HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-08-23, Page 1•
' * •
'Once more trage4.1y has struck
•• Goderieh. • and the • eommunity has
peen shocked by Ole less of two
!lives by drowning; On Monday
•Morning .the news, .OuICIsly eircu-
lated that Keith Gardner . 44, £1,
welLknown farnier Of Z.lolhorne
township near and Kens
neth, Hazlitt, 30, garaqe office man
employed in Goderich , out With his
home in the saine. neighberbood• in
, Colborne, were missing lind almost
•eertainly drowned in Lake Huron
.opPosite the bathing beach. The
conlecture proved only too true.
INWs. Paul Roberts, whose home,
overleoks the lake south of the
harbor, heard cries from the lake
'about 20 minuteto 3 e!ciocit Mon -
r, "Annonneement has-been made by
Imperial OIL Limited of • the pro-
metion, of °James M.'. Redditt to the
publie, relatiOns division of the
company. He will assnine his new
post in ,tibout •three..„months'. time
-at either Winnipeg or -Regina. Mr„.
Redditt and. two. •children, .of Tor-
onto, were .guests this week qf bis
Mother, Mrs. 11'. R Redditt, Ile is
at present' editoF of "Meet Newt,"
ad Impelial Oil ,publication at
Toronto. Starting off in newspaper
work withThe Signal -Star, Jim
day morning. - She rose immediate- went . The- Stratford Beaconly aitcPhtirrying to the telephone flera and then enlisted in the
RcY41.1 Canadian Navy in 1940.
AVitile • in the nav-y he was editor
of the nev.rs official .publication,'
"Crow's .Nest,". On .cliseharge from
the.navy he Wits with l'he Halifax
Chronicle and later with th,e* Mac -
140:11 Publishing Company at '
o,to. From MaeLettnS he went to
the Imperial Oil Company. Best
wishes go to Jim „from his many
friends for e•veffy success bis
new field.
put in calls to the police office and
the ,home of Bert MacDonald,. Gode-
s. rich's .,unofficial* guardian of .,,the
waterfront. She and • her son
ivGeorge then , drove down, to the,
beach, where in a wery few...Min-
utes there was a. little gathering
• including Police .0fficer O'Hara.
• _William Mugford, nightwatchtuan
at the C.P.R. roundhouse, Who nalso
had heard ' the cries, Bert :Mac-
Donald,. •Mrs. Ilebarts aid • George•
Roberts. An overturnedrowboat
could be seen .about 100, yards from
shore,and later a that wits found
' floating on the • water, .indicating
. beyond ,dpubt •what had occurred.
ImMediately, dragging pperaVo
. . were co-minter:teed .and, continuea-- •Im
...day until nightfall, filesid#S... Bert_
.•MacDtineld'.s fleet And •Oirerholcs
launch, Jack n Malieedts, Mae - Mac-
Donalds and other hotits engaged
in the all -day task, and Keith.
• 'Hopkinson in h4 ,.Seabee searched
from the air, but. all WithOutsre-
snit; .0n Tuesday • morning„,:hew-
ever, :.at 0.30 -o'clook, the •twn bodies
were found on. the beach just 'mirth
of the •C.P.R, romalhonse, washed
111) by. a •sonthweSt gale.
" -AMidiiiglitTrip • .
.The•two men had set out on the
. fatal trip some time after Sunday
. midnight, tnlang a • netd)ottomed
.skiff, alelitt eight feet long, belong-
ing to Leonard • Overholt.. , 'They
went atross the harbor to 'see soine
'yacht on tlie north side
and lifter: rowed ',out to the radio
beacon 'offiee and visited 'the' 'offer,'
iitor,, Ileetor' Tigert; stating • they.
• were thinking .4if .pureha ' a .sail-
ing eraft and •asking .,if he knew
. where they eottld proeure one.
•'" - :Some time after 2 o'eloe-k the' loft
Tigert and lie• watched them
until the: roiinded 1110 south pier;
• It" was a calm, -bright nigill. just
Nvhtrt ' happened after . th a t will.
.:never lie 1f.1104111: •
Ken. Ha zlitt W1.1 -s. employed for
'some ..efinsidertu1SIe time .1)Y Gardner
Motors, and latterly at tile Semis
service station. • He .was ticcom-
modatitig, and, well liked. • He 'was
the son of .M7. ded Mrs.'. J. „K.
'llezlitt of Tordato tt14 leaves, be -
Sides his -1,iarents, .his wife, •the
forther• Norma Hill; • daughter . of
lm,r. and ..Mrs. „Hugh Hill , of Ben-
ndlier„ and. teVO Young children,
,John and *Gregory. He was. a
Member 'of • Morning Star Masonic
• pailige, Carlow. ,
Mr..,Guidner. wathe son of,
Gardner and the ;late Samuel
,.Gardner of ,,Callborne township, ,and
' operate'41 a 27.5-abrefarm on , the,
, 4th concession. Ile was a member
of ...Martting Stir •Lodge, A.M. and
.at Carlow:, and of the • hen-
, 'Miller United Church.' He • was
• , married twice, .his• first wife .being
the -late - Miss •. Margilret White
• of Goderieli.... BeSifieS his mother
, nd. ' wife,' the former
Isabelle • Scott, daughter of Rebut
°Scott and the • late. Mrs. &sett of
Auburn, heleaves three children,
Marilyn, 15, Gail., 12, ahd Cameron,
, 2•;. alsoa brother,, Erie •G,ardner
-Of .Kitchener.,
• Mrs. Roberts is greatly .distressed
by, thefate of the two men " whose
• cries reaelied her • in her 'summer
borne- at the • lake bank. Besides'
telephoning for • help she dressed
hurriedly :and hastened with her
..son to • the bean, 'het before doing,
this she 'went to the point over-.
