HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-10-18, Page 7-- The Quali.t; Farm Equipment since • o Ana°n
• ,
New Tractors. and Equipment alwaya in
Also Several.
'Good Used sed Tractors Old Plows
' The October meeting.. of Ahm,eek
Chapter; I,Q,D.E., was 'lteid--at''the
home. of Mrs.. W, G.• 'MaaeEwan.
The regent, Mrs.-- Wilmot, presided
over the business discussions, which
centred on the golden anniversary
tea which will be Observed on ?ri-
day afternoon in MacKay Hall, and
the coming card party. '
In ( o'bserv'ance of fifty years of
LO:O.E. work in Goderich by the
Maple, Leaf and, Ahmeek Chapters
a joint tea will be held for members
and their friends. Mrs. Erskine
reported that the proceeds 'would go
toward purchasing some equipment
• - .mem
II stip URINARY' 1010,n�i
(Exeter Times-Advocate):
The resignation of Yl'« H. Robert-
son as editor, and publisher of the
Croderich Sighal-Star brings toan
end the active life. of ..a, ,mai ?Flip
for almost half 'a-,, century was de-
voted ''to. newspaper ' work .in the
'Huron 'County eapital m •
Mr. •Eobertson retires as a tzars
.o)4 man of Canadian' wieldy news;
h'aperdom, .res'pected and admired for
'is faithful and untiring serviceto
his town. ' •
The SignaiaStar • is • one of the -
oldest papers in Canada. It is or
103 years since• • the Huron Signal
was established by. Thornes
Queen and. Mr. Robertson has been
tessociated with the paper for al-
most half .of those years. This , ts•
•truly , ati . honorable and distin-
guished record.
His successor, George L, Ellis,
Who has been . o-publllsher for the
past „five years, pays a just tribute,
to : Mr. Robertson. '"The retiring
editor has been an integr;alrpart'of
the oolnmunity _which he IQves so
well and has served .so' faithfully,
as editor for half a century. A.
native 'son of Goderich, he takes
a keen interest in everything that
•has to do with the welfare of the
town and district. Over the ,years
he has brought tb ' his ..writings a.
shrewd perception of • the funda-
mental values ' of affairs as they
were related ' to the well-being of
the commnity at large. A news-
paperman `of the grand olds tradi-
tion, he has been tireless, staunch
and fearless in either ,defending .or
attacking those things which he felt
should be defended' or attacked."
'The Tlwes-Advocate extends to
Rolbertson • sincere congratula-
tionsn on 'his' success in life and
wisheshim health - and happiness
in hits retirement.
for Alexandra Hospital as, a gift in
remembrance of the interest ' both
chapters, have taken in the hospi ,1
throughout the years, paid to,
'Many coin 1iment5, were p
i11rs, k'. R. itedditt on the excellent
article which she compiled on the
local.history of the Imperial Order
Daughters of the. Empire and pub-
lished in The Signal -Star.
Empire study was taken by Stirs.
laridliam, who read an interesting
article on ,the origin of the Im-
perial Order Daughters of the. Em-
pire, showing -how the work has
spread, and • the- large outlines of
work already done and the pride
of members in belonging • to such
an organization 'which eut+Iifaces.
such a contriibtition to Canadian
life. , i',k-turecs were, viewed showing
Princess Elizabeth wearing the
ermine wrap which was her wed-
ding gift of the I.O.D.E. .Chapters'
et Canada ; , also -one of Princess
Elizabeth 'presenting Queen Mary's
carpet to Hon. Vincent Massey for
keeping in the National Art Gal-
lery, Ottawa, for the people of
• Three names were submitted for,
membership and unanimously app.
,Afternoon tea was enjoyed by the
Members. '
'May we• suggest thnt.he':niglit, like
the ,great, men- of ,our time, w Write
his memoirs,;. ,.e are certain. that
they would be Most Interesting -and
informative." : •
To the new publisher,George
Ellis, •a personal frienc'i .of ours
out slnc est gon4
we extiend �
wishes. IHe came to `'Goderieli as
eo-pt biteher o 'The Signal -Star just
a few months atter we had.'come,to
,Clinton, and, ila'turztlly, our ways,
to soave, degree ► hate been �paralel.
