HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-09-27, Page 7*ti USDA ON:AL-STAR Headsquares with the spirit. of youthfulness. Bright .hand printed patterns . in' • beautiful. assortment of colors. 'A irersat,ile acpessory, 30" x 30" size. 'Worth$1.29. Sale special 77c 111111111.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MMI Lace tr4in Dainty slips., with late trim lop' and bottom. Inexpen- ,sive yet nicely . :made. Stock im for your fall needs .at this IOW, price. Adjustable, shoulder• straps. • . First quality. Sizes 3249.Wor1h $1.49.Special Ladies' Wool CARDIGAN 100% pure wool. long sleeve cardi- gans. ,New'attractive colors in,sevr 'eral new styles. Smart as on be. Pull fashioned ciaffi and band. Sizes 14-20., Sale *chit ; • , :$24.9 _ APRONS - 'LADIES' COTTON • - ••••" Useful, hard wearing corduroy, suitable for, $ boys and girls. Lined bib. Brown, red, royal. ' One pocket,Pinwale flue rib. Sizes .24-8. , al Usually sold at $2.39. • Sale special - • '. A "half price" offering of brand new girls dresses in sizes 7-12: Woven plaids an nicely trimmed. Several -& styles ,for yotit, choice. These dresses are wotth 2.991' • Our sale special. 1.5. Budget priced slippers. feit•-with self cellar and trim. Composition and felt sole for wear and comfort. Outstanding value and 'quantity is limited. *Be early -10r, first cholce. Sizes Worth . $1.69.. Sale special . • CHILD'S Tailored dressy, Practical feather flannel prints with the _accent on youthfulness Included are eelanese moires, both iiihries , outstanding as to priile and styles,. Sizes 1414. On sale -at • „ 3.98 Colored -striped lastex top and, reinforced for ,better wear.. An ideal golf hose for the school , child at a low price. Worth 59e. Sale special, pr. " Just what is needed frit present weather. Tiro tone contrast trim. Sizes 8-14. Pink and blue.„ Regular value $2.29. Sale price '"'" • • PlastiO'Bitt Aprons -Full et bib apron. Plastic binding and tie backs.. Assorted prints. This it,Pron usually sold at 49,c each. Our sale .spegial 24c .RAYON BRIEFS Sel4r41 outstanding Styles. 'Subs of higher priced ranges. ainky lace aud picot elasfic trim. These parities are Worth 79e pair. Sale special • , TEA POTS .39.c PAIR COSY .CO,rTON Print Housecoati Wrap around style with full flare. 1ap,e114 . and large handy Parket. 'Ntiveity stripe patern A beautiful housetoat". at a. budget priee. 'Sizes 14-20: Worth 2.98. ,Sale special '• • Wrap aroUnd style•of soft fine rib eorduroy. • Collar, lapels and two pockets. Self belt. A hard to beat val- ue. Size S 14-20: Worth 4.98. Sale special 3. Ladies' Zipper Dresses ' Polka dot print with full, front zipper. Eyelet embroid- ered collar, short sleeves and pockets. Tie backs with button trim: An especially smart zipper dress at a• low price. Sizes 14-20. Sate speeial Decorated pottery 3 cup tea' pots,. ' Must be ,„ Seen to be appreciated.. Sa • le price ENAMELLED ROASTERS Covered Oven•Roaster heavily enamelled in blue Overall size 181/2 x 111/2 x 8". Sturdily made, Splendid quality, and easy to clean. Regular, $2.29. Sale' price ' Dainty pradical ,aprons for winnen. • Crisp cotton percale iz asorted' floral patterns. Bib top apron with organdy frill. Sale price YLONS Mock fashioned ,with dark ,seams. Sheerness of 51 gauge: Substand- ards„ of higher :priced ranges. New shades in sizes 81/2401/2. Sale special , I LADIES' PLAID SKIRT Authentic tartan plaid, 100% pure. Wool skirts. smartly tailored .and specially prieed too. Several patterns to C1100Se from. All with ziOkr openings. Sizes 