HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-08-23, Page 9M istriet Collegiate Institia a Cornrneocing Sept., 1,0 On a farm, 1n Durham county € -. , . j3grketo , north of Oshawa, Mr, Scotelttended Oshawa fitgh Schopi and^t'heu Qoeen's University, gradu= titin& true Queen's in 1920. Re. 4tumild" to •Osbawu 'kin" Laughs in -the high seheol ther'. durtng-1920 and 1921: , Then he was instructor ri mathematics at I3ew.manviile 1-31gb Scflctal for alive years,, following Which he waS, principal ot•. Arilllrior • High School or nine year's froze 1920 to 1935, Mr.• Scott came to Godertch in. 1935 andh'.s since been the capable priudpal and mathematics teacher. On January 1, 1947, Goderich. Collegiate entered the High school area ,which includes, the town of (odertth, township of Colborne and parts of the townships of Dodericli, -Ashfield, East Wawanosh, rest Wawanosh and Hallett. . An enrolment oP about 330 "stu- dents is expected at. the Goderivh pistriet Collegiate this September: Tber"e Will he, no changes. in: the teaching stair from the . last academic: year and. no renovatiOns or changes have been '"made •in the. Classrooms because . of the plan to hi 'e—t" x110 new-school—la 195`. ZIPPERED BOOKS, with °large , and•sinall rings, in black and other colors from • 'A. 'R. SCQTT, B.A., B.Paectt, wilo has been principal of : the. ,Gnderich° 1Collegiate Institute for the—Wilt' VI Years.. Born au d raise 'lay Mom doesn't have to take a long time • to figure out things like' me • WATERMVMAN'S PENS at _ Despite building ` material shortages, progress on the construction of tate Goderielr District Collegiate, of the future is not 'very tar . behil>,d schedule._ Here is ,shown an architect's sket It of the building -as it faces South street. Shortages,. of steel have .held .up • work on -some 'parts• of the building fdr as long as four weeks and the supply of brick has been all Used up for as long as one week. About thirty4ive leen' are at present ,at •work on :the building. . The gymnasium ' wingis seen on . the far ' left. 'The 'briek.and the block walls on this •wilrg are now about hailf completed. The walls of the auxiliary shops, the lower building beside the, gymnastulu, are. completed. • The steel joists are now being Alit on the classroom wing, seen at the, right arid, facing _jila-lr .,street: 'Concrete, will . be pouted for the eolumus and beams of this wing about tile middle of September..4-'. ¢ MAW 1.7,000 cement blocks have been, laid °to date, with auo'ther.„2:S Opb blocks' yet to ov.laiid. Some 50,000 bricks have been laid, •while 1`'.5,400 have yet to be, laid. r „ l In Former Days Renowned ' Principal WATERIVlAN'sS =guaranteed BALL POINT PENS, at PENCIL BOX ' with PENCIL SHARP- ENER HARP-ENER` SCRIBBLERS. and EXER CISE'BOOHS at Very abundant supply of refills for loose leaf books. List of text books as given to us by Principal &M. Scott is,posted in store, • "She knows .already ; that to have illy clothes'; all 'clea'n and ready for me to go back to: school, they should be sent to GODERICH FRENCH DRY CLEANERS for dry .cleaning. Then, she is content that I will be all set for sclacol in the way. of 'clothes," Dear Mom: Save yourself tune and trouble by sending in those school 'children's clothes NOW .for' dry drying. Phone 122 today and have us'pick them up no later than Monday so -that -we can have them back to troll 'by Saturday and all'ready for the .opening• day, of school. • Yours truly,• cFrench~ DryCleaners Goderich PHONE 122 : WEST ST. 33 - • . A group photo taken nu7ret-han t1ifjreetule ago shows - a trio.talking over .4ehool• matters. -Front left to right a re : A. M. Robertson, former Mathematics teacher 1 'J. i', Mt -tine, ‘who. -served as principal for' alnlost'°p -quarter' of a century •, •A. R. Scott, present principal. • • ATTENDANCE OF .105' . EXPE�C,TED T�HIS� FALL AT SEPARATE SCHOOL . A total "attendance .cif about 105 Ptipi1S is expected at 'the Goderich Separate.:, ^School this 'fall; - with fourteen • now s.tud(iits registered. Mother St. Tfioinas -is prineipl11 •bf the school and she'. will 'be assisted in 'teaching label by Sister Claudia” and: Miss ,Helen !Connolly. , X111 upils are ,urged li'y Niptiler p DR. H. I. STRANG who •bccaMe.Headmaster of the Grammar •School ln' 1S, 1 aitl',uwho was for :34 tears principal 'of the (,(,derieh st•11oo1, 'con tinning for .thirteen years alfter that as. 0 'tetteiieratAlio :('ellegiate•Inslitute.' 1 )r. tits ai1'g" was 'noted th ro.ughout the Province' as ,)u eltwill ion ist and many 11iu1(lred of pupils passed through the, 5(110ol during his tenure of otfieo. Thonuls to •bc prisellt .at tlae pe' 1-' Ing- day in' order that they piny, get off to 0 good start for the year*. PnplPs;, who passed entra1Ce exam- inations at the schbo1 hi June were': Kenneth ' 'i alzak, Auleen "Fischer, Janet Bowler;. Janfette Austin, .,Toho Simpson, Farah Jeffery- Grant Make, ' James. R.oster, WilliamT 't,�:isser: :and Ronald i Intyre The pal' mtree is "so named be- cause its leaf- Was thought' to re- setuhle the, palm of a persons hand. TO GET FIRST 6HOICE ONTHEIR 'LINE OF' CHILDREN'S • .. d *YOUTHS' • Sturdy uppers in .black or brown with long wearing Panolene soles. ' , Sizes 8 to:/ zw - ...-.... �_. Famous top quality Running Shoes by Donninion. Boys black: ° Size 1 to 5. " "° • ym •Big Boys' "Player" and • "Basketball" with built-in 'arch cushion., Sizes. 6 to 11. Many, styles 'and colors in satin and poplin. Wind°arid shower iiidbreake r • ' ` `proof _ s SPECIAL VALUE! SOME ?Tt LIC SCHOOL'f REDUCIQN ON I , Q TEXT BOOKS. ,, : • Golden Windows, 46p, sale price 32c :: Gatewa'y's to Bookland, 45c, for . " . 36c 41 itreasiiry Reader, Grade • 3, 50c, for • " ' 40c •• a --G�ad��"6� ��c - ��-ea-der-W .as r mm�'rc u ..• ,, Listed below are .a few ofthe `many items to choose from .A` t Ger.�ards• a ii•N/irN•NNNiioNRNN*M•i••N•rH••NiN•N••••••A+Mt•• • : PRICES AT FOR THE BEST AT MIDGET PRI - - _ SATaISFACTION' GtrA TEED OB �YO1T1 MON`E1t C.HEEkrtiLLY. Rp BNDED, RAN' P BOSTON PENCIL. •' SCHOOL BAGS glIARPEN RS $2.45 $3.00 $3,25 '" $5.15 HENDERSON'S