HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-06-07, Page 10• - VA SWABS... * * D. HERE AND TEERE Last 'week was 'apparently Free- dom for Budgies Week in Goderich. By ,•strange coinvideeee several people reported that t heir budgies had 110W11 their coops abont the stimetime awlare still at large. .The' spotlight will be aimed on the Town _Couneil at the Lions Meeting on Friday uight. 1:Z1der the heading of "Civic Improvement ,and Community Bettermeet"' Lion and Couucillor Ray JaCkson will be 0.gRSONA:14 ASNT1LON,' • Alr. and Mrs. liel*trop.7of •Toronto spent the week -end in kinderieh. M. „ef Ham- ilton is .visiting friends in tv,i,vit this week.. Or. Jonaliane , Grastudent at ,law U t, • usgvOuti loroutu,, ,11),t$ tee' Lernett. Le nes twine Dere tor .Itie ii.tuter A.. 1. 11.c.Le.tin, -of Settforth, Was, ut town oil 6attirouy owm :oon to• attend ,.uurtuoin tireeders goluering at, lieu:nor ,Mr. Douai& Mooney has left for. B igwni. run, taite oili -oys, where ne is employed ivr the suiumer „Montnslies purser on the ,boat. Airs. erukte ry, spent the winter in itierata, pais returned to vuderich ior summer. iIle)?naugnier, mrs. is with her, ,..N.ers. Earl. euoper and. zontira lett • by inutor on NV,eilliesday for ilortage l'rairw,.iicetnupouled by sir. and MIS. Ernest' Lricli Laid .un -.dred, 'La Tuckerin sith. • Mrs, Weaver, principal Of the Gouertegi Bueutess. Lonege, attended. the. annual meeting. ut tue Collodion 6cnuois Association held tit winillton on, Saturday' last. , Ntr. ttnu Mrs. .itovert Campbell and Mr. and II.. Louipbell in charge of the meeting, tit which -.hrief ta 11 inglitut ' were visitors., on buil- COuncil members will give and addresses and Lions will have the . Mrs. A. strangettn, Park street. opportunity of crosxamiging the cooucillors oit any Phases of the Council's work. ;Should be' on in- teresting and enlightening evening! • Ooderich's new Collegiatebuilding will."•be on a firm fouudatiou, into One Or two feet of clay which forms •the subsoil on, the site at the foot of • atter a, six weeliS Arip Lo A•South 'street. About fifteen As the ,•esuvai o1 Iiritau.t had all local but three, are.now at .work' oeguu, they were tote to .see some - On the project. Earl Horst, super-, thing oi Lids oldstanding event. • intendent of. the job, hopes „to, pour .,Nir. and .Mrs. A. it. 6cot1 webe• half ..-of,-.4•Ii.e-±foo-tings_lty_...the....eieLtif„ --Toriekt-o-••yeeterottyLo atteud weeiL• ' • convocation o L11e LItiVersIty oi --•*orti•titti;'-at• W4N-Iv.4-14Ne4.. • • At, • 6-10 p.m. Wt'duesaaY a ear ,Scutt, was -.an honor antennae. Also • bearing ii liehigtin likense• eanie attending, Were Mrs. Don Scott Lind along -Kingston street and 'turned prin. Lee. Scutt ot Edmonton. left on the Square. A . police ear • Thos. Carrick _had its svoee_ ha•ppened .to be passing at -the time eeef guests his tidughter Ida with '• and the Visitors, were a.d•vfsed they her'..uusband;-,Geerge Weaver, and could travel only to the right•around their eve. . front Houston, ekke Square. There is. il. sign at the le&it'S; also his sons Gordon. front 4.7Orneradvising, of the proceedhig Houston and John, front -Windsor: to. right only, but now witli laimmer visitors and many -111.a hurry there will be the usual proportioa who, fail to notive the :sign. • • . A •Canddian• Pressnews despatch from ' Inverness,. Scotland, in -.the daily . 'newspapers on Wednesday , said, in part: the !last mouth , private individuals from,Ottawa and Godefich, Ontario, have e\en Caine Ldr. and Airs.'uleu Gardiner and souS, aim John, speut the wees.-end •111"luroulo viSitilig Teta- LI‘es alid attendwg-the croinplon- A, a ruiner \%eutting iui itust,tiale L. inlet" Odin* 011 zinturddy, Air lve--Niiirsiial J. alid Alit,. Sun)* arri'Ved home on 1 riday . • , AUCTION SALE • AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE 'AND-1.10,USELIOLD EFF E.CTS • in the Village of Auburn on sA'runpAy, „JUNE 9th• .