The Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-04-26, Page 611401 613,
Having sold the busiuess known as Goderich
Fruit MaAitet on East Street to Mr. R, I3esse of
_customers for past patronage and bespeak -a,
continiapce of, this patronage under the nevi' -'
ownership. I Conthiue as trucker and buyer
for the nev,kr, .owner for a period of at least one
A lady at • Oak Lake; Manitoba,
who tells' the local newspaper that
-her -husiband Is a skip :in. that good
old gathe of curling, says:
"After listening for years, how he
have •come to the edneldsion 'that
four Men are • not required on a
, "The lead is never able, to pat
the -rocks, where' Bill:* wants them.
The"s.eeond man is a' goOds'sweeper
bUt that's ail; The. third always
Misses the bromn at, a critical thue
4t.tftl Bill has te..,make the shots
that win the gatne. ;your eyes
would pop to see "hoW easy it is
for him, with ,the salt shaker nf
the breakfast table, to• dralt"in
through the port between (he 1.1110611
and lay .shot tilt against iny toast.
There. can't • be much to curling,
so why" not do away with the other
three then and have oie the skip
on .each fipk? weuld reduce
the, number of 4.0arrlin". v.witloWs
seventy-fire,per cent,
,jus,t had to call you and"tell jou. the: ,
taking place irr homes ajni effices. in cities
and'. tnet- clay — bringing more ,
and better •teleption,e to inure afid
more people., '
In the, past five years we've connected over •
one and a half tit telephones to meet .
hew requests for" Service. \Ve've added
• well.over two million Miles of wire to:
carry the ei•er growing volume Of local
tacr,weVe eackedas.rattell growth into
the past five -years as .we did. in the first
We're 'going right on with the job. If'you
.haven't .serrice, we. want yOu te know
'we,"reivorking at it. Thor place on the list
-is being protected and,your telephone Will -
be installed jnst, as soon as.pessible,,
AUBURN, April 24, --Messrs. Ed.
and Jet. Stoltz, *.a. New Dundee,
visited their brii.ther, Nr. J. C.
StellZ, and Mrs. Stoltz on Friday.
Don't forget . to put ,t Our eloCks
on an how next Saturday night.
:N14 -s. Jack West, tot:ne West anti
Nyc.. Fred 110,§6 Sqinirl124.
• 1 kr. lit. C. Weir is visiting f r lends
Sunday visitors •with Mr. and
.Mrs. Jack Ladd and Patrleia A.nn,
Goderich, were Mr. and Nti,S. Wm.
(low .and family, Mrs. James Wil -
and Mr. and Mrs: -.Clayton Ladd,
all •of Auburn. .The oceasion was
(Chit.t.Tton Ladd's. birthday on Satan! -
Mrs. -Clayton Ladd has reveived
'Word ,of -the- -.birth of a daughter,'
aid Bosiater of Byroni Ohio. It IS'
remembered that. this couple are the
brother had sister,in-law who were
badly hurt in an accident at , De -
en roate from Byron to Auburn.
_ Mr.° nod, Mrs. Ed. „Davies, .who
spent the winter in Florida, re-
turned home last Friday. •
Mr. and Mrs. 'Clayton 'Robertsvu
and family, of Copper Cliff,' visited
di tire week -end with Mr. and Mr.s.
A •utunber from here attended. the
C• hurch, Clinton, on 8unday even7
of India. The pastor, Rev: II. (Y
Wilson, was in charge of the ser-
vice, orssisted 'hy Mr. Chas. Scott
of Auburn, president of the North
-Al ter' the _tier rite Rev. _Mr.._ Joseph_
was Presented with $100 from the
NOrth 'Huron Sunday School Insti-
in the Clinton hospital, where she
underwent an operatron.
'Visitors with Mr. amt. Mrs. J. W:.
Graham on• Sunday tyere Mr. and
Jaek Reavie and daughter' Linda
and -Mrs., W..lionLstoh• of Wingbam..
'Painfully r. Thomas
Hallam reevived -:latinfal injuries
last Week while helping his son,
Arthur Hall'ane. of linden.. Mr.
\viten on coming •out of the bush
the team went, iuto 'a, gully and
, off, the. front wheel of Ole N.6 gun
tgoing- over_ both legs, Fortunately
1.1t was a rubber tire wagoa pl. it
would hate been wore serious.
