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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-08-16, Page 6
Ott Fall Term Opens Sept.. 4 Ne matter what you- want to be— --- a stenographer, secretary, typist, ac- eountalnt, salesman, merchant or, farm- er, you, 'will .derive lifelong benefit from a business education. business background is necessary to those who. would be successful. Be prepared. Take advantage 'of your opportuni- ties by enrolling .Now,. Requests for adllnissigia should be tiled with the Prim ii;wal, F. M. Weaver, by Saturday, August 25, 1951. Code ric h Buslness' Co1Iege Registered and approve under the Ontario Dept. of Education PORTER'S HILL PORTER'S HILL,_ _Aug. 14:• — Rev. and Mrs. P,' Renner spent last week •up north visiting old friends. Miss.,Audrey ' Harrison spent last week holidaying at 'Grand Bend. - A birthday • party. was held for Mrs. J. Harrison of Holmesville at the home of •her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mc - Dwain. Mrs,''._J-larriRon's family .and grandchildren were all present to' make this .a happy celebration of her .eighty ;first birthday. We wish her • many more years of, ha1►'l>ine`- and health. " Tlie bazaar and. baking sale held FOR YOUR PICKLES COARSE SALT t ter' 14 RUBBER RINGS .. Pkg. 8¢ GOOD QUALITY METAL- RINGS'' Doz. 430. CROWN FRUIT JARS Sme1••$1.39 CROWN • . FRUIT,JARS Me . $1.51 THE 'COOK'S FRIEND CERTO: $a°le 250 . • MUSTARD SEED - CEY.$flY SEED CLOVES. WHOLE • BLENDED ' OR SPIRIT Plus' . Gal.Vinegar,Deposli Jug• O IP IR WHOLE MIXED Pickling Spice oz. •1 TO FOR SEALING at ,Bayfield by the. W,A. was a Huge success, with over $100 clear money. ThereWas noservice at Grace Church last Sunl'lay owing to the anniversary services at Bayfield, but service will be held at, the usual hour; 9:45, next Sunday morning, ',Grace Church August tinting of the W.A.• of Grace Church Was -held at the home of Misr Win. Cox; whit a good at- tenda;nee. Mrs. McCowan led •in- prayer. and ,the Scripture was read by Mrs. Gordon Manning. The roll call was answered by the .ex- change ex- chala, e of pickle recipes. The seere- tary;-treasurer read tier report, `showing that the. Association h66 over +200• in 'the treasury. 'It was decided to give the board of stewards $ ►0. After the -business Sir: Caiupbell,u of .Sea fo.rth, demon- strated the Sta)11ey products,. which was quite. interesting:, Proceeds of this atuounted to 'about $16.:. lively" lunch was served by 'Abe hostess and, her he11►i•rs, the Septeinller meeting will be held at the Bocce of Mrs. Allen Bettl(;s,. l.org(-t `freigl>.t yard in .t'anada i- \I fil'r(°:ilTuroot eteiiitin il. open, :11 o(1 by the C.N.R. • It has fifty -civ( iiillt•s: iof frank. THE' GODERIOW. SIGNMA-STAR NEWS OF' -DUN ANNON - - 1)t'NGANNON, Sag. 15, — Boys intending • Summer 8(.41091 at (lode - rich camp this, week are ° Jimmy Blake, Wayne Brown,. George Daw- son, J ,C . Durant,' Donny Mole; b.e1t11 .INN tigtua, Rivett., ',, Visitors with Mrs. 1t. Caldwell on Tuesday afternoon were Mr.. lion- 1Liasen and two s1111A, of Oa t:v le, Mrs.'Geo, Carlow,- ages. 111s \ erlia Caldwell, of Guelph. \1r. and Mrs. . Ernest Pritchard, Tui•onto, on their return from a il'il) to the k'ucilie eu.ast, uve s•pettd- ing -a tow Gays with the latter's relatives in this district.