• • at 1.30 pan. • PROPERTY. Concrete 'house • MASONIC) CHURCH PARADE The annual church parade of 'Masonic Lodge will be heldfson Sunday, June 24th, when members of Maitland -Lodge and other dNtriet 3.1asons will parade fromspe ....ua.stiniv. Temple at 6.30 p.m. • to' St. George's • Angirean Church, where theservied will be hi charge of Rev: B. Et. Farr. BORN Bitinu.werER. Hospital, Goderich, On June 1st, 1951, to . Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Bridgwater, Goderich, a som, Bryan Alexander. FOSTE11.-sAt Alexandra Hospital, •Goderich, on June 4111, 1951, to 'AV/ O. Thos. Foster, R.C.A.Y. Schdol;* Cillton, a son, Dennis Ross. YOUNG. -At Alexandra Hospital, 'Uoderich, on June 511; 1951, to • Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Young, Goderieb, a 'daughter. , WANTED .TO RENT WANTF.D TO Itk:NT. "•-• UN- - FURNISHED house or apart- ment With at least. two bedrooms, for two yea-rs. References. Write W. D. RAMO.RE,• P.O. BOX 24, Ont.„ 20-23x over (,to' Britain) seeking married 26 x .213, six' rooms, in. good state - asauplesl'Avilling-to work .a,s- cook and. 4,,f Tepair; •also* good frame garage. ' butler.- The . nitibi 'story . told . of .: .410•LiSiel1oL14. EFFECTS. - One ., Canadian represent a tives eoW • in • . le:_kirVoni. Su i tC, ; 2 : teds, springs' and . Britain seekiiig - to, line: uti-•-entigratrrs-linartressete;. dining.rotan--.-tabie and - for Lindestriet', in Canada..c ' . . ... • - , . hair, • li- rocking chairs; 8 kitchen . • 1.1 . . .• ' chairs ; 3-1)urner...1 coal WI' stove.;. Jadith.Goederharn Park is now -Clare-,Jewel. coek stove (coal or , In full- swing •Water • has been:, 'wo(Jd..) ; Q,Uebec heater ilike new)'; -.turned on' in - he poet, and the otin ‘vo .folks are enjoying the wad- ing ' and other facllities of the library ,:ta Ole ; 3 kitchen, .cupboards ; - ... . • , park, . ! • , „. .i Sunday will he. somewhat of anH . duranee contest • for ''Groderich ' ' housewives With the Hydro' power ' 2. small tables ;lawn mower ;• floor off from • • 8.30 a.m.- . t o • 6 p.m.-, while major ' Hydro changes. are- being , made. , .. LOS1 • L OST' -TALKING 131'1)(11E, ON* Sunday, Jutie 31'd; repeats his 'mitre, "Pixie"; blue and grey with white Iota. Fintler please phone 1130J: Reward. Brief; „ , For alterations and dresses, suits, etet, wade to measure, call Mrs. R. Serinigeour, apartment ever Esquire Grill. • •• • .-20tf Special family prices -on any coms binasion of these magazines; Sat- urday Evening ,Post, Ladies' Heine Journal, Holiday, Jack- and Jill. Miss Mary B. Howell, 4 St. Vincent street, Go.derich, phone. 213W. • -20 i am now buying rags and old felt mattresses. Turn them Out now while -I „have a Muer.; next month may be too late. C. WOODS, 1,2 East street. Phone 867,I. -14 , The G'oderieh Dramatic Club is presenting two ouesact plays,""The Echo House" . (complete juvenile east), 'and "Poor Henry," on Mon- day, . aline 25112, iii -MacKay Hall. Admission '25 cents, - - - • '22 -3 -4 - The Evening -AtiXiliory of North Street United Church will hold its Jtme meeting at the home. of Mrs. J. A. Snider on ),VedneSday, June 13th,at 8 o'clock. Members are requested to bring pieces of new eotto•n print suitable for quilt mak- ing. Please note change of date. • ;23 •, A garden party aaid tee sponsored by the Ladies' Aid of Knex"Church will ,be held ..on Thursday, .1 une 21st, commencing at 3 o'clock; at Mrs. J. .W. -Craigle's 'Cottage, Co-. lopurg street. Homemade 'bake 23x table,: fancywork .booth, including - aprons. Remember 'the date for a pleasant afternoon. -23-4 MM. • CAilb OF THANKS fritE----1.1,ODERICH -• '" Club Wishes to thank' ail the ists-4k4amily douist Prizes for their Roblit HOod flooking School and also any. who helped inake the school a succesS,' - .2,3 - s WANTE - AUTOMOBILE •' mechanic, Blue Cross, pension Plan, 'coveralls supplied and launde.led. , • Good working • condi- tions: tTGood wagoS. -Apply • G.ODE- 11,101.1'MOTORS, Ford and Monarch ..8111e6 t Service, South street, .Goderich. . • •. -23 ,WANTED PRO- „PEItTIES for "Safe. C. F. CHAPMAN. 