HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-08-16, Page 1'
' .104th Year ---Nb- 32
1951 Subscription In onuide,--$2.50
, ,At a specialmeeting on Monday
„ evening the Town Council; agaeed
• upon the sale of thePak Haase to
Dinytria, Pysaniula, of Toronto, for
$1,2,00p cash7 the transaction tobe
elosed Angest 17ti and possession
• tai be gise$ Se,ptember 1st. Mr.
Pysaniuk ,is to pureliasel• the 'chat-
tels of. the preaent - tenant 'R.•
Walker. T, , Town , is t� have the
property surveyed and 'staked. .
Mr. Walker has conducted the
house on lease since the spring of
e 1950. •
Members of the Council present
at the • meeting were Mayor
}111Clii118, Deputy Rdeve. Grahain
and Comm' 'Ors Apaire, Drennan,
Jackson ad Vincent.
:TOWN 1I,LS $745,000
.RES „AT •03e8.0.
Debentures of the Town of Gode-
rich -tie the total ailouna of $745,000
have. been sold to J. La Graham.
& Co. of Toronto at 93.80. The
-debentures are .fortwenty years
at 4 per cent. and coaer an estim-
atedexpenditure Of $620000 for
the new Collegiate. Institute build-
ing. and $125,000 for 7 capital ex-
penditures of thePublic Utilities
Commissioki.,Twenty-one- broker-
age thins were represented in tlie
tenders 'and the Graham .8,z Co.
offer was the best onefor the en
: -
tire -issue. . „ • •
• The tender of .Service Electric,
at $1,768.96, has been accepted for
Complete hastallation -of. a traffic
control. System,' with five separate
lights, ,-at the *junction of the twe
Provincial highways on Victoria -
• .
-NEW -PROP,OSAI. yap.-
The ToWei Council at 'its meeting
.Wednesdaynight of last week
heard,•a deputation • from the Public
Library Board coinposed of II., M.
Shaekleton, W. .Reinhart -and Clay-
ton Edward. • Mr. 'Shackleton de:.
, scribed .the present heatingsy,stein
at the Library as out .of date; and
adeised that a • new system waa
'Urgently reOuired, in view of .the
approaehing fali anti winter„.sca-
,Mayor Heekins 'suggeste,1 . that
the Library Board •obtain .:endeie
for different -types Of .heating and
'report to the Council, and. a 'llio-
e• • ,tion to this..effect by ,COuncillor
Walzak was adopted, the • 'matter
to be referred in the Meantime- ..to
the finance • committee. ,
• Menibers present at the ineeting,
hes:ides the Mayor, were Deputy
Reeve Graham and Conneillors
Drennan, Vincent, 'Allaire ..and
Wain& • • -
Permission ,; lot tag cIas,.,was
.granted, .to the Navy League, the
Canadian Institu-te. ter the Blind
end Rebekah .Lo.dge. •
Priticipal. A. 'R.. Scott'Svrele .ask-
ing that a• when appointments • are
being made to the Arena Cornelia-
sion his name be droppecl, All ac-
count of his added' jutie jxelm-
neetion awith the building, of the
new -school.
Funds for
R. E. Barnes, for.. the' 'Mew •In-
d.ustrial Commission, wrote ,asking
for a ;grant of $200 from • Tow.n
funds to meet 'expenses.' Ifie'attrad
'that tl&lkelOkt123190011 WilA also Leak -
in to the Board of Trade nand, the
Junior Chamber' of Commeree for
contr1but1onf3 ,of $100 each. The
matter was lett in the ham& of
the finance, .conimittee.,
' To' comply with the "staggered"
membership. plan -of the Indnetrial
Commission, •*Coura. Allaire's tem
was made for two years -and Couna
Jecksonre for one year, as repre-
sentatives Of the Couneit • -•
- The 'fire",br*ade was granted .the
ue,e (if the Town Hall 'auditoriann
for a dance,' on November 13th.,
The Clerk .reported nirieteett
'iD4 permits isened since last regular
3)ae0i4g, , with estimate'd, Co;)55t.13
totalling $10,4*5. C. E. •EMMY
(13lyth) is erecting a onestery
frame dwelling' on the south side
of $t. Vincent street, at, a Ost of
$5,000.- Other permits, tar ithprove-
ments.a4d repairs, were lasued to
Mrs, latilael Penner, Cayley street.;
Tho ;P. 'DiCk011, Newgate street;
Mrs • ?Win.. 'Wore, St, ...David's
street; Wm., E. 'gating,. •Cameron
street; Mra, B. J. MeCei•mick, WlIr
Ilam street; Andre* Moore:, Huron'
John A.. Johnston, _Regent etreet;
We Ada' Leitch, Cameron •street;
E. ,Wells, ,Keays street.A.Me-
Leaa; Pietoif atreet; . airs. Edrie
*Carey, Elgin avenue; tr.uce Vol-
hind,'South etreet; Ben Smith,:.Vtist.
