HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-07-19, Page 8.11110111111111.11011 Eiqta , TITS Sollii.ting. • AND ',HERE 411D 'THERE Th Town is Inviting, tenders for 17445,000 of mmileipal .debentures -- $620,060 for the new Collegiate In- stitute buflUing,and $125,000 fin ' 'the .Pablic Vtihtli C•ominission. • Botht-issues as;e at 4.,,per •cent,, one •••to twenty years.This Es the largest * debenture 1,sstie at• one time in the f history of Goderich. • Goderich. • is familiar With the •"catalpa, a number of • these trees being. in 'Court •disiuse Park and others"%scatterd about the 'town. They .v&re brought here by Judge 'Texas many, years ago from the South and .have thrived in the Goderich air. - There are. two varieties, one of which flowers later than the other. A inagnifieent• speeiruen of the later variety may be seen at the ,sotithetist eorner of ." East street and 'Cambria road. The. large spikes of •.white flowers are. , now shedding their petals, but the tree is still today a mass of bloom. A A man of the cloth in one of the loe•al churches has a story ter. the Children every Sunday • morning as a regular part of --the service. Last 1SundaY, ...instead of ,telLins• :a Bible Story, .he talked - of animal life to draw a moral. One 3s:clings-ter la -particular Was keenly • interested, and when he get home the four-year-old exclaimed to. his mother, "Theininis.ter told us of the bears, the rabbit S and the • ebicken,s; but he,wor0 his raincoat !" ' • A„. party of, six from Chicago 'visited. the Museum on ',117uesclay morning. and Were greatly, .inter- ested 411 the collectlim of antiques and historical' articles. Many and often etir us are tbe questions askedt of i\{lh Bradford at the Board of Trade's information booth in Court Hoithe Park... At .what heur do the .Gedericla . drug stores open? Where can we hire horses for riding? What is . the •exchange on V.S.,Money'? tun which Miss 'Bradford • gets :daily • inform- ation • front the bank). I?i what Condition is the road -between Gude-, rich. and -,DItylield?.. Whiit isthe ilAtance from here tv :Tebermory? • Perhaps the most frequeut qttestion ,is for direetIOns to the Bine WW,*'•3: Highway,despite the • faet .that Many .ofquestio-ners have em.e .to ver that 1114:11Wity. ;Me• . . other day. - a' young eouple from , an Ontario point enquired where they eouldhaze a Wedding 'Volition ,:. and a• fell -course wedding dinner, .so- it gOes dey after -day-.• but miss. Bradford 'has a rued of in- formation and .does her best to satisfy• all miners. It has rained n g4)(41 this 'Mint h—sometimeS just a gentle Iloilo, •Hortiewakere! Canned frozen c.)ffee is now en the ,market. • IloWeyer to make your awo.Varlets. prepare strong coffee and pour it in trays with separators. Freeze ,it. Place several cubes in a glass ;lint pour hot w ter (..)vp r them, theit- ',add cream or ice ereain and sugar. Iced tea may be prepared hi the .tune 'way as the frozen coffee and sep'ed..with sIiees uf lemon and sprigs -et mint. Or serVe a glass of frozen tea cubes filled With linie rickey. ' •• , ' TAlikl„A•Tir 1. A good thirst quenchkr isa com- bination • of one-quarter cup • .erange joke and ek three-quarters cup milk and one teaspoen sugar. Beat the. beverage -in a small boWl .and pour into„ a tall glass, 2. For a tastY, tart drink serve lemonade.-- Mix one and a -half tablespoons • lenion .juice and about three tablespoons sugar in one eup- water. Stir thorough: ly and place some crushed ice in • the glass, - 3, A quart of simple syrup is an asset to your refrigerator . sup- •plie.s during hot days.