HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-08-02, Page 10•••, , „ • • AlsTD THERE •i/e3a week is. holiday ..cvek. for , Tile ,SiguttelSter.'"' , e ' atetereclation a the exhibit • site gaw at the Unroll Pioneer Museuth foliate. Goderich woman, who prefer§ to remain anonymous, left a $10 bill on Tueseay. ^ • "- Pet`sonal Mntioni Mr. J. 10. Gillespie of Sawita WitS "guests with Ales. Ilkif's sister, Mrs. Jas. Thomson, Mies Isabel Watson of elelvillee Sttek„ and Mies Grace Watson of Geraldton, Ont., 6pent a 3,Y,tek with their aunt,' Aliss " „Mary Gordon„ Lighthouse street, Guests. of" Airs. C. A. Nairn this -week are Mr. and Mrs, J S.. einnie in Men for the week -end. - Miss May Griffin, of Moptreal, made a brief vieit in town this week.' Mr. and Mrs. 3. • le Seater of . Windsor are renewing acquaint- ances in town. - • The •S'eceselon* a Grend Bend from Huron county has' made itself, felt at -the Huren County Jail. The , aA•erage population at the lalI 4as -.fallen off since Grand Bend joined Lambton cOneety, • • Grant Webbei of the public rela- tions staffof the H.E.P.C. visited . •• the Signal -Star offiee on Tue,sday, • .and although he would .not commit himself speclfieally he thought tbe Hydro changeover in Goderich • ,evoued take place -during. September, 'probably COMM eneing about the eniddle of the month: • „fp • • -The emproymene office ,In •Gode- rich reports the district employ- ment • situation is slightly better than lest year. On July, 20th of last year 'there: were 83 registered • for employment aed 42pereons. in receipt of une,mPloetnent insurance, While on the same date this year there were 53 registered .for ein ployment and 31 Ip receipt , of un- employthent insurance: , • The Amherstburg Eche of Ain- heretburg, Ontario,. devoted' 'an entire • column -of eomment in its last issue defiling with the Goderieh boerd of Trade's recent scheme in tracing the Journey. of a'$10 tourist bill in floderich, showing , how- it bene• - •fitted everyone in the community. . , , 'A., WARNING The :Weikel -ton • Herald -Times issues a Warnink: • . PrOvineialpollee in Walkerton . . bave recently receleed. a •number of complaints from Durham and Hanover of a _party of transient, chimney •repairers. to- whoni they have 'paid- considerable sums :or making , adjustmenee and ,so-called itnprovem'ents, only 'to find that • the' work was most unsatisfactory and not weatherproof. •These men, it is '_:_elainlecL•. eolleeted •con- Side'rable cn sh ,f eom,. • up$uspecting (.-Itizens, of the above-mentioned t("wns. TJp te , tin; pre Kent.' • how: peer, they have' not visited Walker- V'in and police here. hare issued ,a warning to citizens. to make sure 'that any artisan gi%:en • work ef this nathre• is qualified to do the , job, Mr: New tonerowler of 0,shawa is and Dr, J.- N: P. flume, Mr.• and a. giteet•P• With'.hieerparentse•Mr.. atal, 1. ,, . Mrs. Wm. *Fowler. te'C: MeQuarrie and Mr. and '... eNtre, Athol MeQuaerie, all of Tor, Mrs. Jost Craig, has _ . returned' onto: home from a. yleit, with *Mess- Hari:y see elle eere, Raymond Crawford, -StoWe at Toronto. .• with Gerald and Ienneth, of Lon- . gr. Chalfes,niall of London, has don, are ;enjoying a two weeks' vaca- been. renewing ' ' acquaintencee intion With Mr.' CraWford's parents, Godericif this week. '. ', Mr. ilea Mrs. Maurice Crawford, llies 3ean Hawkins has* eetitrege West street. , - home. on, Rayfield road. 'bike, duties' - pebecipel Pr. Walter -Litele -left -today to to -Louden after vacationing at ,hee • Miss Mary Gereoa . visited with medical' officer of the, aircraft carr Mr.. and Mree, T.' B. Baird at Bruce- rier H.M.C.-S. Magnificent, whicly is field over, the week -end. * _going .on three -months' erniseto M. A. L. ,We'ttlariirer the Mediterranee*,'• , ener was the guest 'of •Mr: and etre. Me ,end Mrs. Jack "Salkeld and W. MacGregor for the. week -end.. family; ectf Tbronte, were, week-ehd Mr. and Mrs/- Harry StArdy 'Wive guests with Mr. and Mrs.IL L. been guests with ,their 'daughter, •Salkeld. Bobby and .. Audrey are Mrs. E. Paget, and .Mr. :Paget at remaining for a further visit with Toronto., . their grandthether. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Eagle and Mr. and Mei. Wm, McKenna an Mr. B. A. Eagle of Hamilton are Patsy, of Toronto, were recent visiting 'the Misses 'Campbell, Que- guest s with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. bee street. • Treble. Mr: Will ClaYton, and son„ .• Mr. and ;Mrs. Emit ChilcOtt of of Putnam,. also visited Mr. and Toronto Were guests for a week Mrs. Treble over the week -end. with the latter's 'mother, Mrs:- J. Mrs. Wigan • and . Grew are E., Whitely. •• spending, a few days.' in Londoe Mr. Jos. Craig and Mrs. li. Bays, with .Mr. and Mrs. James Outten Spent tte week -end in Toronto' with and Mr. and Mrs. White Weston'. relatives.. Mrs.. Craig returned Mrs. Morgan had recently as a home witetguest Mr. Percy Glidden of London. and Mrs. Charles .Pirie Of' -Recent nests with Mr, and ,Mrs. London, • Ont., are visiting at .-the Ed. Wells, Keays . street, were -Mr. home of • Mr.•and"Mrs. Alex. Smith, and , Mts. Frank Cakebread of plgin avenue. • - Hespeler, and their son, Mr. .Ted Mr. Normae .Colclougli. is spend- Cakebreade and. wife and family,of lug ft, holiday with.,Mr. and Mes, Galt;. also Mrs., • E. Gladwell of Cecil Colclough ' and _fetidly . at London. • • Niagara Fans. ' Miss jean "Proctor of London theRosbuethrtmeBris.set,*.jr„.. has. during., is spendingee two Weeks' .vacation vices for the.b4ernesbeyo4driuuclitinegon gserer-- wfth her parents, , Mr. and Mrs. gat -ions. of • -Bluevale and Belmore. Alvin Proetor.<" This charge -was under the late • :Major E. 5. Clarke ,of Stratford Rev. D. C. ILeMeDpnald and is spent p long weekend at the heete still vacant. • of Mr. and Mrs.. .1V-.• J. 'Jewell, Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. •Britennia road. Gm. Salkeld were' Mrs. Leonard Mrs. Bob MacLeod, East street, Cuff of Bee Mere, Mr., and left. 'en 'Monday- for Nova- Scotia, Mrs.- Peter Cuff. • of .Anies,--Iewa, where shewill spend some time Mreand Mrs. L. e'tewartand daugh- ter of St. Catharines, and •Mr. H. 'Cuff ,of Brantford. . • Mrs.. le H. .Eleon • and children, John and e Elezebeth, of Ottkviele, .are the guests of the former's mother, Mrs, P, R. Reddltt, this week, • Mr. Elson .motored to Gode- rich With th.eni and .wirl return for the holiday Week -end.* • 31r. MacDonald Gibbs, nee at Knox,,Church, 1923 • to 1927, and now_,.of Sarnia, . IS holidaying. at • Baytield Ttb his,: wife and two sisters-in-law, 'Mrsses 'Mae McLeod and, ' Ida ,e,Meeeeod of. Del reit, jind Mrs. 'It -,Baker....• of- Kenmore. N.V., also a • niece, Carol Wright, • of 'with her parents. ' • Rely. F. A. Jewell, B.A., of Tor - Onto, left en :Wednesday arter. a, visit with, Mr. -.fold Mrs. W. J. Jewell, Britannia road. Mr. Bert Johnstou cattle up from Whitby to attend tee Octogenarian Club pienic. 'He is :three. Years ,over the mualifying mai•k: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Witton, of Hamilton, spent: the week -end with _the foriiiers. 'brot -Watson, and Mrs. Watson. • Mrs. 3. W Craigie had' as guests last'. week Mrs. J. Haldeman and Id Miss' Mary Silvoy of Buffalo. tieingston. Mr. Tina Mrs. L. II. .McCulletgli Mrs. A. --TAnfligtOo,'417k.o.eiti • and Mr. and Mrs. Hiram' Wolf of street, and Mis,a Charlotte Lifting- Ranh;are enjoying a Visit with I -ton, London, attended the wedding Mr., and Mrs. W. r 9uebee I at 'R'itchener on. Saturday of Miss est reet. eFay MeGill ane Mr. Keith Length. 'Mr. •a lid Mrs.' Gtirdon • Knitting 4. The bride is a • gra nd da tight e r.of have ,returned froni a motor trip to ) Mrs. Linington. After a trtp - to • Sault Ste. 'NI:11'1e, going by Mani- Nova. <Scotia the young, couple will 'twilit' Island and returning by the reside in Kitchener: • • State. •• Mr, Russell nix and.. eon Joe', Toroeto; visited • the :formees <sister. Miss Rose Fox, and Ruesell renewed- acqueintances in to \VII the Net week. • •• • Mr. and 'Mrs: D.. • V. Blac,ker and little. eel'', 'Douglas, of Brantford,were. week -end guests with 31es. Meeker's ereirents, ' Mr. . 'and Mrs. T.