14-20. Worth $2.98. Sale special 1.98 Ladies" Flannelettelowns ' Huffy flannelette, so practical because it's , vvoshable, in a roomy cut gown with print' trim lapels. Worth $1.59. SALE SPECIAL 1 Ladies' Crepe Blouses Dressy blouses in sweet feminine styles. High fashion] hlouseS at a low, low price: Elaborate lace' trims. Made of • ,washeble celtruese fabric; 'White and eolors. Sizes 12-20. Real value' • • Ladies' Flannelette 2' Piece 7c Table Lamps, of plain -.04 gauge, plastic. Size about 121/2 x 14% x 1", well padded. Available in red,' green and 'yellow. Regular 69e. Special, ' • . DOkSICEN• Work Shirts.' Foil weight doeskin made hi eoat ,style, double 2 yokb and 2 pOekets. A real He .Man's shirt.. , Maroon, brown and °navy. Sizes 141/2-17. Reg. ' • $2.49. On sale - -0, . - JAMAS- Full e.ut pyjamas vvith print trim top. *Really „outstanding value. Sizes .S:IVI.L. ,Phik and blue. Worth 2.69. Sale Price , Ladies efs Made of assorted ray- on fabrics. Guaranteed first quality. Full cut garnie t . Reg. value. to 59e pr• bur sale spec- ial. 1VIEN'S COTTON , , i.Veautiful 21" Table Lamp, Base *brass Cryqtal Ruby, trim% med gli,ss With 14" driun shap- ed 3.3:latching ahade. ',..A smart 'tamp ;for any home. , Regular $9.95. Sale price • . • $b.49 PILLOWS Cotton printed fibral design ' feather Ailed pillows, Size 17 ,x 25., .$1.29 SAFETY RAZORS A chance of it lifetime. We are offering, the one iiieee gold pl&ted Gent Jr. Saptyjitasor with 5 blades. * P , . 25e, 2.29d 30/ :English. Bobby Pins 'Made of finely teinpered steel. 30 Pins on a card. Available in black and brown, • Regular C 10e. Special Men's Ores; .Shirts UNDERWEAR, 290 - There Is always need ot more towels. towels are .,Ottober salepriced to help pint ° stretf 11 your hudget. Rainbow Terry TOWELS,ill 30. EACH' IleavRYAQe joitality Terry TO)Vt114. x 43. -NYLON. Ftill Fa. blond Hose. . Smart, practical, leg Otering nylons." Dark %VMS I Budget priced. StTison's pppular.shades. Walldng and business sheers. First quality and subs of fine gauge hose included In the assort-, twat. Value to $1.65 pr. Sale Special, Pair • Child's Plai resses Woven plaid 'garments of sev:... era' different.stylesand pat- terns.. Each garmetit worth $2.00. QmantitY *nit, ed, first ° come,first served, Sizes .3-6. Don't inisa this ' outstanding 'special at • LADIES' SKIRTS 1. Bedford rib alpine skirt. Fly -front. Butan trim. Zipper side opening, Black, brown, grey, wine. Sizes 12-20. Sale price li.LOVES Dressy ehrunoisette gloves, washable and long wearing. , Imported for our fall sale. Two attractive, styles for - yone-eiroice. Sizes 6-8. Sale special 88c CHILD'S 'PLEATED' PLAID:„ SKIRTg Wool and rayon mixture and pleated- all around. Sev- eral different plaide to choose-froin, 'Button on suspen- ders. Sizes 3-6-. Safe .special " •077 CHINCHILLA BUNTING suits. Full zipper front. White fur trim hood. • Felt applique 'trim. Elastic waist. Just. • ' right for' the carriage trade. rink, bine and *maize. Sizes 1, BOYS' GOLF HOSE 1 ,Sturdy quality golf hose. M length and 100% pure wool. Fancy turned down cuffs. Rein- forced for better wear. Worth 69e. Salc.spce- M. ' 100% wool ribbed men's soars. Good •weight., snug tun ngar 'SWOOL HALF HOSE _ d will stand heavy wear. Sizes .19-111i. Worth 75c pr. 'Sale special, .a pair .. .. ,. , MEN'S HALF HOSE ' Cotton reinforced seamless knit socks. Bold circular stripes. and all over patterns.. 'Full ribbed tops. Worth up to 59e pr. Lal.