HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-05-24, Page 10••• PA. ill TEN - THE GODEAICII SICIVAL-STA4 THURSDAi, gA:r- 24th, 1951 711Z SQUARE:. . AMY.HER AN] TRERE , 1)1N-en/after driving his ear alone . all theway from dalifornia to Oroderich, arriving•.last week, 'Wil- liam. Wightnian, jI liis eighty-ninth year, apparently decided lie ,would • Make another little 'jaunt and left on • Monday for a motor trip to Detroit, Mr. Wightman,• who also drove .all the way to California by himself, laying Goderich just Oc- tober. 28th, resides with Mr. aud Mrs. Thos._ R. Graham, Baylield read. •' The six -day-old baby. of Mr'. and Mrs. William Orr of Seafortll 011 Saturday "got up in the world" for one so young. When an emergenCy trip to•Satilt ,Ste. Marie was neces- sary, the family doctoradvised that a. train trip, fur, the baby- at that age would not IN good. So Mr. and Mrs. Orr bundled up the , baby, also took in tow the family pet, a cocker spaniel, and flewofroxii -Goderich •• to the "Soo" Saiturday morning In a Sky Harbor Air Se.: • vices plane. Another boost to the .continnailY .mounting .eosts .•of publishing ne,Wspaper was- given- on 'Monday with -the announcement from, Ottawa • thalt.postal rates for handling news- papers are to be increased.. Because llis master is In the air force and moves. about, "Brownie," a cocker spaniel; gets long triPs. On Saturday, "Brownie" arrived -at Gotlerieh after a plane and train trip alone, all, the way from Fort ,Nelson, B.C., and was picked .up hy • Reg., Fuller;. R.R,. 1, Goderich. Brownie's owners, LAC: W. E. Mer- • rill and Mrs. Merrill, the latter a daughter', Of Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, are going on a month's trip; before leaving Fort „Nelson for .Ottawa, 'where he hag been posted .by. the R.C.A.F. * ' BORN - Victoria Hospital, London, on May „1.4t1i, 1951, to Mr. and Mr, . Bob Chisholm. (jean Craig), Exeter, a son, Jame; Angus. , Hot --- At Alexandra.' Hospital, Goderich, .on May 17th, 1954„,--te • Mr: and Mrs. Mervin Hoy,4 werode- rich, a daughter,. Corjaat May, so- , JOHNSTON.-At 'Hos- -pital, GederAth, on. May . 19th, • 1951, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johnston, R.R. 7,, Liicknow, •' sen, Brian ',James: • •McORDATH.--7.At 'Alexandra. Hos- . . pital, ,Goderich, • on May, 1'7,th, • 1951,•• to • Mr. and Mrs. .Vcrilson 11.1eCreath- (nee Theda Lumby), 1Goderieh, a son, John' Bruce. • RUTHERFORD. -M Ingersoll Hos- pital,' on May 19th, 1951, 'to Mr. . and Mrs. Donald H. Rutherford (nee 1race •Mellath); Ingersoll, Ontario, a son, Donald Dtivid. •, on May 12th, 1951, ,to Mr.. and • Mrs. B. I. Russell,' Ottawa, a daughter, Susan Eileen, SOUTHIWIiCk.-At Alexandra Hos-, • pital, • Goderich,, on May 22nd, 1951, to ,Mr. and Mrs. .Lawrence ',Southwick, Goderich, a Son. --,SOWE-RBY.-At Alexandra Hospit- • al,. Goderich, on May 19th, .1951, 'to ;Mr. and • Mrs. •Kenneth • ISowerby, R.R. 2 GoderiCh, a •'daughter, Nancy Louise. " VANDERMEER. At Aleiandra ,Hospital, Goderich, on May 21st; ..... 1951, to Mr, and Mrs. Mani -lee Vandermeer; R.R. 2, Goderieh, a daughter,. , DIED - , OHISHOLX-At Victoria Hospital, ' London; on Tuesday, May 15th, 1951, James Angus, • infant son of M. and Mrs. Bob Chisholm. TUTHILB,In Plainfield, N.J., on • May 10th; 1951, Arr.s. Marian L. PliSmOre Tuthill, daughter of the • lite George E.' and Alice L. Pas - mere and widow of Monroe R. Tuthill. Interment May, 12th. in • ' Kensite (N.Y.) •cemetery. Anythingto sell? .A classified'ad • In The Signal -Star brings results. (BY Marg. LangIlle and liatilL1711 • Thorpe)'. • Cengrattilations are in Order' fig Ted Howell, who won first prize. in. a Ilroxiiicial-"es,say euntest on, the subj.eve' 'Canada,. and, the United Nations," This' contest, sponsored :by the Canadian .Legion, was open to all high school students in On- tario. The ..tirst prize is an tiero- -plane • trip to Ottawa. AlSo. to be congratulated is' Jini BuChanan, a popular grade XII student, who was chosen 'to go to 'London as a member of the Louden • Free Press Leaders' Club. He tOured the, Free Press' building aud Thaine,s Hall it the University .01 WeStern. Ontario. ce, Captain- J. Carson of .the Cadet headquarters in London was present on Monday to inspect„ the , cadet corps: -'.11-listory was made afterwards . when the first sod was turned for the new Collegiate by Mr. R. D. Munro.. • In the evening a successful dance was held in the gymnasium. Carruthers' orch- estra supplied the, delightful 'music. , .:• DONATIO:NS TO-1110SIITAI. At the birthday party of the Wo-, men's Hospital Auxiliary many gifts ,of cash and goods were re - 'Donations are acknow- ledged as. follows: Mrs. Tichborne, fralt; Mrs. Mathieson,. honey; 'Carrie, grapefruit and oranges; MaeVicar,'fruit ; Miss Edna Driver, i)..uit.;- Mrs. Hunt, canned good*, and • sugar ; Mrs.J. M. Gra- twa-baby-'blankcts,-;L--M-- - Rundle, fruit; Miss G. 'Strang, fruit ;• Mrs.. James iSheardown, canned salmon; Mrs. Robert Good, truit.„ Mrs. C A. .Reid, fruit; Mrs. 'S:' H. 'Prevett„ pillow. Cases ; Mns. • J. H. Kinkead,. towels; 'Mrs.,. N, Claremont, canned goods;:Miss 1. Saunders, fruit; Mrs.. Gordon Mc- Manus, Canned goods; .Mrs, Better, fruit; no name, cream •and .sugar; 'Women's Ins.titute,_ two gooseneck lamps; Kinettes, two baby blankets. Cash donation S were received from the .folloWing: • , • Mrs. -E.. 'D. .Brown, Mrs.. C. F. Chapman, MISS Amelia McLeanA Mrs: .Geo, Johnston,: Mrs. Cockbion Hays, -Mrs. Fred -Sturdy, 'Miss .Etta Saults, - Mr. John Hanna, mrs..Bullen,•Mrs Frank' McArthur; Miss. Vera' IteNf o, Miss Beek, ..Miss Hartwell, aPs. F. Redditt,• Mrs, A: CoUlthurit. Mr.' G. L. Par- sons Miss Miss Jane 'Graham, Mrs. Isaac Salkeld, "Miss Grace Strang, Miss Maistiret Strang;.Mr. Robert Henry, Ws...L. T. 'Westbrook, Mrs. Cold - Thorpe, Miss Evelyn Jones; Mrs. R. Jacksen,Mis. F. ..Speaight, Mrs. °Penner., Mrs. - 3. Lewis, Miss C. Reynolds, MrS.Lamprey, Miss tainprey,. Mrs.' 'O'Neil, Miss ' Campbell, , -Mrs. ;Sharman,' Miss E. MeNa,ughton,-Mrs.- H., Edwards, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs, .-Bru,Ce Mrs. (Di.) TILylor, rM r: . D. D. Mooney, Mrs. Glen Garcflner,. Mrs. R. X- Menzies, :Mrs. 3. W. MacVicar, Mrs.. Downey, Tom Pryde, Elston• Cardiff, M.P. .• • prAIEMORI./1_9I • " BELL.L4n loving. Memory of a •dear 'Wife and mother, Mrs: Fred• ' Bell, who'.paased away May 29th, 1949. • , • , -Years,map,,wipe-ont--in any- ..-thilig•s, : ',But this they .itipe out neYer, merepry -of those happy days When We were all together: -Laver „ remenibered by Husband and Children., • • ' -21 LAST DAY FOR _ • PAYMENT FIRST INSTALIVIgHT OP 1951 TAXES MAY ?1st, 0. W. STURDY, Collector -of Taxes. , •Pontiac IIM,STON ST. Briefs • . • For °alterations and dresses, snits etc. made to. measure, call Mr•ki. Npritep Floor sanding -° new and. floors. J. C. ..(.700.1c phone.. 23J,. .Clinton. Summer -months, Baylleld, • -14t1 • Serhugeour, apartment over 1;;&.1,11i -re NOTICE': Grill. • -20IX -”` # 1#.1aolie 45 r 2- , . , . - Chimneys built e ad - repaired, ' 'Special family paves on any'eoth- -Other mason work. R. F., VENN, bination a these inagaziaes: Sat- phone 920J. • - 17t1 urday Evening Post, Ladies' -Heine Journal, Holiday, Jack and *Jill: tr Miss ,Mary B. Howell, 4 St. Vincent street, Goderich, phone .213W. . . 