- Boil One cup ,sugar and -four -- cups water • for Jive. minutes. Store when • cool in a covered 'pitcher in the electricrefrigerator. • • 4. To cut :lemon as a garnish to • fasten to eaCh glass cut Wedges • from ,the lemon. and then .cut be- • „tween,.. the rind .and the pulp. • •Place the etit rind over theedge of each glass. 5. To • crush mint leaves stack; few together and clip Several times at base of the leaves. Phice oee leaf in each glass. „. 6: As a decorative as well as flavor- ful addition to iced drinks the • refrigerator 'trays with water. :Place in each.section one of the following: a maraellino cherry, _a . preserved strawberry, a piece' of _lemon or pineapple or a small' mint leaf. Or the water 'may be colored with food coloring,-- or • flavored with strong cherry juice, sherry or -spice,,extract: THE' QUESTION ROX . Miss R. G. asks: How do you, make Raspberry Vinegar? 'Add one qua rt , vinegar, to -.five" tjliarts' 'red rasp- ..herries. Let stand.r24 hours, then .strain. Ada oueshalf pound granu- lated sugar to each quart of juice. Bring the inixtiire to a boil, cool r••• sometimes a El° W11- pnui--Init last (-veiling (Vednes- (tay ) JUpitier Phivitis pulled out the stops and fer fifteen minutes let 'er go. :The Maple, Leaf .(ntipter's car- nival: was:washed out before it -got started: and pienie , parties at Harbor Park had to (luck for shelterotherwise no daniage•was done so far ns We il'aVe heard, ahn The Ma 11e •geing .to put en their 'cliftfival on Friday evening (weather permitting). 0.1111111ENIIINV LAKEVIEW' CASINO GRAND- REND DANCING EVERY NIGHT -- BOBBY 'DOWNS and ,his OE( HEStRA • by BOBBY DOWNS and his ORCHESTRA , and a GREAT • POPULARITY CONTEST • ▪ SUN1AY9 JULY 22nd • 8.30 P.M. - CONTESTANTS: • "LIONqUARTETTES" • EXETER LfONS • LUCAN LIONS GODERICH LIONS •'WINDSOR LIONS • PARKHILL LIONS the daddy of dean all ZURICH LIONS• GRAND BEND LIONS Sonr. of these quartettes are terrible --ESPECIALLY GODERICH TO BE JUDGED' ON POPULARITY ONLY! Come' and support your favorites for a $50^ prize! • (Bring your ear -plugs !) ALL PROCEEDS FOR THE SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL •.Co,me on, boys, and gals—bring your dollars—let's get hiking! , • 1 ...A. ear that really , moves ahead when. you ptep mile gas.: react e instantly to a • touch * (if the brake pedal. moves smooth- ly atid silently wheth- er the 'roads a super- highway or a . rut: ridden. .back • lape. THAT'S YOUR CAR after it gets our Sum- mer Service Special! Complete' lubricatiop , of change of oil, radia- tor • inspection, tire pheok arid battery SerVice they ,thean better motoring this Summer. Drive .up and bottle in sterile-. bottles. (One doleu clevess put_ in tidd to the flavor.) This mixture is used as a flavoring to ice water for brisk• drink. '• n • Mrs. R. Mae: asks: Is it neces sary to sweeten fruit „juice to, ca for later usein jelly making o pudding stiu eeS ? . Answer; Fruit juices ,seeui t have a Vetter vole)." when cantle w4th sugar. • We extract the Jule it's for jelly making—that is, sim liter fruit and water, using • two .Cups Water per .4.1)art of 'inashec, frutt.• .Add, 4.me-half cup sugar .to csich gallon of. juice. Fill sterilized jars With juice. place a new rubber on each -jar -and partly .seal the jar. Plaee. the jars on a rack in • the bottom of a large kettle of water. %Neter should cover the jars at least one inch. Begin Counting the tune for processing, when the water reaches a temperature. of 160 to -170 degrees. Pasturize pints twenty udnbtes 6,nd quarts thirty minutes. ReMove. Jars from hot,water bath abd complete- seal. Cool and label. Mrs. B. A. asks: Why does wax not stick to jars of mustard bean pickles? ,AnSWell: The inside of the glass GODERICII SIGNAL -STAR For Results - A Classified Ad wiLE . FOR SALE Briefs f - - The Maple Leaf- carnival, •whieh wit•s,-, Postponed .because of.. rain, will be held at Memorial Park, Friday, Ally .2.0th, at 8 o'cloek. Bingo, bazaar beoth, ganws, • fish- pond, pony ride, rekeshments„..aild druW. !Wonderful..PPizes! • . The amino' _picnic of the Sunset Circle of Mary *Hastings Hotise- wives will be held at Harbor Park on Tuesday afternoon,. 