The Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-07-26, Page 9,t
q p,
TUVII$DA' "x JULT Wulf 191.
FROM JULY .4th; 1951,, FUNTIL ? .? ? ' ? ?
There" are five Electrical Appliances in our' Vndow.
We• are reducing each- one: by $5 per day- .
, Reg. price
WAS.HER „wit '1 ' • "automatic
pwAp, .large new Lovell Wring. • .
er, deep shirt, cast iron 'base,
and -rust. proof tub y -. '$109.0.0
TOP STOVE , with . deep -well
cooker, light, large size oven,
warming oven,, - storage space a .
and seven -speed switches* 415.00
3. 91/2 CU. FT,TRO-
�E with
separate quick-freeze 'compare.
went, ;special butter holder, re-.
frigerated bottle space 'and
shelves on door..: 499.90
Price by' .Pace by;
July 27 Aug'3
SY I LONER,full size, fully au-
tomatid, irons sheets to shirts,
easily, quickly and economical
ly 299.50
$139,00. $109.00
355.00 325.00
439.00 409:00• -
, 239.50 209.-5.0
5. MAXWELL WASHER, full. .
size, large Lovell ; Wringer, 4 -
vying Gyrator, runt -proof tub, ,. ' .. -
easy action ; ' 169.00 J.00.00 ' 79.00
Cranston. & Walter Furniture
• • LE'EBUR'N', • July 24.,, -- Con-
gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Hunter on the birth of a baby girl
in'the Goderich hospital this -(Toes-
day )' morning.'
Wedding,' bells are ringing . for
MISS Ruth Bogie, R.N., of St. Cath-
arines, who is visiting thisweek
at her home prior to her, wedding
on Saturday:
' Miss Blanche Shaw of. New .York
is enjoying -a .month's 'vacation at
her, home 'here. •
Master 'Bobby :Pope -of-Brau,Iiton
is holidaying with his uncle_ and
aunt, • Jin. and Mrs. R. B chanan,
and family.
Mr. 'and..Mrs. Naylor of Chatham
were house. guests last 'week with'
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bogle.. •
Mr; and firs. Jack McCarthy of
New Dundee, Mich., visited • on
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Meyers. and -family. • • •
Mr.. and Mrs. Ed.;''.Lea•therruan
and son Eddie Gene, of Detroit,
visited for a few days „last week
With the' lady's grandfather,' Mr.
Archie Horton, ,and with Mr. and.
M1,rS. Rod Bogie:
llrs. P. 13arriaon• of Porter's Hill
.i'isited her mints, the Misses Edith
• '•rltndl "Lizzie Horton,. on• Sunday,
Miss Lizzie Horton is ;still nttrsing
a badly sprained hand, ,the result
of a fall five Weeks ago,
• Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gliddon of
Vinemount; Mrs. Tillie Hewitt • of
Mitchell; Mrs.:' Jane Gliddon- and
.Velma of Goderich and Elizabeth
of Detroit called oft.7 relatives n
this district ou Saturday.,
Mrs. Josephine' Nelson of Detroit
called on h'er cousin, Mr. Wm.- J,
'Meyers, and Mrs. Meyers on, Sun-
Master Don Bezeau of Kitchener
spent a week's holidays -last week
with. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bogie
and Graham.' o
1Virs. Hugh Chisholm of Sarnia
is 'visiting for a few' days with
Mrs." Chisholm; sr., and ,Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Meyers and family.
M'r. and Mrs. Jas. • Horton "and
Ted and 'Air. 'Archie ,Horton, ac-
companied by Mrs. M. E. Terrell
of Preston, .,visited on Sunday' With
•Mr. and Mrs, W. J: Falconer and
family •.on the London road. Mrs.
Terrell remained fora visit.
Owing to 'the' busy seasbn the
ineeting of the Leeburn W.M.S.
was not field; lastweek as‘intended.
