HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-10-25, Page 5ST'. GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY, `"+OCT. 28th, 1951 " 8.30 -II<it Y'.• COMMUNION, 10;--UVDAY SCHOOL. II—MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON., Rev. John Bali of Kincardine.. 7—EVE'NING•,,PRAYDR AND SERMON. ' REVEREND •' BEVERLY H. FARR, B.A., >(..Th;, RECTOR. A. W..- ANDERTON, Organist and Choirmaster • North Street 4 United ' Church SUNDAY, OCTOBER , Sih, 1951 �. Sunday School --.10 a.fn. . Morning Worship 11 a.in. Sermon 1Subjeet: "Marais Decided by "B• allot." Evening Worshii 7 p.m. Sermon Subject: "When, Tears Are G•ood." REV. H. A. DICKINSON, B.A.., MINISTER. H. A. CLARK, Organist - and Choirmaster Knox Presbyterian' °Church A step - in the right direction .* 4f 2 p;m., is through 'the door of your Church. It invites. • - ydu:,:to the. viceless teachings of ehristiapity., r It offers you strength ,- and comfort such as Tithing else can• give. When you lielp the Church you are -helping yourself. Attend services this Suri- day.' You will be welcome. "THE LIMIT OF GOD'S FORGIVENESS." ba - The Service will be held in the -Sanctuary of North Stteet United Church. . REV. R. G. MacMILLAN, W H. BISHOP,F.R.C.O.,A.R:C:M Minister. Director of Praise. Victoria •St. United Church'. MINISTER --REV. D. W. WILLIAMS, B.A. -ORGANIST and CiI~OIR, LEADER—Miss Mary Joyce •Strachan 10 a.m. , SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 'a.m., ' "THE ROAD TO ZION" ' • Infant Baptism. 7 p.ni. . "THE SOURCE OF CONFIDENCE." i,Tni9n Services: - 2 p.r1. Sunday School.' • 3 p.m. Church Worship. Goderich Baptist Church • MQNTREAL • ST. MINISTER -REV. IAN G. HIND, B.A. . ORGANIST and CHOIR LEADER—FRANK BISSETT 10 a.ni:. SUNDAY SCHOOL. . 11 a,fn, "THE HIGH -WAY."- 7 p.m. "'THY KINGDOM COME." Momlay 8 p.m. Young People's. Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting;. the Free Methodist Church Corner Victoria and Park. Streets - , Rev. B. E. Stevenson, '.P'ustor, 40 Park Street, Phone' '897W. . SabbatlliSe'viees---CHM['-'Dial 900--9 a.m:, Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8. p.ut. Sabbath School 10 a.m. 10 a.m. 'Sunday School. - 11 a.m. MINISTRY OF THE 'WORD. 7 p.m. MINISTRY OF THE WORD. , Prayer Meeting Wehnesday at 7.30 p.m. " TO ALL --A CORDIAL WELCOME.. LO'E'EN PARTY Tlie C:G.I.T. of KnOx . Church "- "1i131t1. lirwe"e .rrty irt=MircK-it Hall, Tuesday', elrernine"The •hall was suitably decorate,( for the even- . .. � . e. u p TI E QODERI(' r Ma -NAL -MA -NEWS ,0F.. R_ AYFIELD BAY ia'IELD, (set. 2.1. Airs. Henry Millet.', Mrs. John Hussey and small daughter of Mt. Cletuensl land Miss Lola' of Detroit "spent the weekend With Mrs.' M. ' Mr.,, and Mrai. "Arhtrr' I3rissozl, of Grosse Point, Mich., spent the week; end at their home iI11 the> village. ' Miss Betty Lou Lara3on of'London spent "the r week -end with •her pars_ eats, Mr.° and -Mrs. It. Larson.. Walter Westlake spent the week- end in harrier 11 rs, I •1.Cnuckey left. on Monday for a trip to Toronto and• Quebee. Miss Maud Stirling who . spent thee past weep in -Toronto returned Inthe on Saturday. Mrsx'JI. E. Webb and son George Who have spent the past eight weeks with tl'fe- fortlter•'s -parents in Manitoba returned ,home on Mon- day. • ,• • )fir. and Mrs, Keith Pruss and' :firs. G. Weston and Judy of „UM-. dou spent Sunday, in the village. •' Mr. Ewing Buchan of Lloyclniln- ster, Sask., spent the week;. -end with his sister 'Mrs. N: W. Woods. We are sorry to report that Mrs. W. J. McLeod sr., is in very poor 'health. She suffered a stroke last week. Iter many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Brandon -Denby. -..