'July 424th. -28 C.I.L. -hill end paint in assorted - eolors at '$4.50 „.raillon. Phone yo'tir n order to ; 22. " W. deliver. • This rlbargain won't last long. Phone at i once while .-. the • selection is good, o111. O. Jerry Coal- and Hardware: I20-30 d . e BeBee assured-. ofsolid .comfort 'all - , next- winter -with solid fuel:- Order Lyons, till -up now from the Edward, 1,1Coa 1. Co., ' phone -98. - - Special fariailY., .PY1o9s on A.1157 Oonl- bination of thes'hiagaZineg: Sat- iirday Evening -Post, Ladies' twine Journal, Holiday, • jack and Jill. Miss Mary 13. Howell, 4 St. Vincent .street, Gederieli, 'phone 213W. -20 You are invited to attend a sole . of ..home -baking _ and ' handmade articles - at the former J. J. Mc - Ewell Store on Saturday, July 28th, from . 3 to 5.30, under the ausnices -of • the Women's Guild of •Cbriet • Church., Ports..klbert. • ' :29 I am now - buying rags and old felt mattresses. , Turn them' out now While I have a buyer; next month may betoo late. C. WOODS, 12 East street. Phone .867j. . -14 must be perfeetly. dry and frbe from particles of pickle-. Lift off the wax and skim'Ahe top and edges with a •knifeor spoon dipped in boiling. water.: .several • times. Let dry ' a few 'ininntes and add a thin layer 9f Melted paraffin.. . Mrs. S. M. asks; Why'do•straWr- berries float to the' top of' the -jar? Answert.' StraWberries are .an -.ex- ception to the tule in canning. The. fruit, andsyrup should stand, be- tween twelve to rourteen hoursto saturate the fruit before. filling jars •and processing • '•• •• • 'Mrs. C. C. Asks: How do you make Rose Geranium Jelly? Answer: place ,:: rese geranium leaf .in each glass as, it is being tilled with crabapple/ jelly. Keen leaf • stispetrded in jelly until jelly is ;almost cool. • Or add )eaves to boiling syrup and reniove- before tilling glasses. ' • • .• • A nilnister frienc)of .mirie records his sermons, on wire,then listens to.. them ou Saturday :eyenieg in orderto fix •theni ixi his -mind far. Sunday. Recently, while.listening to 1(15 sermon, he fell asleep and did not • awaken until -• the. silence • followed the reeordieg.—The Reader's Digest., BORN DRDNNAN.—At AleXandra Hosnit- al, Goderich, on :July 1 lth 1951, to- )Jr. and. Mrs: I-1 11 KO' N'ellha 11; -.BIt 7. Diothew, a • daughter. MeALLISTVI1. At *AleXandt'a Hospital, .Godericle. on J'ulY 14t14 1951, to Mr. arid Mrs. Eric Goderich, a son, Larry, Bruce. • • WIGGINS.—At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on July, 12th, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Win. Wiggins, Dungannon, , a son. • - - • • MALE HELP WANTED . • CABINETMAKER• AND 411.11 - (:LAS§ engineer. We are ex- panding. Pleasant working condi- tions.