•11. Rundle. • • • Mr: and Mrs. Eugene lel Hieks - and their granddaughter, Janet Lee ,Hicka, • •of Pioton, .were •• recent • The cheapest , Place to buy t• • .•• a good k.N-GLISII DINNER- SET iS ;at StItitles Art 84 Gift Moire 'East St. • Phanb 498 PROCLAMATION MONDAY, AUGUST 6th - IS BEREBY PROCLAIMED A 'VW 11014/DAY FOR; THE TONT GODERICII 3. E. 11;UCKINS, Stai4i GODERICII SIGNAL -STAR OE. Results • Briefs ,e -- See the new elileion Deep Freeze at Will Reieltart Electric. Phone e66. - - • 31! pairs of pink and blue cheeked flannelette. blankets, • 70 X 90., Speeial otTering itt$4.95'per pair at P. le Hilbert Sr; Scales. • • -31 • e • Be assured qf solid .empfort all next winter with solid fuel. Order your fill -up now from the Edward Coal Co., phone S. , -29-30 ' Special family prices o. an 661h- bination of these •magaZineee..Sate urdaY Evening, Pet, Ladies' Home Journal,, Holiday, Jack and Mese' Mary, B. Howell, 4 St,: Vincent street, Goderich, pliwee 213W. ee20 now buying rags anal' Old felt mattresses. Turn th41 out now While 1 have a buyer; next raolath may be too late. C. -swops, 12 East street, Phone 867.1. -14 • McKlenon's millinery store • will - be closed from Augu-st 13 to August 16, inclusive. eMis.ses MeKipnop will be in Toronto to attend the displays of fall millinery. -13 DIED ' ADAMS. -In Goderieh, on Monday, July 30th, 1951, Rebecca. Swift - field, widow of the late' •James McK: Adams, in her 87th year. leLIN,e-At Toronto, on Saturday, July 28th, 1951; Margret Viola Allin, Widow of the tate Cecil Allin, in her 55th year. PROUSE.-In Goderich, accidental- • ly, on Tuesday, •July 3let, Wilbert Prou.se, husband of Leafy .May •Young, in his' 66th • year, ' OBITUARY • MRS: C. HAI -ST . Mss Gordan ..Kaittin*g .has been bereaved bythe sudden and &lex- Peeted death of her mother, Lydia Anna Schwanz, wife ,of Christian Zuriele which' oecurred in Vieforla Hospital, London,. on Tues- day, as the result of a stroke. Mrs. Heist had been in good health and. the* fatal seizere. was a neat shock to her -family and filendT.". • • . Mes.--Haist was in her.sixty-nieth• year. She meseebore in Colborne township. the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Michael Schwan/.,. and Mar- ried Mr. Heist in 1905. -They. Duetted et; Creditonuntil five years ago,. when they Moved' to- Zurich. was active in, •ehurele work 1111(1 and was helein high esteehe as 11 -faithful. and .helpful feiend. She leaves,' besides •rhei• husband, two daughters, 'Mrs: • Harry. 'Hess (Bea-, :trice 1-, of Zurich,. and Mrs, Gordon Knitting_ (t.lertrud.e.),'of }oc1nioh and three • brothers, Will. Sehwanz, of • British Columbia .; •;Sam, of Roeenville, Sask.., ,and, Daniel; 'of' elederich.. "The funeral will will • take. plaeetee morrow (Friday-) afternoon, •witeh •ser‘Ice will be, held in, •the Evangelical United B r e e it k2hurch ut Crediten, th, be 'followed , Mr. W. J. Blair; who has been by, interment in the Evangelical cemetery at. Crediton. I THURWAY, AITGLIST 211d, 1951, Classified, Ad • VOS,-e0ALE FOR SALE FOR SALE. -A. roP,R-BURNER FOR SA1411. -Ple‘Tliat1301101,1e1,11 heavy duty electric range; ear top boat 'and Johnston 5-b,p. utility!' drawer below.' Owner will meter, Jet Al 'condition. Priced for seertlice for 4:425., Leaving town quick sate; cam 10c5w. • -31 and will be using gas. Cell 411. 31x FOR SALE. se; N NL 11 00 M • White brick house. on Light- house, 'corner Wellington. ,eliard- wood, floors. deod repairs.. Must be sold soon. Phene,, 1673. :31.tf OR, SALE. -LA.B.GE BARNET enetal icebox; (iOngaeuin rug, x'0'; Phene 1188J, • 81er FIOR Hpusn 3n-- 'good condition, all convenieffees, garage; also' building lot 'and cabipeVradip, 'W. r. GALLAGHER, 00 Nelsen street. FOR SALE. -'51 FORD CUSTOM sedan, 550 -mileage, to -whid 1-11) estete of john Penhalee Apply BA.ROLD PENHALE, Bayfield Ad- ministrator. ' ' 31-2x , FOR SALE.-TRALLER: WM, BECK; Victoria street. - 31x FOR SALE.