The .SNI WiS4BN OItD agrees
IvbOleheartedly with Mr. Ellis when
he says something that ishouldapply
to any community Paper:
"It " 'its the sincere hope of the•
new managennett to maintain. the
high . tradit'lon:3 of the past of The treitsurer
of publication. ouch one of
for the l ederation ol*
Signal -Star, now in: its 104th year Agriculture, stating that the grant
•and as for the year k,14)50 had not been re -
the oldest -established weekly news- caved. Prompt remittance would
�papersOntario, It Is thg hope, .,inbe" a recia'ted.
too, of the new Management that -
it will 'be deserving of, , the loyal
co-operation of its readers ,and
advertisers in endeavoring to main-
tain these traditions. -only by the
!widespread support' of its. sub-,
scribers can"a town ne..,apaper:gile
that town a newspaper worthy of
it, and for thfss reason we bun bly
seek the eo-operation ' of all."
('Blyth Standard) .
Mr. , Ro'bertso'n was a capable
editorial writer, and• . other pub-
lishers read his columns with in-
terest. Other newspapermen, no.
matter how young and how' lacking
in experience, always • found him a
good friend, and, his retirement will
he generally regretted by fellow
publishtkrs. • +"
t'ow'nship of Colborne
Colborne Donates
Float Scraper er to
Racing Assoc'n
Oreigr Federation grant for year
1990, *200; WM. Westlake, Sala rY
00= 101 m t in the` Township Hall
�''g� is
on the .
o�Rev u•
as a Court $
dra'fs, There's . being • no appeals,
Reeve Snyder', declared " the CQ►Irt
.closed • The minutes4t• the Septem-
ber meeting 'were thea react.- and'
adopted., Mtxntluy correspdudence
received was as follows:
The "Department. of Agriculture
with enclosed cheque, of ' $248.38,
representing the- Ontario. share o
'warble by subsidy.'
Mr. Gordons 'Ore*, secretary-,:
rich Towlxship Council was held "l ,
IIolin Sville on October 14 at 7.30
(Clinton . News -Record) •
A newspaper. that has served the•
town of Godet"lch and vicinity for
more than.. 103' Years 'has changed'
hands, The Signal -Star haling been
Purchased By George L. Ellis, who,
for the past five •years,. has been
co -publisher: Mrs. Ellis ' also • is
associated with the new company.
. • One of • the oldest -established
weekly :newspapers in Ontario, the
paper Nils 'inaugurated _ as The
'Huron Signal' by 'Th'omas, McQueen.
_William H. ' Robertson has been
associated with it for the past
silty -four. years, .the latter forty-
eight years 'as editor ,of The Signal
and of The Signal-S'ta,r..'. The
Signal avid The ••St'ar having
amalgamated in 193,1: `
• This is a long ;time for one man
to edit a newspaper in any eom-
unity. • His. record .r the Years
has been a good one his standards
have • been high.: and he never has
wavered from his ideals.
A front page editorial published
over Mr. , Ellis'•• name, in last week's
issue" of, the ' 'riper, points • out :
' "A newspaperniaft of the grand
old tradition, he has been tireless,
staunch and fearless in either de-
fending or attaeking • those things
- which, he felt should •Iw _ defended
G. Berry, ,secretary for the
!Municipal Assoelation, giving. de-
tails ,as to the fall meeting, sche-
duled ,for October 17th in the
Cotirt House, Goderleh, and asking
t a number who • will . attend,' in
order •that arrangements .may be
made for cate'lntr.,
Messrs. George ii'etz;,;•` n,' g. Mc-
Gee and Ben' Goldthorpe appeared
before the Council regarding the
purchase 'of the Township float
'Scraper for the ,Goderich Racing'
Association.' This Association had
been given the privilege of •using
-this machine on the track and said
it had Trade a. good job on level
ground. It had cost about '$30 to
get it in repair. After deliberating
over this matter • it was decided
to .,,donate • the • float ,to • the Associ-
titien. Each marl kindly thanked
the Board for this contribution. -
lMr. George ,W. Feagan was' pre-
sent requesting, Council to do some-
thing about fixing the dangerous
1p. An invitation, from the Clinton
,lad Dlstrict Chamber of Commerce
uas read and accepted b tlhe Reeve
d Councillors.' •"y •
The Court of. Revision, on the
assessment milt was set for the
5th of November, in Holznesville,
at 10 a,m.
