HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-05-10, Page 3CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT"' W. CECIL .9 TTRIDGE. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Phone'No`.•-Oftice`343W. House 343, Goderich. ACCOUNTANTS RONALD ' G. McOONN, Public ,Accountant. Clinton, Ontario Phones: Office 5.411; Ices, 4€5 'Office: ' Roylil Bank ' MEDICAL $. F. J. It. FORT TER, EYE, * EAR, NOSE,. THROAT Late • House ,Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and 'Aural Hospital, lissistatit at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, England. EYES TESTED, GLASSES' SUPPLIED ' 53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford,. Telephone 267. Visits to Goderich discontinued, but 'Stratford office still open. DENTAL, '^ ' . -au.-a. R. W. HUGHES Dentist - ton and Lighthouse treets, Phone 1033) for appointment. d• CHIROPRACTIC • HERBERT B. Weil, D.C., Doctor. of Chiropractic. • mice Hours: • Mon., Thurs,-9 a.m.�to 5 p.m•• Tues., Fri --J a.m. to '5 pan. 7 pan. to 8 p.m. Wed., '& Sat. -in Kincardine. Vitamin Therapy Office -Corner of South St. 'and, Britannia Read, Phone 841. , INSURANCE • • DONALD B. BLUE iA PERIENCE.ri3 AUCTIONEER [IOnsed for^ •Conntes oI Iluron 'ani Bruce RIPLEY. PHONE 49 For, infori at on apply to d.. N. gernighau, 'D'ivision Conti Clerk, Gloderieb, Ont. EDWARXJ W, ELLIOTT • LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly, an- swered. Immediate arrangements eau be Made for Sales Date by calling Phone 203, Clinton. Charge moderate and sa„tisfac tion • Guaranteed. 1.9tf HAROLD f;ACI SON ICENSED , AUCTIONEER HURON AND j'Seaforth ?bone .111.661 or Harty Edwavi s, Goderich, Phone 144 1Coiunty, L brar Association Holds' Annual Meeting C. F. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire,Automobile, Casualty Real Estate. West St., Goderich, —Phone -18 McKII.LOP MUTUAL FIRE 1N- SURANCE CO. • --a 'Farm and isolated ,town property insured. President," E. -J." •Trewartha, Clin- ton; Vice -President, J. L. Malone, Seaforth ; Manager and Sec'y-Treas.,� M. A. Reid, Seaforth. ' °rr Directors -E.. J. Trewartha, Clin- ton; J. L. Malone,• Seaforth; S. H. Whitmore, 'Seaforth'; " Qhris. Leon. ,barclt, Bornholm; itopsert Arcki.btil( Seaforth; John 11. JicEwing, Blyth; Frank ;McGregor, .. Clinton; Wm. S. Alexander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich. • Agents -J.- E. Pepper, Brucefield ; Geo. A. R. F. Mcgercher, Dublin; ' Watt, 'Blyth; J. F. Prueter, Brod- iiagen ; Selwyn Baker; ,Brussels. Policy -holders Can make all pay; ments and get.•their cards,receipted' at the Royal Banka Clinton ; Keith Cutt's Grocery, bing►ston Street, "Goderich. , - 'WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS (STA$DARII..Tl1ii+�i') •tv'. GODERICH[-For • London and Stratford. - , 7.45 a.m.• daily, except Sundays and holidays. 12.00 noon daily. 4.20 p.m. 'daily. 6.25 p.m. Sundays (to Stratford only). 7.35 p.m. Sundays and holidays. 9.15 p.m. Sundays and ' holiidays.' ° (London- only)` • Charter Coaches for all. occasions. For information: phone Reg., McGee &' Sons at 765. ' vim . Ill, TVI, FORD Get • Insured ,- Stay Insured-, - i' 6j th' St. Tel. 268w • Insure in Sure Insurance Coi�ifederation . Life -Wind, Car .FIRE -Preferred rites for preferred risks. ACCIDNT-&--S1CHNESS— Consult. , , JOHN FARRISH Phone 7r15 • Dunganaon • LM MAT1ERS • • MAL�O NEW LOCATION • On the Square formerly ,Mr. Oraigie's office.; - Real Estate -General In- surance • - - Phone 115W -20 FIRE! - Protect Yourself With'Fire Insurance See...." • Gordon Jewell R.R: 6, ' GODERRI�CH . Phone Crrlow 30=r-4 The -Huron County Library As- sociation held the . annual meeting in- i