-IGEBOX TO HOLD 75lbs. ice. eTeltHIN East street, phone 1249. elx FOR SALE. — ONE SLIGHTLY • uSed metal iceftox-less than half-price. CRA.NSTON-WAVIER, FU.ItNerpuRE. • . -31/ FOR SALE. ---ONE 6 -FT: TABLE. . top electric refrigerator, used 2 months. CRANSTON-WAVIER FURNITURE. • , -31 Witt' his daughter and, son-in-law, Mr. and 'Airs. te.Cureell, at ,Gall, returned to attend the gather- ing:of tbe, Octogenarleg, Club, of • which he is presidentMr., end Mrs. ,Currelleer-oughtehim. to toWn by • automobile- and,ttook him beck to Galt the same day. Recent visitors with Rev.' and Mi's. 11 Wr: .WilliaMs were •Mrs. D. F. , Eddie, Glencoe; • Mit. A. C. W neon, ,hea tley ; Misses 'Doris and Mane. Shaw and Mrs. ehtiw, Me. and Mrs. Frank Glassford and Anne; of Wallaceburg; Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rihely and -sons, Sack tied .3hre'of Electrie: • kink 1,Irs. W. J. Jewell; Bre tennia *Iliad,' have .1 -et -tuned _Nene after • a' month's vacation, during which they Motored witleetev. le A. Jewell of 'Toronto to visit with Mr. and Mrs. VV., 3.* Jewell of ,"Watie)u§, Sask. They also visited with 3D. Jewell's cousins, ad • On the trep „but stopped -off at St.- Thoinas; North Dakota, and Crystal City to yeet other ,relatives. on't Let "St.raytgers' ins Ileke You spent a lot of money ,..for that- . car of yours, and most of it went in- to the engin e compartinent: Don't . , let ,unIctkoWn mchanics who are • ''strangers", to you or to your make ; of car, •tamper ,with it, Vet our ex.. pots, Whose .reputation is' Well known this. community, ao all your reair work; Drive, uti . County and District , . .,,.. . . h. H. Thompson, Township Clerk of ' ' East XC'awanosh, • ..and ee1re., Thompson are taking a trip to the ,837w., , . 4:n• West _Coast: ,_ e ..„ _,,, , . .. . F . . , S. - FORD DELUXE e of the people have softiepublic 30-1i In Canadian cities of 19,000 popu- . . lation over, Omit 05e.per eent.on ALE. -39 , • . , library service. -- QuickCanadian sedan,.. etistem • built, redie, new lan -battery14300-entles- since -overhauled. , eisiia.......• .............6. ii..........;.............. . - ,- Phone .356. .KIeN AITE:EN. • •'. Facts. - ' •• ' -30tf , ' ••c-ARD:OF•.THAN#S,. OCR TOP • QUALITY GLADIOLI. - have, now .dropped in price to TI-1,14.S...A.RE. EXTENDED TO . $1.90 per , doeen. JACKSON'S the neighbers, and ether •friends FLORISTS, phone 105. •• ...3.0 Of the -rate Williani 3. Sage for their kindness andthoughtfulness, for the lean of care and for flowers sent., •-31 ---,--,-- FM SALE. ,-100.-AORE FARM, FOR SALE. -TEN LITTLE PIG'S,* 7 weeks old. Phone 935 r 21. EARL 'WILLIAMS, Mayfield road., e 31x FOR SALE. TWENTY PIGS, six weeks pld; Apply GILBERT BROS., Mink Ranch, • doderith. Phonee,936 r 21 or 3G r 32. -31 'FOR SALE. es- 1947 MEROUR-Y sedan, geed tieeseradiol heater. Phone 200W or 10143. , -31 FOR SALE,' 7 SET OF Fot.TR French doors, • each- if x 18", with bevelled, glass. phone 200W' or 10143. • •• • -31 Fiata SALE'.. -e1940 STUDEleAKE'R • •• .7 -passenger coupe; new engine,. perfect eondition. . CAMPBELL'S •GARA.,GE, St. David's street, phone 1097. • 'FOR SALE. • -CANS, 9 GALLON, eould he used :for 'storeget or garbaee.. ANDREW DAIRY, West street. " . • -31 FORSALE. - 'GIRL'S c.c,S1. . , • -:hio•cie • 'in.. excellent condition. • Phone' 1044,11 after HOY - electric • washing ,.machine 6 P.m. b • (nearly new ) • M eC la ry 4 -burner Fpit SALE.-00A'L OR WOOD ennex in white ememek-• Phone 6733, ". -31 i OR WALE. -111A111,061A.NY UP, RIGHT piano, with bench), best conditi,on. Phone 344, daye oe 691 after 7 pan 31x FOR SALlee-ONE USED 6' 9"X 0' grey seamless Axminster rug. BROPHEY FURNITURE!' ' -31 FoR, SA.1,X,:---POTAT0tS. cHAMBERS, Maele, street. 31x FOR NOW LADY'S Phozie 1142W: -31 , FOR SALE. - E. BOHANAN home, Chureh street; frame,- 4-- bedroom, bdrdwood, hot Water, con- veniences, garage, good lot, condi- tion ' and deeoratioh; possession September 1, $6,500. Apply W. A. SUTIHEOLAND, • Barrister, Gode- rich, -29-32 SALE.-*-LAIRGE ROIL -TOP . solid oak del, in good condi- tion. Phone 986R. -29tf FOR SALE.-BOWDEN HOME, Keays street, red brick, 3 -bed- room and den, eonveniences, hot air,. part hardwood flooring, general condition good; 'garage, chain square lot; .