HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-05-03, Page 10• • . A rA 'TM ON THE tkqii41tA • • AND HERE AND THERE O. I. Duck,4who reeeutly sold tite , British Exchange Hotel, has pur- Oha'sed, 4 restaurant,•at Saruia, and • has resigned, his seat on. the Town Conncil of Gaderich., • The fence around JudithGooder- .1iam Memorial Perk is, being given Oat of, red anti-corresive paint to prevent rust, lied this will be followed by a coat of green paint. . Although there are plans to Pave the 'road, in the meantime visitqrs, to Goderich harbor ,. get quite a shaking up, driving, down or up the harbor hill road- Ernie- Barker ,sends out thousand's of letters containieg Shut-iu'e,Day circulars. This week he had one returned froM Vancouver. C)n the 'letter • was Written, "Deceased." Firther down the letter • was Stamped, "Returned for better direction." - In a Sky • Harbor Air Services plane, chartered by The Toronto Daily Star,- Gordon nenderson of Goderieh was flown to Walkerton Saturday afternoen to take aerial -pictureeesit the etunipe in Sengeeli River. on which two men were Marooned but later rescued.. G.C.J.,CITATTER Ity Marg. Langille find Jean Irwin 'Last Friday • afternoonand even ' - lug the llaal badmintial games were 1 • 'DORN • .- •111.". and Mr& Pon . Armstrong, 'Of Elora, at Fergus , noepital; ou May 1,1951, son. , BOUTIWER.--eAt Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on May 2nd, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew floutilier, a •Gedericdaughter. • played. ,The ehanipions Of the girls, KNitat,.,.__h, ,.. .1. t ltwu litttel, St. dpublvs,are Viola Leiteli and Gladys,Catliarinee, on April 25th, to Mr. McLean; Lime Holmes and Ken and Mrs. Wm. Knight illee Peris Ilutchine, captured the' boyke title.. .Irv, a daughter, Bonita Lynn; Joan ,e'itzpatrick and Georgie 'Perris ea,:. ORRIS. ---At 'Alexandra Hospital, rare 't he 4winners' of the 11114.44 Goderivh, un April 28th, 1951, to doubles.. ' Mr. and Mr. James Morris, Gede- -..; The champions' were awardedrich, a son, James Andrexi: blue and white "13-'51"erests. After rATTERsoN._At clintou Hospit_ the tOurnatnent, was over the fhn al, on April "30, to Mr. and Mrs. was completed by ,dancing in the Roes .Patterson, Auburn, 4 son. ' gynuntsium, , ' .SPIS. — At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich,, on April 27th, 1951, to ' A PEW SLItYGESIIQNS Mr. a.nd Mrs. Victor Sime; Gode- .011EERS—Ta' MiSs Elliott, 'Miss rich, a sen, Roderick Wayne. Barber; and Mies Clarke for plan- YOUNODLUT.—At Alexandra nos- ning and preparing the SAPPer pital; Goderieh, on April 26th, which was 'served to the badminton, • 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley players. • Youngblut, Goderich, a son, John • Stephen.. ..' „• •1,k14LINDAVII).S,ON The home* of the bride:is pai•ents, "*"'"••••"........meeei".""""••••••" Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davidson, R.R. ' NOTICE TO Clitellettoits 4, Goderich, .was the setting for. a NOTICE l`p CREDPPORS. quiet wedding on Saturday after- noou, when their daughter,..Mooueen. All persons having claitu.s against Lovejoy Davidsbn, 'became thebride the estate of Emily Levine. Elliott, of Norman -Bruce Allin, son of 41r. R.R and 2late of the Township' of Goderich in Mr.s. Norman Allin, .. „ , ClintonRevHarrower, of Benthe County of Huron, who died on . . J,. ,- miller United Church, offior about tiated. The, ' bride, given in marriage by • her father; was attended by Miss Lona Allhe R.R. 2,1Clinton. Mr. Donald Eernighan, R.R. 4, Getlerich, WAS best man: . • An 84 -year-old' former Goderich lady, whose name is "Julia," now • living in Detrott, loves television. Despite explanationsto the con- trary, the