20 I am 'now buy- ing rags and 9Id felt mattresses. " Turns them, out now while I have a„, buyer; next month may be too' late. C. WOODS, 12 East ,,street. Phone •867.L -14 , • -,, The Goderich.Lins .Club is hold- ing a .mouster bingo,' at the. Ment orial: Arena an Thursday, May 31st. ; -19 The Goderich Kinette, Club pre- sents the Robin Hood ,Cooking School in the Public School auditor- ium at' 8 pan. on Wednesday and Thursday, May 30th and 31st. Prizes for all-fun-iooking hints - draw for Sunbeam -Mixr.aa4ter. -20 The Community Nursing -'-Registry ,plans to hold a 'dessert bridge and -560" in the blue room, Legion Hall, Thursday. Mak 31st, at 2,p.m. -21. There will be an important meet- ing of •the Goderich Dralhatic`-elnb n Monday, May 28th, at 8 p.m, in MacKay 'Hall..: • -21 Tickets for the Robin Hood -Cook- ing, •Sehool_te .be,preSented .by the Goderieh Kinette Club maybe ob- tained from- any Kinette and on May 29th will'be sell's Hardware. -21 • •The 'regular monthly meeting of the • Women's :Hospital .Auxiliary will, be held Monday at '4 pan: in the Board Rooth at the Hospital.. -21 • The annual tea Of the MacGil- livray Mission Band of. Knox Pres- byterian Church,. celebrating *their sixtyAlfth anniversary,Will be -held May - 80th, at 4 p.m., at MacKay.. • TO THE . CrlIZENS 4W CODE, • RICH . • ••• , 'The iHurtm:Perth Unit of the .Caucer • •Socieby -at -Stratford wish to eipress their .appreciation to thesein the town of Goderich Who have sq wonderfully supported our efforts this Year 'To* raise. money for the .Cancer Fund. ' . However„ we note that there are still .some who have net responded to our appeal 'and we would, at this time, like to reinind them thal our special effOrt has been extended to the- end' of. May,:. We. feel quite certain. that every ' citizen of the town would like to -have a part in trying e to help the whe are unable td heip themselves • When stricken with this disease. •" • . . Tlferefore,w e would urge you to forward your remittanee to 23 On- tario :Street,, Stratford„ •at. .your earliest convenience.• ' • -21 • ,40.01,111,01rEriya, Hygenie supplies (rubber 'goods). mailed ,Postpald in plain. Seated envelope With priee list. • SIX sam pies 25c; 24 samples ,$1•90. Mali Order Dept. NON-'-RUI3BER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. • ' IMF • CURDS 'OP THANKS THE PAMILy OF THE LATE • MrS. Mary Pfriaimer wish to thank those who loaned cars for • the funeral, those Who sent floral tributes-,- also those who expressed their sympathy in any way. -21 , Mit AND 2ljS. GRAHAM Inglis and Helen •would like to convey their gratitude for the .sYm- pathy ..shown them, for the 'oral tributes and any cars loaned for the funeral. 1.21 1 . WISH' TO. THANK MY friends and neighbors for thtir kindness, cards, letters, parcels, fruit and gifts while .in Goderich. hospital. These .reineinbrances were . so much appreciated, 21- •. MRS. W. A. CULBERT. AUCTION SALE , I SHERIFF'S,' SALE OF ' LAND Under and byvirtue of a Writ of Execution' IsSned out of the Supreme Court of Ontario,' and to me directed . and delivered agajnst the lands and tenements of David - 'McConnell. at ,the suit of Herbert W. Clark,.I•haveseized end -taken in ;execution and will offer • for sale by Public auction at my office •• he--Gokyst--1-lens#es.