HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-06-28, Page 8EIGlin Olt THE" EqUABE • • AND, :HERE AND THERE The Greyhound bus line com- menced its Detroit-Owea Sound ran via the Blue Water Highway over the week -end, running one bus up and orie down daily for the 6uninfer s months. Ernest ifrebkenridge hita• Corn - 0 Care ..of Ontario's Wet -Citizens, kcoptirmed fretaSpage 1) - eouIttY, - , introduced the guest speaker, Rev. W. A...'Yoursg, chap- lain and lecturer at Ontario Agri- ealtttral College,. feraterly Of Hen- -sail, why aused gales . of laughter -.with a. series ofintroduetors: storiw ,arla witticisms. . more seriously, he declared that the roost important question in the world today is, '"When do We eat" Upon th.e•answer dependsthewell- being tjf the world and, the survival of .the race. s. One-third ,ox the worisi's popula- tion is untlernourisliM; and one- fifth 'son the point of starvation, he said. The importance of conservation was . stressed. Farming is not. a• spectacular job. in the past we have been troubled by an agricul- tural surplus.„ Today 'that Js over, pleted the renovation of his displaY and. surpluses , in agriculture are room .at the rear of the. A and Pgoing to be a thing of the , past, • Stere. on . :North street and plans ',The huugry man in the '1„verld to-, to -commence using it oa Saturday day is the greatest inenaisce to untn's night. A. battery of fluoreseent and • peace. spot lights illuminates the room ,"Until We in Canada put .Chris - brilliantly - 'at night, while good ' light is given during the day by a sfull front of window glass. • T. L. Ptolemy of Harnilton has phrchafsed the. Rofal Hotel, owned by the Kelly family for the last fifteen years, 110 plans UP. put in a snack bar and coffee shop in the dining -room. Mr: 'Ptolemy was for Iourteen years with the Provincial police,, being stationed at Petrone, Listowel, Stratford and Sudbury. Swayze of Hamilton is a partner with Mr. Ptolemy. Hal Rogers, of Toronto, founder of the Kinsmen Club; is coming to .Goderich on August 1st on the occasion of the Octogenarian Club picnic of, the Goderich, Kinsmen Club. _ tianity intopractice, we are going to have a series of -wars,• In .Can- I am now buying rags and. old ada and Ontario we tri•e• heading for felt mattresses. Turn then" .-cint a glorious future iif we put into practice the jai n •as much as ye have done it •unto one .of the least of these ye haye done It -unto Me'," • concluded the speaker. . On, hehalfkof. the As4sciation, presentations o2 silver_ssifts Were made sto Mrs. J. Jaceb. and. Mrs. E. Jacob, of liuren County_ Horne, by Ars. K. Read, of Ontario County Home, and the evening. was con- cluded with "0 Canada." . Salvation Army Officer Major Speller, of the Salvation Army "Eventide. Home," addressed the delegates at.. the Wednesday 'morning session. on The Spiritual arid Personal Teach of the Super- intendent," • rig/Es The 'annual Colborne Township. memorial Service will lie held on Sunday, July Sith, at 2.30 p.m. , -26-27 Neilson's • delicious ice ereaM, bricks or bulk. Try our speeial cherry custard.. Andrew's Dairy Bar, West street. Orders for $1,00 or more delivered"fige. . -24 • The monthly meeting" of St, -George's rChurchwoman's Guild will be held Ttiesdas, July 3rd, at 3.p.m. - -26 Special family pipes on arty .com- bination of these magazine0: Sat- urday Evening -Post, LadieS' Home Journal, Holiday, Jack and Mis.s Mary B. Howell, 4 St. Vincent street, Goderieh, phone 213W. -20 Plau•ste attend the Kinsmen Club 'Mardi (rras, in! Goderich on Monday, August 6th, .Civic Holiday. A. full day's entertainment. •S -26 For alterations and dresses, snits, etc., 'made to,measure, call Mrs.. R. Scrimgeour, a.partinent oyer Esquire •• 4•-204 Reserve:Thursday, July 19th, for the annual garden. party of Si. George's Church. •'- -26 about which a program broadcast will be heard on Friday, -June 29th," at 64.:5 p.11.1, over _vidic station Toronto, 1010 on your dial.