HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-05-24, Page 8�F d 4• P.S.61 tl . THE OODERJCH. • S G !AL,5TAR. T i1;:T•It$DAY,- MAY 24th, .1 i1.. THE Nit BOWL -41.4YDRO HOME ECONO! •>gello, Homemakers ! Tlie other day a friend of ,mine. o iened her u: of ,and out drop ped a n umber things including penny :Compact and comb Were . lietriereci along with the. -Hydro bill as *the penny rolled • in • the grass. Mrs. P. replied, "Never mind, it's only one cent. However, as we drove along the highway we •recailea how .much housework we had accom- plished before setting out. It +was Mrs, p,, wife, in one morning, had vacuum ;six hoors pressed a su1t, mended a rip in, a pair of overalls, made a gelatine' salad alul served two (ups of tea using her necii. elec- tric 'kettle.....Fop.,tlie...otiier jobs she' had ,used • electric, equipment too, and the cost of operating all these apptianas throughout the morning was the same amount left in the grass—one penny! :Truly, we should be grateful that these services are billed to us after we have had the advantage of the use of Hydro with ten days' grace to receive a discount. 'With this in mind we should pick up our pennies and pay within- .this given'riod. i1y father always sai41, "Take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves." • : TAKE A TIP 1, Defrost the electric refrigerator 'when" the frost beeoznes , pencil thick. This is 'usually every two weeks. Turn on the refrigerator as quickly as .possible after, cleaning. This savea the motor from working overtime to estab- lish . the nririiial temperature -re- ..,quir'ed to. keep 'foods . fresh. ,o being maintained as indicated by •the use of a refrigerator thermometer' (that is 40 degrees, In centre of cabinet), then call a serviceman. 3. When an,„ oily aroma ,permeates the refrigerator, cabinet at this time of year it may be due to. the fresh oranges -of the juicey type. During May and Nen ber it • is • advisalble to store oranges and,- grapefruit, along the walls' of the cabinet... 4. Iif the refrigerator dial has .not been turned• to freezing for at least one hour before trays ori ice cream- nix Are. to a be .placed in the unit, ice etrystacls will de- velop In the dessert. This„niay tie.,Iiitrtialiy preovented by eotier- . iig trays with. Iul or waxed paper. By the way, excessive amo,uuts of sugar la t -he dessert prevent fast freezing and in- gredients should • be :carefully Measured. 5. Damage to the porcelain of a refrigerator rutty result from a +Crash by a kiddie car or" sharp, object. A sixall chipped• portion may be patched using- porcelain enamel paint, purchased from ' €in electrical shop. Follow direc- tions • on the can of paint. G. The motor of .the electric re- -frigerat.or .should be cleaned oc- - casionally. A vacuum. • cleaner attachment makes this job easy. 7. Foods Stored in -the refrigerator keep well if in good condition. Let hot foods become cool,• then cover and place in the refrig- erator so that air May circulate on all sides of the dish. Sort foods out everytime the unit, is 'defrosted. 8. Dishes of food should only be stacked if thoroughly chilled or If food has been frozen in freez- ing unit and is lierng kept frozen. 9: Wrap all strong -flavored foods such as cut melons. Berries should not be washed until just before they are., to b4 served. Very ripe berries will keep °for several days if arranged loosely on a tray or plate. 10. Fresh meats should be unwrap- ped and placed in Meat keeper. e--pieee"i =�ti8a°].terg X32 to be placed on' a plate, cover with Vivax paper: 11: If ice cubes have an unpleasant • taste the .trays should, be emptied and washed in, warm water•. to which baking soda has' • "been added. litinse, twice .,in cold water. THE QUESTION BOX - asks for directions, for making a bapana, whip so that mixture does not, darken?