‘ special, a. pair .. PORCELAIN FIGURINES , A manufacturer's clearance. A very • A wide seleetion of -assorted sub- jects. You ,at reniarkable low prices. f -3 or special buy enables us to offer these Values up to 49e ea.. Sale price .- ' • Also LARGE PLANTERSand.powd'er boxes. - Reg. 790. Sale price 4 . 39c . 1 FELT. BASE MATS Heavier than those you usually expect at such a low price. First quality ifr assorted designs 19C and colors. Size 18x27". , Special • VACUUM BOTTLES One pint capacity. ;" Made in England. All- • . metal ease with detachable plastic heat resis- ting cap.' Glass insert. Attraetively finished in .110 ted, green. blue. Reg. $1„39. Sale priee k • Long sleeve fine knit .-jaequard Buttons on shoulder: Novelty stripe and bunny patterns. Sizes 1-2-3. Reg. value $1.00. Sale special Fine ribbed cotton comb. In long sleeves' 'and, ankle length -style. • Excellent weight for immediate wear. Sizes 36 .to 44. Reg. $2.69., " • - On -sale • • 14,111g Pa nitS ,Penman's wool tweed longs nuule in regula- tion. style with cuffed bottom, belt loops, side and back pockets. Bine, grey and, brown, in • sizes 28 to 34.' Reg. $3.49. Special Boys' Western Shirts • Made of warm long wearing doeskin with contrasting printed yoke and cuffs in contrast. *, -ling color, coiirkbinattonl of brown, blue, wipe. Sizes for. boys -front 43 to 14 years. , Special WASH CLOTHS Here is,a good sturdy wash cloth exeentionally t low pried, Sae* 10 x 10.• • IOr hs)e of-w„hite-vmshablel acetate rayon lir- tile much wanted Windsor collar, style with stails. These shirts which retail at 4.510 and 4.50 are offered at, this money 'saving price. Sizes 14 to 16. All first quality. Special, each Boys' Dress Shirts Long sleeve style. Amin rayon and cotton shirts made with 2 pockets and double yoke. 6-14 years. Prints have attractive stripings and spun rayons are solid col- ors.. Regular $1.59 and• $1.98. Special 24 - Boys' Pullovers - With long. sleeves. Knitted 'Cotton • Sweaters Jn4 daequard and, reindeer design.Most attractively styled in greys, blue and browns.. Sizes 28 to 34.. Reg. 1.98. Special BOYS' UNDERWEAR Finely brushes) combs. by Mason Knittitig. flum shade in long sleeves and ankle length siyle. . • p Sizes 24 to 28. 1.59 , Rbomilycut , with_ doable knees'and laced . 2.49 bothnns ' tough' wearing navy frieze'. Sizes, 26 to 34. Reg. ,$279. Special • MEN'S DIAMOND 100% Nitre Wool Hand framed. Beau- tiful colors and pat- terns. Colors • guar- anteed not, to run and shink resistant too. Sizes 10-11 %. Chearanteed firsts. Reg. value $1.79. „ Sale special, ose Sikes 30 to 34. PR. AT ALMOST HALF PRICE SALE .OF .ALIIMINUM ALL ITINS (W HEAVY GAUGE ALUMINUM A 6 NIP percolator with sturdy, well fitting basket and pump. Reg.' L79. Sale price, . . 6 cup percolator with convenient non - drip spout. Reg. $1.98. Sale priee 4 quart capaeitry. Each .has lip for easy, pouring. Reg.- $L19.----Stile--priee 8 quart eapaeitY; complete with lid. Sturdy handle lies flat when not in use. „ Reg., $1.79. Sale „price . - „... TABLE. DINNERWARE,- 11FA.,LOW OR 131,0!!STRHES CUPS -each , • - * 14* sAupERS-- each 70 "7"•• Cereal BOWLS,, 90' 8" COUPE gpups, each 7" PLATES Bread and butter. 9" Dinner PLATES 190 gpc .• *COMB SETS Consisting of 1 dressing mid], 1 COI and 1 pocket comb, and 1 Ifivbby comb, in assorted trtnurtut ahadi, Alt 4 'eotnibS neatly pack6a are, offered at theSpecial Oleo of • 1.47 1.5 1.47 196. .120 Mixing BinVI Sets • 43 handy kitchen BoWls. Onerof 6"; one of 6" and one of 7'. 39c set SPECIALS l'ItOM Ottit , owavi DtPAilargta. Old Pashion, Chocolate Drops Chocolate ttnds ib 570 Crown Gums