looking the - lake and called out
"(Hold ori! help Lk mining" All
this in a. very few minutes. She
gives great praise 'to Bert Mn -
Donald for his efforts daring the
ali-dtty' search, for the .bodies, but
• thinks there shotild be Seme official
proVi.sion, with remuneration; for
such 'services. ,•• • .,
Mr. MacDonald points. out that
a _rowboat -all reads•jOr
bathing house se, that- at any time,
night or . 1111W it can be used in
ease of emergeney.
Dr. -W.. 1°
. -allow, coroner, after.
invesfign erg" the- ciretimstnnees; an-
nounced that no inquest would. bo•
Tlie Funerals This. Afternoon •-
That citizens - of Celborne tOwn-
ship °iind. Of Godet•ich a tid the , dis-
trict mourned •the tragic passing
of two highly regarded residents
was .eviderteed- by the large attend-
ance at the Brophey funeral home
this• (Tliersday) afternoon for ser-
vices eonducted by the Rev. Gordon
illaziewood of Motint Forest, formerly- of Behmiller trnils41 4°'1u1ele.
Lovely floral tribn 'es In
fpslon banked the °walls Of • )110
TOthn In which the easkets .Were
ReV. 'Mr. Ilazlevvood paid tribute
to the lives of both men whoSt•
sudden &nth hadsaddened the
whole 'enuntryside. ."Otir faith in
the risen Lord tel IR 118 OW death
is not the end. By 'it Ile brought
life and immortelitv."
The serviee for Mr. Gardner was
held at 1.il p.m. •.,At its ecu.
0131510n the • eriskot ,wits borne
threnglirt gluird of honer a fleNver-
berfrersA and 111011111M ef' the
Mesonie lodges. • The •ptfillbeslrert
were,. • 'William Mugfor, Prank
• s •
Donald IF. Ainslie, son O't Mr. and
Mrs. M. J.. Ainslie of town, was
graduated frein the Ilnielensiti of
'Michigan, Ann Arbor, on Friday,
Anguet 1.11`th. Don received, his
Bachelor of' Arts degree dm • ;tale
course in industrial psychology.
Mrs„ 'Sarah McWhinney Wright,
Widow of James ..Wrighr- passed,
away- on. 'Thursday, August 10th,
at Alexandra 'Hospital, where . she
had .been an invalid • tor 'over five
years. • She was in her , eighty-
fourth year. Born in „ Ashfield
township, She Wf1-8 11 -daughter, .4:4
,Satnuel. MdWhieneY and -Helen,
Horton. After . her marriage -to
J1-1111eS Wright of Cleveland,
she. lived . in that .eity mltil after
herh'usband's death • 4.te•ven.: years
ago. She is survived_ by a "de:ugh-
'fee, ,Mts,...ONVen :Were 'of* Nile,. a
In'othei% -.Fatties ._MeWhinneY Pf
Goderieb,. and a -sister., 'Mrs. Emma,
Morris of North Dakota. , Two.
brothers and a• sister 'Predeceased
her,:The fiureritl -serviee•was held
at the Criaiston & -Walter funetal
Immo on Saturday and.. WaS con-
ducted by Rev. H.. A. Dickinson of
North • Street 'United -'Clinreh. The
pnlibearers • were 'Ernest Bogle„
cif?. MePhee, Harvey Faller; • Atex,•
Bogie, Jas.. 'IN.IcKnight and ..Bert
Orawfpril. Interment was in Dun,
gallium cemetery. .
• S.A.MT71111. Keil:MANZ•,
Word. W11.8 . received Ilist week.
by bis relative,s, in town of -the
sudden passing of Samuel SChWainz
of Rocenville,.,Saels. •,M.r. ,Schwanz
was in .gooel health, and had lust
returned -to his home ,from • a trip
East, Vt41C11 he. visitedin •Goderich
and attended'. the funeral .of his
sister, Mrs. Chris. Ilaist. of Zurich.
His death, Which' 'was the result
of . a -.stroke, Iote entirety. unex.°-
peeted and was .a. 'complete .shOek
to his many friends here and ha
West. • Jle was born In Col-
borne township, the sonb of •; the
late Mr, and Mrs.' Michael Schnotni.
When a young man he learned the
tinsmithing trade in ,Auburn and
$bortly after went West. BE
opened up a busine.ss 118 tinsmitaring
and, „hardware at Rocanville and
vas one of the earliest pioneers
of, that town. A f,evir years ago
he 8o1d his business ..and. 'retired.
His wife: and, one son predeceesed
'him about six years -ago, and he.
leaves ',two brothers; W111, of 'Cal-
gary, and Dan, of Ooderich, and
one grandson, Lynn, of. Roeanville.
The funeral took place. at Rocan-
ville. .