street; Mrs. P, Wilsole• Cambria
retal•; Mrs. U. 'MacDonald. Widder
'streets 'James MAirkin, Britannie
road; Samuel Young, (R.R. 3,
Auburn), Cameron street. •• • '
Applications for ,building permita
were presented' on Wilt& Of Knox
Preabyterian. Chbreh. for the new
ehurele ehdpel and -hall, $210,060,
led Goderich District ,Collegiate
,institute 'Board, for the.new school
building. $520,000. • •• . -
A statement from the Godetich
• Trotting and Agrieultural AsSoci,
tion showing' receipt's,' and ekpen di -
t ires•in eonneetion ,with the stables
at Agri,cultural Park . was preaented
ana referred to the parks *Com-;
n ittee, ' , • , ca, ,
Request's frOtia. P4U CoalaniSsion
The Public Utilities Commission'
applied for the Issuing. of- kieben-
tures by the 'Counell to the aineunt
if 1R,OO fbr, an •exionsiorf '15f: tIte
Albert street main and an extension
o tile south street main. to Bennett
strebt, AA required by the Collegiate
Institute 'Board. !This .was, res
forrod t4J Ointiiittoe Of the whole
•The P.C. . al'Ao asked that In
future: wbcn the Pell Tereptione
Prize' -winnei"si at Mutt Show
, •
- Mr. Norvali Anderson and fatally
left on Thursday to take.%) rest-
denee in their East .Terolite. horde.,
Mr, 'Anderson is *Slpervisor of
driverztraining • for the Ontario
,clivisiou of Imperial OilLtd, work-
ing' out; of Leaside office. Before
leaving the • Alidersons were the
-recipients of Many lovely gifts from
neighbors and friends. '
' The Nur' Alumnae, Meeting at
the, home of Mrs. W. Newcombe in
Clinton,. presented Mrs. Anderson,
a member of the executive, with
a lovely silver vase.
On'• Sunday after the • morning•
service -at North Street United
Church the official board presented
Mr. Anderson, a ineMber •of the
church session, 'with a Hyninary:
The presentation was made bY
F. Noble, chairman of the board
of stewards, and ,Mr. A. R. Scott,
clerk of session, 'expressed the re-
gret of the congregation upon the
departure. Mr. ,Anderson in a few
words thankedthe board for • the
tengible expression a their •esteem
and took the, opportemity to extend
best- wishes- to the new minister.,
Rev. H. A. Diekinson, '•
On Monday • &ening the wives
.of inenibers �f the staff of Imperial
011 'held .a .pionic at Harbor Park.
Mrs. W. A. Wilkim yoked the feel.,
ings a the group at 'losing a ,mem-
ber from theeldcal ILO:L. family.
'Mrs. EarlaCraig Made the presenta-
tion Of a lovel 'silver relish „dish,
to Avhieh Mrs. Anderson made"."fit-
ting reply. 'ffilie menfolk turned up
to help <clear away the food, after
which games and --cesintests were
The felloWingsevening the 'depart:
lug family were the •guests of the
Doites Club, of which "Mr. Ander-
seh's mother 'is •te ,meniber, at a
picnic at Harbor Park. Mr. Jdhn
Vincent read an ,address and •Mrs.
Jelin ;Gra,hans•presented a beautiful
pair Of pletures, . for Which Mr.
_Anderson expressed the thanks' or
the family. A game of horseehoes
.was enjoyed by all. The same
evening the Andersons were 'pleas-
antly Siitprised. by their neighbors,
who with their children, numbering
forty, gathered' on, the -1aWn of *Mr.
and Mrs. "Wm. •Doak, Veass. street,
Under flood -lights• games and con-,
1tests aVere •enjoyed to a jate hoar:
-Mr. Jas. Wilkinson expresSect the
sentiments of the neighborhood,and
Mrs. Reg': 'Williamson -presented
Mrs. . Anderson' with a pair of
beautiful silvOr salt and peliper
.shakers. .,,Leroy •••Hackett These:Wed
Jerry 'Andereoe with 'an engraved
fountain 'pen and .Shirley
san 'made .the presentation to Shir-
ley Anderson of .0 lovely loCket.
, Mr. AnderSon thanked the neigh-
bors and Melted one and all 'to
,come and 'visit 'theni at• 110 Cole-
. •
man avenue, •Toronto:' -A delightful
lunch ceneluded-the 'evening, '
.1 1,
• 't r
Temperatures of the' past oyeelF
.Goderigh, with those -of .the
corresponding -week it year, ago, as
offielally. recorded, were as follows:
1951 ' 1950
Max. Min. Max,'Alin.
Thurs., Aug. '9 .:75 60 ::79 '53
ug.10 ,...72 55 75 59
6a.t., Aug, 11 -.78 151 67 '55
!Sun., Aug. 12 ....74, '55 72, 56
Mon., Aug. 13 T.:79 56',' 74 49
Tuea.; Aug. 14 ..e30 Z4 52
Wed., •Aug. 15 .168 02 81 57
, .
COnapa.ny 'wishes to '*inake ' any
underground instellations it he re-
quired to submit drawings . to the
Council and the Commission for
their: approval,- so that any. inter-
ference with underg-round P.11.4J..
serviees natty be prevented,. This
•was referred to 'the purilie works
comMittee. .ases; „
A,nother ,Proposal to Collborite
• • . Township
It was decided to'submit, another
proposition' to the Callen -he Tdwn-
ship'COnncil on lire 'protection: the
Goderich ire • brigade to respond to
calls from the ' township in con-
siderationof a "standby"' fee of
$250 per annum, .Plus $50 for the -
first hour tit a 'fire and $25 for each
additional hour:
Council endorsed a resolution
from, the City of .Hamitton Prows-
ing thief- Application be made • to
en -ippon from gasoline • tax on all
vehicles owned by •and used in the
administration of munieipalities.
