The Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-05-03, Page 111 t 10▪ 4th Year -No. 18 MATTER OMVIL DEFENCE !LONDON ANGLERPERCH GETSOS • 4 4 'LARGEST FAR • REFERREDTO COUNTY COUNCIL 1C) CounCillor Buck Tenders His Resignation to Tow. CounOil , • • All membereetvere present at the Arrivais at the Goderich elevator: Fridai-,Stieleadec, 250,000 lis. oats and wheat. Sitter's:tape:Blanche ITHE WA.TERFRONT , meeting a the Town °dirndl en Tuesday night. For Conxicillor Buck may have been his last eneeting with the Council. ne is • remoying from eowe and tendered • his resignation. Council did not accept the resignation, but gave the Councillor three months' leave of absenee. ..11fiYere_Heleleine,4e_eperted etten ing a meeting at London Of ninn --e---cipal-eepreseeta•tives-to-diseuss-cleil. 4 defenee. The eeneeeens Of opinion there was that it Ware:matter for county councils, and at the Mayor's suggestion a resolution was adopted . that the Huron County keouncil ,be advised to -this effect. 'V The Girl Guideeetreeeciation asked permission for two "cookie days," on May 12th and May 19th: It is -propos'ed to canvass half the town on the nth and the other half on the 19th. Permission was granted. • Periniseion wAs granted -also fee -the - annual Shut:iiis' Utz day, to be held Hindman, 90,000 bus. oats and bar- ley. Mondiv-A. 4. Hudson, 118,- 00- bus. barley, oats and wheat. Tueiday--Superior, 91,060 bus. oats and wheat. Thursday (today)e- .„ • Ontadoc, 270,400 tem. eats, 'wheat' etnebatleyees, jjjSe A. Hudeen and the Sixper- ior, afterdighltighli-tieir-eliMee• at the elevator, cleared for Wallace - burg to pick up freight for the Lake- head. Capt. Dalton Hudson 'a the Hudsen tied Capt. Sam Bell of the Superior were welcomed bn their first Call of the 'season at this pert.' The McAlpine will be in tonight with a cargo of corn. The Imperial ' Cobou.eg, from Sarnia, discharged a pare cargo of -gasollne-end-fuel-oll -on -Friday. -Perch have been biting well this k n hook -and -liners have been here, ram 1 ro , iomfls, re- do; -Stratford, Toronto and other pointe. • „ O SESSIONS REPORTED TO nomE 85 SCHOOL' ASS''N • Five buildixeg permits were iseued since the previous • meeting, with total estimated costs a $8,550. One was for a etorY-and-a-lialf dwelling • to be built on 'McDonald•Street by H. L. 4-leneten, cot $5,000; another for a heuse.Harold Harvey is build- ing „On Mary street. ''fhe others were taken' out by IL Deuce Sower - by, -for a •garage on Cambria road; Win. MacDonald, for an office ,ad- • dition to his reeidenee on Britannia road, and John Whitten,-"fdr re:. Shiegling higehttes-e ten. -Eldon street A. petition fer a curb on the, west side of st. Andrew's street was ree ferred to the public , works cern, • mittee. * ' The Dembaton Road Machinery ComPan:y proposed purchase of the e lot at the rear of their building.on • Victoria street, so that they would alwaye have access to th'e rear of . their plant theire, to which they, , plan te make an addition With • doors at the rear. For ,this $100 was offered: The matter was re- ferred to the industrial committee. • An Asset to GoderiCh • , Dr. Walter M. Little wrote cora- ,plaining a damage to the beach by the ; contractors for repel'. '-of • the eoutli pier. • In the course of his letter he paid etribute to Mr. Bert .4444444.4414444,11 , The April meet* of the Gode- rieh Home and School Association gave the members an opportunity to hone the • report .of the annual 'convention, held in Toronto dering Easter vv..16; Mrse, Stanley _Snider, the local president, was the official delegate to the convention and gave her report' in an exceptionally vivid manner. All the sessions' stressed the fact that parents are educators and, because of that fact must fit themselvee for their task. Mr's. Paul Hill, who also had atte.nded the coneention, gave a good report a 'certain meetings. • pittnee Elliott an -d Robert Wood, aceorripanied hy Helen Pritlham, sang the duet` whieh won them honors at- the Music Festival and David Watts played the piano solo which brougbt him hili marks, MTS. 'Snider presided at.the limi- ness session. Mrs. R. •cernith..a___. the seeretary's report and Mee.e.yee Docketader the treasurer's' Avert It was decided that the Horee-'• 4 Mae:Dented: „ • 'School ,Aeseelatien iveult1 va "to, Goderich has something that few the Huron County Teachers' redee- other towns have. it , has a: ation in Jame: beach,. to. say nothing of the man, Tea was served, with "Meee.,4ecie who Woks after .kide as if theY" Leeson and Mrs. A. Hugiltand-Conte . ' "P were his- own, and helps them en to ittee in charge. develop their individualities • and personalities, and teethesthem to dims olavIED. swini ' with the, retpe' on'." . (This "ereee..eser expression lee -an . ellusi•on to Beet% JII•ELSII•CS '11.41°X,,411 custom of teaching youn,gsters to • ,. swim by putting them in the water On Friday . eveni.ng lastthe witli a rope around them by which of Goderich Rebekah Lodge No. ,89 -Met at the home of , Mrs. he hold' them safery" while they Gordon "Kaitting for • the ,purpose make their fitst strokes.) 