• rep wages, group insurance, delfinitely steady employment, five day 48 hour week. • See or write JAMES COLE FURNITURE COM- PANY, Ingersoll. •-29-30 • • Picture Fratries For PhOtos, Prints and • Paintings • Any size Picture Frame made to order: • Smith's Art & 'Gift Store East St. • . Phone 198 4 • 1111.1111111111111111.1111.111111111111M11111111111111‘ 1 CARD OF THANES. THE RELATIVES OF THE late :Samuel .Westlake wish to. thank those who were so thought- ful for them 4n their bereavement. They wish :also to thank those who sent floral tributes or loaned cars Or tllb .flineral, .and especially the. staff at Alexandra Hospital; -29 NOTICE' TO CREDITORS VOTICE TO OREDITORSf • persons having claims against ...tbe estate of Florence Clark, late of the Township of Goderich, in the County of 'Huron, who died on or albout the 27th of June, A.D..1951, are required to file the same with Lull particulars with the under- signed by the 21st day of, July, 1951, as after that dale the estate will be distributed. • • Dated at the .Town of Goderieh in tile County of Huron, this 3rd day of Julv, 1951., ° 'R. C. HAYS, K.C., Goderich, Ontario, 27-9- -sk '-ciolicitorlor the EState. -,•••••• ItENT - To NORTH • street. • . TO' REN —TWO SINGLE OR •one double storeoh, Square. Ap!).1y:BEDFORD HOTEL. -28-9 7). RENT.-LOFFICE OR LIVING-. ROOM with running water, close to Square. Phone 90, CAIMP-. BELL'S • D.11117•G STOI1E. -28tf FOR RE.T.IIIIREE,R00.11. . . heated and furnished., apartment' and.' one, store room .not heated, .Shared -,bathroom. For "tyvq, peopres , August .1st, Apply • • W. HER, 13 North street. •• RETITT.:—ISELF-,00,NTAILUD • apartnient, ground floor,newly decorated, heated,eorner of KetlYs' anti Raglan streets; immediate pos- se'ssion; Write BOX 547, Goderich. ,29tr TO RENT,.—DARGE BEDROOM, two single betls, ' suitable for two gentlemen, at 10 Wellington street, phone ,980A. •-29tf Hygeiiic sepplies (rubber goods), mailed. postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. •If stun.: pies 25c; .„24' samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. 7-53,:. NOV-RUBBER co., Box 91, Hamilton,. Ont. • IT'S A 'Cobb Hiker( - -Ept# HARDWARE in -a HARDWARE, STORE ..• jt.. PERSONAL SERVICE • ONALITY MERCHANDISE • REASONABLE PRICES. FAST EXCHANGES .Refrigerator Special NEW .GENERAL. REFRIGERATC'R . * Six cu. ft, capacity ' • * Freezer capacity:— • 18 lbs. of frozen food. .Fully •guaranteed • , * Powered by renown Tecumseh s ea,1ettthit Lowest. priced Refrigeraior • today, 44, * Aluminum crisper , * Exterior dimensions.. • 56"' high -28" 'wide—, 191/2" deep • 131Autoraatic toritrol with nine temperattire set; blgs • Lor it fize on the market SEE OUR NEW TABLE TOP ELECTRIC ,REFRIGERA. ,TORS. REG. $818. Spiacial:$250.00 • „ , On display at our Showroom on Nottb,. Street EIREEKENRIDGE HARDWARE PLUMBING • HEATING PHONE 135 GODERICH !FUR 8.41.,11—gloITI5E ON LIGHT- „ 1:101:18E street: 'Apply GitA- *LIAM IN1J„LI,4 l3 Wt-,st street, (We- ,.... rich. FOR ,SALF4.---.13EDIt0061 SUITE' itirst-class condition. May be setsu at 111101.1.111.1r•S 111.71344ITURE. -29 FOR - SA.LE. 1*0-84'011'X huse diVided into two apart- ments; new insul-brick,re-roofed, corner Pieton, And Waterloo.", Int- • mediate posse-,sallin of Aroundsanitrt- ntent. Phone 1027W. -22tf FOR BALE. — DESK IN (1001) condition, shopworn; priced for quick Sale. BROPIIEY'S FURNI- TURE. •s -29 • FQR s'ALL 4'.---,H0T POINT ELEC- • TRIC range with • high oven, STIORE & GINN, 46 'Queiiee street.' Phone 1199. • -23tf • , . FOR SALE. — BUFFET, ACME cook stoVe, - bed, springs and dresSer, kneehole desk,. two, rockers': 4' St. David's Street„ ne.N,t, =Ps .'Garage, • -•. jfOR BALE..—DELCO HEAT OIL • burners and furnaces for every heating job. ;Call us for free .estimates now. SHORE & ,G1NN ELECTRIC. -26tf OR SALE. — 'S'TRO3EI3ERG- CA1LSON_ table radio; bed- rooni suite; two stoves; copper. holler; . dresser .. and Other articles. 