'Real Estate ,Breker, Phone 18. • 39tf' WANTED TO Istrs.--',ALL oLD is --Horses and dead uplands. If stiitablefor mink feed- wilt pay. more than fertiiiier -rice,. If will pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS.'. M.1NK macRANCH', Goderich. *Phone collect Washing iar or . tee. and wringer ; .930 21 936 r 32. ,‘ . stainio Couch; cabinet -battery radio; . k' P ' ANTED. -LISTINGS. ORO-, • PERT1ES for safe. No charge, to yuu 'until . property is sold. MALCOLM MATHERS, . .R e a I :vilest of drovers ; 'bedding, pillows; blankets; dishes; eueking uteltsilS pictures; sealers; • erocks ; sewing Uode- maine; 8 -day elock; armehair• Estate 'Broker., The: Square, ch rich. Phone 11ZW: 12t1 OBITUARY „ • • HARR.X. M. GAIL, $41-firrY M.- Gail; . well-knOwn . mechaniCal engineer who was • a ..„_,,p,rereinent orange grower In NIRO .Park;•:mi munity hospital. on May 21st.. . Mr. Gail was 'affiliated with the Niagara Falls „l'ower Comtiany .tyf Buffalo, N.Y. Ile moved tct Orange, • California, in 1918 and, be'conie the holder of eonsiderable. citrus pro-, perty. :He is survived by his wife, Edith Tyler Gail. Mrs. Gail is the daughter of Clara Howell Tyler -and-the • granddaughter iot. vey Howell, who, WaS all 'early resident ef Gederieh. AUGUST' GUIIR August 'Gruhr, building contractor, "-fernier resident Of Goderich, died I3eek -Memorial 'Sanatorium, London, on Friday last - in his eighty-sixth year. Ile had been at the sanatorium •for eight:years.'• He ” Was, a native of the State of Wis- 23: " 'cousin. Hi S wife 'died in 1938 and • , there are no survivors. The fun- , eral took plade' at ,Zurich on Sat- urday, with interment in St. Peter's Lutheran Church cemetery after . •service at the 'graveside. • Anything t� sell'? -A clasSitled acl in TheSigeal-Star brings results.. covering; lamps. . Property seal subject. to reserve bid. • _Terms .on -day of sale. Chat.: tels, cash. • . .I.:STATE ',OF LATE' MRS. EMMA • , '', WRIGHT. LEWIS RUDDY, Executor FRANK FINGLA*ND Solicitor. 'HAROLD JACKSON, • . 22-23- 4uOtioneer. BOUSE- IIOLD EFFECTS • .in the Villageof Auburn_ on WEDNESDAY,' JUNE 13th • • at q"paii.. Beatty. vacuum cup hand wish- ing machine with 'wringer; 2 din-", ing-room tables and 6 chairs; small tables, 3 armchairs; 3 bedroo•nt suits; .bed ;• 0 kitchen chairs;' • piettres;-- 2 antique-dual:5; -I buffet glass' Cupboard; rockers; 2 hanging lamps and 'other lamps floor covering; creeks; ,sealers; electric radio; 1 • Clare.. Jewel. eook stove: (coal'or woad).; 2 -burner hot.plate;. Quebec 'heater. TERMS --CASH. •. , ESTATE OF LATE HARRY. WAG- , NER. • • • ' , HAROLD ,LA•CisSON, •A:uetioneer. Hygenic supplies (rubber goods), mailed postpaid. in • plain,-* sealed envelope with.price list. 'Barn pies 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail .Order Dept. 7-53.., NOV-RUOER CO., Box 91, IlamiltotvOnt. that .vital every -1000 -mile lubrication job! 'Our ex- pert mechanics have the tools and training to do, it speedily, • save you time and money! Comw.in today .o.,nd every 1000 'miles!' -CAPABLE ' HOUSE'. KEEPER at once -for one lady.. Must be good cook. Highest Wages,. . Write, BOX 30, SIGNAL - STALL WANTED. ,S LEEP LNG BAG., 7 Must be • in ' good condition. phone 901. W.A,N.WE SERVICE. ' -23,tf For Results' - Classified M FOR, MLR,- . .VOR, SALE, N I N,11-110 C0,1 brick hollSe;.Steker licater .(new heating system). Possession at one. IVAINT LOUZON, Goderielt Fruit Market* -14tf Fox, - PLANTS, TO1i1A- Touts, cabbages and cauli- flowers. FRED uNinaRT, Huron road. -20tf FORS -- ALE.LOOTTAGE, 76 NEW - GATE street; 'three bedrooms, living -room, dining -room, kitchen, 3-piese bathrooni, full -sized -base- ment. Nice garden. Immediate possession. Apply T, ,M. DAVIS,- 59 West street. Phone 1099, , -17tf poR, SALE: -1948 REO 3 -TON dump truck; new tires, Galion . 5-yar4 • steel box. Phone RONALD. PATTERSON, 24, Gode- rich. • 21-2-3x , .FOR SALE. - WHITE FRAME `".• cottage, lice 'rooms, three-piece. bath, good garden planted. Priced for quick sale. 'Apply..,11 Cameron street or phone 194J. • ' 23-5x F0R•SALE. GIRL'S C.C.M. bicycle (like new), back parcel carrier and saddle bags. Phone 1282 after 5.30 p.m. .or any time' 'Saturday. 23x FOR SALE. -FIVE' IIA.RDWOOD beams, 28 ft long. • CLAYTON LAtrawAITE, No. 8 Highway, ,Goderich Township. Phone 931 r 21. -23 • F'OR• SALE:=A FEW BUSHEL'S ..of ,seed corn .of Funks, • G. Hy'brid variety,. left, sealed bags, Reserve Thursday„.July 1.9th,for both ensilage And grain • varieties. the annual g.tt•rden party of St. Please Contact J 01 -IN C. - George's Churehwothan's Gad. phone 1119 Carlow -agent for 'Yanks .The regular monthly meeting 'Of Ire-Wssitennsfit-u1e-101-1 b& -held on Friday; .June lSth, at 2.30 p.m. in MacKay Hall. -23 WANTE1-.7--RU8INES-S OFFICE premises, • abeut 600 " square feet, on or near the Square.. Long lease. Reply BELL' TELEPHONE CO., Goderich. -23tf ANTED. -- GIRL' rort. GEN- ERAL .houseWork.,- steady em- ployment. „Phone 1149j, . -23 immosuinirgammum WANTED: - •MV. REQUIRED to do luhricatin, washing and mechanical work. -G AR DN E 11 MOtOR SALES; ,pone 234. -23 NOTICE OT I C E . Floor* sanding - new and old floors. . J. C. 'COOK, .phone .23J,• Clinton. 'Supplier months,, Bayfield, phone 45 r•'2. -14tf _ :Makin wdrk, ChinnleyS hailt and repaired,: painting and decorating. Buildingrepairs of all descriptiOns. R., F.- VENN, phone "920.1. • -23tf NOTICE. ••• •{Ilay to • be taken: off on 'Shares.. Acso 1 purebred Shorthorn bull. for sale. • Plume *Carlow .Municipal 1522. - ' • • 23x s• . W.ANTED.-TtHO'USE TO' RENT; • small house preferred, willing to do minor, reipairs and decorationSo Write BOX 33,, SIGNAL -STAR. • • XX SALE OF FARM BY TENDER. . . 1. ..Tenders.,will be received by the undersigned Solicitoron behalf 0 the estate Jaf, lisle., late 'Tirditias-X-atttglitlYriit or before --.the twentieth day of 'June, 1951,' at :one o'clock in the .after- noon, for the perchase of the smith half of lot 25 in concession 5 of the Township o•f West Wtrwattosh, Yontaining 100 acres more or less, on whiell is situated a Six -roomed brick residence with ba•sement. With a cement floor and a frame kitchen attaelledy with fireproof reef, 'and it -frame; barn 30' x50'. with stabling underneath and fireproOf • roof; a Poultry hPuSe and a- sheep -pen,, all in ,good eonditipn, and with eX- ceIfent water supply from tWo wells and •two. springs. 2. Te13111A•Of payment. are ten per cent. deposit by certified cheque with tender lifid the balance In (ash in. 30 'deo, when possession will be given. „ ' • 3. All adjustments of taxes:etc., to be made as , of the date of ppsse,Wtion. •',I,, . ' ,.... - 4. Inspeetikin Mai' be mule 'dur- ing any- day at premises at present occupied by ' Edmund teddy' and Thomas •Leddy. , ' . r;... Tenders to be delivered, in. a J•lertleil envelope to the undersigned 1Solieitor • and 'marked "Tender, I mlay Farm Property.", ' . O. The , higlfe.st or any ' tender mit 'neeessarily accepted, ,, Dated at- de t- Gorich "this 3th id of Itilif, 1951. „ , PRANK R, DARROW, It.C., liAttistor;. ote„, ' ' , godertelr, Ontario. - 11,34 . . •G,. Hybrid- • Assoenrtes. -JAMES 'GRANT ,& SON SED CO... 23x FOR SAI7E. - TWENTY ,PIG- rioal. SALE. - SMALL FRAME LETS. • Call 'after 5.30 p.m. A; • .buii ldng,. 20 25 feet, suitable HARRY Goder eleellx: for a garage; reasonable for quick sale. Phbne 3:022J, ,GoderiCh. 23x FOR SALE. -L. GLADIOLUS .-btilbs. Special collectiOn, wide rouge of colors, ,mixed. '50 -.bulbs for $2,50 25 . for $125. L. R. HOLMAN, Cameron street, phone 722. • .• • -18if • • FOR SALIE0 S4LE.-VEGE2A.13LE1AND flower plants. At GIBSON'S, 30 Widder street, -22tf pOR SALE,--WILUTE . ENAMEL G.E. annex, in perfect condition, with. water front. -Phwe 929J. 23x FOR SALE. - TWO PAIRS - beige colored drapes! SWing rodS and hooks included, $10.00. Call 85411 after 8 p.m. -23 FOR SALE. - GILSON DDEP - freeze, 12 cu.Jt. WILT. REIN - HART ELECTRIC, phone 466.