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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-06-21, Page 9
AD.HUR ", June 20; -- Ott. and -Mrs. J. -C. Stoltz spent, the seek end with relatives at New Dundee, Glen Raitliby and • sons'' Gln and George left ' last week for a motor trip to the West. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. McIlveen, Mr. aad Mrs, Edgar Lawson and Mrt3.. i+''reci- Ross -visited friends in Galt on Sunday. o .Lir. 'Wilfred Collison underwent, &r3 apienelix operation in the Godes rich hospital on •Saturday, • Miss Mary Asquith of 'Stratford spent the ween -end, with her par- ents, Mx, and Mrs, C. E. Asquith. Mr% and, airs: McIntyre of De- troit' spent the week -end with' gra. Geo. Beadle and other relatives. • Mr. Geo. Beadle is visiting his daughter, firs. Gkif. Brown, and Mr. Brown at Hamilton. The annual memorial service will beAiebt at Ball's cemetery on Sun- da eyeuing, July 1st,• 'at 7.30. The service will be in charge of Pastor Claire Clark of the Baptist Church. Service will be meld in honor YUxiited Church, next Sunday even - mg, June ''4th, at 7 p.m. when Mr. DU Side...MURP.HY EXTERIOR PAINTS Outside appearances count for so much. u FP , Beautify the exterior of your home with .smooth -flowing, long-lasting Murphy Exterior Paints that beat the weather year after year. MURPHY PETAL TONE ... 14,' charming pastel shades for your own choice of color harmony. Flat 'and semi -gloss available ins1__--�,' identical colors, also gloss. . All around the, houge... NARVO... To; furniture and 'woodwork, bathrodins and kitchens, easy spreading, 'long -wearing NARVO = Canada's smartest enamel—available in25 delightful shades . sided at the SOOT Mrs, M. Davies - gave the call- to: worship. The Scripture was raid responsive- ly. pdrs,. Davieo gave a pmeditation' %i the passage and offered prayer. A pleasing solo- 'was rendered by. 'Mrs, Wilfred. Vesterfelt, T. Robison •contrib!uted a reading and the chapter in the study book • on India was taken by Mrs, F. U. Mcllveen. Mrs. J. Houston read a letter from, Bev. and Mrs. J. uchan of the I'hansi Mission field telling ,Of their .work there,' The July meeting will be held. at the home of ° Mrs. Jack Hallam. The• meeting closed with a hymn and pxaye' by Mrs. Davies. Luneh WAS erved by' the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Davies. Women's Institute, -- Mrs. Wes. Brad"nock presided for the June meeting. of the 'Womee's Institute, held in the Foresters' Hall on Tuesday. Mrs. R. I. Phillips was at the. piano, The secretary, Miss A. ,►MeIlwain,, read•some cards 'of thanks. It •was.decided to hold the annual tag day for the blind, with Mrs. Claxton Ladd, Mrs. Gordon Dobie and Mrs. Lawsob as a com- mittee. - A report of the district annual meeting held recently at Lucknow was given by Mrs. -Ed. Davies . and Mrs. Archie Robinson. Mrs. Fred Plaetzer favored with a solo. The roll call was answered •kky "Ways of Using •Straw'berries." Mr. ,H. Hibbert of Goderich gave an interesting demonstration of the Etna sewing machine. The door prize donated by Mr. Hibbert was won by Mrs. W. Bradnock. Claire Clark of the Baptist Church will be the guest ,speaker. Special music will be rendered. A .strawberry festival will be held iu Knox •United Church on