HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-05-17, Page 5a 4 • a TH'UtRt'S )4'Y, MAYtub; 1$57. „r ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH , f s• ;S, UNDA'Y, MAY 20th, 195; M rt'�� �, _ $.30• aim HOLY OoMMUNION. - i m 104.1n, SUNDAY SCHOOL,. • • i ' p' 11 a„m. HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON.. • r, 3 nim, --PRIMARY. 7 P.m. EVENSONG.: REVEREND BEVERLY H. FARR, •'K.A., L Th., RECTOR A. W. , DERTON, Organist and Che lrmas er DUNGAN ON DUNGANNON, May 10. --- Mlsa Gwen, Finnigan, .of the London teaching sura~, spent the w,eeek-end with hdr parents, Mr. and Dverett Finnigan., North Street United £hurch • REV, C. WESLEY COPE, B;A., >f3.li., llaafster ALEX. CLARK, Organist add' Choir Master, 10 a.m. r, THE CHURCH' SCHOOL. I 11 a.m. "WIIAT IS MAN?" - 't p.m. . VICTORIA STREET UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. CONTE TO CIUJROH THIS SUNDAY FIND YOURSELF THROUGH FAITH Come to Church this Sundae "Church Going Families "' Are •• Happier Families" Come to Church this Sunday at 2 p.m. SERMON: Let us pause "YOUR FATHER'S briefly to GOD." "go up to the Howe o -f t --Lord.',. 'Knox' Put first things Presbyterian, A friendly welcome . • Church awaits you at ° ' t.. The Service wil-be held in the Sanctuary of, North Street United Church. , REV. R. G. MacMILLAN, W. H:�BISHOP, it .R.C.O , Minister. Director of '"Praise. Victoria St. United - Church MINISTER ,REV. D. W. WILLIAMS, B.A. , ORGANIST and CHOIR LEADER—Miss Mary Joyce Strachan 10 a.am,• .,Sabbath School. • 73rd • ANNIVERSARY Special Speaker, Rev. Chas. D. 'Cox, of Ildorton 11 a.m. "WERE YOU THERE?" Guest inusiciaris, Mr. Frank Schubert, violinist. ' Soloists, Messers-RalplL. Henalerson, Jas._ Corran and Miss Gloria'. 'Palmer. ` . 7 pm. "A GOOD ;NAME." 1 ." • Soloist, Larne-' R. Hyde. - - :code 'rich Baptist Church MONTREAL ST. MINISTER= -'REV. IAN G. HIND, B,A. ORGANISTand P ANK BISSETT 10 a.ni. SUNDAY SCHOOL. LEAVER— 11 a.m. "SOWING:' 7 p.pan. `(,ONE STEP"— in attendance. 8:15{ pm. Drama by' Young People,' "Your. Church ani Mine" " ODRTCL • SIONAL-.STAR of the linexnta n here,; fast week laad Cnot1er expe'rietice of being burned: De . stepped in his bare feet on the hot register after 'a fresh fire had been put on. 'Ile has net fully re - Covered groin a .naSty scald -which he received in • larch, ,, when he pulled a pot of hot .cot ee oxer The Wenaen s Association of: the o thn himsee iGodoriehlfan hodspenitultit, a wonth fn • United ChitirQh will hold a.the May Getting Heady l.o Dull$. Mr, meeting at the home Of Mrs, J. 3. Irvine f edY, who sortie time aga t' Ryan on Friday evening,.May 18th. pu.rehased a lot Just east .of Mrs. Mrs, Wm'. Andrew, who spent the Margaret Gardner's, has begun the ''winter in Goderich, is at her home first stepstowards building by hav here for a co.,uple•or weeks. Ing a machine excavate for the New -cases of --the "red -measles"-foundation of -the house.- A. -water, are. breaking ant this week. Prob. pipe line has been laud' across the ably ane who has• experienced the road from tate" artesian well .that disease with the ITh st serious re- supplies water 'to many on 'the sults is . an adult, )fir. Harvey An- Ashfield side, of the village. drew, who also took pneumonia. Honoring ,the Minister and His .Another whose spring seeding hac1 Bride.