elderly lady insists that the people on the screen can see those watching the screen just ae. well as the people In the room can see the people performipg on the sereen.4 BecanSe of this belief she will never get in troht of the screen unless her hair is combed and she 4IANLY-NEDIGER CLINTON. Spring . flowers formed a setting at Wesley -Willis 'United .Church, „Clinten, for the Wedaing of Jean Marie Nediger, daughter of Mr:- and Mrs. J. W. Nediger, Clinton,. to '4Villiam George thinly, son' of Mr. and Mrs. li. M. an y, on. ev. g eon officiated and _Miss Viola •Fraser, as soloist,. was accompanied 'by Mrs. - • e M. ,R. Rennie,: Entering the church w„ith her father, who gave her In Marriage, the bride . was lovely in a gown of White Satin 'and. Chantilly lace'. Her -finger-tip veil of • matching .01/entillY lace was held, by .a halo .seed pearls. She carried a bou- quet of . red roses with petals. of. white carnation. e Mies .Phyllis :Hanly, Clinton; m *ieter ..of the grodin, Was aid of is ell'romid "presentable." • One honor, and. Mies Betty. Lou. Nediger, night this week she uttered an Clintonresister af • the bride, was junior bridesmaid. Bill Nediger, Clinton, brother of the 'bride, was best - man, and the ushers. were Douala ,- :„Nlid,dleton - and Joseph 'Gibson; • • . After a reception • held at:the honie of the brides. parents, •the .bride •and groom left on a . trip to Montreal, and points eaSte..-On their return' they evil' reside On• the groinh'S fend, R.R., 5, Clinton. , .*iGuests were prekint from London, .Goderich, EXetee, Tillsonburg, Hen- ise 11. find • Lecknew, • 'dig/mut "There, 1 told •yeu so," to, her relatives when a -lady 'en the screen Was .$e'en to wave -her -hand and -"Good night, Julia."' • Mr. WI T. Cornish, who, has been manager of the *Singer .?Sewing Centre in • "Goderich, has -been ap- pointed manager of the Singer eetire at Gide. He has left to assume his new -post and is being •renldeed here - .1)y 'George nendereon of Whighaul.. . Mr. Neil J. MacLean, .it • graaaute of Knoxf Cellegee' Toronto; spent a few clay's last week at the hbine of miele; Mr: Chas. A.. MaeLean, befete leaving, for . bis”, home at' 'Louisburg, Nora Scotia. amilriimerEs.ANIIIINENOMMIMIIMiNa FOR BETTER 'HEALTH. -ha0e a. Spencer _ Supped deiignediust for yeel YOY'll.1019Y— pew ' and lovelier"figure lines - Spencers are 'Wad,. • erately pricod-gyar- onteed to keep •tbeir !haps. Phone • 370W • SPENCER "figalr IIPPORTS 17-19 01, THE GOPPRICH SIGNYarSTAR 'For ResultsClassified 'on 14114t 13riets • Once again it is necessary to f.e- mind our advertisers that ale dead- line tor the re..elpt -ciisplay, ad- vertising cOPY (all advertising ex- cept the clitesitied ads on the heels page) is.eekeley noon. Mechanical masous '' necessitate Ole.. No guarantee etin be giveneef the pub- lishing of display advertising if it Is brotight in -later than Tuesday aeon, yet wanted for ineeertion that week. I am now buying rags and old felt mattresees. Turn -them out now while I have a buyer; next month may be-teirlate. C. WOODS, 12 East street, Phone 867J., -14 Ahmeek Chapter Blossom: Tea, bridge and "500" will be held on May 17th in the blue room . of Legion Hall. Play will 'begin ..at 2.30 p.m. • -18-19 For the best , prices and 'best eervibe on magazine subscription% phone your order to Miss. Mary' 13, Howell, 4 a. Vincent street, Gode- rich, phone 213W. • 13tf Aluneek Chapter, .My meeting will he held in MacKay Hall at 3 p.m.. on • Thursday, May 10th. Membership fees are due. , -13 p51, .are required table ,,he, • Rummage sale at St. George's S.D. 1 Parish Hall' on Saturday, May 5th, at 1 p.m.,' sPonsore.d by Margaret Seeger Club. e, The Legion Auxiliary will eueet ih the