Wednes- day, June 27th. Supper will begin at 6.30 o'clock. A program will he rendered in the auditorium by .the Blyth male quartette, Frank Schu- bert,. violinist, and other artists from Goderich and. St. Augustine. Adults $1.00,; children 50c. We are looking_ forward to an enjoyable A •vote of thanks was extended to evening of entertainment. ! Mr. .Hibbert for his 'kindness in •• - (Advt.)" coming out and giving the deuxon- For the Bride -to -Be. ---A shower''stration. The meeting closed with was held in the Foresters' Ilall on Wednesday night in honor .of . hiss Jewel McChinchey; bride -elect of this month. The 'early part ofthe evening was spent play ih'g bingo. l• L A •h b It ?resided for MurphyPaintsa ,ntro„.r ., MONTREAL • TORONTO • WINDSOR - VANCOUVER !tooth,* from Crw,l to C. KINGSBRI'DGE KINGSBRIDGE, June:19, -- Mr. and firs,. .Joseph O'Reilly of De- troit were visitors..,spver the week- end with the •Ftayri+e family. Mr: Bert Martin of Hamilton was a visitor herr !bring the week. Mr. Clifton Austin of Timmins is., visiting •here for a while. Mr. And - Mrs. Ambrose Hartman. of Kitchener spent:' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, .C. Austin. Miss. Marguerite O'Connor of Washington, D:C., was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs Ray Dalton Tor a few 'days - Mr: T. J. Lannon, of London visited with.,lbs son Leh' on Sun- day. (Mrs. Roy of Jackson. Mich., was a' visitor here on Sunday:. Mr. John L. • Sullivan is receiving en rc am au i a program which included a piano solo by Miss. Margaret Jackson and a reading by Mrs. Gordon Miller. '.Tewel •was called to the platform "The King." 'Lumch • was served shy Mrs. Ed. Davies, •Mrs. J. J. `Robertson,- • firs. W. T. • Robison, Mrs. W: J. Craig and Mrs. Stuart Ament. an as address extending congratulations and best wishes, and' Carol . Arm- strong and Betty Lou Robinson brought in two decorated baskets of gifts. The guest of honor was treatment in St. roseph's Hospital, assisted in 'opening the gifts by . A Glen Patterson and Mrs. Arch - againLondon. 1S e hop e•to see him home firs. . again soon and feeling ' better. ': ambeult• After they were opened Rev. Father. Sclinur .of London , Miss McClinchey thanked all for. has, opened up the Summer `School their kindness "and For she s .a and, the C.R. students will arrive jolly good fellow".was sung. Lunch `shortly for vacation. . + was served. ° Miss Stella Dean of Forest is W.M.S. $ Meeting. -- Mrs. . Don visiting with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Haines- 'gave her home, for the Da1 tou for afewd dayss. June meeting of the e W.M.S. of Mr.� and firs. 'Raymidn'd Austin Knox Presbyterian (;porch. The have retiirned to Timmins 'after president,' Mrs. W. Good, was •in a- �ebar�e ,anti •fir : J. Houstonti pre visitieg friends in our midst.. b $ , "This is PAT MURRAY, We'd like to welcome you to Words, and Music each afternoon during the • week from 3.05 to 4.00. O, r airs is to bring you ,the world's Finest Music duringthese daily periods of Words and Music: Join us?" 980—CFPL's Pat Murray. The , tollowing StUdentS of Sieh District Oahe irate InstitOte Dave been proluote> ,to the - nest 'grade as .sh"own. Haines are in alphabetical order. 