-441-4. .of Goderich, On MONDAY, MAY*28, A.D. 1951; at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, all the right, title, .inteiest and equity. ofredemption. of the said David, McConnell, in, to and out of all and Singular that 6ertain par(1e1, or- tract Of .land In:the Town- ship of tolbbrne in the County of Huron- and .being part of lot 2 In' the 'Village ,of Bridge End Place, in. the 'Township 'Of Colborne in the County of Hui -en and more par- ticularly described in instilment Nundier 7058, less the part described in instrunient Number 9257 registered in the Registry -Division. of the ToWnship. of Colborne in- the Coinity. . of "Hiiron. ' •• -! .TERMS. --CASH. For ,further 'particulars and con- ditions of'sale apply to Nelsen Hill, Esq., Sheriffof the • Comity' of Huren. • . • .• Datil the .1st day 'Of March, A.D: 1951.. ••_204 TO RENT 'TO • RENT. - OFFICE 0 N ground floor, 2 'North street. JAS. A. CAMPBELL. •• • -17t1 TO RE,NT..-L-TWO-ROOM APART- MENT, downstairS: . Phone 787M. , • • TO RENT. -LARGE BED SI -T- .. TING-ROOM,with train -se. 55 Elgin aventie, phone 534, . -priyate...2eli' tif- • _•e- .4kPARTMENT FOR ItENT,...77 Close to Square. , PosSes.sion , June 15. For .further inforMation,• 'telephone 282: -21 1+ , , ° •i• Rita Martin invites you to attend the. Robin Hood Cooking School cavti, r for "Expert cooks or brand-new brides... all will enjoy Robin Hood's • mederaCooking School. • Up-to-the-minute cooking methods, exciting short cuts, preViews of every- • thing tharenew in the kitchen! • It's a wonderful school . . . don't miss it!" -says Rita Martin, • . • Director, Home Service Dept., , r. Robin Hood Flour Milk Limited S: YOUR CA NDIGESTION "• if your car isn't digesting 'fuel roperly, due to faulty operation of the gas line, • valves, piston manifold, carbui:- • etor, etc.:, it's ,time for a d:iagnosis and Cure...Drive in today to. • 0 itifek—ot.O. viola 1 ' • ..:"Zoat... 0 „ell/41**k mwatrig,,Ar.r" J ' • UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE • KINETTE CLUB • • OF ,GODE1UCH " TO BE imp AT 'THE • New Public School Auditorium, Britannia, Road WEDNESDAY; THURSDAY; May 30th and, 34t 8.00 p.m. jACii • P`REE. PRIZES AND $ir,oppiNalt.AGS'or GROCERIES ornkr AVVAY1 • Tickets: 50C each -at the door. ' 4 This school 'will be conducted Mrs. Nora Xeale. - • P 01% Siki 0 obi,n Hood Flour .Robluc, Iti)ooil Flour Mint thisite"41.1' For Results- A Classified- Ad OR epALE 'SMALL BAN. • Apply W. J. RUDDICK, Mucks street. -18-20tf 4 Von SALE.,- NINE -ROOM • 'brick houie, stoker beater (new heating system). Posseision at once. IVAN 'LdUZON, Goderich Fruit -Market. •-14 '171:OR J$A‘LE: -. A .BEAUTVUL • log -siding cottage; inust be re- inelYed from ravine bank. -.Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to June Ith, 1951, . Cottage 30' x 28', comparatively. new. Four good -size jedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, a very large living -room ; ceiling roof high, with balcony at one end; seen, windows aeroSs one side oft, living-rooin. "All 'Windows have :copper screens. • Would sell contents, inelnding large". General Electric refrigerator and stove, Only. ca8h transaction considered. gIss OAIMERINE. ' HAYS, „Hamilton street, • - 48-22 — - OR SALE. -4940 STUD•EBAKER „ • ' six -cylinder sedan, radio, heater, etc., 1» good condition. Price 'pito, or will trade on newer car. ...11,0Y BENTLEY, 15 Warren tfeet, Phone 152W. -20-1 FOR SALE.. - PLAN.TS, TOMA-, • TOES, .cabbages and cauli- flowers. FRED GILBERT, Huron road. , • -20t1 FOR SALE. -MASSEY-E,A.RRIS hayloader. J, REG. JOHN- STON, 4th coneession, Goderich Township. ,-20-2 R 71ALE. - COMBINATION oak buffet, in good condition. Bargain. B LA OKIS T 01..E '/S FURNITURE. PAIN KILLER FOR' „CORNS! Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve gives _prompt, sure relief. 50e at CAMPI3ELL'SL}HUG.S.TORE. -21 , TUST WHAT YOU.NEED. BIG -4 , Chicks. If you want to catch the early fall egg markets or sma- tter broiler markets. , Spring price ,llat shows real bargains in this fine stock. Ask Us. • RYAN PRODUCE. -21 FOR . • "SPRINGTIME" stroller; cedar. chest; modern, bedroom suite, including Hollywood' bed with leather headboard. Phone 1125J Monday to Friday. ' 21x FOR - (4A13,A.I DINE- raincoat; rust brushed, ,WOdi gift; grey crepe dress; all size 12;` powder- bine 'shortie coat,' size 14. All ingood condition. Phone 473... . 21x. FOR SIX- • PIECE' kitchen snite,. ;natural finish,like; new. Call 9501 after 5, lioR 'SALE. - ifousE, SEVEN robins, •brick; two,Piece. bath, eorner Cambridge .and OxfordF streets. Pliene 612M, • .,21tf. FOR SALE.' 200.40RIT rAgau .on No. 8:.highway, ' 21/# Miles north. ''Of,, Holinesville; good eiay 'Oath with t'oodd'bnildinaS, all con- veniences, Hydro thrOugriout. Good spring water on • pasture, Drilled' well waterin barn, litter Carrier, steel staunchions; ftirnace. and .3 - piece . bath, hot and Cold water: Possession to snit purchaser. .Apply. to ALBDRT E:':130MV-TCR;""-i; Clinton, ,phone 901 r 15. - -21tf FOR ,'SALE. - NEW PRINCESS • Pat. range, . guaranteed in good condition, four years old. LOUIS .HOGA.N, R.R. 7, ,Lucknow phone Dungannen. 76 r 17. • 21-2x FOR SALE: -1940 STUDEBAKER ,five -pa sse n ger coupe. • Phone 020W. • ". • • 21x • • FOR SALE.-1,01H'NSTON IRON • Horse air-cooled engine, in good condition; four -cylinder Plymouth' sedan,,goed tires, .runs good. Cheap. Phone 112IW. • 21x FOR SALE. -- COLEMAN OIL - •BURNER, in good Condition. Call at 9 Bayfield road after 6 o'clock or phone, 391. • . •' 20-1x FOR SALE. -COTTAGE, 76 NEW - GATE street; three bedroonas, dining-rooin, • kitchen, 3 -piece hathioom, full-sized base- ment. Nice garden. • Immediate possession. 'Apply T. M. DAVIS, 59 West street': Phone 1099. -1711 FOR SALE: Several surafner cOttages... Two stores on West street close -ta-the-ScLugare,--i;v.ith' Modern. four room apartment -Ton- secen oor. One store vactint„for immediate pos- 'session. „Other store and apartment' 'occupied. 65 -acre fa•iln, 59 acres Workable. No barn. •Alodern• six-rcioni Muse covered with • instil brick'. Living - room,' diping-room, kitehen with built-in cupboards, three bedrooms, modern 3 -piece bathroom. • Electric- ity installed. Electric hot water 'heater, premnre system. • Two -car garage. Al -room brick house in good lea - ,ion; upper floor in self-contained apartment; floor, large liVing- room and den; 2 bedrooms; kiteheli and bittlirOmir; 'upstairs apartment, large living.:roorn, 2 bedrooms', „din- ing -room, •, kitehen and bathroom. Quick possession. • 11.4 • 0 -room 11,7Story frame liouSe on, Newgate street, living-roont, dining - room, kitchen tpd bathroom on iirst flOor,l large bedrooms lipStair.S. Possesion 3u1y 1St, •" • Spven-reom rethcbrielt and 8,11Ingle hal:me, ideal loeation,.• with extra c'orner building lot. :Hcit, Water heating, hill baseinerit, garage. roK.zit,%,;ion .one. inextl &Ito 1)f*c4ivi'eci :0611 * Story '''S'tt' . n icesOed houSe, ideal central location: Quick poosession. • ,• • C. r. tstate Droker, plumb. 184 ONktleh`, Ont. 43tf • FOR taw OR SALE.-ROUSEI 0 IIU1WN. road. , AIVP TIICA1413, P110,13e _ , • -20t1 FOR." SALE. - GLA11OLiJ bulbs. Special collection, wide -ange of • colors, mixed. 