HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-09-20, Page 9OME TG THE ~ DUVIGANNO! FrAII .for an ,enjoyable.op.tmg_ • 5�T 1+ TQ Utr' `A lir 'Cpilte in and iitt 1 l w ;19 the ..-p G . NFRA �wso : . , � � STORE A NY TINIF.., SURPRISINGLYLAA. - c •AND VARIED SE TION QP GENERAL NEEDS STABLING • PRESSURE, P MPS. ° a a ° PUMP JACKS LITTER CAROMS AUTOMATIC WAI ER ' ++.,I ti c BOWLS w . YO Special running race, $75 parse Best -dressed rider, prize value, $15. Free-for-all, $100piirse 2.24 race, $100 purse Special . $15 .prize 'for fastest 'heat in• free-for-all. Decorated ..bicycles, $10 :nr prizes. Pony running race. BAKING DISPLAY, BAZAAR and ll• children's work i i Hall. PRO:GRAIVL STARTS AT 1.30 p.m. School children admitted free, $2500 IN PRIZES. (0=0' (OkiO Joao ...= ora4 0=10/ 1OccO>, CHARTERED BUS and" - —TOE RED RIBBON C • OACH •LINE. POINTS' TAXI SERVICE TO> ALL o• f a _ Fully licensed f • 'and insured 0 'FLOOR POLISHFrS VACUUM CLEANERS ° WASHING MACHINES' . _ • Shen wood's Groceteria Complete line of groceries, fresh meats', ve etables, 2 ice lcream and tobacco. Phones - Tertninal, 35 Dungannon . • ',. ii Residence, --99 Dungannon. toi o=0 o- oC[Om --- . Ducknow ?dramatic' Club pre- - cents. 3 ac t comedy "Aurelia Bridge from Hem- lock. Ridge" at Agricultural Hall at 8.30 p.m. a - DANCE `hollow's play, Music by. popular -orchestra. . Three persoul from this county were among- sit accident • victims Oaken to Kitchener hospitals ..as the r6:;t It of a teratlie smash near Baden- on. Suw%day . night. They, wecik. James • L eachey, Hay town - :4111'54 :4111'54 1Ia rvey Martin, 'Zurich, and ,Hubert"., • Schwartzentruber, near Zurieh. L..0."Nip:,' Whetstone, ,prop, Rev. R. 'J• `1altoney, ".t=c>r four u. years . minister of" 'Rain 'Street Cuited (.'hurch, Fxeter, has resigned' the chiirge. to take the pastorate of the •Glencoe °UInited •Church. • A PHILCO REFRIGERATORS WITH NEW ZERO ZONE FREEZERS y KEEP YOUR YE ON YOUR CAR AND THE APPROACH OF COOLER WEATHER. ' 'Don't. wait, too long to get a FALL. OIL CHANGE ti CHASSI'S LUBRICATION ANTI -FREEZE TIRES FOR SAFE'. DRIVING AND DON'T ' FO,Ii.GET_• . that for FAIR PRICES -and • CAREFUL WORKMANSHIP, on all makes: of cars, you can depend- on E MEMBER, you ma'y be financially liable ;• to others if you cause them bodily injury pr damage their property. Does your resent Liability 'Insurance policy'. cover against these risks 'and against others for which you may be directly or even ,indirectly responsible? • ' ", You; Liability Insurance policy should insureyou against •every. possibility of. liability which the/ Dominion sand ProvinciafYaws permit 'insurance companies to include in one all -embracing Liability Policy.. A "North America" Companies' Liability: Insurance Policy may be had to covet all risks. "Play safe. Let your Agents or Broker go over your 1 Liability Policy and make sure you are properly protected. • Business accepted ,solely through ' Agents and Brokers', •. INSURANCE COMPANY Or Firestone Exide AUTO ` ACCESSORIES Don't ftirget the DUNGANNON 'FAIR- on Sept. 27th. After the Fair comes" cooler weather. Then, for , . Service Office3 throughout Canada INSURANCE COMPANY 'OF NORTH AMERICA, INDEMNITY. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH 'AMERICA 11HILAELPHIA" FIREAND' MARINE, INSURANCE COMPANY • Goderch Agent Insurance Cp., of North America ,p Com, axiies, H; M. FORD North St. ' Phone 268W --,= Repairs to all -Makes of _cars. - Dungannofi Phone 39 DUNGANi'(1N PHONE 49 d GODERW;I. POO'L'E 164 • 0 TEE,... ACE rOF =ANTIIRAOI 'E " ORDER, ` - ;Cold weather will soon be here; NOW is the time to fill your coal bin with high quality fuel, Lehigh Valley Antliracite is famous for its burning qualities. It gives you faster heat, burns longer and saves you money on your fuel .. doliait�. PI°i0 1'E 75W AND' 'LACE #'YOUR' ORDER li'OK IM- ' MEDIATE DELIVER". EGG AND STOVE SIZE rocA 0 TAS, ALB E-R TA' IQUETTES, CAVALIER , AND VANCY STOKER IN ,STOCI. ' - . With- a pOize list that totals stout : sponsored by the Coiwaxinsh,-junior .$2,500 ,in 'value, . Dungannon's- anFarmers, itual. Fall Fair 'is hedtiled t0 get Numerous. competitive •exhibits.h• public school' children will, be on under way at 1.30 p.m..Thursday, display in the Agricultural,' Hall; •,Sept�enrbet-;;1-tlh' Preside"-t--o-fthe4r. hey- wil•1-i elude--°manual--training Dunannotr, Agrioultuaal .Society, :,items, amateur photography, letter ,which conducts :the, fair, is ,Gonion designs, model farms, etc. _ _ - _• Stewart, while the secretiiry-tieas- ' At 5:30' p.m. the t ueknow Drana- •urrer, is T. M. Durnin. ,'Vice -pies 'atic Club will , present the 3 -act •den;ts.are Howard-Sprotile and.J .hu comedy "Aurali'a Bridge from 'Hein- 3ennett.• Lock Ridge,"- in the Agricultural A feature Of ' the prdgra m will Vail.. This will be follbwed by - a be the .harness races. These will do -nee, with • "Music• liy a ilopular _include a free-for-all for a Purse orchestra. _ • of $1.00 and a 2.24 .class for a :purse of •'$100. A. spe ial Prize. of $115 will be 'given for the fastest Beat In the free-fbr-all. 'There will also be hur<il'e•jumping; ' Bony running race and girls' classified . running race. A band will be in attendance and "there will be special prizes for the best freak conveyances and decor- atedbicycles. cvcle,. There will be the, following cont- peititiona in charge of : the directors whose names follow; Horses, ()alar •brooks and John ttentiettt cattle, Howard Sproule and George Iirringt on ; sheep, Nelson Cul)ert ; pigs, e6rge' Alton and nary y (3iiibert, •The 4peeIn1 •attractions' Wild 'speed contests will be in charge of, Iddon . d Quality — . The Yard of Serb><ce azl Q y .. - Street.. 75M evenill .+ 75W . At :the end o£ Nelson S g' r. 37tf • WESTFIIELD ,wEIS `1rII:LI), Sept. 18.---;11r. ,and Airs. Gordon Smith, Mr. Gordon MeDowell, Mr, 'and Mrs,' Charles Smith, Miss. Janetta Snell, tiI°r. and Mrs. Howard Cant'pbell, Lois and Hugh 'were among those who at- toPti ;s rad 1 .Londoh Fair la t week. • ' Mrs. Win. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Worthy Fowler and .Donald',• of (Iodei1ich. were recent visitors at the hom6 Of :lir. and Mrs. Clarence Cox, Mr. DaVe,` 1'ennetly _ of Loddon visited on Monday ti'f' the home of Mrs. Prank Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. .Tim Doak and Culbert, lttcg. Mc(lee,. Mel. Dickson, .Tames, of Nile, Mr. A. F.. ('ook of Elordon Stewart. ;land Ralph God -Myth, Miss Violet Cook of (bile - tree. Mho Xurtgn1u on Daby Beef rich and Miss Mildred, Cook Of .Calf (lob competitions°, will bexlelgra�•e 'visited bra and ty -with under' the`:stipervistun of the On 'Ur., and Mrs. 