HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-11-01, Page 11r. LuCkpow Boyr Y " SOWS s F'ractaire, of $10111 Gordola'MeNay, seven-year-old son of Mr. and4 Mrs, Aleza. ».1kfeNay, .Iiuckno*, is in the Wingbaln hos- • pital with a .fractured •skull, He received the - injtiry when• he fell to the highway.. from the rear door of the car which .his ,.mother was darliving, He attenrfg to. turn, down' the window,` brut . Pushed tilt door ,open in raistaite. The aeehlent oceurred near° as . yrs. •IONay vas returuingnfroau Goderich. The, boy is reported to 1.)e recoveringin the hospital. ••11 a was • unconscious for ,several. boors 'after the ac; eidents 8.30 p.m., • • . 10c a game • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AUBUFIRN, Oct. 31,—Mrs. Maud Freu>.lin is 'Visiting friends in Lon- don. . Air. Wzn. Strt14ughau who aa' been 'assisting with • the harvest ,in Iasi atchewan, and M. •Straughun•wiiV• 'has been visiting her daughter, ; 4'rs. Clayton :Robertson, Cropper_ and., Mrs. Thos. ' Jardin, Clarksburg, have returned home: Visitors with Mir. and Mrs. "Welt Wigton Good - en Saturday were Mfrs.! Pepper ,and 'two daughters and Mrs. Workman of Ilensall) and Mr. Fred• Dail; Of London. Miry. Sclater of Seafortli- is visit ink, Mr. • and Mrs., Edgar Lawson. • Mrs. i3lanelie Pbilliv and A1iss Mae Ferguson 'of. Jlrantford are viisiting friends in the. village, Mary Sanderson, twin daughter„ Of Mr. and A, is, Wilfred Sanderson underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis in :Clinton •Ho aital. Mr: and M,i•s. F. O. M1ellveen are visiting their ' families at Oshawa and Niagara Pa11s. Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon -Dobie and family visited friends at Winghain on Sunday. The W.M.S. of . Knox United Church telcl a successful bazaar and tea to the Sunday • se•hool room Satttrdny. The proceeds" were over $loo. •,Mrs. Nelson Hill of `7Goderich spent the week -,end with Mr. Joe and Miss Sadie Carter. Miss .Francis Houston, R.N.,' Lon- don, was a week -end visitor with her Parents,. Mr. an.4 Urs. J. Houlton. CampMr. and Mrs. •Doz�aid Camp bell, have returned from their wedding trip. , Mir. and Mrs. Albeit Campbell and gr. Wan. U. Cams'nell have • inbred to A l,?urn tO the house they fur - Chased from 'Clayton Ladd. lair. and Mrs. Ladd have moved to Blyth• where Mr. .Elrod' has bought a ,barber shop: Mr. Murray Rollinson and Gordon Yungliiut" who have been assisting with the h a`vest in Western" Canada have returned home!. • , Mr. and' Mrs. Oliver Anderson and Mrs. GordolnMIeClinchey were Toronto vikitors Tuesday. The proceeds of the 'Tag ,Day sponsored ;jry the Women's Irtstitute amounted to $50.76. This' '"is the most that has, ever been _ collected,' The collectors are to be commended on their good work, • ' • �bor Entertains.—+'I`he dliotr of St. Mark's'Anlican ,;Cliurth, enter- '. LINCOLN FARM WELDERS and ;. WELDING SUPPLIES always in stock. W. G. SIMMONS & SONS Huron. ,Rd. Goderich Phone 1132 -9tf trained a' few 'nf-their Wads iu, the Forester's• Ha 11,, ,• :u,' u•rn, daffy evening. A . Hallow,e'en rnas- gnel lde wad tnJoyed any all. Prizes g,Wen were‘t the %st fancy dressed girl, Elizabeth -(.lounge; best dressed boy, Gerald Dobie; best comic dlessted girl, .Edith Daer; best comic dressed boy, Robert -Peer; best originall mann* girl, 11liss Mnra- alrret Neviiis ; 'boy, .Mir, J•uck Wright Mrs, Alf. Nesbit and. 1,111; S Tatura Phillips conducted the games, Lunch , was se•rveil and; `a-- short period of dancing' was enjoyed. Death, of Milldam. 11fteiiwain. Following a• lengthy • Illness, William Meilwain passed away at, his home ita Antxuru Sunday evening in his Stith' year. 'Mr,: McIlwain was the son of the late David 'and Jane Johnston • McI1waii and was ,born in West Wawailesh near Nile, dne of ti.. fancily of thirteen., In 1.994 he married Annie -Rogerson, daugh- ter of the. late Robert. 