1Vliere, a .sub- -.Pet appears in brackets' atter any same, extra,, work must be "done in the. subject in. the fall term, before being continued fn'the higher grade. lviarks of those. failing have alrea:.dy. tbeen unshed. • Scholarships Awarded • Veterans' memorial scholar hip in! Grade IX -1, Ruth , ieNevin ; 2, Shirley' Bell. , . Peter Adamson. memorial scholar- ship, in Grade X-• ,Glens '• Feagan R McKim memorial scholarship in Grade • Xi ----Marilyn Turner. Peter Adamson, memorial scholar - Ail) in Grade. XII ----,Doan ICiliough. Grade IX to Grade X Gerald Alibi, (hist.), Ronald Baer,' Patrick Baker (hist)) Carol Beadle (hist.) , Shirley Bean, Shir- ley Bell, Fred Buchanan,, .Bill Bowra, Donald Chisholm • (Eng., Fr.),- Rosemary ("lark, Rosemarie Collins,. Pearl Culbert (Eng.; W t.), Boris - Cunningham (hist.), ' Lois Cunningham (hist., .° geog. t, •: Bob Dockstader, , Lorne N Dougherty, Margaret Durnin, - Margaret -'Emer- son, Norma Errington (hist., Fr.), Arthur Freeman '(hist.), Sharon Fulford, Ted Govier, Alan Grigg (Fr.), ), Barbara Hay, Jack 'Hicks, Lois Hutchins (geog.), Bill Jewell, Doreen Lamb,' Edward .Leggett, Donald MacAdam (math., Fr.), Margaret MacDonald, David Mae- Intyre, Delmar Maize, Johni Maize, Betty Mathieson,- •Audrey McCabe, Brute McCullough, Gerald.- -,lie-• Dowellf• Ruth McyNevin,' Grant Mc:'. Phee, Janice McWhinney, Bill Meliek • ('hist.), Ray falitchell (math.) , Lois Mole, Fred Moss,'' Lawrence. Nesbit, Isabelle Nivins, I enald Overholt . (Fr., agric.), Margaret Pibblado,Marion Pit- blado, Lillian ,Popp, Joan Ralston Misr., 'math,„, Ruth Reed, Ruth „Reinhart, Bill Reis (Fr.), Lorne Rivers, Don Rooth • (hist.,' Fr.), Betty Rutledge (hist.) , Patricia Sands, Marie Smyth • (Fr.); DaWn Straugh'an (conditionally), Don Stokes (conditionally); Lois Taylor (hist., geog.), Marion. Taylor, 'George Thompson (Eng:, hist.), Carol Vandermeer; Rey Venn,. Joan A. Wilson and other ''relatives. last week. • s W.M.S. Meeting. = The W.M,;S,- • held their meeting at the house of Mrs. Robt. Bean last Thursday, with a good attendance. Mrs. Allen Stoll was leader. Mrs. 41ordon Mc- Phee •gtive an interesting chapter of the study book. The meeting Was closed with a hymn and prayer. The hostess then served, a dainty_ lunch and a social hour was spent. Mrs, Norman Vincent and family.; of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Tyndall last week. Capped- at Victoria Hospital, — Mr, and Mrs. Vere Cunningham attended an 'impressive -.capping ceremony at Gartshore Residence, Victoria Hospital, London, on June CARLOW 13t1i, when their daughter, Miss of. t*enty-one preliminary students, CARLOW, • June '19. -••- Mr. and rec•eieed her cap and gained iden- •' 'n ton Ariel June Cunningham, in a , class and Misses tity as as nurse. June returned Jean and Joan McPhee of London Astune her training in Victoria McPhee at. th'e' week -end. I IIo i)ital. visited . With Mr. and Mrs. Go•rdo after which she will return to re - Mrs. Byran and family, of St. ''Marys, visited- with Mrs. A: W. o. on Young,Helen, Your Mrs. Young and b, ,Sunday. , Mr. .and Mrs. • Jack Wilson and - family, of Nile, visited with Mr. -and. Mrs. `Frank Mcllwain- on Sun- day. • °" b Mr. Tem 'Nilson visited with Mr. Hilton Amos and • Johnp.Wilson at nd Parkhill at. th week -e. e • Mr. ,and .Mrs.' Stanley Ross •and famiiy,'•ot Flint, Mich.,!visited with _Mr. and' Misr T. Wilson anti •Mrs.