HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-11-01, Page 6a • PEE GODERICH SIGMAS T .by Ted The Chaperones for the evening Were Mr. and 'Mrs,; Scott, Mrs. Diggon, Miss • Ba'rber, and Mr, .Pring. The• committee aP, :painted by the Student's Council did a lot of work to prepare for this dance and ,it was a great guecess. .4, THURSDAY, . Ncty. •t, s1 'G.C.L CHATTER By jean .tlrw& and pirarg. Langille 0.0.1:4 rugby team. met Clinton Wednesday " of last week in Clinton and, were defeated 11-2.„ This • is the iirst loss the bDys have tad -while playing the games in the ,U.S.S.A: series. • At the I Tallow.e'eu dance held last Friday night, Judy ' Allison and Gerald, McPhee won the. prizes for All news can't be: good news and here we are. to remind you that the Christmas term exam . will start on , Novembe11r 1Oth for the 'Upper School students and on Nov- ember 23rd for the rest: of the students. ' Profits before -taxes earned • liy ;Canadian indu'strY.''fin 1950 were $2,200,000,00(1 . mote than • in 1946. Salaries, wages mid supplementary labour income increased during the same period by $2,973,000,000. — Quiok Canadian Faiets. BORN °DICItSON;-*--At Alexandra o al, tloderteh, on October. 34th, 1051., to �}M�r. and Atrs. i tetvin 0 ick4sof, 4�:R. 3, �Goderic , a son, Donald +-Melvin. FEAKaAN:=At Alexandra Hospital, tOode+rich, on 'October 26th, 1951; to .Mr. fiad Mrs. Harry Fea,gau, G'o1deriel , a daughter, Barbara. irtvrx,---At ,Alexandra HoPpltal, Goderi411, ou Octolber 29th,' 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Itusssei1 Irvin, 1R.It. 7, Luck'now; ..a son. s, '' JERRY.—,At, Alexandra Htis1 tta1, Goderi'ch, on October 24t1i, 1901, to Mk. and errs. -Burns Jerry ;(nee a Catlierinie. Barton,, Code- rich, a daughter„ . .Cntherine Elizabeth. . WROOT. At St. Albans, England, on October 14th, 1951, to Mr: and AIrs. L. E. Wroot,' of St. Alban's, England, a 'daughter, Joan Irene, LADIES PLAN TO ATTEND THE esti g house Cooking ,..Sohoo .FREE PR. zE .w e November 7th and Sth • AT ' !UBLIC SCHOOL ATT IT0RIUM .• .o . 2'S'ONSORED BY i ' • 6 .. GODERICH BRANCH WOMAN'S' INSTITUTE i ,Tickets available .at . s WIL. _ ._F REINHART ELECTRIC ....,.•••••••.0“..s..“.“.44......“..........,....4. . Fresh Stringless, No. 1 GREEN BEANS . California Valanoia, Fancy -288's lb 19c doz 29c McIntosh Red or Northein Spies,, - APPLES . • Fancy qrade 6 -qt bask 59c RAISIDis Fancy': Sultana. CURRABITS Fancy Australian WALNUT PIECES OaricY 8 -oz cellabag 39c Fancy Gra'pftuit NUT IMICAD BEETS Rth 2120 -oz tins 21c A&f, Fresh Candy. CARAJEL :Ann P.iage FRUIT CAKE /MA'S :GREEN giadpkg 3114 8-Oi cello 2:7c i5RICES IN EFFECT UNTII. SATURDAY.; NOY". 3rd. EVAP..MILK tall tins MA 1TOMATO .SOUP ,• tin liAt -BABY FOODS. ttn 9( C1111 SAUCE btl 35c SPACHETTI 15 -oz tins 21c' B0111311- COFFEE Ann: Page—White or Brown -MILK !MEAD sliced . STRAWPERLY JAM clloicE:conm.. Fancy Red -cORNED Bra. 'Breakfast Cereal ROBIN;1100D OATS. Crushed PINEAPPLg.: CUt Ann Page, Bcston Styko BAKED gAtis oktis catelft pocked • ' IOntario Liberal' Leader .• • • • • • • • WILL SPEAK IN • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Walter Thomson Legion Hall, Exeter • ‘Saturdaki Noy:, 1 Ileqr ,Thoinson Vote Armstrohg (Published • • • • • • 2 20-0,z fins 29t Oads Upon which, you tan 'SAFELY, DR:IVE. os atiot,' poll which ALL. CAN ,DEPEND. Township Counoffior fOr eight years Reeve six, years County arde*n. 1949 . . . Member of Londesboro United Church , • . . Veteran World War . . . . Progressive Merchant , 3 DAY, SALE IDA. DRUG STORES FALL DRUG SALE Th4rsOay, Friday and Saiurday smoothes roigh 'skin; p .oz\: bottle, red. 606 . . 490 ANALGESIC BALM • - Dee -Tee 'Brand,' hottlei of 100 and 300 23c, 49c CAMPHORATED OIL? . . cop. LIVER OIL CA.PSULES ' GLYCERIN * Brand., 2 oz. bottle, reg.40c 33o LIVER *OIL CAPSULES HOT WATER BOTTLE "Dependable", guaranteed 4 years, reg. $2.39 . $1.89 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE IODIZED TIIROAT OLE br TABLET ach reg. 356 299 'MINERAL OIL „ MU ST AltirRUB . tor ohbst celdsy etc., 1 oz. jar, reg. 350 29c OIL of WINTERGREEN • SYRUP FIGS AND SENNA TOILET Ti$SUE .111 SS C1LARA FOLFORD Miss Clara lit,Fulford, 714. passed away_ suddenly in Alexandra 'Hos— pital on Wednesday .merning .after several 'months' illness. lion in COiborne Township, -she was adangliter of the late ltichard. .and• Susanna Keogh. Pulford. She clinie to Goderich 'to reside fair years ago. She was a member of Knox Presbyterian OhurCh. 