-Standards of white lighted tapers and • bright autumn flowers. in, • St. Andrew's' United Church, Bttytteld, made the setting for a beautiful autumn wed- ding -on •Suturday, October, 20th, at 2 p.m. when Doreen Mune- Denby, second daughter of Mr:- and Mrs. J. .a.W. ,Dthn'by' of St. Thomas, became the bride of. Kenneth \Viifrect Bran don; eldest son of Harold Noble Brandon and, the late Mrs. Brandon tri Balitield. The. -ceremony was Performed by the pastor, Rev. Peter Renner. The bride; who was given. in tnarriage-by her father, -was love-. M in . a gown of 'white slipper satin, - featuring a square lace yoke trim- ,. flied with love 1Ftce, fitted bodice with long sleeves ending -in lily points on her hands,- aid a full gaithered. crinoline skirt. 'Two navels of lace from the waistline ended in a cathe- rp nd,rat train edged with love lace. Her iinger4'ip veiel. of; 10r:each illusion ,w as Held in' place by a ,tiara;.. of i:hi.tiestones and seed purls and 'she 'WOO a v,nscade of American Beauty roses li`aa stephanotis,.. Miss Ev ithne Denby o - Toronto, •Iter . sis-. ter's maid of honor;, was In a 'gown of gold brocaded sill?~ faille taffeta. with' .lull hoop skirt, fitted "bodice and bolero buttoned doWlr the front froma high .neckline. She wore matching mittens with a go14, featit- er hitt and carried' 'a cascade of bronze mums and !yellow .'ruses. Miss Audrey Brandon, sister of the ,groom', and Miss Ruth Wright as 'bridesmaids a wore • similar' styled gowns of loganberry' wine satin, with fitted bodice, bertha . collars' and short -puff sleeves and full hoop skirts, with which they wore match- ing !mittens and halo .headdresses. They carried cascade botiq'uets, of yellow muius'and roses.. The -bride's Younger sisters, Patricia, and Jean- nine Denby, as junior bridesmaids, wore, similar_ gowns of forest green satin made with long bouffant skirts, •fitted bodices, round 'neckline and puff sleeves.a They. carried _basket of baby 'rums in autumn ,shades. glen Brandon was his- brother's grbumsman and the ushers were Jame's Sage, Sit. Thofr as„ and Melvin Greer of Bayfield. Mrs. Don Kini.." bury presided at, the organ and • played • traditionalwedding music. The soloist was 1lrs. Willis Valt- Egmond of Olintou who sang "To- day 0' Lord." Before the ceremony and' "Through the Years," during. the signing of. the register. • The reception was held in the church parlours for 65 guests. The bride's table was centred by the wedding 'cafe flanked by i-,ink.,tapers, The 'bride's' mother, Mrs. J. -W. Denby, wearing black velvet • and taffeta 'ensemble with grey accessories `and a corsage .of Talisman roses .with the: groom's ' grandmother, • Mrs. Robert Blair, wearing a black crepe dress and accessories and a corsage of Better Time roses, reeeia:e-cl the guests. ,Guests Were present froin Bayfield, Clinton. St. Thomas, Lon- don,' Toronto ancl, lurford. • Intel' the young' couple ,left on a- motor 'trip. 