0 forming a Pete.G.'s Club. • 'The The Council was alreade taking members enjoyed a game of •"500" Action in the nmtter of the eawage at, which Mee. Lawrenee received high prize, after which an interest- ing busineep meeting was condueted. It was deeided that:a P.N.G.ts Club be formed; with get-togethees at leaet bnee every three months. The following officers were' elected:: •President, Mrs.. Gordon Katteing; secretary, Aire. Kenneth Bell treesurer, M. Wm. Rove; finance com- mittee,' Mee. John Newcombe, Mrs. Lawrence , and ' Mete 'Alice Abel; social committee, Mrs. Harold Rivers' and Mrs, Albert Shore." To start the'treasury It was agreed that the finance -committee wader purchase an article and sell' tiekets,and any inember, who wished toe auerment, the funds 6y having small card -parties would be 'vtielcoine-to do se.' The president closed the -meeting with the reading of two beautiful poems which 'stressed the kindly acts of life and she urged all to follow the. teachings of, their eider and to live as true aelielcahe. A dainty lunch Wag: then served, ' and' thanks were extended to the hostess for her hospitality.' • , E. Wood, 81„B Van street, London, is out in front in the Goderich Lions Club's perch derby With the larkest perch caught so fee. In second piece is it London young boy, W. J. Boyce ,of 1242 Wilton avenue. In third piece is G. Her: man, 194 Nelson street, Stratford. The, perch are running well now and, provideu'. the weather remains favorable, anglers by the hundreds Will be lining the breakwaterover the week -end. /Niue weekend prizes will be 'available for the biggest one caught. The window of Craigie's news- stand contains the' pries and the display is attracting atteption and adiniration. _Godmiciriloy Went That -a Way, Pardper of G.Offi.cers • .Elected -M. Culbert Is President. Melvin Culbert, proprietor of ihe Well-known West Street Bakery, was elected president of th eme Gode- rich Junior ,pleanebeof Comerce • for the season ef 1951-52 At a well - attended J.C. election meeting held at the 'British Exchange Hotel on Wednesday evening. Mr. Culbert eerved in the Capacity 0 1st vice-president during the•paet seasou a,mi for the last several' months was acting -president in the absence of Dr. "palter Little, who -was called into-Activ-e-service :with the Reeeal Canadian Navy. 4n .ackiiii-wledglicliiiirthanTis-foir election to office, Mr. Culbert pre- mised to do his utmoet in proraoting the welfare of Goderich through Junior Chamber of Commeree ac- tivities., , • Other officers elected were: lst Between Hopalong Catteldy, The vice-president, Harold Blackstone,' Toronto Daily Starts famed cowboy jr.; 2nde vice-president, Raymond ,guest, the Toronto police force and Jackson; secretary, Bill Anderson; the Eastern Canada jun* final be- treasurer, Max Outt; direeVirs, Bert •tweert Quebec and Barrie at. Maple .Drysdale, Cecil Heilman and Roy Leaf•Gardens Saturda-y night, Billy Falconer. -• Robinson, a member of Goderich'e Previous to the,elections a letter am i fr Dr. Walter L ttie etitin to the beach. • _ • Council' was advised of the' an- nual meeting of the Huron County Municipal Officers' 'Association to be held at the Court House, °ode - rich, on Monday, .May .21st., with the aeneal dinner at the .Berfferd Hotel at noon. . A resolution from the City Coun- cil of Sudbury, requesting that the ' Prevince. contribute 50 per cent of the ranietenance 'of Children% Aid Society wards, was referred to the, special committee. A revised estimate of reeelpta and expenditures •'of the Gederich District Cellegiete Inetitge,, Board for the current year was received; * showing', a reduction of $5,122.40 In the estimate of, expenditures. This follows upon the decision to • Issue debentures for the new build- ing and reduces the levy, upon the municipalities within the ,district to 4.2 mills. The levy on the Town • of,. Gederich - Will be $18,150.38. , Committee Recommendations On reconunendation of the finance eommitteee it grant of poo was 'wide to the•Maitiand Air Cadet commit- tee, and endersetion was given the Niagara Palls petition, to the De - minion doverninent against the pro - a 3 per Cent. business, turnover tax., The special committee recent - • mended that articles lent te the. ,• Townefor the former Town musetun be mturued to the Owners, if de- sired, and the remainingeartieles be. . placed in the County Mueeum. ' ' Recommendations of the cemetery and parks temmittee were adopted: That the Junior Chamberoof .Com - pierce be granted permittsion to sponsor a midway' on Muy 21st, 22n4 and 23rd; that J. A/lately Brantford, be granted the use of the • grandstand at Agrecultairal Park, And of She track 'In front of the grandthed, for att. _Auto stunt sboSv, on 'Payment of $100: and ,•giVieg of A viaraittee boXid a $100; that the Park Iletiee be . advertised for sale. that the race • fie -socialites be_ granted the use' of Agricultural Park for a twilight race meet en June (ith ; that '• all TeqUeSta for the ,,use- of judilh Geoderham Park received since the first of the year be turned over -to the Lions' Club. • The industrial eommittee recom- mended that the,Boatel of Trade be advised' of the Connell's approval ,of the stiggestien of the fort:1400 'a an Industrial Commission for •Goclerich. C,oramittee repOrte were „adopted. A motion was posed to refer to the Town Solieito.r the' inatte.:, compelling' property -owners to , have unused building material 'cleared off with the IThron nogineerbw and their lots. Researelt Co, for three month4 froM ' BYlaw No. 14, authorizing the April 15t1t.. '.