If •
In -Canada $2,50 •
In U.S. $400
Where the. -Double Drowning • Occurre
„Softie of the niimerous boats that took part in the
dratgii-ig operations off the Goderieh bathing 'beach all
day Monday are shown in this picture. The 'object
nearer shore iS a moored raft 'used by bathers. Jnset
• are pietnres of the two •men' who lost their lives, Keith
'Gardner (left and Kenneth Razlitt (right): •,
• --London Free Press eugraVing,
An enrolment of about 650.pupils
isexpected at .the Goderieh Public
Sehool •on opening '-day,• September
4th; aceording to Prineipal H. .M.
Shackleton. •
The teaehers will he as follows:
Kindergarten, three elasses: Miss
E. Iltu1)c:1, he morning and afternoon
and Miss "A., Wilson in morning. •
• Grade Miss H. Spiers and Miss
11. V idea n.
Grade II, three classes 'Miss 'C.
•Twist -man, Airs. M. Morris and Mrs.
B. Stewart. '•„ •.
•:Grade III: .Mist, E. 'Macdonald.
•4.; rade 1 11, ;0-001010 ted : Mrs. .T,
••Grade IV4 Mrs. L. Al. ThOrneloe.
• ffrade • N" • 11 1,11c!,,
'41'V:id-OS- 1V and V, a 00010711 ted
Miss M. Mason... • •
Grade VI, 1 WO • ela sses Mis'g F.
Sturdy, Miss A. Wilson in morning
and NI. „Shackleton in
• the afternoon.
Grade VH Robinson and
Miss G. :Sturdy.
',Grade ° Miss G. McDowell.
and Mr. H. M. StePhrelk. ,
Auxiliary "..classes: Miss
° In the old "fortiori- of flie sehoid
thofloors have all been sanded and,
a•eliniShed ..end :cement steps Natli
xnestic , top built „from tbe main'
Moor ,to the basement. In the audi-
torium of the new seheol baskets
haVe been installed • for ,Inigketball.
'Phe entire exterior of the olerschool
has been painted. °- •
. `The L'ParlIlle"31-SintlliN
the- of fa,
publication issued at betioit, and
• in the July, number is a portrait
of Dr Wesley Harrison, with0.
brief Sketch Of hie record cps a
pleetichin., °with special- • referenee
Mrs. Tennant • 131'ennan ptItS,Sed
away at her honie on the Bayneld
road 011 Wednesda y morning, after
a lingerit g illness. Formerly Oreta
Susanna Clark, She Was daughter
of Alexander and Mary Cox Clark,
of Colborne , township, . and had
resided in Goderieh 'for the pest
!fifty ,years, She was 0 member
of Knox Presbyterian Church.
Surviving, besides her Inisband, are
11. 8011, -1111:4.801 1, of Sarnia .two
IthiligliferS. A'reeriles.7.1rowlisifnit
(Helen), and Mrs.. Edward Serulon
(Evelyn )„ ,both of Goderich ; two
brothers: William ond Thomas
Clark, of Goderin ; two sisters,
Mrs. Menrice Crawford, of (ode -
rich, tied Mt•s. Trimilin• Stewart,
of Pert ("eilliorne, and 'eight grand-
• 'the funeral sei•viee Will be held
nt the • Brophev Pelletal home on
Snturdny afternoon With Rev, 11, G.
MacMillan '011101M -big Burial will
he in MaitInnd cenietery. ,
Allen, Reg. , McGee, Russell, Pfrim-
mer, :William Johnston and ,Frank
Baer. - r
Kenneth Hazlitt Nytis an
7ete11141 and the guard of honor
W118 composed of representatives of
.Goderieh Brench 109, Canadian
Legion,. and a large number. a
ntembers'. of • the Masenie lodges,
The pallbearers Were Frank 'Allan,
• Russell • Writ -tuner, Wcn ao n
•Stra tigb n, 1 i in Ross, Will him
Eitel& and Thomas Taylor.
The • burials took Adore in the
)Colborne township • cemetery • with
ehurelt„ and Mnsonie rites; Both
fnnoral ,eetteges., wer.. very long.
.„,,tAnt,ong those present wore Mr.
and Mrs. J. K. .Hazlitt of, Torontb,
the stricken parents of .Kenneth
-to' his twenty-tifth 'anniversary as.
• works physieian • for the Alcoa In-
d ti st ry. Dr. aerison is a graduate
of the University" • of Miehrgen
Medieal School, took post -graduate
werk, et London, 1,Ddinburgh and
Paris, and is comparq physician
for several • Detroit Companies,
is the son-in-law of Mr. and
Mrs. J. -S. • Howrie of Goderich.
The Doctor ..and' his wife are fre-
quent visitors in Goderieh and Mrs.
Harrison is at' present with her
.pa rents here.
Dr. Harrison " was here at the
week -end.
A member of the Cahadinn Busi-
ness- Schools AsSociation with ' the
high qualifications for ;which this
association calls, • the tOoderich
Business College opens on Septem-
tem, 4th fer the academie.
11-tejlifration-s ftre.-e%peeted OW
from the town of Goderreh but
also from the rerel 'area • and
various pointS of the comity. Mrs.