iacKay Hall On Monday even"' ing, preceded by a banquet at. the Bedfo> d Hotel. - , F. H. Strong, of Hawick township, chairr04rrr, of the County Library committee; presided and welcomed the large representation from vari- ous library boards in the county. . -• "Books are a grand pastime and are 'self -educating," said -Mr. Strong, ' •'While tietion occupies a large place in 'the minds of- the reading public, in his opinion . the greatest knowledge was derived from non-fiction books. Mayor J. E. Huckins extended a civic welcome: "One of the : pleas- antest functions/. of the mayoralty is to . welcome people who are in- terested in library work," he said: Judging from the .display of books, he felt much hard work had been accomplished. It , was right that children of ,today were being , so well looked after educationally, and Wilar 4 . T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appointment SQUARE GODERICH °`l Geo. G. MacEwan Fire., Accident lipid Motor Car Insurance • OFFICE MASONIC TEMPLE ' WEST STREET PHONE '236 ' ' : GODER;CA m 813,178.91; disbursements, $13,346.- V(YF 87. Tlie library trash travelled 4,436 miles- in 1950 at cost of -6.8 cent; per mile. Mr. Angus 1\l.owat, director of puU lie libraries , ,I ntro duced'� t he 'guest speaker, Dr. W. S. �Vailae( ,' librarian: of Toronto TJnir'exsity and president of the Canadian '.Lib- rary 'Association. Dr.. Wallace is a native of Georgetown; took post- graduate course at .Ballot College, Oxford; and wits formerly on the staffs of University of Western On- tario and. McMaster" University. . '4Hur'on 4iCounty pioneer in County library work.: ands;, I grat'ulate the county on its enthusi- astic and competent librarian," Dr. Wallace stated. Mr. Mowat, he said, had told'him how Mitis Rose Aitken, Goderich librarian, started the. ,.County library in her. spare, time with her own car and mor'iey. "That's a . story I • would like to hear more often," Dr. Wallace de- clared. tile referred to a clause in the Hope report on the Public Library Branch of the Department of Education, in which the opinion was expressed that library work needs expansion and should have adequate field workers: - •Turn'i.ng• to his subject, ' "One Hundred Years of Canadian Lib- rary," he. replied that in 1851 the 'ILIATION TO . ' AT GRANT) BEND Xp.l 1 ' 16 BE TAKEN Q - Warden Nicholson Invites the ' • r frill , e to Be Part of r uron•County Wednesday, May 16th„ is the date set for the vote in Grand Bend to decide whether the newly WW1,' porated village is to be a municipal- ity within the County of Huron or is ,to join the COMM' of Lambton. Rteeve 'Nicholson, of Tuckersinith, Warden' of the 'County of I3uron,. hits issued an invitation to the people of. Grand Bend "in the lel- lowing words: ,, , On behalf of the County of Huron, an invitation is extended to the residents of the . Village -of Grand Bend, to "join this County. year, the money` bus not yet 'been spent. The'se debentures 'bear inter- est at the rate of 1% % which shows the high credit rating of Huron. This Coutnty bas about • $200,000.<4 other surplus funds. ' It has the health and sanitation unit recommended and subsidized by, the'Department of Health in operation and its citizens are rte; riving its advantages. It has 120,, miles o - 'paved County roads. It,. was to gi''e services ro Grand Bend, that the Crediton road Was paved by this County, many years before adjacent. Provincial highways: It has a new Registry Office that has been paid for from 1949 and 1950 taxes. - • The County Home has manage- ment that is second to' none and Ls an institution" in 'which we take' great pride. ° Citizens have been considering Latubtou on account _of' Milne Huron has been giving union with (1) The sale of liquor; etaxes 'these services to its citizens, its appear to be lower in Litauiaton in: tax rate .is similar to that of. I,anib_, ton. 