_, Answer:. • Banana Whip S well -ripened bananas. . Perfect tea is so easy . -to .make with R'S A. GOOD !JABOT* t , c HARDWARE en =n HARDWARE, 'EXCHANGES - PERSONAL SERVICE • DUALITY MERCHANDISE • REASONABLE PRICES • FAST EXCHANGES • --4NiAtN1- MANIA( ASTOMATION Spring Specials PLATE GLASS MIRRQRS-- with fancy etching, suitable : for bathrooms, kitchens .or "summer cpttages. Special, while they last . I .. , • , ,. ..... .. • ....., 50 FOOT COUPLED GARDEN HOSE— Special at $5.69 Kitchen Exhaust• FANS -M- Reg. $35.95 for + ° APARTMENT A.• ELECTRIC -V�ASHE1S--- $22.95: Reg. $59.50 for COFFIFI ELECTRIC 'WASHERS Reg. $179.50 for TABLE RADIOS= Re,. 425.10 for , • , , , • • ...► PORTABLE RADIOS $17.95 For ......... a .. , $3 tax on .the above ,iteitlsl 95 EBRE(KENRIDGE HARDWARE - PLUMBING - HEATING PHONE 135 GODERICH 22 a• M .,� cup orange juice ,Juice of 1 lemon 1.4 cup sugar • ." Fewg rains of.s alt 1 siup whipping 'cream, Or evap- orated milk Peel and mash with h stainless steel. fork. .bananasor wooden masher. Add fruit .juices, sugar .and salt Stir well and chill ten • minixtEs in electricrefrigerator. lfold in partially -whipped ere,.ani. Pour into a freezing tray and. setit. on- the bottom of the refrigerator • unit. Yield: . . approximately one quart. Mrs. R. P. asks for eheeelate ice , recipe Herpe that is not too• sweet, Chocolate ice Cream 2 teaspoons '.gelatine • 14 cup cold water 2 squares bitter ehocplate 1/. cup confectioner's sugar ' ' 1 cup mike: Pinch, ,salt 1,14 teaspoons vanilla - 1i r 1j3 cups whipping • � c cam or evaporated milk •Soften gelatine in water (.'Pe minutes). Melt• chocolate- over the low heat of your range. ,Add sugar and blend. thoroughly. Add milk gradually. in the o uul a boiling y g g stirringgconstantly. Remove point, from heat and' add gelatine 'and salt. Chill .in -electric refrigerator until t - 'ke e t l i c. rt d Beat t well— W1th a`� rotary beater. • Add vanilla And fold in partially -whipped cream. Iciu tint . r ' a freezing tray o ng t acrd• set it on . the bottom of the freezing unit. thtve the temperature control' to coldest 'point for freezing.• Anything to sell? 4 cla$sifled act in The Signal-+S'tar brings results. • - LEGION it JXi:L d l>r' The regular ,nieeting of the Legion Auyflldry w?%S held in the Legion Hall on Tuesday;May Sib, At 8 o'clock. President Sheardown was in the chair and conducted the c " arra ' ope�aing ceremony. Final 1 ar nage- anent, were made for ns iany mem- bers as• possible to. attend the zone *. ail An* Ilarrist�on • on May 31st, rally y The ,Auxiliary yili be in charge of a booth. at Agricultural Park ;at the'°twilight races, and also for the -Day' carnival . at 4he, G•ooderham o bwere d p �vgr and. hXem ors asle to attend the church parade on Sun- da June 3rd. Sun- day, A donation of $24 was made to the 7I4ospital .Auxiliary, and $10 to the Maitland Air Cadets. Donations were -received foie the monthly parcel tothe adopted veteran at 'Westminster Hospital. On .conclusion oftl the business the meeting was adjourned and a social hour was• enjoyed.' Coxnzuittee cbsg. moCron, ak, Sorrrily,Gardnerdes andar Sheardown'o,. The mystery prize was won by Comrade Gardner. LADY GOLFERS MEQ T- The ladies of the Maitland aitlandl Golf u 1 etT i .Ql b m Tuesday evening of Just wpek to Make °final arrange- ments for their annual lilac tea, to daybQ,Tay 24thheld on o, penin. frbat g 8 dayto G, Thurp.ms-• , Mrs. E. Jessop, head of the house committee, who is in, charge of tea a arrangements, presided at the meet - trig. The club house will be attractive for the e.vent with lovely .flower displays,, specially arranged by Miss Helen Jackson' and Miss Florence Paterson, • These flower arrange- ments will be raffled during the afternoon. 