• { oe Gra. es e exR e� G n Young. Graduated) from .'Commercial Dept. Illonors =-- Jean Puller, `Deliria t annan, Marjorie Willis. ' :M'arybelle' Chisholm, �,Thhn. Don- aldson, Ted Pulford, Grace Pinder, +I3e1en Willis.. • • nitre' far:, °> e,, Eng.);F: aueei Martin, ": Mary L. R�rathieson, DorothyOWS r.. Evelyn McCabe, 3+L1iilyn. McCabe (ag. , Bob.Mills, Dick: ,Pruder, 'Edna ivett, Jttcqueline See, Diana :Speaf t, Tau ' Titanairson, Ed. Tigers Marilyn Turns', Nevula tWarn k, .Shirley' Young., Grade to Grade Xltli Neil Bedard, t hristene Bogie, Franc. . Brereton, Ji,tn Rucbbnan, Craig Costello (Lat., Fr.),, 'Mary Ellen' Culbert, Bob Currie (geom.), Joann Duckworth, 'Lois- Gihin, !Gene Hamilton, George Harris. (ancient hist.), - Hayes, Brace Holm (Ia r.) , Jean Irwin' (ancient hist., XI ag. science), Jorin• Kil- lough, Margaret Laugille, Viola Leitch.(ag. 'science), Ken. McAI- lister, Sandy McDonald, Alvin Mc- Gee, Gladys Mcan�, ' William Mc- Lean, earn, Lois iSowerby (hist. ), Joyce Wilki son, Emily; Wilson, Cynthia?, Anything to seg.? A Classified aif Warnock, Juanita Webb (hist.)•, in The• Signal -Star brings results. Batrry'Whetstone (agric., math.), `Mar n • W 1'tlia ms, ' - Allan Wi1Son, Barbara •«'ilsun, Kenneth Wilson,' George Wright, Barry • Youagblut, Jeneane Young,' Bob Yungblut. Grade X to •Grade XI . Lorna Alibi, Judy Allison, Gladys I • , Blake, Betty' "Bawra, •Leona Christi- -paw, ce'D law Laren ser (mlitla. Ruth TRADE MARK REG. , , (math.), • terta�n econom ICaIIu Deer, •Ruth Dockstader, Stan ley i.Doherty, Arnold Drennan (hist, Lat.), �Pred'Durst, Mary J. Ellwood, the lli es Edith and Lizzie Horton Slarj(rie Errington, Glenn Feagan,. rind Mi .Archie Horton. He was Sheila Gal)ow, Boh Glasses., Evelyn accompanied by" has sisters, the i;louslier, Shirley Gower, Jane .Mit es Nellie, rad Hva em Clrnhan�, : Elaine Ham kins ('hist. ), Toronto. Donnas Hoy hist., geog.), Leonard 11 r. and,.ltrs: Frank Shields •and Jenkins, Jean Langille, r I;ili j Larder,. Evelyn Larder, Eleanc� { Ltnder, Laura M. Leutlleriund, 1 Shirley Leitela, Patricia I.�ln;,�inire, I' for Lutz, Catherine�M;ier)•onald; Yvonne MacPhee,. James McArthur, 1 Donald McBride.,1 aiph Morris, .!.Ituth M�», CarolynNaftel, 'Robert 1,(tau•llette, ('athcrine P'aget,.-t;'faria Paalitter,. shies T' Ra ' (J'r..), Douglas Reid, Benson Riehl, Ito«s .Rivett, Betty lI the . I geois ), Janet 1 Santis, _Marian Santis (Pr. a, I) li:Ild satelet s�,i► *:(ag. mac.,' I• r. ). Rar'I,ert ' Sancler�>•u. Bill Schaefer, Tont • Shackleton (yr:,' Lat.), Melville 1 Slnlmens (Fr.), I'eter':Sturcly, BobSoddy; • Dianne 'Thorpe,' Patricia Videan• ( hist.,•gt'og.),'David Watts, 1. Ruth. Willis, Nano -smile Wilmot, .Anne tte..Yuilne: -Duo;; Yunnghliat • Grade :XI to 'Grade J"acl. A11eu, Bill , Andrew, Isabel I ><ndreves (;ag. se.), Barry Attridge; I'Betty Black, Rath Bowen (Eng:, sc.) : Lit'na Buch: +,nan, Lois (Thrnpbell Tom • Campion (Fr.), Agnes Chisholm •'(Fr. ), RosemarieChisholm( Eng'.) Clara Donaldson (Wt.), Nick I)ubick (Lat.)..