HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-04-26, Page 7TLTJ ,t$D9.Z,. APRT 2$tb,. 1901' 4 { .•ter, ' r ,, Ail" caltter Rugs • • Made of a cotton and jute mixture with fringed ends. Approximately 1S x 36'''. You• will buy several of these attrac- tive colored rugs. . Reg., $1.39. Special Price. • sIoo. Plastic Garment Bags Jumbo size which will hold up to: 16 gar- ' lments. Made of clear plastic . with. zipper. fastening and nickel plated hanger. , Regular $2.29. • ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL'" Sik. 479 , 1NNi1�HNN0I/N11NiN0^x0.011 SPECIALS ' rF`RO1VM OURCANDY DEPARTMENT 3ELLtY BEANS rte' 29c The Biddies love then. LB. - COLO OLDSTERS ' .. Assorted `.maple; vanilla, lemon 39c and strawberry flavors. LB. NIAGARA M; Assorted fruit shaped' •and' flay- el5c, ored marshmallow. 456-1b. Circus Marshmallow. Peanuts_ ' 0. �� Assorted (favors and. colors. 3�-ib. •om••NN•N••••••••••••me ••i ,r res Manufacturer' clearance of hand, sewn and hand painted foulards. and Panel ,ties.:. In this offering 'are valuesup , to $1.50. SPECIAL 49c • CurtaIflS ,This assortment consists of Martha Wash- ington, Puff . Dot, fancy frilled curtains and cottage .sets. • $1:97.. set • TUMBLERS . Mixing, BoWl Sets Fancy, decorated A handy 3 piece glass Tumblers 9 'oz. 9c r mixing 'bowl 'set. Ev- 6-oz, Bulge Shape a kitchen needs a few' of these utility Thin-Igewn- 1 barvv 6 for 350 . • ' RATON BRIEFS l l p •0 !QM) QODR elf ' .TIM A,.!!.TAit 47v - JorfaCile Several outstan- ding styles. ---Sit-i. s ofTigher i . .'� priced .ranges. • ' _. Dainty lace and - picot elastic trim! -;� These panties are worth`' 79c Sale Special- pair. ' c HALF SLIPS -the popular lingerie fashion. Suede taffeta . with lace trim bottom, and elastic top.. Full cut ' first quality garment'. Worth $1.39, SALE SPECIAL 990 We are featuring a- beautirfukline of STRAW. HATS for our Anniversary Sale.. You will feud smart styles for every taste and shades for present and sum- mer wear. Regular price $.49. • C�rduroy OVERALLS Useful hard wearing rib corduroy, suitable for boys and girls. „Lined bib. Brown, •green, red, Royal. 'One pocket. Pinwale fine rib. ` Sizes 2-4-6. Usually sold at $2.49.• SALE SPR0 AL • CHILD'S. AN. Substandards of higher priced linei4 and in- cluded are popular 94 length in rib knit with full .lastex top. Reinforeod heel and toe: Dark shades for spring wear. Sizes 6-8%. Regular value 39c a pair. SALE SPECIAL, a pair 23e Men's . Sock Dryers Made of rust , resisting •. gal- vanized wire. Men's 'sizes. 22C Reg. 29c SPECIAL . CHILDREN'S. HANGERS Buy these by ,the dozen. for children's clothes. Available' in pink and blue. Reg. 10c Special • 6 or• 49c • BILLFOLDS: = Simulated Alligator min arid ornbossed bilffotds With, zipper fastenings:' Most have pirastic coin •,molder. Available iii '3 styles in• y bt+otin, • black' and • red. Regular $1.00. SPECIAL PIastc Sheeting • Fh St • quality • `Vinyl "sheeting. ,3 " wide. Ciroleo bf 4 beau- .tlfnl printed natternb ln4oft r pastel/ shies.. Suitable for making ki'tcheand shower curtains and , martiy other household articles..' Regular 59c'., YARD ANlYli? ERSAR " SPECIAL . a Beautiful fancy back dei sign transparent comb set, consisting of .one