- • Two shuffleboards.' have 'been paint.ed on the ..sidewalk in Courting, for -that which , happens to House 'Park leading to, • Kingston' Sonie of the aged may happen to * street. A six-foot:Square • checker- us, . It is a. study in the art ef hoard 'also has been made to be constant counselling. A good con - placed in the, park to help pass the versatienalist is orie who is a good time .for parkb.enchers,.., The listener. • The art of • counselling . squares are a foot wide and the. will never be ootdated.", »' checkers abiliissix „inches across.. Th,3 „swab:el. urged that a proper , value be placed on religlOus train- -PERSONAL' MENTION . . andtoutcome in a -divine conviction of men and women inspired hy• •now while I have buyer; next mon may, he too la•te, C. WOODS, 12 East street, Phone 867J. -14 The regular •moathly meeting of the. Goderich Wometr's Institute will -be held on Thursday, Jury 5th, at 2.30 pans at MacKay Hall. , - -26 •See the new Gilson' Deep Freeze at Wilt ReinhartsElectric. -26 The • Woman's Association of North 'Street United Church are holding a garden tea and sale of handmade articles. at the home of Mrs. J. Snider, Essex street, Thais - da, July 12tle. from 3 to 4„30.p.m. -26-7 BORN AITKEN,-At Alexandra ospital, Wag Mr. • and Mrs. • 'Kenneth Aitken, Goderieh, a daughter, .Kathrya Christ to bring inte being inaProyt4d Loinse• ' • conditioas in the welfare of 'Inman' 'FISHER;:----*t-Atextlia6ra .`1.1b431-tal; beings. It is a study in contrasts .Goderich, •on June 26th, 1951,. to which is faseinating arid clialleug- Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fisher (nee hose liewrit), Goderich, daugh-„ ter, Deidre Elizabeth. .JOIr.,,ISTON.-7-At • Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on June ,27th;. 1951, to. Mr. and Mrs'. Gordon Johnston, R.R. „ G'oderich, a, on. a:CONNELL. -,-- At Toronto East General Hospital, on June 22m1, 1951, to ,Mr, and Mrs, Lorne O'iConnell, (nee Ruth Roberts), a sup, John Lawrence, • 60091.71. - At Alexandra Hospital, 24-5-.6- Goderichs•on June 26th, 1951, to Mr. and. Mrs. Itobt. Scott, 11.1-1. 7, Lucknow, a sou. pEFORE THE MAGISTRATE . • - „ • s A , qties'tion box was conducted I. , MeKelvey, of . Sinicoe Mr. and Mrs.,, Geo, Bruce of b•Y county, Taronto have returned to their cot- " tage here for the smainer ineutliSs 1•110 question, "Would weinen's Mr. and MrWK. arssmison, auxiliaries . 'naive , beneficial to s. . tonnes. for the aged in creating in - and 'Children, 'MAry and .Robert, of terisst?" waS emphatically 1.1usayereil Kingston, are visiting their. relit - • ti -e- intownin the affirmative by Mrs. Palmer, * . ' ss : Superiotendent. of • Belmont Home, M isS2 • Ma reelle , Freitas Toronto. She said she \\solid like 'Havergal College, Torouto,,. .guest with Dr,' Florefice Smith at to see an aUxiliary formed in every ' .,her homeflfl Arthhr street. - auss Assis Hay of . soysiosts, To ssthe opinien expressed, that TE GODERICIi SIGNAL -STAR NOTICE To, cEED.ric.ORS. • Noptcg 'TO CREDITORS.. All persons having elants against the estate of Edith .Wiggin$, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, retired school teacher, who died on or about- the '21st day of June, A.D. 1*,51, are required to file the saute with full particularg with the undersigned bysthe 14th day of July, A.D. 1941, as after that date the estate will - ' be distributed. • Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 25th day of Jung, .A..D. 1951., R. C. HAS, KR., Goderich, Ontario, 26:8- 'Solicitor for the Estate. For Results.— A Classified A woR , sAitE pOit sALE. .I.V1-11TE FRAME (FOR SALE. -1 .001IBL.4.ATION cottage five roonig, three-piece coal and' electrte range With 'bath,. good garden planted. 'Priced automatic oven. WILIP REINHAItT Street or phone 194J. 23-5x - -26 ;or quick sale. Apply .11 'Caraeron 'FOR SALI-1.