'CARLOW, • July 24. Mr. and
lr.. Rov Errington and family, of
Ottawa, ai•e .visiting with .lir. and
Mi•. E. Errington. ' Mr. 'and Mrs.,
Moss McDonald and .family; -of Ot-
tawa, also are visiting, with Mr. and
Mrs; Errington.
Mr. Hilton and George Amos, of
Parkhill, visited, With MF; .•and ,Mrs.
This.• Wilson 'en. Sunday.
Mr. Hilton Wilson iikts gone- to
1`lint, Mich.', for :some holidays. •
The nerghbor.s' had' a picnic' at
Harbor Par1t„.,l,ttr;t Thur dfly:...even-'
ing and presented Mr.: -and Mrs. Jini
McPhee with a gift of ninny. • •
. Mr. Baer was .able • t'o'eome° from
the hospital on Monday and is with
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baer.
1Gir.•' and Mrs. Wm. Gory of
u urn s E'( w . r. an
Feagan ;on Sunday.
Presbyterian W.M.S-.The Only
meeting of the Ashfield W.M:S. was
held at the home of' Mrs. (Rey.)
McDonald. -Mrs; Reuben .Wilson,-
iceppreaid dnt,was in charge ofthe
rogratn. Mrs. Henry MacKenzie
offered the opening prayer.. • The
Scriture was read by Mrs. Donald
R. MacKenzie from the 25th chapter'I
of Matthew. Mrs. Neil G. Mac-
Kenzie gave the meditation on the
passage. Mrs. Earl Howes read a
paper on 'the life work of Rev.
'George Prentice,, a famous hymn
Writer,. and' the meeting sang "Mere
LOSb to,Thee," one,of his writings.
Mrs. MCMuroliy offered prayer. A
summary of The Glad Tidings was
given ''by, Miss !Sadie Johnston, A
guest speaker, :Miss Dale, from the
Ii;;,intail Presbyterian camp gaye an
outline of the activities carried on
at the scamp. Mrs. Parrish gave a
reading •and after a hymn Mrs. Wm.
Ross gave a reading, "Our Daily
Test," and Mrs. 'H, • McLean offered
prayer. + lvirs, Duncan MacKenzie
read,a portion -from the study •book
on "Arabia Sixty Tears "Ago and
Now." 'Mrs..' D. ' MOE Kenzie • took
charge for the business. Miss
'Sadie Johnston was made the re-
cipient of a life -membership cer-
tilticate from the society. Mrs.
Simpson read a "thank you" letter,
from Mrs. Dan "McDonald for cards
of nymapthy sent, her during her
Illness. Mrs. Allan McCaulecyls
letter of regret for not •being able
to attend ,at. the sixtieth annivers-
ary of the lSocieby Was read. .Anna
Mae McDonald offered to take the
August meeting. , After another
hymn, Mrs. Wilson gave thin dos-
ing prayer,
• B'ENMILIApR, :July '24. -Misses
Margo ,and Elizabeth Grange, of
Atiburii, spent a few days last week
with Carol Allin,•
1t1`r, and' Mics. Ken Bowden and
Ann; of -Orillia, are visiting With
Mr. and M •s. ''u'erae Gledhill and
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fisher and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heldane. of
Hamilton and Mr. and. Mrs: 'CCm.
Godctart 'of--Attburn were here at,
tending the 'funeral of, their father';
the late Tobias Fisher who was
buried •on •Monday.• .OuF sympathy
is ,extended to the bereaved family.
Mrs. Verne . Gledhill 'spent'`ltast
Thursday in Galt -With •with her sister,
Mr's.. Ed. Carter.
Mrs, Celia Moor'e spent a few
days in Goderich with 'relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. ' Palmer •Kilpatrick
and children have " Tor-
onto for' a cuupleuf•• weeks.'.''
Mr. and Mi•s. John• Tribe and
Harvey, Walter Moore of Strafford-
ville and Mr. Elwyn Long of Ham-
ilton were visitors with Mr. and
Mrs.• Ray Moore.
