HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-11-01, Page 10TRE GODE U STGN.aAir$fiAR ° ' town,now at'r. part Of PttiS&dellrhiai. Later Many Huguenots, ,sonil You�G�s Sent to JIIIY .Built for the future. `Engineered to out -per=' fot`m any set, any time, '. 'anywhere. • You, too,',can enjoy T.V. in Gpderich and, district. Coxae in and talk it over. On' display at'all times. We SERVICE them, too. • HUTCHINSON RADIO Huron Rd. Phone 498R •-42t f .Lint in the shins causing guts autl bruises. Tlte Magistrate - reserved j�idg- ' o or . io meth for a weeks, 'in the case of George w1. Bettit of Auburn, t� hO Store Break.in was chargedwith. driving without .-..1 .. John ,Durum, 10, London, ��a o„'exl'ti'►1t•ed to six :months ,i)t refor- ivato.ry' by 'Magistrate I) h.:. Holme 1its1; week, on at cotu•ictit►n „f break- iug and entering the John • A. An- stett ,1 •,.•.Clintonl Jewelry Store' in Ullutc ,lf+�s l October I0 with intent to steal. IIe way, given :10 days in. jail for retaining goods ill ''.11is • possession,: turn, travelling a'hout '_() miles an' hour. due care :and attention.- Campbell' • l that 11E. . , 4t filet t T tl te. (der 1 ( 1 , lice ar Tweedie, , 'hatch pulsed out of • r ..patkilig space, in front of - Cralil se's News Stanch (D�' 1 I1 � (1 tilt t x � 1 l < /. Tld\ weint t 1 t Llai \.ttl b When [ \Iontrea.l.l, Street • and `eaught- the Tweedie tar with his hind bumper, pulling it about seven or' eight feet. • . noticed h had a• ' h•lC e said that. Bean ,t1 110 •. movement among ttie parked b'all's when he went" to Make the tlre, •property of Henry Arts, ('en-- tralia. . (i' or:ge, iwho11311,d, :•.'2� London, was senteuce'd Ccs 'th'i•et•' months iu .rt. fot'matory on u -similar charge of ,t Andr(*'�vs 1'reybyterialt (,'lttucll. 'breaking and entering with intent to steal and 30 days in jail fur Windsor,. on Saturday afternoon, "'tile theft of .a wallet and. blankets (lvt.,,fte ' •''(l, Miss Joyce TIattni'ltcitl from Arts'• ear. :: • -1 iug and Mr. • Riehard Hamilton Attorney II Glen Haystl'rl i`>e Y - LARKIN-KING - i1'i\INs( ►R.. L1 -a beautiful set ting of all �vdlite ehrysant•h•enrltlits i'o Crown I,itrkiu wire tlti ttc in a i g, said that Mulholland had removed I t,y Rev,I)i. I1. M. 'Paulin. The goody frim Alts' crit' which i he discovered standing by the road bride is the daughter of Mr - ,and as he and 1)urnin drove to Clinton \It•s• Walter Charles Leo 1' fug of from Loudon.I \V 111(1,01. and the bridegroom is ,• charge of assaulting 0 police the s„1) of Mrs. 1•'redeiiek 1t. Lar- otlieer against 1)ttr(1in wa's d18- bail of +Riverside aud,,tlie late Mr.� missed. The charge was laid by., Larkin. Police Chief Joseph Farrand, ('lin EIIter.ing the church the aunt tort. Win) gave evidence .that while of her father. �wilt)ysave her in he wII$ St niling Wit 11 1)tlrnin 1111' marriage, the 'bride wat� ex(lnisuely R hale excavated at the rear of gowned in antique ivc,ry 811,tiu:.the the Xatstett store the accused kicked fitted bodice having a high neek- line, with st)tt1(1-1)p points, front "� which tiny 8altin-covered buttons THE CHURCH OF `CHRIST Notice is hereby given tel members• of the Church of Christ in Goderich that the Church is holding services every Lord's Day at three o'clock