Junior Fanners' Ceifeert. —
• -the inclement weather there
\i'116 a good attendance at the cen-
ce'rt. ahe Foresters' Hall on Wed-
nesday night. The variety progrlim
was put on. . the linnet County
1 is lite (la ughaer t he late Jehn and
Ma rga ret • Sheont rd 1111d born 'I
!near •Torento. on April .24th, 1800.1
!- lit /801 tice•Kitailly mored to Whitby
the Base Line. 0 -ti Det'etuber 23,
*Gorier. &ter' their Marriage they
!twined on concessiOn 1, East 'Wawa-
aosTh, .'for twenty-two years, then
Al6vt'ci 0) the Gorier. homestead oh
Da. Baseltine, Where they farmed
moil titirty-three years ago. 'Then
they retired to Aublirn, where 11.1r.
.Govier died January, 193,2. Mrs.
Govier has ,two sons, of
Myth, And Herbert, of Auburn;
alse ,ten gramieldldren Mid twenty-
seven Areal. -grandchildren. Two
brother's, William and •Andrew, are
Presbyterian Chitral and was made
a:. life member of the' W.M.S. • in.
1931 on. the occasion of her golden
,wedding. .Mrs. •Got.ler lived tilone
since the death Of her husliand, but
last winter She fell and. broke her
hip. Despite ber advanced age she
Made a remarkable recovery and
since then she has been Staying
• Caldwell, Blyth, ttad lately . With.
her •sini Herb and Mrs. 'Gorier. T At
Present kite • is an:other
'granddaughter, Mrs:'Si.1.1.ery, Exeter..
Women's Institnte fleets,— Mrs.
Abitert Campbell presided for the
unx.ting of the W•onten's Insti-
tute,. held in the Foresters' Hall
en Tuesday.' The meeting opened
with' eoutuntaiity singing, with M,r.
It. J. Phillips at the piano. Mrs.
Bradnoek spoke of the work
done by the Girls' Club. It was
(Welded to hold an open night,„ill'
.the hall when the girls will demon-
•strat e_ their work -and. pictures. will
also be shown. Scrinigeour
of Blyth spoke on the area fee. A.
a .solq -and Mrs. Thos. 'McNutt eon -
presided for the election of olAteers.
and' Atrs. AI.' Bean. 'The, following
(Akers' were elected,: How:4'm.y
president, Mrs.' Albert Canipfiell-;,
president, Mrs. 'Wesley Bradnock;
lst vice-president, Mrs. Alfred
Nesbit ; 2nd vice-preSident, W.
.J. Craig:. secretary -treasurer, MisS
A. Men:wain; assistant, Mrs.-
rdwier; diSeriet director, Mrs. Bert
'Craig; publicity cohvener, Mrs.
Infillips, Mrs. D. Fowler, Nies. At
J. Craig; ,yisitingt..,conunittee, Mrs.
Gordon •Dobi•e, Mrs- W. Plunitett,
gram committee, Mrs. Gordon Me --
Million, Mrs. W. T. Robison,', Mrs.
H. Mogridge, Mrs. Geo.. Hamilton,
veners ,,of ktanding connuittees
ogrieu ratteran 111( us -
tries,' Airs. Dobatd • Plunkett ;'
citizenship and education, :Nirs.
Morris. Beata; community activities -
Sturdy; historical" .research -.and
eurrent events, Mrs. •GeO, Hamilton;
geonr,Vonducted the installation, of
'Anglican Church,..*special. *features
of 'the program 'Were the Junior I,
Farmers' male- quartette and UPC.
ladies' double trip of •the 'Bele-rave
Junier institute'. Refreshments
tilt.: visiting art4its
birthday. at the home of her grand-.
G formerly Sheppa rd;
alowit3sviLLE.;, April . 7,4.
Antong those who visited, at their
homes dosing the._ past week • 9r
week -end. were Miss '4oria Nekon,
Marie Cdiddoit,• St. Jeseph's Hospit-
Guests 'With ,.Mr, and Mrs. Wm. -
and Mrs. Jack iNlet Ritchey and
children and Mrs. Myrtle 'Olivastri,
London ; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Butler
and enildren,,Clinton; Mr. and Mrs.
.Cart Mc.Clinchey, and NelSen,
pen._; and. Albert MeClinchey, Port
and ,,Sharon and Mrs. • Ervington,
Goderich, ' are at present enjoying
a -visit with relatives in Saskatoon.
AirS. N. Heard and 'MM. 'Harrison
were Mr. and ;Mrs. .Albert Taylor
-and, fondly, 'Dungannon.
Guests -on Saturday with kr.. and.