Mr. J. D. Elsely of .Listowel ,spent
Sunday witti •Wm: Tlsely. '
Miss Helen- •-Is`es .wtts-home- from
the London hosl'lital for the week-
end, :but had to neturii •or Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stewart enter-.
tained relatives • front the- United
States last week.
KINGSIIRIDGE, July 24. --Mrs.
F," :McMartin of Loudon was vi.sit-
ing ..fur a few days • with 'Rev.
Father McMartin. • •
Misses Catherine 'and Patricia
Shiflett , aiid Miss Whitmore; of
Detroit, are ,spending their vacation
in this vicinity. • ,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Jake ,Moerbeck of
British (Columbia and Miss Mary
11Sierbeek of Turoiite are visiting
with their parents here. • •
'Misr 'Eilceli W'itllace of •Toronto
is home .with' her parents fur •the
' Mi'. Joseph Martin had the mis
fort.nne to have his arm broken
last week while have,
a tractor.
Rev. ` Father Edwin Garveyof
nation, Sandwich, is: -spending
biri holidays with his brothers 'here.
Mr. Gerald Dalton of Toronto is
spending 'a few .holidays at home
with his .parents, Mr,.' and Mrs..
M. J. Dalton. ' • •
Anything to sell? A. classified ad
In The 'Signal -Star- brings results.
SKY 'FROM... 0_...F'. ALL
A L 2V
� T U Y
Broadcast from: 8 to 9.30 p.m., followed by dance.
Spons,ored by Auburn Hall Board s
r . -30
• PORTER'•S HILI,, July, 24. -Mr.
and Mrs. J. S. Lockhart of Clinton
s• ent a' few days
at •
the home
their son and adaughter-in-law, Mr
and Mrs. A. Lockhart.` .•
• -Community oub- Plans: - -The
Community Club met at., tire home
of Mrs. Glen Pickard, with a .fair
attendance. In the absence of the
president the assistant, Mrs: Alvin
Kettles, conducted the meeting.
Plans were made to beautify th
church grounds and officers were
installed to look after different
ways of doing this. . The hostess
served n lovely lunch._
- '�?N'�j Yrs, .` iaFM:`tt.s•2�r 'r ''%i
v .•,g:.v } ic:,• v, •S fi.'+k!` rNx. ,?ri. 'kSM2:. tal.iE^N4
aE 9 a: Cyd, {' !'Gi7� 'a!•. a'` .if3�,?ryir.,n. yfy'r : y.�ti,r
cda��'x.,c���c�'?�.�fi1'r`�/.r••sN�:vfiw.�r<•,•w:x>• •�fr..�`�'i,9 :tri �;�
tT�er� 5 '
err��v 9
Groodrich dealer
who will°show you that
the way to longer. >
tire life is with
ST• AU& UI§TIIIYI.7+',' July' 24,--414
and Ctrs. Maurice Edwards joined
Ur..And Mrs. Alfred I i.nahan and
family : in 'London** 'behee''"they
motored to Dartmouth; {' Mr. Ed-
wards' hometown. Airs. Klnahan
ale() i.9 ie ,native of Nova Scotia.
We wish, them a4- very enjoyable
trip, •
• Mras, ,Joe Brophy and little sons
and bliss Edna Brophy, of Toronto,
visited friends here over the week-
end. ,,.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lettner and
daughter Rose Marie have returned
to Toronto, haviiik . spent three
weeks holidaying here. Mr. Lettner
is an: ardent fisherman, and spends
many pleasant hours along our
quiet streams where `the JIshing
'is good."'
• Mr. Jack;.•• Q'eonnor, -, of Kings-'
bridge, with ,his sister, , Mrs. P.
lv4urray, Jerry and, Donald, 'visited
at the home of Ray Teddy on Sun-
Mr, and .Mrs. Gus K'inahan and
Bin visited. Mr. and Mrs. henry
Kelly of . Teeswater on Sunday.
