HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-11-01, Page 9; • 4 _.. New modern designs in—a•—large- variety -•--of -fabrics-and—colors to -satisfy -any -de- pian ° ;'You'll be -amazed at the . outstanding values in the,seitsuites-and besides that you get :FREE with any suite over $200.00 an 8 -cup fully automatic electric percolator in your choice of color. Value • $22.95. 2 piece, wine frieze, Kroehler 2 piece, Ajax red frieze 2 piece, grey frieze :with fringe 3 piece., wine and blue velour 2 piece,' green boucle Dramatic Club's- Presentations lub's- Pre _ntat �+� ion s Are e Well,Received Received: - The presentation of Roland'fent-' wee's "Pink String 'arid Sealing Wax" by the Goderieh • Dramatic Club in, itfacKay Hall, "Wednesday, Thursday, and Thriylrhy,'evenings'cif. last week 'marked` the debut of Miss Helen Jackson as a director of; promise. 1VIiss ..Tacksonrs sitilfui blendir'rg of .the farcical. and melo- ,.dr•amatie elements of this piece, imide famous by Miss Phyllis. Ji ey ; in '• London during the recent war, kept suspense and. ccaniedtg in a neat balance to the delighta the email but enthusiastic audiences.' Miss Ptsrnela Saddler, -of 1-lolmes- ville, playing hey third dramatic, role, gave a convincing character kation of Pearl Bond, of "a public -House keeper, who alutost in- volves Albert Strachan (John,Mar-. ricitt,) in the murder of her hus- band which she accomplishes with the use of strychnine from the dis- pensary of. John's father, played by Harry Nesbitt of Bay field, whi► is a chemical analyst for, the police of Brighton about the year 1880. Mr. S.traclian's absorption in logic, andscientific thought has lost hiiu.° the affection of his family whose aspirations are scoffed at by their father.' His gentle wife' (Shirley Cummings) maintains the_ uityty of her brood' and attempts • to make her huband's severity cot iprehen- .sible to her children : Albeit, whose talents and ambition pre for en- gineering ; Emily (Marylin Butler) whose father denies her the oppor- tunity to take professional singing lessons but°.plans a career as mil linery clerk for her; Jessie. (Alice Wilson) whose love for poetry' the father derides and ER -a (Gail Sully), the youngest,. who is upset by her. father's experiments with thef guinea pigs which she treats as pets. Tt rue Stewart kis Doctor O'Shea and Daviel Medley as his on, Er- nest, providedy adequate comic and romantic t�bntrast to the gloomy • frustration of the 'Straihnn :family" `'The setting of the ' Strachan 'drawing room , was ..designed and. executed by Mr. arid Mrs. Bruce Stewart, with. •eos umes. by Mrs. A. D. Huffman. ,'Lighting• was by W.' Sutherland and Mts. - Rav Jackson was in charge of properties 'Ws. K. Revell was prompter and Mrs: N. Lanaway provided' piano music between acts. Following. Friday • night's pe'rfor nianee, , a lunch was pgc►vicled by Members of the Club for the rasa . who • presented Miss ..Iackson with a traveller's sewing ki•t Jt's.-r) good. idea to.izeep on good terms is-ith t arerybody. but especial= l • with your wife, your • Stomach; and your conscience. dor Results. A Classified Ad Magistrate D. la.. Holmes resenrireA. hris decision for 'a week lasat Thurs. day in tithe case of lliorleY Emit(; - ton, Raiford painter, who pleaded not guilty to a charge of ,breaking, entering and • 'theft of goods from the service statins. of Leonard 'Cole on, No. 8 Highway, near Clinton. His warship. deferred- the 'hearing of a similar charge against veraon lit unsdon, Londesboro, who was granted $3OOOE ball. William Walker, an employee of a Strucoe firm installing furnaces at Contrail -1 'airpor^t, said that both Linington arid— Rrunsdorr had oc►.. copied• a trailer • next ton tWtabirf- inan orchard near Centralia. H'C'on- stable Stott of the. Ontario I'rc►:- vincial PolictY"'tdttint•crtbat he had gone ° with 'Corporal Anderson' to- Linington's hoiue where Linington had • gtveiY - Minty the • key to the'' trailer in which he and 'the corporal 'had. disco V.0red some guts,, ,c}ioco- late bars, - cigars, cigarettes, and tobacco in' a cupboard. Stott said that he had found two receipts on the cupboard floor. .Cole .told the court that ou the mewling of October 9 he dist covered, a small- window, in his garage opened and aboc.it $1.AO worth. cif cigarettes, tobacco, cigars, may .and gum had been taken'"aS w+eU ;as .three' tires: six' tubes and, .some change; Mr. Cole :theta identified the receipts, saying they bad -been lush's .till edver'fng &Ma;ei 'i'lry-cetiE . 'pieces. . Charles ti !I113a�ms, South Street, said that Linington and i3runsdon liacl come into his 1anui+y after;, midnight about two weeks before and offered to sell him a tire. They 'said they had three'tvres -and three.. tnf es to sell 'for .