HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-10-25, Page 10-•4 R •For -quick- results --try a classified ad- in .1%e Signal -Star Plowing Match Is Held by Colwanaah Junior Farmers • Prizes, 'totalling 010. in . value, donated, by ibusinessuien of . Gode• nicb, V1nghafn Lueknow•,'arid Dun- ganuon, were awarded at the Col- w.nnash Junior Parmers' Plowing Mtiteh held on Baatey and Turtori's farm,' •Cuiibxrne Township, Wedlres-' day of last week. The (match was' u fallow -up to the coaching glosses conducted --by . John Fitzpatrick of I.ucknow on the . farm of Albert. McUee; Ashfield' '1'iiwulii), uu 'tile • preceding .Saturday.- Elmer Arm - S( ilfurth,. judged- the 18 en t ries. " The wiruieys were: 'i`w•ci-furrow- 10 -inch -]bottom: �1 Glen 'Wise, 4'linton ; 2 Ken. ('autil- .bell, Dublin; 3' John •('lark, Gode- i)i('h. • 11wo-•furrow,' 11- and 12 -inch hot-. tout.: -1 Don Dodds, Seaforth ; .2 Melvin Bogie,. •Goder-ich. Three -furrow or more, 011 -inch or GROWTH OF DOMINION} STORES CREATES NEW- OPERATIONAL. STRUCTURE - Rzitu, 1001. • • NOTICE! Tom's Tobacco „Shop Open Daily 6-11 Dungannon.. ]BILLIARDS • TABLE TENNIS MINIATURE HOCKEY PIN BALL TOBACCOS SOFT DRINKS CANDY; ETC. Thos. W. Koviak, 'Jr., ! Proprietor. • 4ot'f voirmermomommimmode .•:y.+.A•r..�x•n...... axe ,.q.:v ta,,;;.fi:; �. t{,+f:,'7;1��;.,F.•:Y,h;:4•;:•+.;cnc!w•4 a�,�,t•;y�„'�gxf S. '^^,e,�:y+'.?c?�;? !•,. ?`:';:.. •, `•� 4 ^�F � ^+;rr';:.y:`.,:...; _` J •, „{ ?a:�,'+::s'>•:::���,.�r`>>'>,•vy;,,�.`�`k,,.�:A:y..::is�.,.k,'.,.x,�,.{�,•,'�4�C"iA *�Yb,+�.:K:+:ti.,-.; }:,.,., �.: ::;',•,?4:?;:.:q � .:•\t: v,{v;: •: Sv: •:y -v :• •., iiia+•i:::, ? {Cr". A.; <:.,. u.. :.,.ti.. ,<. }5.....,. :iso::til<.:;,•:3:•:fi?•c•.::w.::::ti ,:t•:..'.:..v ,�+,: •i..,�,•,.,.n.,k,,.'3:}xv�t..x.�x�'<r�t,i#,`•.'.�r',r; eed a dru99isf for oirrFment Or pills white or prnk? Yfuoid FACES will find him -- Quick as a wink Perfect tea is .so, e to its with L. D. SQUAIR I,VOR CRIMP '-.R,. 5. HANSFORD A. A. J. LEWIS ' •' . Concurrent with the release today,of the .Semi-Alrnual Report of Dorninior) StoresLimited, J. William Hors - Horsey; •• president, announces tete ores tioh of a operational structure necessitated bye,. the growth of the busihcss. Hereafter, Mr. Hoxsey'states, store operations will be administered through )J astern and;Westexn Divisional �^"' managers. Louis D. Squair, eerecutive vice-president, remains in charge of operations, Ivor Crimp has been ap- • .'pointed executive vice-president in charge of merchandising and development. From headquarters at Toronto,'v newly appointed Western Division Manager Ralph S.•Hansford will admmiste& operations in Central,' Western and Northern Ontario. From -headquarters at Montreal,, newly appointed Eastet•n,,Zivision Manager Alex A. J. Lewis mill administer operations in Eastern Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes. "Oiir' sales have inerpaved 500c,',o since 1940. As a result, each of our two new' operational divisions now handles more than double the sales volume that the entire Company enjoyed a decade ago," states Mr. I-Iorsey.. more: 1 John Feagan,' Goderich; 2 Albert' Durst; .Goderich ; 8' Merton Keyes, Seafort11. Hydraulic plows: 1 Donald Bean, Goderich; 2. Jinn Clark, Goderich; 3 Fred -Gibson, C`iliritorl, Best land plowed with M.H. plow: 'Glen