HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-08-16, Page 10• 1, GW TEN 0111 Pentland Una. BobnStothers. Of4)unl, • , ''‘ • • • ..... .. - gennon 'and Ben Sheardown and BEVARD.-----Ati• Alexandra' iloSPftt-i-f,' Batpli • illtaiders'on of Godericb. fjoderieh, on' Angust 5th, 1951.;' to t-- LeaVing GialeticIP nt l' ain., Stin- ' • VI?. and ,,Mrs. Claire Bedard, lioderieh, a daughter, Elizabeth 411,..Yt.tbe- ball fans headed for Crum-. tookliff•in a T.C.A. plane for Cleve: -CR4WOCK.•,----At the General Hos- lin airpOrt ' ;xi-- tondeti; where 'they land..at• 9 eau., arriving in the Ohio 'pita', Edmonton, On August 503, oily at 9.40 arin. The Main ()Wee- 1951, 'to- Mr.- tind Mrs. Ernest *tive waS attending -the ball game ' Crueoek „Ae nee atiterin.G e„raf) between •,c'leveland and,•„.Chicago, dattgliter„Anne' -Marie, , ivhieh, incidentaillY, Cleveland- won GOVIER,:-.--Dif August -Ird,,o1951. to by a 7-1 score. Leaving Cleve,tand Mr. and • Mrs. Albie ert Gorr, , by plane ttt 7,15 pore .M., ,they• wAlli111111, a daughter. "" • over Lake Erie and baCk-at Crundiu MaeDONALD_;----At Alexandra llo:•-1.- , airport eel's pan. Hopping into pital, Goderich, -0n August llth, their oar, parked ' at. the, airport, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce.Mae- they 'breezed ilito - Goderich abent Donald of Goderich, a daughter.. 9.15 p.m., after cramming a lot of 3.1(4,E,AN,ou August 2nd, 1.94,1,, travlli en41 g. 11.0 a lot of sights into to Ir. and Mrs. Thes,. McLean, a few short hours. Goderich, a daughter_ - .. ' Mac1XNNA.N.-At Alexandra Hos- BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE pita!, Ooderich, on August 10th, 1051, to Mr.' and 'Mrs: Sttiart G' 'MacLennan, .R.R. 3, ialerieh, 0 ' 'daughter, Christine Anne. 11fILLIA'N.,---At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderieh, on August 15th, lte51,. to Mn and Mrs. Wm. 'Mil- , Ilan of Goderieh, a datighter, Brenda' Atzirie. MOHRING.---'2At ..klexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on Au.gust,,, :14th, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. --'1Vin; Molting, Goderich, a: son, Wil- liam George. • • • ' PHILLIPS:21On August 2, 1931, .to Mr. and Mrs. Thus. 'Phillips, R.R. 1, Dungannon, a son. IN :MEMORIAM BORN • • AND Il'ERE `AND T4ERF Anlos Andrew has. enlarged his dairy' 'busines.s by pdrehasing Crystek Dairy 011 Smith. street, formerly owned ant1ia. operated by . Mr, Clyde Meek. 'For •the past ten years a lady, , subscriber to Signal -Star ••hag annually • .paid her 'subscription itt ene-cent pieces .which she st.1%Tii -throughout the year, and last week she •nae her payment. of 250 cop- pers. Incidentally, during the past week a 'notice has gene forward th subseribers,_ living anywhere other than in Goderleh .or the adjacent rural area, who are not 'paid in advance. The response to date has been most gratifying. ....,-...., . • In weekly court on - Thurgday, August 9, :11,nrdde41 McLeod,. of Clinien,- pleaded ,guilty to 0 charge Of . bringing,-. or (-easing , to be brought, intoxicating 'liquor into Huron 'county for other than per- sonal or 'family use,'contrary to the Canada Temperance Act.. . - Magistrate Holmes iinosed a fine of .$50 and costs, or thirty daysin jail, and ordered the liquor confiscated., _L • . , • . - Ihe total seized by police was Seven till cash Of beer, two part ces0, ' and six ., bottle.s Of rye .. . ., .• , STEWART..---In 'loving memory of The Fairmile which visited'crode_ whisknvieted ey. . . ,C4, ithem . previons Week on my dear husband, Ray Stewart, rich harbor pn Sunday was the sub- 'ject.of an aa C arge of common assault, Mrs.. who passed away • one year age, rtiSts brush that after_ hs 'noon. Harold Morrow,. president Mar le ., Ross was- sentenced . to . August. 17th, '1950. in ,a reformatory. She Your heart was the dearest in all ' of the-Prestou Artists' Club, whose three. ....