HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-11-01, Page 2The •Brueef e d 'United Church ° The Ontario Department a Ifigbt, 1. has been celehratitg way's is putting up a -building in . 3ifth AAuiversar se vithe.�ieongrega- Lieknd'w •to'house highway equip- , tion with S - ' " Iwlent. e1itbseriptlon ,Rates--Oanada and Orewt Britain ,$2.50 a yea;; to United States, $3.00: ,Stri('tly in advance. 14vertieing Rates on regtfe'st. Authorized as second-class mail, 'Poet - ' Office Department, Ottdwa. 'Telephone; 71. Out -of -Town Representative : t.C•3yN•A,, 108 Peter Street, Toronto. Phone 1j',tn 3-6766.. u ..,. Member. of Canadian 'Weekly Newspapelrs Association =- , Weekly' Circulation Over 3,000. r,. ,, CrEO: L. I'ILLI$', yublishear. '.. - IIU.X SDS Y�; Q�'•....1st, .1951 ' 'BRITAIN'S ELECTION The. elections. : to the British House of Coultudns `giVe the & otl- seiivat'ivea 'a Majority of 2t Oyer tho Labor party,.. with two' ridings `'still unreported. 'rftere are six Liberals and three others, leaving an over -ail majority of only 17 for 11r. Ohurcivill. This cleans that the new Government arty tend 'difficulty in maintaining ,its pas tion, but els the Labor Governtiteut manage + • to hold on for over a year With a majority. of :.one Mr.:,Churchill should not feel so very uncotnfurt- ,able „with his ' larger majority, espe'cially as the Liberals .will line up with the -Conservatives more often than not. Much is made of the fact that the Labor party ' polled ti. larger "popular vote" than the Conserv- atives, but the difference is More than made up by the I,.iberal )ite, • largely' east against Attlee Uoveru- metit. candidates. Labor eveu polled a larget"'pe'reentage of the total vote - then , in the •1950 electiou, a 'situation accounted for •by,'the fact ',that the ave -lag Liibor member - elect polled a larger-iutrjoritj' than the average. Conservative candidate elected. 'Thi;., while uousual, is not without precedent.: e*en one or, two United' States. Presid nts have -been elected on It minority vote3 What is to be noted in this ,een- nec,trion'is the distinct cleavage in the-natiOn which is revealed by the .vote, succeeding, as it does the'Close vote in the Iireceding election,It lociks.u.` if half the nation supports' soeiaiL-t ineasn1'eA ':III preference to. a strong stand i11 int emotional, 'affairs: while the other'.half gluts stress•upon the world situation -and Britain's• part. in it, . c•dupled, �i•itl dislike of soeialisitl. if Bruep?t I-levin• were still living, and if Sir Statiortl•;••.C;rj;lYils, had' licit been • laid aside -'by illness. the' Attlee (,ovthrn- • ""''melt: plight, easily have Won the ' election. Bevin Was •of the Briti.-h 'bulldog type drat ,giros confidence' in foreign affairs; Cripps war a .genius • ,tina.ucitil matters. Instead of . • Becin the 'Labor 9a rts• ,had Bevil u, and between.the two 'Was', a gulf Pint ,probably decided a' great litany votes •last • week. • • . 1VI'r. Churchill• and his party hare become heirs to. not a few ,problems of vital inportanee and great, dif- fieulty.•.•-i%orea, Iran, Egypt, to say , nothing of trade,,,"'production, fin- ance...and • other doiltestic affairs', 'I)re.sent problems which Ihight Well daunt Any set ' of hien, That Bri- taiti Int y emerge- in good time'from the threatening clouds that tilt rken . her' "sky is the• fervent Wish (f. Canadians 6f good -will. in a gretat number of Ontario cttu- sti.tueucies, but fortunately there is, no, smelt conflict and the ladies seemiugl5' are content to, let the men rale in goveimtnental affairs:, In 13ritain women are Much more• active la politics, 'auii their par- ticipntion as 'candidates or . as c1eeted members of the House "of Ominous is taken as a matter of course, - * * .— Word.from Ottawa is that there is to be some revision, of the so:- called o-called "cot -of -Living index." The `dame itself is misleading, for it does not represext the eost of living. If furniture, for instance, advances in -price the advance is doted in the cost -of -living figure published monthly) but' everybody doesn't buy new furniture every mouth. So with ninny ,_other, cum- moditie, and services. If a gen- eral increase, in rents is noted, this does nut nteltn ' that • everybody's rent -- is increased. 