dressing 1 rat tall, 1 pocket and 1 • n Bobby .tomb. 4 combs for the pride of one. ANNIVERSARY • SALE PRICE .... Tableware 3 N 11 • Lad.i�s! D resses -Popular "Slrafr Ray"Spud- Tints_ : B -order-. and ali over patterns. Styles for Misses- _ . M -:.dated, -Women: •-Outstanding•._as....to•...style-.cud,.,..... patterns. Will wash well : and wear. well.' Sizes 14-44. P SPECIALLY SMART Daytime Frocks o a Featuring deep 'slash •poc • e s with ig petal cuffs., Elaborate Swiss eyelet embroidered styles • included. -Copies of ,New York's la- test. Sizes 14-44. . Smart, practical cotton percale .dresses, . suit- able :for home and street wear.. Full dirndl waist. Striped prints. 2 pockets. Eyelet emboidered edg- ing trim. Sizes 12=18. Real value at PRINT4DRESSES; .:. P. K.' DRESSES • • Eyelet embroidered ,trim. Two poo - An exclusive with "People's", Direct : kets. Sweetheart neckline. . Button. New York importation from largest : front .model.. Short sleeves. : These manufacturers. -Washable, wearable rdresses. are •worth $3.98. Pastel shades. smart .day -time dresses: ',SAW; 14-44. :in sizes. 12-20. • 3.S.2.98 1.) CHERRY BORDER,' Dresses Childs'border.-print.,. peroale~-dress,- i-asbfast--• colors:. White ground in red and green pans Sizes 3-6. ANNIVERSARY' SALE $PE 'TATr ; • CHILD'S ......_.; Cott�n Hose, Durable stockings that makes them real value. • Good weight that will ,- wear well and give de- pendable : service. Has strongly reinforced feet.' Sub - standards.. Regular value 490 pair. Sizes 6-91/x. • SALE SPECIAL- a • CHILD'S LONG. SLEEVE. Pullovers -Novelty stripe pullover. Ribbed cuffs and band. Guaranteed first quality Sizes 2-4-6. Regular va- lue $1.00 SALE • SPECIAL This assortment ,of Rine and Yelio'w° color., 'ed border Tableware consists of: Cups and Saucers r .set 23d 7" -Cereal Bowie 140' 8" Rimmed Soup Bowls .. . , ° -230. 7" 'Bread a td Butter Plates " 14c 9" Dinner Plates . °• . , .. Child's Cotton Briefs Knit a f .fine eotton in.a• full eut brief. Etas- ist and gibed cuffs. White with multi rayon stitching In sizes 2,, 4,, 0. Regular value 25e. SALE' SPECIAL =9a Broadcloth Dresses Eyelet embroidered trim. Zipper sid openings. Sizes 14-44. Budget priced .at • 3.98 Lace 11 TrinIr,, Dainty lace trim slips. 'Inexpensive yet nicely made: Stock up ° now for your summer needs at .this 1c w'_price. Adjustable shoulder straps. First quality. Sizes 32-40. , Worth $1.42. "SALE PRICE. ' • 1.. Polka Dots; Broadcloth Plaids and zipper fronts: made up in six e. outstanding styles. Guaranteed wash- able. •Sun dresses included in Allis wide assortment. Worth dollars more. Sizes 12-44. ' • •9 Z.98 e Full a Fashioned' Hose Smart, practical, leg flattering, nylons, Dark seams!' Budget priced.- •'Seasoii',s popular shades. 46 -gauge 30 denier. Guaranteed first, quality, a big °saving to thrifty shoppers. Sizes 81/2-11; Value $1,49 pair. • SALE SPECIAL --•r- • 9 JERSEY HALF SLIPS Cacktall bottom with ribbon trim. Elastic' top and lace triter. Sizes S.M.L. Subs of higher priced garments. SALE SPE'OUAL. • '.61C Plastic APRONS Tea style" °apron with ties and pretty frill. Attractive colored floral' prints, SALE SPECIAL ' Adie CHILD'S PLAID • ritIO!'eraIIs Smart overalls .for the lively junior. Long wearing .