•• the .wide World, ' . memhership is,. about .100, attracted wa.s warned by. the Magistrate that, • Your 'eve the best to recall; . considerable attention as he -il-sat•if convicted .before• him again Of before • his 'easel and sketched'. the any 'offence where 'alcohelies were For- no one on earth could , take your place, ' training craft with the Goderich concerned, as • mueh punishment as • the' law allows would be imposed- - You are -still the dearest of all. elevators in the background. . , . _.z.....• • , •-• High, Speed in Low Gear • -Sadly missed 'and lov`ingly re- * An 'excited voice• OVer the phone A. tine -Of. $5 'and cost S was, im- membered by his wife Betty and en ' Monday evening •from .' th'e 'posed on Roy Appleby, Blyth, con- baby -son Eric. • -32 . corporals' ,mess• . at ' the• R.C.A.F., victed Of eareles.s driving. at Bay- MeINTYRE.-In ' loving memory of . • . Los71„ ' Clintore annonneed with much fan- SOW on, July 26. Constable W. 'our s•on RuSsell, who died August LOST. - LEATHER BILLFOLD fare10Tbe SignaStar that •some - Little saidithe car driven by .A.pple- , .13th,1938. . • , . : ,,,,'• , 777. contaihing stun. of -money :and thing •"jusl happened which very by, was „Weeding, made two 'fast When evening' shades • are falling, valuable,papersi on Thursdey-morn- seldom 'happenS-a *perfect crib "U" turns ,and. swerved • on the And e sit in quiet alone, Mg last at, Goderich Elevator. Re- •- hand." -The steward claimed that `Main Street, len* feet in front Of w To our hearts' thereR comes agonging, ward. ALPH TRAVIS, phone' i',',orporals Ivan Tgrxie-17 and Peiey ',the. constable's Car. ' , • - Wile *only could come hefne:"-- 90 r 11; Brussels, coact. 32x • Rudder were, playing the crib game, • Appleby said he -iiras iii. -a! strange Friends may- think,',we-- have for-. • whire. LAC. Bill 'Mann-, who. lives town. tind alWays drove in.lOW gear. • . gotten ,- -' - • • • 4, . in Goderich,. WittWssed be perfect "This is.. the first. time,, I ever , When at times they see us smile; • band. . - ' heard that . one". cemmented the But they little know, the -heartache . *AUCTION SALES Magistrate -7 "It's true," assured , Our smiles .laide ail the while. „ After 'being with, the ' Robert the. accused. '1\701, sometimes -Sadly missed by Mother and .. ''SinipSon Co. 'Ltd,._,L-Tor9Pto, in.,..the truth is. , stranger Allan- . fiction,: Dad. . • , •• -32 men's •wear diviglon:. for several qaipped, the Magistrate, imposing thefine... ' , • • . - - • . • ' years,„ Mr. •- Edgar.,-Pridhain, son Of STEIWART.,----ln loving, memOry of Mr and Mrs. E. J. 'Prffiham,. isi . Charles .-Wesley . Kent, • London., a deaf.. son, Ray. 'Stewart,. who ' returning „to •Goderieh next week ' Pleaded guilty -of causing a cps- ,, -passed away one year,,ago. today, 10 becemeassociated with .tlis 'Surberreo by being drunk ...and., dis- -August 17, 1950., . • . .. , , . father in.busiriess here. 'Edgar willtorderly on a highway near .01inton. What would 'I give .:tb. 'clasp his 'be of the third • generation in the; He was fined 10 and costs. or one hand, . . - business, which is ape of the oldest ' well. Il eek in ' Je chose the latter. hik • . . . His apf face to see. , ic..,..,,, established- in towav n, .;•iliing . been__ • ea ml„ f.,11 . oJ - . • , • . Tohear hts. voice and gee his smile, founded in 1900 by IV.- C. Pridham-Ling On July- 29, in Goderich, Neil.. 'That meant so nmeh to mo. * • -.father of E. J. Pridliam. • •• • . i Coek, 'ti atf or d'w'as''• . fin ed . $3 a nd • -Sally missed but lovingly re- , •. •, ; costs.. ille was driving up harbor meMbered ;by -Mum. • • ' -32 . hill and Attempted. to •oass another ..• . • , _ Personnel '44. The .Dentinion Salt . • „, • • •.••Ce.,.. Ltd:, have moved -frith their I vehiele geing. in ithe same'directio'n, - . .quarte•rs,on -Colborne' street. to the ; and a police ,cor proceeding downi renovitted and enlarged Th °ee of j tlie JAIL The• az'en.sed also' failed'• CARDS' OF THANKS. , • ' . ono three-piece antique ' bedroom. • the company on OxfOrd street.'! to stop.' at .. the entrance to . the mR. flaws.- , .HAIST\AD ' .' . t suite; a nuni-ber-Of washstaads and -Personnel' -of The. sta nd aril Chem i{... Slim; re at' W et; t street. ' ., daughters, Mrs. Harry Hess of 'm til tables; . seVeral mattresses - .