'Food prices affect nearly every faiulily, but even here there is a'°'choiee between tale dearer and the cheaper • articles. Jutwhat form the new, index is' t,o• take • is • not yet mac i ":ikrblie, but if, it; u<ere called a price: index, in- stead of tt 'cost -of -living fudex, , that alotie would be Ain approach to reality. 4,* a * That working relation., between l)tt,awa and Queen's Park are much better than udder the former Premier of Ontario is something for which the present 1'remii•r May take credit, but it does not justify Mr, Frost • in claiming credit. for Fed'ertl enactments with Which, his (it►vernni,ent has nothing to •do. The pension of .:40..a •;montl, , for - persons over" severity years of age is to ire tia.id enti,•ely out of the Ottawa treasury ---the. I'rovi ice eon- tributi nothing. The pension for needy persons between ' sixty-five and seventy years is to `he paid half by Ottawa and half lis (1'utttriu., If Mr. • Frost is to claim •eredit for Federal' 'enactments', because he is on ,good terns ,with Ottawa, suing-. ' one may ask if Ire accepts respons- ibility far all reeent Vedersi'1'.legis- lation. 'to sortie of which strong objection Ls taken by • many of his supporters. • • Appointed Huron county cleri .. and thea purer ir1.1951, A. II: Nrskirte - had been county treastlr.4 • before! 4FERS,•,AL SERVICE • QUALITY MERCHANDISE • REASONABLE PRICES • FAST EXCHANGES our, OMEN NIA a BMW that siiwe° i1ssuliliug the latter Post in. 1934.' His first' interest in muni- cipal affairs was in Blyth when in 1929 he became 'clerk and treasurer. of the 'village trf Blyth, to w.liieh municipality he went i11 1926' `o open a p'r()duCe business.", He Went to. Blyfh from Detroit where he worked :with the Studebaker .Cor- porittiou for •foti.r years 'aantei pre, t'ious to this Was four years wl'th the Bell Telephone 'Company of ,Canada. This was after his dis- charge from, the Canadian Army in World War I. '"Harv." was 'a: student at Listowel -Iligh ehool and was only- seventeen. years of age when he was determined to en- list so joined the 0111 'Battery, at •tl tielph' and their served •overseas iti Franee • and .Belgium with the 7th •Canadian Siege Battery. He was bora at Atwood, Ontario, on September 18,.. 1899, where his father ran a general • store. Ilse attended Atwood Pithily School and - Listowel High School. Harvey's grandmother-, -Mrs. Andrew blrskilte, had the general'stor.e and •postoftice at Monkton, Ont., eommeneing in the 1870's,1 and While she ran the store' her' husband was engaged in handling • sub • contraets ' for the building of• the -Canadian.' Pacific Railway, line to Western , Canada. 'Harvey was married in 19:2 to the former Alexis 'Hasson pf Strat- t'ord and has. three children. Ile A. III. 4ERSKINE has beeit treasurer of Knox` Pres- Ibyteriah Church for 12 years and is. tam on the Session and Board of Management as well as chairman of the. buildingg fund finance eom- inittee. A,,ilteipber of the , Ooderich- Lio11s Club for sixteen years, he has a 'record of ope•,hundred iwr cent. attendance for .tliat •period of time. Ile is a member of the Maitland Masouie Lodge.' • MASSEY-HARRIS, LONDON Massey -Harris •ilas' opened a new branch at. ,London and open house was held, du Wt-dnesday of • last week. It is •the niest,lnodorn and .up-to-date `in the chain of Massey - Harris '• brattebes st'*rving Canada from coast tb coast. • payment; Of 'pensions to ' all" Can- , addans ever severity years of ' age 'Was presented • in • 'the' Hoarse of • Commons last week •,,by- . Finance'. Minister Abbott. aud Welfare Min- ister Martin. Mr. Abbott explained how the cost of the plan' is to be 'Met. There,, is to We a new 2 ,per . cent. levy on,.. the taxable , income. of eotpotaitions; a new 2 per cent. levy on f.txa'}ile income of , tn- 4ividuals, this levy not to exceed - $60 a yealr :. and 2 per cent: of, the present 10 per cent. sales.'tax is to be,.applied to the pension fund. ' This means that- the sales fax is to be continued at the •present rate*, r• but •oneafifth • of