HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-09-06, Page 6DONNYBROOK `.
+ N) BItOOsept.' 4, — Mr.
ted Mrs., 11. Seffersan axid family
were visitors atToronto' over the
weelpend and attended the C.N.E.
i'isses. , Irene Jefferson and Lues°
Theinps4n have, returned to their.
schools at Dunnville and Onondaga,
respectively; after the summer
vacationl. `p
A number of iaCtiles in tl'ni:> vic n-
attended,... the• Stanley br'u, h
41eitaonstration by Mrs. Marshall °of
Wiughant.' At the hone of ;41rs.
Arnold. --Graig ozl Wecluesday
Mrs, Verna Doerr and family
returned to their home at Niagara
Falls on Saturday after a month's
x3Sit with her ',pttrents, Mr. and Mrs.
II: (1 ananey, and otiler, friends,
milk recipes, write:
409 Huron Street, Toronto
Keep up with o
classes and after
class fun by • -
drinking plenty
of Nature's best
food ... Milk.
It's nourishment in
glass! Milk gives
you vitamins,
Minerals, so
in pw rant.
skin, growth and
Try Milk these
refreshing ways:
in creamy malteds
and shakes; with
chocolate or any
flavour fruit syrup;
pr poured over
slices of fresh, fruit.
Eur real food value
at - little cost, yon
can't bent flips.,
Arl3UItN; anti Mrs.
Graham 'Symington, of 'Montreal,
and Misses Fern and Erma Sym-
ington, of Toronto. called on
frieucds ,here un 'riday.
Mrs.) Win. Straughau is visiting
her ',laughter, Mrs. Clayton Robert-
son, and Mr. Robertson at Copper
Miss Mary Houston has Y•e,uned
her position ,as home t'eomuI1ICs
industrial arts and crafts course.
Mrs. Craig will be teaching in One
of the' Toronto schools,
The Baptist 'congregation will
held their anniversary service's. on
Suaadaty, September t)th, at 3 P,,41.and 7.30 _,.m. The guest speaker
will be Rev. Ian G. Mild, B.A., of..
Goderich.. ;special Music will he
rendered. A. cordial invitation is
extended to everyone. • '
Teachers in District Scltouis.
specialist iix,,one of. the Hamilton Schools re -opened, on Tuesday with
iublfc schools.bliss. ,k1>ivt;r of ' ,Liinealdine in
The sympathy of the district is 11ar e X the.11ul,ul•u school; piss
Milieu ;- -.Miss' 41.urduck of Barrie
tile,deatti of her"sister; Mrs. llayes;rat, Prosperity school; -Miss JUS
at \\'estiield school, and Mr. Ctirl
Mills at S.S. -Nu, '16, East, AN
.� An Old ,Resident' Departs.--Dea tp
has' claimed env of the oldest ..resi-.
dfents o1 the, village, in the person
of 'Mrs.Jas. 3lutch, who passed(
away an Thursday morning at .her
hone, in -• her • eighty-sixth year.
Mrs. Match had been afflicted with
a. • lengthy illness. which 'she bore
with grace and fortitude, thus re-
vealing the .depth of, her Chris tiax,
Bili Dobie returned, to his home .character. She was the former
1 on Satu=rday after being a valeta Jane. Nicholson, daughter of Abe.
in. Godericia hospital with a hate Thos. Nicholson and 'Anne
.Sheppard, and was born in Gode-
rich township. Her .entire life was
spent in this part_ of the county.
Her • Marriage to ,Mr. hutch took
place in 1891,. the ceremony being -perforated by 'Rev. Dr. Alektinder
MtteMillan, now living in, Toronto.
Muer" of her married life. was spent
on farms in East Wawanosh. • She`
was a • faithful member of Knex
Tufted; Church and a life member
of the W.M.S.()f a quiet, unassum=`
ing manner, by her gracious person'
¢slily she Avon it host of friends.
She was predeceased• by her' flus
)b'iind and. one son,. `Norman, who
died • in October; 1950. the was
the last surviving 'limner of 'her
family, having being -predeceased
by -three brothers, Moues, John
and Albert . Nicholson,and` two
sisters, Mrs. Temple Clark and
.Miss Elizabeth Nicholson. Surviv-
ing to mourn her passing are "one
'son and one, daughter, Stanley, of
Lacombe, ' Alta.,, and Miss Blma
Mutcb; of Auburn: 'The funeral
took .place .front her late .residence
on Saturday. afternoon, Rev.- C. C.