`Vil- tner Errington, Isabelle . Feagan (hist., .ag. se:), Sheila Feeagan; ,Barbara Fisher, Joan Grigg, Ann Hamilton. John Hawthorne. , Med.. Huwell.. Fl�orenee Tlud c,n (aalg. ), Dorothy Laiihridge, Dorothy- I; ang- Children suffer moot when floors are cold awl draughty dug to ,"up-and-down" ;heat,.v Protect heir health with, steady, even Famous ReadingA,xthraci e hard coal heat.. (you calm cut yourwits heatAingi.;.ITOballsMIATIup C toI-t harcalf San Coal.furnaee and amous Read. rng Anthracite Stoker coal.) LEEBURN I EEBURN, Juxie 19.--M•r.. Joe Chisholm returned `hone • on Satur- day after being confined to the Goderich hospital for a week-. Mr. *Eugene Rutledge of Detroit Is spending a two weeks'vacation with Mr. 'and Mrs. Harvey. Fisher and Gerald. , Miss Ruth Bogie, R.N., of St. Catharines, and her, fiance; Mr, Frank MacAvoy, of St. Catharines, spent the week -end with her par- ents, , Mr. and ' Mrs.: Bert Bogie. " Over fifty relatives, and friends gathered at Harbor Park on Sun- day afternoon' to welcome Mrs. Grace (Famish) Bogie, who is on a three weeks' vacation from Van- couver. Mrs. Bogie travelled " by plane. and is Spending her vacation: with members o. 'her family in SERVE become Commissioned: Officers in the Canadian Army Active Force Armour. •Artillery •-Infantry Y•' }l:''r• +:... •�i /, { if Listowel. • Mr. and Mrs. 'Jas.' Chisho m cele-• brated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary last Saturday evening, when they entertained at a dinner• at the Bedford Hotel. . • Sarnia s nt ai -~ ,:Mrs. John Qu d o , the week -end with her parents, M.T. 'and Mro. • 'Andrew Bogie, and - ;Graham. Cree Freeman ,has moved a building 'to the Thos. Morris lot. in Saltferds He will use it as his office in his used car sales business. Mr. Ike Rapson of- Clinton, whose wife passed away on Saturday last, called: on' Tiles -day on his oousinis, Olive visited over the week -end with ;Sirs. Shields' sister, Mrs. Wm. Stoddart, and Mrs, S oddart and children of Lions Head i' BENIVIILLER �>r>EE 3 a 19. --Mr, and Mrs. A. 'Sanders, and family, .o Exeter, spent Sunday: with Mr. and .Mrs. Courtland. Kerr. • Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn • Pfrimmer and Billie have returned from their holidays, ' which werespent up • around North Bay and Callender. Mr. and •Mrs. David Harrower of '.London spent the • week -end 'with Rev. J. and Mrs. Harrower. ; Fran} -• Allin and Russell Mint - mer spent a couple ,of days this week in :Toronto. d fIrs l4 Mr. Wilfred Fisher and and family .pent. Sunday in London,, . ' The Women's Institute will meet oh Tuesday, June 26th, in Carlow Hall. Roll - call .to: be answered, by "Suggestions for .Sunday meals pre- ared-on Saturday." Hostesses are Mrs. J. I'eagan„ Mrs, "K. Gardner and -Mrs. H. Montgomery, From th.e • "BLUE BOOK" -of Famous Trains 'Young men recently graduated from 'HighSchool with a minimum educational standard of Junior Matriculation, maybecome officers in the Canadian Army Active .Force. • If accepted you begin training at Camp. Borden as an officer cadet to qualify as a Second Lieutenant in the. Active Force. . 