UT- Proceeds is to go tta the .pensiort;,6und,- ' Already thousands of applications •� 1111'. - beets- setlt ts' for the .n.v__pen. `i iffi CIr u tttt firslltr tee- Cox. sion, firs .payments of . icrliich are o • -- • .BUILT iN. FANI CIR'CU.LAT.E'S"-' r `'f • HEATED • AIR' •,.. � :'ijS{f _�.v.;; +vim ....:: ,' �`1.1, --•... PROVIDES UNIFORM •' Y C. „sex TEMPERATURE ° Here's the ultimate in oil burning heat- ers — in beauty acid y : efficiency. The.. smartly designed ned compact cabinet completely encloses all equipment including tank, electric fan and constant level valve. The electric fan speeds up cir- culation of heated air and provides a uniform temperature hi • all parts of the house. There are no chilly spots. Fuel econo- my is another feature of the Findlay Heater, owing to the Findlay double combustion chamber. See it — compare it. • You'll get better value with a Findlay. With fan' .... ... $155.00 d I For your' a Car radiator we have: PYROL ALCOHOL and S'OLQ PER- • MANENT�ANTI-FREEZE. , We also handle CAR BEAT- ' -'RS, THERMOSTATS;. HEATER HOSE,-SEIBERLING SNOW TIRES, SAMSON DEFROSTING FANS', WIEr ERS, BLADES and ARMS. • When it comes. to REBUILT MOTORS you can de- pend • on; us for a dependable job atthee' right price'. HavingPg purchased -the hardware supply of NERCO, we are putting on sale :a large supply pf'"PULLEYS OF ALL SIZES. .Also V.P. belts, files, emery stones, etc. Come in and look them over . if you're interested in` a REAL BV in this line. We also carry, a full line of the following. Empire coal stoves and heaters; Wingham cook ' stoves; Findlay electric stoves. ,- -- �, 45 Years. Ago The new Ale ,aiutlra .Hospital on South Street ret-eiived its first pa- tient:..adluittittg Fred Williams who was badly 'but'ued in the upsetting. ,r€ a -- donkey engine tat tltc C,I'.It.' t•Iltl4rlli•tiut1 works, Tlie (.uderielt Tei•utuseits hockey club elected the folluwiug ufiicrers : ' llottoealy President, Adl•ew Por- ter: . 'or - ter:. President, Dr. Walter TItru- bnll ;• `lliinage•i•: C. 1.- ,Lewitt : Sec- i•etary-Trctasuret, J. •.1. `.Page: Comb. E. V. ('a luplon. A.heavy rainstorm imbedded,achimney from ,1; ritzley's' tonsorial rooms. 13 inches In the earth and caused an .considerable landslide on the hill nvar the, new eleratur. .'Flirt Western • section of the new rail- way trestle work .was 'alunist u total wreck where .it was uml_or- coned by the (=-T.R. shovel gang- • 25 Years Ago It •Wes announced that the road between Clinton and Etginfield was to -become a PrervinC'ial Highway. • The first and second Carter Scho- larships were Won by' (;.('.I. stn, d'r?ut 1 Harry l:. West and Jean E. Winter. ' • .• .The "Helen McLeod II," designed by pert \Iat•Dunald. -(b derich, and. built by MOL: -6 ci 11ru tern of Hay- field, was IiiyEnctbed at Hayfield. , 15 Years .Ago, The (.odeiii li• l\ 'reed' ,hospital Auxiliary' opened a' sperittl .fund fur tho purchase of a gas', luachiile - for the administration of • onaestb0- tu s tit the `1iospital. 1'Ilss Gertrude Iiai1t 1111(1 1)uuglas: 'ti1111 starrol in the 1410.115 Club presentaticon of the musical comedy. "It's' a kuoc kout," ''he• ,Royal Tltllnone Soviet;v '.was preparing to reward Mr. ilert Mac- 1)ona.id for' his tart in• sating the. life, of Fred Hardy 4t2 Stratford after he had heeti „swept - on. the (.olleric•h .breakwater shy. a • huge wa ve. • • ' . Helen Archer was ('leced T'resi- dettt •uf t 1411 en ry • Society -uf the (.oderic•h Collegiate. • • BRECKENNILIG.E ,. ®. PLUMBING.- HEATING. aD�'ARE- PLU P '1N35' GODER,ICi4 Forquick results—try a classified ad in- The Signal -Star Whitewall tires and chrome wheel trim' rings optional of extra cost. • ' WESTFIELD •w'I)STrim,i), Oe -t. R1.—Mr. ,Cecil Campbell *MS ti Tilbury visitor •oft Wednesday: IIIr. Armond llc•Burney is visiting trel'ati'vts , 17r. and Mas.. Seth arid- Jeffrey, Miss-S.1044'Cook of (loderich and - Mr. A.IE1.'C'ook'of'131yt.lt v'islterl utt i+ttudtiy with 1I s. Fred (took. Mr. •,u-nd Mrs. •3 tick Cowart of Exeter gpent . the •'week -end with l ir.• and M•rs. �Irlrv'in MaDowell.