'Surviv- ing areytwo. brothers, Arthur rule ford, Goderich 'and George,. of, berne Township. • The Amend. serslice at the Bro- win be , conducted bY Reir. R. G. MadMillan, of Knox PreSbyterian Church. Interment will be in 091 - borne 'cemetery. IN WORKSHOP MISHAP IIIOLAIDSVILIA, Oct. 31. — Mr. and Mrs. M. Stock accoMpanied Earl Williams and Teddy on a recent trip to Kitchener, -,t,6 vialt with friends.. A number from here attended the three -act pla:v presented Wed- nesday, Thursday and Friday of last Week by the Godericb.'Dratinitic The play was greatly en- joyed,* and we extend special con- gratulations •to Pamela Saddler, Holinesville, for her ,part in the Presentation. Her portrayal of ""Pearl Bond” was extremely well carried out. Ws.- Harrison was a guest last ITrewartha. • On Sunday they. 'Motored to Listowel where Mr. and Mrs. Trewartha remained. to visit Miner and' children going on. to Fordwich to stay with friends. • Rally Day Services.----Rany Day .services Were held on. Sunday' when. - the Sunday school met with, the church, congregation in the audi- torium. A choir, of twenty. children led the' singing with Miss 'Efteen Gliddon,aS, choir leader and organ,' ist. 'two selections were sung by the ehildren and a duet contributed by Da gerigg and Sandra Williams. The Rally Day order of service• was foliowed with Kenneth Tre- W.11rtha,"superintendent, Conducting ding, the groOm, William Mcnwain. Jming a grandson .of. Mrs. Harrison. Mr. .and • Mrs: Proctor Palmer, Litiya Bradiej ,barelY';-escalied spend .ithe week -end -with friends. - seriotts injnry - in his_41tamilton Mrs.. .L. Jervis Visited recently 'street wOrkshop.yestertfayY-morning iwh6n the head of. a• heavy 'Sledge. 'ivith,Mr. and Mrs.• Allin Parka :and hammer with which -he was, pounth - mr, fincl, Mrs, Arthlir Fisher,. ing iti Cylinder . sleeves. 116*- off ."and ricoeheted from the. base . of his- Goderich, visited • on ;Thursday at the homes of Mr.. Mid 7Mrs. T. neck. Bradley' •was' knocked un- ,Elliott, and Mrs., ,W. Yeo. conerous ,bitt ., was brought. around Mr. -and Mrs.•'0, Charlton, and by a , doctor .who,, rushed , to' the little :dnugitter,n Port •Alma,-..v,isited scene and , had hiM back - at work' over the week -end with Rev. M. G. soon afterwards. , . ,, .: • Newton .tit the parsonage, and with Highest , Canadian mountain time of Writing, An the Clinton "World's highest peak is EvereSt, in Asia, 29,002-' feet.:—Quiek Canadian • hosPiral, but , making satisfactory progress after recent operadion. Mrs. Miner and, daughters soe.nt the past week at the BENMILLER MeMiehael of Sarnia spent Sunday. _with 11r. and Mrs. Garfield Mc- I.V1Iss Sharon. Park returir' ed to her home in Dungannon on. Sunday after . spending a, week .Nyith her •gra0parefits, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mrs. Celia Moore *spent the week-, .end .Godhich with- relatIN:es... 'Ur. Nile Anniversary. on Sunday. • The 'W.A. will •be held 'in the' church, On Puesday, Nnvomb6r. le Make final arrangements for. ,the bazaar. A pt. -1110k hinch will he intsber something to show for your taxes "A high standard of morality will. accrue to the nation which sets fOT itself the goal of human better-. ment of its people. The task of raising living stand- ards and promoting general welfare is. challengin ancressential.''—from the Budget speech of, Preinier , Frost, March, 1951. The Progressiire Conservative administratip comes to the:people with an unstfr- .*passed record Of eight consecutive surpluses. . ,The finances. of Ontario are strong, the Government in 1950 and 1951. was. enabled itt fact to reduce, taxes ---:a; record in Can- ada at, this time. This Government's record is no saki; taxes," no nuisances- takes and the lowest:Provincial taxation in Canada. It is a record of. accomplishments not promises. Here are, only a few: TOOTH MUSH -*Nylon bristle, 3 row, short head, , -100's and 300'e, rig. 37o .and 790 2901 590 WASH CLOTHS WHITS BMDBOOATION' or LINIMItifte--4.and-8 ie0:24;ret` 490 :230, 390 PINE AND TAX Ontario has fostered good relaiions with all the Goveriunents of Canada,„1--- Ontario is the only4rovince in the tion emplo3huent.ou grounds of race). 'colour or. creed. 'Ontario leads in tapital.grants for' hospitali. and in. Maintenance grants fdr public ward bedi and in sssistance done -elsewhere in the 'world is con - dully tinder study, and the 'best. IS being selerttede Despite. the shortages of materials very great advances have been made in „our highway system, especially in Huron -Bruce through the constant en-, - Ontario laws passed .this° year pre - vide that Women shall receive eg.ual • _Ontario will next year extend pen- sions tO totally- disabled persons from 18 to 60 ---the first province in danada Free school books have been given this year to 'the children of the pri- mary ghools for the first time in his- tory. Equality of opportunity. in edu- . cation is a reality. Hydro ilesources in the last„ years have been doubled, tidAg• city comforts to rural Ontario; helps take the drudgery out of farm _homes. 406".0e4"441*;-**40041e."4041104i