° '--23 Von sALE.--NE§TING1-10SE, 7 cu. ft. Deluxe refrigerator; left-hand door. .WILF.' REINHART ELEVIIR,10, phone 466. - •-•23 ;• FOR' SALE. - L:M1.01;',• na,,31 heuse with three acres a land, henhouse and small barn; ear shed built, on to house; water.. pressure SSistem, bathroom. FRED HURsT, Seaforth: Phone 851 r 22. 234x FOR a1Ux.-1950 G.M.C. 1/2 -TON pick-up truck, 'mileage 7200. $1200 for quick sale. ' FRED HURST, Seaforth' phone 851 .T 2. 2BX - OR ,SALE.•: -BRICK COTTAGE., _ corner Essex and Quebec, Streets, known as "GatenbY home." 'Write P.O. BOX- 547,.Goderich. -18tf R SALE. - SOLID BASE bathtub.'Beatty washing ma- chine; six French doors, all com- plete, g feet, by 6' 8"; ...electric (fixtures. Apply JAS. DONALDSON, 'North street, after Saturday' p.m. 23x FOR SALE-;:-110USE ON.11U11ON road. ART THOAIAS, Phone .134R, • •" • 20tf fOR SALE. -1937- DESOTO IN excellent running order. Priced, for „quick • sale. Phone. 4-24. Box -608. • _ "FoR.SALE.,-.1,94.0 'STUDEBAKER iliveoassenger coupe. Phone 620W. " • • HURON COUNTY COUNCIL -- the next meeting of the Huron, County Council willbe held in the. -Council 'Chambers, .Court ,House,. Goderich, cdmmencing, .Tiiesday, Jnne .12th, ,at 10.00 „a.m. ' , .ttecounts, notices of tleputa- Won's aUd other .business requiring the attentioe of Council should be hatielS'Ir -fp.-coifilty "Clerk not later than Saturday:, •June 91-11,• 1951. . . . • • : A. IL ERSKINE, County Clerk, ,Gederieh, 22-3- 'NOTICE TO' HOLD' COURT OF 'REVISION FOR LOCAL • MON' EME'NTS " TAKE 'NOTICE that Court of Revision wt.II be held on the 216t dass.01 J-une, 1951, at ,8. o'clock p.m., for the heating . Of ,complaints against the. proposed assessments, or the accuracy of frontage mea.- suremehts and any other coninlaint which persons interested may de - Sire to. make end which, is, by law cognizable by the Court, at. the Council. ?ers' in the Towin. Goderich, ') • Loeal • IniproN'rements have been coMpleted on the following Streets: FOR-. SALE,. 1950 CUSTOM Meteor 'four -door sedan, radio, heater, air conditioned, just like new. phone 1101.1. . • • 23x . • • FOR; SALE. -1- 1938 DOME FOR SAL,E. •-r.. QUANTITY OF 4 -foot cordwood, beech and maple 'hardwood; Oise •12 -inch body .hardwood. Phone Dungannon 9 r 6, .MEL. CRAIG, Auburn Sa•wmilll. 490 • *Southern Sugar Spice Cake ,with butter creme icing and filling 35c each , ?Cocoanut Bar -3.5c doz. Cheese Loaves -40c each For the. June Bride we specialize in -a41 types ai.nd, sizes of Wedding. Oakes, . CULB" ERT'S . BAKERY - "THE HOlViE OF TASTY PASTRY" Orders of $1,00 and over delivered. Please,phone your orders in, by noon, Phone 465 ' . FOR SAILA • PERSONAL . FOR SALE. - .1.3XTRA. CHOICE asters, .zinnias, petunias, nas- turtiums, salvia, ' English- daisies, snaps, portulaca, sweet peppers. B. R. •MUNDAY, 7 'Whitler street, phone 598. 23x FOROLE. - GOOD CHEER 'kitchen range,,,voal • and wood; also '31 Durant car!' Phone 52 r 3, Dungannon. , 23x, RiiiNNY MEN, WOMEN! GAIN' . 5 to 15. lbs.; .new pep. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new,. hettlthy• flesh; new vigor. ' Intro- ductory ",get -acquainted" size °NIA 60c. All.druggiSts. ORNIS' INSTANTLY RELIEVED with. Lloyd's Corn and Callous 'Salve-7the effective corn remedy. 50c itt CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. -23, FOR SALE,. - $950.00, •, 1949 SLENDOR TABLETS, ARE EP - Morris Minor," perfect condition, PECTIVE. Two weeks' supply 17,500- miles„ original owner. Call $1 ;.12 weeks', $5; at CAMPBELL'S or write CgL. R. S.• POWELL, 31 DRUG STORE, -23. Edmonton "road, Adastral Park, -11 0 A r Clinton 23x plum SALE.119 ACRES, good clay loam,.on No. 8 high.' way, half Way' between GOderich and 'Clinton. • Barn, Poultry -houses, eteee;-.8.-room--eiringlet1-"house---fir splendid -condition, well 'insulated. :Hydro throughout. .Splendid never - failing *ell, 20 acres woodlot. Pos- ,session to suit purchaser. Apply to ANDREW H011.1MA R.R. .2, Clin- ton . Vhone Goderia, • 933 r . 