'Concrete mountings ..are heft
placed under the cannons on the
lake bank and the eld oalt plat-
forms may he timed over to the
County Museum, the matter being
left. in the hands of the parks.
committee chairmen. °
The Clerk sidimitted a large
nulnher of petftions 'for curbing
and aidewalksto he constructed on
the Meal improvement piens and it
Was decided to have engineer's re-
portb. completed., on the works for
'which petitions nre • sufficiently
kigned. ^
A letter fraln the Provinainl De°,
partment of Planning and Develop,
miint with regard to' rental housing
Was referred to the ,.,spleint.
The •Clerk ' was instructed to• en-
quire' front the Comity nt tiIitron
what action is being 'taken to set
tipn elvll defence organization ln
the, eoulity, •
The iiittron Engineering and Re-
search, Co. hn ving an'ade the Anal
payment of $4,000 foe the, old arm-
ory inflicting an Nowgate • street, a
bylaw, No. 22 0,1951, was pASSIA,
authorizing the conveyance of the
property to the company.
Itylaiv No. 23 of. 1951a to regulate
UA. setting of fires for the burning
Of Waste inktteti_also Was passed.
Big dogs, small dogs,' dress'ed dogs,
all kinds of dogs were on hand for the
Kinsinen's civic holiday show, and among
-the prize-winning exhibitors were the
.firoehiees Enjoy
Atinual. Picnic at
• the'. takefrcint
three little' maidens shown in the'prcture
-• Skelton, Obrinne Cranston and
Linda Alliison. • . .
• —Lon'aon Free Press engraving.
's Employees of.,,the Kroehly.r. Com-
pany„ of •Stratford, and:their fam-
ilies, totalling' . 1150 pebasitt----helaja
their :fifth .annual 'picnic in Herber
Park km SathrdaY. -They arrived
apecial. •C.N.R., train nt".
a.m.:. and the, large gathering soon
filled the park.' ' • '
.A..fulI. .pregram of entertainment
was .provided of . ragesatind Other
pollt#8ts., binge; -boat anti pony rides,
and a .golf. toernament, • • •
It ,avas. •,a.' basket. pienle, soft
end :Me • cream. lasing ..sup-
plied 'gratis hi.the•!e6mPany.. Eight
.chairs anUtWo caddy wagonsWere
Spe•ial bingo, prizes.
'Whipper' Wataan, 'reroute,. Bri-
tisii• Empire,. Wrestling. champion,.
here„for a 'match in. the arena at
night, was at the, picnic amid •gave
clemonStration of wrestling holds
on several' volunteers. He , gaye
limier, picnickers a , talk • on .his
Watson, .safety mea.Sures league,
which; -.he,..S.add, has' over ..50,000
rnenthers.' He showedthem several
eon-stile:lipids pertaining to -water
rescues. and _other .safety
tiomi; and, .concluded by asking
the girlsand boys to.respect 'callers
regardlesssof race_ or creed.
Winners in: ;Golf- Tournament:Prize-winners -at'the golf, tettruie
meotat Maitland golf course were:
'Men-s-Low.',eressi' Nick Leddett ;
most henest, .gofer.; C. Maichos...hid-
den, hOle, 11. parkera most pars,
E. • 'Ogees; most birdies, Bill
karoseh. and 'Don.. McGraw, . tied;
oldest. golfer, . RV.. 13. 'Simonson;
golfer' who 'avast% there, L. Dalin
(hewas in charge of .bingolas.
Ladles 'LOW •gress; • Mra. M.
Parker -' most honest golfer, Mrs. A.
Lamonta hidden holes...Miss E.
-Grandison ; most pare, Miss
Harmer;. most -itilanoved 1". .gelfer,
Miee. I -Keith. •
.A...mAjority of the. pienickere had
a ride ete, ,t.he lake -,at the expense
.of•.the •company, .Mat-Doliald's• three
Inainches hang kept ' busy giving
the 'inlander% tts experienee. The
weather was ideal, and 'everything
went ,Oite inatp, top atyle., .
kladestlAndroungest •
The oldest emploYee at the pienie
as F. Bryant •73,;• • youngest
'Carolyn Bannon, born July
12, .1051_ . • ,
,Mr. H. WY.att, president and
general manager of Kroehlere, ad-
dressed the, gathering at th,e.supPer
hour. • ' . •
Andy' 'Daviiison, perionnel man-
ager, was general chairman.. 'Other
chairmen were: Sports., W. McAl-
lister* prizes;- W . .Morris ;
refreshMents, K. • Candler; lunch,
.D. Struik ;• fishpond, J.-, Jennie and
R. Itare"triVn baggage; C. and Re
,Harmer. golf, R. Philip; firet
played several' • -serectiona af the_
'Dark, and in , the evening hal the
.parade ttif" -the .rttiaway, station;
where the visitors hoarded a special
train ,at 9.15 ,p.m, for Stratford:
Of11iaI of • the Company ex-
pressed . appreeiation of the town'e
friellitiee 'At the park, and- 'of the
enjoyeble _afteenoon's. reereation., at
the laleeaide, ' • '
44. • •
The •retirtiment is atirimineed
R. I, (Bay), Ruinball, after many
years' service- with-. the Bell Tele-
phone Company, wine years Of
whieli were snent In Goderieh its
local manager,
Mr. Ittimbnj began his career
with the, Bell 5coniptine a:t Clinton
in 1905 at the age- Of• fourteen,
eame to Goderich• in '1908,
was stationed at Stratford, Clintoii
and. Setifotth before , beinir ap-
pointed to Lendon as division equip-
nient superintendent In 1928 he
was- moved to 'Montresib mis division
plane •Aupereiser lin& After .0 .few
years nt' Ottawa he -returned to
MOntreal, where in 1040 he Was ap-
pointed general plant • placentilit.'
supervisor. .