••• found his first visit to " ogtown' a •stuprIsingly friendly and exciting one. Billy,,aged 12, is .the Son of Mr. and Mee. ',Win. Robinson of Goderich. -When the -entire Goderich Peewees were being taken. onea 'tour of the Royal York' Hotel, Billyebe- came detached frem the gang. It MIS not until after they had toured theeUxtion: etation and then .Sirap- Lion's stpre that noses_ were . counted to see if all were present before eeting and proceeding to Maple Leaf -Gardens- fortheehockeY 'game. 'Is Omit .eleeeted Billy was missing. A seareh.ot Simpson's failed to find him.The. polite 'we're netillegl to searth. for •• 3-.1e Went Tkit-a-Way" Li the meantime, Billy was un- concernedly learning about life at the Reyal York all by himself, when. in w.alked. Hopalong Cassidy. Here was "the ehance a a lifethne," and B1Ui. didn't Miss it He '.me-tnaged to get Hopaleng's autograph „ and this nteart 3110re to him . than if he had been presented: with the City Hall ps, mayor MeCallum. Ac- costing police in front of the "Union Station . and telling., theniehe was lost, Billy' was escorted td No. 2 'police 'station at Dundee and Bay 6treets. -Then be wile placed in the sidecar: of a• police motorcycle and rode in majesty to -Maple Leaf ,Gardens. ' There, where his felicity team Members awaited him aexious- eyeBilly rode up iti the police motor- cycle, his face wreathed -with a triumphant • smile, and inhaeunced that he had eecered the autograph of the one .and only Ilopatong Ca.s- sid3,.. Immediately he Was the ,eeever of hie- teenimetee, but happily re- unitedafter four hones' they 'all proceeded into Maple Leaf Gardens to,seethe, game, a treat promised thm .for the Otita.rio Pee - Wee , chempion.ehip this, spring. , • In cherge of the, Mobile and e* cited group of youngsters, for many of whom it was their first visit to 'Toronto; were Lorne Wekelin, Fred' Route and Westbrook. The youngsters vveiv'Buddy Wil- liamson., Carmen Doak, 'Ronnie Wil- liamson, Art Peaghey., Frank Miller, Marvin Wolff, 33•11/ Robinson, Bet; FishereClare Harman,' BileAnstay., Den McCulleugh,,13•111. Smith,' Art Stubbingten, Bryan •Weetelin and Ron Rowe. Ed.: Scudder was un- able to go along. "' . . The grout) first visited the C.N.E. .Exhibition grounds, but celled not near, Hopalong Cassidy for the big,eroviel greeting hien. Then they vent to the Royal, York ,•Ietitel, Where Billy • got lost; and -went from top' to bottom of it While being shown the live lobsters in the great kitchen of the, hetet one of the youngsters, used to eeeleg only *the' water .life • on the beach at Goderich, remarked, ."Gee, what a big crab." Throughoutthe entire tour of tliee hotel; station,depart= went settee and. what -have -You the kids kept pp O continual barrage of questions ' that kept thei-r three guardians constantly on their toett. Hovvevers it all ended -with "a: good time being had by ell." • • : • LONDON CONFERENCE 'MM.& , The annual meeting, of London Conference branch, Woman's eliss sionaff7WfaTiT131iffecI-XhTireuf Canada, will be held May 8th and Oth in St. Andrew's United Chureh, Chatham.' , • 'Havng 'as -Ito theme, "By Thy spirit,' We witness,"- the SetSAIORS will be opened Tuesday morning, May"8th, by the president, Mrs. R. W. Berton, Burgeseviile Presiding at the afternoon seetsion will be the viee-president; Mrs. W. J. Uonres, Belgrare, and fn the even- ing Rev. „it. S. Johnston, ministex of. St. Andrew's Chervil. . Guest speakers at the event will be.ltete N. MacKenzie, M.A., of China, Tuesday afternoon; Rev. Anne Orahtlen, MSc:, aseletent niln- tter of eletropolitan United atitche liondon, and leev. Hide Daniels, B.A., of korea, Tuesday evening, the last named to speak •also Wed- ttesday afternoon. ..Dioeumion periods will be con, dueted by Mrs. L. 0; White, pest president „ of • London Conference braneh, and Mrs, G. A. Wheelee, London, pate president,of Middle§ex Presbyterial. • ' OELEBRATES 84th •NATAL Iiinsron DAY IN OLD HOME TOWN Elects Charles I3ert Jobnston, retired typo, of. •tleliitby, 'renewed acquaintances in Gcderich at the beginning Of 'the Week,- following his ennuel dist= of celebrating his,birthelay, May 1,0t, in his old home town, This time it was his eighty-fourth, ,bet elee seems te.have logt little of his old- thne energy. 