-1-4.2.A.RGE. CONSOLE --- 8 --- radio with record" player in, FARit FOR SALE. -119 ACRES, firstrclass condition; also' boy's SwaYg,00llialfelaNYvalso'ambetIoyneenNo*Gotidheri•gishi: hauled . and painted; tit priced. balloon -tire bleyele, recently ovcr- for quick sale. For fur her inftnnu- atibn phone 272 or 796M. 2 -26, and Clinton. Barn, poultry hou.ses, garage, 840oor honse in sPlentlid condition, insula te a. cabiaets in kite, hen. Hydro throughout, Splendid never - failing well, 20 acres wo:odlot. Pos- seSsion sult.Purchaser. Appl, to ANDREW HOIIMES, R.R. 2, Clin- ton, Phone Goderieh, 033 r 6. , -254 _ AUCTION 8A.I.11 X.P...X.!Ll'IXSIt'S SALE -011 PRO- PERTY AND HOUSEHOLD., - EFFECTS ' Harold 'Jackson, auctiOnter, has received' instrtictions. to sell shy s M K -FED. the late Marion.. McPhail, quebee..1.4hone 777J. ehieltens, between 5and 6 lbs.. *25-7X publie auction for , the estate Of . • istreet, In* the toWit of Goderleh, on — - RESTA,UR.A.NT sat 1 , FOR• 's•SALE.-' 'SATURDAY, JUNE' •30th • . - Moffat electric stove; coal or in.g equipment ..of all _kinds, inelnd- chairs, isslables and booths. wood annex; (Nal oil. heater ; drop- Phone 510W. leaf kitchen table and chairs to match; conch; - caibinet . radio; mantel radii); three-piece chester- field suite S. Homer upright player piano and bench; end tables; num- •ber of small_ tables; oecasional chairs and rockers; hall rack; floor lamps; table lamps; • .clocks; mir- rors; fernery; drophead Singer sewing. machine; waluirt dining-. reom suite, table, buffet and chairs; oak glass china cabinet;. writing desk; •• Hoover vacuum cleaner; 3 complete furnished bedrooms; chest of • drawers; toilet seta; trunks; Quilt boxes; .3 Axminster rugs; runners; scatter mats; curtains; pictures; books; dishes;.•silver- ware ;.• ornaments; hitcher' utensils; 'lawn mower; • stepladder; garden' tools; lady's bicycle . and other FOR SALE. -100 RED X ROCK pullets, 10 weeks old. MRS. 1-JA1VEY BAXTER„, R.R. No, 2, GOderich. Phone 937 r '20x , 11, 1011,1 726 SUMMER. SALE' OF. GUAR...AN- . TEED used pianos. Such swell- noWn makes a:A, HeIntznian, Nord - helmet, Mason-Risch, etc. Priced las low as $99.00. Phone or write redays fir complete HEINTZ- MAN & COMPANY, 242- Dundas street, ,London, 44525. -26 R SALE. - REGISTERED •Ayrshire bull,' 2 years, old; heifer, 3 years old; 3 „Guernsey cows; .1 brown Hackney gelding, 3 years old, ride or drive; two 3 -year -o14 fillies,,brown and:.white; new and Used saddles. GLEN Seaforth, 661 r 4. : 25-6x FOR SALE. -1946 011EV.. HALF - TON pick-up • • '39 Plymouth (like new), 800 Miles. . P.ROPERTY. r,--7 At the same. doer Sedan; car' radio B.F. Good- ' place, at..3 pans the. following. pro- rich; good used. tires.' SCRIM'S 'perty-willsbesoffered-for girle, sub, AUTO . 6.1.311\710E, phone 87W. - , • . ..._-_- - ~ject 0 reserve bid. Frame cottage, approximately. 20 ,ft. by 18 .ft. with FOR SAE. -BRICK COTTAGE, Ix.l.rchsand garage; lot 53, plan 13, --- corner Essex rind Quebec streets, Blue Water- ,Subdivision. known as "Gatenby hoe." Write TERMS 7- 'Chattels, . cash; pro- perty, made known day of sale.. P.O. BOX 547,-_Goderich. -;18tf .For further pOrficulars apply - tol FOR. SALE. - _.0 ly 0- S TO R Y . A . rs..--. GEO. G. -MacDWAN, 1 . hous,e divided -into tw,o. 7.2a2rttf- . , • Executor. i ments ; new Maul -bricks re -roofed, 'Mediate possession .of grand apart - corner Picton and Waterloo. Ins- ment.• Phone 3.qpiv., 3. K. HUNTER, „ Solieitor for Estate. •HAROLD JACKSON, - 1:Auctisheer, 'Seaforth. OR SALE. -110T •ELEC- „ TRIO 'range. with* high .o'Sen. AiUCTION SALE. OF HOUSE- SHORE & GINN, 46 Quebec Street. • -23tf HOLD EFFECTS from - the heme of • Mrs. 'D. G. Everett, one-half ntile.southelist of Bayfield, • on the . Blue Water High, way,- •adjoiains the Mayfield -tourist , Pleading' g,uiltY. 01 L111"5 a: false statement to Chief of 'Pollee „Josepitte.'Ll'i,11"5tm7).„-:-/s,ky,....TrLythid„ Ferrand of Clinton as, to Ownership. at 1.34 P111,, *consisting of: of a ear involved in _au accident. , IThree-piece • chesiterfield suite; at Clinton, John • it), .of Axminster rug,: .101s2" x 9'; Ax- minster rug, is's' 9'; 1,•ng, Mich 'and her sister, Mrs • C S. .. . _ . eorinty couneilltris :disliked sis•ving Seaforth, wa:4 tined SR) atilt Cosas • Les, toil Mr., Lees,' of Stuart, on County ilome committees. Reeve by Magistrate D. Holmes In 1 ' . -- - - 9' x.141/”; mod n 3 i ''', b l• er s -p et e et I (aim .