'Can be seen. at 16 Wililain,Street from 7 to 9 in the evening. . , 28x FOR SALE._ — DINING -ROOM • Suite, slightly used., priced for quick .sale. BROPHEY'S FURNI- TURE. ' • -20 F04 SALE. NINE -R 1' White .brick •house on „Light- house, corner Wellington. Hard- wood floors. Good repairS. ,Must be sold soon. Phone 167J. • 271 • FOR iSALE. -- CEDAR CHEST, good as, n,ew. May be seen , at BROPHEY'S FURNITURE. ' -29, FOR. SALE. —SYNC° HOUSE, seven rooths and bath„ good location, 62 Britannia road. -JOS. H. ALLISON. 27x FOR SALE, -- HOME AND • church decorations of all kinds. Wedding bouquets and.consirges are. our specialties. JACKSONFLOR- IST, phone 105: • • -28 FOR S1LE. ,--•• ONE KITCHEN, set inperfect emidition.May be seen at„-(131.10pHEY'S FURNI- TURE.. • •' -29 HOUSE FOR SALE, -7-, SOLID ;brick,. 81 .-DightholiSe street, .containing one large, two small .apartments. • ..For •sippoin tin en t phone 1088. 'Early .posseSSiores, • -24-25:28-29 . . .3.1uungout. mit loth, iotj ..20x TUC ,sALE ius,y.r.—BLACK- •• SMITH shop' with equinent, cement building, in ' vAlage of Auburn; **Possession, at once: For further information apply to MISS SADIE CARTER, Auburn. 29x FOR SALE. --,STANDARD SIZE girl's C.C.M. bicycle, like new) $40. Phone 1121111 or write 130X' 472. • 29-30x. poit SALE. --41.00-AC(RE FARM; • 1½ miles north a Auburn; good 'buildings, • telephone **and. nydro. 'JOHN AITOHESON, R.R. 2, Auburn. , • 20-1x •FOR'SALE. —.13. BU0T1ANAN • home, ,Chtircla street, frame, • 4- bedrooin, hardwood, hot water, con- veniences, garage, good lot, condi- tion and decoration; possession September 1, $6,500. Apply W. A. • SUTHERLAND, Barrister, Gode- rich. •- -29-32 FOR SALE. — A NUMBER OF. wardrobeSpriced to clear. BRO- PREY'S FIJRNITDRE. -29 FR SALE. -HODS E ON SOUTH - street near Square; also ten acres of land close to new Col- legiate Institute. Write P.O: BOX 561,, Goderich. 29x F101 .11. SAILE.—BRANDNEIW SEA ,King h.p. outboard Motor. Phone 1118J. •-29 jFOR „„SALE.—LARGE ROLL-TOP oak desk, in good condi- tion. Phone 98615t. • , • ,.-29tf -you MAN'S FOUR - SPEED bicycle) fully •eguipped.: Phone 652, • ' • *-20 • FOR SALE.—PIANO.,^ `qpRA.R9b- •.111EINTXMAN, excellent cendt, tion; 1P200. •'Write BOX 65, SIG - *NAL -STAR. -26 FOR, BALE. -r BOWDEN HOME,' Keays street, red 'brick, 3 -bed- room and den, conveniences, hot air, parLhardwood litioring, general eotielition ' good.. garage, chain square $6,000, •one-half 'mort- gage,. terms. Possession immediate. Apply W. A. SCTHERLAND,""Bar- rister, Goderich. • „,29-32 FEL YR (SALE. • •,.-- 01VNER'S, NEW .. Red Rug_brick .11A -story' house, onyouth street; Oil heat, air cell- -ditioning, autoinatic hot water • heater, laundry tubs, powder rooln ' (10%%fl stairs; tile bath upstairs; hardwood floors ..* t hronghbut ; 'built in. cupboards 01 'kitchen. •Alust be Fon. 8ALE. _ ii.EA.v1:, tirry .,suelie:1131, to be 'appreciated. Pritaiipals . cge. $25, phene 248.' 'V0143* . \pl.. ,S,N.A.ZEL. eletric ran , ,, . • • ' • 29x . • ( ( !ell -yr. . )10- (40ardtoer;oeitye.pii.41100\INI-e. f):;•:_looic.-1,1011, ini-fvfee4idviT.-ittlyeduiiirejanteli:J. Apply on pro- '4,14:(_;11:411.410.0(.1iiiR:.(;)?2„18ilix,E INg'It S4LE.—P.INE rig') BRICK 23. - After that .... 1.14:.'1,I.Iti.:0' sr. :'• 1 i(ti; s e-,-) ,,,,,,,,,..„,,,(4.,,,,,,.1,-,,,.,(11,,,,i Fi 1. i -i( ; 1(I!:; fif1(111,791.1,.wit,Nii.ilii:il:Kil.e.1:1)1§0)tilic:idus. thin, :Miry, be sepleat IIII.OPIIEY'S PritNITURF. . •: _ _2, wtili bath, Sunroom and summer ••Uitcheii.; .double garage in ll( 111 FOR sAt4. — -4,s-4,PI11.11111.11..1$.11s1rn; .spacions lot with ,gardee •,. - , „28-1) date apply for inspection • at 9 .. .. . Palmerston street and . addres,s- F 1 an, • .KA.LEbli .----48T,l, 1. 'AB I N ET Off '...• E ers'to S B I rolv.r M. WOODS, 9 Oakview Ave., Toronto. ' -29-30 • .,feikitelien.. or linen closet. BROPITEV'S Fi."11,NITVRE. -29 FOR, .SALE.