in the afternoon at the Y•M.C.A. auditorium and sometimes at the home of A. 1V: Johnson, i2 Glastonbury Drive, Stratford. The C4 utreh needs you and you need the Church: Remenlbec. the Lord's admonition; "Come, out from among -them and beye separate and I will receive you; though your sins be • as starlet they shall- be as white as -snow; though they be red as crimson, they shall be as woel, " •a • EVERYTHING IN'.. BUI�,�IN� 5UPPLIES We have a supply- of building needs in lumber1_iard- ware, Masonite, . nails, glass up to 48" square, white 'brick, screen wire. Barrett asphalt shingles, roll roof- ,ing, roll brick, building paper, Masonite, leatherwood, . :'plastic, roof coatings, foundation coating, 'Duro: Tile, - chrome mouldings; plywoods, Tentest, . Thermo -seal ' aluminum insulatidn'in rolls or sheet, etc, We can produce any type of frames and sash, com- bina,ion doors; front .doors and frames, ' Just pick • up , your; phone. , and call. ,7$2' 4 ..jOHNfFit ,P^l, UO - - PLANING MILL AND YARD•Egin Ave. East Goderich extendt;.1 clown. the •froxtlt to the waisliue.'airld long. 1 4111ted •:beeves; and the very 'full skirt, with a hustle _1(►l... t \tEIU11Ig into a _lung. court train. IIer heirIooln veil' of Brussels- •princess lalr'e, which c•ov- e'1'e(1 the train of the gown, formed soft • folds in -her hair. and.- able carried Joanna 1-1111 108(8 in al et1S- cade• M iss .i'effie Fleming was Maid • of honor, a11{1• Airs, Ralph ,Trice•: of Guelph. cousin of,. the bride, (11(1 • Miss I lelen Berry, of .1110kso11, Mich.. Were' bridesmaids. - James Larkin assisted liis brother ars hest man and the •ushers .wet�e \�'iliR tnl ,F bonders. .,f. Pontiac. ),1ii•11,.' Mur - lay Dinsmore. -Arthur' 'Jarvis, .jr.. and William Gillett.- Mr, Craig: - of Ferndale; AI ich„ sang. "The Treat s-Pii)yer'' 141)1 "f Mr. and Mrs. i,arkin left. on a. motor -trip 111 \V'ashingtou, 1),('„ att<1 • F1oritla, and on (belt' - return will take ul) residence iia the River: Mule Minor. ori 1rriv(a Ifiver�ide. - •\111uiag the out-of-town guesis- fr•otn twiny joints were Mr. 4101 Mrs. 4'haaptnali' of, c 1l,derioh.- _.4111,, bridegn_Lulu J.1:1r spece4)1(11 iLis. futh(Ir as pre'sidelat of 'the 1 .. R. .1.1rkin l'u., R.td.. of, Windsor. • b ;,,.,�., FIRST .AID RENDERED 'r0 SICZ RADIOS t.,. MUNIYAY. ALSO -., PORTABLE FOOL -PROOF SOUND SERVICE Certified Radio Teehnicia.n-•' Phone or Call Wi(lder St., � derieh, P8 hone Emmerson Overholt Goderich- Car Undercoating + wand SPRAY WAXING We' Guarantee Our a Undercoating a, • Come in and see what w(, lneaxl when we 'say' • SPRAY WAXING beautifies your car. and. • preserves the finish.; Phone 664W Cambridge St. • Goderich -29tf ....rr.. i Tr0MMIli After + a float. a farmer was showillg his farm 10 ,u prospective Purchaser, When inquiry was made Its t0 whether or not the waiter got up over the farm, 'the fanner - said it had .not. "'Then what are those marks on the trec•:LY" inquired the ln•ospct•tive purchase!. •'()ll:. that," said the farmer, "Is whefe the -hogs scrztt(-h- tlteir,baek.. "Well, .1'11 tell you," 'came the reply: "1'111 not interested ill buy- ing your 'farm. blit I sure would like to' have some of those bogs."i. Marked Progress $hown by ° luaron Holster.,' Club Methods 'employed