‘ . Florida, ,a re renewing, ., ti equtint - A. W.' KersItike ef Henstill; chair -1 weekly •court today (Thursday). . . - 2 , sal:WON:airlift finish), including bed an -es in town. 2 f .11- Il. s ' Con ty Ho i !Pot permitting Dennis' Hennessey and springs, dreaser and chest of NsIsos vommittee, said it. was the most in-• It.C.A.F.,, C•linton, not the holder oi interintt io n a t Coi ins el tor drawers; inner ,spring mattress;' l' 1' ' r , ,, teresting committee he had ever: a. driver's Permit, to drive his car, C. ti t 1 .b sl b ix. s irin and lit and Mts. Hill. le t en taws . . the „ international convent - io„ of touncil. t s , 0 ng s g . .. I i d i omethin thic. seven days in jail. • s inner spring' mattresses.; . a chestg day for Atlantic City- to :Mem . i - • -0 • .-,. _._, irilier spi nig maffte.ss; two Yt size 'Hennessey NN as, .fined $10. . aim costs for making a faise. statement of drawers (one antiques.; walnut iwp6sed antique' table; rosewood dealt ' (ab - and a similar tine- was fur' driVing Without a permit., ,, tique) ; metal tubular bed,' springs A charge against Wilfred Beattie, and inatti-ess; 2., canvas camp 'cots ; Goderich, of •failing ,to file a 1949 2 caurpers'.sleeping,'ba[ls; 2 chester- incothe tax return waS diamissed, fieldithairs; Occasional chair; other after he produced .11 receipt etkhowing chairs; 7.-pieee .modern breakfast the tax 'was paid. ,Constatile Robert suite; stria tables; 2 book shelves; I fli -I 1 k sslieeisson 19 !Ifr five y.ears in th Quinn was fined $10 and costs, or " i'"" (-• • g : s.Lions Chiba at' that centre. • Mrs. W. G. •MtieEwan left last week plane 'to s visit Dr. and Mrs. D. A. McCarten at Winnipe,g, whence she was to proCed to .Edmonton by nioto7r to. visit lir. and • Mrs. Alan 13: MeCtirteri and family. •• Mr.. and Mrs. Nick Perry. and - :Theresa, of Detroit, are'lkuending a ctiuple of weeks onsa visit.to Mrs. :'Perry's Parents? Mr. and Mrs. • Thomas • Drennan, town, and . to relatives at .Kingsbridge, • • Reeent visiterS with Mr. • and • Mrs. Gordon Smith, Britannia road,' were Mr. and, Mra. Wni. Smith, of Dungannon, and their son Harold and his ' wife and two sons, of Tor- onto; also Mt. and Mrs. Leonard Lawton and their daughter, .Mrs. A. W. McDougall, arid daughter •Betty,', Of bowlers.. 114 MEMO,RIAM 1MOHRING.-In loving memory, of ' Paratrooper Harold Mohriog, .("Hooles"), killed in action , in • 'France,. June 27th, 1944; also our Dads -who died June 3rd, 16.3.9. •Only •a memory of bYgone days,' , A sigh of a 'face unseen,. But a' aonsta,nt feeling that God •alone knows, Though Efe draws the veil be- tween. is worth while, he said, adding -that it ,was• unfortunate there was 11) wonian county councillor. A revision oaf the.constitutiou was discussed and a few changes made. .sErectisin of Officers The fell:Owing *officers W,bre elec- ted: Post • preSident, 'Erwin Jacob, Horan.; president, R. E: Comfort, 'Lincoln, county; vice-presiden•t, Fred Serinan, Hamilton; 2rar vice- president,•• Mr's. K. Read, Ontario county*; executive -.--- Gordon Turn- bull, Eight, county; Dr. S. R. Mc- Kelvey, Simco tr D. .J. McConnell, Leeds and .Grenville; J. J. Sooner, Fort •:.3eeretary, R: J. Forbes, Oxford; treasurer, M. €.1.. Ronng; Wentworth; auditors, Mrs.. E. ..Tticob, Huron, and E. A. stmos, Waterloo. • Mr. -Jacob thanked the ,delegates Ifor their co-operation, and isre- sented the gavel to Fred Sermans who accepted it for the rietv presi- dent, R. E. 