•,ta -co,.,, Ltd., are re,41111unnOin the .. , .. Zurich., and Mrs, 'Cordon Keating ....- ----.... ____------"7, and feitther -. pillowS; an .antique .Colborffe §„t?.:eet oftieet _ ' ----ot, Cialerich,, wish to thlink" their' waluta parlor suite upholstered in •--.--,. TENDERi4, „WANTED - friends' for ,the many .tths of kind- gold damaSk ; three other antique - Despite' --the fact that the • two LT,...,, ,--'-----7, ----- ,,• . uess and mess‘t,es ot symnathy ex- . Parlor .pieces; one .studio cella; FOR -SALE.-51 FORD' CUSTOM , • -1. A FORCED' 110T , previous issneg • of The -SignallSter1 l'I';'-\ 1-1.4:1-lis'.',0).1----- - .• •-• • tended -to them-. 1111d•al-41 those who one -fertierf;:-8-piec..:e dining-roont , I, • Sedan,. 350 -mileage,. to '•wind Up told' -f .4,1 f - •tic) trio- 'holiday' air athoinatic heating system-, , . .. sent tior•al trihntes. at the time- of suite, maple finish: one round oak estate .of John Penhale. Apply • .week, whieh was observed by the j eoloPleielY ill6t'il-le01 for Ole u'ude* ' the ' death of -a dear wife and! . . . •• •-- • dining -Mout jable; .0ne oak :china 1 HA.ROLD- PENHALE, Bayfield, Ad- •,,•, , . ministrator. ' • • 31-2x - KITMEN CAB - FOR r" SALE. INET, glass front, arborite.eop, •priced to ....clear ,., at ,EROFH-EY'S FURNITURE:. ' ,.• ' ''• .-32 GODUJOR SIGNAL -STAR Briefs • Special. clearing 'Sate iill,'SUM;;• fuer millinery at. greatly reduced prices, Friday end Saturdays ---Miss It Maaiear, Kingston street, Phone 462.- -32 I am now buying, rags and old felt mattresses. Turn them out new while I have a buyer ; next month may bo too late.- C. WOODS, 12 East -street Phone 867J. -14 , SPECIAL 2-• and 3 -ply mothproof yarn in grey-broiva, blue- green, wine -heather, and Eltra. value, per skOn .98c. or $3.75 xer•lb. at Win. Achesen Sc. Son's. -32 0 • • playground 'jamboree Fri- day,' ,,August 31, at• Judith. Gooder- ham playground, '8 pan. Come and see some of the aetivitieS^: that. have been- carried on at the play- ground this summer -crafts, hob- bies, ball game, etc. • • -32. Victoria Helper g class is holding a bazaar, afternoon. tea, and sale of home-made baking on Saturday, August 25th, at 2 0clock, in Vacant store next' to °Ainslie Meat Market on south side of Square. -32-3 Coronet, August special, 20 issues for $3,50. Miss' Mary B. Howell, :4 St. •Vincent street, 'Croderich, -oboe 213W,„ • -32-4 Having sold the Crystal. Dairy. to Amos Andrew, I desire ,t thank 'MY customers, for their past patron- age and solicit a contingence of this business for the new owner. CLYDE MOCK. • -32 P. or Results A _.C:lassified Ad FOR' ,eALE . - " , 1 ' FOR Sub • I P.1,011. •bAL7E. - TWO 115 i,E-11) • ./- - FOlt SALE. - 1950 PREFECT !.. 1 Soutliern -Air. oil heaters, 4n - , seilao, like, new..-- R.-'131. °,1011N. i.,,,,ado ..i.ottaitiony at,. Bsopati,a..s. STO'N, Milt:WM ,SA0p, namiltml •11,,,BNITuita 32x • -32 street. •• -• - • FOR SALE.•,-..- E. -BUCHANAN llilOit SALE::-4-SUE,TLAND l'ONY, -1 home, Clutkeli 'Street, frame,' 4- '•- mare, black,, goed disposition; li. goom, hardwood, hot water, ,con - $2.25 Per 100 while they last. !Jut - about, • eight years i blitANCIS veniences, garage, good lot, vondi- • FOR. SALE.-VAItIOUS COLORS rich. , POWELL, Clinton, phone. 907 r `4. ton • and decoration ; -•- poSsession will hold them till required. 0111Y of Map bulbs:, . ,S'inall deposit - -32 •Septemher 1, $6,500. Apply- W. A. SUTHERLAND" Barrister, Gode- "OR , SALE,--LARGE1 RQP4-..T2:P1 solid oak „desk, in gOod condi'- • . .A. BOW,RA, V,O., Box 101, or tele- C.O.D. nip) tion. Phone 986R.' • Ti101t •S'..A.,..LE. - eilILDREN'S* of -town orders sent phone 11571W. -• 32-3x si. ••bunk beds, pair, red maple, good 9 ft,. 9 in. rug, In Perfect eon- ite.;alillo(nlieti°1111'24W. • , .