Nen, retired on pension, he has
returned to Clinton, his nii•tive
„toe, where he is blinding a.new
Arrivals at the 9oderichre1evator.:
-Aug. A..11-luilson,'•109,000 -bus.
rye; 'screenings and wlieat., 'Aeg.
t rhuck, 05,000 bus. whe a t.
Aug: .bue.
Omit, • 115,060'
bus. barlee, 'and oats. Aug. 13-.-
Baittie, .296,000 .bus, oats atid• bar -
Aug.. 16—Superior, 120,000
-bus, eats ,and barley.. " . ••
'•The •Starbnek is expected In again
tonight. . .
The imperial Cobourg• on • Stiter-
day brought,' a' cargo, of gasoline
tor the lartwiiiAl 011 .depot.•
The -enllier -Con lh a yen todayeal is- ,
pharged a'. cargo at .,coal for tIle
'Purity -flour 'MM.'. • -
:Eire "Pei 111111(14nt the fl ren t
Lakes 'navaltreiniiig fiotilia re-
amed. to port on -Saturday from
their crnise up the. lake and foUr
(1f' thent cleared . the 'next Morning
for the lower lakes; Calla Naftela:;
-ship, No.. 711,.i•emained here. until
Tuesday morning when shefoll9Wed
the othersto a lower lake port.
The "Checky±,Jiiki," • the ,. la test
tlileson '1;os t In unehed. (lea red
on -Angest 6th , for Toronto. which
*is to.1)0-1.1er home port. Capt. Bill
piloted her down to; the
big Ora.' • • • - • .
'The •Canadien Dock &Dredge
tOday" commenced -pouringeen-
crete• for the surfeee. ef' the _south
pier. •
Thewater level of Lake Huron
. ,
aecording to the.,offieial report for
:Tifig, was foar 'bugles 'higher, than
in :rune, ,191/2 int -hes higher than in
gaily, 1950; and 'five inches, higher
than luverage. It 1 now higher
than at •any other • Ogle in the
last twenty years„ and 'apparently
is stiIl rising.
A., plea.sant ,tfinie was , spent at
the home of Mrs. Oxenham Walters,
Benmiller •road, Goderich township,
On, August. 2n1, when a grotba of
.about twenty-five gathered to ''Penall
a .sodial, )evening with their • kins-
woman. Mrs. Walters is-, ninetY-
two ..Feams WI • :age., :but though in-
valided she; .1e. mentally keen and
has a wonderful memory for events
of her iteig life, kilnd she greeted
her vieltere happily. Menabers of
the party were .from Goderich,
Benmiller, Saltford sand- Goderich
township. While 'the men played
horseshees oetside,' the ledies •en-
joyed a. singsong., with 'Mrs- Wra.
Long al • the organ, and ' Mrs.
Walters Joined in singing her favor-
ite hymns.' Family heirlooms' were
brought out and admired. and topics
of the yesteryears were revived,
and "before the party dispersed a de-
lightful lunch Was served'•by the
daughters of the house.
W.1,LL4AM I., • SAG -4
-A well-known resident of, the
Sheppardton sectioo of Ashlield, In
the person of William J. Sage,
passed away in Alexandra ,Hospital
on' Thursday, July 26th, in hia*
seventieth year. Mr„ Sage was-- a
natiVe of England and came to
Caneda when -it hid in his early
'teens. For the great part, of his
*life he lived with. the ,Dunbar And
Gorden famillea at Sheppardtou.
He 'spent a ' few year at 'Toronto,
but returned in 1933 And luid eince
aaved on the Gordon farm, and after
'Mrs. Gordons death had operated
It himself. , was quite '
,musleitin, was organist in the Port
Albert 'United 'Church 'for many
years, and contrihuted to many
community Programs. ne was Oat
married and had no relsitives imi
this , country. The funeral. serVice
held the Tit-op/ley funeral
home ,on Juty 28th, 'Old wag -con-
ducted by 'Rey. J. Bright. Burial
was in the Durthar Penny plot ite
Dungannon cemetery, Tho
lmentc'rs were .Percy G.rahain, Ralph
Poster, Prank ' 4eorge,
Dougherty, Fared MeCabe and Earl
• '
A rmntnage aele is where yon
bny shift frhm sonebody Attie
to store .in. your own.
Pipes Resound as
MacDonald§, Meet -
•141CHAL/SIL On , 'Saturday,
August 4th,.deseendantS of the bee'.
titers, Murdoch and Donald MacDon-
ald met in the grove",on Alex. ,Mae-
Donaltrs,;, farm nfor their twenty-
second, annual reunion.