'While in town he visited his ceasies, the Misses Nellie and Elizabeth BArrY, wile came, te- eently from Toronto to melte their home again in-Goderich; and, of course, he dropped in at the Signal - Star office to get the smell of printer's ink. . • 'DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL- PROGRAM. A large audience was delight- fully entertained. on Wednesday evening of beet week when a drain - tale and Musical program waeepre- sented by the YoUng Adult Group a North Street.United Church. 'The play, "The Late Miss Cor- dell," presented ,lry, the group at the recent Drente Festivelie when it won seemed .place, was repeated and thrilled: the audience. The_Harboraires,under the direct tion of Mr: deorge Buchanan, were at their best in several choruses. 'I- is' ..dI 11• Henderson aed Jamea Corrane an.d April 29th; the Beta Sigma Phi the Collegiate .voeal ensemble and sereri•tee held a "ritual of jewels" triorepeated the'nem.bers given at ceremony- for new membere,_ and_ the Music.Festivel, with eccorapani- an installation oft officers foe :the mente by. Alex. Clark. . corning year, at the Park House; • Jack Anderson, president of the In ea lovely setting of lighted, Young Adults; was chairman. candles Miss Marilyn Butler, Mrs, Walter • Rtethburn, Mrs. Donald ITOILTH STREET W-.M.S. Thornton, -"Mrs. John Core and Miss Helen Jackson Were presented with., jewelled badges. Miss •.Hazel *Wit - mot was installed as president, Mrs. Walter Itathburn as vice-president, Mies Marilyn Butler as treesurer, Mrs. George Leitc02 as 'correspond- ing 'secretary, ., and Mts. Donald Tho-rntoe as recording .,,..e.eseetary. Altso installed in. 'office were Mrs. Ss C. A,nderson tee sponsor, 'Mrs: John 'eery as direetor, Mee'. 'prem. ent o e . s, wa rea which he. extended to the •Chamber his best wiehes for success in the coming year. He 'also thanked the J:C.'s for the doctor's travellingebag Ysilichs was recently presented to him as a going-nway gift from the club. Jim Beophey of Parkhill„ who. is a member, of the Gederieh acted Ili chairman for the elections. Cee. Hoffman, moved e vote of thanks to Mr. Brdphey , for the ,efticient manner' in • Which' he con- ducted, the, beeneess. 'Because of the time taken by the elections, busietess. discussion Was held to a minimiun. A Motion' by Rey Jackson that the week of May 20 to 27 be 'recom- mended to the Town Council •as. Beautification Week was approved. AIR CADET ,Actwinus sale of two lots on Gioneester Ter- race to Albert V. Itacehleufer $000; .was pamed, Bylaw No, 8, to provide for the licensing and regulating Of bleictes, was given two readings. , In eommittee Of the Midge, it, was' decided to extend the agreement 11,10.M.D.....WANTSMOTTA.G The:Huron Wing ,of, Me Royal Canadian Air Force A.ssociation, sPonsois •of the Maitland Air Cadet Sq,tiadron, wish to that* the eitieens of ,Goderich for their generous re- ..iponse to the Air Cadet tag day appeal held on Saturday, April 21. Solicitations from the business coin - Stiles President 4,14 411411.11,. "DISPLAY OUR OWN PLAG,",URGES FEDERAL TRAVEL ,xp-E:RT Historical Features 81101.11c1` Be Played Up arS' Tgarist Attractions • Election, of officers wee' held at • the last meeting of the Kinsmen •Cieh"end Charles Stiles was chosen as preeident. Other officer*, are:' Peet president, Jack Frith; vice- presideet, Ken Peteington; secre- A STOAY— • BUT TRUE Cliff. Lowery was over Duthant way ;at, the Wge1X.-e44 Oil a Dishing trip and dropped a, hoi5k,into Bell's • Lake which attracted the attention. tary; Max Oat; .assistant scre- tary 'and registrae L, „Cyril Robinson; of what must have been the biggest treasurer, Lloyd Xteiner; directors, fish in,,the lake. .aftee, -a • struggle Eric Johatorte ,William Hill, Dr. tif half -an -hour the big fellow was Bert Such, , landed and proved to be a brown Aeter the election; there- was a lively discuesion on future Activ- ,trout 20 inches in length and eteeeteeesealee in tends-holding_a., fita_vzsoseeLreportedmotgreratu.hat the Tt.‘,,p,oalips. In the line the-1951-trtophy for a while that will hold -P . '1"tIM'ille:sti°.0 Gras" on 'civic holiday, of piscatotittl -recordr August 5th, when the lucky ticket on a car will be grave. - Delegates named., to attend the district convention at Windsor on MitY 24, with their vvives, are: Gorden Bannister, Charles Stiles, \William Hill, Cy, Robinson, Max Cat, Erie Johnston and W. J. Mc - 'death. . INSTALLATION -OF • • SOR,ORITT OFFICERS - HEARS OF JAPAN The -monthly meeting' of the W.M.S. of North Street United ,Church was held in the church parlor on Tuesday afternoon, with the rpesideet, Mrs. Howard Robert- son, in the chair. The meeting was opened with ,a• hymn, and silent prayer for the Chinese.. Miss M. Campbell presided over the devo- tional period. The 19th Nairn wag read in unison and Mrs. C. • Robertson' offered prayer. , An ih- tereeting skit, regarding e survey of schools and colleges in Japan was put On. by Miss M. Campbell, Miee M. Rudd, MiSe • Grace Strang and Mrs. F. Hibbert. In this they ,told of the eagerness of the young people of Japan for education. There are OALLS SUSTAINED BY -• HURON PRESBYTERY • ". 