-32tf AUCTION _.S.V.1../E- OP HOUSE- ' HOLD EFFECTS . in the town Coderichf, at lb Pa lmerst on street, first. street east of 13tiyfield read off Britannia road, on •. •SATURDAY, • ALTiGUST 18th • . • • at 1.30 p.m.. • General Electric ' refrigerator, large, 71/, •cu, 'Pt: Beatty ;electric _washer; kitchen wood ov coal, ivory enartiel- range.; electric rangette; three-piece tapestry , Chesterfield suite; Hardman upright piano With bench; .two three-piece maple •finish bedroem suites ; exie bedroom Suite. consisting of walnut vanity dresser with benchand Metal bed to match; ' springs; mattresses: 414ion. May be seen at IMO- pit SALE.--,bNE LISEp CEDAR - PIXY'S FURNITURE. -3'2 elieSt, in lirst-closs *ecindition. May he. seen ' at BROPHEY'S, FURNITURE. . ', . -32. • • WANTED.--7-LISTINGS Oir P Ft)R 'SALE. •-• THEEE-PIEOE " ' P131RTIES. for 'sale. ' C. F. MACHINIST AND 4TH -CLASS - cheSterfield, used,, in fair eon- CHAPMAN, Real Estate „Broker. • engineer. We are 'expanding. . . •.• • ' • 39tf Pleasant meriting conditions,- top dition. • • BROPHEY'S FURNI-- Phone 18. 0 • . • , •• ‘vageS,-group urance, definitely iii-lroR SALE. -SET OF. CHROME TU'RE. . -•. WANTED TO. BITI.ALL. OLD' steady employment, live -day 48-hour ` chairs, in good condition. FQu SALE. ---t-,, PRINCESS PAT horses and dead lellinals. If week. 'See or write JsAMES COLE BROPHEY'S FURNITURE.' -32 kitchen range, 6 lids, in good suitable for mink -feed will pay more PURNITURD . COMPANYe Inger- FOR SALE. - J. CLEMENTS' shape, ' With reservoir. MRS.' than, fertilizer prices. • If not, will $oil: • - -• -32-3 GREENWAY, Stanley street. ' naY fertilizer prices. 4 dead, &lane lionte,; No. 34 Hincks street, 2 brick, garage front to match, qdit lots, 132' *square, frame, heavy insul OR SALE. •,-L'-, 1942 imptix,P 9364 21 ,, . • 32x at ono. GILBERT BROS.' 111INE RANCH, Goderich. Phone collect new, 3: bedrooms,. part basenfent, . 'Ford co,ach; radio, heater, fog or 936 r 32. ($2,300 cash and- terms). Speedy lights, 19,0 engine.' SHELL SER- A'NTED, - MEN OR WOMEN TO RENT. -• F U li N IS H E D fuel --• economy; 'bargain, • $4,300 LAND, Barrister, Goderich. -29-32 „. adian prodect. Yea can earn $30 -mediate possession: ' 'BEATON'S to _demonstrate an oid Can • .fiPartment, well furnIshed,..tim,-- .•-32 VICE STATION,*Kingston street. • pos.sesSion. Apply W. A. •SUTHER- FOR SALE, - ONE U $E to afternOon or ;evening. Yogr. district to $80 weekly, just a few hours ,BAKE'RY, East street. . . . .. . - studio couch. - BROP.HEY'S is an. open territory. Write MRS. 011 RENT. ., MODERN RED FURNITURE:, '. ' -32 A. NEEB, Listowel. Phone , 11.0114 &id: itdase, ce-ntrally located.' - • . -30-2 PoS.sessioxi- September 1st., BOX 71, •SIGNAL -STAR. .... -32-33 OR : SALE.' - ONE GLASS Slic),wease, 6 ft. itng, 3 It. high. by 2' ft. wide; also etre-set of settles, 700 lb. capacity. K. ADAMS, Saltford. 32x • litIURSDAY; ..A;UGUST'16111, 1951 LBE HOME OF TASTY l'ASTRY" LORD BALTIMORE CAKES 40c each . . • with rasplierry filling and 1)oiled frosting. Cinnamon Coffee Cake,s-30c each • Bliteberry' Pies -45c each Orders oi$1.60 and 9ver delivered, • Pleasephone your orders in.by noon. Phone 465 •WANTED ,C,AIIINETMARER„I TO REIktr 11, SALE. FO.UR 'DESKS, must' be cleared this month. Priced low at BROPHEY'S FURNI- TURE. '•.•0 -32 FOR'Q SALE.-DELCO HEAT OIL . burners hid furnaces for every heating job:•••-,- Call'. Us for free estiniates now. SHORE & GI ELECTRIC. .• -2 f „ FIOR SALE. -SUMMER FURNI- TURE,. priced to Clear. BRO- PHEY'S FURNITURE. • -32 FOR SALE. --HOT POINT ELM - TRIC range with high oyen. SHORE & GINN, 46 Quebet street. Phone 1199.• -23tf FOR• .SALE. - TWO - USED rangettes in -good condition. BROPHEY.i FURNITURE. -32 FOR SALE.7.-RANGETTE, TWO - BURNER, white enamel. 'Pliene. 1959W., • • 32x • . FARM • FOR .SALE. 'FORTY- • •SIEV,EN-AORE farm with ,cieek running through. • Barn 28 by .52, with a nevi. granary.