SHEPPARDTON, July 25. -Mr.
acid 'Mrs. Harold Marshall of Lon-
don returned home on Monday after
spending the' past two• •weeks at
their home here.
We are sorry to report that Air.,
Wm. Sage "is a patient in the Gode-
rich hospital and- in, a very serious
condition. •
• 'Guests over the week -end with
Mr, and Mrs. Marshall were ,Mrs..
Marshall's brother . and sister-in-
law; Mr. and Mrs, Sid Clayton of
London, also Mr. and Mrs. Tony
Abram of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs.
Gleason Vining and friend, of
Melvindale, Michigan. .
The farmers of this comnkunity.
are.' .cutting their wheat, which
seems ta•-be a good.
!kr. And Mrs, Jake 'Moerbeck and
family, • of Kingsbridge; spent Sun-
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs..'
Jno. Moerbeck.
Visitors on Sunday with Mr.and
Mrs. Rising were the former's bro-'
the~, Mr,' ,Bob . rtising, Mrs. Rising,
and Shirley, of Windsor, • •and - his
sister, Mrs. • Campbell, Mr.' ('timp-
bell .and Jean, of near Teeswater.•
At, the end of 1949_, there were,
more than 81,000 Can-
ada's public schools., '
DTJNCx.dlNNON, July 24. Urs,
Robe. Smythe, ,,Carol, Linda and.
Robby, o o o ito, :are visiting ,it
the home ,o Mr. B'roW Smyth. ane!
Mrs. 'Wilbur Stewart, • 6th conces-
sion of West Wawanosh, •
Rev. 'Olen Ball and Mrs, Ball,
of Woodford, and son' Danny Were
visitors. last' week with _,Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Fowler and Tommi;
Miss Myrtle, Belt, of Stratford,
spent ty few, days last . week with
her aunt, Mrs. Leslie Schultz,
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne. Eedy and
two little sons, of I.3olyrood, visited.
their mGirvinotheron S, Mrsun. de.lvin: Reed,.
Mrs. Jos. Smeltzer of Regina',
Sask,,, who fa'. visiting relatives at
Wroxeter, visited ler ,niece, Mrs.
,Leroi Stingel, on Sunday.
Mu, and Mrs. Robt. Agar and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold, A - gar and
children, ofSeaforth, visited Mr.
Brown .Smyth on Sunday,,.
Mr...and Mrs. 'Raymond Roberts,
of Gagetown,. Mich., spent the week-
end with, the former'.s, sister, Mrs.
Howard 'Sproul. • •
Mrs. J. G. Montgomery was a
recent visitor. with • her daughter,
J: Collins, at Preston.
Erskine Presbyterian Church is
closed n
d ri til August,
,�vh le. redecor-
ation is in progress. •
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones have
had Marjory Helesic, of Goderich,
for ,holidays. 'She returned home
on Sunday.-
unday.-Mrs. Ida McKay, of Windsor, is
visiting, her Suer,." Mrs. Geo.
'Week -end visitors with • Mr.. and
Mrs. Lorne Ivers were her niece,
'Miss' Myrtle Elliott, `-a nurse' ,at
Calgary,. Alta.; Mr.-- and Mrs.
Harold Congram, of Toronto, and
Mrs. Annie' Larsen, 'v1}o , is eon-
valeseing at her sister's, .Mrs. Ivens',
for 'a while after spending two
months 'in the Wingham' Hospital.
Miss Myrtle 'Elliott returned to
Toronto on' Sunday with the Oen-
gramr,. ' 'She, is a daughter• of the
late Mr. Medford Elliott, who' was
a brother of Mrs: Ivers. • ° •
of Erskine , Presbyterian- -'Cl uireh
met at the' home of Mrs. John lien
!lett last ,Thursday and Mrs. Ben,
riiett opened -the !!Meeting by reading
Psalm 90. Mrs. Hugh Bennett,
read , the Scripture lesson, Mark 8,
the -•list , five •verses, which was
followed by prtr;t'ei. • The roll: call
was answered' by ' twelve 'members.
and one guest. Mrs• R. McWhinney
gave a talk •on, Jha'nsi,• India. Mrs.