Le'gicin •Hall o TueSday, May 8th, 'at 8 p.m. -18 Dbn't forget Blue Coal fill -up prices, $25 peiton cash until June 1st. Phone your order . to the Edward Coal Company at 08. -18-20 O.I.L. paints and enamels are the choice of the particular painter. Buy yeur paint need.s from H. 0. Jerrye---Plione--29—and: livered. All paints are mixed in wan, who cued..,ou ,or about the1 our , automatic mixer. IL 0. iTerry 27th dey of October, 1950, are re- Hardware' 48-20- quired to file, the same with full Daffedil tea, bridge and "500," particulars with the undersfgned May 10th at MacKay. Hall from • 3 by the 19th day of May, 1951; as to 5 by COnunittee of Cancer,' Polio; after that .date the' eState ,will be TubercUlosis and Relief Fund. distributed. • • •Spoheored by Rebekah Lodge No: " Dated at the Town of Goderich 89' Everybody welcome. -17 sante with full particulans with the undersigned by the 19th day of May, A.D. 1951, as after that date the. estate win be distributed. Dated • at the Town. Goderich pelts 26th day .ofi April,. 1951. . • R. C. HAYS, K.O.,, • Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. TO OREDPPORS. •• All persons having claims against t Mar aret Evel •n• Gib- son,,late of the City of Detroit, le the ,State of Michigan, married wo- 18-20- NOTICE 'FOR SALE.—IT IS. NOT TOO early to plant <out your Spenieh onions, early cabbage, early cault- ilolVer, bead lettuce, pansies and stocks. • J ACK. S ON O R S FLI T S Phone 105. the 19th day of Mara, sl8tf APARXM:ENT FOR SALE: -- Seevn rooms, 4inc1uding three bedrooms, hydro, ,newly decorated, private entrance, etc. • Over store ou main street IA Dungannon. Pelee $650„ with $150 down, or $600 cash. TUOMA.8 KOVIAK, JR., R.It, 3, •Gederici.t. (Amberley). Phoue 110 ring 27, Ripley. • -14tf . , 'Fon SALE. -Le AN EXCEL.LENT - choke of:flowers for Mother's Day (May 13). See Q114* large dis- play ad. on page, 2. On order' to he wired out, particularly those going overseas, order early. JACK - SONS •FLORISTS, phone 105. 4.8 R -SALE. 'N INE -ROOM b'rickhouse, seeker heater (new heating eystein). Possession at once. IVAN LOUZON, Goderich Fruit Market. , -14tf rip 'SALE. — '48 PONTIAC Silyerstreak, radio, heater alid all accessories; '39 Plymouth 4 -door sedan; '36 Ohev. 4 -door sedan ;,, 37 panel truck; '29 Durant. SCRIM'S AUTO SERVICE, Huron road. 18-19x CARDS .OF „TIIANRS THE KINSMEN CLUB OF GODE- , RICH wishes to thank .every- one for their kindness and assist- ance n making "their last paper drive the rmccess that It WA6.. Un- fortunately, owing to, wenther con- dition, some paper was missed. Please, accept Ourapologies-7 -18 RIS. J. E. GODFRE,Y TAKES • this -4110111.1e-of expressing , her. gratitude for the kind acts of eye's pathy„ the lean of cabs for the 'funeral kind the lovely floral tributes which were $ent in the time of her bereavement. ' -18 Hygenic supplies (rubber goods), mailed postpaidin plain, ,seaied 'envelope with Price list- Six sam- ples 25c; 24 sample$1.00. Mall Order Dept. NOV-RuleBER CO.,.;Box 91, Hamilton, Pat. • • FO,It MOTHER'S DAY GIFT. CAN' COMPARE WITHA. . BEAUTIFUL BUDGIE OR • *AIR, cip,,TitzsE LOVE. BIRDS. VARIETY OF COLORS IN,STOOK. DEPOSIT WILL HOLD TILL MAY 12th. MX YOURS OUT NOW.• CAGES—STANDS AND, SUPPLIES Co WOODS PET SHOP 1 12°EAST ST. •• ' PHONE 867J -17-18 in the .County of Huron this 1st day of May, A.D. 1951. R. C'. HAYS, 1s.C,• Goderich,, Ontario, 18-20- 'Solicitor for the Eetate. N- ()TICE TO CREDITORS'. AND OTHERS - • • In the Eetate of • JOHN P, GAL- . LAGHER, deceased. . All persons clainfing against- the estate Qf John Patrick Gajlagher, late of . .Goderich, who .aieg on. Mareh 7, 1951,, are ' required to ,forward fill' particulars duly veri- fied to the undersigned' by May 26, 1951, after which 'date, the .assets will be distributed. •• .