It is. 107; years since the .M.ate
Donald ttrollieVietoo their widowed
thother cntne froin Rosshire,• Scot-
land - •their father having died at
.sea.'afrer an eleven weeks' voyage:
These sturdy -Seots,'hewed out a
home for theeaselyes in the wilder-
ness near Kintall.. Later , two, of
their sons, Kenneth and...Finlay;
settled .near the north boundary
e'of Ashfield hear Lochalsh.
The gathering of August 4th was.
611114114 letbe,. skirl of the pipes,
as five piper dressed in kilt, and
,full Highland, regalia sent favorite
airs echoing • .through, the woods,
gladdening the 'hearts of all. The
pipers were 1)..A. :MacLennan, Wil-
fred MeQuillin `and son. Mr. Hewitt
and Miss Doreen ' Ulphich, ,who de-
lighted all. ' .
,Harry MaeDoeald acted as chair:
•rnate in the absence of the:. Preeldea
George MacLeod of Ildmilttah., "whb
at present itS, in England.. The
Scottish dances were well - Per-
lormed. • 'There- was step -dancing
by several of the clan and Mrs.
..MacQueen cif Hamilton showedshe
was Practised in the art. , Alex.
MacDonald and Waiter. Collins pro-
vided' violin inneic. •
The children etij•oyed the day.
"Everyone got a Grannie „called
MacDonald." Dan MacDonald of
Kinthil and Joe•Agliew,of-Lueknow,
though not of 'tender years' were
alert and active. DonaldMac-
Kenzie and brother Finlay from the
Westwere happy to be among their
Many Cousins. Dan .MacDonald,
the registrar, ',enrolled, 11? -names
Sottle'-of those present from a dis-
tAnce were, Donald MacKenzie from
Banff, 'Finlay from Calgary; Mr;
and Mrs. Tom Lennie and Mrs.
.MacQueen, Weston, AMra Jelin
Campbell, .Hamilion; fain Stewart
from Toronto; Louisa and tSelina
alaeDonald *from Winds9r; Mrs',
Margaret MacKenzie, Mr. and Mrs.
Fisher and Kenneth, Owen Sound;
••Mrs. Ann MacLennan, EvanSton,
Ill.; Mr. and " Mrs. Taylor and
Ethel MacKenzie, Toronto ;',Roddie,
MacDonald, Chatham; r.and Mys.
Ford and family, Fordwicb ; Mr.
and Mrs.., Ralph Cowie and family,
London;' Mabel-Maellonald, Wind-
sor; Mrs. Pierce, Mitchell. •
The members regretted She ab,
senee-Aof Mrs. 'Jennie Lennie of
Hamilten, who was the means of
Orpnizinglbe first. reunion.in .1930.
• -A,"Stift-titatertiper----elia se -rye ,
the, birthday cake. being eut by
Mrs, Noble Johnston.' Then more
datieliig and all joined in" singing,
With • Mrs. Duncan Munn leading
in "The more we get together,"
and, ••,vith hands joined, "Mild
Lang Sybe."
Kinsmen Eyck
Pa$tponed-Turns •
:4? Qut Successful
The. Kinsmen Club.'s gay. -Mardi
•Gras parade on the evening. et ti)q,
ciele holiday brotight out a •humpet
crowd. of 'spectators, only to have
Old Man, Weather spoil the pro-
gram • at Judith Gooderham Park
lat:er in the eveeing by rain. Post-
poned to the - following: Wednesday
•aight, the.carnival of games' was.
this time favored with good
weather and , an excellent crowd
was on hand: 'Net ,proceeds 'frim
the Carnival amounted to $1,200,
while ,the- net proceeds from the
car were $1,300. Gross receipts
from the soft drinks and hot dog
stands, run by the Kinettes,
amounted to about $400. .
-Winner of the. Studebaker car
raffled by the . Kinsmen Club. was
Mrs. Dorothy 'Gould of Toronto,
the former Dorothy Innes of Clin-
ton. Presentation of the car was,
made . on .the following Saturday
evening ta Mrs. Gould by- Charles
(Stiles, chairman of , the . Kinsmen
car committee.. Present at the
official-pfesentation along with Mr.
Stiles were jack Frith, president
of the'.Kinsmen Clubs Cy Robinson,.
chairman* of the Mardi Gras car-
nival, and Gordon Baniaptei, exegu-
tive member. •
A Lucky !Purchase .
• While spending a da at the
'beach Imre - Mr. Gould purchased
three tickets and on. one of there
placed his -wife's name, and,,this
)aaPPened to, be thelucky ticket
drawn. • Neither Mr. Apr, Miss.
Gould. ,had ever Owned a Car before.
Winnera of other' prize g ,were:
Mrs. H. Stott,. Warren street, a tore
of coal; • MI'S: 0. II. •Graham, St:
Patrick's street, a child's tricycle.
The games* at the carnival' on
•IWedne-aday night were ell petron-
ized aedan unusually. argecerotvd
• was on hand for euch postponed,
. .
The ,"Mute Shaw
On civic: holichxy afternoon, neatly
1,000 -People turned up to.watch time
mutt show: which proved quite
amusing. . in charge Of •the'..show
were Kinsmen Cy Robinson ,and.
Frank Skelton, while Jack Carlfini
of Galt and Wes.' Shears of -London,
,representatives of a -dog food con-
cern,- handled the :proceedings.