• Bottle Carton
Including Federal Sales and Excise.raxes
Plus deposit 2¢ per bottle
Autboritad bottler of Coca -Colo undir oontraa1. nth .Cera -t. uu. .
Goderich. Phone '489
"Cake"If is r.gistered trade -nark
A. Stewart read from GladTidings
an article on the Bhils.. Mrs. Herb'
Stothersj read the Glad Tidings'
prayer for missions. .After a busi-
itess discussion,' the meeting closed
'with a hymn and prayer led by'
Mrs, McWhinney. ,Mrs., J. Behnett,
assisted' by \1ns. • Hugh Bennett,
served a dainty lunch.-'
VitilY 'IE, July 24. -Mr. and Airs.•
T. H.'"Culbert weavein Hamilton en
Saturday attending the wedding of
'their daughter, Axing Mae.
--Mr. and Jars: C. Crozier, Joanne,
.and .Billy were Sunday visitors in
!London. oantne remained .for a
longer• holiday. ' • •
'Airs. Allan .Corbett and
family, of • Cedar Valley,- visited
on Sunday, with, Mr. and Mrs: Jack
Curran and family,
'Congratulations are in order for
Mr. and \1rs.. • Ivan Rivett, newly-'
weds. ,
,Mr.• and Mrs. Bert Finnigan 'were
.Sunday visitors with Mr.° and Mrs.'
J. Culbert of Lucknow. -
Miss Su ie Kilpatrick, who has:
been • staying with Mrs. S. Kil-
patrick, is leaving on Tuesday' on
an, extended visit with her brother,
Mr.' Ed, Kilpatrick;, at bgem_a;. Sask.
PORT ALIT RT, July 24. -- Mr.
and Mrs., Omen Root find four
children, of Albion, .Mich., visited
for the past two weeks at the home
'of Mr. and. `Mrs. Walter • Tigent.
Miss' Isabel ' and Eddie •Tiger t re-
turned with' thein to their htime to
visit .two . weeks ' among relatives
'Mrs. Hugh Glen and three child •
ren, Phyllis, Donald and Joan, are
spending two weeks at the home of
Mrs. Glen's, parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Ch s.•, Crawford. •
'Ih two children of Mr. 'and .
Mrs S Gordon Cockfield of 'Buffalo,
Paul and Patsy, are spending' the
summer months' with their,, grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Petrie. •
Mr. and Mrs. Albert ,MeGee, with
Joe and Delores, motoredlast. week
to Espanola, where they attended.
the .wedding of their on Cecil on
Friday last.
• You are reminded of the bazaar, •
sponsored . by Christ Cliitrch, to • be •
held on, Saturday, afternoon at the
frrruier McEwen • store ' in Goderich,,
1. 30 . ,
-Here it "is !-the newest, most advanced Auto-
matic Transnaissi'on of all --naw offered as op-
tional equipment * on all neve Ford and 1V,[onarch
,cars. Road -proved and owner-irovei by tens of
thousands of satisfied drivers who are now
. •-
inthe extra smoothness, the magically
drivingpleasura mad possible by' 1aest,
finest- Automatic
Transmission. smission.
, ,rThe clutch pedal and gear shifting ire ,cotnpletely
eliminated . This newest'Automatic Transmission ,
combines the smoothness .of oil -cushioned drive
with the flexibility and control'of automatic oper-
•ation unmatched by any other type of Automatic
Until you enjoy • Test -Drive in a Ford or
Monarch with Automatic Transmission, you'll
ne4'er know ,the extra acceleration -the extra
"passing power." -the extra -safe engine "braking
downhill -that. only, this newest .and finest
Automatic Transmission can give. See your Ford -
Monarch -Dealer 1fox.. I_demo.nstra-rion-Y•-:,,. _anrl
-En fort he til lush --Wil `prise your life.