—VARIOUS COLORS ef tulip , Small deposit _will, hold them till i.equired. 0nly- _.$2.25 per 100 while-lheY last Out- of-tewn orders sefit (i•o•n., A: -1.10WRA, P.O.' Box 101, or tele- phone 11571W. 23-'29x FOR .SALE.— .100 AORES, PRAC-. `WALLY. all' tillable, drilled, well, water in both bark and, house. (Stucco house, driving shed and bank barn; all ,buildings in toed condition;. 35 acres • spring crop; 8% miles nOrtleof Goderich. Selling on accOnnt of health. ALLAN SCHRAM, R.R. 1, Port Albe,rt•.-29-30 • FOR SALE. -- !SIX PLANKS 28J, 2” x 12" x 10', used. phone 7• • -29, FOR BALE. —7 BEAUTIFUL gladiolus beginning to drop 01 price, now $2,40 a deken, AV'e have a fair -assortinent of ,hoth "green- house and garden.. floWer'S and (sin 011 practically, any Order, regardless Of what you wish -to .pay. ,•JACK - .SON . FLORISTS, phone 165. * , • ,29 FOR ,SALE. 200 BUSHELS • seed wheat•at market quotation.. A. MacMILLAN, R.R. 1, Bayfleld. „ -29 Fon BALE.—TWO .USED Vt1101 air furnaces and oir" burners. Priced for quick sale. MacDON- •ADD ELECTRIC, phone2.35, 'Code.' rich. . ". --29 14101t1S-A42.1; choice young pigs, six weeks old: ROBEItT IVIe0A43E, ,Saltford, phone Carlow 1323.. • • 29x FOR sALE,,--Futpria-AcE .001‘1•• • • METE, cast iron, brick' flrepot all intact; • Solid • 'walnut •• wooden frame, suitable for'- rumpus' .roem or cariige. May be Nen ott BRO- PIHEY'S FURNITURE. •-29 POR SALE.—WEANLING' • Mk weeks, old, , BILL TIGERT, Port"Albert.. -29 FOR !SALE. PRAMICALLk • new Easy' .spin drier washing machine. Phone 307. • -29 FOR SALE. DELUXE (4EN- 1)RON pram, exeelling Clot); sliver grey. '-,Plione 523W, .29-30x FOR SALE,—ONP-:44. *UF1Y LNC1- }711'E, In gOod condition. :11.ay be sok nt DROPItitlr'S URNI- • -20 (SALE. — .t. • home, NO: 34 fl1t44cks street, 2. lots, 132' Square, frame, heavyjnsul• brielt, garage front' to mafeh, quite iieW, 3 bedrontno, port ba.gontiera, fuel oeoliomy; thnrgain, $4,10o .(c$2,1400 nil terms), Speedy posseStdon,, LAIsIth Zwrit8toz, - .29442 20-30- 11-1LTILT-IN BATIITTJ'DS $60. The, 8111a11 *Martha Washington and •Richledge. three-piece bathroom sets complete with lovely eh -milted White, •$179, '8274. 111u.strated .eatalegue: Helpful.' 4f- stallation diagram. •tustro us inother-Of-pearl plaStie top, sirilk .calfinets.with stainless enamel sinks' and chromed Ming- faucetai:. $98. Air conditioning •*furilace units,• $295. . ,Refrigerators, stoves, oil burners, pressure Water systenui,. SatisfaCtion guaranteed. •Buy with confidence and,,save ,many •dollars. Special offer to plumbers and builder. Write or visit , Johnson Mail Order, Division, SII,REETS: VILLE HARDWARE, Streetsville, Ontario, • Phone XL,. ' , AUCTION SALE AUCTION: Sk.LE AT THE WAL- TON property 'on West street,' -Goderich; opposite the postoffice,-on •SATURDAY.r JULY 21st , at 1.30 p.m. 5 housejacks, large and snaili electricrange, heavy duty; 'white enginel.-ice refrigerator; 2 heating stoves.; .1 kitchen range. coal or wood; 2 bedroom suites; floor lamp; ehairs;'. rugs; electric toaster; electric plate; linoleum; 'drum with pump;* and manother y pstie:it.iieliaedsd.e.• r•s14' ladder ;27.!al. oil G. C.' McOREATII, Proprietor. 