—The eongregatioi of Erskine to stand was :11r. ',Howard ,Presbyterian :Church, Dungannon, Black, who was 4oinfined to bed enjoyed a social evening and• Pre - with pneumonia, but is now im- sentation on Friday last in. honor (proving• of ,Rev. and Mrs. C. A• 'Winn, their Congratulations to Mrs. Abner 'pastor and 'his 'bride, The chair- Mor;ris,` who observed ,her seventy- man for the evening's program, was fourth • birthday- on, • lrriday, May Mr.' James Wilson. A hymn was 11th, and on Sunday enjoyed the followed by` prayer by Mrs. Rich. homecoming of several of her child- McWhinney. A song. ,.by Jimmy ,ren, grandchildren • and great- Jewell ,and- Eleanor ,Reed was en- • grandchildren. ,joyed, • followed. by . an appropriate Mrs. Rebecca' Caldwell had her reading given:'by (wen Stewart. family home for Mother's Day: Organ solos were rendered by Don - Mr. !and Mrs. • Will Caldwell and ald Ross and ,Kenneth McAllister family, Nile; Mrs. Nelson Culbert and solos by Mrs. Allan Reed and and daughters, 4th concession West Mir. S. H. Stothers. A selection Wa'waiiosh ; Mr. and ' Mit,. ,Rohn was' sling, by the Choir and a con- Spivak and little datigliter, Sharon test was conducted 'by Gwen • Faye, and Miss Pearl Caldwell, Stewart,._..„The chairman then Galled Toronto. Ben Caldwell* of. Learn- Mr. and Mrs. Winn to the front, ington, her win, was unable to come. where Mrs.• Atthur Stewart read Mrs. Robt. Montgomery wus sad- a compliatnentary address to the dened last ,week by hearing of , the "bride and groom and Mr. John sudden death of her father, Mr. Bennett presented diem. , with a Root. 'Pettit of .Delhi, aged fifty- purse of money contributed by the three years. Mr. and Mrs:• Mont, congregation. • Mr. Winn, •replied gomery and .David attended tiie with a warm expression of appreeI- funeral on Friday. ation and Mrs, Winn also expressed Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Collins and her thanks.- ',A splendid lunch ,was little son, Robert John, 'of Preston, served by. the ladies during which -spent the -Week -end with Mrs. J. G. Mrs. S. H. Stothers proposed. a Montgomery. toast to the bride and groom and Double Trouble. —' Little David all sang"For They Are Jolly good "1Glontgomery, sixteen -months -old son ' . ellaws, 0 This is KEN ELLIS inviting you to get ready for the intercounttyy Baseball game+ 'which ALEX KELMAN and '1 will be doing before long on ••your Intercounty Baseball • Station, CFPL. In the meantime join us, won't you, at - 6.45 each weeknight for a com- pletesports run-down including the races." -980 — CJPL's KEN ELLIS 4t, DO NYBROOK DQ N'Y'BiB pOI May 15. Mica, Irene -Jefferson of rtunntilie .wes home :ove'r the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Abel and daughters, of St. Thomas, visited during 'the week -end with Mr. and. Mrs. Ken. Campbell. blr, and Mrs. G. A: Maet4lughlin find daughter Joanne, of Detroit, were week -end .guests at the 'home of her brother,, Mr. Cecil. (; amuey,,. and with other friends., Lwday Vit?tt &..at ie )ionic of Mr. and Mrs. R. Ohamne ; indluded. AQ.2 11111 ebemney and A+ .2 Bob Lemon, of Clinton -Radar School; Mr. and Mrs, Elwin • Cliimney,• Dorothy and Marilyn, of Winghana, and Mr. and' Mrs. Stuart Ghainney and Diane. The °W.M.