Wise, , lintort. Best land ,plowed,-, ',with Interna- tional plow,: John Feagari, hGode- ric. 13est; land 'Plowed with hydraulic plow t. Donald Bean, Goderich. • Best crown ial nth ld: ken. C'tinij - iiell, Du�bliti: . (lest 'tiuislt in field:, John Clark, Goderich. - " Plowman conning, farthest: i-lier- tolt Keyes, 'Seaforth. Neatest finis]] ' on • headlrind wain, Morris',. Goder•ioh. • (;uesFiirg 'total weight of two ]lead- of cattle Mary (1w$stng weight oT, holstein] cow:. I Iniitgomery. (,3ties.siug • weight of Herefor"d ,col;': Joan. ('lark. •IMctor; -Say hit." • "Patient: "But, do« tor, I onl'Y came in to pay my b ill," Doctor: : "Ahhhhh1ih :" EVANS CEJIEATE- Thermostat control at no extra cost. SEE THESE at Hutchinson ' Radio Huron Rd: Phone 4981 -39tf • ➢IIr6i 4 STAND BY FOR BROADCAST!' October. 28th the first of a new group -of young Cana 1ian,,,, singers will thrill to these words. It will be 11.0-1-1 Singing'Stars of Tomorrow" again ' bringing opportunity to future stars, great listening to you: - c,i11VISIBLE tM.0 ES. Up-to-date• home-makeri din fake it tip from M prafess onal mechanics'ics' and pabilers who rub'1Protek'. on their hands 'befora shirting work. This greaseless, odorless , , creast keeper primo„ out .of skin pores. Wash' it off and off comes dirt tool' EVERY PIcTVRE. - 4 •A CHENINCAL - STO t, One tells, about -ray, another' is'aboui~ ariununi- • &Ir;-unother Sho s- fol nye -deco i"an. Chtmi' tfy " is becoming so jmpottant, lives ~that it is hard to find some product ops activity„ that does , not owechemjtry.."PictLiiue 1 ' ys" itself uses : engraving plates and prjnting inks' • that have their origin' chemistry:. It is the unseen servant of our modern everyday living. 'Canadian Klndustries Lin ited is proud' to' play ea leading �m part `in the de.'elbP ment of chemical:' products In Canada thereby "Serving Canadians Throu h Chemistry". : } SCS, A KEEN CHESS .PLAYER 'is. Jack `McCallion of West Toronfo. Jack retired on a C -I -L Pension recently. Just as the'Pension Plan helped solve his retirement problems, 'other sound Employee Welfare plans offer security to the mon and women working with C -I -L today. 'r, • • "SEEING' YE'r for the i dical and dental, - profiislpns is anoihherthtimieal product—Xrrali; • film- Do** 'use `X=ray for didgnoiis and • treatment, And it makes your 'dentist's job so much, easier. ° ' a 4.710911 «...v.1ttt WINTER mor'er: woof, s'liootiq ctubs,arb b fOunchtti cis Oars and mote pooh' flet together w'hi'r Ct,, supply •of' tarosti and earl. mmunition for fon mid #rle tdly throlry . .. . ��w�DrAN��austiri sty i input) • PERFECT HARMONY. 64,4 0641 is made Yby .. y. -t, rr eas . +neW �-i-1, S' nthranited Co ou for»Walls .and'•.. ...Woodwork'. HormgnizIng colours and' matching finishes •haip'you flet 'lust .the], eifelct ybu want.• off COURT FINES FOLLOW .. DIST. RIOT MOTOR- MISHAPS Thomas Caldwell,KR-4, ,Gode- rich, was (tined $50 and costs - in 41aest rat e's Court here last Thurs- day: Cnl,dwA11 pleaded guilty to. 4, charge of driving a motor vehicle while` his ability to •do so was impaired by alcohol..Aecused testi- fied that he had been proceeding arpund ;the Square unci Went to turn on to 'Hamilton street from the centre 'of the road when- he into nto another automobile on hds righthand s'ide. - "1 'was expecting