F. M. Weaver is the principal and
the school is in every way 'equipped
to give the best in business' educa-
tion. A. bus serviee is liVailable,
for the benelit of rural' students at
fhe sehool. Numerous 'inquiries
come in from time to, time at the
I school for qualittled stenogrnnherS
1 1111(1 oilier workers nnd Goderieli
Bitsiness 'College efiii p10ee 411 good
pesitions -graduates from its sehool.
• '
A elle rtered bus Will •leave (lode-
rieh ori Tnesdny, August 2S, nt (4
0.111., froiii the Registry ()Mee to
to kh t he Ma 11111 lid Air CadefS for
V11411* to the Canadian Natieniii
Exhibition. •The weering of uni-
forms Is optional,. Although entlets
kire urged- to do -so If posside. Cadets
are 'retpured to bring their fares.
The ly:v. Niel) E. Queen 18 111
the speeinl preneher nt Vitoria
rnited Cbureh on Sunday evening.
1f' will Ping*a feW. Negro spirituals
and givo n brief sketch of their
origin. die iA the minister .of the.
Warren Metliddist Chureli,: Pitts-
burgh, warn:Honing tit llogle's
Benell. Tie bag spoken, at Blyth,
Aulutrn and Benthiller.
Bicycle Racing Lore of '96 and 97
Aug'. 36. ---The main
'concern •at presmit is this . year's
nWeslern -crop,which right..now ap-
pears, very' -prOmising and may ., be
a record one Unless Old Maw Frost
intIrvehes, as' he.. did last. yea7.
aboht this time. • .Four 'dive,
'scorching hot days Ire6.-ilitly did
some slight. damage. in ,Southern
*--Matittoba, - bet • timely • riling
changed the itu0tion. Cutting is
already Under alla...Wit), '8001.1
be gen(,i•ai. ...:uhort a a nd iSask-
atchewau erops are said 'be extra
1.'ontinuing. my bicycle." articles
,which ,NVere tip.. 10.1890 in my „last,
the Goderich .feetory had,. eone•
-mewed' operations and for loyalty
reaSonsinigny wheels were ,sold in
tdwn aud vicinity, but it required a
larger market than that 'tot success.
And the competition was getting
tougher all , the time,' The noveltY.
had, Intuit to wear off and..pleasure,
riding hod begun 10 'fall off tee,
The bieycle club was still a live
organization with • .Dan McGilli-
cuddy a.spresident. -Dan •NNtou,ld
represent Goderieh at thi:i•Canadian
Wheelsteans. Association.' . annual
convention and would make quite
O 'hit with hiSjrish„.witt.tnd -pointed
reinarkS. ' • , .• • ," "
Winner in His , rirst Race
• In - the racing - quite a ,goods
sized race' .Meet • was. . held in
August, • Dr. J.ack Living.stene. of
Senforth was that .year associated,
with Dr. Whitely. Jack had been
quitea rider. for .some •years and,
.started to do a little trainino.'anci
1. Started following him 'Around the
track on a heavy low -,geared .:bike
and, I wasn't being nutelasSed. Jack
-was quite impressed and -thought
I' 'should 'enter some otthe amateur
races at the .coming • August Meet.
So with no reputation • to lose 1
decided, to give it a . trY., I, wet
jest eighteen then. There was
quite an entrylist in .the amateur
events and some of them experi-
Owed., riders with quite a reputa,-.
3rollic.s.i• Dan had a racing wheel
and I , had a few' triaL runs on it
be'fore race • day.. Well, the race
started with one of the riders start-
ing all out to run the rest of us.
off ''Ourfeet. ft was a mile riled
and ate' r Setting a hot pace for
about three-quarters of the mile he
folded ".•up and everybody passed
hith., In a °racing suit for the first
time and on a fast.bike Ilelt like
going places, so. entering the home
stretch - I. set sail,, fully expeeting
setae 'of the itiore ,experienced ,rider
'would bezipping by. • However,
(14)14>' (11(1 • and, I had won my Arst
race hy quite a niee margin. The
prize was six pairs of bicycle stock-
ings •dena ed . the
Prize Cigars Made •im 'Gtiderich
t er' 1 jdOeed sOond in another
race, the prize being a box of 5.
(0111; cigars donated by the eigar
factory at tioderieh.. Many will no,
Jambi: he surprisd tolrliow Gederieh
had a .cigar factory •at one f•time.
It was Jocated in 11' store •on West
street and' was le•hnsiness for
'years, I think the . pro-
prieters Nveri't Kennedy & MaddoeR.
Later that season Charlie Gallo
way (ilia I 'entered smne races ,at
11 ,tind We• otnelassed lhe
numerous county riders. entered- by•
a big margin.- My prize, 1 remem-
ber, MIS a gold -tilled I'Vnith:int
wsitell which did good service for
the ensuing forty. years. That ended
our racins• for '90, In the spring
of '97 treorge Emerson, of Clio -
fon branehed out In the' brisinesS,
establishing 0 livery • and repair
shop an West street 'With new
Cleveland wheels.. As the Ogilvie
1111 whore 1 bad worked had closed
in -496,. I hired' Willi George end
managed to do some. treinieg itt
ti 1110s hot notsseonSistentry. How-
ever, on ,May 24(1),. tif Clintono. 1
won a race. (Wife handitv. •
A Rat :with the
About this time' I "got •quito
bit of nndeserVed .publieitg at OM
<Wand ,T:runk depbt, One day 1
jokingly Epmarkec1 1 Was.'.wheMing
to Clinton, and would try. tO beat
the '2•o'clock train Which was due
to leave Goderich .in a few Minutes.