'Comfort, and also pre- sented. a , past president's pin to Mr. Jacob. . The eonyention. registratiOn; 197, was the largest of all eenventiorig yet held. Next year's convention will be held in Belleville, And after 9 "boosting" speech on Fort William's advantages the .1953. meeting was voted to be held in the northern -Lovingly remembered by .Slom, ' Brothers and Sisters.. • .96 -city.'" .1 • E. Young of the R.,c.m./„., repre. general .11..ec tc elect' c oc (large size) s hotidoir 'bench.; will - senting f•the Department ' was tia colre :table: 3 Space heaters" assessed court" costs to be 'paid in four weeks. • . (oil -burner types, Coleman; .Shur Daniel Barns„ St Heat and., - Bine Flante)..; s4 -piece . .affa„ wicker ' Veranda .seat; dishes and I glassi,vare ; of causing a disturbance by swear- guitar; nninerous other $10 and costs on •pleading ,guilty St! icily On the 13earn A CiFtliaIIT' mimes', ahead when you fstep on the -gas.. reacts instantly to a touch of the brake pedal.moves ly and Silently -wheth- er the road's a super- highway or a rut- , ridden back lane. THAT'S YOUR CAR after it gets our Sum- mer Service Special!' Complete a change of oil, radia- tor inspeotion,. tire check and ' ba,ttery service. -they mean beak* inot6fing this Stuumer. Wive. tip!... ing at Bayfield: • A •fine of $10 and costs was im- posed - on Clayton Weston, Gode-, rich, charged with causing a dis- turbance in Gode,rich .on June •12. Ben Cartwright, charged with drunk driving in Hullett tow,nship. on Rate 24, of which. he pleaded guilty, was sentenced to seven days in jail, his car impounded for three - months, and his drivers license suspended. NOTICE -. REWARD OFFERE'D -FOR IN- FORMATION leading to ident- ity of person who early in the week wrote obacene inscriptionon west side of Wellington street be-' tween Qtrebec street and Elgin, aVenue. • BOX 57, SIGNAL -STAR. -26 Lon artteleSs. TERMSCASH. , • MRS. D: G. 'EVERETT, Proprietress. • DDWA.RD W. ELLIOTT, , Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE . OF HOUSE- ' HOLD EFFECTS from Pinder's wouls shop, Godenich, corner of St. David's: street and Cambria road (adjoining the Hole; prOof Hosiery factory), .on • ‘SATURDA.Y,, JULY .7th'• - at 1.30, the. following: Three-piece velour chesterfield suite; Axminster • rug, 10' x. 12'; felt under rug; • chesterfield table; 2 end tables; 2 oceasio.nal chairs; 'eoffeetable; large wall mirror; hall mirror; hall tree; 3 -piece oak bed- room, suite; 4-poeter 'walnut .bed (modern); sheepskin rug; table, lamps; tubular- bed; 2 dres.Sers; 2 Kenwood blankets,. other' wool blankets; McClary electric range;, . McCiary refrigerator, (8 en ft . with 4 -year, guaranteeh Westing- house washing machine (Al con- dition.)( combination. R.C.A. Victor radio and record player (one .year scialssollitesselitarsts-asiugpeng.-±1111 lawn mower; garden. tools. • .TERINIS--:-CAAS411. • . ; . *MRS. g: M. ROSS, •Proprietress. RD EDWAW. PaimOrr, Auctisineer. .Nif; ,o0T,QpHouiN, Clerk. 26- LOST. -ON SUNDAY EVENING, a gold wrist -watch. Reward on return sto EDWIN BENNETT, 45 YAW .4tr,Pfq Md.PIXO•A22,01.0...... • 2ft OS T. ---S ILVER • EARRING ON Monday afternoons Phone .355. • 1 -26 Mmirsom,..,amomer.okiremolaimilmilia ILA EW 1 'CASINO Grand Bend —, 1 . DAN -mid .NIGilli,Y it S ATU RDAY,. 317NE 23- rd I' . ' ' TO LABOR, : DAY . , . I 1°11 BY or)r cOWe s Nt r8a • MID and . his h i Phone 1199. -- FOR' SALE -SIX. AND -A-HALF . cubic foot electric refrigerator, like new; also heavy duts. electric range., Moms 248. Mx F'OR • SA:LE.— 12' • Pips, • 1.0 . Weeks old; 9•pisss, 8 weeks hid. Pontist---Zu-iek • davt.o.;, iruckg MN VON 2 —NIGHT DANCE- -311LY Ind,,12.05 ani Renreitylr I Doting EverY .Night * _ 26-7;• Goderich. • - . -____ , sa.,,Gs• FOR SXLE.---DELCO-s41EAT OIL , . •hornets .111,1 •Turifaie.$,, for e-ery heating' job. ..' Call us for free estimates' novit• k7 , ,-%'. ELECTRIC: -26tf FOR SALE, comroRTABLE • home with one tiere, land. House has three 'bathrooms,, hardwood floor, wa1,k to wall carpeting. Furn- ished or unfurnished. BOX 50, S ION AL-01'AR,, 26x SALE. -ONE 31c00101I0K- - DE•DR,ING binder, ,7 -ft.,„ cut six cropis. HARRY T., WILLIAMS, 'Saltforcl, Ont. 20x FOR SALE. -GRAND ASSORT- imENT of greenhouse chry- santhemums in four colors, grdwn out qf season, These are unusual and long4astingsas'alWays: JACK - SONS FLORISTS, tohone 105. • -26 • FOR SALE, 21/2 -STORY RED brick . house on South street, five doors from the Square, • pro- • R. AN]) MRS. HARVEY VETT -- MAN, Nile, wish.: to..convey ,their sincere thanks to all neigh-, bors and friends who in. any,. Way assisted at the. time of their recent fire. Apecial thanks' to Goderich Fire Brigade,. telephone operators and OKNX, Wingham.' 1. •26x . • - .TIITTMAY, JuNE' 2i3t11, AIM CULRERT'S OAKERY. "TIM HOME TA',8TY PASTRY" • suggests for your holiday week -end ORANGE, CAKE40ceach -with xv,spberry filling and 'orange creme icing. Both cake' andlcing.made with fresh oranges. • • DATE • SQUARES74 for 15c MAPLE WALNUT ROLLS -35c doz. Mary Anil Shells all during;beity' season. Orders of $1.00 and over delivered. Please phone your orders in by. noon. Phone 460 CARDS OF THANKS ANY' THANKS TO OU'r,c . neighbors who. were so tolerant of the-110Se and smoke thiS last week when, we were forced to use a steam 'engine to steam' cur green- house beds.. JCA.OKSON$ FLOR- ISTS. ., • • -26 perty of the late Wm. J. Carter:. House • contains large living -room Witli fireplace, dining -room and kitchen, with three large 'bedrooms and bath On second floor. Finished attic. New furhace, full basement.' Wired for electric range. • .New 40 -gallon water er. Deep lot with garage. Imm e possession. House may be seen Saturday after- noon.. and evening when owner will be at the premises. , -26 Fop: SALE. .--., 18 -FT. BOAT, - powered by model A Ford. engine. Will sell cheap, Cell or write S. E. GORMAN, 173 Queen street; Stratford, Out,. 26-7-8x ...§vezarzu CYCLE, in perfect condition, reasonable' price. Phone 284. -20 R SALE. -- HOUSE ON Hincks street; insul briek, in- sulated; three-piece bath ;,, good garden, small fruits. Apply BOX 877. , 26.3a FOR SADE.-MILK, ROUTE IN Colborne township, also '41. Chev. truck.' VERNE BEAN, Car- low, phone 20 r216. - 20-8x 171OR .SALE OR RENT. -BLACK- • .ISAITH with? equipment, 'cement • building,. in'" ,` PoSseasion- at •,ence. For further information apply to MISS , _ SADIE C.I.RTER, Aubarn.. ' •• 26-7X • WANT€10,-.• ARRY WATSON WISHES TO , thank Dr. Watters, Dr. Oakes, Dr. Wallace, the nurses on second floor, and all who were go thought- ful of him while in the hospital. • ' 26x R.' AND MRS. TED BISSETT take thin means of expressing their gratitude to .the members of the fire brigade. and to. all others yoting son on 'Satu day last. They will always remember with 'gratis tide the kindness shovirn- to. their and -to their boy. APPLICATIONS i'VANTED APPLICATiONS,WILL BE RE-. dEIVED for, the position of Pound: Keeper in the Town of Goderich.' Particulars as to duties, etc,• may be obtained from the • Town -Clerk; Remuneration will be paid at the ,rate of $2.00 for each .slog impounded plus 50, per cent. of funds obtained from sale • of unclaimed dogs. los . S. H. BLAKE, " .25-26f Tewn Clerk. PERSONAL, .MOTHS DAMAGE" YOUR RUG pair or replace, it without cost to yoa. Buy Berlou today. GODE- RICH 'FRENCH DRY CLEANERS: THE BROTHERS AND -SISTERS. of the late Miss Edith Wiggins Wish: to express their appreciation of the many kindnessesshowntheir sister. in ;her last illness. They would also thank those who sent •flowers as messages of , sympathy, loaned' Cara for• the runeral, or 'ex- tended •any ether kindness in their bereavement. • • • -26 , ^ TO RENT ' TO RENT. ---THREE uper:Anis - rooms, .partly furniShed • etherWiSe; private:entrance. MRS., J. 'wHEKriNGIHAM, Waterloo street. ' -25-6 TO s .RENT.. --ss- OFFICE ON NT'OUNG 'JASSY " OR W. A N' - -' • ground floor; 12 North street. sa. • wanted foe full-time. . Apply to JAS. A. CAMPBELL. -17tf . AGNI•1W' .SURPASS. - ' .. 26x.•• . .. FoR SALE.- -s -WEDDING BOU- QUETS, corsages.. and, church' decorations. Check' , our •prices. WANTED,- 'IC)1.71-tTELN•-YEAR- TO 'RENT. ROOMS IN*COM, _FO_RTARI/E.. home a.t. reaSons able rate: Apply MISS aonN- STUN, Anglesea Street. Phone 11184. • 26x 'OJA) boy. desires . employments 'on ti farm. .See • E. COTE, iSztody Contracting. Co; Farm; .next to • Harbor ' .Airport,' after 6 o'clock .pm. • • 26x .— • WANTED. -,-,-1111(2.51:0.1.41: FRA1ME minns- 'wheels, 'good condition u n acce s s a ry. ERNEST BARKER, phone ,10600W. • • -26 For instance, sit is much cheaper' wANTED TO BED UY.-IMPROV to have "'us ppt. 'ribbon seat . . faros anent': 100 acres • with markers than_it..is'io buy the -ribbon • buildings. Prefer . near highway and. de. it yourself. JACKSON FLORISTS,- phone 105. • . . _25 and school. Write .description and priOe • to BOX 47; SIGNAL -STAR. 26 -ix 41/000001111•04101114104,001100404116 I Due to Domlnion Day.. Iholiday on 1VIonday, . THE MA.i0RITY Or ' GODERICH STORES WILL REMAIN , OPEN , ALL DAY 'WEDNESDAY, * .1UL:it 4th. FOR. SALE. -FORMER EMILY Buchanan home, corner Church and Nelson streets, ftsees. north on Charch street "medium-sized "-Wells' tended garden, » arage.; newly painted, four bedrooms, hardwood throughout, • hand -Stoked water furnace; excellent condition. Pos- seasion 'September 1, 1951. Writfen offers invited to WILLLIAMA. 'SUTHERLAND, - Barrister, . Box 294, Goderich, provisional on inter- ior examination in August. -24tf FOR SALE. ---3 LOTS ON P10. TON -street • near Wellesley street. Phone .510W. •-26 , • FOR SALE. -BLACK ISERSIAN Paw full-length far coat, in good condition. PhOne 440R. 26x . — Fort 1§ALE.—ro40STUDEBAKER ssix-eylinder sedan, radio, heater, in• good condition.;`.: price $425.00. ROY BENTLEY, 15 Warren street, phone '1.52W. - -26 Fort ,SALE.-7-USIED SINK, $3.50; - also eeal-burning jacket heater at $10, less than half\ price. E. BRECKENRIDGE HARDWARE. - -26 FOR SALE. . Several' surunier, cottages. 6,54/.are-farmr--50--ac.res-swnettn b barn., Modern six -room benso covered 'with insul brick. •Liying- room, dining -room, kitehen with built-in . clipboards, three bedrooms,. moderw3spiece bathroom. Electric- ity. inatalled. Electric hdt water heater, pressure system. Two -car 'garage. • 11 I -4m brick house in good locra- tion'; upper floor in self-contained WANTED. - U 8 E. o ,,Apartment. buSines8 man, furnished preferred. possession at once. Three. adults in family. -Write BOX 50, SIGNAL -STAR. 26x REQUIRED im-mippATELY TO work in modern sash and door plant in;Niagara Peninsula, a man capable to do millwright werk. Ma- chine operators and • bench hands also required. Top wages Apply BOX"NO. 55, SIGNAL -STAR.. 126-7-8 WANTED., --LISTINGS OF PRO- PERTIES for sale. C. F. CHAPMAN. Real Estate Broker. Phone 18. , - 39tf WANTED. - APPLIC:A,TIONS • will be received up to July 10, 1951, for an assistant to the secretary of Alexandra Marine and Genera Hogpital. Fpr farther particulars contact MISS HELEN BLACK or MR.. J. VAN DOOR - NICK.. • • --26-27 ANTED TO 13111.7 -ALL- OLD horses and dead &Monis: If suitable for mink feed vvill pay more than • fertilizer prices, If not, vvill pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone„ at once. GILBERT. BROS.' MINK. RANCH, Goderich. Phone collect 936 r or 936 r 32. •• Ais-d;TEb. LISTING -8 OrP71104-' PERTIES fors:lie No charge to you until primprty Is sold. MALCOLM mmertnus, e al Estate Broker, The Square, Gode- rich: Phone 115W. • -12tf, 0 .RENT. T 41 R 1100 M. apartment, unfurnished; • share bath. Inimediate possession. _Write BOX 51; SIGNAL -STAR. -26 TO RENT. ---COMPLETELY furnished house, . conven- iences., Write BOX 54; SIGNAL - STAR. , • -26 .To 3RONT,-FIJRNISHED. ROOM with all con'vertiences: Write 'BOX 53; 'SIGNAL -STAR., -26 TO RENT. - F.0 0§,N• s houSe for one month or sixt. 'weeks frern s central loca- tion:. MRS. J.' V. THOMAS-, Elgin avenue; phone .340.• -26 TQ .1tENT: vs- UNFURNISHED front Section of -119118e; :two bed- rooms upstairs, kitchen and'living- room on troand 'fit:Hsi.: Private entranee. Apply MAUDE HOWELL, 4 St. Vincent street. Phone 2133. -26tf - WANTED.s--13USINDSS OFFICE .• preraiseg, abottt 600 square feet, en orsuear the Wiliam. DAV lease. Reply BELL TELEPHONE • '-2,3tf room rind den; 2 bedrooms; kitchen apartment; main floor, large living- 00.."Goderich. • and bathroom; upstairs apartment, large living -room, '2 'bedrooms, din- ing -room;, kitehen and bathissam. Quick possession. . 6-rsfinn Ph -story frame house on Newgate street, living -room, dining , - room, kitehen andbathroons on first floor, 3 large bedrooms -Upstairs. Possession July' 1st. W. ANDERSON ,‘ 0. lIblirrIVIAN On behalf; of the majority of Goderich morel:anti. ofmlieell.“4,140444144,4440, Seven -room red brick and ithingle hellge, Ideal location with extra corner building 'lot, 'Hot water heating, ftfll "basement, garage, Possession one ninth from date ef march ase. Seven -room • two•story- stuccoed hotiset ideal central location. 1 Quick possession. .sarily aceepted, 111.A.M1, Secretary Public 2047- • """""""'" TEACHER 'WANTED TENDEftS WILL BE RECEIVED , bshe s •tundersignedsup to July 7th. -for Paiating all the exterior WoodWork at the Goderieh School. The old section of the school Iron/101y vietoda. tive coats.; and the new part, one coat. Tenders to be for. a first. grade paint and should state name Of manufnett*er. Work to be cola= pleted nOt later than August Irith, 1951. Purther 'particulars' may be ob- tained • from .111r. ,Kershalv, Chairman of the Property Com. mitt ee. Lowest or any tender not nett* TO RENT. - apartment . with bath, corner' East 'street and Square. Apply WORSDLL'S 'HARDWARE. 26x PROTECT YOUR CLOTHES, furniture and woollens from Meth damage .for 5 years: • ' 0)14 spraying of Berlou does It or Berlou ,PaYS for the damage. It's Odorless, stainless and dry'',clean- ing cannot remove it. GODERIOH FRENCH DRY CLEANERS. . •,24-6 GREYING .YOU regain naturalcolorand beauty with Angelique Gre.'y Hairs Re - 'starers Start todaY. $1.39, at 'CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. To RENT. -TB R E s R 00 11.1• apartment‘ furnished, with•con- veniences. May' be had list of Jaly. Apply 11 North Street. -20t RONSrON 'LIGHTER • vv,ith '"NO.RM" en'graved on. same. OWner, may claim by•s5hons: ring. 411 and paying for this- ad. 20* • :Hygerric suPplies ,(rsabber ,goods)„, Mailed- postpaid in plain, . sealed .envelope with price' list, Six sam- ples 25c.; 24 samples $1.06. Mali Order „Dept. 7-53.., NOV-RUBISER CO., Box 91S *Hamilton, Ont. C. V. ITAI):MAN, nod tstitte 13rOker, phone 18, Goderielt, Ont. • -26' , iligAB TABLETS GIVE quick - relief for constipation, indigestion ,biliousness. 25075e 'at tAMPRET;LIS DRUG STORE. NOT10E NOTICE. loor 'sanding - new , and old floors. J. C. 4i200g, phone 23j, Clinton. • Summer months, Bayfield, phone 45, r 2. - , -14t2 NOTICE. . • . Owing to an emergency whichhas arisen, the Goderich Community Nursing Regiatry. finds it necessary to diseontinue after June 30th the , nursingcall system it has given to .Vris commonity... -26 NpTIOEf ' DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER- . SHIP • NOTICE- IS EirabgBy GIVEN by the 'undersigned,- formerly a partner with John MacLeod, 'of the Town of Goderich, in the business of spray painting and decorating' carried on. under the lfirm name of 911eBrien And Nacteod,". that the said partnership was dissolved on March 1, 1951. ' TAKE NoVog FURTHER that the undersign,ed, since the above date and henceforward; accepts nd respensibility for any • debts con- tracted by or in the name of the said firm of "Mel3rien -and *Mac- Leod." OLIVER McBRIEN, ' • Nelson ' Street, iGoderich, Ontario., 24-5-6- • • immirammannommiairommohnois - The ebpapesk, place to buy a Good English Dinner Set is • Smith's Art & Gift Store East St. ' Phone 193 illerson urug Corner West St. and Square Phone 45. We deliver. "As handy as the Pos.toifice", ' Dorothy GraY Summer Colognes, two ,nice odours, Lilac Time, or. Sweet .4ice. 1g. $2.50 for. $1,25 • 'BROWNIE. CAIVIERIS Baby Brownie $3,85 Target Biownie, 620 - Target Brownie, 61:6 » »$10.50 "13rownie Reflex $14,25 • FOIti nrucaor.iitxt: PICTURES Xodacolor Film 620 $3,25 Xodacolor 616 , Kodacolot rilm. 116 . $3,75 „ - $8.75 $3,75 Hazel Bishop's Ainazini, Lasting Lipstick, Stays on until yott take it of Lasts four or, five » times as long as ordinary iipstiolp, , ONLY 41.76