something like this to happen - sotuctime," com Iili�uted Magistrate :Holme:. "It's too bad you had. ;beets drinking." AVotsI)ip .noted th€lt in. some centres• special- 'laces had ]been Marked out. at. Main inter- sttotiois for, the use of, drivers wish- ing . to turn. Murray Lovett, ,R.R.. 1. Lclndes- „boro., pleaded ,guilty to a charge, of driving without -dile care and attetitiou.. Police said Lovett had been' proceeding r,rth on a side - road entering ,No..'8 'Highway; had failed .to- stop at the intersection, and run into a fence- causing slight d€iage. Lovett' war Oiled five dollars and costa. A - charge of careless driving against 'John Dick- son,,ti .jailor from ,S.t. Colldngwood, whose horse is ill, Markdale, ciiS11I4SSe(1. Morley Liliington, ,Goderich, and Verni►n. Jlrunsdoll of liullett '1'owit4 ship, 'booked on charges of breaking and entering !were' remanded for a wec.k' w`itt iiadl. .John I)tti'nin, - London, pleaded guilty. • to charges of-lirea.king''and entering, as$rru1ting a polite ciificer on' duty. and theft, and w•as re, OUTSTANDING1 ARTISTS' IN CONCERT SERIES HERE Each of the ,four artists appearing in the' concert series arranged by the Department.. of. ;Education-. at 'the' Public Sehotrl audi'torium, G.ode- ric h, -next Wednesday night is out-. Standing. Following are thumb- nail sketches :' Jamie] MacDonald, pianist, played with, the Toronto Symphony Or- chestra- at the age of 16. Later he became' staff atcOMpanist• and coach at' the Peabody Conserva- tor' of Music, Baltimore. He has aeeosnpa tried many -.famous A'meri- c'an artists.. Joseph • 'Paeh, ' violinist, winner of Mw L.N.F, $500 violin scholar- ship in•` 1940.. • In' 1947 •he played at. the ;annual Closing Oonceit the year -• of - the Diamond ; Jubilee , trf the, C'onservato'ry.' henry .r I3ialuski, baritone, ap- peared last. year 'in the . C.N.E. Grandstand ' Show' starring Danny Kaye and again - during the past., 'Summer in , the . show starring Jimmy Du'raate: 'He was .'born nt Winnipeg. ipeg. of Polis extract ion. ' • Se1•rna Tet1ntrff(s;an,'soprano, born at . Regi or Norwegian ext rnetion.. She has macre. many stage• appear-. "antes, recitals and radio broitd . oasts including: The -Dance of, the Nations, The George Murray Show •last Year over 'station. CFRB, Tor- ��t1a .4;41)14114-r»11d`(Jl�peJtunity mocks ts'ith, A(laSkin over (Iron. HER FORTIETH RENEWAL Writing to renew • her , subscrip- Hon to The Signal S'ta.r, Mrs. Margaret MacLennan, Chicago, says: `'This is, 1 ; �be1leve. Illy fortieth 'renewal and 1 still '1$ok forward- to -]receiving it ehhh week.'.' 1111111(1ed 'In custody for a week. FIVE FROM GODERICH WINNERS' IN CONTEST Fuer ,bets„ and.,one .girl • frent,1 (bido'rich were W inne.rs in the hist' hottle contest' and received- their 111'lzes at L'xetel'• o11 Saturday. The contest closed on; September 29th after continuing since' '.the begin- Iring of the summer. Reg. tiielil, 13, °sl,ri of ,lir. and Mrs. Albert Riehl of Sal,tford, was • the winner • of a 1►icycle. ()their' winners of bicycles Were: I3o•bhy McC'utc heon Brussels; Peter Dale.;; -sPaferthr Bobby ,Jackson, Credi- ton ; Ken 1-1a'wort 11. , Exeter. Radios were won ;by Anthony Williamson arid Larry Iloltsuinn of (d(lerio'h. (')then radio winners were; -Karen :Coleman,. • Brussels ; Jim