I did get to Clinton ahead of' the
fun he.• Bob.. Holmes of The Clinton
.New, sEra happened to • be on the
ak,form at, Clinton' a 11C1 80111e4Ody
I had j'ust' raved and
"beaten the train, from G'oderich to
Clinton. Bob wrote It up, in The'
-New Era and it, was *eopled Thy
'several, other papers. •
As, -it hapPt*,taed, that. pox -titular
deY the train. Was ten -whittles late
leaving Goderich and t Wit W1a3
enough: for- ine,, to 0( lo Clinton
ahead not it. •About this' Alpe a
certain crack Anieriean
crea ted i 1 a sensation° by riding
n mile In .57 seconds,• a little -better
than a mile 0 minute: About three
miles of New York Central track
was hoarded in 'between the rails
mid loeoinoti 10' ('('(1 11(44
wbo rode 111 ,1 preteetive hood _built
at, the loeoniotive's rear. .0f cotir4
41. \V1lS '418 edvertising,Sttint for the
hicyele mantreacturer whoize • wheel,
this rider, still rementhel•ed as
"Mile -a -minute Alerpliy.;" Wt18
ing. The" three miles of fleni rd were
•required to get op' speed, 1 Iren the
timed.,mile, 'end then the sloWing81)
proeess.. . • ,, • ,
• _Soin,e..New' Riders •• -
This year '97 the originiil ,loral
.gradunte of „Ooderich "Collegiate
Institute and, of 1114, secretarial
eourse., of IN'estervelt Sehool, Lon
41)111, • who has accepted a position
s'il 1 *.IbO •.1. I4)111(0' i>2 tile
AT'17,14 Wt0V10`. BONT
Arrivals at the' (.1oderich ele-
,vator Thursday
bnek, .90,000 bus: Oats and wheat.
Saturday — Algo,rail, 202,000 bus.
wheat. Sund1y--4.1eorge llindMan,
132,000 hus, oats and bailey.
The, Sandlend 1s due at the
elevator Saturday ,mornbig.
, The. imperial Cobourg , brought a
• part cargo of gasoline' for imperial'
(fil on. Thursday evening last. • -
• Another a)liSteel boat from, the'
Mathieson [Welding Works was
launched at • Baytield ,on. MendaY
.and brought to'thie, harbor, and this,
Morning was on her way to Parry
Sound for the owner there. Dianne
C4 is the name •the new boat bears.
, stendnrd Life Assurance Company. i
She is ' the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. 4.-C. l'ntt, Goderich.
.Contributions to the Personal
Mention colunm are invited,
•-,Let 'us have the names of. your •
, visitors. Tell us when you or
your friends leave.. on a trp.
'Mr. Gordon Robertson of Chicago
made a 'brief - visit in town last
Mr. George Bolton .is enjoying a
otherpotrinipts..to Niagara :Falls and
, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hunt of
Toronto are renewing acquaintances
in this district.
Mrs. K. Naftel left on Wednes-
day for Sarnia, where she
spend,the,..winter. ,
Mrs. John Lillow and deughter.
Marian, of Stratfofd, • are visiting
relatives in town. ,
Mr. and 3frs. David McIntyre of
Galt spent their vacation with Mrs:
•(Capt.) John Vickers. , '
Mrs. 1. 13., Pentland and children,
of •D'etreif, are holidaying at their.
Cottage at, pert Albert. •' •'
Mr. and -Mrs.' Alba Alleinang, Of
Bridgeport' visited at the week -end
with Mrs. Fred, Seabrook.
, Miss Marilyn Moore has returned
home after a three 'weeks" vaeatien
Spent. at Muncie, rlldinUa.'
Mr. and .Mrs. David Davidson,
of , Walkerville, visited in • town
ang, diseriei at the week -end.
MisS 4'1044ver ha s re -
'wilted to towit, after spending, a
few weeks 11'1 her hoine ;It Burling:
. .
Airs. Geo. Yornig of TOronto has
• been visitingher brethers, John and
Alex.,--flenarson, and ether- friend.s
here, • •
• 'After a 1 WO WeekS. rilit With
Mrs: C. A. Nairn, AIrs...Athol Mc-
• Quarrie lets id 111110(1 ;to her 'home
ili Toronto..' •
• Miss Al, E. AlacVicar" has ]'0-
•1u riled f rom • :TerontO, • where • she
attended, the diSplays • of. fall 'itil
111107y:this - ,
Mr. Walter C, McKenzie of New
Hamburg, Ni.. , was .the guest of
liis consiiis„'-the AtiSses MaCriear
last 'week -end: •
. Airs. .1 4ts. Brophey has. 'returned
Iron', 4 a twe-weekS' vaeation spent - • •
With*. Ir sister„ Mrs. R. N. •Wickens,
at Montreal,. • •
LAC, and 3Ii GeOrge• Sheppard
n d • • ebildren, john nd Pa niette
af tlentralia,'spent a. vacation With
their mother, Mrs. (Capt -.1 John
Vielier8. • •,
Mr. and Mrs. .•Carl ' 'Walker of
"ShelImpw., Out., were in Goderieh
to- attend the fmfera 1 of Mr...keith
Ga rdne•r. today.
riders had pretty well dropped' out
of. • raelng; and onite feW :new '
riders werenuipearing on, the scene
tro give myself and Charlie Gallo-
way seine opitnsitiOn. Among them
*mild _be . Ted Belcher;_ Maitland
Humber, Doty a11ovS, jack
Olb•et 'Rhynasi.,Printer Alex.