'axes will probably be lower in Huron than in Lambton 'in the future, 'because. the one a mill Cont'r 'House debenture payments will end this year, the Registry', Office - liay- some cases. On the surface these seem to be ,good reasons and the persons recom- mending the Lambton connection cannot be criticized: 'However, , a study of the situation' indicates that a little temporary advantage might be secured ,by a few and Many permanent hp:phrtant ` ad- vantages would be lost to all. No Change in 'Liquor ;,i ion i ,:___at _Toronto_ adv used ,that conditions respecting the sale' of liquor -Will' be no dJf- ferent, whatever 'county the vilkage may become a part of, because the r Canada . Temperance Act in a e Do- minion statute and municipal boundaries are controlled Tiy the Province ' ' he hoped that they as Canadians first general legislation .with• regard of tomorrow 'would benefit from I4DEPEhi`DENTt ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS •. Huron Lodge , No. ,, 62, Goderich, meets first and. third Monday nights of every month in MapKay_� Hal/. • , rw. ome to Canadian libraries was. ,passed education and the reading of good l3ook.s - , - Mrs. G. Monier, County Librar- -tatcd that Irrearb^.=r=,; consists of, 35 libraries seven de- posit stations; two high schools, ity libi"silos had improved in Elft 2G individtiat schools of • 61 rooms years. At one time the. librarianintl and 12 township school areas of at Yale College acted also as .t 113 rooms.' • sort of • beadle, and lighted th Circulation statistics showed- otrt1. firs: +-I�1•S�3 ibra�riYazrs--in ;�'oI. cin t complained~ they were paid less than the beadle. Gradually it. be- came recognized' that a librarian's position was a full -tine job and equivalent to a teacher's position,; and now , rnaazzy librarians in, the United States. ina•rehed With the i here , are , some librarians who are chronic pessimists in the belief - that the movies, radio and, television will affect circulation. .A; recent And library associations and ' 'Mech- anics' Institutes were amalgamated., —ittnrve-ii --progress-•had been made in 100 years, and Canadian rarians,as a pro ession t a pro '0.ressed. The position of Univers fiction, 21,020; classed, 37'10; juven- ile, 65,323; - total,• 90, 053, an in- crease over the total. of- 194 of, 9,33,5. rhe work Of Mrs. Eckmier was highly commended by both, Mr, 'Strong and Mr.'Angus..Mowat, direr-' for -of public libraries.. of 'Ontario. Mr. A. H. Erskine, 'treasurer, after giving his ,financial • report, paid tribute to Huron County Conn - ell for its support. This year . the 'County library -grant is $5;100, an increase of •$1.,]00 over -1950. - survey, snowed that in the majority Total receipts in 1950, including 'of libraries there has been a clo- the Prabincial grant Of $o,100 and 'crease in circulation (lite . to tele-, the, to'unty : nano of . 4 000, were vision, • It is a ne�v• toy and how ' it Will'affec.t .the younger generation remains to be seen" • Dr. Wallace e;:presed the 'belief that .movies, radio' and television would not;,, F upplant books: He 'pointed out '.in conclusion that 08. per. , cent. of the inherited wisdoni and'. knowledge of mankind was to -be found in books..5- r Rev."Haigh C. }Nilson, of Clinton, moved a vote of .thanks : to the: 'speaker which Was hearth • ,en- dorsed. ' ' 'Greetings "from Coity Library Associations were extended by Miss Audrey ' -Gray, Middlesex; - Miss -Aileen Wallace, Elgin;. Mrs. Louise Krompart, Oxford, and R. M.' Don- ovan, Lambton: - . The Huron -County Board is .com- posed of the ,following: Chairman, E H. Strong, Howick; Secretary, Rev,-_kl. C: WilsPn, Clinton ; treas- urer, A. H. Erskine, Goderich; Earl Elliott, Goderich; 'George MacDon- ald; `Gres township; Roy Conshis, Brussels ; . Thomas -Pryde, Exeter; W. •'r. Cruickshank,' Wing- ,•tram ; . 