$6,000, one-half mort- gage, terms. Possession immediate. Apply W. A. SUTHERLAND, Bar- rieter, ,Goderich. • -29-32 , AUCTION SALE 'S BAKER 110ME *OP TASTY PASTRY" "Tropic Gold"- Layer Cake -40e each Topped with chew:it Codonut and juicy Pineapple and filled. with ripeapple• • — Almond' Fruit Bars -3 for 1(k Coffee Cakes' -45c and 30c.eacil. Orders of $1,00 and over delivered. - • Flew phone your' orders in' by nook, Phone 465 WANTED , ANTED.--LISTI1•4ds •PRO- PERTIES for sale. C. F. CHA.PMAN, Real lestate Brpker. Phone 18. , 390 WIA2NTED:-IMMIGRA.TION IN- - 'SPECTOR, '• pernInnently in Goelerieh, wishes to rent e large home. References available. Phone 807R, INSPECTOR DATE, 201 Warren street. • •301 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE- ' HOLD EFFECTS AND PROPERTY frail the home of Mes, K. E. Neftel; 10 Wellesley street, Goderich, on SATURDAY, •AUGUST•flth, • at 1.30 pate:, consisting of: , Eight -piece walnut c,dincng-room suite, consistine. of , chairs and buffet; velour"ehesterfield bed; velour chesterfield chair; Occasional .chale ; -studio doueh; dfeeenpert; Axminster rug 81/2' x 61/2'; Ax- minster rtig 7' x .41/2e; 3.oak rock- ing -chairs; Oak armchair '; 3' 4aticker armehairS; 2 vOcker rocking-bhairs; oak lihrarY table;' natherous, scatter rilgs bridge lamp ;,.`,2 table ;lamps; 4, sand': tables; White drophead sewing metleine; brass bed • and springs; innerspring,•fitattress;„ 3-, piece. bedroom , suite; single bed; innerspring , Mattress ;' Northern E legtrie cabin'et ' radio; Kelvinator electrie -refrigerator (7. cub.. ft.) ; WANTED TO BITT.-AL1 OW bQrses, and dead tinimals. If suitable for mink feed -WilL•pay more than fertilizer prices. If Opt) Will Pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS.'. MINK RANCH, Goderich. Phone collect 936 r 21 or 936 r 32," WANTED. - MEeel OR ',WOMEN • to demonstrate an old Can- adian product. You can 'earn $.30 to $80 weekly,- Just a few hours aetereoen �r evening. Your district Is an opeie teem ritory. Write' us. NEEB; Listowel. , Phone. 11011. -30-2 WANTED.NdS -2-LISTIOF PRO- , • PERMS for sale. 'No charge you ou until property is gold. MALCOLM -MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, The Square; GOde- rich. Phone,115W. ,12tf' WANTED.s---IMPROyDD, WELL - SITUATED farin Goderich area. Write BOX • 06, StGNAL- STAR. • -30 W.4NTED.-DUSINDS'S • OFFICE •premises, about 600 square feet, on Or hear the Squere. Long 'lease. Reply gpLi.,, TELEPHONE. op.,. Goderich. • -2,3tf - ANTED.--j-MAN TO WORK' IN &airy. 'Steady eMPloynier. ANDREW DAIRY, West ,street. ••-31 FOR- -1-10NTIAC electric range Prernitrn S'11 C111.11)11., sedan " deliveke. Mileage of 'elet-l!ier earPet,- sweeper; 2 Ward- 1, ANTED. - ,WAITRESS, EX - 6,0e0 !Will set below list. Apply robes; washetand; 2 small eup- • .VERIENCED only 'need apply. nt Knox Church site between 7 Steady baiployinent. AgDREW a.m. and 5 panel - • 3,1x, boards; • trunk; kitchen -Wee; chairs and cupboard ; teems oe DAIRY; 'West 'street... • • • -31 drawers; niobogany music cabine ; • .4 OR' SALE ;L-- orT •11.401;q:nS, 2 pairs of curtain. drfi'pes, ; flower gladiolus,: snapdragons,zinnias, 1 stand; garden foele ; 60 ft. of garden ' eweet peas and , other garden hose ; quarter -horse; electric motor ;. flowers. Price lew. es uStial. Mite., cushions ; ; :sealers; dishes'',' 11. L. HOLINIAN; Caraereh 'street, phone- 722, Goderich, -31 tf • - FOR' SALE, - PLYMOUTH • coach; '39 PlyMouth sedan; '31 Durant • .eeden; "37 Willyse. '20 model' T. •4good, tised tires. SCRIM'S .AUTO SERVICE, phone WANTED., --- • EXPERIENCED ee girl by August eerth, •te help With housework; inust be . fond of children Geed wages, :live ih, room -with •,iadio. MR W. X. WATTERS; 11. St. Patrick's street, phone 580. • ••••31 • FR SALE. - .FRESII SWEET • peas. BETTY BOWRA, Cam- eron 'street, phone 3843. ". -80-1 lee miles noeth of Anburn • WAI'TEL.• good buildings, telephone eind • ' ' hydro, JOHN AITCHESON, R.R. ANTED. - STENO• GRAPHER 2, Auburn. - 29-1x for Planing mill in steal' vil- lage. F. CP KAWFLEISCH, •Zurivh. -31 •-• -deurge-Thompson's--- no:V.