• 'Mr. and Airs. Colin Campbell, Ottawa, on vacation at 'Westfield, hare bceu renewing actplaiutances lal 1)uugauuuil this week. \liss Margaret Jyy Durnili " is speudiug , holidays with her uncle; Mr. '.Bits McClure, tutu .taauily, at a cottage at. \1'aubarushene, near \lidlarid. Little Patsy .Million, daughter of Mr. and. Airs.. Jim Million, Strat-' ford, is visiting her aunts, Mrs. Lorne lvers.A and Mrs.nuie Larkin. Mr. Leroi Stingel; a patient act they Goderich hospital, twine holue. on Monday.- - . • " • .. Mr. 'Ken Brown has been suc- cessful in passing 'senior -inatricula- tioll examinatiblaS and has been enjoying av trip to the Western roast. !He is, on his way;" homeward this week. Miss Robt. Bere spent three ,days last week With her aunt, Airs. Allna Johnston, Goderich. Recent visitors \t~ith Mr. and Mr'. Bere 'were_ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bere, London; . Mr, and Mrs. George Bere, 'Milverton; Mrs. Albert Sensor, Durham; Mr. and Mrs.' Reg. fuller, Goderich township; Mrs. Anna Johnston and Mrs. Margaret 'Ryan, Goderich. Nr.1lii.s: Meeting:—The W.M,-S..- of. the United -Church met for • the' monthly meeting on' Friday after-' noon, led by 'the president, , Alrs. 11i•!>nry, Horton, • with the theme 'Working-. Together." .:iter the opening' hymn aceonipa.nied at the piano by Mrs. Ai.. Phillips, the 'Scripture lesson; Romans 12:140, was read by Mts:' 1Iortoli mid Mrs. M.. 'Shackleton. It was -decided to have 11 uni•oIl .picnic 'of the „W.M.,S., .Missioa Band. and ..Baby Banti on the afternoon of August, 31st.. The auxiliary *ill Os() .1iayt a $1.11104evening service i11 Oetoller.,with a guest speiiker. Mrs. 1'lliilips •fav- ored with, 1ii1 iustl•nliletital. Mrs. Ryall react 1111 article, "The .Mission- arp flail 13ag " Airt;: Ilodge gave 1t • reading, '•31au ,lits No •Ears," A worst- of rvelruure was ext'endecl to .lit„ (Rev.) 1\`alt; to which she responded. ,Sirs. Arthur Elliott read -The Palace ,hide by -.Music." Airs. Shackleton closed the ii&'otiilg wit 11, prayer after a hymn was 1Ilt1g. • 14'N(..A,N Nle\, Aug. 8. -•--Visitors with , Sirs. l'hai:lotte I(cid ((11 Sun- day were' :Cir, Alvin ''Thompson and friend, Miss Virene 1'inlaysou, lt.N,,, of,'Kincardine'., Miss Shirley Fin- •tournament: 'rewor' .nein*•'e] ortG - s •spe. • rds• PAROWAX- is Oz. 16p DOMINION GRANULATED OR . 10 LB. BAG ' 'E 1OW : SUGAR FOR BEST, RESULTS DOMESTIC,S11ORTEY1iING SWEET FRESH FLAVOUR , MA1IGERIE M ARGAIUNE. TOMATO,, •—. VEGETABLE. ' ' CLARIC'SSOUPS CLARK'S PORWKA .BEA NS QSSRIISENGEDEJUICE ' GRAPEFRUIT JUICE The C.N.F !', .. coming sooner than'you,tiiinkl ,Intriguing displays of science, industry, agri- culture ..: exciting watersports, motor shows, , fashion shows! The•thrilling Midway, the U.,S, Air Force Band, and Spike Jones (4 days only)! This year, don't miss Durante in ,the• evening grandstand show! Don't pass zip the, afternoon show. Come to the exciting C.N.E.! : ' outboa cosi ,].d time rrlament: fa rewor BARKER'S COINED PACKED .Bisculis • ®dal �Dpe,12 OZ. PKG. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXiluBITI ON AUG 2410SEPT 8 TORONT* ;,sail boats•oor r • t< ds • - sold tun€ rnamenl ewor` ng•e. sport; ,t•a. •tra ter -skier ng o pe -t ds• nigan returned with thew -to her hoine after a week spent with her• cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John Nottp.iun, Kincardine. Visitors over the week -end with M'r, and Mrs. Cecil • i3iake were Mr. and Mr,•s. ' '.A4hevt• 'Shaeitieton, ',Toronto; • il•r.