'II_ Johnston,' Morris town- ship, 'YOU ,, .... ARE, . WELL ADVISED I'd' .'d'BE WELL INSURED Confederation Li Association Goderich, Ontario INCOME TAX RETURNS PRIVATE . BUSINESS FARM REPORTS Bookkeeping records installed and checked monthly or at request. ROY N. BENTLEY • Phone 152W • Bos 58 15 Warren St. GODERICH, ONT. . Anrything to sell? A classified ad in The Signal-etar brings results. , A. • L. COLE Optmpbtrist--Optician ' Eyes Examined. Glassed` Fitted Phone 33 ' Goderich. Ont. it nri.>nts : counpleted,. aka i L:Iinbtoir. '411 probably raise their. ,taxes to pro- v3de 'serC�ices already Ll.,1,1 ett in r4 0.. ' • No effort was, made by tkti$ County to retain Grand Bernd is Miran so long as it atmeared that the proposed r„uuniciilality might gain bybein g In Lar titon but , P r ce a study of the' situation shows that the reverse is the ease it is the liope of Huron that the• residents cif Grand Bend will .deckle to, re- main ixt Huron where the -village ' belongs, geographically: A TTEIII FEDERATED W.I,- • CONVENTIQN AT GUELPH Mrs. Archie Wilkin iia,s returned froni' Guelph, where she a`htended .the Provincial Federated Women's Institute convention held at the O.A.C. She reports a most inter- esting and profitable time centering around Women's Institute studies. The subjects this .year were. His-. torieal. Research' and Current Events, and 'Community Activities Ind Public 'Relations. Mrs. Wilkin presented West .Huron ,lttrict as delegate for Historical Research and Current Events, and Mrs.. Fred 'Toll of Auburn was representative •for the .study ..of, Community AC- tivities and Public• Relations.: ••N ••••••O•••�••••••!•!tb••••': • 4 lon MEh&s FOR ---- OR This view is supported by similar! • cases as follows: (1) New '1Bruns-" Bruns -- wick: King vs. McMullin; (`?) Nova Scotia; ' Ex Parte Nagle. - The lower priced • irroperties- in Grand -Bend 'on; both idesfof the' County lionndary have simih4r tax bills at. • present, Lt is -true that some of the..more expensive. pro= 'per�ties are assessed higher -relative- ly in Huron than Lambton and pay higher taxes, but any advantages these' properties may •reeeive in Lambton' will be only temporary. O • • Assessments for taxation are sub- • AT THE jeet to revision until they 'are cor- • • r'eet 'and -no doubt -some propertrefi in Grand Bend have been assessed °- • too 'high.. .[n' the .Ititure the at: ess- • -- fug of the village will be clone. by A' pHONE the. assessor appointed by the Vil- •• • Goderich Pavilion Dancing Wednesday, Saturdliy and holiday evenings, • Saturday Night --Ross Pearce and his. orchestra. �� :Wednesday night. Barn=dance to Jerry, Rennie and -the' Rhythm Festers. SPECIALHOLIDAY MANGE—THURSDAY', MAX 24th _ ____10.. HRNY , DOWN'S AND HIS ORCHESTRA GODERIwTHEATIES M..y ,4P,RESENT • I ••••••lit►• •••M••••••••••••••••:•••O••O•••••SO••••Ai••t:••M n the AtStreetf . Square Thee S a I .- •--_... 1156— color. 4L, . , rHONi �,1 story of an amazing horse-. 'GAL14 NT BES'S"h in color' _....:.�. PHONE 47 Mon., Tues. and Wed. " "The GLASS. MENAGERIE" . . Tcenrnessee `Vi11is(irt's great .play, 'winner of then. Drama ' Critics Award, •carries 'ta• i'li 'Green With ite iioignant •story of n girl who lived i a �..�.,--��t� 1 n le clre • rid, of her awn. Gertrincle 1 ti*renee,' Jane Wynn 1,.. «irk Douglas Thurs., Fri. and, -Sat.