For the best behaved,: dog, in
harness Joy Ce Rosnell ,carrria off
the prize.
' Buddy Williamson's little fox
terriee • showed., the way• in the
:eating "cinitest. Smaller .-dogswin-
1,ning • prizes tvere owned by Nancy.
litobertson and Billy Hoggarth,
. .Ailiongst its tricks, the„ dog •of
1Karen Warnock placed his paw .on
a. lighted'. niatch eo put oat .,t -he
I flame, and- won in the , best • trick
rclass. In second place .,was . the
' dog of Corinne Cranston, • which,
barked in Various tones to the
requests 'of his mistress.
o•i7e' w'on wore • —•
Dog,,, with longest hill, Bill
Strang -hail (17114. inches).
Dog with Shortest tail—Cliaton
'Liefield, BiIl floggarth. • • .
Rest-greomed dog—.Janie Bangs,,
Clinton. .
-Largeet. doesalain Jeffrey, ('11n-
tomi • •
Smallest dog- Joyee Boanell,
• Linda Allisee; • ,
'Smallest pii)pV Sylvia Skeltoh.
'Best -dressed (Rig—Corinne •Crtin-
eton, Karen ,Warnock. .
i▪ khe Goderich Blue Water Band,
the BamMekburn Pipe' Band • and
time Goderich .GirIs' Trumpet Band'
provided plenty of lively wash- for
the Mardi Gras'paeade in the even-
ing. In the parade were the. win-
ner.s at the mutt show,' also clowns:
Kinsmen and Kinettes, dogs, rioniek,
decorated 'tricycles, the . car that
was to be raffled' and also the ton
92 cotil.. • '".
All ie all the . civic Marne. pre
grain' • 'tied elso the pestPimed
carnival taking pre-& on the follow -
lag Wednesday night "proved quite
• Whiner of the $100 prize at the
Lions bingo at the Arena on kunst
2m1 wits Bert Medd. Other Win-
ners were: $75, Phyllis 'Erskine
(Atwood) ; $50 divided between
Mrs. Reg. Williamson and Helen
Pa irservipe.
The jackpot wimtior won. but
the 'eoneolation prize of $25 vyent"
to Mrs, Phillips.
The $10 winners' Mire: Sid Leg-
pattlek, 'Mrs,' McPhail. 31r4. Bert
Elliott; Chat -les McCabe, ATM Fred
Telford, tilay-fieldl.,% 'Airs. W.' G.
MACTawan, Mrs. A. Smith, Ross
Spdrks, •Harvey Ilodgins; Mrs.
Nlvitis, Mrs. 10verett Harris. •
Ten dollarS was divided between
3(r8. Roberton and Hamm Doak.
The free game was split six ways,
87 melt going to Mrs. 0. 1lAnka,
Mime Henigh, Mre, Reg. William-
son, Mrs. It Williams, Airs. ttalthi...
walte and Anna "Robin.
, —
In spite. 02 internaittent
3•esterday's 'tournament of'. the
Maitheid Golf Club Was im success -
fill event, .witIS' g-olfer8present groni
Lmolon, St. Marys, 'Sarnia, Own
Sound,' •- Kitchener, Tillsonburg,
flartover,' !Stratford, Weetori, and
ether. eaeeaasThe-reaaweresene.ter-
( ne- imeireu phiyerS,
Jack Nash, of the' London Hunt
Club, shot a three -under -par 67 to
win top hollers anti -Wag awarded
the trophy, -Lew !let •honors were,
taken by J. Pahbeirn, afaSe.' Marys,
whir a 05 score;
There was a ,long list Of prizee
winners, and a•t the t'los 02 . the
tournament the awards were pre-
sented by Dr., N. C.. Jnekson,-.pree
sident of idle, 01118, and )Clittrlie
Naftel, chairman of the . tourna-
ment. ,
1.)1"10KNOW, Aug. 10. -Mr. • nd.
Mrs. la Stinderson..of St; John.
N.B., hate. .piirchased the ladies'
and 111011'k'; Wehr busineslt•frorn Mr.
and Mrs.. Charles, Webster here. ,
Mr. Sanderson ,'1 n ,natiye of
Goderich,, but has heldan executive
position with the Nulty Flonr.Nrills
at $t.. John. 'Airs. Sandeesete form- •
erly Miss Ann- MeDenfildr is a'
'daughter of Mrs.. .1a rites MeDon 1 d
of, Lecknow, and •hns lind 21 tiumber
of years' experienee in the 'tiler -
eh andisi ng b Rine sS, She •was em-
ployed In n Iarke department Store
14 St. John.
!lawyer is a MU Wilt)
htirci 11F4 he (silt to see,
• ,
The ladies' 'softball teems have
reached the. playoffs and the groap
chanfpiatehip may be decided net
week. .,Kineardine leads' the. group
and plays Clinton in the semi-finals;
while Brussels 'plays Goderich.. ,
The Dodgersgo to Brussels • tee
night for the dirst -playoff giant' and
Brussels - will be here ,Sattirdase
night. , Rest two in ' three games
will. decide. „ • . •
Mr. and. Mrs. T. E. Irwin Of
Goderich announce the 'engagement
of their daughter, ..alery Alice, to
Robert P. Clark, son of Mr.' and
Mrs. It. W. Clark of Weston; the,
naitigbleiewr..Mrs. Jose
to, take place early in.