111414 4.4,41 Condenaning Canadian lethargy , about telling visitors to Calleda, bf this countrY'e wonderful hiStearYS'" D. Leo po1nn, director of , • Canadien• GevernixtenV Travel , Bureau,told a capacity in the Bedfeed Hotel dining -room on Friday' night, . "We 'haven't - ecratehed the surface ineeelling Our glorious history to the United' State." A. brilliant and forcefni Speaker who champions Canada al; leiridearePot tol'anitiarcAricMlan left a most favorable impression Oh the latheringewhich was a cembin- ation of the thirty-first ma/nal-meet- , • Ing -iot the Bliee Water Higlevta, • SEAFOIVIIkl, April • 30. -e- Huron Association and the • annuttl, past Preabytery of the United Church Lprioenssid„ecieltustb. eight' ,of,.1the .Gedeeicit of Canada met in. Main. Street Telling how they 'capitalize to United Church, Exeter; on Friday. A memorial' service was held for the full on, historical spots in the Rev. J. R. Vetere, a member of ,Unfted States he the way of. tottrist Hilton Presbytery,. who retired a attractions, the Speaker pointed out year ago. Mr. peters died at his that Canada has historical epots -home in -Brampton .on-Thuesda t-muchgreater-interest-and_abont:_:...:.„_ The. following 'calls were sus- which nothing is dote. "There are • , taointed:a Fromv. Ontarioelstreet, a dozen, historical.spots rightIn or • i•- • Creemore; from Dungannon to Rev. you," said .Mr. Dolan Is he•urged G. D.. Watt, of Sliellbrook, Sask. ; that attention be given to them free', Florence to Rev. W. S. Miner, in the near future its *tints of of Fordwich; from Oxford Ceetreeinterest to tourists.' He cited the to Rev. U. E. Crophielna, of: Wrox- It -shrine at Midland ae a good ex- • eter e from Robinson Memoria1,1emple of bow a historical spot •ceet Minion, to Rey. E. R. Stanway, be developed as a tourist attraetion. of Brucefield; front Tara to Rev. •By way of contrast he told of a . W. J. Woolfrey, of Clinton e and dark, dismal little plaque,. prattle - from Menet Forest t� Rev; R. G. taililryoutignhnetthi ecedvilblyagme°ot;r1BSabsde"nr yinegt . fHearezniecweooyde,arof :Vinamlteonne.wg July The officers elected for next Cop- it teld of the birthplace of one of 1, Canada's • •oPtstanding men, . Sir 1951, are: Chairman, Rev. 'Andrew Adam Beck, father of Hydro. He. Lane, Brussels; eecretery, Rev. .A, felt that this little 'sign' was in-! W. Gardiner, Epee/id:eine; trees- adecietatte that there was no 'show.: mei', J. 'A. Snider, Goderich„. • amuship at all la. bringing an. hn- Rev. S. H. Brenton, Londesboro', portant historical fact te the at- - and Rev. vee .1. Rogers,' chairman te. ntr rak oinfgpear thinegBtlouleiritsVter High - why Association, lie paid tribute to Carl Manore, the. secretary, •as "a most industefous and enthusi- astic managed, a man ot integrity Who has never let me forget about ' the Blue- 'Water Highway," " He also lauded Thos. Skeane Deputy Minieter of Travel and. Publicity fie. Ontario. Referring "The • Fourth Estate,' of which' both Mr. e. McCaul and eMr. Delete are former menibees, the speaker told of his pleasant acquaintanceship in the Ottawa Press Gallery with it former G.odarich boy, Alex. Hume.' .e 'felling of it yecenttriei-te France, . the giteCt speaker said the "French - people know the vitlee of touasts and do so , many' little kindnesses And give so rut-ney little attentions . that they reake visitor e 'feel they ,are really wanted. -Heeurged that , Canadians could, well emulate them * in thie respect. In- fad, he said, Cauadian friendliness, meals and hospitality ceuld stand much., im- prevenient as far as the t•otirist trade is concerned.' • Canadians Should Be Canadians "Let's be ourselves and throieoff krange cloak -of humilitY worn. by so maty Canadians," said 'Mr. Dolan of the attitnde of Canadiane toWards 'touristi3 front the United States. "Stop' trying to ape • the, people bf the United States. I get annoyed when I drive through pOets of Canada and see 'Old Glory' Hy- ing from hot-dog kande end cot- tages. I think WS about tinie we displayed our own flag in our own country." (Applause.) Mr. Dolan. felt the 'greatest' in- vestment Canada Ozer .made Wage'. iti its highways. "'What's the use of talking • about Canteia's great • scenery if you' ealft get to -see it?"' he asked. 4Here he deplored the waste of Wild life andefietesat 'wealth Canada.weNy eio t• t� e ready to face the , • • toughest competitioe for the tourist • d011ars,' he said. "So. Malay •States this' year are urging; 'See Ainerica- first in this year of indecision'.'