* A building suitable for. a garage. Thig place is situated one mile east of Shepz Pardton. GERA.LD ,FISHER, 1,, Port Albert, Ontario, • 4.32 FOR SALE: -----• 21/2-STO,EY RED r. brick, house ' On 'South street4' five dors from the Square; pre. perty of the late Wni. J. Carter. House contains . large ' living -room with fireplace, dining-rooin and -0,STAL. CLERKS, $1812-$2232; kitchen, three 'large bedrooms .1Goderich,, Ont. .Full. partietilars and*bath on second fitior. Finished' on posters, displayed in NStoffice. , DELUXE *attic. New fiirnace,_.full basenlent. Application forms, obtainable -there; '. •Nolic To •can:MORS FOR SALE. -'39 FORD sedan, custom built, radio, new Wired for elearic range. New ,at„should be filed inunediately, with battery, 300, miles, since overhauled. 40 -gallon water' heater. •Deep lot the'. .CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS- . Phone 356.,,1KEN AITKEN. , ' with garage. Immediate possession. SION, 1207.,Bay street, Toronto, N•TIOTICE TO cREDr.roRs.. — - 0ARTzli, . P.Q. Box 410, Ont. • ' - •-•32 *-4-1; '' . __•_._ . • - • '.. • .......„,.....' -;i0tf 01-ill.D FA.R.M ..„ , . ' ' lilEDS All perspns having chilms against Ft flt •SALE. -7 -ONE USED .,KIT- * • .Goderich, ' • • ' . -32-33 • •CHEIN; set,. table' with. pordelain FOR SALE, -100 .AORES'"A.V1ka)C1NY -..t'oPnse°1,7DvilLjeleeTcSUStoinNers . in , ' the estate of Mathew Shackleton, top • and four chairs. • May be seen of nood clay land. 20 acre's' in ••Goderfch (west • side) -• For 11P- fernier, late of the ....yillage ef Duniania'on,- in- the . County .of- nt .BROPHEY'S FURNITUItt. . . erop.tlas year, balance seeded down. pointinen1 write M,. 111: STOCK 78 '..,:,' 'Huron, who died op, :or about the •• • •, _32 10 acre ...3 of good 25 -year-old ,second DuelleSs aveaue, Kiteherier. ,,..• -• 9th day of July, . Iprp, a.rg' . ' W•ilx quired to 'file the same with- fiill .. ,, growth hardwood_ ,bUsh, 50 ft by . . Fon- SALE.•••• -•FRAME HOUSE IN &t fl bank' barn in good eend Moil .. - •s••: - • ' particulars • with the undersigned garage; brick. bunkalow in .good good condition, all conveniences, with stt-tbling for 40 cattle,.22 hogs' WANTED. .-- YO'ONG WOMAN and 5 ' horses. Henhouse for 150 . Of ,seventeen years or. over as after that date* the ,estate • Will •_ by the lst day--o.f. September. 1951, .(cittQb, Nineeltsornad, slot; condition ; also -buildings lot and „hens,. . • Silo inside the NMI, who is interested 11.1 , becoming • a street. j.' GA. LLAGHER, rp,r a et i c a 113 netv, '16 ' ft,. ..by'' nurSe's assistant. *Apply to SUPER,- -31tf 30 ' ft.,. Two-story , bee . house. INTENDENT, A L EX A N D R•A in:• the Cpunty of 'Herou, this. Dated at the. Town of Goderich, be distributed. . • . ‘, • • Gera_ge, driving shed. Artesian' MARINE ' AND GENERAT., 110S- tenth day pf• August, A.D. 1951,-• well with water. pumped into the, PITAL, Godericli, Ont. ' • -32-3.• • R. 0.• .HAYS, KC, barn troughs.' . ' Hydro. installed. Goderich, Ontario, Nine -room solid ;brick house with ,ANTED' TO BUy. •-•-• SMALL 32-4- • Solicitor for the Estate. steel ,rt?et!, good basement-, Two • house -or •nive,' bistlding, lot. , miles from Auburn, thirteen miles. Phone 1088 or writej".0. BOX 738. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. from Goderich. •Pessessign almost • : ' -32-3 immediately.• .C. F. CHAPINIAN, Goderich, Ont. . • ,• , .WANTED. - '1;10U SEK EEPER • for elderly . couple *in Mod'ern Real . Estate Broker, phone 15W, , l'ottiej own tooth, ,no - cieftning 'or' OR 'SALE: ..-- ROYAL 'OXFORD washing, evenings and Stiridays "Off, ., cook sto've. APply, • lb -Nelson Write GORDON .ELLIOTT, Blyth; street.. • ' 32x Ontario. '''• • • ' • .- WANTED. -LISTINGS OF PRO, " PERT1ES for salez No charge to -you until property is • sold,. MALCOLM MATHER,S, • e a 1 Estate Broker, The Square, Gode- rich. Pho'ne 115W. 12tf WANTED. -IMPROVED; WELL- ' ' SITUATED farm in Goderich, area. Write BOX 66, •SIGNA,L- SL...AR • -30 WANTED. -SMALL HOUSE' TO " rent on' outskirts of Goderich. Write' BOX 68, SIGNAL -STAR. 31-32x FOR RENT. -HEATED, FURN- .ISHED a.partment for . •elderly, , Couple in beautifully situated home, three ' blocks from- Square. Bed:: sitting -1.0m with • balcony,' living - room and '.kitchenette. MRS, M. W. HOWELL, -1 St. Vincent street. Phone , ' ' -301f 'TO RENT.L-ROOM AND BOARD • available. at 10 . 