nh Walker of
Simeoe, Ont„ .„.tipounce ,thet e11.
gagement of :,their eldest (laughter,
1\14,1fjerie. to Mr. Douglas • Eugene
Pennington, youngest son; 'Of
and 3irs:1 Charles Pennington of
Goderich;,,..' the marriage 'to take
place in Sinicoe on August 29.th,
* Mr. *and Mrs -. 'Stanley. 'James
Strachnn annonnee the engagement
-of •their daughter. 'Grace to Robert
Edward, Wilson, .sou of .Mr. antl
rs.. Edgar A7,ilson 02 owen Sound. ;
the wedding to take place, in (10(1e.
rich on September .8, 1951. ,
The engagement. is announced of
Shirley, daughter ..of •
and Mrs. Leslie H. Pentland, Port
I Albert; to JohnoRithard Harcourt.
only son of Mr. and Mrs, Gefirge
ilareonrt ef Newbury; the marriage
to take place tin Saturday, Septet'''.
bey, 1st, at 7.45 tem., in Nile reited
Church. • •••
The englig,entent is announced -of
ry".Edyt he Tehbutt. da nah ter . of
Mrs. Chester Din -more of London
end the late .tantes GOrdon,Tebbutt,
to Jack \Vallaee JAIIIlley. son of
Mr. and *Mr'S: Admiral- Liimley 'Of
lifinden. The .marriagee will take
PI 1(1 4;41, (4,4,1,:t3 revti,...1:)follif intredueed te Bev. Mr. DICli.inSO4.-
Spph e 1tt rid rs,' 'bieltinsen
Bedeelne•r, London. ". TScott ana• Mr. M. F. •Noble, . :Res
fresbments Were •served, and, the
. .
py ,centflat
nduction of New
Minister at North
St. United Church
. The Rev. lioWard A. DickinAon,
B.A„ was inchteted as minister of
North Staeet Ueited Chnrela at an
IMPreSsIve ,ervice, held in, the
church on Friday. evening, .A:Ilettat .
3rd; condneted by Rev. S. 11'.'13ren-
ton'of 1.4nde409r0, assisted by Rev,
D. W.., Williams, of Victoria Street
United Church, Goderich, •
The, choir, under the direction
of AleX., Clark, sang the' an -them,
IJne,,, 'Sweetly 'Soleil= ' nought," ,, •
and ledin the singing oftlie-qtymns.
For•his address to the cotigrega-.
tion, Rev. S. IJ. Brenton'S subject
was "I's the Church essential?"
:based en the text: "They canie•and
they worked in the house of the'
Lord" (tHaggai 111.4), •
The text refets to the tifne when
the. jeivs returned to find their '
.city of Jerusalem in ruins. They
rebuilt walls • and' restored other -
essentials, but at lected
tomake any provision 'or' a.
temple. The minister Point d out
that they wented material, Security
but 'neglected the spiritual. It was .
then that Haggai ,spoke a.nj hig
clarion call was answered by the --
rebuilding of the honse of • Gode•
' "Today we are In .a sirallar -situ-
ation," said the preacher. "We
want secnrity' in material things,.
and Plan .pensions for old age, and
defence for national security, -while -
spiritual security is forgotten:" :He
ehoted General MacArthur hs ,de-
'iering . that today's' problems can
be Met on]: y ' hy spiritual security.
'Unliellef in this need. is causing
churches to •die in Canada:through.
Indifference and lack of monetarY.
support. Each and every single
member and adherent should' get
behind the minister. •
Mr. Brenton congratulated . the
conebregatioe' on obtaining a man
of Mr. •Dickirison's !ealibrer, and
asked for him the co-operation •and-
complete loyalty of the congregaa
,A Threefold" Task- ,
Rev. D, W. Williams, addressing
the. minister _stated that • his .task
would be :-threefold; a priest,.'
teacher and preacher as pastor,.
administrator and friend.
As • the preacher, he is like a • •
man • who goes into a' far .conntrY
'find learns all its wonderful tllingS;
then _comes back to •tell of them
to,. the people who are too busy
to. go there. , •
The. speaker emphasized, the im-
portance of pastoral work. of good •
,judgment ft-• an- administrator,. and .
of fairness. •and ' impartiality hi
personal relations with • his con-
"The minister will be rememb-ered.
net O mach *foe Ins sermonS, as
for the man he,: Is.," declared' Mea
Willianis . in conclukion, •
A reception .for the new minister
and his Wife •was held -After the
set:Vim 'in • the,C1), reit hall, where
merabers of ..the congregation were .
Shocking Accident ime
.,esuits in Death.. Goderich from. Deep River, Ontario..
of: John' MCMillen 'and after attending publie school
Vie is a native- of. Len*" Ont., ,
ReY. Howard .D.ii-111S-0-11 :came .t6
Native 'of
R'London -
.4q.ond tato. atvideut: fn. faanrdmecool.fltgrinest(esvrina7ti:it,(n,:tlei.sAl:rwe shte. -
vict im was John ,Nri:Mi I len. of .00de- inster lelenship. seete of London .
1i1 10" over' a week. in eioderiele :the 41
rich township;, employed for several
summers . a s ,greenske.eper for the
Maitland Golf Club: .