-emit-teat- Hensall lies commenced operations. It rolaces the oneburned In Deceniber last. ,It will 'hold 100,000 bushels ..of..:grain and beans. •The Warren.Paving Company has commenced, work on hard -Surfacing highsVay 86 east of.,Lucknow. Damage estimated at $500 was 'mused b aefire on Sunday morn- ing In an tpstairs apartnient in the Roy Tyndall ,block in, Clinton, The• blaze, which epparentlY wascaused by 'a cigarette butt,' damaged bed- ding and furniture, and smoke eteleed- ---e*tensivt„ damage th Wheie apart`inferit.--' • g*: Dr. J. W. Shaw Celebrat4 Ninetieth Birthday John W. SlidW, well-known medical . 'praciltioiaer of Clinton, celebtated hbe 'ninetieth ,birthdity on .Ittly 23rd, and is still continu- ing his prartice of more than sixty years. -Ile received his medicel degrees-e_frem Tririlty college, Tor- onto, lir1891 and in May orthe same year commenced his prectice lit Clinton. He has taken an active plate in diunteiefal ed. politecal .ef- firirs, has been mayor. of Clinton, president ,of " the Hospital Board, eintirman of- the Pintiie Utilities Coln m 1561011, pree i den t of t he Huron Central Agricultural NS' ociet e, medical ()Meer of. heeltie Huron county coroner, president of the Liberal Asisociation of the •roidine, and' a prominent Mason. .81111 • a et ivor and ihtereeteee' •In pitbelo Wriiilte4, he drives hiki•feteent bis daily round of Nariow V.:seaPe • • of Hensall Farmer 'Howard Adkine, thirte-yeteleold PROPERTV COR SALE • , Pont 0-- uick G.Isto; TrUtks PHONE 844 . • - ****" -* FOR SALE... FOR* SALE. ---410T .POINT ELEC. TRI10 range with high oven. SHORE & GINN, 46 Quebee street. Phone 1199.23tf 'cooking utensils, and . .numerous other 'articles. „ PROPERTY -At the :same 'Thrte ,and 'place (if not eel(' . previous to sale); there will be offered for sale, subject to reservee-bid, tbe desirable tWestory red briclt. and ebingle---seven-roo.ne dwelling, 'ewith full-size basement, hot water heat- ing.' syttem, tleree-piece With, elec- tric water heater and stationary •Iftundry tubs. Also oil this pro- perty is situated a ,garage and .a desirable corner -btrilding"lot. „ '' Terme; on hatesegoid effects; cash. Terms on property,..10% demi on• day of sale, balance in' 30 days, or to •the, Sattiefaction, of the peo- prietress. •• ' .MRS. K. 'E. NAFTEL,- ••• -Proprietress. • EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, , • Auctioneer.. K. W: COLQUHOUN,," Clerk: 30-1 • - SALILe-DELCO 'HEAT OIL: •Litirpers •and *furnaces- for evert 'heating job. Call us for free estimates •noW. SHORE & -GINN 6-roomi frame house on *Newgate tLEC'PRIC: •• , • ••• .26tf street. Levingetoom,s, dining-1.4°min; kitehep, three .bedrooms and bath- room, • • • Large frame fiotise; purchaser to move house teem pregent• locaelon. • Seven -room 'frame house, living-, reene---,----dininge-oorixeeekieglieneeebecle repot oli main.floor, three bedreetzne and bathroom upetairs ; . garage; lot 60 ft. by 125 ft.. Priced. $3200 for quick sale. 7 -tom redbrick ahd ehingle • honecenter Quebee and Wellesley streets. • reirge double lot; good locaelon. Possession one month. Summer cottages. - C. NI`. • CaTAPMA,N, Real Estate 29-32 Broker. I'lenw doderiele 18W. -FOR SALE, -.STUCCO HOUSE, •seven rooms and bath; good -legation, 62 .Britannia • road. JOS. . AIJLISGN. 27x poll • SALE. HOME ' A N 11' church decorations a all kinds. _Weddingebetteltete-aad-cemsageaeare ilY-pthThes 3A13 FLO 1ST 105: , phone -28' FOR, SALE. - J. °DEMENTS' home, No. 34 Hinelts street, 2. late, 132' square,,frame, heaey lnsul brick, garage front to match,- quite new,. 3 bedrooms,. paet besenaent, fuel economy; ,bargein, , $4,300 (12,300 "eash ,and terms). -Speedy possession. Apply W. A. SUTTIER- • - , • LX.ND, Rai -Oster,. Goderieh, 1 TO RENT . • To 11141NT.2----OPPI(1,g-oft 11,0(KVI with running Water, close to ,Sqnftee. Phone 90, CAMP,- BELL'S IktUd S'PORE. -2§0 "Melt , ItENT.