'Wellington, 'street. Ilhoe 986R. •• - -32 . „ COTPAGE TO REIsiT AT, KIN- - • TAIL. Bench; availabte,e moVv. Inquire KINTAIL 'STORE. -82' 'paper last week• when ther*. was no • rich Labile Lithely ri.111, LW .11q-VIVE d an tee o r, xssue, the postotlice staff met with until Aus§t 31.,,A, 'Rooms to he 1 . . .. a barrage'etrequest7-fer the parrs 'heated are the.. rea (flee •room, stocki 1 RS.- JOHN •IW. MeNIILLEN AND and even letters have come imfrom I room,. board room and children's , daughter 'wish to express their * subscribers af'a distanee wondering , room, with provigion for lteating ' appreciation - to - •neighbors and Why• 'they did not reCeive their l•tower"rooin in bas-eirient NOM.- red- • .' ,• h ,-pit: 1 staff,D • •W .paper last week. • • ' . (Wired. --, Clironotherm" day -night 1 N. ., s' iWatters and also' the GoderiCh . , control for main floor, and separate: _ - ,„ Fire•Department ,tor the assistance, • How to .have breakfaq in GOde- therme'Static control for ehildren '''' 'thoughtfulness and;„sympethy shown ..vieb, attend a ball game at Cleve- ,room, 4 ''enders s ou' .,, te date her .a t • the time. of the accident and , land, • Ohio, in the 'afternoon and •wheninstallation, will be completed.' the suhsequent deirthThf Mr. • Mc - be back in Goderich on the. evening ; Tenders should, he marked --a-s--s•ueh Millen. They -Wefild like to, thank. of the sante day . was demonstrated ; and sent to the- 'SECROTARY, also those who s_ent floral tributes. on Sunday by four Dutigannon. and I OODERICH • PUBLIC LIBR,ARY. 01:mined ears for the funeral. . , :, „two Goderich men. They were ; The- lowest 'or any tender' not . Harvey Cut -eft, Frank .Eedy, Frank I neces.s.arily accepted, . • ' • -32 ...eiee,....;................... iteeee. .... ••;3 1 c abinet .; electric vacuum cleaner; J.drophead Singer "seWing machine; One mantel model radio; two Morris, chairs , and, a • nninber of odd rockers; organ and stool; hall rack and mirror t two,. couches and- a' ntimber of kitchen chairs; a . num- ber • Of seatter rugs, pictures and Lamps; antialle kitch60 clock; a number of quilts ;' one, china 'tea Set; dinnerware; . Odd pieces of china; , 'kitchen utensils; • cutlery; glassware; tubs; crocks ;.,fruit-,jfirs ; ironing board; electric iron; garden hose; lawn mower; garden tools; hammer.' saws; ladder; abOut five cords 'ofweed' and a quantity of coal.... .. .. TERMS -CASH. • • • •• • • • ' SOPHIA BLAIR, . .. Proprietress. EDWARD ELLIA0TT,- 32- A•uctioneer. R SALE. -e -ONE• USED BED- ' .- • CIXARING AUCVION SALE OF,- ROOM .sulte, in. first-chiss con-, , ,, •. •EY'SFURNI- FAEM STOOK, IMPLEMENTS,dition. . TUItE' BROPH, -32 ' FEED - AND -HOU. SEHOLD . - . • •• EFFECTS - * !MAILER FOR SAE. -,' 1042 at lot No 93, Maitland ConcesSion, :•II- Canadian. Hayes 20' ft. ..Excel- Goderich township,' on No. 8, High- lent conilition, , accompanying lot. way., (half -way between •Goderich available, ,.oil . heating, ,. eleetrfe and Clint , on), on . ' . • . •brakes for -travel, reasonably priced, WEDNESDAY, •AUGUST 29th must sell., immediately. 'SOMERS, , • at 1,30 HORSES-p..Matched team of bam.,- the following: , ck• ABC Ranch, Clinton, after 5. . :-y. mares, 9 'years old. ' CATTLE-4Hereford eovv, 4 years •old, milking, bred again; Durham cow, -3 years old, „milking,' bred again; Durham Cow, 7 years- old, milking, bred again; Hereford cow, 6 years, old, recently, freshened; 0 yearling ite(reiford.' steers and heifers. 3 spring--Qalves; 1 calf, 4 weeks. Old. .-- '''''WCIIME70.k.V.,EQPIP2Smor,..--, Approximately 240 -,SuSseX' X'New Hampshire Pullets (read Y' .to• lay) ; OR SAIJE. - A.' BEAUTIFUL 1.00 Barred . Reck eockerels, 3 assortment of gladiolus for 75e ,months old.; 2 . range shelters; ft *dozen, cash to carry.; $1.00 a breeder stove„; feed hoppers; drink.- doi.en, cash and delivered; $1.25 41 leg- foentains.do.r,en eharged 'end delivered., Fresh • IMPLEMENTS ----Wagon and ' flat TONOS always in ;stock. jilt:CR.80NX rack; .Frost )8; Wood •mower, 6 It. FI.ORPSTS, phone 105.