+S. and W.A. met on .Tuesday afternoon at the hcune of Mrs. Stuart. Chamney. Mrs. Chas. Jefferson presided, over the W.M.S. meeting. Mrs. Washington read the. Soripture lesson -and • Mrs. Edw. Robinson Was in charge of the ,study, book. The W.A. "meeting was pre- sided over by Mrs. Arnold Craig. AS 1FFIELD ASH'FIE'LD, May 15.—Miss Sally M•at;donald of Toronto is home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Repaid Oke o. Hespeler visited at the home of Mr. Earl Howes last -week-end. Mr • .and Mrs. M. Bell of Acton spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bissett. Miss Muriel Farrish -of Toronto was ,bine •for the week -end. • and Mr . Alvin _Gliders_ and children, of Goderich, spent Sun - 1t at' the home of Mrs. Kenneth Parr tsh. • Tiaere will be no service at Ash- field Presbyterian Church' next Sun- day, when the Ripley' congregation will 'hold fits anniversary services. Kenneth Wood, son of Mr. and, tend the national Cadet camp at Mrs. l✓dwin Wood, Londesboro, has Banff • during the summer months beenchosen by the Cadet training with other Western Ontario ,High officer for Western Ontario to at- School boss,. AYES 5,.thuci T/PISF' -EVERY TYPEbFSf'+1✓lCEs B. F. 011, f//LT JTH IVYLON +w 1 L.O (lam Gtr SERVICE te t,`tk �ta .At No No Extra. Cost . , THE' TOUGHEST TRUCK TIRE EVER: BU;WLT! These new B. F. Goodrich truck„; tires, absorb road' shocks, give (> i `� • .�.s `longer- trouble-free miieaje. Made exclusively by B. F. G'CPodrIch. B. F. 'GOODRICH• BATTERIES For ,power.packed:•performance ... sure,. 4'bitk•atar}1t ... the•rusged stamina'of B. )F. Goodrich batteries Cannot be ber:herr ..., , • • i V , lex PUOE'E 535 A ,Linfield, aEcoodr!eh FiRST IN RUBBER ••••••••••••••••••••••••S•••••••••••S••QI••••• ••• • PROLAMATION ▪ • ., __ , • • BBEAUTIFICATION.WEEK •• I hereby pproclai the week. of May 20th to 26th ' • • n' ` / BEAUTIF] CATION WEEK" and call upon all ' • * citizens to' -do .their vert., • • -. • ' ., ' • ... : 04 • The Junior Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring this i • drive . and will appreciate your co-operation, • • •• • 1•. Z. HUCKINS, • i • . • b p• • , Mayor.. • .••••o••••••••••o••.•S••••••••640•••••••00•••••• - BETHEL .TAERNAcLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) REV. HOWARD MINA[{ER,. PASTOR 10, a.m. Sunday School. Clesses for each age. 11 a.m. - "WREN THE SONG • OF THE LORD : BEGAN." 7 ` p,m. "THE BEGINNING' OF SORROiVS." Tuesday, 8 p.m Prayer Meeting. Friday, 8 p.m. Young People's Meeting e -,Free .Methodist 'Church corner 'Victoria and Park Streets. • • Rev. B. E. Stevensim, Pastor, 40 Park Street, Phone,897W. • ' Sabbath Services--CHML—Dial .900.-8.30 a.m. • 1t a:m. 1VIINISTRY. OF THE WORD. - • 7 p.m. MINISTRY OF, .THE WORD... Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at 8 p.m. • TO ALL= -A CORDIAL WELCOME PHO YOUR -•1 ;BORN , 'OURRY.-At Windsor Hospital, on May 15th, 1951, .to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Curry. .