'Adding; Mho " the at'trac. °ti :eness of • the 'club house wily be the new floors whieh have been laid inh clubn he , e moan and t kitchen. • ; A door prize will be given and the draw will be made for the $25 cash prize on which tickets are ,at present; being sold. ',.''Other events, for The ladies •on" opening day Will be the nine-ho1'e competition at 10 •a.m. W. and the mixed. . two4nUl foursome• at `6 pati, • u TRADE MARK REG tastes best when served ice cold . o Ueporter .".And, what would you - ,go °has-,been''the chief ,source off.,' your strength 'and health? 109 -Year 'Qld : • " Vittles, PIIIMMIKKIMKKKIMI.M......4141"..4emounnhaamma easy qrp .i, fast "Insured. House Paint • will be pure to kcst. AVLCWT• i €.5-04., ." PAINTS i • --'3 • • 1 cc WITH THE EXI 4 • -uw»M.+Ki,x. 69; DING .CANADIA -arra. , .•......-... ._. iS •'d rri IP, v • "- Famous.".Resorve --Force- Units from all parts 9f° Canada 'will, be represented in the �2�th Canadian Infantry ;Brigade Group. Companies; batteries, squadrons Air 'troops, :are teing raised., by the following Reserve Force Unfits in'your "aria: ,The Governor General's Horse Guards, Royal . Canadian Armoured. Corps - • Toronto, Ont. 11th Field." Regiment, Royal Canadian Q Artillery. ' :. . . • • Guelph, Ont. 29th. Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery . 'Toronto, Oiit. ' The Royal Hamilton Light Infantry .,(Wentworth Regiment) • Hamilton, Ont. a- Y 48th Highlanders of Canada . • Toronto, Ont. SIGNALS:RCEME: Men from `•training, °regimen. is Men from technical regiments -and squadrons of all Commands. and squadrons of all Commands. .. _.. �.... arra arra •= .:. ..,i arra. ...�..-,.... `. w -r4 -."�: .. .. ... arra. ... •.: ,. :. i. - x L .r arra r•r-a�iv u The . Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment . `: Belleville, Ont. The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada Toronto, Ont.. The Algonquin Regiment Kirkland Lake, Ont. lst Canadian`. Provost Company, Canadian Provost ." Corps London, Ont. • 7th Canadian Field Ambulance, Royal Canadian —Army' ' Medical Corps • . . • Toronto, Ont. SERVICE 'CORPS: : DENTAL CORPS:' O ' Men from RCIASC nits of - Men from RCDC units of all Commands. arra., .�t,' �. x.. 4:.:'... rr• a 1-. ail Commands. Each Armoured- and Infantry .unit designated w•ill retain its name and insignia in this new Active Farce Brigade Group - ENROLLMENT STANDARDS:, To enlist you must: , 1. Volunteer to 'serve anywhere. 2. Be a, Canadian cititen:or other British subject.' 3. Be 17 to 40 (Tradesmen to 45). 4. Meet Army requirements. 5. Married men will be. accepted. TERMS • OF ENGAGEMENT: f " ' �"o.-�zl-babe -: enrol.Ind•:��-ii�t•-�the�CaAaaintr---A3r-m, �ta�ve--..-For period of three years. All mein are • eligible for Overseas Service. If the military situation .' permits, married men after one.' year's Service: Overseas, singl'o mien after two years' Service • Overseas, may request discharge even P if they have ;not completed. full three years' service. ' • . -CONDITIONS OF SERVICA: Current rates of pay •and allowances. Serve for 3 yearsor make it t� . Career." VETERANS' BENEFITS:' Reinstatement in civil employment, Unemployment Insurance and.. " other appropriate benefits under ` Veterans' Charter as extended b►y Parliament. • MEN: • F e e Retention of presnt Reserve ' � rveForce rank or the rank held in second World War, subject to proving qualifications in service within a OFFICERS: Short Service . Commissions will. be granted to ,officers who do not wish: to enroll • in the Active Force • on a Career.' basis. Further information should. be obtained from your own *unit Or the, nearest Army. Personnel- Depot.. • • .APPLY TO: 0 An unit. Listed above, or the nearest R�cnithigDepoh . No. . '13 'Fersonnef Depot, Wallis : House, Rideau & 6harlotte Sts., OTTAWA, O 4 No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery 'ark, Begot St.; KINGSTON, Ont. CanadianArrny Recruiting Station, nt. University Ave. Armouries, TORONTO, Ont. �- • D UNITED STRENGTH No. 7, Personnel Depot, Wolseley ,Barraeks, Elizabeth St., LONDON, Ont.' S NEEDED TO PREVENT 6 RE$SI • P i �; •