Wat-s-higlen: -conducting.- the service.
The pallbearers were R. b. Munro,
\Y.' T. Robison,. Fred Toll, Ernest
i11ickingbottona, Jas.- Roberton and
Chas. Sebtt. Interment, woos in
rlytli Union cemetery.
e .feuded to Mrs.. J. C. --'Stoltz in.
vi'hirh oceurred in ancvti.Y'er,
Mrs. Stoltz received .word of the
death off ,Friday. •
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Asquith amore
week -end visitor: ',with their daugh-
ter, Urs. Donald Oldrieve, and Mr.
Oldrieve of St. Thou:m 3. , -
Among these w,ho have attended
the " Toronto .Exhibition from here
were fir. and Mrs; Gordon. 'Taylor
and Marion, Mrs. Harry Arthur,
'Art Yungblut; Town Cunningham
.and 'Walter Cunningl}aua ;
M J.?urlane ati teacher at S.S. No. 9,
-severely fractured leg. 'Be is .rest.
lug -comfortably ar-his home here.
Mr. Wm: Straughan Left last
week for Saskatchewan to assist
with the harvest near Swift ' Cur -
;rent. Others who had one pre-
viously to the West were Johnny
Seers Stewart and Bob Sttanbury.
Miss' MeKiver of Kincardine is
the new teacher at S.S. No• 5,
Huliett. (the Auburn school) . She
is Making .her' hol.ue,) with Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest 'Patterson._
Mrs. Warner ,Andrews has ,re-
turned • to her home after a trip
to the west coast. . •
'i\lr. and .'Sirs. McIntyre of ,-De:
;trait are visiting Mr.- and ,Mrs.
Geo. Beadle and- ether relatives.
Mr. and Mns. • Lloyd Rafthby,.
Gordon and Paul, of London,, have
been visiting -Mrs. 3...Taylor.
. Mrs. McCormick of D,etlu}i w-a's
arecent vaaitor with Mr. and, Mro
J. W. Graham:
Mr. M. L. Craig suffered a mis--
fortune at the sawmill when a
plank fell on his ,foot, breaking one
of the bones in a 'toe" on the right
Mr. Donald Ross has left to
assume • his new 'duties as principal
of one of the public. 50110015 fir
Oakville.. • -
\\',m. Rouls ton of \\' ngham
spent the Week -end with fir. 'ands
Mr:i. J. \\. ,Grahalu.
There': will be 'Ia`service in Knox
Presbyterian Church next: Sundcry-
o .,,accou.nt of the Baptist annivNrs-
aw ry,, .. but • •Sunday 501001 will be.
held at,.-' 11.m.
• \Irs. W. 'T. Robisi,n -visited he"r
daughter. Miss. Jetrid Anderson,
Reg.N., nt.I.hort Collati.rne.
.ilr. B. C'...\\'eir•,has returned home'
after 0 hulidaay spent at 1..ilica;o
tail New V lark.
Or.. and, Mrs. Win. S. 'Craig have
Ain. Street
The towns of Canada are hiiman pla.ces. •
In..our town you g9. to your banker as naturally
- as You go ta your grocer. No banking
service is too large or tOC! small, to expect
it young man starting in busines's . . the old folkS.
ready to retire . all are welcome at
The Commerce,-
Yes, ciiir Canadian towns are human places . . . and the men and women
' -'at your Commerce:branch are good people to knoW.
*The Canadian gank-of Cortimercd
"The Commerce"'
Mr.. and Mrs. Ivan—Jerrie 'left --
tin Monday. for Tortonto, where they
will attend the gxhibition for a few
Mr.' and Mrs, Ewan Roas- and
John :left Saturday_ evening dn a
week's motor trip as far east as.
Montreal. En route they will viSit
relatives of Mr. Ross at Barrie,-
Oornwall and Montreal. ,
Mrs. Harrison' returned home. on
Saturday after spending the past
tvro weeks with relatives at Strat-
Mrs.' E. ,Trewartha is' spending
a few days with Rev., and Mrs.,
Miner and family at _,Florence, Ont.
and'. Mrs. Lawson Woodcock,
of London, were holiday visitors
Mr. and MiS. Will Potter, of
Lucknow). called on relatives in the
village on 'Sunday.
visited relatives heie on ,Sunday.