(Sylvia Salkeld), Windsor, a daughter. ' KINGSBRIDGE , KINGSiBR:IDGE, May 15. — Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Alfred Dalton of ..Toronto -were visiting friends in the village during the week. • Miss Stella Dean of ,Forest spent a • few days visiting, With Mr. and. Mrs, Michael Dalton the past week. Mr. Don Frayne of London spent the week -end with his: parents, Mr. °and Mrs. 'Gilbert Frayne. - Mission at St. Joseph's:—The mis- sion which was held in St: Joseph's Church 'the past week,, with Rev, Father Lambert, ° C.SS.R., of Lon- don, Ont., in charge, • came ' to a close on Sunday afternoon with a h/ 1' • 1 1 1 t i.• ISI ! ce Father Lambert ,is a very , gifted eaker, .find his sermons have been most 13ispitili; ` ti --tbCe -large '-eoon'-- gregations •whoattended morning and evening services., Rev. Fathers Gleeson, • of Goderich, Smith, Qf St. Augustine, and McDonald, 'of Clin- ton, were •visitors at the 'devotions during the •week.^ • ,• SHEPPARDTON GTLT.IS.—At Alexandra Hospital; S•HE•FPARDTON, Mai 15.=Mr• Goderich, on ,A\iay • 11,-1951, to and Mrs. Jack Pito)"ado`and family, of St. Catharines, visited over the 'Mr, and Mrs. Ken, Gillis, Gode= week -end with the lady's mother; rich, a- daughter, Susan Lee. KIRK --To 31r. and Mrs., Ernest Kirk, (nee - ;Doris Williams, Reg.N.), Nipawin, Sask,, on Sun- day, May •6th; 1951, a son, Roger Dale., • McKEN%IE: At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on May • 15th, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald MnKen- ?te, R.R.71,' Dungannon, 'a son. M'ONCRIDF.---At Alexandra Hos- -. pi'tal, Goderich, on May 11th, 1951, to Mr. and 'Mrs." Geo. Mon- , Grief"(Betty,. Blissett), R.R., .3, Goderich, ,a •daiiphter, Jane Barbara. • • STONEHOtSE --- At. St. Joseph's Hospital.; Guelph, on May 10; 1051; to Mr. and. Mrs. Donald .Stonehouse • (nee Grahani)', • .Guelph, a 'son, Paul Richard- • (illick'y).. , YOUNG.—.At Alexandra * Hospital, Goderich, on May 12th, 1951, to gap. and Mis4 Fred Young,' Dun- • gtinnon, a •da tighter. ' • DIED YOUNG. --In Alemapdra 1lospital, • Goderich,. on Sunday, May 13, .1951;-- Jciliri James Young. form-`.- erly of .Tisdale, Sask., in• his 69Th year. • , . •IN` MEMORIAM EVERITT.-In memory' of my dear • mother, Elora Everitt, Who passed away one. year "ago, ;May Sth, 1,950. —E(er remembered 'by cla•ukhter, Audrey; an(1 ' sov:41-i`law, Michael ('lark. , - 20x (HAMPERS,-I'n loving memory of Mrs, Frank Chambers, who Passed away .May 18th, 1050. In our ' heal•ts Your tl]etttory •lingers,. Always tender, fond and trite There's not a day, dear mother, do not think ' of you. *Fondly remembered by son, George Glee), and wife, Evelyn. .20x • (tHAlIZl1':RS.—Tl(- loving - memory of my wile, Mrs. Frank, ('liamlbers, who passed' away .May lMfh 11i1(l. We d(1 not forget her, we love Iter too (1(111ly •. 1•'o4.. her 111(1111(17 to fade froui•our • •lives• tike a dream: 0,1w lips iwetl• not slink \rheu our. hearts mourn sin(•ereiy, I••or grief orlon dwells where tt • seldom is seem. - - 1 o\•i11 ly remembered by hl(,- band, ] 1=:Fttk, _Ox \\`11.x(1\,• lu 1„t-in•g Memory (,t' (((1 de:1r bn-ba 0(1, \\', who passed 11 Way one year' ago, 1111(• 151 h, 7!