'and Mary '1" ogerson, Parry Strand. ' They farmed on thh icIlw i'rs�homesteud 'until 19 years ago when they moved 'to Carlow, «'here they had Charge of the -Colborne Municipal Tele: phone, anti' 13 years ago they, retired to Auburn , MsIrs..dM.cllwai4n passed away eight years ago. He was a member • of Knox United Church and the local L.O`L. `I.le is sured by daughter, Amelia, vi�9 at horse, three sister,, Mrs. John McPhee, 1t,.It 3, Auburn, Miss Mattie, Aulru•rn, and Mrs. John Tiffin, Goderich. The funeral was held, from his late residence, Wedne$tay, and • was conducted by Rev. C. C. Washington • of KuuX United Church. Interment" was trade in Ball's cemetery. C. M. Robertson of13toderich' was ,r County' Temperance Federation at 1 a its convention in North • Street United. Church. last . week;,- A. T. Cooper, Clinton was' hawed Honor Itr .Presid'eut. Other othcers are: Vtee .'J'resldeattse. J. H. Campbell, Jielgrnve, Roy Cousins, - Brussels anti Mrs, Ueorge. Johostori; Gode- rich ; Sec'retary, .W. C. Pearce, 1x= peter ; Treasurer, ' P. R. FIow sou, Wi?agitans; Educational and Public- ity I)ireotore •Dr, W. A. Beecroft, Wingham ; ' Lama Enforcement ?incl Legislation, N. W, Trewartha, .Cliu- ten and a reprex entati�t'e of each. .nzunic•ipa1i.ty. . ' AND RE4DY TO SERVE YOU WITH AUTO CLASS SERVICE,. AUTO ' ACCESSORIES. " ANS► BIC:YCI:Ei SUPPLIES. T. PRYDE & SON Clinton,Exeter, Sea forth Write Box 150, or phone 41J, Exeter and we shall be pleated to call. Q The third., of series of immunlsati $n clinics will be held` in the Health Unit Office-- _ �)I'STAIR IN GODERICH TOWN HALL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9th . - FROM 2-1`0. _4 ,P.M: Children, four months of agem to 'school age, may, be brought to these clinics to receive initial' immunization or reinforcing inoculations for Diphtheria, Whooping 'Cough, .Tetanus,, an,d Smalpox. " •43,44 ,: .: J-4, .M"':M+iE .YI ;OM1:�i,,L,• .,.M h� y iii'•=.^n4"i o .S, l�{,.d.•�:. x r:M •.,. ,: , � : 11..4: i4446.'•1 -a t9,1,40, .t.ztq"wfn-. FLORIDA MARSIH SEEDLESS RED GRAPES ' ONTARIO NO, 1 wAsnED CARROTS JUIC'i • SUNKIST ORANGES , RICHMELLO SLICED AUTOMATIC WASHER TRAVEL SHOW. MOVABLE, ROLLS' Ott -CASTERS N[0. INS.JALLATIO'N• NO BOLTING -.DOWN. o.0STs You •TAKE•S LESS. WATER WASHES CLEANER For years you have been' asking us "when can we have it?" And -now it's. here. And when you look at the new Beatty Automatic Washer, you'll say "I'm glad I. waited for it." Its PRAC.: TICAL --it's the pnly automatic that rol�fs on caster's easily° movable," does not have to be bolted down. it's efficient, will tutwash any other machine .in the world. It takes much 'less hot water. And it' COSTS FAR LESS; - CREAM STYLE CORNY NO. 1 ONTARIO ,. NO TUBS,Oft,,BOARDS NO RINSING , NOAVIPING• UP --� HEINZ CYUALITY -11. DUCTS' IiEINZ -.= -.Max ''. ' • a'O - ",ju TO ICE i C P HO'rTLE HEINZ — FRUIT AND VEGETABLES nvrANT-rOODS, .HEillZ OVEN BA'R,ED PORK AN BEANS 15 TINZ. 20p. HEINZ CREAMY -� 13p 3 sTINS NZ. 29 BAKING .REQUIf,EMENTS — " AUSTRALIAN SpLTANA 104441311. GOLD,•BELL BLEACHED 'SUIT ANAL l5 r PKC.. AY;MER ' CUT MIXED PEEL . LEMON., ORANGE CITRON PEEL -CAPS • PRE-PACKAGED BULK , PITTED' DATES TOMMY TUCKER PEANUT CARNATION• — BORDEN'S 1& BUTTER J'arCbz: 320 Horsey Sweetened GRAPEFRUIT JUICE `M1 Tari 270 SWE■�'yT' TREAT PINEAPPLE �/} JUICE 2 :Ix; 230 r xx%s.9 0 SWEET TREAT FANCY- dRUSf2ED PINEAPPLE VlTO.270 BRUNSWICK SAgiiiNES ItEW' CANADIAN, , • • •GO ,v14Oi t ,- nftI dioaftt "i"1si� ' slil.� fl+idv. Ox, Evaporated T18ins0 W.G. •Fancy Swe$ertoTANcintYift, 2Ti Tin..uIC 250 • • 1lLiirs C •IoICE'raurr 'COCKTAIL , 4..1.7•2* 2' 'All Eterids•-i'aaf4'y I ed `SOC1i tY 'RALMON 4 7ttiOL 46 "d7LAttfi+ti'S �' , gn°x ` 2 1 ;TAN at>`rb • • TTA T3lkGN it" µ ''vavrn Ca 'zl(o1.na BETTOt 'U''INIG 0 xzittt bl ttZTO4 _• x