-- Jean Simmons, . David Farrar and Herbert' tom . • alichael •Baleon's'outstanding Eagle 'Lion production portrays the . fate of a -heanntifirl wonia n '.vho Worshipped at th"e shrine of •weaitli. - '. .: l "CAGE OF GOLD), n- it; C'omirig- "Tile Magnificent. oinks& Ann Harding. .4 starring Louis .Ca1hertt 4nd, avow--taI'RONT1tft GIRL" --With Lois Hall and Cinecolor. Mon., •Tues: and Wed.--- ° • Donald O'Connor 'and Peggy Ryan with Eve . Arden and Frances • ' Dee Two popular and talented voting dancing stars are reunited in a witty, quick-stepiiving fun-n.n1nsie show. ► "PATRICK the. Thurs., Fri. and Sat.-- . n t?IIAitX.IS LAILJ(�IYT(iN Supported by. a cast of (thousands istaepeetac'ular arra =iitYfor�- ' gettable tlirill=favorite o at time. "The Phantom" of the Opera" Condng- Gene .entry fin. Imbuits' I (IIIE .S13Y'." • • • 0 PHANTOM - • • ._ . Ma l3th 'sSunday, y 2. • w t GOTHAM SOLD„ STRIPE • BAGS 's GLOVES • • SKIRTS • ES ]�LO�TS T 412 SAME C'A'I`LN N W.* ,ON , GRA'S.S :IN HURON Finer weather the past week has seen a nuuiber of cattle go t� grass, although . the greater preportu 1t ' a1 dairy h5rds is still. being stabled," •a• Feed �,. ,'plena; J, t a en {•l fairly "1 areti l supplies i�p Jw ec'd sprit � fun. This pant week has :set t 10)g firices strengthen considera.'biy, re* ports >tt. D: Bennett, • agricultural representative fox: Buren. °Y A large' amount of ' seedin WtS done this past weelt, althotigh,some- land still cannot he'worked lieeapse it ' is� too wet.,, , ?arnensa incl' "it negessary to work around a: nnnnlber, of wet holes in many fields. Some grain that was seethed earlier (luring the infrequent dry spells is:no* Coming up. Winter wheat matte considerable progress during the past week and ';hay and clover ' are looking wen. .Ii armers ]report that the ground is quite' .hard to • work, having dried out: considerably on tpp but still being'very sticky' undex- neath, making it more difficult, to make •a satisfactory seed bed. HAPPINESS FOR SALE T The happiness that comes "a .well-orderc4 life, with ' 'and children provided for, •anad the prospect of eventual retire- ment on. inr�ome 'sufficient for °the enjoyment of your leisure, can be yours through the assur- ance poli' ies of the Sun Life Assurance Company of'Canada. • LINGERIE Let me sell you a share in hap-' pines t,oday,' ; � ; . . ° Harold W.. Shore . . . ,. MAJOR' STORE ' • ••• Sun. Life Assurance Co m anP : Representative of ' GODERICH r ...., - of Canada - • Phone 766W 1u,, ,Council -and. when the villagea•••����•••••!••••••••••••••••••O'•�••�••!•spiO••• NO is reassessed and equalized more ' direct control _ can • be exercised. 'Pixie is a .growing feeling- in 'Iluron I • that simmer (ottagce and•ether pro- perties a5suciatc'6i with the holiday.) business' should be assessed special- I 4, as owners do not use the• schools• an(1 rse other facilities provided by - the public for only a fen; . month:; shoe' year. rrwenty-sin counties have ('ouinty assessors, I.ainibton . is (file of. 'the twelve that have not yet adopted the system. It is likely, that. the appointment of a County assessor will become compailsory, se that the sheet that it had in Huron will then apply to' Lambton`" Daring the past 'few- years Huron paid for work• on. urban stiveots to the value of 259'o of the road levy of - the municipality. .. Noother county. treated their urban nruni- oipalities so well. If Grand Bend becorues a part of Laan'bton, all., of the , business • as- sociated " with the courts, the Registry Office, the Count^ Council and Much law business will have to'- be. transacted at Sarnia, s hick IS nearly- twenty, miles