On Tuesday Morning. August 7th,
.the,gplf grounds, Mr. McMillen
was operating n tractor t�.whieh
wee attached o • trailer on - which
earth ',and grass were loaded • and
dthatped over the hank • 'above the
river fiats.: The eminent happened
when he trailer was backed up to
'the.'edge'of the hank and itsweight
Pulled the riactor over.the edge.
Prenk Reid; ,g.olf "pro". who was
assisting Mr. McMillen, stfid the
tractor fell "crazily"•oVer The 'edge
of the bank, dropped twentS•-three
feet to 11 shelt'. above the flyer,
pinned mr,. MeMillen• underneath
tied' htirst . into ' flames.Mr. Reid
immediately .telephoned the 'fire de-
partment, ,which -arrived a *few
minutes later and' extinguished' the
fire. aln t he meantime the 'flaming •
gasoline had .set mflre to -Mr. MeMil-
lert's _Opt Wpm__ Which _seas Iniened
`Tifspletaiffitiseiiiie•a•iWt %tents
lees, slde .and back were te•eribly •
burned. A witeeker was *!4ent••for
and -the tractor IN11 ore, the
unfortimate 1111.111, ill'St mtT- ts'•-ti-s;
gi'ven hy Drf N. 'Waiters, and,
still consel(ms and moaning. -
a gay, the Viet ini.'. wa e removed by
a tube] a nee JO Ale x a inl ler Hospi
•.The burns .were• 80 serious
little; hope Was held for survival,
bin Mr. MeMillen liegered 118111
8 o'elock Thursday morning, ferty!
eight • hours . after the. :evident..
Mr. • MeMillen, sixty" -seven-- years
of Age, had a small .fritto on the
Huron highway .about Jour -miles
from town. Born at •Seafertle a
son of the late James MeMillemand
Janet flendersote • he' had lived
nearly ,all his • life- in Gederieh
township. He' is• sm•vived. Ity4his
wife. the foriner .T 0.8S .
a • daughter. Miss Mary, MeMillen,
employed In the office of the.elinton
Radar School, 'and two brothers,.
James f Goderich townshiP and
Leslie of Bayfield.
• the funeral service.- Was 1101d nt
the family home. the:.attren road
on Saturday afternoonand was -
conducted by .ttoward,
Miriatter, of The Pentemstal'•10bureh,
of which Mr. McMillen Was 11'01cm:-
bet The pailbew'rets were Voleer
irrine• Olt:', Min and
neth MeMillen, earl Sehnelker and
Adin YuIIL The interment wam itt
• 'Had
And wilm's. waive in St. Andrev„v's..
United Church, WeStininster, and
Middlesex Presbytery , Yonng.
People's Union. In preparation'.fOr ,•
the ministry. he :graduated from the
Uni versity: qf Wes.tern Ontario and
Emmanuel. College, Toronto.. • ;IWO ,
his ordination he servecturat Ire*
Bridge and Thessalon in. Algoma,.
and during the past two years. he
had charge' .02 eltalk Myer 'United
Church and DeepRiver •Conireenity
-Church, which• is 'a 'church' serving .
all • Protestant: people 111 the- real-. .
.denee town 'for National Research
Council employees: working at the .
atomic energy plant at Chalk, River..
His -wife is the termer. Mtfry
Isabel Fraser Of Lobo. township,.
Middlesex' county, They have one
son and one, daughter.
tlhat you get what's coining to bim; Maitland esetnetery.
ON RAct.'n,Acits
7 °
'Walter G., a three-year-old pacer, ,
ownedAla Piedi5.3....a7timi4. is PrOviii:g.
'titha ,71 -ea
lmnm'rmcss Mee horse It 1931. littring.
the past week . the eolt added two '
More' impressiee Whit.; to his record. .
temeardine-- ere --Wednesday.. -
afternoon. of last w.eelt he mei the
first; heat of' the 2,28 clas8 seeond
division, but broke * to. finish .
in the seeond heat or !lie .0v eat.
' On Monday • aftertipoie at Top.
onto's Thorneliffe track :,he tiroy.ed
he was n Nailer by defeatin;.; 812
other herSes in the only heat of •
the 2,27 'pace.
'Several other Groderieh leniseS
did very w•ell during tiie..paAt week.
four-year-old pacer ,
Teddy captured one heat, nd,, fine
tithed third and siktli, in the. 2.24
pace nett- Kineavdine. Georg
Fen ga 1Y1it re M I f4. (\ante " GrAttfitt
WV 5, 2. 4, in the same
kfter.e. I")t2118.1r,einG:.orge Tia range's colt,
took a" second- in the first divisiort
NieGee's • troller: Joe' Bunter,
was only 5 (1,.3 itt•Jlie "free-for-all
Kinenidine lint:he did hett.elsmi
the 2,i9 pnee tit' Pert Elgin. oil' .
SatUrday e'vening., when he 'finiShel
12, 1 11 itis time ot 2.11 1/5,liethe
8000110 .1Ailtit • wasthet, fasti..
test : rn
by. any "liorse tYot Okte. „
,nuton rixptegg • liaig recovered
Proni Iiis .reeent. fitness, but It WAS,
neeesSavy for Ills owners io seratek
hiutt from' the valjtable Stratford
and New liatirtburg kventq In.wittelt
I 1,