E, J. Trewartha were Mr. and
NITS. Langford and sOns, WOod-
naln, n.nd Mrs. 8. Miner and daugh-
Cooper, who.'Inakes her home with
her soti-in-la•w. and daughter, Mr.
nod ,Albert Bond, and who
will on Thursday, April. 20, • cele-',
biate her eighty-ktinth birthday.
• Recent guests with Mrs. W.A.-11,
Johnston were 'Mr. and Mrs. Reg.
Fuller, on" Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Wildfong and Marte, Exeter,
on Monday, and :Mrs. Mabel Cox,
,Who. is spending the week thpre.
again this year Showed its interest
in the ,Goderich' Musie Festival by
a large attendanee at nearly •. all
the •sessions." !Pupils 'from here who
competed and won very good marks
included Franklin Y.eo, who -wen
.titelkighestmark of 87 in the piano
class .fer children seven and under ;
Eleanor Yeo 'and' Dbuglas Norman,
who both won- certificateefor piano
three are pupils of Miss E.- Glidden..
A certificate wits 41.140 won • po-
'Sandra 1,Villiams with 84 marks for
het piano solo, whieh ranked, second
in. the class. Vocal numbers from
Glazier, 1\110 came .- seeond, and
Sandra Willialus 'and Ila
who .Won 78, marks in duet. We
also extend .congratulations to Edith
-:11.0rot fidetaiiin. of' Ag!i-cultikei..
By laortIon Greig, See. riehltnan
The dairy' 'groups Within the- prices in 'the' dairy Industry have -
,county of Huron gong w4tit driven Canada. from surplusrpre-
Butter, cheese and even -powdered
grants to our Federal member.s•
milk have been imported into Can-
Pttrliament asking that.they 'support
Oa during the last -year. •51.14is•
places us ra • a vulnerable position
if We -become involved in' another
world war. Our supply of substi-
.tute and Imported .products will he
'cut oft and our. home, production,
will not be adequate' to feed our
.people. During the last war we
.supplied large ,quantities of food
to our „allies. .,What have We to
offer today in 'the Aire otfZiod, Sup-
plies .oxeept Wheat?
In an area' raVaged by War the
only thing that really matters is
that you have food, clothing • and
ean find shelter freat the weather.
A',1ot Of the things' that 'are esseu-
tials today will lie ils.eleSs' in a bine
if national disaster,
the.. reminnendatiqn 'of the Dairy
•62c- floor price dr butter for,.411.
coming year. A' reply has been re-
willingness—to support. any recent,.
mendation that is in the lieSt
terest of our great Canadian • dairy.
A copy of Hansard Wa.S, also re-'
ceiVed that contained a speech made
in 'the House .of Commens relevant
to tile floor , price on, biitter and
the position of the dairy ,industry
general. There are. so' nlanY
portant stateinents made regarding
the dairy industry that should be
made kilowatt) Our farland Urban,
people. 'alike. -that I a :going"' to
attempt. to summarize theM in this
article. .
The .speaker was the represeat-
ative from .Latrark 'county in Bast -
ern Ontario and ••••his statements
must have been authentic, for ,they
swere -not- challenged in • the .House.
• Dr., L. B. Pett the- nutritional
division of the DepartMent of Nu,
tional Health an& Welfare. has
Stated' that .-`no type of food' is.
ato•re important to health, and good,,
intuition than nfilk products. Milk'
regarded as the.- perfect food.
Dairy • prochicts supply t§,1 .-per vent.
of the calcium required for the -
human body; 57 per (mac of" the
.ribollavin, 17 . per cent. of vitamin
A, and other • equally, 'important
vitamins. One_pint ' per
1 day will provide an adult with '93
per cent. . of the minimum ..-require,T
ments of calcium, 83 per 'cent. of
vitamins.. The housewife spends 20
„cents .9f _every (1.ellar fer milk and
dairy produetS, 'but -in retarn she
gets more than ' one-third .of all
, the nutrientS. she feeds her .fainily."
In linking the dairy industry with
yeonservation the speaker. had this
to say : "The raising of livestock
'iwovides the .hest and Cheanest
. method Of .,..Putting. back lute_ the
soil; most of the good which, the-
! raiSTirg of crops' has taken from Alt.