--11F,ATED, ..41SHEla epartinent fur elderly, touple lft hteutifully -situated home, three • blocks • front Square. eft ting -room with tiM4ot..,Uig v' rtiorn and, ' k ite It en et t e. M It 8, A. grain ith the traetor on the. farm Hensel'. farmer, wns. about to eut 1.V. ITOWETele, -1 St,' Vincent stfeete w . t of hie perente piton, 2133. Mr. and Mrs. Henry . -• Adkins, when , the maehine burst 1 into ilionm. Severely, burned, .he rolled, himself in 'the fresh •gravel T.Iygbale supplie8 (rtibber geode), oil tiro lialewitY, extinguishing the mailed phstpailli in plain. sealed Ilnines, lie was,. treated 'at the envelope 'with price list. Six sam Clinton •hospitaf for barn.% to .the pleS 26d;',..24 sainplcs' $1,.(1ia.-. Mall face, hands legs and arins. The, Order Dept., 1.53,, Nov.xtutiniv' traetor fs:vas 'badly Atli:log(1d. • I co„ Box 01, tittmliton, Ont.' . FOR SALE.--rtnens.mnD flATI- TU113S •$60. Smart • Mertha 'Washington And Richledge stairtlees three-piece leithroom sets, white, $160:00 to $180.00; Polored $74, complete wth beftetiful chromed fittings. Air eonditioning ftirnaces *$295.00. 'Special offers to plembers, and builders too. iSave many valu- able dollars, buy With eonfidencP and have. a nicer' hinne: Satisfac. floe geitirenteed. EXtrif discounts off • eetalegee priees if we supply everything you need fee complete plinribing or heating enetallation. Ciitelogue ibeindos litho libotoe main liktinres, pilees and instal- lation, dingrami4,. ,ilmeo, style :of sinks,. eapinets; latintlry tubs, slowers, ' t�ves, refrigerators. Pressure 'water systems, o1l-1)111.01's, septic,• and Ott tank, ete. *V).41t 'or write;Iolnison Mali Order DiVision, STABIdTSVIIAdt 41.A1trAVA1t1, Streetsville, Ontiirlo; I11iort or,. 4Ift CLEARING AUCTION SALE Ok' FARM STOOK, , FEED AND HOUSDHOLD EFFECTS at lot 33, concession 4, East Wawa - nosh, 21/2 miles north of Myth, and 3 -miles west, on • • • ' •• TUESDAY, AUGUST 7th at, 1.30 p.m.' sharp, the following: HORISES---IMatched black tetten of Percheron geldings, 4 and 5 yeaya old; • black Percheron gelding, 11 years pld. • ' -PUREBRED CATTLE AND GRADES-4Purebred Hereford pew, 4 years (Ad; 2 Pifrebred Hereford cows, .10 years old,; 8 purebred Hereferd cows, aged,; 4 purebred •Hereford heifers, rising 2 years old; purebred, Hereford bull, 10 months old; 4 purebred Hereford ealves; 'Holstein cow, 7 years old, milking, bred again; brindle cow, 9 years old, milking; Durham calf, Mettle Ode; PIGS -2 Yerkshire 'sows, due froni a to 4 week e; 4 ,Yorkshire 141314 ' au, 'rirty AND EQ:11IPMENT-e- Approximately 124' Leghorn pullets etarting to lay; colony house, 16' x 12'; brooder Ater. C4R-1937 Dodge cent° (fair condition). e •(WOOD -Approximately 25 cords of maple; quantity of soft ,wood, antivatotin nrmors.-EIPC. tromaker" electric range with auto- matic oven control; Sunlight oil space heater; seine other household °fleets. ' • Tnrol§--CIASTI. !NO r,efierVe, as the fprni is sold. DONALD SNELL, Proprietor, • " EDWARD W. PLIAOTT, Auetioneert set' WANTED.' BY R E N'E D lady, two or ',three enfurnished rooms with private .,,bath, heated, preferable on 'wale ileer, in quiet part of town:* Phone 584W. -31 - • WANT,ED.4SeIALL HOUSE TO rent on outskirts of Go'derfch. Write BOX 68, SIGNAL -STAR. • 31-32x WANTLIDeeselODERN 'DINING - ROOM suite., BOX 70, SIG- NAL -STAR. ^ 31x ANTED. -- SALESMAN FOR •idoderieh store. Write BOX 69, SIGNAL -STAR. -31 NOPCt VOTTCP. . , Sanding - new and' old .ileors. 3. C. COCK phone 233, 'Clinton. •'Summer:not:alit, Baytield, PIM -SONO • -'40IINIS • I ,N tr N T 1.41Z re LIEVjEile with Lloyd% Coif 'and .01111'611s .Sttive. -the effective .corn, *remedy; *500 at CAMPBELL% MPG, t-STOIRLe•-• ' .4 ANTED. - FURNISHED AC- • - COMMODATION for, couple and two children for five weeks, August 4 to September 8. Phone 7703. • -31 WANTED. - ROUND EX -TEN- . • (SION table, in fair shape, no't too expensive. 'Phone 934 r 22 or evrite Tamp BELL,R.R., 2, • God rice- h. • • • s.31 • • BORN • • DUTTON.,--AtAleeandia, Hogpital, Goderich, on *July 31S1, 1051, to. Mr. and' Mrs. ErneSt Baton (nee Marie Aitchison), of Lucknow, a .son. HARTNEY.-At',Alexandra Hospite Goderich, on July 28th,' 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hertney, '.1Goderich„ ,a• son„ Joseph Edward.• HUOKINS.