! • Bit "urged Ooderich citizens to • go, out Of their way in. showing little kinchies.ses to . United 'States tourists visiting here, saying .letters received from the •etoeitilte retreat* undeniebly , that They. appreciate trernendoue•ly these "gestures.'edurt- esy pays dividends in, the „tourist business, he,said. rjr4181t)e-reepleitteecaless'7otetulteli* tribute .to the Bedford' Hotel. "1 ,was surPrised on. cornieg •gode- - -rich to find this hotel one a the neatest .and cleanest hotels have ever • been In lit Ontario. I con- gratulates the manager on .such fine hotel for a town of this • size and event say that the .desk clerk was exceptionally courteous." thee again condemning Canadian. • humility, Mr. Minn said Citntullans' don't do enough boasting alteat- Canada. . "The trevel indekey ean, Play ti more vital role between the United Steel; and Canatie this year than itt an other time in the,hiStOry .of on!. cpuntries," said. Mr. Dolan, ". "If Mow)* can drive it wedge between Canada and the 'Milted States it will have done inn& in its overall plans for desttnetiOn. o let's sit down and break bread with otir ricited 'States frimitts, We have had differetieeS•arat have more, differmeS with tile UnItM States. We have" to, haVe sueh differenees or 'we w,,,outd 'hot .1>e'Worth: our salt: Ent' in the., eoming year ler s them our friendliness and make many lans bassadors ht the rotted, , '8fAfite8Vetf:;rofCttlTaarlkiti:f'or the..cpott' kers remarks -Nes .inoved by Stan Proyett. WiNs rannut CainVbello tiadetbe0 street, has it 'fraetttitterti h‘ovnirles.t, tho, milt of a fairitt ana Frank Curry as an honoreey, mem- PthfePsreet ‘. Presbytery cwomerineitreern.i.neted for ber. '. Following this,•.the ' members. • enjoyed a chicken •dinner for their IN HONOR Or, COLBORNE:'S annual %Founder's Day celebration.- • ' .On Wedeesdey of this week, Miss - . ',• YOUNG: HOCKEYISTS _.• . Hazel wiithot was hostess to. the . ., sorority -re i4her own hom.e. • tee .• T•he Peewees and MidgetS of' Col - evening was • spent making plans .boilie who gaee such a geed account •and preparation.s 'for the, spring of themselves. at .hockey .in Young _Fantasy, to .be held MaY'll.th', nrid .Canada Week were honored, by the was concluded with the serving of Colb-orne Hockey and Skating Club twouniversities,one with • au. en -lei -tench. • • • • . with -a . goose dinner on Wednesday. rolment of 800 .and the - other with I - • • „evening, ' April. 25th, it the TONS -A- RO, and three girls' schools . with!. RN,OX CHURCH LADIES'. AID ship H611,, Carlow. 'A .highlight of. the motto, "The Whole, Scheel feel Mvi.s. Peter MacEwan presided , . the -evening was the presentation of. an engraved. Roneott lighter 0 lit. -.11aro1deWft1tereesthe team teenager. A huge 'birthdey cake for him was also provided by 'the conveners • of the banquet,..1,1Irs.• Tait Clark and •-Mrs. Ralph Jetvell; assisted by the 'otherladies of the -neighborh000t , Rev. 1J. :Harrower of. Benmiller acted as (.:11a-irrn-an ,for the evening.. The: glieet 'speaker,. ;)1r: .T. H. Klee .keed,- school inepector •for Huron' North, was introduced • by Mr, .Dick. Buchanan, president orthc, deb.,' and' spoke .to pearly one hundi•ed guests, including •theelade and their. parents: ' • Wanda • Wilsonrendered e• vocal Solo.- "•-. , ' .. . • e Special guests were Itlesers. :Ben Straughan, ,Reeve Stanley. Snydere, Fred Rouse, ; Lerne• Makelitt, :Mr. and ..Mes.'Carroll, and Walter .West- brook, • coach. ,,Alse. present ; were ' . . the •executive of the *club,. Messes.. , J. H. .YUNGBLUT !Ralph Jewell, Tait Clerk, Milford John Henry Yungblut died. en. burst, ,Fordyce Clark, 'Dielt Buch- Feiday last- at his heme in, Zurioli, anan, president, and •Mee. Frank aged seventy-nine .years. He had Speaight„ secretary -treasurer. ' betel It resident 'Of' Zurich for .•fifty years. Iiis earty• life was spent at GODERICH. K1NETTES • Auburn, and after. . moying te Zurichhe conducted, it ' meat market. Surviving, .besides his Wife, .are tWe ISMS, Eare and Ivan, tend - one daughter, Inez,' 'all of Zurich, and six sisters.- The fun- eral service was 'held •en Sunday. ie • St. Peter's -Lateran 'Church, Zurich, follewed by interment in the church cemetery. • Rev. E. Heinarfeh officiated. • inunity are , being (,.ontinued until' .eehrist. The.. Christian religien over he monthly .meeting .of . the MAy.• 5th.. . • has changed lives and' given, great 'Ladies' Aid 0 Knee Church held Sixteen Air Cadets•spenttheeday eatisfaetion. One beautiful ••collegelin MacKey Halt on Friday'. last. selling,tags to promote the actiVitibs building has 'been erected in just1 Mrs... George Schalefei., acting as• .convener for the month of April, was assisted by Mrs. 'Wm. Abell, and Mee. George_ 'Sanderson, who hael-ehterge.of the .devotional period. Mee._ Albert Taylor gave: an ihspir- ing talk on "items �f interest- sel- ected from tedio -programa," -an(l .Mrs. MticKtvan- spoke on the recent visit anil.banqu•et tendered' the Rev. Scott 'Maekenzie, .moderator of the General,Aesembly,at the Ash - •field PresbYteriane Church, both whieb, were much enjoyed. . .• The president . nanied a committee to make ,arrangements for it ba za a r. • • 4 t4,e, local squadrenfour years, They also told of the The . Clinton R.C.A.F. ' Station wonderful welcome' aceorded the re-' Trumpet Band, under the leadership turning ,missionaeles after; the , ware of Flight Sergeent ',Boyce,' led off The !busiees period' ,followed, with Mrs. II. Robertson in charge. A . • letter of', thanks' w a s feae,. froth,. the C.I.T. for the help received at the time Of their banquet.