• Mother's Day cards. . Campbell's . , • - FRANK DONNELLY,•K.C., God& 41tf- Dine StOre... rich, Solicitor' for the Estate.ICM.R.- Warfarin Concentrate to. 48..go rid*. yode piece of rats and as • mentioned in Reader's Digest. Campbell's • Drug. Store. -17-18 The. play, "All a Mistake," will be presented in Victoria ,Street United Chtiech • on Friday, • May. 4th, at • Allpersons claiming against the te.15 p.m., by W.A. of Grace Unfted estate of. Charles • McPhail, late -of Church, Porter's MIL sponsored 'by Goderich township, who • •died on April 2, _1951, are, ;reqeired to forward full particularS dulj* fled to the' undersigned hy •e1ay.26, 1951, after which date the, ,aseets• will' he • distributed..... . ' • • FRANK-DONNELLY',-.K.,C..-Godes rich, Solicitor for the EState. I -18-20. , . Rummage . sale, sponsored ' by Maple Leaf Chapter, at MacKay Hall on -Saturday, May 5th; at 1.30 p.m.. -17-18 The Huron County .11ealth Unit is leplding weekly health services in the -Town 'nail every Thursday, betWeen 2 and 4 p.m. Miss DOrOthY Wick, public health nurse, isin charge. An tnvitation 'is, extended to all Mothers with infants and ,pre-school children. Bring your child, and be consulted regarding mental and physical conditions, or enyeeprobleth you . may have en- countered. This eereice • is spon••••- sered by tbe Kinette, Club. FOR SALE*. --re' GRAVEL, SAND, black earth and fill. MERVIN McALLISTER, phone 1138R. -1548 OR s'ALu FOIt SUP.—PUPPIES. Phone -18 1141J. POR WA.81.11110 CIIINE In good State of repair. JACKSON,S FLORISTS, phone 105. -17tf rt E WASHING, MA- Oill'INSEL in real goodconditioit Call 1171 /liter 5 p.m. . - OR SLE. -1944 STUDE13.A.E,P•I1t - 'sedan, radio, heater, 1n ood condition, reasonably prieed, 86 Regent street. * POR SALE. -- SMALL BARN. - Apply W. J. RU,DDIOK, Mucks street. -18 FORSALE` .-1947 'FOUR DOOR sedan, Stylemaeter Chevrolet, in excellent condition, GORDON KAITTING, 12 McDonald street, G:oderich; -17 PORI SALE. DINING -ROOM AITANTIBY - suite. Phone 1131W. 48 WANTED !CO RENT. — SMALL ' cottage on lake shore for sea- son, or three-room furnished apart- ment. Phone 1.111R, .Groderich. WHY DELAY FURTIIER?' For a short. time only •Oraw- ford's Chick' Hatchery, Lucknow, can supply day-old and started pullets or -mixed chicks. For high- est production, try our Rhode Island Reds -or Red-X-Barred-Rioekes:-Loeal- age4, LAKESIDE PRODUCE. ' wee -17-18 THFLIRSDAT, nky •••30; • Apple _Sauce Cakes with -raspberry, Mling and 404 with, Butter Creme Icing 35c each , A .ca,ke made with fresh apples and flavored lightly with cinnamon. MthIPPED ORM DOUGHNUTS --50c DATE TURNOVERS -35c doz.. Ct:ULItERT.S BAKERY "TRE HOME OP TASTY PASTRY"' Orders of $1,00 and, over*delivered. Please phone your orders in by noon, Phone 465 "VIOR SALE.---s0OTTAGE, 76 NEW - GATE street; three bedrooins, living:room, dining -login, kitchen, 3 -piece bathroora, full -sited base- . ------,-- 18-19x ment. Nice garden. - Immediate possession. Apply T. NI. DAVIS, 59 West street. Phone 1099. -17tf FOR SALE. -64 -ACRE FARM -ON paved road, cieseto school. and 6 -room 1% -story frame house; bank bare, .2 henhouses,' 2 colony house; , geed well, hydro through- out. Pos.session soon. Price $5,000, terms. Also, ether farms of various 'sizes. Phone 85. CECIL•WHEELER, Realtor, 13ex 55, Blyth, Ont.. • 18x.• "Down, Down; Poivn.,..!