50 bulbs $2.50; 25 for $1.25. MRS. D. HOLMAN, Cadleron street, phone 722. -1511 , ' pOR• SAL/A-Mai ,-)(46S, 7e - each; Rouen variety. Russ4,4 BENTLEY, Phone 34 r 33, Blyth. 18-21x — A VERY NICE, • six -room bungalow; with large' sunporch; gull basement, double lot, two -car garage„ Good location. Agent; • 31.4LOOLIYI MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, the Square, ,Goderich„, phOne 11,5w." . -18 VOR SALE. -BRI CB COTTAGE, cornerEssex and Quebec streets, known as "Gatenby home." Write, P.O. BOX 547, Goderich, ' -1811 FOR SALE. •:•-• QUANTITY OF 4 -foot , cordwood; „ ibeech and maple hardwood; also 12 -inch body 'hardwood. Phone Dungannon 9 r MEL. CRAIG, Auburn Sawmill. ' • -19tf FOR SALE. - FE SU -0 U T tulips: MRS. 'FRED BOWEA, $R Willitim stre4t, phone 8853• -20, FOR SALE. --PLANTS OF ALI. description. B. R. MUNDAY, 7 Widder street. Phone 598. • -20-3 R, SALE. --•-!36- . °REVFOUR- . DOOR. sedan ;' 1948 Pontiac Sil- ver Streak, heater, radio and all es:1-184.- '37 truac. .:SCRIAPS 'AUTO, sFeRvX0p, ,phone 8271W. 20-1,x FOR SALE. --FRAME HOUSE, •• ..fotir eabia, • 4% • a,,cre.s of land', three m•ileS north of Goderich; 'hydro. Apply' 81 Newgate street, phone 273.. •20-1x • o'f -von SALE.-Q.N. HURON ROAD; Liu . On attractive bungalow; two bedrooms, nice sunporch. basement, furnace.Agent, MALCOLM. IMATHERS,. Real • 'Estate Broker The Square, phone 110W. -20 • • Fpu, 'sALE.'--471‘1,VEINT1s• LITTLE pigs. AARON •C. rIsa-TER, • R.11: 4, God'erich:. Phone 'Cal -19W 1213'. , • -21: • FR .sAzE.—WESTINGHOUSE • refrigerator, 9.cuhle feet, almost new:. 'Phone 32-ilW. • -21 SALE -1946 PONTIAC 4 - DOOR Sedap„ in goed condition. Phone 3271W. -21 _. . FR SALE. *7,-- '•G'ALVANIZED. peony support rings at 10 cents.' Get .the real beauty out of your I peonies . by keeping. them ,,;.up 'out of the dirt'. One ring required for. each Plant. . JACKSONS FLOR- ISTS, phone 1.05. • .`2,1 FOR SALE. MAROON PRAM with snow , runner.S. , Phone 161W: • • , •• -21 F0.11 ISALE.-USED ICEB(..q, IN • good • condition. • • • BRO:PHEY _FURNITURE STORE, -West street. ' . -21 FOR SALE. --TWO .SOWS, BRED eight weeks. J. HARMER, 2; ekidericIq-ph one -932- t- -21 FOR.SAILE.=--FRAME BUILDING •• 14 x 14 feet, cottage roof, 6.olid co'nstruotion. • Apply A. WALTER, R.R. 5, Goderich, 'Phone Carlow - 1309. .21x FOR SALE. ONE: OF' THE : largest selections of bedding stock in this part of, Ontario. , Bu.y quality plants direct from the grower: . Our advice is free. JACK - SONS PLORJSTS. Phone 105. 21 . . • • • • . FOR SALE. - EXTRA OHOIOE .tomato plants, well :rooted and hardened to open air. JAS. -CUL- BERT, corner Cambria, road and Elgin „avenue. •-23,tf OR SALE. 2% B.W. GAS0- •‘ LINE -DRIVEN generator , set, 60-eyele ' D.C. . (neW condition), ideal for lighting summer honie ; air porn - pressor outfit 3/4-h.p., 25 -cycle motor, mounted, complete. Good running order. 1VIan's bicycle, ,practically new; electric generator, lights and aeeessories. . BERT "CLARKE'S' 'WELL :SERVICE, ;Sanford, /Alone 4503. . -21tf "viamswitiminisimiseimaiganah • TENDERS ?WANTED DER'S-WANTED. Tenders' sealed and properlY marked "Teilder"• „will be received by the'undersigned Vp, :to June 12; 1051, for the erection of a ma- chine Shed; 40 'ft. by 50 It., for the Township of Goderich itt HolmePlans and speeilfications illaY be seen at thi Road $'fiper1ntefid- ent's.' LoweSt -Or any tender not , necessarily accepted. • • For • particulars apply to ROY' TYNDA)LL, Road • Superintendent, R.R. 3, „Clint* •• -214 NOTICE Np.Tten."4' . • Anyone yvatiting manure' may have' mune by driti,ving it away from stabl8 at Agriculture Park. , • 4'!' .