HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-11-08, Page 10EVEATIPING SUPPLIES ta.ar AFC.- "--;11UMBIR a aar SUPPLIEs':, • We'have a supply of building needs in lumber, haird- ware, ,t• Masonite, •nails, glass up . to 48" square, white irick, screen wire. Barrett asphalt shingfes, r2,11 roof- ing, roll brick, building paper, Masonite, le#herwood, plastic, roof coatings, • foundation coating, DRro-Tile, Chrome mouldings, plywoOds, Tentest, ° Thermo -seal aluminuminsulatiOn in rolls or sheet, etc. We can produce..any•type of fra,mes and rn sash, co- 4bination doors, front doors and frames. Just pick up your phonevand Call 782. • JOHN JEFFREY & SON What Are Your. Opinions? A,s a- member of the Canadia WeeNeW kly spaper Association, The .SjnaIi4tar has been asked tos4ma1.e zur,vey in the Gockerich area, en' how its residents. are retieting. to 'the defence program. The inform... at ion forwarded by The 'S•ignal-Star will be used along With information ferwarded by other weekly news- papers all aert3ss CallOa At a con- ferenceof business and government economists whose object is• the eop- :-•iderat ion of all. phases or, the lin- paet Of the 'curreat Canadian. 'fde- fehee.. program 4,n the national SOI)11. a the questions asked on t io n ai re are: Ilas the population of Goderich decreased or increased 'since. June 25; 1950, wi Jr t he populatcion has' deeredged w her?: hare the people moved to ; main ty pets of indust ries 'and if r(V, ny are, engaged- in defence. pro- duction; total number of...industries, 1 if they- have expanded since June 19-5 2$, 0, and if any change has taken plaoce between industrial exn- 'ders and einployees ; what Lathe Igeneral attitude of • people, towardis !Korean. War.; what is the general ; attitpde toWards, Canada's, eonarnit- mots under the North AtIdutie treaty (e.g.equipping Belgian, (Duteh and Italian divisions with • Canadian arms; sending 27th. , In- fantry Brigade and. eventually, 11 • R.A.F. squadrons to Europe) ; are 'POODlegenerally contented or dis- ! , 4-0 n ten ted wit h • present economic, conditions; if they are discontented, 'what are their most serious gripes? Any errnressiong , of opinion on ' the aforementioned questions on the • part of Signal -Star, readers Would , be appreaCiated. Write your opin- ,loils in a letter to the Signal -Star. PLANING.ILL AND YARD Elgin Ave. 'East. Goderich H „.; AIME URON COUNTY MUSIC 'TEACHERS' MEETING The second,nn-eting Of the Huron County branch of the . Ontario itogi,tpred '.glu:sie. Teachers' Asi;oei- Al+ Asm •at ion .was held reeetttly.-at the CiLNDIDATE ItRUw ('E nreliu ot. This is Is; dsee•olid 'try'. Commercial 1-1(iter . party lois entered • 44 'Ho re‘ repsetit4;d the 4'.41.11, ill the.' the - 4 a rin ,f luncheon ineetieg, canditInte for the 11 1.11(.4. riding. HP, 19-1S and polled 1 ,ii4:1• voteN •,.pealier, Mrs. Thu.rsa Willitratr .4.t1.1)14 1, C. Mercer, 41 114pworth Out 15:343 ; - . of 14 11 •was introducsed I by the Branch PreSident, Mrs. G. Mn-Dougallof Blyth.-. • ,MrS, WIllitunson ,spoke on the elms and. Objects of the association, -atb•o. touched, on. the "subjeet, -Ethics ror M usi Er Teachers." 4,1 :-REGARDING Community Livestock Sale from the Fair Barns, Clinton, • • held (01)Eit1('Il, EDIVOR 'RETIRES t The •Iluron ExpoAtor •recent reorgunimtion of the t;Oderich i.74..ignal,14tar. which res,ult- ed in' the retirement of 11. ,Itoberts(01. ns editor" and riub- lisher, Marks' the end of an era in the weekly newspaper field in Co.tioty, For nofly lift ''11 114 1 1 Itobertson has been iden- tified wi *11 • t Signal, and more • recently the. Siclial-Ktar• Ntr. ltoberlsOn -regarded his posi-, _lion as publisher as one r.di sacred. :.trust On behalf of the citizens' the paper served. Time nor money r1114.4111 little 10 hilll /IS through the years,he personally saw to it that, • the, tr11,-;fr. Wilt,1•. not • broken.. The ideals he guided the s•ignal-Star were high. -but for near- ly half a century he adhered to , 1114.m. Tnerf, was no peovision ifl them f4e- compromiSP. TQ: Mr, o 44 hl a. els was black and 1 Thlt0 tvitS white, Air. George 1.7,111s. lwini.for a-Lin:mi- , ber of years has•-ireen .associated with Air. -Robertson as' eo-publisher. *now, FISS111110ti full' • eharg,e. Under his 'experience,:d and capable guid- ance, The SigeahRtar will eontinne to- prosper and fo he, held in that same yespect which for more • than, 11 'shun:dyed years has made it ,-an, outstanding we'ekly ,no,Yspaper. . . .