- . Go parts and labor costs when you , let our factory trained men over: haul your engine! Because they know your air by heart, they do • the job efficiently, 'save, time and ' - Motley all the way! See" us today , . for 'smooth spring driving. Pontiao-- ostoisi. • $cGM� Ttuelos . -**PITONZ, 34 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND - CPA E R.S In the Estate of CHARLES Mc- , PHAIL, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ' Notice is hereby given to all persons ,having any - claim against the estate cef Maleolm McKay, late of the Town of Goderich, gentle- man, who died on the 19th day of March, 1951, to Send the e.a.mefvi Victoria Helpers Class. Adults 50c. :18 A minstrel show will be presented by the Benneiller, on Friday, May 11, at 8.30 p.m. Silver collection. An autograph guilt will be auctioned after the show. '--1840 TENDERS WANTED , OR 'SALE. — TRICTOL E, .stroller, high chair, electric washer, electrie sewing Machipe, chesterfield; dresser% icebox, elecs tric ranges and used furniture. .Canaries, budgies and bird sepplies. W,0011S, 12..Eaet street., ' .44 frENDERS. ' -`-. Tenders will be receved hy , the -undersigned up to May 8th for crushing 600 yards Of %-inch chips' at the beach in Goderich and 2000 the Undersigned, verifieel by de,clar- Yards of 1" roadgravel, at the talon, on dr before The 21s1 dity ereterw, n pit in •Goderieh. Chi* to be May, 1931, as after that date the {delivered to stock pile; gravel to executor herein will proceed to dis-beedelivered ,tii stock pile or where i tribute the said estate., having re: the Town foreman may direct., gard only; to the elaims of which Lowest or any tender not neces- he shall then have had notice. sexily accepted, Dated at Goderich this 16th day I - .S. H. BLAEE, Clerk,' 'of April, A.D. 1951. ' . ,19-18- Town .of Goderich. WILDIAM A. SUTHERLAND, ',..„e„„„,.....se.„,,,,e.., • •Soliertor for the Executor: ,, 18-2g- ° .PERS.ONAL .....;................. , 'MOM AND BOARD TXAVE YOU A "PIMPLES PER- eee. ,, SONALITY"? 2Kleereit iseyoUr ROOMAND BOARD IN PRI- aris' wereA -niedicated salve speci- - VA:TE home with all conven- fically prepared ,to remedy all skin iences. 10 Wellington'street, phone ailments. Amazingly.: effective. 756, 986R. , • •''' -16tf $1.35, $2.45. All druggists. , ' 48 , FOR SALE.—FRAMEe-OOTTAGg, elve rooms; 3 -piece bath. Apply 11 Cameron street. 18-20x WANTED.--1.411STIING8 OF PRO- , PERTIEt3 for sate. C. F. CHAPMAN. Real Ustate Broker. Phone 31S. 39tt for $2.50; 25 for $1.25: '7.4IRS. L. 105. range of colors, mixed, 39 bulbs •t"t J'A-OKs()N8 FLORISTS, PI"ne R. HOLMAN, Cameron etreet, bRillbSsA. SALE. —cial°.crjolle — !Von(); LwUld8e lots in gully on .Sheaedown pro- ...3.8tt WANTED. — DU MP ING OF • party. Good place to dump. Con- ' \W solid materials — truck load phone 722. ' WANTED TO IIITT.—ALL 01J1.) . / horses*, and dead enimals. It suitable formink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will Pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone -at etMeee--GILBERT-BROSs1411-1e RANCH, Goderich. Phone collect 936 r 21 or 936 r 32. POR 'SALE. — 1950 METEOR custom sedan radio, heater, -undernouted,echreiiie....rings, window washers, metallic green. This car can be seen at SHELL SERVICE aleateeneretseeedeesees#4, FOR. SALE. — KITCHEN CUP- BOARD, glass doers; icebox, perfect condition. Reasonable. Phone 920.1 or 814R. ' 18x FOR SALE. — KITCHEN • CAB- INET with glass doors, blonde finishwith red trim, $25. Phone 1046R. • 184.91 .t • FOR SALE.—DUOK ,EGGS, 7c .each ; Rouen variety. RUSSELL BENTLEY, Phone 34 r 33, 'Blyth. FOR -SALE. --I. CHILD'S 011,113 and mattress; large and small OR .• SALE.--PUR•EBRED ENG; farm gates, Phone 830W. • -18 LISH setter,, papers, .cheap for• a good home. 78 Quebec 'street, -V9R SALE. — LARGE G.E. 'Phone 809W. 18,c ironer, 111 excellent ,condition. • Phohe 230W: -18-19: FOR SALE.—C.ERTIVIED NO. . Capitol ,:soybeaes, also a quan- tity of baled- wiled hay. R. 