• (Chesley •Enterprise) ,°,•
Two of the weedy . papers with
Which we exchange have, or. wi1L0hi11 opposite' the Bennailler store.
have, new editors. Mr. Frank I He felt • something 'should be done
to allow for a better roadway. It ,
was agreed that Council should
meet over this situation at Ben- Il
miller. .
Bylaw No, 15 was passed setting'
the 23rd day, of November at 7
Tim, as the day for nominations for A
reeve, councillors and two school)
•trtistees,.: and if an election is neees-
nary it will be held 'Monday., the 3rd
day of.. December, . 1951.
The Clerk was instructed .to pre-
pare the some bylaw as set last
year regarding: penalty and' interest
on 'tax arrear: .4. ---
;The following .accounts were sub-
mitted and passed for payment:
Road voucher : account,, $017.97:
'Wm. D. Colby, B.Sc.. petitions and
declaration for Albin drain, $6
The' Signal-Otar., account, bylaws
for..Allin dleoiil. $30.80; Wm. Sal-
lows, billet -tee b -f assessor's salary
and ,selecting jurors, $356: County
of Huron, - indigent. patients, -.$42:
relief aeeonnt„•$7(i: Reeve;- Sn der,
.selecting jurors, $5-; G`hrdon M.
Cpommunications • read- and,4 Sled
included: T. R. Rundle; DePart-
went of , Lands and ".Forests; De-
partment of Agriculture; Provincial
Municipal ,Committee. •
The following, were the aeseurnts-;
Miss Acheson, rent, :f1.0; H. C. Law,,
`son, insurance, $27.551•; .dixect relief,,
*40; Road .Superintendent's . 'pay: -
roll No. 10, $3;591;07.
.Council. adjourned, to bold ' the
next regular, meeting On November
5th ,at 1.30 p.nl..
R. E, Tl'iIO'M.PSO'N, Clerk.
t? C1. ---Brunn 'the r
months,. people iise more energy
than. in summer, doing the ordinar'Y
ve • da lifeA aeordif$
sofe l;y y
things .�
to flie,lafry•,Foodrs :Service Bureau,
the ° uaerc itinllising brunch` of 'the
Dairy Farmers of Canada,' , The
average person in Canada carries
a greater weight' is clothgg'during
winter, �putside, footing is none
ditiitcult and insecure, causing , a
greater expeadittlre of energy in
the simple task of Walking., Winter
chores about the hotuSe,. with. Most
people; call for more strenuous.
effort,' partularly if suow and lee
removal are.a part of 'these chores,
These all add up, to the need for'
a greater store. of enerrY 14 winter.
It would seem' imperative t
the store of energy be maintained
at a high peak, • and That -the. re-
sistanee built up during alae . sunny
summer nnonths, to combat'. winter•
sickness; be' held at a 'high level.'
To- help • Ca.nadians achieve these
objectives, the Dairy Foods Service
Bureaiu will, °through 'the =tenth
Of Novenlber, • emphasize the faint
ased ' infake of all
airy foods , can play In
malutain the ener
and (bodily health during
Second, who '.has been owner of
The Meaford, Express almost since
it was started in 1906, has sold
'out to Carl C. 11lanore, who has
been' manager of the Sarnia Chain-
ber of Commerce and p>sevieusly
was on. the staff of The Sarnia
Observer, the same paper from
which Mr,'.Petbis.-came to 'biiy The
Port Elgin Tunes: Mr. Manore is
also . a past Lieut. -governor of
Kilw'anis . International district 1�0.