MeLeed, Stewart Seymour. „„SOm*e
of them eonld makeit interesting
for Me in the short, races, but in
anything over half-raile 1 usually
had. quite a margin,, bn the 12th of
July* that 'year the South Huron
Orangemen were celebrating in
Bayfield and u, thfee-mile bike. race
'mak among the .entertaihment. This
was to 'be run on the' Main street,
Beyfield not having any (rack.
McLeod' and I decided to 'go 'down
and try 'to'„grab• off some of the
$25cashpriseg. The catch was
that. Baylfield possessed a.. strong
'probabry :the f.beSt :inn the
county at .thilt time, jeWett:
Jack hind .. tin • up-to!date racing
wheel, while Alex. and 1.N.Vere
.motinted on a• .of .George
Emerson's livry° wheels_
A ,Famous Race, at Hayfield'
Abopt seven or eight riders lined
up for the race, • which, was ont_
toward Vo rna and .return. ek
Wined on the steani at the start
and r 18.14 ifl '0 -behind him. ,Spon
the 'pace was* too hot for Hie rest
Of the 'field and it' developed, intaa
two•nian race. • The. finish being
•serneWhat demi grade, we surely
were ,flying. and • the hilarious
'We .raced-•W`ffeel to Wheel for the
last quarter -in i le, bu t .1 a ck 'erns the
one that 'craeked. f managsid to
go in -al Knit a hal f-Wlleel length
and that W118 the way it, finished,
For years after, .111137 time 1 wils
d'own- south Huron way 1 was
,o de spotted h3 -some wbo
t 1
wore in.. gaytield tlint*dny and ''By
golly, that was • a rave,- *as the
comment usually.
More, racing memories later. •
, saw Joe...Moody and parry re-
cently On their nmfor trip to the
coast and N4"11,8 in hones of seeing
him again on his return, but Pguess
1.1103' Slid net come heel: this way.
As I hate it daughter and grand-
children living in Toronto now: 1
'and ,the 'Mrs. are planning a t.i•ip
Hese burnot before May or, June,
Temperatures of the past week
Ili Goderich, with -those- of the
correspondin'g week a year agO, 11
Vieittlly recorded, wero. as follows:
• 11/511
a 1
. Mex. Min. 'MAX. -
Thum. Atte.. 10.72 BO
Fri., Atm'. 17 .59 82 ° 03
Seei Aug. 18 73 150 (19 57
San., Mtg. 10 ,75 55 70 57
Mon., Aug. 20 *74; 57 OS • 40
Tues., Mtg. 11 74 1i8 CA • 44
Wod.,Ang. 2205 48 71 "til
. Mr, It Megaw of Vaticouver,
foi•nter resident of
Coderich. solids 8 ('lipping „from a
Vo Recover . paper $11o\Vilig shat is
lielieved 'to. be the largest tyee
salmon ever taken- en :,:part *tackle.
The ltish •tipped the seales at nn
,evenS2 pounds. It was 37 inches I
in girth andfour feet, •twe inehesi
in length: Cleaned and dressed., it
•would yield a • tell case • (0(4.,
titis) of salnron; -worth- about $37,
on the retail market., •
Frank Piseatelli got the monster
catch in Queen Carlotte Sonnd
and heated it 'after' ,a • 35 -minute
struggle, with: the :help of two
Other men. • ,'
" Mega w writes,: "Am enclos-
ing 0 clipping •to indieate the type
,of minnow the bent:Win fra tern ity
Play with ino•e.• Who knows hilt
that the Mitithind-Inight yet:. equal
UT eny case, it's interesting;
but what • must 'the one thnt got'
way' have been?"
Af Mr. Megnw 'were st 111In' (lode -
rich he wonld he • eligible for mem-
hership• ra • the Octogenarian Club,
but from his • hand -writing one
woUld "judge that' fie • is still a
youeg man: •
. .
GOES TO SEAPORTII,' Rev. J. A. Terry, Airs. Te ref'. and
. • ehildren, of Sinibur,s,'", were visitors
The annual. triples tournament .the past • week with • Airs. Terry's
for the Fred 'luta trophy tonk uffice grnl1anl'of115.1_1"._ 3„1-1"s- (Af's7
0PY 6 ce:tda
Bylaw Collaring.
Sale of .Park Rouse
Effective Sept:, 1st
At a special, meeting of th6 To*,n,, •
Council on Friday evening bylaws' .
were paSsed to cover -the..sale, of
the, Park 1foue and. matteis 3,u°
connection therewith,_
Davtra Pystulluk,_ of, ':%4Orohtop
phi:chaser of ,the well-knoWn •
at Harbor Varls is Ming 442;000.4
andf-Vviii own the illahlingS and
thirty feet of !Anal On
north and east sides. • On the south,
side the hotel'fronts on'West Street.
