HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-09-13, Page 5.r, ST , GEORGE'S CHURCH SUND`AV, SEPTEMBER "16, 195.1 10 a.in SUNDAY''SCHOOL ' 1X a.m. -HOLY 'COMMUNION AN) S EMON, -Rev. Lionel. Nelles; ILA,, Lth., London. Evening Service withdrawn for H rvest Service a� S e at Christ Church, Port 41bert, REVEREND. BEVERLY II, FARR, B.A., L.TIh., RECTOR A. W. ANDER.TON, Oiganist and Ohoirmaster North iStreet .United ,. Church ---Sunday, ; September 16, 1951 M pruing Worship, 11 Sermon subject: "An Old Fashioned Word,' "Saved." - Evening,,Worship, 7 p.m., • . Sermpn sub feet "The Lost• and Found Column." . I REV, II., A. DICKINSON, S.A., MINISTER. Knox 4Presbyteriain• Church The Call of the. Coss :F .is to Faith and Forgiveness. Your .Church teaches the message . of the Cross—the greatest , povyrer,for .right living that exists. • �l:..This emblem is the central •force for building a bZ:tter world. It deserves »your,support. ; Yo'u-ar"e cordially. inv469c1 JQ, attertd our services:: 2 p.m. Sermon: "THE' CALL OF CHRIST." • At this service •we shall pay tribute to „three' young people of our congregation, who are preparing .to devote their lives to, the full time service of the Church.. » •YOUNG PEOPLE ARE «ESPECIAL- • LY: INVITED. GUEST SOLOIST: Mr. Lloyd Stewart, Stratford, Ont. • 'The Serviee'w111 be held in the .Sanctuary of North Street United ' Church.• ' REV. R.' G. MaeMI:•LLAN, " W. Ii. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R : C :1W Minister. Director .of Prakse. „ P. NILE, • N'rLLr,o, Sept. .12.—n Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shackleton a and' .(laughter net, 1��c rait, a ( fr , Bruee: 'Shackleton, B.C., were- guests of IVaR and Mrs, John MoWh4nueY. • Miss Loin Anderson and Miss Jean Me1''..hee of Vermili:au, Alta., have started on their return trip home and will be accompanied by -Mr. Harvey McPhee as far- As Saskatchewan,'., where he plans to visit,' several' relatives. They are• motoring,.nll the way. Mr. Donald. Wilson is back at his post as clerk in Nile .store after a trip'to Cochrane.' •: • • "TMIs 'Jessie Wallace has gone on a visit to London _ and will take in the Fair. ,. Mr, and Mrs. Ales. Wattson have been to London fair. The'. village is-like'',n city these days, with •Hydro causes and risen putting -in the new dppllilneeb for the different , eyele. • Mrs.A. Poster' • is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mr$. Ross McNee. Meeting.-- The regular meeting -of the C.G.LT. was held .in .the; church, with .fourteen mem- . bets 'present. The Scripture lesson wits read by Doris Ca1d-well and the study book was taken by Verna Rutledge. A story, "Our Little ;Church,". was read by. -Helen Rut-. ledge. The girls received_a •chevron certilficate for good work . during the year. •. PORT ALURP PORT At1iL 1 RT, Sept- i2. -J3 r0. •Chene'g and »daughter, ,'Paula; of (33rieai rv+istted-ortwe'week -wit#z Mr. and '15.1 rs.• Archie Grreaier and Mr. and .Mrs, James Young. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leslie of Flint, Mich., spent the wegk-end. with Mr: and MrEi °Walter Tiger(;• Mr. Ilevt Cunningham of Toronto vtsite;d•Biter the week -end vvith Mr. and Mrs: Phar- Crawford. ' Where will be no service in ,the 'United Church next Sunday, the 10th, on account' of , anniversary services to,, be held in' Dungannon United. Chureli. Anniversary services will be held iilt Port Albert United Church on iSePtember 3Qth, at 11 a.m. and .7.30 p.m. , li i.rvest thanksgiving service *111 lie held in Port Albert Anglican Olaf ch . on, Sunday,; September lath, at 7.86 p,xn. It vvwi11 be . conducted by Rev. Lionel Ne11es of London. There » vaill Jae special music. �I--Christopher Sturdy,' who passed away in;Alexandra ,Ii'ospital, 'C'ode- rich, on Tuesday. Mr. Sturdy, of Provost, Alberta, had been visiting his ' brothers, Howard and Iteg. of -odeL•.ich -township, -this- summer, when he was taken i11. Ile had been , iii 'hospita1 for 50111e time; and appeared to be improving in health. �,...., . The community was-addened this week to hear • of the • death of the :,.late Mr. Ernest Grc;ves, Of British Columbia, who With: hir, family was a lunch -respected resi- dent .of this coinnuiiiity for one years, on the farm wh l('h is now owned by Mr.and 1lrs. Barrie '1V•alter, TAYLOR'S CORNER, Sept. 12.— Mr. Irvine Oke, Murray arid Jimmy nioboredlast 'week -end •to Belleville, where they visited Mr. Ore's daugh- ter and her husband, LAC, and Mrs. Wm. Gould. The community, extends sympathy to this relatives of the Iate Mr. • . DIED •' WEBS'1'ER. - - Iii (iocleririt, on- Thursday, Selttenther 1'3,' 1051, William A. Webster, in his 71st year. AB'4MS, — At . he;ner.�»'w tev rtofis •Ilospitul, on September 9Gh;• 1951, to Mr, and Mrs. John Adams ,(nee Ruth Robertson) a daugh- BA t0HILKR.--At „ Aleicundra Hos.- Intal, 'Goderlc�h, on September- ,. ' 1t-tth, 1951, te. Lr. and Mrs. Leri, Baec+ltler, Gt,derieh, a daughter Laureen- Eli.nlieth. • Alexandra, Hospital, - WI September ($ h, 1951, to Mr. and ylts, Leroy I)ralier, dao(lerich, a sou, Harold Wayne. (1A'1`,TINGI R, At Alexandra l-ios-• i,ltal, Uoderieh, on September lith, 1951, to Mr".°and Mr.s. Jacob, (`xattinger, 'It,(',A,F. Station u, roti. • MI41(111ED.L ---At Alexandra This;- " pi'tal, I .oclerieh. on ' )•`$eptentber Dth, 1151, tri 1r. and �Irs. Melvin 'Mitchell. Ma•itiand road, (rode-' rich,; a daughter. 'Funeral serviee at Cranston-, Walter funeral hhute, 17 Mi,ntreal street, on Saturday, Septenilier lSttt, at 2 pain. Interment in Maitland cemetery, Kne.shaw, won •a first, .two seennds and a third_,prize for pa.rior- • tutu'bling pigeons at , the Toronto Exhibition poultry show. TAYLOR'S CORNER• From the "BLUE BOOK" of Famous Trains • You'll 'appreciate and ' under-. stand the beauty . of Canada betthr when fou see it from Canadian National's famous` Continental Limited. ,Every day , • between .Monti'real, Toronto :and Vancouver this famous• trainL • speeds across the continent. On it you'll travel. in style' in .' `colotful, up-to-the-minute eq .iipment -- inviting bedrooms, , standard and tourist sleeping cars, lounge cars and the latest ,, air-conditioned coaches. Take the "Continental" scenic route across Canada ... • daily service East and: West' between i fontreal, Ottawa, Toronto, .Minaki, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, 'Edmonton, Jasper and Vapcouy er. per reseriations and in f ormation'regarding your business and pleasure travel needs, see, write or phone.your' local Canadian Natrona, Passenger Agent. NAT»i�NAL �:- TFIE. ONLY RAI1:WAY •5 R1itN'G .A"tt TFTs PROVINO‘ES ' Branch 109, Canadian Legion, will hold its annual decoration day service at• Maitland'•cemetery on Sunday, September 23, - ••beginning at ' 2.30 p.m. The public tis inviied to attend. • W. J. McO:RATH, President. Victoria St.