6. 23-21x coach, in excellent condition, F0R SALE.. - GALVANIZED, priced fOr quick sale: For -further GetP-etloilley-is.e71)Pcblatriitnygsouatt -.1(04‘ceynotus; information phone 272 or 796M: • .23 !peonies by keeping them up out of 'the art. One ring required for 174)41., SALE. -.7, (HOSTESS ELEC- eaclr plant. JACK SON , FLO11,- TRIC: refrigerator, 7 cubic feet, 1.'irrti, Vhene'.105. • -21 shelves in door, automatic de- * fro'ster, excellent •condition: 'Phone 'OR SALE. - - LAY OIL - FIN • - 1184, or 2 Britannia road, east. • BURN1PR, in good shape. Phone _23.4 1521y, 15 Warren street -1.)2 FOR SALE.---.-,struCCO 'HOUSE, • .seven rooms and bath, good location, 62 Britannia. road. JOS. IL ALLISON. '• • -23 . FOR SALE. - THOSE 'LARGE : - .extra -early tomato playas that FR I-°; we a re holding for you must be in good.MOD- 0(Ni eio•enddibtirohne;t it litietseg,a7rSALE.-TWOSTORY dreollonitost,' and garage. 718 Newente .street. R FOS AL E. -US ED . R E IG A.TOR, 2 years old, perfect for .sunimer home. A good 'buy. Guaranteed. Coh,be seen at ROB- INSON TAXI OFFICE. .-22-3 token by' June llth, so -that we may replant the beds with some- thing etse. JACKSONS FLORISTS APPly H. J. FISHER, Ilami,12t21, ., . ., phone -105. , 0-2r3 ts.tr'eet, ,G,odericif. - - ' . , - OR SALE..-- ---Q--U--A..NTITY buckwheat. R. J. ;GLEN, 11.11. .c), GOderich. Phone 4111, 'Carlow.- • • ' - 23-24x 'FOR SALE. -ONE. HEREFORD ' heifer, first 'calf now' seven days old ; one Polled Angus heifer, 600- 700 pounds. Phone Neat between 5 and 7 pan. .,. 23x NOTICE TO CItEDIT4RS" N °Tick]. TO CREDITORS: All persons havins• •clainas- against thee'Sterre.-of--Aterat-141-iiiabetke-Mc-, Phail, late .Of the 'TOwn of Goderich,'" in the Cotiuty of 'Huron, who died on br about the•lith day 'of ;May, 1951, are required to file the same, with 'full particulars .Nyith the undersigned by • .the 21st day of .June,- 195i$ as after that date the estate will be distributed.- •' Dated at the ToWil of Godeiichin, • • the- Co'unty of Iluron, this 31st day of May, .1951..' - * J; K. klUNTER, Goderich, 'Ontario, . Solicitor for the Estate.* -- ...s. . . FOR SALE.HOT POINT 'ELEC,- - . TRIO range . with high oven.. . ,- % - . SHORE St. CrINN, 411, Quebec street, TENDERS WANTED • Phone 1199. -23tf FOR • SALE. JOHN, DEERE corn picker,- cheap • ht $450. CREE FREEMAN, .11.11.. 3, Gode-' rich. TENDERS FOR COAL AND 'COKE •Federal Buildings - Province of • , • . • Ontario , • lEA LE D TE.N.DER S fADDRES.U)D • • 23x to the undersigned and,endorsed • 'Tender for Goal" will be received FOR SALE., -• A 'VERY NICE small bungalow, on Illifon read (near pilliirs). Basenient, furnace,. simporeh; ithinediate, ..possession. Agent MALCOLM MATHER'S, Real Estate Broker; the Square. Phone 115"W... - -23 FOR SALE. LL• USED 'ICEBOX, .one year old,' large size, con be seen at 105 Lighthouse street, phone 1247. • -23 FOR_ SALE. -.BATTERY-ELEC: TRIC portable *Ho, ih good condition. CECIL CAMPBELL, R. -R. 1, Belgrave, 23x ARE YOU READY. FO."R TI. -X FOR 'SALE. -• 2/1 -STORY RED ..or . 6. %%IQ dill: el(; a 11;1137. 011f:ill kye c It sth, J. Carter:. Five houses from the Chicks.. ' .Especially a..L.tn. present 'inetigrgk'etnis?ar• payttplo to„,the. erder Of the. .street, 'residence of .the late. Wm. .con -be. if you stock' Kitchener Big -4 brick house, located -on, South ,Square-.,:71itintediate-possession---Ap- bargain prices. Ask us; .- RYAN DIY" at Tesiderice orwrite-te OLYIYE-: 'PRODUCE; --Goderich.----..----•- .,..._..., _ ..............„.........., ..,_.„ , . . • •", ahledliellnistier,--.:a.-Vablic,,,Works,,,..,,,____ _a__•__!..., equal to 10 per -cent, of :the amount :CARTER, '330 Cheapside street, . • . • of, the. tender, or Bearer tond8 of • • ..-___ ..:.-- ........ . -pany and it.s eohstiteent cOmpatiles. .London. -22-23 TO RENT' • - the 'Dominion :of Canada or, of -Canadian . National RailWey Com- , TO RENT, ',,l'-'. 