28;9 - AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE - in the town a .faoderith at so Quebee 14trett, on , SAIMRDAY, JULY 28th ' • at: 1 11.m. Antkine ,walnut sideboard (A1 condition-) ;1 antique AY111/1U t OVill. Sable and 5 chairs to math; 4 antique -armchairs; dropleaf ma- hogany living -room table; antique walnut Mock; antiqUe lamps; lad- der back chair; antique walnut Wd- 1onfli suite, in goOd condition ;• Mof- fat electric stove; modern ;walnut bed, springs (like new) eleetric table lamp; floor lamps.; cherry dropleaf table; white enamel kitchen* table; 3 _kitchen chairs; Itiechen cabinet; kitchen cupboard ;- iMiox; • it‘etional bookcase;. ‘ctird table; oak writing desk'lawn fitrniture; cloelts,;, intrilber atf small - tables; rocklitg' chairs and. oretisional• chairs; chest of drawers an(1, Mirror; library table; hall reek;hall tree-; barometer; electric heater; 'Singer ,drophead. sewing machine; 3 MO's; . AXminster hall 'runner' and scatter mats:. other floor coVriligs; ...Austrian • elana.' dinner sernir 'twelve other ehina kitchen utensils; earpenter'S tools; garderi tools and other artle16s. r • A. NICHOLSON, .• 'Proprietor. ITX.ROTA) JA(-ItkaNy. Auelioneer. ICHEISNIAY, tilo CULBERT'S'• BAKER "Pig HOME OX UAW' PASTRY:' MELLOW; BANANA. CAKES: with strawberry filling and Culbert's special icing Coffee Cakes -115c each Banana IVinffi.ng--35c doz. Orders of, $1.00 and over alivered. • Please phone your orders in by rrikin. Phone 405 AGO(>MMODATION • Large 'it.Partnient or house ,de- sired in Goderich or vicinity. liable tenant's. P70. FULTON, R.C.A.F., Clinton. 29x • WANTED.—LISTHSGS OF PRO- ,' PERTIES for sale., C. CHAPMAN, Real Estate Broker. Phone 18. •39tf WANTDD.----EXPERIENCE FOR one month on farm by boy of twelve years •.of. age; Willing worker, wages not -necessary. Phone' MRS. G. J. HETHERINGTON, 2171.1, Goderich,. 29x • WANTED TO 1311L—ALL OLD hOrses and dead itninials. If suitable for mink feed wili pay more than fertilizer -prices. If not, will ,pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS.' MINK RA,N00, Goderich. ,Phone collect 936 r 21 or 936r 32. WANTED.—LISTINGS ..OF PRO- PERIIES for sale. No charge to you until s property, is sold. ,MATHERS,- e a 1 Estate, --Broker, The Square,, Go -de - rich. Phone 11.5W.• • 12tf WANTED.—BUSINESS OFFICE premises, nibout 600 'square feet, OP, 4i -near the Square. Long lease. Reply 1,.ELL-. TELEPHONE 00., Goderich, •-23tf WANTED,—AT ONCE, MAN 011 •• wormul to take over "established route Of customers for faineus Watkins 'I'roducts Goderich. Minimuni- earnings $45 weekly. experience neeessary,;L„we' 'help you, get •!started. WritemitnineAlarely,jo Dept. 00-0-1; ''2111E• :J. R. WAT- KINS 00.; .350 .St. Roeh street, Montreal„.Que... •. • *-27-36 • AUCTION- :SALE' IOLEARING AUCTION SALE .01? FARM STOCK,'.4.11I'LEMEN111S. AN!) HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at jot No. 8, concession 2, Goderich iitue Water Highway, . two 'miles. ,south - • of -Goderldh.,* en •• WEDNESDAY, • JULY 25th at 1.30 pan., the 'following: . 'CATTLE- AND DAIRY EQUIP- MENT.--tHolsttlin cow,- 5.years old, freshened oue • Month; Holstein heifer, 3 years, olds %Milking., -bred again; Holstehr'X'.. Durham •eow, 3 years old, milking,• bred again; Guernsey cow, 8 years old, fresh- ened one •montls;, 'Jerky cow,. 8 years old, milkingwe,11; bred'again.; ,lersey.,,cow, 5 y6ars olcL freshened •two months., bred again; Hereford bull calf; 2 Durham heifer. calves; Wood's single Unit milking machine •with ,Compressor :and • motor (ene year old).; DeLaval 'cream separ- ator; milk- cooler; g vailk canS; milk pails,. and .strainer: •,PT,,J11,.?TRY AID EQUIPMENT. -770-Rock 'X New Hampshire hens; one year old, lAyirig;. Colony house, 10' st-1.2"; 2 range. shelters. . I•MP1dE1ENT8.—Ferdson tractor on rubber, Pir:O. hydra -Jane. 1121, lights and starter; two -row -seuffler atta.chment; Deering 'binder, 6 -ft. cut (tractor hitch) ; Ideal mower, 51/2-ftcut (traCtor'.. hitch) ; COck- that No.30 disc fertilizer drill (With short and long tongue)) wagon on cubbers 'hayrack.; Cock- shutt manure' spreader; Ssectien 'drag harrows; •2 -wheel, - stock trailer; • wheelbarroW,;, 'f or k Se; shovels; ehains; quantities' of cedar pine siding and ,flooring... 