,41#411 yaw* ARO TRW &the ;141_ 3,Sidat Ford V-11, fnyliues Most Conipleie i -ysl�ord �I'r+itdc-C1Ns� Ever Offered Canadians use MORE FORD TRUCKS than an other make! Monarch Satest,and ervice Phone , y GOD RICI S GNA tgEBUR T'., i1 DBUit i Nov: 19. --;.Mrs. • Huron Taifdrd of Dtlanlop ,whWas: as : re- ported serio sly ill last week pafised away last Tuesday at the home of .her nephew, Mr. Perky AreBride ofi Darlow. The' sympathy of 'this community is extended. _t Mr. and Mrs. Wn . Saliows and to the Mc- Bride family. • • Mr. and Mrs. ' William' Stoddart, Benny and Mary, of Lion's Head, visited over the Week -end with rela- tives in this district and Port Al- bert.. 1Ir. and Mrs. Elmer' Hunter and daughter Linda Jean visited over the meek -end With relatives in De- troit. " • of well-known ' males for ' „ . your select,tln. °Radios' '$21:50 up Record Players $14.95 up. Autom atic Radio -,Record Players $129.95 up Television $160.00 up. .deposit will hold any unit till wanted. Trade-ins accepted. Hutchinson Radio Huron Rd. Xibon .4 R AIR CADETS' ORGANIZE v --FOR- TARGET-- AND. DRILL ' The officers of the Maitland Air Cadets held` a "joint 'meeting with the Officers of the StratfordtAir Cadets at Clinton Hadar School on Wednesdiiy; November 14, for the purpose of organizing ,a rifle com- petition and a precision • drill squad to demonstrate on Air Force day on the parade Square at the Radar .School. Thee"ftir cadets now Fleet on Tuesday evening with the • .bus leaving the town hall at 7.00 p.m. All boys Between 'the ages .'of 13 ,years 'and 18 years are welcome to come out and ' take part lir the educational program which is .pro- .vicled. Films, wi-11 be •shovtxequite .often and- in ,the near futureail cadets \'i11 have the privilege of tllycing hi in R.C.A.F. aircraft .from C'eIlXraalia. ' ST. HELENS ST. -HELENS, .Nov. 19. --Mr. and Mrs. Callum Cameron. and Carol ,Of-._i>etzail were weekend guests Mr. and, • Mrs. John, Cameron,` Mr. and Mrs. James Walker of Teeswater were visitors, recently with fir, and -Mrs. Mrs. E..J. Thom :acid. "lir. and Mrs. W. A. Miller: 'he- members of the W.A. held a very :successful 'afternoon tea and '15itfi ci "in - the 'auxiliary rooms on S'aituicl'ny '.11-fternoon; When total re- ceipts amounted to over 8410. Miss S;c1biI (ourtiee Of .C'linton r 1\'as guest. spea ISi r rtn the - annual thank -offering service of the Un- 'ited Church on Sunday morning when • she .delighted, • her listeners with - the! story of her Inissibaury work in- lap n.'• ��1T'1'Ii€; t0 isle 1 Wintry weather, the attellq,atrc'e was SIllal11. , Mil- William • A.- Rtun'phi'ey ' 'is a pa.tienit in '. the 1't'ingha rn hospital• .as a result . of an unfortunate ac- cident quit Wednesday morning:— Mr. '11uinphPey.s S%1.ls driving a ten in as sil't'ing Mr, • Ronald McCrostie in Putting at. .load of corn into the Rutherford burn, when a board. struck, his leg breaking both bones above ••the 'ankle. Austin Dcillnage, of Mct' i11op, has purchased the general store of the late John. Montgomery at Winthrop. 4.. What Are Wes McKnight's , F Thursday night listening for me means Hattie ° McDaniel's famous in- 'terpretation of Beulah; .:,•r....and Mrs. North Jar a wonderful thriller; and 'then like thousands of others, I go hook, line and sinker for my globe-trotting colleague, Gord- Sinclair bringing . the news! i BEULAH. 7/00 P.M. Hattie McDaniel, comedy queen 9:30' P.M. Mirth and murder. HOOK, LINE AND SINCLAIR 10130 P.M. Current, event reviews cra 1010 ort your bast- WHERE YWIRt,A 'ORITeAR Mr.:and Mrs. James Chisholm and daughter Alma and r:- Buns Chis- holm visited at Rrii e1ield On Sun- day. OREIVirD, Nov, 19. — •W a extend congratulations to Mr.' and Mrs: Lorne Hasty, newlyweds. Mr. and Mrs. John Blake of -Wing trans 4Visited with relatives in this Vicinity at the week -end. ' A very successful euchre party was held in Crewe school, on Thurs= day night with ten tables playing. The, -high prizes were won by M'rs. Jim Keane and Charles Rivett. The consolation prize went to Mrs. Petrie and Roy Keane. Appreciation for 'iribute Sent to 4, A e h k �� OsD � - � .E 'Members of A:hmeek Chapter, 1:O.D .E., met at the home i f Mrs. T. Donnelly, East street, for the November meeting. Mrs. B. Wil mot, regent, presided: : . , • , .I t. • was decided, to ' renew sub: scriptions to the!, National' Geo- graphic magazine for the three local schools1' Acknowledgment' and thanks 'were receinl from the, Re- orefi•tional Council for `Chi donatibn to' their work. Fifteen dollars was voted to. the S'earnen's Amenities fund. Soule interesting . correspondence was read, one letter .from Mrs. J., Coates, a 'former member,- telling ,e.P 'the organizing of d `Chapter, of ttfr Daughter's of the .Empire in St. •Johns, Newrfoundland. Mrs. Cotes will be first rice -regent, ,Rhe, along with former members now living in - Newfoundland, have been instru- mental in introducing this patriotic work in the new. province.. • Two letters were received -from the dpughter of the late Mr$. Dain. McDonald, irt"-.apl)reclation •of the tribute paid to her • memory at the • AT GOD'ERICH ' THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29th featuring 14 Beautiful Floats direct from Santa's workshop. The parade :starts • at TO a,fn. and Santa Claus will remain on the Square .until 4 p.m..'. for all. - The parade is sponsored by the Goderrch Julior Chamber of Commerce.;, anniNersary • tea. Mrs. McDonald. Was the founder and first regent of the , Daughters of the Empire ' in Goderi'41r ffity ,'ears ago. Congratulators . messages were read from va;rieus;tprganizations, to'. the Chapter on- achiefiggfifty Sears' Of continuous work. A hearty vote of than•was. voted to Mrs, A. H. 11 rskine 'and her• committees for the lovely deeat.- ations. and tea for ' the 50th anni- versary• teal .and 'it was .decided to tender a message of appreciation 'pp to the co -Convener =of' Maple. Leaf Chapter, Mrs. J. 11. Kirikehd and her committees for her part in 'Laking the affair so delightful. Two new members, Mrs.' Reg. Bridle and. Mrs.. l,3. Goldthorpe Wok, their affirmation: Tea was served by the hostess a,nd the 1uach committee for the month.. • . • POI TER'S •RLL PORTER'S HILL, Nov. 20:= -The Community Cli'.ib met fast week -aa;t the houi'e of Mrs. A. P. Townshend with 10 ladies present. , The presi- dent opened the meeting with 0 Canada followed' by theLord's lirayer. The reports• were readland adopted. The treasurer was author- koci. to; send boxes„ to the two boys 'front. -our conrmunfty who are` over- seah. ,"sifter some discussion it. was decided to have .11 card party- and dance in the school on December 7. This is to help to make :money to use .in sending.. the bites • overseas.' Mrs, John .MeOP'.an's, group'has charge of the schdct;..and -Mrs. Pete iHayr ison's group has .,r•haarge of 1. Tf u r tanned with readings. '1'?,.• meeting was served by the ;:hostess. Mr. and Mrs: Alvin,.Bettles and bwo children spent the week -end' in " Toronto and attended. the Banta Claus parade • • ' Thee ladies of Grace Church are ~ , busy planning and preparing for the "the to be field Novemier 28. in, the 11asement of,': the church.. This' is being put on by the Gode- rich Township. Federation of. Agri- culture and tickets are available' from any of the township drfector$. !Service at Grace Church was postponed on'";, account of the Weather and roads but service will be held next Sunday aft Don't forget the .films ebb+ 'shown in Grace Church next •Frid.'a§M`n ing, Not -ember .30, sponsored" ,. the W.A-. These—ate beii-ahown. by Rev. Newton of Holmesville. c•ltased with '111 K a,ra;.r, ,r aid lunch, Lunch will' be served. E, 7 E R I•i!..... 'MS97---� ! �rk7�llllljljijj���Ii I �. s,—=•mom. More than a .century of International Harvest 'i nanu- • 47 factoring skill has ohne into the making of the amazing 1- H Refrigerators' ...'alvoilablb "now ,In' Canada fors the -first time. See the outstanding ',new - i(ITCH;EN-SIZE, TABLE TO? INTERNATIONAL •HARYETER.1 r i • From top to bottom the ramous International, Harvester refrigerators are tailored' to women's needs. Everything you've hoped, for »aty nli in one refrigerator! A choice Of ten beautiful Door Handle Colors -(to 'match your kitchen),.. , Full Width Freezers, Chill Trays, Crispers ..`^ space. adding Pantryrpor Built-in Bottle Opener ... Chrome finished or Stainless Steel Shelves ; Acid Resisting Porcelain Enamel lfterior . and many h . . . � y ot. cx irktint:ered.• earn .cs.are.ta be:, found -only- nevv ; - --, 111 Refrigerators now on 110 04. y. 'SIX 'Exciting models to choose.„, from ALL NEW • and YEARS A SEAT ' ' -,. ; � • ' Nott', you can ia`1Ee your choice of tl"iree great new 1 1-1 Preez; ers featuring oyer.a/l sub -zero freezing ' on all 5 inner su•rPae,es Meisture•frce Dri-Wall Cabi• nets...and many .. other Outstand. lag advantages. • NOW, new 1951 INTERNATIONAL •� See the ' HARVESTER- Rofl'inerafarx and Freezers %taday at