• • . • RECEIVES WINOS ,. . • Pilot Offieet .Roy Dunbar was one of the 42 . student pilots who re-., eeived their 'wing's and eotrimiF.,sions at • a ceremony held at the R.C.A.F. Service Flying 1-telloO1 at Centralia', last ,week.. The 213 -year-old: airman ,is' the'son ,or- Mr, anti. Mrs. R. Dun- ham Lambeth. Eis wife resides on, the Boyrtield Road, Goderich. • TAYLOR'S -CORNER OiiITUARY TrAYwirs o'oRNR, act. Mr and Mrs. John Main,* their children, and Mrs. Main's mother, Mrs. Chivern, all of Vienna, Visited last week -end with ,Mr. an 1,1Fti• Hugh McCabe. • .. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke laSt week were Mr. and Mrs. of.Toronto. Miss Maxine• Sturdy a Lon spent then week -end at her home in Goderieb. tOynshiip. On Friday ."of.. last, week lin in- teresting evening was held in school when the colored pictures of a trip to • Vietoria7' B.C., were shown by Mr:. Hodgson. He also' SttrWed-pietures taken at Ot- tawa and some local wiews, The W.A. . drsplayed articles for the. bazaar and 6ervecl a 10e tea. Mrs. ", Irvine •Oke:.has returned borne troni 'visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Gould and Mr. Gould at Belleville• for ' the past two ,weeks. - • Floral emblems cif Ithe • prairie provinces are the croeus (Man.), the prairie lily (Sask.), ,and the wrild. rose (.Alta. ).--,-Quickan ' Canadi Faets. . • , 1 ' *1.1..144...*4 T A • PULFORD, • 'Funeral services.pr the late :.1.11si; Clara Ilu!ford, 71, were condueted by Rev. R. J. MacMillan of ,Knox i MOO t e via a ' C It u ret, a t t he B ro- ! phey 'funeral home last Friday. I • Mists 'Pullen], who .died suddenly in Alexandra Hospital, Wati a native ()fColoorne TeWaship; and'a &ugh.. ter of the late Riehard and Susanna Kebgli Vidford.. She came to Crude, rich to reside foUr- year ago and W118 a member Of :. Knox Presby- terian Church. , 'S u r v iv lug _ are two, brother',. Arthur, Cloderich, and. George, Col- borne Township. %ferment was in (*elborne cealietery. . . ------ . . DR., W41, -IAM S LOAN)" 0 Dr, William Sloan, member •of a well-known Huron County family and'n native of Hullett tOwnship, died in Westminster -Hospital, Lon- don, on. Oetober 24th, in his eighty- third year, Dr. Sloan was a .son • • Johrt .:Deore —" The Quality 1‘1,anie in Farm Equipment since 1837E . „— SALES 4' 'SERVIC New Tractors and Equipment' always in stock. Also " Several Good. Used Tractors and Plows• • Be xvise and ordqt now for your future needs • W.G. Simmons & Sons Ltd. - HURON ROAD •GOI)gRICHs Of the trite Mr. and 41i's. Andrew Sloan. He was a•sraduate of the University of Illinois. He took part in the Yukon geld.rush in 1898 and later returned to the-North,at ' interiuls. During the first World ' War he served overseas with /he , Canadianforces. His ,wife, the I former Olive •Moon, died in 1949.1 Surviving area brother, Andrew, of 1 Sheffield, and a sister, Mrs. Mar- oret Walker, of Stratford. Burial took place in ,the Londesboro cerne.; tery. • .., • / • MRS_ Nur', ALLAN , 'Mrs. Will Allan died suddenly ' at her home in Candachie me San-, day, October 'PA. She wits the rorinei Sarah MacLeod, born •In Kintail in 1875 the third daughter born to. MargaTet ,,Maellonald and Duncan MacLeod. • She attended Gode rich Collegiate, Institute after' which she taught at school' for five years.