1HOUSIDHOLD EFFECTS _ IN- •. 401110-DtL-PrificeS Pitt fange, kits chen'extenSion 'table, kitchen ebairs, ritimerous other articles. . • TERMS—OASET. No reserve, asthe farm is sold. • EARL COOPER, Proprietor. • EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, . Auctioneer. • •K. W.. COLQUITOUN, 29- •• cleyk., --Atry-ththr reti:t:11142114 in The Signal -Star bilngs Osults. NOTICE NOTICE. . ,eloor sanding — new and ad floors. J. C. COOK, phone 23.1, Clinton. Summer months, Bayfield, phone 45 r 2. • -14t2 Olkell I P S..),F A 911F I ELD. • Application.s" will be received by the undersigned fel", the position of tax eollector for the /Township of Aslitield at a salary 0 $300.00 a year. , Tenders to be received -not later than August Gth, 1951. • (Signed.1.,,,DONALD 51. SIMT,SON, Clerk-Treusurer, Township Of Ashfield. 29-30 "mak -PERSONAL 1 SIILENDB.R, TM11LE11S. ARE Ell- • .PECTUVE.. • 2 wee.ks' Supply $1-; 12 weeks? $5, C,'AMPB'ELL'S 1)RUG 'STORE. -29 pAIN, KIDDER, rwt coliNs 1' . •iLleyd's Corn and.,Callou.s 1Salve gives prompt, sure ;relief. 50c at CAMPBELL'S DRUG ',STORE.... -29 SKINNY EiJ, W I E N ' Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New en. too. Try famous Ostrex Tenie Tablets for double results; new • healthy flesh; • new vigor. • New "get ac- quainted" size only 60C. 'All -29 druggists. • TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED. • . . Tenders Will be. received up' to July 24, for transportation of -pupils frOin part. of scheol. sectien No, 4 to school No. 7,. starting at 'east corner of lot 10.„ ED., eoneession 2, Colborne. Any tender not neves- sarilv accepted. .• WM. WATSON, . .. 1•. . - ' '''' a odei•Ich., "Rat. 5, Secreta. !ry, Colborne School Board. 28-9.: . „ TENDERS 'WANTEI; . • , Tenders will ,be received by the undersigned until 3.uIy ,28, 1951, Lor pa inti ng I he exterior woodwork en • the. fellewIng schoolS in the - As hfleld ,School Area—two coats of-. goba quality paint • to be. applied (luting' the summer holidays.: .88.," No. 9,.JS.S, No. 10 and 'SS- No. 0.! • 'Lowest ' or, arty tender not neces— sarily accepted' •- . . R. T. KILPATRICK, . . _•• Seeretartreasurer, • . R.R.•,7, LucknoW. 29 - :TENDERS FOR ' A TRAFFIC Control System at the inter- section of Highways 8 and 21 in Godkich -will be 'received • by the * undersigned to July 28t1i, Tenders to. ,incInde installation and supply a• the following equipment: One 3-phase controller, 6 interval , *9 complete' •circuits, complet , with manual control, , flashing . contacts, radio • interference (filter, • cabinet • and. mounting brackets. FiVe traffic signals with, visors, to be mounted on ,wood'poles with . , 0" tops, creosoted butts, bottom • of signal's to be 9' from ground. • •• Extension • brackets where' necesmry. Wiring to be approved 18" under- • ground construction. Particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk. 11........BT,4KE,„.L._ 28-9- . • Goderich, Ont. 'Ern ers n.r ugre _o Coiner West'St.,,and Square . Phone 45. We deliver:'` "A d handy as the Postoffice" BATHING CAlse 6 • • 29c to. $1.50 SUN t4L.A.SSES . .29c to $6.50 ENqmpii TOFFEE . 79wa tin We are agents for Shandra Perfume a,nd .Cologne. These are imported from France, The odteur is delightful, light, .and truly feminine. PER,P1114E• • 41.uu ans1,,, $9.60 . ST±CIC COLOGNE $1.00 and $1.50 COWRIE. — , . . .$1,60 and $8.00 OOMEIN TODAY, AND MD FOR YOtELIP I -10W Lovr,tiv:_tain's__,citt4ProNs ARE.,