'Te KILPATRICK; concession : Ash, field Township Telephone Dungan- non 77 r 2. -164-8 FARM IN)Th SALE.—D. W. HAM- ILTON, 3rd concesesion West iWawanbsli, ,ietiburn, Ontario. Phone Dungannon 11 r 15. •100 acres of land, 10 -acres bush' and 90 acres clear. - Solid brick house, steel roof, 11 rooms, frame summer kitchen and woodshed .10 X 30, ft. Barn 80 k 50 ft., willtable 40 head of cattle, -22 pigs and 5• horses; a hen: house in'the .baen, nearly new; for 150. hens, ..'aleo, it_ silo. 1. One bee house 16 X 30 ft.elseb.; stories high. A driving shed and garage. Artesian wafer in thebarn and at the house. • Farm nearly all seeded down' but 10 acres. Hydro hastalled throughout. Immediate possession of farm. , Proprietor wishes 'tithe to dispose of etock and , implements. 48-119 UNEMP!,OYMENT INSURANCE 'WOKS MUSTBE. RENEWED , EMPLOYERS!—Please send all unemployment "insurance books for 1950.51 anci- previous years inunediately to, the Nati9nal Employment Office with which you deal, unless renewal arrangemints. • 'have already been made. They must be exchapgea for new books. • . ./30fore sending in your 1950051 insurance books? • Make -note of the- date to which stamps- cni affixed, so as to avoid duplication in the new books' . ii • nenewai ot books s m_portant .to you, _ to your enipliiyees .and 14i the Comniiagiion Please Act Pronptly. 400 • TC1I THE INSURED WORKERI—Have you an insurance book in your possession? If so, please take Or send it td -the noarest National ttnployment °Mee for renewal inunediattly. If yen send your book, enclose 'your present address so that your nel'v boo lt !nay be 'Sent to you promptly., ° 'UNEVIT'ILOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION C. A. t, MURCHISON • `CerniEigtorter J.O. "Chef cerise/seem, • TALt,I de4iseissos FOR SALE. — GURNEY ELEC- TRIC donibination. range,, Four elements: Hot-water front in coal and wood section. Like new. $200 cash. Set of four Freuch doors with bevelle(V. glass. Phone Gode- eich• 1014.1. .17x • p'Oft .SALE. •— THREE 'LADY'S - „suits, one neW gaberdine, size 14; 'two size 15. MRS. ROY SCRIMGEOUR, over Esquire Grill." • .• 18x „ FOR SALE — A 'VERY NICE; • . six -room bungalow, with large 'sunporch, basement, louble lot, two -car garage.. G.obd 'location; Agent, MALCOLM . MATHERS, Real Estate Broker;:the SqUare; Goderich, phone 115W., , -18 • FOR- SALE.--FOUR-ROOM "COT= TAGE, garage, good location. Agent, • MALCOLM MATHERS, Real Estate Brelter,. the Square, Goderich, phone 115W. -18 WANTED. — A P A 11,T N T, " furnished el. unfurnished, Or small house. • Write BOX . 22, SIGNAL -STAR. . -18 WileNTED.-LISTINGS OF PRO: ' ' . PER:TIES' for sale. No Charge to you midi .:property is sold. MALCOLM , gA.'THERS, R e a1 Estate BrOker, The •Square; Gode- rich. Phone 115W,.. • 12tf WANTED.--;OLDRK • ', • ERY storee K. Gederieh.• . • FOR SALE. --:-'36 °REV. COACH, motor overhauled, new tires. ROBERT HOWARD, Lueknow., 7. • • 18x FOR SALE. A BEAUTIFUL •' log -siding cottage; muet be re- moved from ravine bank.. Tenders will be received by the. undersigned up to June 7th, 1951. Cottage 30' x 28', comparatively new. • Four. goed-size • bedroopie, • bathroom, kiteheo, a. very lerge living -room; ceiling roof high; with balcony at one end; seven windows across one side of living:room. All windows have _copper screens. Would sell contents, ineluding large General Electric refrigerator and stove. Only cash transaction considered.- MISS CATIIERINE HAYS, Hare ilton Street: 43-22 FOR• SATE.s-MAN'S BICYCLE ; lawn mower; . blue stroller •' ' verandah extension gate. GLENN .ECK141IER, Nelson street, phone 928. • 18x • SLE.—BRICK COTTAGE, - corner Essex eund Qtiebee StreetS, known as "Gatenby.