-- , • she went to Cainlachie where she taught in. Ply-Motin.L....teIv_sship for two years. in 1904 she merited Will Allan of. , Camlachie. • She was a. faithful meraber of the Camlachie Presby- terian Church and a life Member of the WAI.S. • She is survived by her husband, one, daughter', Margaret', and three sens,.Duncan,' Archie and Jaekcalso by a sister Airs. A. J. Simpson, and a, bro- ther, Murdoch MacLeod,•of KintaiL The funeral ,was held at Wyoming ' and interment' was made in the Wyoming .centietery;. • 'Every 4. -!Arg. at 2 pm. SALE. CONSISTS. OR :YOUNG PIGS, SOWS, CALVE .‘ • STOCKER 'CATTLE , AND COWS VitYri'm .11.N.1t(m1.;.\\• . ' • 1,i1oNymt.1) W E1:1",1(.4i'T; A114-4 ioneer Sales NI 4441104(q• • •t= MARCONI — THE GREATEST NAME IN RADIO SALES AND SERVICE -, IHUTCHINSON RADIO HURON RD. ••PHONE 498R • -39tf 11•111.111,AmmairlIMIN111111101100. e Famous • 7-•••• - lf,you nmet a lobster wearing - an ;OM inum tag, don't waste sympathy.,It wasn't hauled up for. parking opposite„ a hy- •. -drant..The •tag was.ptit. by tilt, ,Na'tiorial: Fisheries • Board which is sleuthing out,, marine life -stories. A .salmon, ,so decorated, was, re -caught after four years and a -lobster. -after ten.- The tags werb still' in excellent condition: • -Aluminum's ability to with- stand the elements is oneof the advantageswhich make it • , increasingly` popUlar for walls,. roofs and architectural embei: lish.mentS. An aiumindm c�r- *iicc in °Arontreal wzrg taken ,down recently undamaged. • . after being exposed to the Arveather sit1ce,1595. Minninuin CoMpany of CanadaLtd, - A DRINK 65C1T AG SHOP REFRESHED AAA, .QUICICINSTALIATION. It takes only a few hourivto giveyour honk the unequUlled comfort •• of ,Iron Fireman oil •, heat, with exclusive ' iron Fireman Syncro- stet control. Convert yotir present furnace to automatic oil heat. FROFACTORY TO YOU •913ABY CHENILLE *ED-, • SPREADS $5.25 EACH, Lowest 'price in,. • Canada.• ' Beautiful firis quality, com- pletely tufted, no sheeting showing.' All colors, double or single bedSizes. Neiv een- • tre patterns in flowered or • solid designs. Sent COD plus' • postage. Immediate' money- back' guarantee. Order one, you "will' ()Met. more: New • ADDRESS, TOWN & COUN- TRY MFG., Box 1496, Place •D'Armes, liontreal, Quebec, , • -42 — • LOW First Cost •Low Oil Bills WEST ST •PHONE 141 The most efficient ,gun type oil burner you can ' buy—at a new low Piker. Its thorough dependa- bility, •quality•construction and fuel economy . have been pr6v,ed.by years of service in , thousands of,homes allover America. Call us today for free heating survey. Oil. contracts gubanteed ,CORNISIFIE tEciralic illorsommovemmAap....• More than a century of international Harvester manu- , factoring skill has gone into the making of the amazing 141 Refrigerators . . available now In Canada for the flirst time. „ ,...m.w•S\\\\\,•\‘ • \\•\,\,• 0'n,111' \N\ , From top.to bottom the filttftilf5.Ittorrlationat flarvester refrigerators art . ' wornen's tited141444)9hhig,Yourtie koPedior V6111111/1"6"e' nfrigerAttOPI A choke Of tea beAltifili -1,o6r flatuita- coiolf (to hilIuh your kitchert) Width Itreq.crs, Chili' Trays, Crispers . space- adding.Pitotry-nor .0ottte•Opener . Chrbrue Finished' or "Staifilc$4 Rai Shelsr.e$ Porcelairi Enamel interior And' trany otter 'Ioniineeretl' feaXtuteS are ti). (mind ht the new 1 it RetrigerAtors . now oti- display. SIX exciting mode's to choose troof NEW, doti WARS MTEAPT. - • -Vdoote FREEZER Now, can take your choice of three great new 1 11 Preez• , ers featuring byer-all 5uh-rerofrewing on ail inner surfftccs• . IVielstu re -free Cabi- rie;10-rid many _other . biastand. ins ctcl-vontatZi. Gwe _ generously Assist th Canadian Lgion Welfare Fund ;Saho new•19$1•igTEM0104.11AR1VE$TE• oftigoiators, iind Freezers today a ovielo e. r e-atp yaw. , . . . , • Goptittoit ,,,, ott, ..2.00to . tot: Bobby' Yoliit anti bili 11 1)1,06 ,Ore estrav Athilissi4 $4-vot p000ti. , ., ' / , k • Pi i „