* . ' • -32 cut ; cultivator; set •df out4hrOw di'scs; riding ,Tilow ; walking plow;* hayrake;-- fanning ,mill; -3W, 'exten- sion ladder (nearly new) ; Woods graiti grinder ;3.h.p.. electric motor ;. 20004b. Aeala.*; . forks; logging chain and, numerous other articles, FEF)D-Apprexlmately 400 bales of mixed hay ; ',approximately . NO •beshels of sits.,o• elorisEIROLD P3FFECTS. --:-. Oak sideboard' and diningq•Oorti table ; 12 bedroom" Anites • iron • bed; inner- • Stiring .14-nattiws; fejt mattreks (ee:lily new) ; Merlary eiredlating heater (nen rly new) ; Prineesg Pat' hinge; eoneh ; chat'rs; rocking ehair ; kitchen ,table; large eup- hoard ' (eherry) ; Congoleum rug; Axminster rug (large) ; 2 pairs of drapes; newi, eopper lidiler ; laundry Ribs; dishes; 2 toilet sets.; pillows; Imes; : Winks; numerous other hrtieles, • • . , , • Trusr$4----VISITI. No r4.S011'0, 1114 tlIQ farm is sold. •'. ANDREW. 110IXE'St, , . • Proprietni. `. EDWARD W. trA,Liotrr, • . . . Auctithreer, A 4 •,It."`IfV,.'t7.or.AWKInItN, Cie(1o>. J. • • • THE DOMINION SALT CO,..LTD. . A.NNOtiNdES', *THAT.. THEIR TELEPHONE NUMBERS ARE NOW • 380.and 1381 • _ our lirakes ),) Are Important! Don tineaglect them— Clieeked-Liaisteil,L-ri-lined with our guarantee of satis- . . • faotion.. • • Owe t oheek your carburetion, ignition and electrical • , A ° 140-4 ?Outio–Buickftim,o; cks MOON ST. PH NE 8 NOTICE, •., NoticE. flobi sanding --- :new and old Eleors. J. C. COoK, pliene 23J, •Clinton: Sumnier months, pay,fleld,, phone 4.5 r 2. =,•14t,fs • Submission of TENDERS IS REQUESTED for 'the operation of a grocery ,store at R.C.A.F. • Station at Clinton on • concession basis., Further information may 4 be obtained through the • Commanding Officer it R. • -32 OR SAIX-TWO CONGOLEUM rugs; kitchen range wiiih:• hot Water front; refrigerator; three -burner- coal oil stove ;' two wicker • verandah ,,ch'airs. MRS. ALEX. •LEWIS, 58 park .street. • • ' • 32x FOR SALE.-11ABY ASTRA.L. FRIGERANIIR. • Phone 1056W after. 6 p.m:. • -3 FOR •SA•LE. - 1041 BU I CK sedan, in good condition. Phone 1.157.1.' • -32 All persons haVing claims against the estate of Eleanor May Palmeri' widow, tate ; of, tlie . Township 0,. Goderich, 1.11. the •County of • • Il'urOn„ho •died on or about the 21st day • of - May; 1946, are re- quired to , file the same with . full , particulars with the - undersigned' PULLETS, • by th,e lst day Of S'eptember; 1951,• FOR SALE'. - ' 100 . Barred Rock and New ElaniP- shire eros, .......„, ready to lay.. . Phone, 1321 , OarloW. , • ' .. -32x SKINNY MEN WOMEN i- GAIN . PERSONAL , Dated at the- Town. of Goderich, as I after that date the estate will be distributed. ' ' •• 5 to 15 lbs.,- new pep, too. Try ,n ' . FOR SALE.LM ---OLADIO; • OUR 'famous 'Ostrex Tonic Tabldts for ithe . Comity'of Huron, this • Summer „time,. special, . 75c, per double ..resefti; new healthy, fltenth day of..AUgust, AA 190f.esh; :- B. C. HAYS, K.c., ,dozen, many' bealitiful colors. Other new vigor, ' New "get acquain• , ted" Goderich, Ontario, as- usual, -MRS.L: R. HOLMAN, •- -32 . seasonal garden flowers, priced Pow size- ONLY 60c.. All druggists. 32-4- , ; :Solicitor for the Estate. . ° NTIOTIbE Td4C'REDITOR' phone 722, Cameron street, God- rie.h. • • -32tf ,CONIsTipATION, BILIOUSNESS; . . "'' , indigestion quickly, safely re- ' 1-1All persons' having claims against , . OR SALE. - FRESH. GREEN • string beans 'grown ,leeally. A 25c -75e ' at CAMPBELL'S DRUG lieved' with Kipp's Herb Tablets. Ian, farmer, late of th:e ToWnship the estate' of -john William McMil- variety recommended for freezing; .srron,E, • : • AIN KILLER . FOR ' colit•N's: • , "32 of ••Goderich, •in• : the -County _of Haron, who died on or abdut the buy , some and process them ;for 9th,day of August; 1951, are re, your locker or ase them ndw. Lloyd's Corn and Callous, ,SaLve quired to ale the same with., full e, Limited :supply.' COree in, and see them. GODERICH FROSTED gives prompt; sure relief. 