•home.” • Write P.O. BOX 547, Goderich. •-18tf , • „ • NOTICE . . NOTICE. Floor sanding new and old floors. J. C. COOK, phone 23.1, Clinton. Summer months, Bayfield, phone 45 r 2. *14t1 NcerWE' 'From now un '1 June 15 Otir Store - hours will be .f m 8 a.m. to 9 pm. daily, except Satiirday. On Satur- day we ereopen until 10 p.m. Closed all day Sunday. We will open the shop at other times ONLY for funeral or wedding orders if you. phone 105, JACKSONS FLORISTS. . -18tf NOTICE. '•••••• . A-nyone-wauting-4awns---r-olled--eall- _ JAS. STEVENSON, Stanley street,: phone 752. 18x, • NcrricE. Will the person who .took the. roller skate :4 froni Mrs; Wrote's, b.ouse please leave at Mrs. P. a relinston!e, Enst., street; and, save' trouble. • MRS, BIRNIE. NOTICE. Chimneys' built . Other mason Work. J. • --Gettpi,TC, , phone .920.T. 48' NOTICE.- A. Phone139. 13. .-9SOD FOR LAWN. r 18x HELP WANTED. — 'C L E TYPIST, Male or female. Typ- ing must) be feet and accurate. per- manent position, modern equipment, 'holidays with pay, pension plan, group insurance, etc. THE DOMIN- ION .SALT CO., !LTD., Phone 118. Ask for Mr. Ferndale. slOtt RETIRED—MEN- — HAVE' YOU been turned down hecauae of age? If willing to devote 25 to 40 hours a week,' we 'have..ae. ppening foryou in Goderich. , Eitrnings above„ average. Pleasant,' steady oppoetunity. „ NO experience or in - 'vestment necessary. Write im- mediately to Dent. OC -G-1, THE J. R. WATKINS CO.„ 350 St; Roch street, Montreal, Que. -18-21. • and rePalred. R. F.., VENN,. rug Garden 'lot for planting, good land, 'plowed. MRS. W.,: T. PELs ,LOW, South street. . • -18._ FOlt .-piOR SALE. — SEE'D BARLEY, .0.A.C. 2.1, 'cleaned and treated., Apply °HAS. C*RAWFOltD 8,z SON, II.R. 3. Go•dericli; phone Dungannon 22r21. • , • 18X FOR SALE. — LOT 41, ELIZA- BETH street. Price for hind and timber, $250. Phone 551, ,during Meal hour. •18x WANTED. —KITCHEN- RANGE; " four lids, coal or ' wood, in good -condition, Apply OBERT BOGIE, R.R. 1, Port Albert, Tel. 17 r 8, Dungannon. • 18x R. SALE. 7 ---..COLEMAN • BITR,NER, in goOd 'condition. Call- at, 9 Barfield road after • 6 o'elock or phone 713. 18-9x. . WOODWOitlii(NG -• tu et* 7t lenort„ :a:nbpd.; AmcniticlIeNrs7:T? fintheer.. A Bliv/ e are h olae, hardwoodinofdoueaikrni ...inbokaoisrtee; mbi.eetinns elepanding. Pleasant weiricing'.con- Intilace; Proximately .8$' by 100'. TERMS — Chattels, cash"; pro- perty, 20% .down, balance 30 days. * . A. E. M. THOMSON, EXecutor of Estate. HAROLD JACAKiSetOioN, neer, ESTATE 0i• THE LATE MARY ADA 'WALTERS. • • EXECUTORS! SALE P,XECUTOR'S SALE OF PRO- - PERTY •ANT) IHOITSMOLD BriTeirs on Nelson street hi the town of Goderich on - SATURDAY, MAY. 12th • at 1 p.m. ' Four -burner electric' stove; al- moSt new 'electric steam radiator;. dining-rooin suite; • table china,, cabinet and chairs; chesterfield; number of occasional chairs; email tables, and rookers; hall' seatand niirrer; sofa; piano; two fernishe,d bedrooms ; springs and mattresses; curtains; .picturep; • dishes; kit- chen utensils; sealers; stepladder; lawn mower; tubs, and other articles. PROPERTY -At .the- same place at 3 p.m. the property will be, of- fered for Isale, subject to reserve bid: •Five room • and bath *modern' NOTICE. To -Owners and harborers ,of„dogs, 1951 tags are due. 0. W. STURDY, - • , 17-18- Collector of Taxes. • reessesseeeseemes..... TO RENT , • FOR . RENT. 7.71IREE:R0OM epartment, Unfurnished. •• after 6 p.m. BERT BESCOME„ Eldon. street.. : . • 13x, • • TO RENT. ,OFFICE 0 N. • ground neer, 2 North street. JAS'. A. CAMPBELL. -17tf :TO RENT. — "NEWLY DECO -R- -• APED- bedroom,- use of :frigid- aire, telephone, kitchen. Phoee 183. 