'Fred Cook,, titriq Department of. Apiculture, 1.. A largo 'number' frain this vlcin- "The country * store with the stock" CARLOW, PHONE.` CARLOW 27 ity attended the School Fair • at earlfer. Mrs. Me\`ittie will 'lie• in Belgrnve on Wednesday. The ehtl�i Charge and will introduce the new ren slid exceedingly Well' in winning-wtucl� book. The nieetiit�;; e1osed with prayer. many • prizes for their' work. • Mr.and Mrs,..1,5arl Wightman and Mrs. J. lE1enry, are visittng Mr; acid Mrs. 1 Sohn , ldebrand, 'of Jordan Station. ' fe welcome Mr.' arid Mrs. Carl Mills, :recent ' newlyweds, 'to our ,community., 'Mr. Mills -is eontinu- ing ,his teaching at then :3rd line school, but is residing in a house. the °farm of Mr Kenneth Camp-. csitvw �., Sept. • 17: •---Those at- tending .London Fair from this coni "`rarity were Mr. and. Mrs. C. Fin- nignn, Messrs. Will , and' Lorne• Hasty,' Mr.., and Mrs: Will 'Reid, jnek and Douglas, Mr. and • Mid. C. Crozier, Joanne, and .Billy. The. on last-named' remained in the,, city for bell. the week -end. ` A new furnace has been installed ,Several from the Crewe congregL In the Westlfield,Church. • The new tioi attendee[ the ansa e°rsary st.r- patrtition which had to belbuilt wets i completed last week and an Fridayvire in Dungannon United Church on Sunday. Morning a :number of ladies Of the Mr, and Mrs. C. Finnigan and eommunity met at the ehnrclt and firs.• R. I!)lraix.il;ll.lx -*ere Sunday gave it a thorough cleaning.. visitors with Mx, and Ws. H. . vats. 1Neetin5 r••r- 'lite regal"` ,Anderson and fainily of Dungannon.. monthly, meeting of the W.MS. was Le1d ol tri a3 afternoon: n, r itr Mrs.. Jack Buchaniin in (-barge of the devotional prograin, Mrs. Cira•ce Henry, a visiting guest, was. the A-.IT1IDL1) S t. 17.—Mr. and pianist, The Scripture lesson s'vas :\frs. R. Warren and cl'iildiren, of Bread by firs. Walter Cook. Prayers Oakville, visited ri•itri• Mr, and airs. were ofOred by 'Airs. Marvin Me -'Archie Mac:Murehy last week. Rowell and Mrs. ,Frank Campbell. • .Muss -Minnie 'I3eftslea, -•vrlio . as - A skit ani' Christian fellowship, en. titled "Found Faithful," was given by Mrs, Win. ;tleVittie, tars. Chris, Smith, Mrs. Jack I3uehanan and Mrs. Fred Cook. The president, ilfcVittie, wfs ,in charge -of the'bIlSinekS. • Plans were niacle to hold the next meeting a week" ASHPIE D misted Mrs. John M.el Kay this sum- er, returned to Kineordinet• The September meeting of the W.M..S. 'of- .,A.ghfleki Presbyterian. Church . was held on Wednesday ip the bns:eiimit' of, the church; with the president; Mips. Duncan Mac i en7ie, in 1iarge. • • Giving you the kind of telephone service you want iS our job. You want it to be fast and dependable —and to'keep'ont • getting' better. But at the same time, we Relieve there's more t� good service than just technical efficiency and steady improvement. '- We think you like telephone people to he friendly, pleasant' and eAnd easy to geta along with.Y uwanttade deal with someone, who takes a real interest in your problems and Whiff is willing to give you a little extra attention.` • •• That's the kind °of set'vrce we want you to have, It .'makes your telephone more to you, makes our 'job `Mean : more to us. `