farther than Goderich. -' , Th'e Lambton portion of G -rand Bend would benefit by being in the Exeter High .School area on ac- count oi} the extra distance to Forest, Ounce one bus would serve 'instead of two. If in Huron,• there would be a strong, argument for admission. •- Huron Progressive *County The County of 'Huron is a•-Pro- gressive, •-pro-1ressi•ve county. It hati no deberitdre debt except fora new Court House, and while •nlott of this money has been raised and the debentures retired this; THE VOICE OF TEMPS% = t •• - -ANCE 'In 1932, in the ,United States, the prohibition, amendment was repealed: The, expectation -was drink- ing and less crinis due to draink- ing. Instead the per capita consum.�ptipn went up from 1.69 gallons in 1033 to 27.25 gallons in 1947. '' • ' Prohibition had been - held •re-. sponsible for the operation of "gangsters • like" ..l Capone. Twenty years later there were syndicates of goons • and lobby- ists that' wade the: old Capone' mob look like amateurs. Boot- legging would disappear when I legal outlets were provided -- o it was claimed. 'On the con- trary the Florida crimes ' com- mission reports that there never *as a year under prohibition when as many bootleggers wet arrested .and have been arrest- ed every year since prohibition was.. repealed,. z • The facilities, • for drinking.l werp inpreaseih.ad so the drink- ing increased and the crime duel to drinking increased too. It can't work ottt any other. way. { This :rilrrt;, strain; Dred by 'Huron County Terapei'ance It'ederntlon. ,' 1 1 40. • Shop and $ave at SAYE ON EVERYTHING EVERY DAY- IN THE WEEK' A & P'sLo:,-v.Ke - Low p.ofit Policy'. Assures You Of Savings Customers', Corner few' years ago we had quite a few complaints about the delay at our check-out stands. . ' . We worked • hard' to solve 'this problem by Increasing and improv- ing the' stands and training our . checkers to ' da a ' more ` efficient, job. - Ilas this effort paid off in, your. A&P? Is there a '.minimum of delay at the check out stand? . Our checkers strive', constantly to be ' eourteous. efficient and accurate: ' If you ' have airy suggestions,' that will help them - improve. our check-out service, please let us know. Please write: Customer ,Relations Dept. A&P Food Stbres, . x35 Latighton Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. Maple Leaf,, Assorted Cheese • - 1=1 a tth eye relit ea titt e Bars Shortening Dolnnestic ' ' A&P Speoial $lend Tea .- Glark',s chili Sauce. Shredded Wheat. - Quaker ' Cornflakes Maple Leaf 'Matches •Royal July .Powders • .� Grove Srand Maple .Syrup Aylmer Catsup Heinz Asserted • Baby Foods;. Pure'. Lard , Ann Page, Sliced' 1V1 i I k 'Brea 24-= leaf 1 White or .Brown B6kar Coffee • Custom Ground Nlblets ' Green Giant' Cream Del Maiz Corn Style. Fruit Cocktail DelMonte rets Salmon Fancy • - Torn•atoes , Ayimer Choice Purple Plums ,a&P Pic Pork Loaf Christie Pitz - Robin Hood Flour Choice '•1/2.lb okg 27C Biscu Its - McCormick's Cherry largo 5 -•oz, bar' 3 5C Ib 39c t/a-Ib pkg 38c • ' 0-oz.btl ' 9c 2 pkgs 3.1c 2 Pk9s 29c '3 box pkg 22C 3k s • p 9 , 16-ot btl.47c i1' oz btis 39c 3 tiros 28c 6. 4c 8 -oz tin 1 15 -oz tin 1 d - � 28 oz tin 4 "n 21c 28 -oz tin 1 2 15 -oz tins 33c s_. , ^ 12 -oz tin •1 c 8 -or pkg 21-c .C. 7 -Ib bag 4 Cream • _4ruiij : and Vele eli& Florida Pascal, c,•isp, tender, ,Nt,,, 1, large 41 size - celery Stulks.- 2f;r19c Cuban Red Spanish, No, 1 c California Nave;, Fancy, 150's, now at their best Oranges dot 59c 'Florida Marsh Seedless, Jumbo size 64, No. 1 'Gircipefruit m ,r 3 for 25c •Florida, Wi•rite, No. 1- 4111, ' .- . ' ls., New Potatoes 9c [3.C: Red Winesap, Extra Panay, 126's Apples