He is to act as supervisor ,,of the
municipal tourist camp adiglning
the hotel property and will TioRect
the fees a touriStS using the ea1131),
retaining. one-thi,rd •of the fees for
his services. He purchasing the
chattels of W. It Walker, Who has
operated the hotel under leaSe .from
• •r -
the 'Town since spring- of 1950,
The sale comes into effect 'nn. -
September let.
Appointments te Arena- Ceuunis§ioht
At the same meeting appoint;-
iaients were made to the Merdorial•
Arena, Commission for- the period
to July 15, /0537as•follow.s: D. D.
Mooney, representing the Canadians
Legion; J. H. Kinkead, toi the
Lions Club Walter 'Westbrook, for
the Kinsthen Club; R. M. Menzies
•ter the Reereation Coluicil-; L.
'Whetstone, for the schools of
These are all reappointments. ex-
cept in the •case of Mr. Whetstone,
who takes the place of A. R. Scott, -
who, aSked to be retired :train the •
,Cbmitlission bechuse of other duties,'
The ;Mayer and Reeve are' -ex
officio membersof the Connuissia.
Miss' Ann ..—Wertele ...has 'been • .
chosen by, the defenee'.ergan-
izetion •of London ' to ge. to Ottawa..
for an • aftineed. teehnieal training
•couese on. rthe • Connaught; "ranges
to -qualify Os instructor ,at London -
in .connection with' civil defeneec
The 'course will take ttiree -weeks
in • September. . • . •
:Miss Wurtele.• who already. hat
the 10111e' trainine.', is 'the' enly':,
woman , from ° this di.strict' to" take
the emirse in advanced trajning,..
Alt hongh. residing - at, pteselit • in .•
Linolen. :whpre site' Is rapidly.. mak-
ing her mark In, varleus eireles, she .•
is regarded' ni only . temporarily
absent_ from Inn" Itsone Sts'wn Of
Goderieh.,. , . • -
• -TO make, sure. ebittestant
wood be disappointed at •,." not ,
winititig„ -41 •earl 02' 1401111 WaS.-.pre7
• sented. tO each. of the twenty,flye
• Libus• taking part in. the ..Getterich.
',ions'. Clubgolf .tournateetit at the •
•.,1 t ed Wednes.da V after -
neon. The legitimate, • ...winners
r;(g7:gVZysu'' RE(1'n6e7sl!ri; w
. net. I,;Inier Cra,nsten.; .2nd low. net, • s
Bill Dulmage, ..A - dinner wonnd up_,,
. ' Val,' ,_.1-..4 •
• ;Ire .1'.A(lrhOiS.N, S' '
Inis;40 1 '
1.11GIUST 30 ..-,
—..,......._,.,___ .....___., ."1,4
. A ,beeknot of 3900 , is Offered on
11f13'-ttive calls ;if the Lions •bin o
. at ,„tlie arena fin.. Thursday ' even-
ing,-Aufiust 30th, targest erowd.
yet: ii eXpee,ted 'fox, this night.' 'On
Labor Day night' the Lions -ChM. is
coplening • with • the Trades and
Labm• Coened to put • ; n -a bingo, at .'
. .
Mr, Gordon' Rntledge has re-
turned' to Sudbury after spending
holidays •. with, his , brother en
,Napier 'Skeet. •
' Mr: a pti '"A.IrST J. Ivan Irwin of
Toreitto -are .holidayine- at the home
Of Air. ,and T. E. Irwin,
,ta terloo' street.- • •. , •
Mr. 0, A.,-MuiViy, _Mrs. Murphy
ad son. Tammy, of Detroit, ' are
sPending sonae time in Gederich it
5.. Colborne. Street. • .
'317. and Urs. :T. N. Priddle and
8011 dila ha vo .returned to Ottawa
after visiting "swith • Aft ,Pridd146
utother,' Airs. Pearl C. Priddle,
Mrs, „ W, . Cesfello • and sonS,
Miehael , and 4..John, of •'•'• London,
visited ,frionds Goderich and
Kingsbridge,during •the unt Week.
.Mr. , and • Mrs._ *Wilbert Neel -of
Ohio • last ,Week -end Visited the
fermer's aunt, Mrs. NN"in Birale
who is a patient in Alexa,ndra
Air. Altiet'ree.--of MacCree Plumb-
ing & 11o,l jug Co.,; De.tr4,11. -anti 'Mrs.
MaeCrae .weee visitorS .with Mr:
and • Mrs,. j. Henderson,. Elgin
venue: •
the a rella
NP*4% •
DR, Fox AT -PORT .ELGIN• ' 71 •
Dr. Sherwood rex addressed the
•Rotary Club a t -Port, 71411g14i- on Frt. -
•'day night, • dealing; with ::varioti4
aspects. of _the •Min* Peninsnla, • ,
with which he .1S intinuftelY! ,acs
qua lilted, •• -
Ress' Rivett, one, of the members
or Ow • Maitland Air Cadet trait,
.who attended the air cadet camp,
held fit Aylmer,. placed second
,the rifle, shoolting etimpetitien, beld.'
at the' (lamp. 4
greens on Friday •Inst. SV,Vty-six
lioNelers from indliy, Western On-
tario elubs took part, in'. the event.