• . U,nited. Church MINISTER—REV: D. W, WILLIAMS, B.A. ORGANIST .and .GIIOIR LEADER—Miss .Mary Joyce Strachan Sunday School at 10, a.m. Worship Services at ll,•a.m. and 7 pan. Riw. Mr, Williams, Speaher. • UNION. Sunday School at 10.45 a.m. Worship ',.Service at 10 a.m. ' oderich Baptist : Church • MONTREAL ST. MINISTER --REV. IAN G: HIND, B.A. ORGANIST and CHOIR, , LE-ADFI-FRANK—BIS ETT 10 a.m. Bible School. • 11 am. "'FHB CHRIST I BELIEVE IN." 7 p.m. DISCIPLESHIP SECRET OR OPEN?" •. I3ETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) REV. • HOWARD MINAKER; PASTOR li a.m. ."BENEFICIAL `WEEPING," 7.30 p.m. "A POPULAR YET. TJ RRIDLE PRAYER," Tuesday. evening—Prayer and Bible Study, the, Book of Revelation. Friday Sight :Christ's Ambassador Service. . ALL WELCOME 'The _ Tree Methodist Church Corner Vietoria 1,nd Park Streets Rev. R. E. Stevenson, Pastor, 40 Patk Street, Phone 897W. "'Sabbath , Services=CHML--Dh l 900-8.30, a.m: N Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.ni. Sabbath Sehool 10 a.m. QUARTERLY 1'YIEETING SERVICES ' Friday,,' 8p.m. Sabbath 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. . GUEST SPEAKER -REV. ALBERT,F�. HA»LEY (Returned veteran missionary from Africa) TO ALL—A CORDIAL WELCOME. ANO•!iii•NnNOnnNwniN•N••ON(inO••t, *moos ----- - •I I G oderich Baptist , Church ow Sept. 17-23' ` 8 p.m. ' 1 Rev. Goron . . i. _ Crofoot B.D. , presents . , "The Christian . 3,ti' Tay'L' ' hristia l ayl,' BE' AT All the rna.g ie of this- - ° , longed -for day-is'yours. forever in your wedding portrr'it { You can depend upon • our skin an experience to make your portrait a flawless mirror of this Pay. • We in'itc'-you 'to , come in,' or phOrie for your appointment early. HENDERSON'»S THE SQUARE PRONE 61 HARDWARE - PLUMBING • HEATING 'PHONE 135 GODER•1CH • -35-38 Y.nt'no longer 1i:Ive, to go in' 01:11 I 1 anted" there for •yearsc- »tthe,» :ide,stlley, to instil' a letter a.t the rottt:Ade 'nand boa: is' now' located 1u,;-tti,ttiee at night. , After !icing ; rig,ht' tat the' s'to'ut ,of the% building. • included In All Saturday's Editions of (O4 #L Ca iie1 % eiitcrsace .tee spe4.. • r Hitting a- New 'High in Read in: ' -Entertainment All Western Ontario's.. agog., over the first edition of The London. treePress' sparkling -hew feature - - - WEEKEND Picture Maga- tine. agatine. .Public acceptance of this great rotogravure and color ' tabloid magazine, with its eye- filling pictures, interesting features and fiction has been overwhelming. You're' Overlookinga great treat if you miss ,The London Free Press, the new enlarged 16pages of full coior comics and, WEEKEND Picture Magazine. . Here's entertainment for all niernbei s of the » • family from Junior to Grandpop = PLUS Western Ontario's Foremost Daily News- paper. Don't Miss aSingle -Copy ORDER DAILY DELIVE Contact Your ;artier » Boy. 4•• See Your., Local Newsdealer .Car, or Write 0 •frnmondoti Free' »