$111DAIIID0IWN/$e€tetary. WANTED TO .1{13NT ° ANTED RENT. - t3N-, YOUNISITED host,: or apart- meut with 'at -least two bedrooyns,. ,for two years.' • References-, Write, W. D. ItAIN/OIal, 1i.0; BOX; 24# 'Welland, Ont.' 20-23X rovN0 141 (Ye r n e'''...PA1 it Or OTASS,1;58 brovii leather ease, on Welling. ton street- at to of hill. • OWnet, 'allay have stone by...paying for MIS • ad. 'NvIrAas, pltaho 10003. •-21 • .BY POPULAR REQUEST Orange Layer Cakes' :35c each with orange icing and raspberry Ping; --: Both cake and icing: made with fresh oranges. Whole Wheat Muffins. and Jelly Dogghnuts 14, CULBta T'S,.BAKERY "TAB HG1E OF TASTY PAfrIIRY". Orders of $1.00 and over delivered. Please' phone your orders -in by -noon. Phone 465 • 30c doz. 3 for 10c • . „ NOTICE'TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All persons having claims against theestate of Robert James Rutledge, late of the Township of West wawanosh,in the • County of Huron, who died on or about the 4th day .of May, 1951, are ,required to idle' thedsaine with full particulars .with the undersigned by the 26th day of May, 1951, as after that date the estate will be distributed. • Dated at -the Towii of Goderich in the County of Euron, this 7th clay of May, 1951, „ . ' R. C. HAYS, KC., Goderieh, Ontario, „ Solicitor for the Estate. 19-20-21 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All persons having claims again.S. t the estate of,Heary Wagner,. late of the yillage of Auburn, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 30th day Of April, 1951, are required to file'the same with. full particulars • with •the undersigned by the 26th day of May, 1951, as after that date the estate will be distsibuted. ' Dated at the Town of Goderieh in' the `County, of Huron, this 4th day of May, 1951. • • IL C. HAYS, B.C., Goderich,' Ontario, •.Soliciton for the Estate. 19-20-21. • NiOTICEtTO CREDITORS. All persons haying claim's abinst the estate. of, Wilson Brownlee, late of • the Town of 'Goderich, in the County of Owen; who died on Or .about the StIr day of May, A.D. 19511' are required te • 'file the same .with full particulars with he undersagned • by. the 2nd day of June, 1951, as after that :date the estate will be distributed. • Dated at the Town of GoderiCh ifl the County Of 'Enron this 111.h day of , May, 1951, E. C. HAYS, B.C:i Goderich, Ontario; 20:1-2- ,Solieltor • for the Estate. ikTOTICE TO.cutpITOIES.• • All persons having clainis figainst the estate of Leonard L. Walter, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Enron, who diedon or about •the 8th ,day of' May, A.D: 1951, are required to file the same -with -full particulars "With :the undersigned, by •_the 2nd day of June, 1951, as after that date the estate will be distributed. Dated at the Town of Goderich in the County of Huron,- the 14th day of May, 1951- c. EAYS, km., .* Goderich, Ontario, "Solicitor for the Estate. NOTICE TO CREDPTORS. • • All persons having claims against the estate01Mtirdoeh MacGregor, late of :the.Townshitfa Ashfield; in the •County of Huron, who died on, or about the 20th day of September, A,D. 1942, are •required .to ifile the same With full particulars with the undersigned by the 2nd day of Mune, 1951, as after that. date the estate will be distributed. • Dated at the Town. of Goderich in• the Ootinty of Huron;the 14th tidy cyf May, 1951.