50c at particulars with ' the undersigned , LFOODS,.. Phone 641, • -32 CAMPBbLL'S DRUG STORM , . hY: the lst day of S.ePteraber, 195•1, s after that date the estate Will stEN/3.0/3; TmEiLETs , ARE El! be distrittited. .. ' • ' ': ' '- . . - 4 -32--, pR SALE, -THREE -ACRES OF Dated 4it the Town of Goderieh, standing hay. -APplyfE."WILLIS, . FECTIVE. Two v,veeke supply, 'the County of Huron, 4 this 62 Bak street. • • • 32X, --,,-- .i1113th day of August, A.D. 1951. GAS DRUG STORE. • ' -32 $1; 12 yv eek s' , ' $5; at ,CAMPBELL'S OR SALE. - COLEMAN , stove, , $59.95, new condition, • , . • IL ` C. HAYS, iK.C., complete with legs and "baek, for GREY HAIR TROUBLE YOU? $39.05; one used high back sink. * Use Angelique Hair 'Rester4 er 32:: ' GoderiCh, Ontario 'Solicitor for the Estate. • • Apply BRECKENRIDGE HARD- to return natural • Color, beatity t WARE. - -32 your hifir. $1.39 at CAMPBELL'S ' . . • • DRUG .STORE. , , , ° -32 Dealer Opening FARM lvfACHINERY COMPANY IlIANDLING • WELL EStABLISitE0 ° Nationally known line of Power Farm Iklobinery Here is an opportunity to get into a iast;growing, profit- able line of busin6s, • eant maiSt eitpable of opera- ting a sales and repair de- • partment service. , And liave suitable pomigest. Sena parUcuIav 02 evperl, mem and personal lilstOry fo • Signal -Star, Oodericii, 42-8x 4 -32-3 FOR • SALE._ A .N1.13,I13E11 O•F • end • tables and coffee' tables, „priced for - clearance, at • BRO- PINEY'S FURNITURE: •7 FOR* SALLE.-PEEPARED• POT- TING sell,' -clay pots, Fertabs, pottery, and all other floral sup- plies. jACKSONS FiLonlsan --327 PROPERTY FOR SALE • 6 -room frame house on Newgate street., Living -rooms, dining-ilomn, kitchen, three bedrooms and bath- room. "' • • Large frame house;' purchaser to move /liaise f tern, present location. Fons4ILEs—ONE T..iisEp• SIL- ENT Glow oil heater also One Seven -room "frame. house, living - LIMEY'S FURNITITRE, ° ' .32 room on main floor, threelietirtiems. Toone- --•dining-r.00m, kitchen,. bed - Used Alarehand oil heater. DEO, F°R' SALE.--BECESSED BALI; lot 60 ft. by • 125 ft. Priced $3200 and batlfrootii upstairs; garttie r TUBS $00. Seta rt Martha for quiek stile, . Waehingtin and Richledgestainless -1100.00 to $1811.00; colored $274, , ' Vroom red' brick and 6/tingle house cotiVer Quebee and Wellesley three-piece• hathroorn . Sets, white; eomplete witit;, beautlfel ehromed streets.. Large double lot, good' $295.00..••location. PoSsession one mouth. fittingS. • 'Air conditioning furnages Special offers to plumberd able dollars, _ boy vvith eorifidence Summer eottageS. . . , and builders. too. iSttve many •vidu- tion guaranteed.. Extra discounts C; I'. 011APMAN,' Real Estate and have anicer ho .r'me. 'Satisinc- orr'estal6gue prices if we stipply Broker, Plight,.•Goderieh 18W. , everything ou need *for 'complete plumbing or heating ' installatien. .Catalogite 'Inc/tides Mho , photo,Of tyttil1 ,fitturp-fl, - prices . and - 11144 - bitten diagriiins, 'Select style, • of sinks, cabinets,' . • laundry tiihsv showers, stoves, refrigerators, Pressure water' systenis. oil.buttlerso' •Keptie .and oll tanks; ,etc. NIsiit or. ,write abblisoh, Mail Order Dtvision, STREVI'SVILLE XIAPXYWAltlil, Streetsville, Ontivioe Phone" 201.. ' .1, NW .wriiottn3tEs neautiful Landsea0,4,1lowers •' and Ships. itirighten up your living room with ono of our good Pictures Smith's Art 84 Gift.Store East SC Phone 194 •Hygenic Supplies (rUbber geeds), mailed postpaid in plain. sealed • envelope with price list.' Six sem- •More than ,7,000 varieties of Tiles 25e; 24 samples $1.00. Mall:, appleS -Iliad- -litter 'Iwehrtlett-TIV- Canada and the United States..• CO4 -Box 01, Hamilton, Ont. "11111, '1111r merson Drug Store °other vrqt $t. And getilitite , Phone '45. We &diver. • "As handy as the Postoffice —PREPARATIONS. FOR CARE OF inip.aHApt-,--- ItALO SHAMPOO •39e, 69c,, $1.09* DRENE'SHAMPOO . 39c, 69c, $1.09 I NOREEN RINSE , ,79c NESTLE COLORINSE •' 15e, 390 'YARDLEY CREAM SHAPIL.P00 $1.25 TONI REFILL ..., ...$1.5.0 "HyDNUT REFILL . $1.75 , 'SHAIVLPOO SPECIAL ' Y P 'A regular size shImpoo, for blonde, brunette or the regu- lar attain tYpe, and a Oneroussizeleadliner;both . for ° $1.75