2, Ontario and Quebec. `Mr. Secord,
71, has been a- first-rate citizen of
Meaford, serving on many. boards,
was a howler, curler and baseball
fan, and we' know of few editors
who "plugged” their • town aS• en-
th,usiastiCally .and continually as
he" cid. There were three papers
in Meaford at one time, but only
The Express survived. The other
change was -s' hen George L. Ellis,
who has been co -publisher of The
Goderich Signal -Star with W. • H.
--Robertson --- -,bought,- • -1 he- . 'tatter',
share Mr.' Ellis has been at Gode-
rich since 1946. Mr. Robertson is.
another' fifty-year .veteiiin in news-
paperlb,work and. it was daring his
tiiue that 'he alualgaleated The
Signal and 'The Star, making God,e-
aich. a one -paper town. Ile also
was a good newspaperman, and has
earned, retirement.,
or attacked. , Thoroughness in all
his work is a cardinal principle."
It i,� fortunate that- Air. Robert=
•son has consented to remain in.
active editorialwork' for a time.'
Oct. 15. - The session
and ofeel i1 board Of Blyth United
Church -ac,. opted the' resignation of
Alfred E.Ce kis. as choir leader alis
organist;, a pe: Rion he has filled
for more than tl.'enty-two years.
'' Mr. Cook has always: shown ,e,
.great 'deal of interest in young
men- and has been teacher of a
class of 'teen-age boys in the United
Church Sunday. school -troll more
then fourteen years.•
that An inc
kinds o
the winter season. •.
In the food and .advertising pages
of national magazines, daily and
weekly newspapers, and over the
air, end.:with the,. co-operation ',of
�a Tbormootat 'Conti
r R
lintainson Radi..
Huron Ed, Phone Olt
dairy' (Doanufaetufers,
. proc lif+
food, nt
sors, distributors, wholesalers ?
retailers, the ,story , will be t
jew and tempting uses for, w
Faaniik, .shutter, evaporated vat-
as -
powdered rlailkt ice ' cream
cheese' v1U' 'be' publicized during -
the ,.month,
COM Ntt N LARGE lye,
Silo -filling, fall plowing -'
`harvesting ." of the; apple eroptltl ane
the ,main a.ctivitiex, on .the far await*
these days. The harvest of
seed. continues, with yields v
above average. Corn for grata
purposes• is maturing nicely. Lamle
'numlbers of stockers and feedet
cattle, are coming into -tile „coun'q►
from th.West.
Goderich Window, House,
Office. '
Phone.g86 •
• (The Sitnc:oe Reformer) -
Anoth*i' tifty-year weekly news -
Paper. editor has t'etited in the
person 'of Editor W".. II. Robertson
of .The'—Goderich Signal -Star, who
has disposed of his interests in the
newspaper )o George " L. Ellis, a
nati:i•e. of, Maint Forest,` who _ha,
been cls-imblisher- during the last
five ,• yea rs. Mr. Robertson sei-ved
for lnt'ny: years as editor of The'
Coclerieh Signal and ., after 7937,
when, .it waS 9unalgamated with
The Goderich Star, he continued
at'the editorial helm. An Able and
well-informed, waiter,;.' his • editorial
ednti-ibutions ' in • The igntd-Star
will be greatly missed- Ili, his owti
'community and, beyond. We ex --
tend best wishes to 'the new pub-
lisher, George Ellis, for future suc-
cess,: in ,the'`publicatiotl of this live,
proressive weekly: ,
adds zest to the hour
Cold weather will soon be here. Now
is the time to fill your coal bin with
high' quality fuel.
Lehigh Valley Anthracite is famous -
for its burning .qualities. '
'•'' It gives you fasten heat, burns longer
and saves you money on your fuel.
dollar. °
Cllnton, Exeter, . Seaforth
Write Box 150, 'or. phone 41J,
and we shall be p1eased • to
' call,
The Yard. df Service 'and�4'uaut�
715W. 'At the end of•'Nelson Street. 70M evening.
,, Gain 5 to 10 lbs. New Pep
Thousands who never could g weight before, now
have shapely, attractive figures. No more Sony
Ilmbe, •Ugly hollows. They thank Ostrex. It put
flesh •on bodies skinny because blood lacks .iron,
Peps you up, too. Improves appetite, digestion so
food' nourishes ydtlbetter. Don t fear getting too tat.