$60. l,inington testified that hpha'1' been working uu painting contracts. at Centralia airport and had. held .se "eral partiesin thea trailei;.:,,••at- tended by R:C°A.4'. i tsontw1 who used to bring along Cigarettes and . c d,abars.. chocolate 1 itis, He said ,that at. tithe • which , (tb tt'uble . Parkinson had discovered '• fxi the txa.ck seat of his car was one which he had bought to put on -.11 wheel of the .trailer but re later discovered ed tha,t- it;, was unnecessary to do so. ".I definitely did not break into- Leonard ntoLeonard Cole's ser'v'ice' station," Linington said. Asked what he Anew about the two receipts, Lin- 'ington replied. "1 never saw. thein before' they were produced in (quirt to -day." - .r.a.uvirst Pow, 04,00 ► Furs 111I .BONS ' %itioiv is tli,,e time to Creek furnace ABA stove i'pes°' 0 ,uity pipeliAre one of ,,the ' e1i1et eauses Of tires on .teanadlan farms, A.nd whale 1 king tlaa What' 00 biuwney itself?. It caa vtAre.o. teriorated let . " tho SSW, oft months and need.POWnIg or a now ehl ui ey pot.. AA exeollaint ere i teetion en a earn& as a for res°ofter oil to a' 'that chimney and the •mor. A fevv •;buie ets and 'a number water barrels fit aiiftalble• point ,around farm buildings ` pre often: a gr eater.mroteetiou than a fire engine a lany, rules n.wa,, over snow iroluxt roads.; 13ut'nswater Ybar1.•els are.Wor thin 'useless it the water, cis tromix .•so choose a, reasonably Warm place to locate ..thenar ' ' Tile s1 npiest 'Arc41ghting equip' inex�t- •a fbueket f °water or sand, a small ere extinguisher, even". a:, .'horse blanket' available available 1M- atrecjia rely, .. • euti:. often smother anincipient afire • befcrre�, it becomes .a disastrous ablaze,. . . �BECAUSE-"( ackisoftendueto' :>•:r- urinary irritation and • bladder discomfort; and for over half a gen, tiny'Dodd's Kidney, Pills have helped bring • relief froth backache by stimulating the kidneys: Get Dodd's Kidney Pills, at any drug counter. Look for the blue lox with the red band. You can depend on Dodd'8. 16r• • Purebred and Top Grade Cows comprisethehighest. quality combination sale to date, featuring a majority of' Fresh. and' Springing bows- and Heifers from Fully Accredited_ and Accredited Area Herds, --mostly all . calf - 1 p.m. E.S.T. This herd is Fully Accredited, Calfhood Vaccinated 40 1red' females—several fresh and many close springers, a grand group of open heifers.. Many prize winners at last year's local fairs. ° Since Jaunary; 1949, 43 ,records (40. Honor Roll) only 12 mature, mostly first calf heifers, have averaged 9,354 lbs. milk. ° • See them on ° display at the Arena any . time- "after November l.st. hood vaccinated. a Every animal' is blood -tested within 15 days 'of thea", sale and examined for pregnancy, the resu4 of which • isguaranteed. Friday,9th, 1 p;a1:. EST: . Please note that this is an afternoon sale, no ,more ,evening sales being" held in the Hays Sales Arena until •• next Spring. (Located on Highway -No. 5, r/4 mile West of Trafalgar) • -43 Located on Highway No.' 5, 1/4 mile West of,Trafalgar)., _ .43 Everything- is NEW for -Oldsmobile Revolutionary NEW" Rocket" Ride"� The facts—the 'FE 1 TURES-speak for. themselves! In this new Super "88", you see the 'triumphant climax of ten years' planning ancl work! Check off these' major advancements Body: low, wide'and handsome—' - all new! n. Chassis: springs, shocks, frame—all new! "Rocket": ail .that •famous snap and sparkle • plus new economy, new dependability! . And. Hydra -Matic Drive* has new instantaneous, :reverse gear selection! Sirioothness--simartness�- ,amazing gas -savings! They're all new, all yours in ,Oldsmobile's Super "88"! Come into , our showroom! Try the NEW "Rocket Ride" in the triumphant n���e 'Super. "88" Oldsmobile! - d /J 'SEE • 'OUR LARGE " STOCK OF DAVEN OS, ''STUDIO , .COUCHES, RECLINERS, ROCKERS, ' CHAIR -BEDS; HOSTESS, - COGSWELL AND . OCCASIONAL ; CHAIlt2, ,• .. •' • •i •y, y,,,,,.Yh.vJM'MWN•'.„•,' M„ .v -' " — :}:,•.'••.4„J�M '}.Ob: K:• }:{::�, , {ijhntith•7JJi+,,oln.'^..> . • • \f • �r f yJrw y ` i $ . L:..:rr.Y.vJ..I.J.1v.•JJ.•••••• : r.J: AA.' r:AY, r:.: •'• ::•A•A^ • ''...•. .' :}}•;hYAN::..:?:,VAVJJAH: Y :A.YA• • • •'S $ ebgve, Oldsmobile' `88" De ,l;ri.le 4 -Poor Sedan. rHydra-Matte Mice optional' pi? ' i`xtta cost. n _ Equipment, acreisories, and trim subject to thane without notice, COW K LLED- $27. • CARA AGED 2QO A Iieedord cow valued n•t $2715 was killed when a car driven by Keith Feagan;,.Colborne Township, ran into it -on the ihid concession foad of Ashlf1ehd, at 8.30 p.ni Pd. A visitor in an asylum asked an �1ny might. it had wandered onto Inniatte • this name. '"George Wash - the road -front tate 'farm • at ttyiliiitm; inl;ton,'.' replied- the -`tet t. H. Culbert, A.slifleld, and ran into "Ma the 1attf,tlhnc i saw yiiu, the path Of the ear.' ...h un.uigg to ytni , -were Abraham Lincoln," re- the ear was estiMated at.$20Q.. The marked the visitor. - :driver was unti jvr°ed, , f1,, "That was by it MY, f rs t .wife."