1r0 RENT. —.THREE-ROOM furnished' „apartment, selfcon'e tainede, private 'entrance, clothes! closet and 'continuous bot water. Phone 277 or P.O. Box 998. e ' ditions, top wages, group insiirance, defl'nitely steady. employment, tfive day 48 -hoer Week: See or write JAMES CODE. FURNITURE COM- PANY, Ingersoll, '• -1871.9 Several 'summer cottages. Two, ,stores on West street close to the Square :WIth modern. four - room, apartment second floor. One .steee vacant for immediate pes-- Sesgion. Other steie'and 'apartment occupied. • 65-fierefarm; sp items workable: No barn. Wider"' .six -room 'house covered With insul beick. Living - room, dieing -room, kitchen.with huiit-.in cupboards, three bedrooms, modern 34lece bathrooth., Eleebric- 1ty tuStalled. hdt Water heater,, pressure system. .1`wo-car 'garage. O.' 'F. CHAPMAN, Real 7F.,,state Broker,phone 18, Goderich, Ont. . • . • • -13tf VOA .SALE TR:ADA .1st , • table model combination radie, -excellent eondttion. Tk„ Itadfo and Sound:, Phone 608,• trrx9N sm:403 ,SALE- OF. LAND Muter andeby Virtue of a Writ of Execution issued out of the Supreme' Coert of Ontario, and-, to, me directed and delivered ,,against the Ituide and tenements of David McConnell at the suit of Herbert W. / have seized and taken In 'exteutlen • and will offer for sale by public auction atmy office In Ow Court nousee . in the TOW11 of Goderich, en •, MONDAY, MAY' .28, •A.D.. 1951, at, the hour of eleven o'cleck in the forenoon, all !Abe right,: title, Intel est, and equity of redemption of the said David, MeCennell, in, to. and out of fill tindShigUlar. that ; certain a - parcel or tract land hi tire TOvn- ship of Colborne in tho County Of nurob and being part of lot 24 in -the V1tlan'S 13rilge ItInd place 18X in instrument Nuniber 9257 a$ tho Tovftiship � 01,Perne An the County of Heron .ad More 'par- ticnlarly. . described 1.0 ingtrument Number" 7658,. less Hie- part described 01I, SA1,14,---ON14.1 T./Altalil tC11,1,- registered in the Ileglatry DiOsion 4,11 i41110,X8,0seileoiet,D3. ft. iwloi.ndee,73'8W4:0 °Nit- ,cor.mtinlitey.TfriSnitiii.rpotio.f. Celborne in the • ' 18-10x " '1uit3--0A•Stl. • ton: . . 1,. . ---"----- --,---i- - Por further particulars and eon; POR, sArin.—IONDOX, 1‘110))1011 ditions of sale apply to Nelson 11111, ' sige. in kii-ki eondition, iriterior VIFar.i Sheriff of, the 'Cdttatst of white. e, enamel, exterior . natural. aIrtron, • ' ., .finigh with varnish stain. ' Prieo Dated the 1st ii,(tit of Plarch, AA). ,reasanvidt. rhono 6141. 48.10t 1051. ' '‘ • -1748 • ,Solicitdr for istaie., L01.41 ' LOST. -e -. IN 90DERICH, IN. vicielty • of highway 21, in a restaurant, a sand. ribbed gabardine. topeoat. Finder please send C.O.D..' to P. WYSYNSKIe 143 Letcher street, Sault Ste.: Marie, Ont. Re- ward. , • 18-8% LOST.—AT GbDERIOH IIAR- . BOR, two -fishing poles. -Pinder 'please leaxe with BORT maeDON- ,5 reward. • • -17-18 A LOST1--"GIRL'S' GOLD HEART - 'SHAPED locket,' in • Gadericla (possibly, . *at Music Festival), Finder ,•PleaSe leave at SIGNAL - STAR °FIVE for owner. • . 18% .TEACIETERS WANTED. TEAC.HER . !WANTED. — FOR "*" Auburn, .S.S. No. 9, Toww3hip. State experience rind • -wages-expeetede'Applyetor-ELLIOT„S LAPP, ,A.uburn, Ont. ir*tion..1)rtig Stoke corner West St.. and. Squafe Phone 45. Vlore deliver. "As handy •as the Postoffice", FOR 11/20 GiszitH OF TklE, HAM , Halo Shampoo . 390, No, 109 Drell& Shampoo . . 39e, '67c,' 990 Vardky CreamrSiiinipoo ..... . 1=25 Rubenstein Shampoo,... L75‘ .LustIze preme Shainpoo .. .. .37c, 65e; 1.10 " Toni Xit with ,SPlir Curie r4 . ... Toni Refill) ......... – .. . : . . . . 1:150 Iludnut domPIete 161 – – Hudnut Refill – 1.75 1V/ar1eirte iiait Waving Shampoo • 1.35 We will be closed all day Wedfletay May Oth, in order to attend tfie Spring Drug 'Show, • ,• 4-N e,