►,il►, LI Ls Ilye was . (.11 e...1 ° b',s-;,c Lions `.%!�z•,-i�11.tl�tt:�,1�'1`�"ti'33'Y�-=r�1;I-=t r1E'�'i•t�''?"-._ �lT_ 111111(1 : ' • 4 1 t 1 --LENDERS THE SQUARE b• PHO/5E. 91 Mrs. Agnes Foster. London spent the week lend at the home of --Nits O'Neil's parents,( Mr. • • 1'. — Mr. and Mrs. Warner• Smyth of near Teeswater spent,`Tuesday at the home of their daughter, Mrs: Gree Freema.' • ,Mrs• Bertn'McDtsnald, Goderich township, and daughter, Mrs. Elwin Pollock, , of • Nile, spent Saturday evening at the lnonle, of,,;Mr. and Mrs. M._ McDonald: _ Congratulations to Mr:- and Mrs." Doh. Stonehouse (nee Blanche Gra- ham) Un the With of . a son .111 Guelph the past . week. ' M a ► • THIS SPACE . , ;MURPHY PETAL TONE... Soft mellow tints, pr strong calor aerrnts, make your home a picture of lekeliness with • your own choie(1 from 1In- 1'1 eIlhrtnlllg pastel shades of , Petal r•1' one - finest .i f washable wallpaints : flat and semi -gloss available identical colors, also gloss... ...MURPHY EXTERIOR PAINTS... for last- ing beauty' that laughs .at the weather—easy to apply! .. • NARVO ... for furniture and Woodwork, Canada's sfiartest enamel,' easy- slireadi1rg, greater coverage, longer wear, available in. 25 'delightful a tors. *-Murp'hyPaints Factories at MONTREAL ,;:,,.TORONTO - WINDSOR • VANCOUVER •'Sreenches, from Coast to Coast SOh%' I9 • ItEIk'DFBSOti .GOiit]%ZCA, O. 0 ••4 welcome guest • Arhon* 623X .......ter Authorized bottler of Cori -Cola under contract with Em -Coca Ltd. • GQDERIOH BC'TTLING WORKS Goderich" 'Phone 489 s .\'71 iOus to pteri, •, loth to ((I't',•nel •-1' bt1•bam(1 and • ]:tet• r(n((•Inhere 1 hac- 1(is: hit inr carte 111-111, hi. (1:(n1;b1(•1-, Est,‘lle,- attwl iris son -in 1: v •Ill(- 1-.t, 20x ('I I.\ 11131•:1:::. i u 101 :lig menu)* of •:1 '(11-:11 ua(lt�er, Marie ('hammers, - whu 1(1( t(1 alttic' 1•'i. 19511. 110(1 kr1(�r that Ing. teas stt1'1'eryatg, That 1110 hills were.Juu•d 141 (•Bulli, s(1 1i1' closed her weary eyelids ,\m° whinll(e1((1, "l'e:r(•e 11(` 1hlle." Away- in 'the beautiful hills)' of (.o(1, Iiy •the•:virile(• of rv;;t so fain .Kruse 'till((, .some day, we knots not • Whelt • \\ will n(eet our mother there. $idly' missed, Ion nay. \\'alt(er. and .ion ,tie. • 2'11 (111.\:\ITil}itS, ---111 loving tn(111otsy of n . •YI(ba t` triol her :l till gni n(!••„ mother, rr:ttte ('h:trnh(-ts, t1110 passed 'away Nifty Pith, 14150. One year has pas.4ed,• dti'11tF mother, �. 'Since ytnt• ;were called :1' way ; Ifoti well (10 we • r(''lmenber '1111nt,e s1141 nttd Well days, • Yon stuffere(1, ttttieli4„, you mtir cured t not, • '1Ve watched you day by day': We epie(1 and prayed that your dear l:if'e Wtvtil1 not be taken away. It" remembered by oinn. Motif. - (laughter 1u- 1 r• I(ay, 1111(1 grandetlnildrenn, 'Gary ,atnd (illi)• • 20% FERRIS WHEEL 2 AMAZING Ctir ,J er �i APUS ♦O' • )CKET PLANE RIDE' , ATTRACTIOS St:NSATiON RTH IL BRING. .E WHOLE F'''�AMIL" .FREB ADIYrESSION — arch Midwa.y Shows ' ` SPONSOREt BY GOtE1tIC i (TIMOR GHANBBR OF OOMMVLB1Ct in., Tues., Wed., May 21 .GooderliantMenorlid'ark,(oderkh , OHILD ENVS llA Z, W" biltSDASt AlmithttTOON, MAY 23rd EA ''l" C . , . . 5-