„I)uviil Andrew, Cal- gary ; Mr. and Mrs, 'Tow Anderson, sr„, Luckuow ; qtr. and Mrs. •(01as. il.odgons, Wiltgha.m:; Mr, and Airs. Harvey Treletiveii, Miss Gertrude Treleaven, Mrs:' George Andrew and Miss flora Andrew, i.ticktiow Mrs. JZabt. Hoover and ilaughter Meth; of BrusselsW, 11 rs.. W. R. Andrew of Goderie'h is spending .a week at her' home in the .village. Visitors, the past Week with Mrs, Rebecca Caldwell were Mr._ and Mr►i. John Spivak and Miss „Pearl '(oldwell, Toronto,. Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Willis of De= troit are spending. a vaeatitll at their cottage at Port Albert.' Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Sherwood and Rdlrert speiit ,t)ie week -end ' with Mr. and .Mrs.. Harvey Finnigan; Detroit. - Mrs.” Robert Durnin, secretary - treasurer for the Foreign Bible ISoriety in this district, reports $1.06 collected and _sent te---headquarters• .at Toronto. t• Visitors Svith•.Mr. and Mrs.'Chas. Fowler on Sunday were A1r.•David I+`iggills, . Guelph, and daughters, Mrs. Agnes ,Bennington and daugh- ter' :4lttriali,„ , Winona, and Miss Jean Figgins, R.N., Toronto; Igr. and Mrs. Fred Fowler and Mrs. .Ross Fowler and daughter, Ruth Ann, of Chesley. ' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 'Thompson, Toronto, visited for a few dad=s with' relatives here. -Mr, and Mrs. K. K. Dakvson and• family, enjoyed the' weekend at Wiarton, Port Elgin and • Lions• Head. , Father Inducts Son. – Rev. George Watt,• late, of Shellbrook, Sask., vas inducted into the charge of the three-point .charge of Dun- gannon, Port Albert 'and • Crewe United Churches on 'Friday.' even- ing in the Dungannon church. Thk rites were performed by. ',Rev'. -W. Jr \Watt,- retired minister, of White- church, \\fatliet•' of Rev. •George Watt,. assisted - by Rev. • 'C'- R. \\'o'olley of the Ashtield. circuit. In acltireSs;' �fiev. SW, J. Watt be- spoke •for the. thew pastor the• aetive co-operas.iol� of• • the three congre- gations. • A_'.niinister, he 'said, is., over ready to 'be inforniecl of ser- -vices he may give. Rev. C, T3. :Woolley, addressing the Aninister, welcomed hi -al in liehiilf of the three con gregli t 1o11N tied the'London i.'<iiiference, At a reeg1)1ioli which followed, Mr. 11. J.' L. Ecdy intro- dttcecl.inentbers of the c(ingr('gsrtions to the new ntiiistet•.•:,.:1{efreslinients wore ,served. The newly inducted 1►:i,,t'o•r._Jlrelu-heti to the 1'►iinga,iuioit congregation for the first 'titue on Sunday in'or'uing,, The, choir sang ;i hy-pm of prayer.and Misses Edna Itiyett and FIorenrii IIud oti sang .t (Bret. ;Prof. Frank Stephens of Toronto, brotiler-in-laof Mr, George Barris, Cransfbrd, favored }with a' line= piano' selection) during the service. ' CARLOW MRS. 3. G. 1V1cDOt rG,ALT' S PIANO PUPILS Results of candidates entered vy Winona MoDougull iir'sumnter ' ex- aminations: • PIANO ti Royal Consetrt.atory; pf Mule, Toronto , - Gra•de Iii, honors, Marg*fret Ja(•ksoila Aubi;;rn. Grade �'IiI, lienors, Betty Bowra, Godt'ric:'h. tirade • V, • first-class llynors, Jennie Alorue, R.R., Blyth, Grade 1',', honors, Claire Taylor, 'Walton, ° THEORY . /�Grade V, (counterpoint and hi's- desbotall � nor 1.,roa b, >rioris Ur1t rLon- tirade Son, . n- h. Grade II�4irst-class honors, Betty I3owra, oderieh. 'Grade 1;, honors,' Jane Graham, •Goderich. • IgA,'iyO Western G',onservatory of 11iusic, London- • - Grade *VIII, honors, Florence W11250n, Carlow. - . w Gi ache' \%7-I, f.rstralass hohors, 'Italie • Elliott, Goderich.. 'Grade . V, horst-class honors,.' Glenda ,Mcilwyain, Carlow. .!Grade III,, lrrst-class honors, Barbara `;JJolland, ,Blyth. Glenda Mcllwain has received word from Western Conservatory that she obtained 'the. highest mark' in grade V piano .in the year 1951. 