h5''. -Scatters in t'pper (`auada, three centuries ago:, are being) used teda3 by fatrbtel•S• in taking care of- and Breeding animals. So stated Dr. G. L. Rea, man of t11e Ontario Agrieultural.. gathering tttherill of al F, ► l t addressing L c l l ), t, about .'200 at the annual .1)4ocitiej of t lle., I'iur th „Coil tty Holstein Ohi1 held at Clintclu l►I1 , }Wednesday .light of•„„I1r t ,week. . ' "Our whole whole` -Pattern • of• . a grivul- tttre, s ueh tis woodlots, sittall ponds. bate k -barns; uses of elo�ver, fertilizers, soil eoilservat1&t1,. con- tour ►lowing, etc., cane's- t0• from 'them.- Because the soil w.tia. -sacred to thein, they his i` tis pi o- teet it ''=- for every tree they. cut down.' one was planted. Thy be: lleved, in the ideals 'of deincic- rac•y, but - bent - themselves back= wards to keep otit of the lime- light. W'.e have a tendency in these days to think ourselves smart but we find that we are Inheritors of • these people," • said the speaker. • Early Settlers 1)r. Reitman sketehed the. ear- liest settlers of Ontario, claiming that - Canadians, especially in On-' tario, are becoming old 'enough as a nation to want to go back to discover their origin here. He stated that. the first settlers that came to �,lileri-(al: to New York 'State. in , 1683 , Were Mennonites and Quakers, who left Holland, Siv-i-tzeyla.nd i1nd.- .the,.- _Palatinate 'states, to escape ,religious perse-. cutions. They came to America where they. could get free land, and. fotinded a colony at German- ?ren(th, sums+ Swiss, • ear110 to set- tle in Pennsylvania. ' 4 'tier-1'eliu's. death; petty disturbane-es. in the colony . bee attie` grave- ,atnd , Iudiatls who lead forfnerly 1)e0ii,, friends of the eblonists attacked the fron- tier T •tier settiE>lnents. This, •aiii• the speaker, lead to a number of the eololli$t t eoming RS squatters in 1 tit . Niagara,IJ trot l i t. 1770 . to Detroit, Edward • Island,' York and Water- loo counties. ,The war Of 1812 Ifollow- ing migration y�ecl 'the I x of d a,tall � , the Napoleonic Wars, I1Tttglfslt •.Ly'iskt and Scotch came to Omer Canada. • Iritroclueed by G. W- Montgomery, agricultural representative of) Huron County, and a former student of Dr. ltteaman, the speakei? • was, thanked by Clem,.Gaibreith, uI3lyt11, first vice-president .of the club. 30 Per Cent Increase. d, , Terry, Lambeth, Western On- tario ' fielclman of- the .association, said • that, with 247 new members in the area, Huron -County showed the greatest 'Progress,' with an ins crease of almost 30 pet cent in Membership. •"'"^^• He presented Hume Clutton, ' Gficlerieh Towu�(ship, secretary- trea- surer of the club, and .Colin Camp bell, 13ayfield► with. the Red, Seal= award, for cows having produced over 100,000 Lbs. milk in eight years. Director of national publicity, John Powell, Brantford, presented Ross Marshall, Rirkton, a past,, president of the cltib, )with thti Pre,mnier Ex- hibitor • award, this being .the third ec)nsectitive year he has won -this merit. Clther awards made by John Butler. assistant agricultural repre- sentativ.e of the county, were made. as follows ' Premier 'breeder;' ,Ross .Marshall; with runners-up, Leonard' teeming, Walton, and the HIuion -Coi1nty* .home, Clinton ; -best senior get of ',i'f 'U' DAY,. NOY. 1st 1. 