'Mr. and 11r.s. Fred Eagleson, of
Mr. tiikft Mrs.' N. Heard on Friday
.Mr. and -Mrs. MeDwain, of Lind-
say, were holiday guests With the
latter's brother, Leslie Jervis, arid
13raiitford, *spent the week -end with
nipeg, Mr. and Mrs. rorne Mc-
Gratten, P.ort Colborne, Mrs. H. R:
Forster and Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth
Reesor and fan:illy, Locust
Were quests last week' pf Mrs. W.
Yeo and 10ta, also with oilier 1,•ela-
tixes on the Ont Line and Oth coffees -
the above mentioned guests, along
with the Goderieh township -rela-
tives: ,gathered togethcr on Tuesday
evening for. a picnic suplier at. the
homepf Mrs. W. Yeo.
, Medical statistics show '000,000
Canadians suffer from arthritis or
CARLOW, SePt:4.—Mr. and Mrs:
iloss Pennington of London visited
with Mr. and Mrs.' Gordon McPhee
over the holiday. • e
." Mr. and Mrs: Frank; McIlivain
and Glexrda returned home_on Mon-
day night from a week's holidays.
Quite a number ,from here at-
tended the Toronto Exhibition last
wek. The Junior Farmers
chartered a• bus on Thursday and
the Women's Institute chartered
one on Friday, "
The children are hack to school.
again. 31,isS Campbell of Settforth-
will teach at No.1. this term;
. Threshing is pretty 11
we.. rounded
up around this part for this year.
VV.M.S. Meeting. The. -Aughst.
meeting of. the W.M.S. was held
at Mr. and Mrs, Frank MeIlwain's
POttage,„ with Mrs. Tait Clark
leader. The •Seriptuie was read by
' Mrs. E. Sherwood.. The ladies were
pleased tit have Mrs.• Queen and
Mrs, .CytimPton 4their ',guests.
Mrs. Queen spoke op the subject
"Working Together." Mrs. Cramp"
ing was' givem.by Mrs. W„Olark.-
After the close of the-mineeting
Mrs. P. Mellwain served- A 'dainty'
lunch and. a social hour was spent.
Then Mrs. Marsh Moved -a vote' of
thanks to the- guest -"speakers aid •
Mrs.: McIlwitin. The September
meeting. 'will be held at the lieme
of Mrs. W,'' Clark -on September
'Try 'a Signal -Star ad for resUrts.
is a natural partner
of good things to eat
township, re.S111110(1 OIL Tlies-
of, twenty•:.seVen, There° Were four
Yeo, Jimmie . and
„Bobbie Norman. ,,•'.Nliss liathleen
Holmes' of GOderieh is the tetther,
gone .to Toronto: where Bill will- this 'being lier .fonrtli. term here;
sPcYtd." lire ensuing year takilig the and the music supervisor is Mis's
Por a small 4posit you can select that coat NOW
while the stock is complete,.
Don't wait needles,.sly
. , ,
- Get. that poat NOW on our LAY-A*TAY-PLAN•
and be ready when cool weather comes with the coat, of
A -very fhw,collection of, snits_ ill ___deuble _and single
breasted styles, ,including gabardines, ii16-atd-inWaird,---,--
Betges in bluetobrowns and greys.
$50,50, $62.50 .$65.00
A. very large Selectibn of PO.
topcoats in gabardines, "Crombie -Seal:,
and now vid
. Winter. overcOais, Velours,
. sealsian" and cashmeres.
$49..50; 59.50, $65 00 $55.00 and no.
. -
MST ARRIVED-Livishion-Craft and Schiffer -Hillman saniples, Choose now -while
range IS coraplete.
"Test -Drive the '51 Ford and listen to,its famous time -proved, owner -proved' V-8
Engine. It's so quiet you can hardlrhear it—yet it packs the pae and eager responst •
of a full 100 HorsepoWer. Here's quality performanCe with dependability and long
life resuiiink from year upon 'Year of progressive,,Ford research and development—
all types of roads undeeeiery kind of weather and diiving conditions. And here s
economy, proved 'a the 1951 Ninbilgas ECOnothk Run; with the Ford V.8 the winner
over all other c s ih US class I Now the Ford V,t8 is available with Fordomatic
with Fordomatic 'Drive*. -owner -proved by tens of thousands of driversi4eel
tbe quality pevfortnance awl the quality difference. compare, an0 buy Ford I
* rORD014ArtO DRIVE optional at extra cost. Conventional •
transmission LC tivailable as standard, with Pord Overdrive
o one ever regretted' pu ellasingc quality"