'For travelling the bride doli- ned, a spruce blue suit with black: velvet trim with which she ,wore pink • and black accessories and a corsage of American aeanty roses. On their return' they will: reside in B'ay field. TAYLOR'S CORNER r There is no substitute for experience 4. VOTE JOHN HAN for Duron -Bruce WORKING FOR YOU' IN TAYLOR'S CORNER, Oct.' 2.4• -- .Congratulations to, Mr., and Mrs•. Keith Millor'(,nee Vera Wilson), who Were.married on' Saturday. Anniversary. Services.—,Beautifill autumn weather favored tileun, niverso-ry serv'i'ces held in - Zion Churc•i1 'on Sunday. The .chui'cll was ,beautifully deeorate'd with at profusion of flowers• by the ladles • of —the '•congregation. T.lie guest speaker, Rev. W: J. Rogers, gat•ry two • inspiring a(ldresses. • 'In the 'iuol•ning, Mrs. John Westbrook'sang two pleasing • soles, "'1•i}e ,0`,Prayey Perfect" and "Tine Stranger• of -Galilee," while .the choir, .with the help of some members of Holmes' - vine rcheir, ••song "The Holy City" 'with Mrs. I,VCStbrook taking th'e solo. -In the evening Mrs. West- brook again favored with a'beattti- ful solo, "Come VIlio' IIiu1," while Mrs, Westbrook and ' Miss Ruth Westbrook rerlcleredbthe lovely clnet. "Whispering •`,Hope." The • choir sang "Sweet: "Peace, • the Gift of (god's Love." The music was:' under the leadership of the organist, Miss Kathleen' Holmes. Congratulations to LAC., and• Mrs. Win, Gould of Trenton on the birth of at soli on October 17th. • Ten. Cent Luncll.—' V1ovi>aa pictures will be shown '4n the school on Fri- day' evening, of this week. - •The, ladies of the W.A. will' serve a ten cent lunch and ,display articles,'filr the bazaar, the same evening. S. • - Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne •Dodges on Sunday included 'their .daughter; Mrs. W. Ferguson of Luck - now; and, Mr. and • M1rs. , Edward. Grigg and family of 'Goderich. Itev..,W. T.'- Rogers of °Herisnll was -entertained On Sunday- by the Whitely family. THE PROVINCIAf--LEGIS- ' •' 'Have your furnace. vacuum LATURE SINCE 1943. , cleaned' ' by the Edward Coal Co. la MOON, The right Curves can do you a 'good turn, d&.rlir . ing. Refreshments were served, Winners of prizes were: Best fancy •costume,'Sylvia Chisholm.; best eolaiav , c iie;'-Rutlr-Pe'lrcirey-'most `oyigiann1 costume, Laui(ine MacDon- ald. ,, •' - What 4 ln'vely.lift to the soft rounded evrves of Fashion! Warrior;?' bras, artfully designed to uphold the.- loveliness -of little gilds.. Discreet bras, taaeft>tlly tailored,ato the charms of big sister.A11 3-Wa ized with adjustable cfosilti fs. ' rt ,Sold exclusively by '`: 4e >,"'1 ane 590 e . e IiOLIVIESYILLE 1RMOUES VOLVO; Oet, ,, 24, -- Frankl.in , Yeo wou the iun'ior uoys' eu) , at the (cliderich township publ'i'c school area field day field Friday at S:8. No. (l. lie 'had 8 points, Ke)nteth', Potter' and Victor- Cor:ran tied for_ third, place in 'the iintei:- mediate boys' competitions, winning certiflcateS. Visitors on Sunday at the ho, to •o>7 Mr.:. and Mrs.' -Harry Williams were Mr: and Mrs. Bert Jackson, M. and Mrs. Archjte. Montgomery 'and ,Florence from the• Belgrave district. Giuests with Mr. , and ivlrs. • N. Heard and Mrs. Harrison Ns Sun- day were Mr. and Mys.. Alfred, Bloomfield and children, Bartrie, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Belli and children, Clinton. • Mrs. Chas., McPhail left for Gode- rich this -week where, she will stay during 'the. winter at, the home, of Mr. 'and Mrs, -Percy Warner, Mrs. M. G. Newton is a patient in Clinton hospital this week where she underwent an operation. Friends and neighbors wish her a quick recovery., .This Sunday •Is Rally Day in the 'United Church when Sunday school and' church services • -Will be held together' at 10.30 a,m, - Faithful Couple Moving.—Mr. and .Mrs. `;,Albert Bond leave this week for their new home on • East street/ Clutton;' . accompanied by Mrs. Bond's mother, Mrs. S. Cooper. Mr, and' Mrs. Bond will be greatly missed in this community, especial- ly -1n the church. 'Mr. Bond served in several capacities, and • wars,• Sun- day school. superintendent for more than fifteen years. Mrs. Bond was active in the women's .groups, 1111- ing yario04 offices faithfully. Their. auction dale of livestock and imple- ments held recently was largely attended. i`ir.. and Mrs. Leishman„ Brucefleld, have purchased the farm, and -with their five small children expect to take 'possessioirshontly.. Mr,. and Mrs.. Ewan R'os's and John •vtioited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Don Rutherford- and 1)ary i'd, Ingersoll. • _ • BENMILLER rite Square 'GC.I..,CHATTER A• By Jean and• ,ricarg. J(.t>tg91e In the II.ti S.A.,, rugby series, U C'.l. stili remains on top after de- feating Clinton last•Wednesday, 11 l:!.• The two touchd(rwns were 'made. by Bob Gardner and Jim Pinot' while '.1 rill Calapiun scored the e`Stl•a 'Dint 011 a convert. ' Payne instructed , tlw firs'• Safe Driving Class on 'Mlondai,y by slio,wing a - film "Your Perinit to Drive." Mr. J. Gardner is supply- ing the films and a new car for 'the Na ss( s. The members of the Glee C'l'ub are, selling the tickets fur the con- cert to l.)e- held ,on Wednesday night, October 31. 'They will,cost .50c and be sure to get then! early. There will be a I3allowe'en Dance op Friday night in the gym at 8 o'clock. A 'good program is being planned and if everyone. comes in costtimt,N bv(,' shouId,1iave lots of fun., DALTON—ORR - At St. Joseph's. Rectory, Sarnia, btt� $`atitrday, October 13th,. of 9.30 a.m., the marriage took place ofh •Gloria Orr,` daughter of Mr. and Airs. John Orr, I-laxnilton and John Dalton. of Niagara Falls, sou of 'john '•C. Dalton, Kingsbridge: Rev. Father- Brennan - performed ' the .ceremony. The bride .was gowned in turquoise metallic crepe, fash- ioned with Chinese neckline,. full Aleeves .and- draped skirt.,.. 'Her hat was winter White and her 'corsage Was pink roses. The attendants were . Miss Barbara Orr -in navy eusetnble, with winter white hat, and Mr. Lee Howard. •The couple M1Vill reside. in Niagara Falls. BENMILLER, -Oct. ?4. -Mr, and Mrs. David Harrower •Qf London' spent the Week -end with Rev. and Airs. Harrower. ,, Mr• (Ind Mrs. Harvey; McMichael and family -of Sarnia spent the week -end with Mr. and "Mrs. Oar - field McMichael. Mj ss Mary Long , spent ''Sunday in Goderich. Township with . her aunt, Mrs. Walters; and family. , firs.. ,Polly_ .Walters,. ployd arid Mrs, C. Moore spent Sunday in Holuiesville with Mr. and Mrs. Les. e I'V Ls. • Mr. and Mrs., Clare Stewart of Goderich spent Snuday.a with Mr. and Mrs. Russell 1'fi•iininer and fa iu, , • MiIyc. and Alrs•• Ittlss-ell hill, Mary olid Helen, spent Solidity -with Mr: an(1• Mrs. J. S. Kernigha n: Air. Eric Gardner of Kitchener \rls'ited with his , mother, Mrs. S. iiirdnet-,' in