'She will be the recipient of.°a silver medal as soon as the engraving is completed. • Doris Grierson won a, silver medal froth the Royal Conservatory last. December fol: having obtained the 'highest mark in the Province in grade X piano for the year 1950. Doris was also the •recipient of the silver roses' bowl for highest mark taken in piano at the •Gode- rich spring Festival of Music, • Margaret Jackson won the high- est mark in "piano ' in the Bach section at the Goderieli festival. —Blyth Standard. - HOLMESVILLE tIfOLAIE'SYh LE, Aug. 9. "----' Mr. said Mrs. Clayton Dodds,. Chicago, were recent guests with.' Mr. and Mrs, Harry ti'ntinlore. and. NUL • Mr, and Miffs,• Jack Yeo and children motored • en , Sunday to, visit at Guelph and I",lora..a• Mrs.' Eliirid Yeo, Weston, ' lias visited the „past week with her sons,. Frank and Jack leu, ' and their families: Lloyd Steck, B,S,A.,, of. Bran pton,, was a week -end visitor tit 1i g.nolne in the village.. • ' ' • Mr, and ?,[r°s. Campbell Ttvener, Thorndale, spent piii•t,- of. • their vacation renewing acquaintance's in this community., 'While here they were the guests of •Mrs:.J 13, Mac - Math, and, on Tfitlr•sday 'evening oif Mr:and Mrs..John Huller. • - ':., Rev. ";nnl* S, • \liner • and' (just hters. ,of Florence,,, visited last 'week with. Mrs. .Miner's. parents, •Mr, and \Irs, E. J.' Trewarth{t, ()n Friday Mr.',an(1- Mrs..Edgar , Treivartha,".Mrs. \V.' Norran.• Jack 1101.11101. -l'ARRLC)'\W,.Aug. 1-E •-_ .lir. and Mrs. Roland Wilson 41rld daughter, of Straitford, called on Mr. snot Airs. T.' \Wilson and -lir. Allen \i�i1= Son' on Su.nciay. -- Mr.' :Hilton. Wilson i5„ : visiting David–and Douglas_114of +um- inerhill this week. . Mr. and Ain!: Gibson Rintoul of 'Winghaln visited with Mrs, E. 'Mitchell for a few days Istst .week. \hiss Verna •' Caldwell of Guelph. is visiting .Mr., . and sirs. George Caldwell on a -week's holiday. " Mr.' anti AirS. Ross Pennington of London. spent -last week with Mr. and .Mrs. Gordon,M.cPhee. • ' • Miss Si)ragge of Toronto' is visit- ing with, Mr. and Mrs. Frank' -Me- I Twain this • week.: • ' The ' neighbors rathei•ed t the Inane sof Mr, and Mrs. Albert Me- Clinchey':one evening and'presen,ted Mr and -.Mrs. Verne 'Bean -with a purse •ef 'money, • 'Miss, Bernice '• Bean spent last week with lir.. ant1 Mrs. George Addison of Kinburn. Mr.' Clive Alin spent the week- end with Mr., -and Mrs. -C. Feagap of Langside. Mr.:- ('live Allin and Raymond are spending a :few days, this week. with Mr. and.'Mrs. Clifford Addison irf L(tndesboro. CREWE - (REWE, Aug. 7.—Mrs. Jim Sherwood visited last week. with C Ot friends i11 Chatham and .Tilbury. • Mr:. and 'Ars. R: M: Finnigan c►f 1.,m( Weston and Bertha Finnigan -of Thornhill Were week -end visitors at the' home of Raymond Finnigan and tit.tl'n(lecl. tlae.z... !iuiikett.. -pian' Iierct" 7 "-i% A�t1Yf elti rirterrrc groiintlf (1n Sunday.' • Mr°s. . Tom• Phi•llilt .and _infant' Sun rotui'iie(1 home from the (iodce- aieli hospital ori Tue1ay, • 'Ruth Curran is . assisting :Mrs. Phillips with her work, • Air. • -and 'Alis. Jim T3oak and Jnxnie andKyivia ('urran ,were Sunday visitors sit Mrs, Mink's) home at,' Westlfield: • ' " Mr. and Mrs, Albert Shaeltleton of Toronto'' called on his brother, M1. Will Shackleton, on Sunday. ).RTtu Mrs. -C. Crozier, Mrs. (,.,Finnigan, Misses Elmira Alton and, Audrey nit (`ongrani, arid' little hilly Crozier were in Londt)n on Thursday, tr Joanne Crozier xeturned Mine