HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-11-11, Page 34 The Maisons Dank. 'IKOOIi'lto RA'riiD•nY ACT OT 'PAtera .M13NT. 180, Oaattett$2,000,000, HEAD OFFICE M NTREAL'o TItoMAi Woult1UN Ssq, )estifrtt',° 1,II,li. 1101i8OR1, 1,s Tice. two, I)I11,110rOItS, 7l op 1){LMee phorson. 11,WShepherd, It A Nelson, •M 1' 11, 'S I( Swing, 11Iilos Wlliiants, 1)y,a)•,t s/'[ttt'T.r,ut1,kl4' C#sL'1St•t.Zler,' -JAs, Ebr [hT 11 3q , At ti'L aJer JYI)i[tre4 13ru•eclt, 111. Fitter obi, 1, let., - - • - - Iitsaeitto) • :l Xeter 13 ancelea. BENlitY et BREWllre ,. MANAGES. LOANS TO'PARATr1BS. Money ad vanced to farmers on easy terms, antheir' '0wu prondsaory notes w'1th One or mere good ou- dorsers. 1'10 mortgago required lis security. SAir'I.RrGS BA:NE: 11DPAItTMENT a'utorcat ai(owec't oft (loucsit$. Drafts en 'Halted States bought andsnld. Stent, ng I;xi:I angobcttg(1t stud solei, Collections 1ntrdeliu till eaves atilt) Dofninion -and rebores prefaintly temIttod lot lowest rates of e,coliange, lOxetor August 15th 1878. 13-m THIS �k; tray at Gig. on 'i F. ilia Ili Ge:e. p• ROWELL •air Co'3 Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce Street), where sdver- 'tising contracts may be mane roc it in NEW YORK. he -, efe1 "TIUBSDAY, NOVEMBER le, 1880. • 'CABINET CIAN•Gf±IS. Hon. :11:Ti;. Chapleau•, to wham was offered 'the pot'tfdlio of Minister of Militfts, resigoetl'by Mre Masson, has' decided to 'remain Premier. of `4 uebeo. which hie necessitated a'few •ohangos in the Ottbillet. they aro as'follows :a,. Mr. Mou•.seittl., President of the 'Coto. cil ; Mr. 'Caron, Minister 'of Malitia ; Sir. Alex, Oampbell, ieostneao'ter Gen- eral.; Idou, Joao O'Couuoo, Secretary of State ; quo. 11jr, A_ikins, •ttiuisten of tInlaud I everlue. 11TI;. eT. B. SGennot,e:w writing from Stonewall, Manitoba, to the Stratford Tines, says., —"It is not't'he 'land regu. lotions nor the iniquitous N. P. that is driving our emigrants across the `hues, altbot'tgb T must admit 'the land regu- latrious might have'lteeu made a little more suitable to eetlle'rs, 'but the want 'df railway tran'spo'rt for the poorer class - 'es is the realtrue and only casae, while the Aoserieaub have every con'veuience in that lino. Mowever, we are, happy to bo able to state +haat the present Goverumeut are doing a1'1'in their pow er to mitigate Use evil, and ere another decade the iron-hotse will be heard whistling through Canadian territory from the Attall a.o to the Pacifio Ocean, in spite of the insane railway policy of Messrs. MoKen•cte and Blake." T}ae Latest Deliverance on the N. P. l'o Ote Editor of ,As Times. :DEAR Sen. —Tile latest and most elaborate deliverance we have seen 00 the N. P. i3 contained 'n an editorial •f the Grit sheet of last week publi+bed iu your town, Froni the perspicuity of ideas, pr )fauciity of reasoning and the excruiatingly elaborate phrenology, we more than suspect that the whole force of the office, editor and assistant editor., type•settere, office:boy, devil and ail were engaged in its composition. From the profound depth of its logic 5Od reasoning it is ()elite evident that the master -mind of tile medical Editor, at ail events was employed in produc- ing the article in question. His ad' miners all know the deep well of pro - Nand thought and correct reasoning that is forever springiud up withiu him, in each a spontaneous gush. But leaving aside the absurdity and verbose abscurity of the editorial, let us see if there is an idea at all in it, After a careful perusal of it, the only idea at all apparent to auy ordivary finite maid, is the fault found with the 1Fin- ance minister. for raising sutfieieut revenue to pay the ordinary expensed of the year. To pay our way as we go, in this new .tinaucial luminary's opin- ion is a heinous offence io political eo- onowy.—We would inform the tariff critic that the old tariff was revised and changed for two specific objects ; to raise suiicie,.t revenue to sleet, ottr ordinary current expenditure, and to afford a reasonable amount of pro- tection to our various ltiduitrie And now b8e'Luse the tariff is having is legitimate effect and our moraine is equal to o'er outgo, an awful hubbub is raised, and the people are being rob- bed. Now we would ask one simple question of any ordinarily intelligent busiuess man : which course is the cor- rect one, that of Sir B. J. Cartwright, of having a deficit of there millions a year, or that of Sir L. Tilley of paying as we go ? Sir Prichard to cover Iris deficit had to issue bonds of the noun• try, at a discount of 7 or 8 per cent, on which we will pay interest for ever, It is this accumulating interest that is eating the vitals of this otnmtry ;.and. the sooner some steps are taken , to atop its °outioned increase the better. Sir R. J. Cartwright himself admitted that if he continued in Dower •lie would nave to raise` the tariff, for the purpose of increasing the 'reveune, . a fact of which The fietancialo luminary, who edits your contemporary. seews to be ulaawere.. The difference in the polie.es of'the parties was• Mist this ; the G,'ite would have raiaed.thetarif"I.to increase •'the revenue, . the• Tories iti- roased the tariff for the -same pooposo but at the same time so 'modified , it, .as to afford a mach needed . protection to such iu(lu8tries as • coral' and 'should flourish in Crtneda. %Vii would: sug• get to Sir B. J. Cartwright that he at mice have an interview with tare writer of writers of the article in question. Ile will receive u'w light on politigial economy. He will learn that revenue rueiwneerobbet'q and the tette path to 114tionel prosperity is to raise no money and. pay nothing. '1'riey have politic your town has .purchased 'tho'',furnitnr•e, lane of that stripe, we believe, down in and unilertahirtg business of Mi. James Ooxworth.• Mr. Baker will bo ratite an accession to, our village, be . b littg a practical workman who thoroughly �1 L S fi tinual htfrping'ot the Grit mess weak- ens Haat 'belief, Besides they ;are only wltstiug powder. tine of the next general electionthe question of Free trade e•. s; protection will cease to be as issue, and my firm innpression. is, th31) were the Grits to elteceed to power to•ir1'orrow the 08$011tit1t parts (fivel1Page .Itlin aLM lit fe more len hi'nett,. Ncvi,rtl'ii1B I l'" 1E80' a mt'ollp. to al shno'r llol). f I OP ''ta CO' f R #t(ePowders f a •41ionvellaerat ate !h'itl p.itve c)t • A 1'1 tI stool; of all varieties 0f ' Pork iH no+vsenrtlltftnlrl fx,00,",),5: