HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-06-28, Page 3rMl." •A 10.th Year --No, 26 • CHARTERED ACCQUNTAitil .r r_. CECIL ATTRiDGE.. - C ARTERRED A.CC'OpNTANT Phone o.--Otiice 343W. House 343J` Goderich. DONALDE. lair] ", 11 XPERiENCED 4,1x10ION Cleansed for Count* of : Sump • and Bruce • .... RIPLEYJ, PHONE 49 For information apply to J. ,N, Rernigfuui, Division Cogrt Cork. w Qoderich Ofit. AGCgOUNTANTS ONAI,D -G. McCANN, ” Public Accountant Clinton, Ontario Phones: • ,Office, 561; Res, 455 Office .:Royal Bank EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly lan- irivered. Immediate arrangements; can be made for Sales Date by eatUng Phone 203,: Clinton: Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed.- . I94 v Winner in Perch Derby Addresses o Lions Cub The. Lions Club . eNec:uti v e for f951 -off, headed del by Lion Leo 1- oak aa,. president, was of114 ally in- stalled at the last meeting of the season on Friday at_ -the• Bedford °Hotel, with Deputy, .District Gov ernor J. 11. Kinkead direetiug • DENTAL DR. R. W. HUGHES Dentist" Corner 1Vellingtdn and Lighthouse Streets. Phone 10333 for appointmell4. HAROLD. JACKSON. ICENS,ED . AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Seaforth - Phone 11461 or Harry Edwar(rs, Goderich, Pholne 144 CHIROPRACTIC HERBERT B. SUCH, D.C., Doctor of Chiropractic.. Office Hours: Mon., Thurs —9 a.m. to 5 p.m. !rues., Fri --9• a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. W d, & Sart. 9• to 11.30 a.m. V itathln Therapy Office—Corner of South St. and Britannia . Road. Phone 341.• C. P. CHAPMAN General. Insurance • Flrei Aptomogile, Casualty Real Estate West St., Goderich, Phone 18 insure In Sure I'n'surance ConfederatiipnIu'fe–Wind, Car preferred risks. ACCIDENT , Ji SICKNESS 'Consult. SURANCE CP. — Farm and isolated town prOperty insured. President, J. Trewartha, ton; Vice -President,, J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Manager and Seify-Treas.,, A. Reid, Senforth. Whitmore, .Seaforth;' Chris. Leon- hardt, ; Robert Archibald, Beaforth; John H. McEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Wm. S. ,,ilexander, Walton.; Harvey Fuller, Goderich. • Atents—J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; hagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels'. Policy.liolderS' can ma.ke all pay- ments and t.et their cards receipted a the Royttl Bank, Clinton; Keith Cutt's Grocery, King.ston Street, Goderich. • WESTERN ONTARIO • (Daylight Saving - 7.45 a.m. to Stratford and London. 11.10 a.m. to Kincardine and 'Owen 12 noon to Stratford and London.. 4.20 p.M. to' Stratford and London. EXTRA RUNS FOB SUNDAYS 6.25 p.m. to Stratford and Louden. 9735. Pin: to London. Charter Coaches'•for all oceasionS. For informatioirphone Reg. McGee /OM LOCATION on the Sqwire-;fornaer-ly,•Mr.- Real Estate—General In.' P:honie 115W -20 a►FFICaF {SR ', `RSV. Cer�'1''a �1 KNOX GRIMM LADIES' The •June meeting of the W.Vit. held at the itofl1 o tMv :IR rn► t ,4g ►� .ill P. J. C-autelon, Ligltthouse s eQ , with a good attendance, In the { lome Church ahsence of the president, Mrs, Thos. I ; T,U Was Dougherty, through illness, the first Impressive services "were held in Mrs. '1'. Graham, had S.t Gear re'p Church on 'Sunday in vice-president, b charge of the meeting, .'-Cite, ' de- votionsl per'ud was in charge f commemoration of the 117th an - Vert. Goldsmith of the Salvatio niversary of the founding of the who read from mark 9:14.23 Anglican Church. in Goderich. Army'music •and and gave a line talk on, "Faith." Beautifully sung She also offered prayer. The clip ,•thought-provoking . and inspiring. • sermons marked the serriees. The altar was decorated with hoWers in. memory of the. late and.. Mrs. - 'Samuel 'Vickers, placed by their grandchildren. . Rev, Lyall Crawford -of Parkhill returned, to his home parish to 'preach ht. the morning serviee, chose ,as 'his text: "A thaisand years• la Thy sight are but as .. 'Stating that this church. had fond memories :for him, he said .that Ged had never failed in watehful- !less and caw for His people. In the long lapse of ttme manyehanges. had taken place, from the earliest history of Canada and of• England. St. George's Church, one of the oldest, in the Diocese, and referred to his early training received there. , Under the 1 direction of "Mr. A. W. Anderton the choir sang. the anthem "Holy Art Thou," and Miss Marjorie ',Hays a's guest soloiSt. sang- "'How Lbvely Are Thy Dwell- ings,': Liddle. 4.:',Mason8 9,i Evening' Service. In the evening, the meinbers of Awiding their ennual church in the ehurch. The meter; Rev. Beverly H. Farr,xenducted the ser- vice. and, preached the sermon. He was. assisted by his 'brother, Rev. „Maurice, 1-1. Farr, of St: .Luke's 4.'hurch, 'London,- and ReV. Lyall Crawford of Mr. S. H. Vevett, master of..MaiPland Lodge, read the. lesson and the choir Sang the. anthem, "Remember NOW'. Thy hest on 'lSocta1 1tesponstb ceremonies, s 'Other membere of the executive was taken by the , members, As installed were: Gordon McManus, ist 'vice-president; George Parsons, 2nd ' vice-president; George • Pa. singer, 3rd , vice-president ; ' Glen Those elected were: President, hiss. ixardinen,�secreta•ry; Willard Legg, ,1.} Graham; 1st vice-president, nit's. this was; the annual meeting, the election:' of officers took place, • with Mrs. •George J*bnsfron in charge. dues secretary ; Ed, " Jessop, assist- ant dues secretary; Bruce Arm- strong, treasurer; Frank.• Curry, lion tamer; 4e_c11 Hoffman and Bob Barnes, tail twisters; Don Aber - hart, Bert Drysdale, Arnold Mc- Connell and Elmer Weaver, diree- tors. 'Lion -Harry Watson, the retiring president;, expressed thanks. for the co-operation • given him during his term of office and added that he had enjoyed the work- .At, the con- clusioir of his. -remarks he served warning that he had to sneak away early in the evening in order to be present for a party marking ' his twenty-dfifth wedding • anniversary. Deputy District Governor:, Kinkead voiced the appreciation of the club for the leadership. given by retir- ing etiaing president Watson., Lion- Ernie Pridhatu announced that .the Goderieh .Lawn Bowling Club would be holding its annual Monday evening, 'July '16th, and on behalf,• of the •' l o•wiing 'Club ex- tended an: invitation to a1l-Lions to take -part in it. A Lions 'committees. ' hbttded by Lion .Pridham., was ap- poihted to arrange for the event. Other Lion.s ,on the committee are W. J. Baker, J3ert .Sanderson' and George MacEwan. • INCOME TAX RETURNS PRIVATE BUSINESS FARM REPORTS Bookkeeping records installed and checked monthly or at request. ROY N. BENTI,EY Phone 152W Box 58 15 Warren SI. Insuranee • Gordon Jewell Lien Ray. Hi:wiles, reported, that net• Proceeds. of $366 .were .realized from the. last 'Lions bingfi at the. areiut. Lion Bert Sanderson stated (Rev.) Stevenson; recordingsecre- tary, Mrs.,Geo. Johnston; treasurer, Mrs. W. .Peters ; corresponding sec- •retary, Mrs. P. 3. Cantelon; cont - mitt& conveners -,.-•-I! lower, Mrs. W, iiern ; devotional; :1Yra. " Jos. Cran- ston; sailors, Mrs. C: Pennington; temperance inAS' u oalysch o1S, Mrs. E. Raithby: calls, with flowers sent, were re- perted. The meeting closed with u hymn and• prayer, after which refreshments ' were served and a social tithe Spent. - ACTIVITIES AT. GOODERUAM PARK • -**" Boys and girls who' are interested In playing in: the Recreation •Open 'Softball League in July are re- quested to leave their names at the par'k „,• • The' first meeting of the airplane 'Club was held and tie • following officers were elected :' President, ietat-r—a-v-lee pt'sidentt Jeneane Young; secretary, Jelin Gritliths,; treasC•rer, Ruth Reinhart. Airplane meets. were planned for the---sumuter months.• • It was de- cided that meetings shot}•ld. be •held twice a week, Tuesday and TThu•Ps- day,. at 2-p..m. Beginning Monday, July 2nd, Judith Gooderham Memorial Park will • be kept open:evenings until' approximately 9. o'clock, during which time, a supervisor will bi present; BAZAAR A SUCCESS - `Vraigie Rooke,", the .lovely suln►- mer borne of M.r's."J. 'W. •Oraigie at Lighthouse Point, wits the scene of a - delightful garden. party , and bazaar on Thursday. last under the- auspices of.the 'Ladies' Aid Society of Knox Presbyterian Church, MI'S. P. J. Mita -wan, president of the Society, ;and r\irs, Craigle• received and graciously .welcomed thtr many guests,, who during the afternoon enjoyed social intercourse on the Lawns which overlook; the blue• waters of Lake -Huron, The liouse was Artistically decorated with auzxtnter • flowe>:s and the lace - covered tea table in the dining - wont was centred with a . !bowl of mauve Bowers and lighted yellow tapers 1 , crystal. holders. Tee was- poured' aspoured' iby past presidents • of the. -Ladies' Aid Society,. Mrs,' A. D. ':\leLean and . 1VIrs. W. P. Abell, assisted by a busy group of mem- bers. ',Sales tables placed on the lawn were Well patronized, as. was the "Rookie postoffice." Those in charge 'Were': Aprons — Mrs. M. Ainslie, Mr :C, Bissett, Mrs. Thos. I andy, M . George ''Sanderson. Home baking—Mrs: H. •R".' Ea11, Mrs. Charles Black, Mrs. IW, Mac - Laren,. Mrs. Kenneth Stowe, Mrs: Gorden Bisset, Mrs. A. AIexander, Mrg. G. Iflr Samis, Mrs. H. P.; James. ' Miscellaneous — M•rs. W. Doak, 'Mrs. Roy Chambers.',Fancy -work—Mrs. J. MarWiek, Mrs. John Newoonlbe, 1Irs. P, J. Warner. Rookie postoffice—Mrs. R. E. Wil- son, Mrs: W.• J. Ritchie. • The bazaar. was ,a ifinancial suc- cess, too, for $451 was realized.' • Mrs. Gordon Wing Comes from china to Jain. Husband OTTAWA., 'dune 23: --Mrs, Gordon,: Wong arrived in Ottawa on the i, morning of ,June 21st, from 1Yong, 'Kong to ,Join her husband, a former well-known Goderich business man. 41:6, Wong left' ,Hong- Kong by Canadian . T aelfe Air Lines on, the 15th of June and arrived' in 'Van couver on the• inclining of the 17th =--thirty-six hour's later. The plane upon ,which. • she travelled carried thirty-six passengers, including thirty-three Chinese 'women, one Canadian woinaft and twa 4hinese boys. Upon arrival `in Vancouver Mrs. Wong left iminediately for Ottawa, As she speaks, no ,English, 'she found an' Dnglish 'woman .travelling companion„ on the' train very help ful in this difficult situation. • Mr, Wong "fins been -in Canada for. many years and is anxiousthat his wife learn the language. as quickly as •possiltle. Mr. and Mrs. Wong expect to visit doderich in the not too distant future, and " will be glad to meet his many old friends. LREBEKAHS ENJOY" AN . INTERESTING EVENING • there „waS an attendance of 347 at seven g",•irl..$, and .11N.° beys were the first Lions bingo, while •the attendance at the second, one last week was 448. ille said ..the next Chosen were ,Mary •Andrew, Linda Brflekenridge,, Ruth. Relphart, Ruth upon to give an account of how mos8, Bill Sturdy,.. Don Goddard, Bob Dockstader find Bud Chisholm. he managed, to win the $100 bingo and be did .so ill. his cuslignary • humorous manner. . 1,Ion Bert lir.yisdale reported on a C1 IV t 00(4,1'lla 111 01.110r11) Ilions taking- pai4t, In the': instal - Emerson, Ilert Sander- son, nit rola 'Bet tger and ltay Tells' about His Luck ,the $10() In -No in. Jfie Lions F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST PhOne 1100 for. appointment SQUARE GODERICIL Geo. G. MacEwan Fire. Accident and Motor Car Insurance OFF10E—MASONIC TEMPLE WEST STREET , PHONE 230 GODERWill, AW - 'ABOUT OUR 'PROTECTION , Confederation Life Goderich, Ontario (dainula's list ..of. •food fishes, In- cludes nearly .sixty different vari- weleaming' the Masonic, mem- bers, Rex, 13: 'H. •Farr told • them that the vprnerS1 one of the present church was laid in 1880 by, Very The text chosen -'by the rector. hord said unto (Muses, what iS that Moses ',became „the leader and hiwgiver of his people. He was a nein of great .sour, 'yet whom:most 00. The members of •Goderich'''Fte- 'bekah Lodge, No. 89, who took part in the bowling league each 'Wed- nesday afternoon during the j$ast Ranter, Met on -Monday evening, in i For MADE -TO -MEASURE 1 • so $10.95.: • Any style froth • 9. • SPORT 'JACKETS ;' $35 00 • : suiTs-1-- , . • $35.00 -. I . .SEAET .. 130ND CLONES,: I 3 : he Major --Store 1 • ,.. 412 . .. • , .GO D E R I C II fit 1.,tier,, chief Ituiong. which firer sal, • PHONE «=--: for tasty,. mai* ' Otter thq, dance or show Open` every -evqiiing„ .+seeps M4x � • �Krltanaa Road• at Wifider St. r • the Britishg.. ...... Exchange Hotel. banquet. Ball, After a delicious turkey.. dinner, :the prize for the high, single .: ,winner wad »resented to ,1: Peg ,\Vood, and for the • high triple to. Mrs. Mary McCabe. The captains for the three 'renins, Mrs, W, Doak,. Mrs. C. Tweedie and Mrs. • I31., , Harris, graced the head tables Pater the ,party drove to Mrs. J. Snider's home and playing of "500". • war 'enj ed. The winner at cards was,. Mrs. F. Fritzley, and a lucky' cup.. prize went' to Mrs. Violet Bridle,•, - r A hearty vote of thanks was ex- tended to the captains and to Mrs. Snide_ for , the use of her home. THREE SCORE:ANN TEN yond the biblicai span. of 70 , years. The wise man ensures that he .will.not outlive .his in- . come. A retirement policy of the San Life Assurance Coninany of • live. asg4yarot; Start saving toddy call Harold W. Shore Sun Life Assurance. Company of •Canada halibut, -Sardines, . merrkerel, 1-14-uu414 Would _have .up_ 0040006.0.00400000.00.0A00.00.0.00000000000 0060 r40“.0 pickerel, grayfish and haddoele. a leader. By ftt Ing the' rod into . • the meeting and .was presented:with hehalf of tile Lions Chin. . ,Lions about. his', lucky number Wa'6 one. of a "nifty of four and thehist one of the gi'oup buy a' ticket. When he got home he thrOw the ticket in a drawer along with !,)tbei., tickets.and.forgot all about it. wife . was sur- . prised when • a Plione call' came front Goderich' sayieg -her .huShand• wife • scolded .nie for' going on ',fishing 011)8 and -Spending too abodt fifteen fish at,•Alode'rich% when 'flie money I spent 'on the- trlp Could have bough't many more Ones. that number Of ',fish. . •HoweVer, when she. learned I was* a 'cash winner her scolding Stdpped. Then 'fishing trips ,while she had to Stay home and do the housework, which she' didn't think NirtiS fair. „.She Wanted to go on the ne,xt trIp. 1 told her 8he •got her housework done in. tIme wbuld take her on the next. trip and all was peace - 0 seri wilt OA made him realize !hat all Ihings'imiy be -used by Gi01.• ,"Tlita things crud has glA.,D, Are. yourr,,, to use in His servive. The nexi:ornianee . even the homely gave us .the power to do good, the IkOVV6r dei—eVill and, worst ,of all, the power to do nothing. .."Every man ,And woman has• a spi,r1tual reseonsibility, to be it co-. w(frker 'with 'God. brave new world, eyerYone must carry own share., futd,,- a little bit more. What is in your handr ask6d'-the rector in conclusion. wedding took place •recently at St.', Paul's ,United Chaech, -Toronto,. 'when '.1tariiin Gertrude Brown, only. - daughter of:Mrs. E, Wyatt of Tor- onto, becaMe the bride of ,Colin C,, "Ansterherry, only soli of Mr. and Mrs. (.7lets. 'Ausferberry Gode- rich.„ The cpuPle yeside in Toronto. ' NOW LOO4ViEil BMLDING ON THE SQUARE , 11. M. FOilD ,Get Insured Stay Insured— TELtpHONE 268w Eyea _Examined, Glasses .Fitted Phone 33 Goderich, Ont, LATHING, PLASTERING, Stucco, Mason Work -of -all - kinds --Estimates given. Phone 4g2M Brink & Victoria Goderich Pavilion Dancing, Wednesday, Saturday and holi4ayevenings, . SatUrday Night-7Johnny Downs and his 'orchestra. Wdnesday night: Barn danoe te) Jerry Rennie and. the Special Mid -night and holiday dances *July lst week- croderich Car Undercoating SpliAY 'WAXING. and UNDERCOATING PilONE Cambridge St. zItt Giant FAB Cleansor AJAX , Junket POWDiERS Iona PEACHES MthiTETS Anizair . York Brand ...... ....,_.„__ ...:— —0-0:1-i—winamm-im------' GODERICH 'THEATRES ,,.PRESENT. ...i,...-44-..4.-mi,...........i..........isomov••••••••eiliiiiii•e••••••••••••isiodosio••••ftemeet•••• oAt PARK' ' Ore ,th ,, , A.t, .CAPITAL' West- Now—"I Was a. Communist for the F.13.1."—A-ri authentic and Now—“Stage to Tueson"—lik Technicolor with Rod Chinei•on. thrilltV spy bunt. • Mon., Tues.L.n Wed. ' Dorothy and portraying inan.with a gifted talent, • Dorothy Kirsten, Ann Myth and Jane NoVotana Thurs., Fri: aud Sat.— . • "LORNA DOONE”. In Teenhicolor of 4,11xmoor, told by a superb eag‘t agalagt the, added beauty • Ruth -no'. man, Richard To (.151 and Mercedes MeCanibridge Written, arthind h IfebUtifta and MIN bride who nevet learned to recognize stoplight. "LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE" Thurs., Fri. and Sat.— . Jan Via% Mary Castle and Pettr Luidc Lst.txtrawny from ordinary a frail% 1111(1 Share this thrilling R6(41; Billy de Wtimamosommip=mu=1:;;II'm'es..,. "PYGMY ISLAND" At' your meatest Scarce's dealer. Pkg 81,c. SZIMMON 'Ann Page tin 13c. -z Pkgs 23c 20 -oz till 24c Pk§ 14c 0211VGErit ALE ....)4&v:Jruit4 and Veg• etat This Week's OUtstanding Fruit -and •Vegeiable Buy selected for a more enjpyable 4ulynF„irst Holiday. Califor:niu,',Salmon Flesh, Jumbo 'Size, No. 1 " CANTALOUPES .19; , HERE APE MORE LOW-PRICED 'AND TIMELY HOU-. DAY PRODUCE SUGGESTIONS. Georgia, No. '1, Freestone ' . PEACHES lb Caiif,rn,a,' Santa Rosa, No. 1 PLUMS • Native, Fresh, NO. 1. CUCUMBERS doz Fresh arrivals of juicy ripe •recf cutting Georgia. *Water- ' melons, priced whole, in halves or..quarters. • 29.2's tin Al 8 -oz jai:29C 30-oz.blls 25c bustorti (LAIR COME 96c Vegetable MILK BlIERII PEICrillifli BUTTER WIEVSTAIR Pastry ' voiver 12 10 -oz tins 27 12 -oz lin 43c 16 -Oz jar 35t, • lb 45C 54b ba WHI1E or -BROWN 'SLICED 24 -oz loaf 14c UNSLICED 24 -ox lbai 1,3c Fancy Blended Cligial SAUCE 21C 1:1111:111111 r D S1'.3 z ibrI15,1 22 IRISH STEW Fancy Pink SALMON