Stop when you gain• figure you wish. Introductory
or' get-acquainted7..slZe only 80t. Try Ostrex Tonto
Tablet8 for new papnds, lovely curves, new Dep.
today. At all druggist& •
The new B. F. 'Goodrich• LD Silvertowl tires
let you- drive . with confidence, safety and
security ...and assure you of' long ' trouble...
.free' mileage.wherever you go.
AL Linfield'
Horses $2.50 ' each
Cattle $2.50 each '
, Hoge 50c per cwt.
%ccorcUng to size & condition.
CALL Seaforth 15
• EkETER 235
are 'sorry
rt that Mrs.
Austin. Harriss has• been on the sick
list. • We wish - her a speedy re -
• Mr 'and Mrs. Alex. Oslaaldeston,
of Downsview, spent 'the' week -end
,with the latter's parents, Mr.• and
Mrs. G. Newton. A
' The October:meeting of -the W.A.
of Grace Church was held at the
home of Mrs, Bill Townsend, with a
good attOrtdabee. • Owing to.',.tbe
•absence of the president, Mrs..Ren-
ner conducted the meeting.. • Zt was
opened with a hymn, after. which
Mrs. :Renner led in prayer. The
Scripture reading, Isaiah ri5:1.7;
',wits read tib. Phyllis Harrison. The
roll call. wait answered with a'
Thanksgly ing verse: 'Mrs. Renner
closed the meeting with prayer.
`lie hostess anti' ter -helpers served
a dainty lunch."' The November
'meeting' will be held at the home
* r " r.S: 1 'I'owtrst'lTd.
r afurrier with coats
made of lapin:or mink
l�rY MG1S will find him
Quick as a :w;�nk
Canadians w,i11-have- 11 fair chance
of hearing,,, the outcome of � the
British. election before -going kt'o bed
on T1uiysday, October 25th, whereas
the U.K..voters themselves are urt-
likely to learn the°°results •before
breakfast-t01nd the ,text day ---be
Cooke of the five-hour time differ-
So that listeners "here may lten'e-
,fit from this natural advantage,
C.B.C. will broadcast on its Trans-
Capade and Dominion netwoqrks
half;hotlrly' election bulletins, start-
ing at 7.30 D.nr, T.1,14,r. If the
counting of'totes in the nilban areas
shows. 'a t1% -t 1 ive trend tit€, _ out-
come may he indicated' late itt •the
evening, Otherwise. Canaatla as
well' as the V.K. will have to wait
nntll tire rural retu•rns come in
the following day. ¢
On the 25th, lifter the nafionai
HOW'S bulletin . nt '10.00 p.in. ott
Trahs-('aniAcla and after the Domin-
ion ltetwork news bnllctin .at 11,00
lvai5,. °ekintf netitaries onthe• eleetlon
will lx► elh,v ed direct from T ofldon.
With np-to•t}re'tnintt:te reports on the
• p
You can now place your order for the
new,Sixth Series of Canada Sayings Bonds.
They're going 'to get• a, hearty welcome from
thousands of'thrifty Canadians.,
N •.
And no wonder --when .you ,think of thee,
handsome return they pay l For instance, the
,owner of a ,new $1;000 Canada Savings -
Bond will get $350Ainterest over its life of 10
years and ` nro`riths.-an average' per year'
. of, 3.'21% for this period. A 000 bond,
will •pay $175 interest over the same period.
Think 'what amovn,'like, these can mean to j
In the meantime your, investment stands as
an always -available source of cash to"meet
emergencies that' might crop up. -
- You can get yorfr Canada Savings Bonds
thrrugh yout investment dealer or bank-..
for cash or on easy instalments. If you want
in an office or a shop, ask about the con.
venient Payroll Savings Alvin.
Whichever you ' choose,don't delay. •
Place your order today for Sixth Series,
;`' Canada°SavingsBonds-towbetterfhanmutt;
� �l lel