'OFFICE, ••• ON prineipal.and interest by the Donain- :.1AS. A. CAMPBELL. ',. -, -17tf ---- ground. floor, . 2 North street. tioued. bonil an,d. a certified chew:ie. unconditionally',gtteranteed 'as • to ion. of. Canada, or ,the aforemen-' . • it . teqiiired .to .inake„up...an.....odd. amonnt . • • until 3 Thursday, J pne • 21, 1951, for the Supply coal and colie• for Dominion .toBfui(1)(1u.itnaggo.throttgliont the 'Province 'Forms of '..tender. with specifica- tiOnS and coin] it ions ., attached , ffla 'be obtained feoin the Chief -of Pur- chasing tied Stores, Department of Public- Works, OttaWa„ and the •Dis- . • triet Architeet, 36 Adelaide St. Toronto, Ont. . • • .`Tenders, • should • be Made on. the forms' „supplied. by the Department and in accordance with department-. al.- specifications and conditions -at- tached thereto. The ••Department rese.rves the tight' to demand from-ney 'success- ful tenderer, before' aWarding the order,;_a. security" deposit inthe forth of a' certified cheque on, a .chartered hank in °anode, made 'Massey -Harris 'traCtor discs, two. phone ,1410, Carlow. 23x Fl° VOWSALE. --A QUANTITY OF four .new tires, radio ,and heater; y7ears • old. • OREE • FRLEMAN,, ,gFaioquows: ALE._L R.R. 3, Goderich. Phone 1410, one leebox ; 2 -burner gas stove; cob corn. ORM FREEIV/AN, 1932 chev. eoach, in fair cendition; 'S'ILE:GOOD-13"SEITSNOW fence, 8 cents a foot; also set of , 231- drill • press, Nilith 14-h.p. motor; stroller- vvith-sleigh, in- fair '.shape; -sRix-cYlinder, in' good shape; SALE. -1938 .OLDS SEDAN, NUMBER OF HEM- iColliv.v!ront ends for trailer. Phone -23 . LOCK, 2" x 4" and 2" x 6", 12 feet long or over; In. good, con- dition. Phone 163., - -23 - FOR SALE. •-7,- ICE REFiRtGER-. .A.TOR, latge -size,' good- .centlit" tion. Reasonable.' Phone .803W. -23 FOR SALE.--NE+SCO ELECTRIC roaster and Stand.; boY's. brown. tweed Suit 'With two pairs of pants, size 6; child's crib and mattress; Combinution blue baby buggy and go -cat..' Phone 561J. • 23x F011, Several. summer 1cottages. Two steres on West steet,' close to the Square with modern four - room. apartment On secondfloor. ne-Qa-,•sia-cant,--for Iminediate_pos- West side of Kingiton iii"Arrifiht liSsion. -0fIfer gtore lots 224, 225 and pt. 273. occupied: 4,, - East side Qf -Kingston from ,St.1- " • t • David's St. 45' north. • I 65-ficre form, 50 acres workable. East side of .Kingston from 'lot 70 ' No harp., :Modern six-rooiM house Square, to: a distance 45! 5". covered With, insul brick Living - East side of Gibbons hetA.Veen .Bri- room, dinidg-rooni, .kitch'en' with tannin and ,Raglan.. built4n euPlioards, . three bedreams, North side of Pieton between Wel- . lihgton and Wellesley. East side of CambridgeSt. between Britannia and CYxfOrd. 4 Sewers: :St. David's • St. in. front of ;lots 125, 72 and 73. Britannia • Rd. from Palmerston a distance of 209' from . centre line of Palmerston. Curbs: Etult Side of Victoria between NA - .son and Bruce. • Rest side ot Stanley from Kingston to Elgin.. West side of McDonald .1)6,tween tannia 'Rd. and Agricultural Park. " -South ski e of West St. between • WaterRib and Wellingttnt. North side, Of West 'St.: from Water. • loo ‘tO'' WellingtOn. East sieht of Colborne St between • Church ati'd Nelsom "WAt side of Colborne St..frora'the Squar to a point 1.04,, 9" north. East' sidc'of Waterloo St. from !St. ' Patrick's ti) north limit of lot. 894, , • itrifiAttv, t„,„ 'Null Clerk. Goderich, June Ith, IDOL FOR SALE. ---L• TWO -S TO RY :house divided into -two apart- ments; new instil-bricki re -roofed, Corner Picton .'and Waterloo. lms mediate possession of .grotind 'apart- ment. Phone 1027W. -22tf modPrn 3-plece bathroom. Electric- ity instfilled. Electric hot water heater,, pressure system. Two -cat garage. t, • . , • 11-rooth brick house in gond loca- tion.'.upper ',floor in self-contained aptirtitient; Main floor; large living'. riona and den; 2 bedrooms; kitch'en and bathroom; upstairs apartment, large living -room,. 