Tcnnlinson, ' I•,xe'ter; Marjorie Armstrong, I.uc•knew, - Joan Hoy and Paul Webb of Goderich worn a choice of either. glot!'es•oi a Bert tica�te entitling tiler " to five dollar„ in. raerc'han= dise.' Other 'winners .in •this group •We're,1 line ; Smale, . Hensall ; JimHenn4rk ey;' Exete'r ; . Tohn- J3enorny, %nricri ;,, David Corrie, 13urylfleld ; Wayne Run1ig, ('futon : Lola Chu; ter, Clinton m Donna Wells, Exeter Maxine Wat:sort;A'CePtralia. GODERICH TOWNSH•IIP MAN ON LOTTERY' -CHARGE ' Gorden M. Galbraith, Goderich Township, was; remanded • ' until Novernlher lst, on cash ball Qf $1,000' 'when he- ;appeared before" Mrs. Mable Gray. He Is Charge(] `that Within six- months ending •Septeml- "ber ,18th, 195-1, " he , did se'1-1 ItillaW-- fully, or otherwise (lis1)ose of tic- jiet's 'on an ,alleged lottery; to, wit, Army, Na`i'y and Airforce Veterans in Canada on the November Ilandi- •eap. to, be run at. to race track at' Manchester,. EnglnIid, Neien her 17, 11951;4101'4'. for Its el>j.e'i't 'the (lic- ' posing -o> a sum "of ;money amount«. ' ing to ,x»100,1300, thy mode of chance, contrary to the provisions of f3ec- !titin 236, fhb 01 the Criminal Gode of Calin da."; '' .- ?IRE COMMV ITTEEE+ IDEA .t . FIGHTING G ��"O AID EIRE , Inr.rea,` e(1 r otee.ion for rest.I deILt$ °0if �Go(lerie, p t Cfl can be expected iii. 'future as it i cult of a:,, reeom- lnendation 'made -by the 11 ire Com-` -mittc'e Of the'NAT .•('ottfteil• follows.- :ing recent +tuts .'1)y t'lie 1041 Fire Department, The 'Committee has reentfinetrd d the , l'inple expedient of connecting fire -hoses to the Town X)trmper «'henhydrant:s•,are lewd. "We all wondet'etl 'vhy "the same thing, W,aS"r1't done twenty years ago," Mayor 111nekins vromrtiAtea to ']'own '('.otln(°il last `week. PHOo P WINS FIRE :•••••••••••••••••••••• • • • I s tisn • • F. . ..• . • i chins. i : ,. .ifi • . • :- •Store 'Hours • • •OPEN DAILY • • •11a.m. to 7.30psi. • • •• e• •Remain` open Saturday • and Sunday. evenings: sClbsed Mondays ,except • .holidays. • Si. • -' -36-38 6•••••••••••i•••••••••••- plint'o of"• :,`'' Mi"s n.'s °l'1i3O:1I('('S 'Curry, daughterof ?lr. and i iii. Frank (;tarry, ,ftnd ' v1iiell was ,pntitle(l _ tittle Si5tet. ,i,ewvori a' price d� Ito ;photo- competitions' at Notfoll# County; Putt., Sim(OC.. Tlie 'pietui'e, ''which sl"1oW(.d.. trite two g i..` tn1ien sill]' I•eafry°g a �aolr, WAS 1,y 'Miss Ann, Wurtele. • 1 a• ..,� - LINCOLN' ., , FARM WELDERS ,. ' and , WELDING SUPPLIES always in stock., W. G. SIMMONS '& SONS Huron Rd. Gpderich Phone 1132 -9tf enitry: em'�rIaIs T. PRYDE '& ' SON,. Clinton, Exeter, Seaforth Write Box 150, or phone 413, - :„Exeter and we shall be pleased' to call. • .) Highest CashPrices for 'BEAD. STOCK Horses $2150 each Cattle $2.50 each ' dogs 50c per cwt. 1.0t r(ling ter Site &.c,tl itiali .,SLI. i> t- Seaforth--.{15 'L'X1 EIt 236 DARLING & CONIPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED r .ORILLIA-r-AND ODERUCH, • TOO: •• ('Orillta N.e?'vs-Letter), One reason - why snekvSPitiPer.