-At Alexandra Hoepit- •al, Goderich, on July -'31gt, 1951, , 'to elr. and Mrs. Reg. Heckins, •,(nee• Shirley -Marwick), Gode- rich, a son, John James. MAJOR, -At Alexandra Hospital, • Goderia, on August ls,t,, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Major, Gode- rich, a daughter, Margaret Anne. VAN VLAOK.- -,In 'Toronto, op. Thursday,' Juiy. ,19th, 1951, to Mr., and, .Mt.S. Paul Van Vlack , (formerly -Marjorie Gillespie), a . daughter, Judith Ann. ' . • IN MEMO,FIAM • , SHEARDoWN.-In loving memory of a dear husband, Me elohn. 'Sheardown, who paesed way one year age.. • • MeMories are treasures no one can steal, Death leaves a 'wound no one can, • heal. lives, with us in faemory still, .Niet just today, but always will. -Levhigly remembered by his beloved. wife, Jes•sie Sheardown. • . ° nx. Alfr T E D. ' - CAPABLE -gardener.. MILS. WURTELE, St. Vincent etreet. ' -81 WANTED -BOOKKEEPER FOR . J planing' Millein ,Goderich. ;C. KALBFLDIS011, Zurich, ..-31 TIGE•RT.-In • memory, of a loving mother„ Ella Elizabeth . Tigert, who paseed 'away' August 6,•1944. • As we toyed you, so we Miss you; • In our 'twittery you fere near, . Levee, remembered, longed fOr-"al-e,e, 'Treasured With.lt"' love' 'sincere. ' • --1-Ever remembered by Dorothy, Jack, Markaret and drape... • 31x 'CARDS 01? THANKS OUR, 'HEARTFELT T -HANKS Toe • all who extended comforting. syMpatley -aild•'heiii in our recent isoteove. • For the beautiful floral offerings 'and • other kindueeee.e we . are deeply grateful.. MRS. WIL- RURT PROUSE AND FAMILY. „ • •- -31 WE 11-Es1iele TO ii;xiquptis TO beir • ,kind neighbors and thoughtful friehds our heartfelt thanks for their many expressions . etf sympathy. The beautiful floral offerings were especially apprecie' ated. !THE, FAMILY OP THE LATE MRS. JAMES M...ADA.Mg, •:31 • AND MRS. E. BRECKEN- RIDGE wish- to ' thank their many friends; for the kindness aigl sympathy shown totheinin their 'recent, bereavement; also .for the •Cars loaned and 'floral .tributes re- ceived. • • -31 THE. RpLATIvps OF THE LATE • 'Mrs. Jas. MeCrackep wish to • Convey their thanks to thee .,who • sent flowers, leaned cars or , sieted them in ,any way, and eSpecially )Jr. Albert •Rond. and family:, • • • -31 THE • FAMILY '01? THE - LATE Mrs. Katherine Walsh take this means of thanking these who sent' ifleavers, or- assisted -them 'in • any way, •and especially the merabera of the hospital staff. • TEIE, FAMILY .OF THE LATE ,Ms. -John Meyers 'tender their appreciation' of" the thoughtfulness extended to Ahern in their beteatee- •ment, with epecial 'thanks to those .who sent spiritual bouquets and -31 ewers. ••-.; • ' e-, SAVE UP 'TO 33 14% ,ON Helena Rubinstein's 10 B •PAY FOR ONE •. . ..GET ONE AMES 2 for 1111-110- make-up: -Silk-Tone- Poundatioe-Silk Screen, Faee- Powder. Comienation ealue. 2.50 . • '13(14., for 1.75 . 2 for perftiming: Com:nand' Performance Mau de.. 1arfum-L4Coin- . wand. Plrformance Perfume- Conipaet1 'Combination. value, - 3.00. .•• , *., Both for 2.50 • 2.for dry skin: "Pasteurized" Face. Creain(Special)ilit'ifo kil riLor. .n. 5 ,Spechl., ,Combination valve, 2.50. , . • 2 fur -daintiness: •Appl0 lilos§om, Cologne -Apple Blossein De- ' 'odorant Cretiin.' Combination. value, 2.30. ' • • • - Both' for 1./5 2 'for 'eye glantor: Waterproof Mascata.--eSpeclal Eye ,Cream. • Combination value, 2.05.. , • ' • . . Both for 2-for sensitiee Ain: Deep* Cleauser-"Pasteurized" gight 'Crain. . •'"Con,ibilifition .Vit I tiei • am. . . • s,.ampto_ntetitotdhiri,tir.,2.00' •2 fr hair- beauty:ee Silk Shn- .;flrearn ii • Combination value. 2.150. -• e • . - ' s, Both for 1.75 Z for Aging skin: Estrogenic, Hormone Oren m- -Est rogenic Pla nd ..Ieseion. ColebitiatiOn vale, 6.00. •'-el k ' Both for 5:00 iiir fragrant freslitiees: -Gardenia Celogne-----trdenin Perfume- • Compete. testettiliatem vaine, 2.35. ' - . .... • Both for'1.85 2 for oily skin: "Poste:11.1ml" Pace .4:',re9111 (Normal) --Beauty - divine., Comb, inetion velite, 2.50. 4, • Both for 1.75' (..I,Litnited" Time Only), , inerSon Drug Store Clorlet 'West St. and Square Phone 45, 'We' deliver. "As 'handy as the'llostoffide"