'i §60, bat senior herd ani P the best year-old .heifer,• E oss Marhall; prtt- ' inion • "junior . (haMplen femaler ttnior bei:(, atkl to Ross' I; 11. eny dans Huron County Home' etilf • elub halters donated by the' T. 1ieilgan an Son. Huron Holstein Club ter the boy 1. or girl with the highest standing based 011 the year's work, John I('ea- g�en, B.B. 5, (10 1erieh, and Donna . +a, .h.= 1t cEle female; c t 1 '1 ton est d d Rk tl � tl , l Ross Marshall, Peter Simpson, Sea - forth, and Jalrrot Bros„ Cippen• Best nddered • two-yi'ar-old _ ()i1 mill., Eddie Bell, Myth ,best junior get of sire, Leonard.. Leetuing wand Son, Walton ; hest calf, `atiy age, r v iI•ie• 1 ort (xu T ons is 3a c1c It alt S , a 1 1 , h r junior chupipion female, Ross Mar- shall; junior heifer sectioh, 'P. Hay- den, William Boyd, Seaforth sen- ior heifer, Ross Marshall, first and second prize in this class ; bebt hull, any age, Simon H'allahan, Belgrave;- grand ,champion male, Howard . Fea- gau, Goderich; grand eIZampion fe- male, Ross (Matrrshatll; best" two- year-old Heifer and best %three -n r ri AUTOMOB.I..LE .. • Farm Mutu Agent, for State Fa m Co.a4. Automobile InsUranee Cfor. Goderich, Clinton and. Baylielci CULP district.. J. S. L Phone 512 52 Elgin ^Ave., Goderich, , r When rheumatic pain, gets you down, here's the quick way to get relief. //z Rub in soothing Minard's - 1/ Liniment. Is it good? Just . try it, you'll see,!- .RHEUMATIC PA •.! N. 1-31. INAR iC'lNG OF iErAtN,..- - LINIMENT oar .w1)__ -,--- s ,g 3.; 1 ,' i M. a IOU CAN 6lb.i011 lots more��W useful fxl refrigerator space efrigeratorspace and u ex SeXes the new lsroomier in- side • . .'slimxueroutside. And, there are eight beautiful Models to choose from. ee cServel's huge old fO MER% ` .. xtmerit—with Freezer Comp dor frozen fa0.1s, ce;cues roods►only Servel stays ice cabs. only igen because•itlta$ siren ; to t- . wear, no ma`chtnery no motor to - to grow noisy. , -o$ Tn Dew- v(n ioR15� SADA heneraroll,� pction�letgetabledFB yegetableS• out to hold safe vegetables. Ste,'through._ `eka p ' nay -to;`.•...... .oa'k .. elean.imrlors. what look- outside-' You . reel. you see in the 1new. -�erve1's" u1ck- Q1o1CK-CHANGE! a most Change Shelves ares saceicketto .Flip Fhp ad- justable on the them up,for extra bulky 'foods. store • a giant turkey' sal "Odds , There's even a special Mid -Ends" gasket. When you start out in your._car you • .don't. expect to come home in an . a mbulance. Wut,Tait year, - persons were• killed •- ''20,000 were• injured. - p�-red. in _ tr. � eet,, an d highway y h s acczd ents. t i , • One moment of inattention can lead to disasters , .� Always drive safely. r4. Stay out of the Ambulance: • IC 04,0 vi/srd WORD M you H4 eN' iame::j.,1.1,,i,1,,„1111 1 as (l a t1 ,v1) rna.MM IIh iIIRIL 10 111 ia.1111111):, A •i• la • ,�`��� (III a s � a. FYI fa•�:_r-e"c r.kr= _ ....+r►i�.�►...�roio,ri!�r.lrrr oso�►a(�ri �oi�►or�r+oo+e�soo••�1�r••roo•�►o••sao®o0o•sae�o o®a • r .• � ��N�i�oiori�i/�ooN `. , , .�� us for..,... `iSShoppers �. ,,, , ... Mason and NOW ' • ... • ,M•' N w.r'..1,•{+ r 5 gi xsp iaho cikcit tx at, Turners L,. on our ti iv:ay.. y„ Philips acl;i)s , — ' : CI t' ",1�, t ' ® tgac �. +C. taw:1'r, Proprietor, s