'You will receive Second Lieutenant's. pay while in training. This training will consist of three courses totalling a periodof twenty-eight weeks. Wheti you are granted a commission you will then ,serve for periods of 3, 4 or 5 years as you choose under the Short Service CommissionPlan. At the ehd of this service you ma .a 1 •fora perManent commission. This is a chance to serve Canada atA•a timewhen defence stands as a most important national concern. The training and experience in leadership wi11 be invaluable assets' to any young man ° .. by throughout his whole life. ,. TCO QUALIFY YOU MUST BE: • Single • , Physically Fit . • Between 18 and 25 years„.ofb'dge • A Jutiior,'Matrriculation Graduate APPLY TODAY in person or by writing • • Wa, llis ,+4N o•.. 1.3 Per sonnel Dep + Haute, Rideau & Charlotte Sis.,d. lTAW A, Ont. No. 5 fersknnellepa}., AttilieryPark,Baget St., CINC`5IaN , On t . N0,.6 Personnel Depot, . East ybrocrParkk Bayyi•W Ave},70R©NCO,Ont. 'No. 7Pee#4n'rel Dopot,iNolsoloy parracksr Ehsaheth St., LONDON, O nt, United r Strength i' s';.. • needed 4oTrained • • ; ., a , i1OI.MESVIIJLi'), June Zona • 'Newton, R.N., London, spent the week -end 'at her. home. ' Guests -with llr. andJames C.'erran over' -the week -end Were Mrs. Frank Dixon and.,her, ,two small grandsons, of Clinton. • • (1n -Sunday ;Mr. and .Mrs. Ewan Ross and John motored - to Inger- soll.. They were accompanied by •Mrs. Don Rutherford and little son, La}'id,' who were returning to their hcitpe. after spending, two weeks with .Mrs and Mrs. . �V. D. Arm- strong, Bay -field, ' ' , Miss Jean Fraser, Toronto, came on•Sunday to spend part of the week with Mrs. J. B. _Nlac•Maath. The Mission Band and public school plan to hold a joint picnic -er { , s sty aftes,ismo wits .ri"gln at the 'home • of Mrs, •Ewa,n - ll oes_• Mrs. Ross, and' Mrs., N, Heard, Mission' .Band leaders, and Miss X. Holmes, teacher, will • be in charge.. Women's Meetings. -on Jutfe. 12 the ladies Met at. the home orvirs. L. Jervis to hold theirs monthly W,yi.:S•. and na W.A.. eetinglr. For the former, Mrs.. W. Yeo had pre- pared the program and was in charge. The Scripture passages were read by Mrs. 14, Bend. Mrs'. Grigg and Mrs, W. Norman. A duet was seontribut•ed by ''Mrs.. E. Grigg • arid- Mrs, Norman. Mrs. B. Lobb gave a' reading ,on. Nellie L. McClung, •and other readings ,were 'given by Mrs••' E. ')i'rewarthe and Mrs._ W. Yeo. Mrs. Newton gave a short talk on the work of mis- sionaries on Indian reserves. Dur- ing- bnsinesa it 'wave derided that used (lathing for children be brought. to the next meeting as n. start oh to bale fpr overseas relief. ... The W.A. business 'meeting was eondncted by Mrs. E. Grigg, president. Inc luded In the discus - shins were plan's° for ato. hes held in July nt the home of the president,;' ':she hostesses,' Mrs. Jervis ar,d. Mrs. 1+y. Potter', Nerved o delicious inneh. Canadian National's smart bedroom-buffetrlounge cars provide • the charm apd informality of your• own living -room. In these friendly surroundings you •can read, chat of watch the landscape througli'.broad picture windows?• At night you will sleep restfully fn your, 'own private morn. However you travel, in louhge - c�tt;: 'sleeper :• drawi foam :-of c ch -- anywhere, anytime, you'll enjoy yourself ifyou go Canadian National. - 4 You'll enjoy, too, staying ,at ?Canadian National hotels they're 'conveniently .located its cities from cost to coast. Por reservations and information regarding your business and pleasure, trd°a'el needs, see, write or phone your local Canadian National Passenger Agent; CANADIAN NATIOHA ?HE ONLY ,kAttWAlf' SERV ttel'C ALL .TEN' PROVINCE.