• • • • • R: O. HAY1S, • ,GOderich, Ontario, •204-2-, •'Solicitor for the Estate. VOTICE TO :CREDITORS; " -4-11 , • All persons having'claimi againSi theestate of Norman Wellington Miller, late of the 'TOVV11 of Gode- rich, C4z,n„ intY•of , •Enron, Count 'Clerk; who kited' on Or abotit th rcurr:GLAIar0117-1951;qtreflEttaiTZ to tale the samewith, tun. par- tietligis, 'with the undersigned by the, 8econd day of June, 1951, as after that date the- estate will be distributed. • • • Dated' at 'the TOwn of ,Goder'16tio MALE HELP .W p.p. - • Mechanic experienced in all. lines Ford products fOr'Ford dealer- ship iR South-western..Ontario town, llousing; aceonamodation available,. wages. 140X 25, SIGNAL -STAR, good working conditions, and good Goderich.• • -20-2. W AN TED:-L•ISTIIS G8 OF. PRO- ', YERTIES for sale., c. CHAPMAN. Real Estate Broker.. Phone lb. • 39tf WANTED TO BITI.-ALL OLD horses and dead •Znimals. If suitable for mink -feed will pay more, UMW; fertilizer -prices. If not, pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone. aANCH •Goderich. Phone collect obb r 21 or 930 r 32. WA.NTED.-LISTINGS OF -PRO- ' PERvEs for sale. • No charge: you until property is sold. MALCOLM MATEIERS, ,Reaj 'Estate Broker, The Square; Gode- rich. Phone 115W. •1211 WANTED. ' shelters..HOWARD STURDY,. 1,; Goderieh. . Phone 3 r 936. , .• -21 WANTE D. - EXPERIENCED 'woman • to do cooking - and housework for adult family for three summer months: in ivell-equip-' ped cottage in Goderieh. 'Best wages. In aPplying please state references. Write BOX, 20, SIGNALSTA1R, or • 'phone collect 4-4147, London: . •. -21 wAlsmpp.--.RELIABLE YOUNG. ' ,woman to help with'house- •werk.; live in. ' Phone 580, DR. W: W N. AT'rERS. , -21 WANTED. .YOUNG -WOMAN . or a young married woman. , to clerk in loca'l • office. ' THE T. EATON CO. LTD.,:Square, Gode- '- -214f NTED.-HOUSE .TO RENT., • Phone 1038. •20-1x WANTED. AUDITING DONE • monthly. Books. supplied; in- come tax and financial statements. Reasonable rates. phone 1097, Goderich. •• 20-2x ANTED. - BOARDERS IN • modern home. Young: people • • to. .Share room preferred. • , Write .13°X.AN-'2•Tlirl'.----NAC.4111RaTARD TO' AS -Sig with- housework at cottage. Must be fond of Children.' Apply AIRS. 'PRANK CURRY, Bedford Hotel. * , -2/ • , ,LOS1 1[40 -ST. -LEATHER JACKET ON /Harbor Saturday'. •after- noon. Finder please • leave at , .SIGNAL4ST.A.13, OFFICE. -21 ' OST--B,E221VEDN' STRATFORD and 'Goderieh, chesterfield chair •_ , - and refrigerator front panel..Finder - please notify W. FISHER, 167 A.von Street, Stratford, or phone 2581W, collect. ' 21x PERSONAL •SLENDOR TABLETS ARE EF- FECTIVE. Two weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5 ;_ at CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. • -21 InVeOwM"pNeplGA . Osteex tToni e Tablets for new; healthy flesh; new vigor. Intro- ductory "get-adquainted" size ONLY u7IN -60c. Aar druggists. -20 County „of.IIuron,- pia .17th day of - May, A.D. 190.. ‘,.. .. .3. X. HUNTER, Ooderic'll, On- , tario, Solieiter for the Estate. 3,, ... -2•122 . r :Emerson- Drug Store Corner West Bt arid Square Phone 46. Wedhver . "As handy as the Postol6C0 ' • WANT YOUR FILM .DEVELOPED 'AND P,tPITED,`? • We believe we have the finest developing and. printing .361'VitO obtainable anywhere... Bring in a -roll 0d. let us P.,ovewhaitwureer Allzicten' larged to pftoto print size or 40 a ENLAVALMAT SPIAL Your favorite negative enlarged to 4x6 andinounted in tiltrnore folder for 46o. ' o nod colored in oil, 85C oda. . a: a BATHING OAPS ...860, 980 and $1.00 SUNTAN, O1ttAlY18 froni .10e to $1.00 UNGUENT/NE for sunburn ,, . . . .....62e, $1.00 SUNGLASSES from.. .... ...30e to $2,06 • OALYDRYL LOTXON, V,011etifiosfor itching due to:peed bites„ poison'iivy) „poison oak; and other 1Iritatione, .$66 140410, 4 " • „ ,