$ often aren't able to 'publish on time. is . that press secretaries and other'•*neiws contributors usually wait until the day, before publication day to hand in news. As, most advertise- ments also come in on this, day the typesetting machines . aren't able to handle all the material and some has , to be Left out., There are limits to What oper- -ator's -and machinery can do. More news, and advertisingcopy on Mondays Would 'relieve .the Tuesday' strain, would ".assure the paper being•published early. Wednesday and make better delivery • service possible. Anything to sell? A classified ad in The Signal -Star brings results • FIRST AID RENDERED 7 TO SICK_ RADIOS` B: R1 MUNDAY ALSO PORTABLE E FOOL -PROOF SOUND ' SERVICE.:.' -Certified Radio Technician -- Phone • or Call Widder St., Goderich, Phone 598 -23tf -WILLING • WORKERS' CLASS: The Willing; !Workers' Class •of Victoria` 'Street ]United 'Church met'" on Wednesday, &ening at the home of Mrs. A. J. Smith, . -Huron road, - with a large attendance. Mrs. ` Vernon iSntith conducted the.. de- votional period. The tScriptur•e les- . son was tread. by Mrs„, Milton Fisher, and readings were given by Mrs. George Cu •rre, MMrtle - stone, :and :MissllElaissi Pe yBamford.John Mrs. C. 1I. .Langille, the presi dent, was in charge of the business pelaod. Plans were made for enter- taindng the W.M.S. - at Mrs. Lan- gille's hanle le.Novemiber. Arrange- ments for the -annual bazaar' were completed. At the conclusion of t -he .meeting Mrs. 'Smith served a delicious lunchz• The i-tern►tt stars shine out as soon as it Is dark enough. --Thomas Carlyle; .' How COLDSafkct Your KIDNEYS The kidneysare. etery delicate organs, -- easily affected- especially by a cold. Their duty is to filter impurities and excess adds . from .the blood'. When you have a cold extra work ii thrown upon your kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills help your kidneys 'ckri your system of excess acids and poisda caused by cold►t, and 'give you a chance to shake infection gooier—feel • better faster. If you'have a cold get and Dodd's Kidney Pills. ° , '1 39 D�dd KidneYPiIIs cl �hn eere The Quality Name in Farm Equipment since ' 1837 — SALES - • ' SERVICE Now • Tractors and Equipment always,,, in stock. Also Several Good Used Tractors and Plows Be wise and- order',now for your future needs W. G. Simmons & So -s :ltd. GODERICH 36 t HURON ROAD h ' EVERYTUINC\ IN BUILIMNG BUILDING,; SUPPLIES SUPPLIES -: ' We have a supply, of building needs ,in lumber, hard- ware, . • Masonite, nails, ' glass up to 48" square, white brick,:'•screen wire. ' Barrett asphalt shingles, roll roof- I ing, roll' brick, building paper, Masoxiite, leatherwood, plastic, roof coatings, foundation. coating, ;Dnro-Tile,, chrome mouldings, plywoods, Tentest, Therm¢seal. a• luminum.insulation in, rolls or sheet, etc. • - We can, produce any type of frames and sash, com- bination doors,front doors and frames. Just pick up your phone and call 782- ° .JOHN JEFFREY &SON PLANING MILL AND YARD • Godbrich Elgin Ave. East Await ORDER t\C HOW .ewn •r .J. "TSE ACE OF -ANTHRACITE" •: Gold weather will soon be here. Now ib'' the time: to fill your coal bin wit/3 high quality fuel, - Lehigh Valley . Anthracites famous for its burning qualities.' "- It gives you faster Beat, burins longer ' and saves YOU money on your fuel ddllar. - .•, �. 5 ' PIIoth 70W AND PLACE YOUR ORDER POR IM= • .MEDIATE DELIVERY. EGG 1 N:114*OVE ; MOE 'P•OtJAHONTAS, ALBERTA BRXQUEaTTE1 ,-,CAVALIER AND YANCY STOIER 114'I ..STOOK.' The 'Ford of $ertrit a •� 1151At the end' of Nelson Street. ' • : • �151VL enin ev g. 37tf •