2 .bedrOoms, ing-room, . kitchen and .bathroom. ()nick -possession. • 6 -room 11A-sto-ry 'frame house on N'evvgate street, living -room, tlinitio- thorn, kitchen -and hathrooin on -fi'st floor, '3 large bedrootns upsliqrs. Possession July 1st. • FOR SALE.- -. 1951 11ERCORY A.uburn. 22-4X INOR, REN. - F 0 U R - It 00 M ' • ton truck. ARTHUR BROS., OR, SALE. - 21/2 K.W. GASO- apa..rtm, ent, . selfTc.o.ntainedk, tin- . . •• . , LINE -DRIVEN generator ' set, f_u7r,nished on Square Write BOX . 23x ideal 129 SIGINAL-STAiR. . 60 -cycle `D. 'C. '(new condition.), 0 REINT.-11-110U,SE„ ALL CON-. VENIENCES. Write BOX 32, -23' SIGNAL-SrlaR. • ' TO, RENT.--TWO-11,00M APART- , AIENT,- downstairs., phone 787M. -20tf RENT. -LARGE BED • TING -ROOM, with private en.; trance. 55 Elgin avenue, phone 534. • • -21tf • 4 •A pARTMENT FOR RENT . Close to Square.. Possession June 15. For further information, telephone .282. -21 for lighting summer home; air com- 9ressor.Ohtfit • 4-11.p., 25-cyc1e motor, indunted, cognplete. Good • running, order. Man's bicycle, practically new; elect,ric generator, lights and accessories. BERT\ .CLARKE",9 SHFdLL SERVICE, Sanford, phone 456J • -21t1 - 'TWO STORES L4p,GfE 4- 1100M APOID.ERN APARTMENT Excellent business Mention on West street betiveen the Squiire and Post- Aparignent lf-li.Vety, large lithig-llining-rooni, two large' bed-. rooms, modern kitchen and bath- room, ample storage 'space, ' -private front and rea r„). en trances. One Store now Vacant and can secure possession. of apartinent September 1st, if 'required. An excellent in- ve'stment property or a Intsiness op - port unity' -with coinfortable modern home' available on the premiseS. $1.1,•500.00. • DAVIS - THOMPSON COSIPANY, Real Estate Brokers, 433 George street, Peterborbugh. Phone 4724, -22-23 • Seven -room red liriek and shingle house, . ideal , location with oxtra. corner blinding lot. Hot water, heating, full basement, garage. PoOsesKion on Month from date of purchase. Seven -room twOtstory gtueeoed house, ideal central locatiom Quick 13ITI1/T4N BATOTPOS. 'SOO, . The smart 111artha Washington and Ittehledge three-pieee bathroom •Rts Colnplete with •loVely chromed hitting% white, ;$179, color,. -$274. Illustrated eatalogue. Helpful in- stallation diagram. s• inother-of-peitrl plaStie top einli eabinets with stainless enamel Silika and clirolned swing fituts, $98. Air conditioning -furnace units, $295, Itefrigrittors, •stoves, 'oil Intrtiers, pressure water syStems. Satisfaction guaranteed. "ituy with eonfidenee mtnd save many dollars., Special offer fo plumbers and pOSsessiOn. btliblerS. Wrife or visit Iolmson 111111.111111111.1***.owl.0101M11.11111•1111•• On tonnage' Canada leads the world in nickel produetion is see- ',ond in aluminum and third:1n zinc, .SoTittity ViT"4-ii-er-aftiCie lightning more often ,than trees. in a gronii. Mali Order DiVisioti, vivni ,Pf. • CHAPMAN, Real lUtate V1Lt41,1 HARDWARE, SireetSville, ker hote,i8 Ooderieb ont Ontario. Phone 261. . Such secnrity will. serve • as a guarantee for the proper fulfilment of .the .contract. • ROBERT FORTIER, • ?' Acting Secretary. • Departnient of (Public Works, OttaWA, May :28, •1951. • -23-44 DOG TAGS „14,0ENSES WERE DUE, May 1st police have been instruct- ed' to prosecute owners or harborers of dogs who ' have not obtained tags by June 15th." -23 Collector. rnerson Drug Store Corner West Sti-S,nd S'quare Phone 45. We deliver.. ."`As handy as the Postoffice" SIIAMPOO , SPECIAL Two regular ,85e bottles of Wildroot Liquid ,Oream ‚.Shampoo for 70c SAVE ON F/LIVIS We have,the economy pack of 'Anse° Films. Buy the pack of three filnis and save a nickel a roll. 1,20 1.35 Egon:only littok 121 Economy Pack 120 - Economy PrItok 620 4.... 1.35 These a,113 A11800 All Weather guaranteed. Films • NOREEN SUPER COLOR RINSE Comes in15 'beautiful shades, 8 co,pAtiles to as box at. 70o, • NLARGIIKENT OPECIAL A 46 enlargement% of yOur favorite 'negative mounted In a tiltItiOre r0146/'.. - ,,4qo' ' •