Goderich hospital,. and Mr's. Isabel Gardner :and fancily over the week -end.: Mr. and Airs. Win. Watson, Mr,, and Arcs Percy McBride, of Carlow, were visitors, with Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn I'frinnner on Sunday. Vii.. find Ma. Gee; Moore,of De- troit and Mr. Jack -Moore bf Gede- rich called ou Mrs. Polly Walters on Saturday. - There will be no chttrcli' or Sun- day sebool• in 73enmiller church oil Sunday, ()clober 2,Stl►, as • ?t is .an- ni'versary services at Nile. • The• Y.P.S. are holding 'a, ilo1-' lowe'eu social- evening' en October t 31 art. - CUN.INGII ME- JOHNSTO•N • •Chrysanthemums iu •autumn shades and W'vliite candles -in branch; ed candelabra reflected in- the 'mir- rored window of, the long living room of the family • home formed the -setting on "Saturday, October 20th at live o'clock for the Marriage of Peggy Parsons Johnston, younger :slaughter of, -Mrs. G. L. Parsons of Hatton Hall and the late Mr. Par-• tions of Goderch to John Fast Cun- nghauw,. son of Mr. and '•Mrs. nor - don (1'upiugha•Ine 'of,. Clinton. The guests were the- Immediate 'families. Tile Rev' G. Keith ,McMillan con- ducted: the ceremony and , Miss Frances Kennedy played the wed- din'g music. Given in marriage by hei brother, Jautes Parsons, the bride was gown-. ed iii bronze • bre cadecl. satin fash- iorlPd- With • wide' V neckline out- lined «-ittt softly folded bertha ex- tending over the 'shoulders to form small sleeves. .The skirt 'had fold; extending over, the hipline and fall- ing 'in • the bac'l: 'in a slight sweep. She wore matching mittens 'and .ruliet-, carp of the satin with nylon pleating and .('arried a crescent style' -bouquet of or•('hids iii ',shades of green, bronze ' and gold hocked with soft. • _toned .green ostrich m liltteS, long loops and streamers of geld nicotine - cascading from • a Centre lbow. Bride riiald. Miss Iti,senrary ford, niece. of 1110.10i(le was gowned •i11 50ge' green taffeta 111a1(le 1)11 long lines styled like the bride's gown on (:Ttul►I( ;fu1I 11( 4t, 'tv1tll (Ti t'li_ o f -t11e shoulder flange. She carried 'large 1W401/a' ('hi'ysallkhennuns,,, i11, er•es('ellt style accented 'with glossy • green ivy foliar;!' bowed with green and bronze ' toned satin ribbon, The' I)rtde's sin -all daughter.: hip Toh- ston, .Whs''flower girl` wearing .spice •brown taffeta • with velvet trick ':incl carrying a. `circlet .of gerbera in tones shading from apricot to gol- den brown, ,(,eiitred-with. a. (duster •THE r• •Your• Wedding Portrait keeps the beauty .of the day;forever Orz<ce n a lifetime -^-the radiance that: is yours this day. To* hold it, . treasuted for.. ever, entrust the making of your wedding ,portrait to our skill and experience. Then you can be sure that this bridal beauty is yours -•for all time. Phone for your app' pointment now. - 4 RENDERS SQUARE • PHONE. 