•- "ilir. and Mrs. Morley .lohnston of Donnybrook visited on Sunday with, Mr. and 'Mrs. Howard Camp-, bell. ' Mr. and. Mrs. W•' A. Cainlpbell Moved .to their new liable tit, Auburn on ,Friday, Tjle 'Farm Forutit meetings ccitit- mend o11 Monday evening for another sPtisun, the meeting ' being held at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin, Drnvell. IMM,r. -and :VlrS. ,Ernest •Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Ross • Pa tterson., trod Terre: of &ubu•rit visited on;Sunday� to be made In January neat'. It .is esfinrated that about 730,00(1 will be eligible for: the pension, which would make' the cost approximately $.360,000,000. • In 'addition, about '10,000 persons will receive a means .test pension for those between sixty- five and seventy Years of age, one - air, of which • , is 'paid by the jrtiderill (it vernuriept and one-half y. the Provinces. '['Itis will east the Ottawa Government an' addi- tional,O00;. i xii rthi4t. #9TES Oiinrcllin. it is! * • •* • t. . i -, .. • . ('l�rlst- ,'�..ess 'than, el,gilt weekat ,tel kn' te. 33etter . get.' bust, * •* , . • As 41kunl, ' W'onut#1 ,Cttndttltlt(,E1- its tit ?it0v106111I' 'e1eetiptt " are re v. 14fiet .1kfaeptiall, the, mile rtprescht;. `,'_ tiw - ter ti li rite l$ti1t;L ,gls3 latuz e;, 115 ' tgtt „n tt e tndidlte 'fox. the °00.10" it4the ill tall Ot. est tubt(olt ittoinff, Mrs. Attarotatit 1trOgi '1;1, ilI' trry their' sttl$nrtt ln. the .f'ortit' canting clettioti, It •-A1111elt1'contetta 'fes eonifttetedo'tt '1t fr hist a!' $ex, vicintert totdd,ete t their ea ndidttt(+ A inibseriptiotl •to the Signal -Star, snakes Iatt appreciated gift. •4.•0444.46•• •14•4S40O4}./C*a.4- e'.....- .4.wwe•.n/AV • • • • Dr. Alfred Russell, ALBION, . IVI1C11., Speaker for the Youth ,for Christ Rally ;SAT.;' NOV. 3 at & 'p'an. in the Clinton .High School pit. 'j RUSSELL enlisted Ito, the 161st Battalion and wishes ito• Ivied as many of his •cofnrades as earl he ore - AMA., He . served as •Nuala '.. rift the Virst. World War anti as t hapla•tn in- the "Seconds World War. - • 11► 1`Il<EI i COONS -. -- rhatlk ar- latist,wilt Illustrate the renes= sage In pfietures. '44181.5- 'LE.44) zt7. II MA: =via= itxristf 'ISS MISIONE .iz Cti twliia. nit and trnatipattr. 1140.t, prink Thla I'roranij Pitritan AreaNiiaihrot d irist The World's. Finest Anthracite colored BLUE for your protection. •: Yes, you're sure• of getting full,yalue for your money when you order 'blue coal'. Tinted BLUE at the mines for your protection... so that you can distinguish this quality anthracite at a glance from ordinary coals ...,,Ws—your guarantee of -4 the -finest hard coal money can buy. 1. Steadier heat; A 2. Longer -lasting heat; •�v Economical, abundant heat to every room in the house. -• Sci, when you order coal, insist on 'blue coal' and be assu>'ed of greater heating economy sand isfaction..'Came iri or 'phone today. Mefkpr": , : clean-cut youthful beauty ... precision craftsmanship ... powered by a ;responsive road -proven 10011p.V-8engine. Arid now . .Meteor offers Merc-O' Matic 1, With Merc-O-Matic Drive there's • no gear changing, no ' clutch work! ALL "you do to 6O is start. engine—set selector —step ori gas! Come in . . take your demonstration drive. Meteor with Merc-O-Matic Drive is automatically miles ahead in the low price field.► Tree -way Option.. -Now ... 11/.leteor offers you Standard Transmission -economical ' y Touch -O -Matic Overdrive—and now,Merc- O-Matic Drive! .(Touch -O -Matic &dd Merc- O-Matie Drives are optional at extra cost) *,� � ..":�'�,'�' �--• ,rte'' Listen to "The cord Theatre" Every Friday Night - Dominion Netw,ork '.MERCURY i•iNCOty lifeltar WIDE CHOICE'OF'MODELS•-FroYn the Custom Deluxe "Victoria' to the Deluxe Business Coupe, there is it model for. you. Body -lines are be,utifu . Twelve exciting ' ;ked -on. enamel body finishes available. j METEOR. " RECORAMI" INTERIORS ' —Where ,high—fashion blends with practical utility! stvery and trim combinations, gleaming chrome fittings—all combined to keep Meteor, miles.aheaclin style. CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY••• MVleteor instrument 'pltmel is Rimmed for beauty . . . de- signed for easy night reading told for mlaximura visibility at •tLa times under all conditions.