*4itthtnafic Transmission optional at •extra cost.
Fords and Monarchs are also available ":with
Standard 41',.iusmirciatr° °-or- with' Overdrive.'
`NfS CLUTCFfi EDiKI, . `NO.. AR M:; -just sc
the Drrve �1"eci:
or, which ismounted.on the steeringwheel, then 'forget about clutching,
forget 'about sJ;itrin:g . ••• with Ford and Monarch Autpmatic'Trans-
mis'sionl It's more aucomaric thana• most 'other drives, yet you have
complete sortrol with far greater flexibility. And it can't be touched by
most systems for its efficiency of operation.
Instant'Acceleratioii--You can drive all day and never move
the Selector from drive '(Ds) pbsition. For quick pick,upin
passing or climbing 'steep hills, you.simply press down on
the accelerator and the closed throttle "downshift" takes
'you out of high' into interinedia'te automatically; requiring
no effort on the part of the driver.
.tih}•��� •.f
• r�•Y, ,� ✓:,,.,•. ,haw � ,R'R•i✓t
Ez K 1, �..
.- - ?:S. v � i:•r .G:::.'7T:t.:�, C'{:,.,.,r�•1}+4M:4�;:• ..{'v''."G$•:};A•;>::::,
6rly in wheys you se. this slin
!Hermits use of engine for braking safely -You're safer ori
hills or ,slipperyy roads with the new Ford, end Mnnarch
Automatic Shifting beyause the en.raine actually' helps 'to •
slow the car down. Yon an 'flil> the Selector to Low (Lo)
. at any rpecd with complete safety whet( extra 'engine braking
is needed. •
A lady Vies s hi' a choir
- Set her dressoaecident'tly on firs.
She tried to the parsonr{,,,a; i'
"•fiat- my coni "fherb's been arson'
I feel it is mud to retire."
iii.•$}i5X[+{7y { •�, Sl�-'.."C", �•I.�4p) , }4'�'�:'' N. yi 1 J y?Y,N.'r'•'4j,Al N%'{•••^Tc lt.�h ] ��4 �� f
r:w�.a�:.Ya:.TarxLjyi+�.Jt,i Ni.F'+'�k:5>,c3;r�,v'+>}r,✓✓.tv..n`'+�bx:r>r�r At;lca.;.�ru�stA¢.lvhc
Longer mileage, safety, comfort; economy • thesm ere advantages you want.
from the tires you buy. And they are things you get with 13.1('; Cood'rich.,
By equi€►ping your car wxfh ., rots obtain all the benefits of il. P Coodricct
research and rnanufaciutitagekill thatkeepe the nat41>. F'. Goodrich "i fret is Rubber".
Ask your lrlendly13. F.'Goodriclf Doalet,lo above you the new Silvertown Tiro:- etas'
the famous B:F.G, Seal ►vatic Safety ttthea that seai punctures as you ride$
Floahing Ge'tawa , --•Leave it to Votd and Monarch to pper-
- feel "no -lag's pickup in.,AutomaticShifting! The"outstabding
combination of a remarkable torque.convertoePLUS a fully',
, ,automatic gear transmission bring you smooth, surging
„Starts with no need for racing your engine; •
�. titi}. . ��c}:•S:�n {�{;.}vi{: k.�.. t:ry�}J�i'Y'ir :S.'•:: 4 :; �:;:}::i; F?�rwv. 77 xJ,,'.•,.;T,'gw,'
..,!.a. Y,,n,\ .... t,. . ... {:••: w{•.v.{d4.::t�a,..,:, .1w., ,.`:. tiv}n-u:in
Easier "rocking"' in snow or mud -Stuck in the mud?
Simply move the Selector to Low (Lo) 'for extra traction.
Want to 'rock" your car out of snow or a rut/ Just move the
Selector•back and forth frotn Reverse to Drive. And you'll
find if you ever need a push to start, the engine starts at safe,
low' speeds with this Automatic Transmission.