91 PURITY FLQUR 'SHOWS of' pale yellow pinocc•htorosebuds with gold trh ot'ine ' loops and streamer.s'r They wore matching mittens and halo brines of the ('fess 1 •ma ter i a'l. • .Park I.n_tlghton of 'Toronto' tits - INCREASED 'EARNINGS Improved export lrusiness and benefits resulting from expenditures on plant ,and equipment in. previous years have cgntrilbuted to. au irn-1 groomsma0. • provement of $1('x9,,1 111 net earn- ' Airs,. Parsons wa WE? 01ing n 11002 ing15 over 1950, Pru y Flour -Mills,- Ltd.,. reports'fo to period ending July 31, -1951. • Operations ' during .the previd-u,s fiscal • year .ere advertsely' affected by lower :exports and keen competi- tion for, ilninestic business, D. I. Walker, president, reported at. that bate: The company'.s earnings were also cut during. that year. by s'hntdowns•- at ' the, iniiIIS In ("alga ry and St. Boniface, the latter as a re*4ult of the Winnipeg flood. , Pour clunrtet'1y •dividends totalling x3.5() per ',share Were paid or de- clared during the yea1', on the pre- ferred $40 a -share. No dividends ,Were Old on, the common.. OBITUARY I3Et". •r, .I. WILLIAMS • Old:.Ii nte--trienrls- inn x'ode r1 eh ---w41-1•, regret to ' Learn of the death of i3er Eclrr�3n Lindsey Williams, • a 'native of Goderich and until his. retirement reetor' of the Episcopal Church of•'the'11oly Spirit at Cleve- Iand.,Ohfio. • Born seventy years:ago irr G,�tle- rich, the .youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 4FT. -Williams, ,10iridsli;v< entered Trinity College, Toronto; in 1004. He . had previously " taught school at several points- in this Prov nee. He went to Ohio r in 1911. and in the .same year entered Bexley Hall, the' Episcopal 'semin- ary nt Gambier, Ohio, '11e was or- •dained a deacon- in 1014 and a priest in 1015 by the lath'• BThop A.. Leounr•d of the Diocese of Ohio. -•_. _ Rev. Mr, Williams' 1ir'-t assigli-' trent was to. $t. Peter's Chttrei'i, Lakewood,'0hlo, where he remained for 'tw0' yenrs, FOI' the next quarteretittiry„ ; he was with the Chttreh •of the Holy Spirit,. -Ile held 1 the- afllee of registry r of• the diocese % from I.9 i),,to 1939. ' Iltt.rial ,.was 01 ('levelaaad. sifter .ae+ice's, conducted 'by 'Bishop 1l'eve1ley T), Ticker ' •iir Trinity 1'.athedralr • •- Throughout his life Mr, Wl111•a 's waS intensely interested In every- thing pOrtaining to his native to'r'ts, and he kept in tots(+h with erent, lte'6T by 11i0nns df 111.1 10)1110 town Y:)aper, with occa ionitl vi. its. hle: bs sutylve(l• by his wife and, by a brother, George, of 1hicng1t, - length gown of Aislies of roses wool crepe, small violet hitt and •eor'sage of pink ii id purple Afrie'an• &olets, and the groom's' mother'' ch se a floor • length gown -c,'f, blade, l;r.een crepe , with 'black . aci'esories and corsage of white ',gardenias •with gardenia ribbons: The buffet difiner •was' -served from ai polished table, with the lalrge^;;,c;ircrllar .Moly wed dbig cake with Icing trite of talimnn roses in, the centre, • flanked 1►"y ivory cnil(le's in silver - cnndelalir"a. Miss Betsy McTavish was assisting. lietorins; ,to New York Cits:."' the bride wore an I(:nglish grey' flannel 1 suit with cavalier red accesories I and corsage of two Belmont gar -1 (lenias. , ;\1•r. and Airs. ("atuinghattne' will live_ in Owen ,Suun(L--Froin The O'ft'en Sound Daily Sun -Times. 'l Mr. and -Mrs; R. • g Wllion of ()even Sotr:nd visited on t'he week- end with the 'la tter'.s 'parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Stanley Strachan, ,Bay- field road. - THE 'GODERICH LIONS CLUB, JNVI''l E'- YOU. TO .IT •AT THE ' . p ] GbDERICI'I AREhIA , ON Wednesdayevening, Oct. 31st. FANCY COSTUMES, ANIMAL COSTUMES, 'COMIC COSTUMES. ••f100N••OS•••A•iO••NOONNei1NO0••••••••••••••N•N•i1•••••041OlNNNNON+ o ,participate ( in our • I Sale ends Saturday; October 28th