- The request by .the Supply secretaryfor two coats and one quilt was filled. "Thank you" • letters were. received from Mese' (Rev.) C: W. cope, Mes. Mary Johnson, and Mr's. .Alice .Webb. ;Twenty-nine calls on sick and shetens were reported. An in- vitation front ell's. J. W. Snyder and Mrs. 'Pert to hold the June meeting at their home was aecepted, the ineeting to be held on.,Jitene 12th. . • .• '• A report of the Presbyterial meet- ing held at Exeter Was given by accepted and hung, and one of the' Mrs. John Vincent. prints eras awarded a ribbon of merit. The ribbon print will be on • . BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE' display, albeg with - other ribbon- , winning - prints, in ', senpeetes Charged under the Indian Act window at, Toronto for a week. • with supplying liquor to an Indian .• on April 8t1xe Bert Holt, of Grand P.,-.T...A. CARD. PARTY Bend, pleaded guilty through his gt.A,' Peter's • Pareet-Ileaeher As -counsel, FranC., k ,Donnelty, K. • in sedation held. a eard ' party on "'Weekly court today. Magistrate D. E. . Wednesday of last week' Le the Holmes 'repotted a fine a $50 and .4001 auditorinme Winners' 'at costs or thirty days in 'jail. euchre , were Mrs, Gorden.. Bard' MIAs:" Edith . Moffatt, -Verna, and A.. Wieser, arid .et eeeee ...gm: pleaded: galley to a careless driving Win. Leeson and Mare Lassaline.,c,L.,argeeporttiLd..,ns lined $5 and costs. wonbyee.o.seeettas. involved_ le an. .Lecity..cheir.sprizes..„were , • : Mrs. Ben Goldtlforpe antVRaeniond accident at the Intersectlim of'high- 'Boyle A chicken was won by Mns': *ay 4 at Beucefield• on April: 20, •Frank Donnelly, when •she made a leftehand turn . in front, a a truck loaded with' PERSONAL MENTION baled hay, • causing total damage of $85: he saideshe. did not see ' -- — i ' the truck, which was travelling Dr. J. C. Robertson and 'Professor behind 'another vehicle alset loaded e, ,G..11,01ketsonea...Toronte-enade--wittiesteutedeelete...--SligThlid:Arivelf Ireb"riet -Vigil,' tii'lherrrelatises In ti. car for thirtY years and had 'Goderich 'Ole week. • .never had an accident before - Miss Claire Reynolds has ye-, • Jan 'Itetledge, Gotlerich, pleaded turned to ' her home her after guilty to the theft , of a cat ":• at SPending fivednonths. with, friends *Chathatir, the property • of J. W. at .ericteria, B.C., and on a trip to Harrington, Veined at $1.200,, and , Californite • ... was, sentenced .to one year ' in Mrs. G. J's Hetherington, whet has custody. He was sentenced also to, epent sortie" time in Brampton,- has three months cencurrentlY on. returned to town and taken Up eliargesof theft of a 'vaenum residence . in here - home . on: St. cleaner at Chatham,. and of it wieet- David's street, - watch and ring in Goderich. Mr$• P. 8. ,N.to4loy, of St. • john,, Pleading guilty of disorderly cons, N.B., is in, -town to be With her duct, ,M. Ross was fined $10 and daughter, Mike Janet Mealey,• until costs. ' her' mirage, and 'is A guest at the ° .11 l —7• Bedford Hotel.'$800,)06 PROJECTMr*and Mrs. Donalelacrionad • of Buffalo and Mrs. -K. Newton of , NOT FOR. GobEitrail Detroit visited .leties Ann MacDon- "----) - • ald at Alexandra Hospital, where 'Wilfeec List phoned The Signal:. she has been for .'soine time in a Star this afternoon (Thursday) to eriticMr.al n , A .. condition. - Hover , managex, in explain his Story on the frontpage of Th e Globe and Mail last Friday, '• •Goderieh 'for the Holeproof Hosiery May 18t0 in which 'he stated, ''At Company of Canada, is attending Goderieb the the Knitting Arts Exhibition this 'Rle has sehe .CA- duled an $800,000 building pro - Week at Atlantie City. While in gral"'" This statement was "pub- . the ,Stetes he ,w111, „also, visit the 'lished.in Tixe Signal,star last, week,- CoMpanys plant at MariettaGagiving, The Globe, and Mail as • :Vise Helen drithein wee g ne.s f authority for it. . Mr. List explained of .honor at a miseelianeons,.,Itos,verthat his. information Wag taken 'given for her by Mrs. R . N. noOleV ..0(1111 tlie monthly WHOM of the; and Atigs jean Bruce on somin,thiy, National Employment, Service, in. afternoon. -The guests ;included which eonstruetion fere the Gede-• Mrs. T. Ross ronuington. mmst,,,s tit+ area by the It.C:X.V. 'Was lieted with a roesing niueical march -around the' 'Squa•re. • • clothing parade to issue unis bairns. Waa held, on Thursday, April 2i,. itt R.C.A.F. Stationi•Clinton.