with them after a ten-day" holiday with, e: Tier _grandmother, heath of Moses ' , 1loltiliatter. of Blyth - Moses I3oltztiauer, Blyth, died in 'Victoria • hospital, London, on p ,• . August 7th, aged (.righty -five years. As tl toting man be 1100(1 at Auburi ao and iia `1597 be married Jatti+ Mien Patterson of I'Iullett townShip3atsd took Up Earring, in that township. ,About twelve years ago he retired to•7tlyth, where his wife 11.10(1' sev eral years later, A' second wife, the. for1410t 1Jfiie`lrnc►c, , ssltrviVeg hint; also, n daughter, Mr's. Jgseph Postill of (lo(etk'1i torvnal'lin, and Mat grandeblldren. ZEST' ,SLteE,D: DILL PIC L NEW )ACic Nci. �!t LB. - UiNItO WnI E O E7 TIN RICI•IMELLO • SLICER BREAD LOAF MIRACLE WHIP S' LAD DRESSING PAAIC 4; OLENWOOD° CHOICE PITTED, - Citi h1S° X EEP TI#$T' SCHdot, GIRL COMPLEXION ' r ALMOLi i SOAP LOTS OP, SUDS .WITH • 13L1)1 , AND GOLD tfNG11ADED 'SUPERSUDS i- 130 rAucy PEAZ ° � 214z290 R. C Berkinshaw, Elwood A. Hughes, President Genera(. Manaaor 16 OZ. JAR t; or • •e. 15. OZ TIN el and Dougias Motoreer to Listowel to visit with Mrs. Mel. Elliot and family. • The 'bay. 'remained to 'visit for i few days, returning early this week. Ross Elliott ueeont- ponied them and will, be at their )tortte for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. K. Langford and sons, 'of Woodham, were Sunday guests. with Mr: and Mrs. 'W. Nor- man and fancily; " ' 11r., and Mrs." ° Tom Elliot' accunl* 'Smiled Air. find \'1rs. Frni'e Brown and little daughter, of Clinton, on a recent` trip to visit at Allenford and at Sauble Beach. • Itev. and Sirs. T. .Courtice ,fire spending. a .fe'v days , with tits. Walters., A:lisS Del Finlay has 'returned from' Detroit' after a month's visit )chert'.` Mr. and Mrd, Jack Finla& •n 'j<1fIUl t DiAA rt, ':A.UGUST 1Eth, .151 accompanied bet and are l;#unaining for .a few days in this Conafnunity, The W.4: and. W.M,S. ladies held 11 successful picnic last Ttiesdlzy at the home of Mrs. Edward, Grigg. There was .a, good .attendience, with severalo children - also present. Among those Who -attended', with Aiiss S'.' Acheson, whose -'many .friends were nappy to welcomeher into their circle' once mom( 4 S'C'R I'F,rica 6 t b le carton 3 ©t 6 • • • e•, You get a softer,, smoother ride, with 'the Extra Cushion Silv.ertown•-Tire.. More air %, vaiuine soaks up• road bumps, ' impacts' and. vibrations. :Your car will 'take on anew look. of quality when you use these brie tires:.' The EXTRA CUSHION Silvertown is available 1 • . no• r black " •.b nth the ac or who#e''s�dewafls.• PHONE 535, 110. 1 Ol"i`i''ARIO , is LLB. PECK Y NEW POTATOES •GOt.I)RN ,, t t 'It - r LB -1 0 90 �lt# , 1 ONTARIO TARIO GILO it In R1 PFi r � ............. . A.f Lowest iviarkef Prices ...�f, 2(1'45,. . tti,tit>t wr 1 ct�I.ol�tt �tE1,i(�w V* T tS 'E rfrrn vitt M . r 1 E ti tftttct rity ...t.xON 8TORES Ob...... �.. Evening Grandstand . pickets Reserved Seats $2,5o $1.5o $1.o6 .far Mail Ohio, mak Cheques ,Payable to Treasurer S a s • c .rt.(1d, Sill w • td'uirn merit way +tl>t`ettt?X 9 Unfield .. GbDERICH, 1 "'N That's all you need to start building up that nest -egg o f cash you've always waned. It talceS scarcely more time to operi 13 of M savings ac6oUnt than it does to. c:ash yonf Pay -cheque. It's far more s4isfying, too . for that.dollar doesn't disappear like the rest of them. Three minutes and one dollai.. use them for yourself NOW: BANK OF 'MO. IN TgEAL 6144144e4 76.1410 .Goderich Branch: "BRUCE ARMSTRONG, Mandger • Dr MO •