The 1,roPhy, W118 capitussi by the
Dale rink of See forth th. •Dii
A. Delo fled MaeDoetil(D, with
three wins end plus Of 1 ,
(118(4 • prize -Winning teams were:
2m1, T: e ha rd• .1: ker, F.
Toole, Gederich • 3111. N, rIoekcY,
if. Hirers. 418,
Ny. reb. E,-
Goderfeh: rele Boyd, Afel:;onzi(t,
3111;1).4,11, •
,LONDON,- .Nng,, 1 S. --A. six-inch
grt i411 ripped in his• right thigh by
a power .saw,. 22 -year-old, Donald
l'etele of . 1Welling8on road
Setif 11, W118 admitted to Victoria
fiospitel last night nfter the \\*mind
was' (-Josef, with t•st teli es. , •
The'• yraing Mon, a i,ontraetori is
the son el' Nelson celeh., of Vilose.
lifts initery -Is _not oonsidered.
Mr. • 1111(1 Mrs. „Jobri, Fellows of
iloclerioli wish to atinonnee tile 011-
gage1110111' ef (1)01? eldest daughter,
Muriel Helen, to George oNeil, son
,of Mr and Mrs. :Harold, Oloin of
Woodstock; the marriage to take
I)1(1('0 early 111 Setperaher.
Air. and Mrs, Norman 'Ford and
Mr. -and Mrs,' Wm, Doahietlay of
imroit visited the . past ?week -end
with ir. and Mrs.' Get). Tinggitt
of sheppardton.
• Mrs. .T. Dootild Vie.kers. with
her children,' David -and Patricia,
of Slii•nin, is speieling.holidaf.,(' \vial
1 • •
• 11( 10, Mrs. A111.-. rind Mrs.
' p . 1 iekers.. •
nd mrs. Ray l'a.biten of
111., with' their children,
Sesan 11)111 John, were" Visitors •leifp.
Mrs. 'Mama's .1141011 Airs. •
Hunt, `St. Patrick's street.
Miss Lena Tiehbornti of Toronto
and lier nephew, Mr. Roger Tich-
borne. And _Mrs. Tichhorne 'and
• children, of 1'4,14 Credit,
visilors • with relatives. Irre.
Dr„ atill'Mrs. D. S. Mellaffie and
datighiers Anne ittul Elizaheth hay('
('01 8)18(4(1 to their home ,on Van -
Newer iSland sifter n visit with
mrg. NteTre ilie.'se0mother, Mrs. (', A.'
, Mr. Herb, Craeston • of Tie:ento
hns 'Vel'arned •1111t1e after • visiting
'with Mrs.'. Peare'r. Pridclle,, N2rs.
cranslon and children are sta34.
ing fol' the remainder of the
'Atm 'Ross ,ITarrison and Di 01111,0
have" returned. Immo ,frOtn betrolt,'
where they spent holidays. Tliey,
were,aee?mrianied 'Immo iw Ititr. and
Mrs. ,h•ank Butiand, Ibrmerly tif
erode wh.
Aiiss .1c411e I,. Wil-ron, of 'the
!lensingstaff or, Fielding Johnston. •
Mentornil Hospital, Leicester, Eng -
bind, has _peen visiting her brother.,
Mr. DonglaS Wilson, and Mrs. Wil-
son, Elgin \avenue. ••
• :Mr. and Mrs, A.. T. ivy Auld •
children, Al ninny, •en and ,
Heather, of kapuskasing, nit.. are
r" -G. °J°-Iletherifigton, of towe, and
friends in the district.
. Mr. and Mrs. R. -4., , McMillan- •
and .311.s. .101)71 'Babb ef'•tewn.
Donald' J. MMillan_pf,Touonto ftnii
Miss Thelma Feag-an of Gait ,haVe •
retur1ci:11' • 'tiller' spending,- a WO
'weekst viwation ;•:ibirrliot Lake.:
ihd Mrs.' 14. • J. Instelenan
of 01 ta 'S'(l 1114 ve 18141 speedier, a
few flays hi NOrn 'Heron, ,whieh
Mr. I noichnian.,-represenled. In the „2_„.
Hou:se 'of 1'ottirimns for a terni,.
195-4O. WhIle'• lii Goderieh they
were " registered at the' SunSet
Mrs. John W. Craigle had at -
guests Air: and Mrs. 0. J. Cittigle
ned daughter Mary Atm. of
11:11115v1110, ' N 13. Mr.,. and , Mrs.
an Ines 1 t I CRib a n ml danghterm
Diane, and Linde, of KenmoreNZ.,and Mrs: W. A. Dover fled denehtee
Helen, of Toronto. •".•
' M r; an4 George, 'Crab!),
lipehester. N.Y., lfirve been making
a short stay hi .Ooderlili•on their
honeymoon, the beidetieing tr lady
of• nllytoutt, Vlarida.' Vrabh
is a grradson ol tihristopher Crabb,
who was Protninent,,ht the
and munielpol life' of C1oderIell in
the last eentury. 1Xi (Abe visiter'S)
•father Nag' rt(id 4 i blt 11 14 id
had not been itt Guderieh Or fifty
pears, having left 'here 'When IA -
.018011 bOy... „.