-. „BlaoLABEN. PORTR.ArrS ON' .EXHIBIT .AT totaNTo The letter is follows, addressed' to the Mayor of Goderich, was'read' at the meeting of the Town Council on Tuesday night": , "Dear Sir, --I am seeking inform- ation about,tourist accommodations, preferably a hike shore cottage available for the month of August. Your town has been recommended ,to .We are a family of six children lode would like to .spend our e vacatidli in your town or vielnity. Any. Information . YOU have concerning a cottage will he greatly ' appreciated. Sincerely, •E.teinerieh von Mane M.D. 4007 ediiibrffiigi4 Blvd., Columbus, 'Ohio." nr, von. Ham is a member of the. faculty of the Ohio State thit- versity of Columbus. •• Any, Person having such Inform- titi011 RA Dr. von Ham seeke in requesred to write to Win at the eddress ' THE WEATHER Temperatures of , the past week in • dcitleriele "with those of the correeponding week a year ago,,,,,as officially' recorded, Were as follows: „ 1951 iso Max. Min. UtlX. Thurs., Apr. 20..52 40 4$ 35 I'd, Apr. 27 ....0t *32 44 30 Sat., Apr. 28 ..,/t0 .5'0 42 84 Sun., Apr. 29 ..:.72 '40 41 32 Mon., Apr. 3047' 45 Bs Taft, Mtly 1 ....413 40 40 85 Wed, May 2 ..:.72 %Si 48 37 1 • • Mr. and 'ekes. 'Earl MitcLaren, of MacLaren,'S Studio, atteeded the sixty-seventh annual contention of the Olitario. 'Society • etf Photee :graphers held at the Royal York Hotel; Toronto, .on Monday and Tuesday of "this week. Out of six. photographs, whidi they entered in the portrait exhibit., all six were- . OBITUARY . ' MRS. L. „13.• AUGUSTINE • News- has come- of the death 01: a former resident of Goderich,INIts, L. 13. Augustine, which occurred at Vietoria, 13.C., early in Ai$ril. Mrs. Augustine was the former , Miss Alice Spence, member of a Gederich family well known here years ago. She was court stenographer- for a ..noinliev,-a.,:years--40f,pre-lier niar- rlage to Mr. -Ailgusifice4n- They Spent most of :their married life in the West.. Mr. Augustine died at Fort Saekatchewartein:1928 and Mr. A.ugustine nieveato toria and remaieted there until her death. Site had been .in failine health for several year. She is survived by a, sister, Mee. Flack, of Edinenton, . and a brother, H. Ch. Spence, of Sydney, V. 1, *Tool dud Juan willed dud miss at $800,000. ' He tele felled 'out Eleanor 'Watson, all of • London, 8111°' tit and .-MrS; Irowar'd Carroll,' Mts. be done in Gotierich. but at -Cen4- the 4 building is not to james xt6id and unk -vie crane of tralife----witielr sia 'regarded as the Goderich. Goderielk.are.a., , p , CELEBRATE AT ,WINOHAM The Goderich•• Kinettes, sperisers of the Wingharn Kinette .Club, ac- cepted an • invitation to Wingham to help the club celebrate its first anniversary, on Monday, April 30th, in the 49uedie's Ht ete Aeter pinning on dainty daffodil .boutonnieres, the singing "0 Ctriaada" and the ,itinette song, forty-two • members sat down to a delicious turkey dinhere The .tables were , prettily decorated with bou- quets of American I3eauty roses, presented by the Wingham ItinSmen ,Club, and deep purple larkspur- and daffodils, presented by. the Goderich Kinettee. • During.. the dinner, two lovely solos were rendered hy jCinette Lois, 7iff-ertriffe-ite-TheellifflielaretantITeeve lighted and the cake cut by the president, Mrs. John Heal. Enter- tainment was provided in the them Of interesting , motion pictures, which were shown by Kinsman.Bud Cruickshank. The remainder of the everting was spent paying court whist, prizes being won by Mrs. •'ra•nk Skelton and Mee,. D. J. Patterson. MRS. I). A. STIRLING After it long illness, the death of Mrs. D. A. Stirling, 'Godeetch town- ship„ ocenered on Tuesday morning at her heme on No. 8 highwey, in her` sixty-third year. , Formerly Mergaret Louise' Lindsay,- She was a' .daughter of thee.lateDavid arid Sarah Walters Lindsay, of Gode- rich toetnship, where she was Wen and Weed all her life. She was a member - of Holmeseille Veiled Church, and is survived -by her bus, band, one gon,'W'illiane of Goderich township; three datighterse Sire. Itelph Jewell, Colhoene; "StrA. John Watede_ _ Gbderich. township, end leloretee; at tome,: also by one brotheilebrge Lffidsay, Gode- ri(hj townsh'ip. Tho tether* seevice was held this (Thnrsday) 'after- noon at the family r&idenee and was eondueted by Rev.. 31.. 0. New- ton of, Hohnesville rnited 'Church, Burial was in -Maitland renietery, the prxlibeathers being: George Ginn,' Andrew Mines,. Willitun Gloat (3forilon. Wolob, "rat& Chambers and Albert *Bond. • ' ° 1:0 • e ENGAGEMENT ANNotl.WED , Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Willis an- nounce ,,the engagement of their daughter, • Aimee Jean; to - Rohert 'Clair Stewart, eon of •Mr. • and 'Mts. Rail% Stewart of RidgetoWn; the meeriage ,Ato take* piece early' in May. RECEIVES 11.D. DEMME At the annual convocation of Maim Collette, ''Iloronto, AIM on Monday, ,Rev. W. Weir ok Bram eon' was awneded stile degree. f Baehelor of Divinity. Mr. Weir has had a very serious ,iliness, but hie • friends ire Goderieh wit/. be pleased to know, that be is .on the. mend: 11.01`41AS8 .)FAX...CIJSE Owing to a rush of advert's. ing„.,the news colutuds of The Signal -Star thrs week have suf- fered, .and articles and wpows., Items Intended for ON issue are Arno/61(1414y eheld over. Our - apologies to those- 'WboSec con- ' tributious, hate 'heft omitted.