° and washable. Lined .bib and ,suspen- der' top.. Sizes 2-6. Worth $1.19. SALE SPECIAL •. INFANTS C Jersey Dresses: Shirred yoke' and short• puffed sleeves: -Regular 89c. I SALE SP:RCIAL --- SPORT SHIRTS FOR GIRLS AND BOYS Here is value unsurpas- ; sed. Plain white broad- cloth shirts in short sleeve .:style, for boys or girls from 8 •to 10 years. Regular 89c. _, uxili rsary Special-" Terry 'Towels' We are offering two outstanding values in! . good quality terry cloth towels. i3ATH TOWELS 17 x 34 colorful rain- bow pattern. 37c Vacuum Bottles One pint capaoity.'Made in England. All metal ease with detachable plastic heat - resisting cap. Glass insert. At- tractively finished, Av. -n red; • arlable i . green and blue. Reg. $1°29. TAI..LECL�TN$ Here is the buy of the' week,•' Good quality' cottons and mot tap eclothe • New colorful' ; Ants! Size rig x ,.52 • • BOXED TRxo :. Writing Sets Lever-fllling fountains pen, •me- • chaeical pencil and. ball, point pen. In assorted. colors, with caps: of yellow -color metal.. Cul- standing value. Wig. value . $i.00 SALE, PRICE PER. SET 77c Ladies' douses Versatile Blouses and soma, tionallypriced, too. Lace.trims and insertions. Beautifully • styled and' finished. Value to $2.9.8. : PRICED AT 49 o • LADIES'- • eersuc,, Ker Nightgowns Crisp ; cotton print. seersucker : nightgown. Contrast binding • trim. Tie backs. . Sizes M. L. ° Regular; $1.98 , • SALE SPECIAL 1.6 Boys' Dungarees Navy denim anti drills. in Dungaree or Whoopee., 'style.. Included are plain and flocked design styles. Sanforized shrunk., Reg. $2.29. Sizes 8 to •14 fears. ° SPECIAL . 1.98 ,n ; Metes Polo shirts 4f fine cotton, pine Celasuede short with apple mesh, round , short sleeve Polo neck, short sleeve collar style with style. Colors ; of breast pocket. Pas - white, canary' and tet shades` of 'canary, grey. •Buy several ' blue, grey and white. at this .outstanding Reg. $1.89. low price. SPECIAL 94c..1.55 Men'sWo rk Shirt • Anniversary Special Coat style, buttoned. front ' everyday shirts . morally cut with double yoke and . 2 breast pockets: ' ' •, ' ,Available . 'in , wine, brown and navy. Sizes' • 141 , ;to 17. M�n'sS0rt $hurts. In 'this group are includ- ed .long sleeve gabardine shirts and ' acetate jar- • boards- -U3 darker • tones , and' iln beautiful pastel., Regular $4.00 value. . Aniversary Sale S ,Men's • Cotton ..Anklets All with lastex 'tops. Knit in a snug. fit, rib of fine* , cotton. A good weight that Will wear well and give " dependable service. Solid colors and stripes in- a chided'." Worth' 49e pair. Sizes 10.111/.,. Sale Spiecial--Pair ANKLETS FOR MEIN You'll .appreciate the good nPpearlIng nd ioni ear ing .qualities', of these ser- viceable anklets. Lastex tops and" knit of wool rein- forced with cotton ; for. better wear. Right weight for Spring wear. Sizes 10; 12. Worth 98c a pair. Sale Speeial-Paas' , SPECIAL BUY- -tl Enameled Saucepans CAPACITY 1quart 11x- 'quart, 21/2 *quart 'REG. ' SALE PRICE 49p 370 • 09c 440 69c 58c • A,rmrrlrrtrm WnzsTIri'G TESKTTLE This imported whist ng" kettle, is of .34 pint •capacity. ° It hlatles when Wator is 'boiled, saves time d °fuel, tolls feet. War $1.29; . , ' 99C • SALE Pig -15c to • • 61,