1..wOrn Olt and useless. There iS
use talking conservation if We allow
:formil,rs,continually to erop off .their
land; to: cut down their7-Ai*dlifts
i in an effort .,to.,make a living' _for
;.aad, revitalizing. the soilk: Such .a
poncy • 'is little short. of Anational
,tecu'rcled -the ralSt president,' Mr s:' itWarded. a :;;5 cash prize for highest
.Albert Campbell, for her splendid 1-1.1!Irks .for her Strlo in ,a class -of
wait as president. The illay Meet- ht. -teen .44,rtupetitors. The • Ito-lines-
ing Will be the- Sunshine Sisters vdle sehool! S.S1 3, Goderich, under
banquet" and it WaS decided' to have dittr,(,1,e,titLe of Aliss E. Widd011, 1111L'AC
hosteSses,- Mrs. St.mirt ‘:Atinent, Mrs. ttiird, with 83 marks,. iti a unison
,-timirersaiv Services.—The ',Sint: -schools competing. Its double tn.)
day .; school of Anburn I_ lilted •
speak. ..There trill be special music-
, , i sehools and Porter's Hill schoel this.
H. Position and it trtis.treticeable when
t'voiP111-c w'''lrsif-ii, lit 7.34) e'eli'ek F"-- ' l'is:tdillg• reSults how .1t11 her dosses.
•I..,1, Hee, c. 1,,, Harding Of the (Mil- : were sii 'WE'l 1 lip it/. '111P tflp of the
The:sooner yon Start, the smaller
your Monthlyloyinents will be .
ht surprised at how eaSyli ig to pay for neit''•
" this and enjoy PAIIIC!-UP ;writer heat. '
Convenient S.P-It.E.A4) out payments ..
I easy terms to atiit you.
No. w,orries1 Coat is delivered in plerity of
winter. •
With this 'blue coal' plan, household
Look. oiwoys for the BLUE Color
ehe°1' Prea (.11 1 ist s. • on 'Phu rsday, when • Smaller
hain• will by . g11.0,st. The schoeir tven first place in the '.(1011.1.10
its:•41Slt. "lite .-.,el-VieVs Will 1).,•t111(11 -.r with , nine competing; se(iitl.
And third' fer two,7
..stiperi•ntendent,• and will be
will be on
night, will feature the Glee' (Writ
'voices, "under the directio•n of Mr..
•_ Clark. Frank Sehubere,
violinist, and the ." Myth Male
•Quat•lette, 'With. other .
artists, will' complete. a Very' inter,
-choir and the..gunday school, And • ,
strd, party and 06;10' was held on
April 1 3th in Porter's Hill school.
Priz4 for car& wei.e. Won as fol -
Grant Stirling; gentleman's high,
Grant Stirling. ''muSic was supplied
by, Irwin'S . orchestra:
Communit,;,- CI* Elects Officers.—
II Li ,Community Chip was held on
JOhn McCowan, With aineteint ladies
present. The meeting oPened with
the singing of `!My Bonnie.Lies over'
George Colclough, was in the chair.
The sec rett ry's ,, and treasurer's re-
ports 'wore read.- Election of' Of -
'firers • tock place, 'with MI'S., Don
aS -follows: •Mrs. Pete
Harrison; vice-president, 'Mrs. Alvin
;• eecretary, ,MrS.. Allen Bet-
ties ; ,treatmfer, Mrs. Bert Harris.;
pidnIst,, Mrs. • Cox; assistant,
Pianist, Mrs. ArliedLockhart; work
committee,. Mrs:. Torrance, Mrs.
'May meeting will. be. held on the
f7th the home of Mrs, Arlie -
Lockhart. Roll' call will -be an-
swered, by. the paging of fees. The
tie'', have kindly consentod to come
oat to thls_theeting and. demonstrate
the different parts of ' the maehine.
The, Meeting closod With the. Lord:8
Prayer and the hostess served a
I Continuing his link ITtween the
dairy industry and conservation, the
sPealter stated:. "You • cannot ex-.
: tar? 'the new methods :of 'farming.*
• not he . made„ up of discouraged
! farmers. It 'should be nu .industry
whielt trill give adequate' retail'
for the Investment, it shotit(t- :be
all industry Will Stop soil' ex-
: lot ustiOn a tal "-thereby aid • soil. con, .
, In• the terra view
. utiles"; ,there is., a future for the
dairying - industry notch' .brigbter
than existS.trow."-•
• There are approximately 456,000
words in the 'English language. And
more being added conStantly.
WESTFIELD, Ap• ril 23,-24 .few
children were 'confined. .tr .their
„twines last week with measles, and
there are a few 'mere this week. •
'A1r. aud Mrs. Elwin Taylor spent
J. L. McDowell before going to their
new home at trussels. •
, Mr, and 'Mrs. Alva McDowell
visited. on Sunday with. ME and
Mrs. Wm. Kelly, Seafortn.
Sunday at the hoine 'her Ouslia,
Kathleen Freeman of Brantford.
Minnie Snell visited.' on Tuetday
vvith Mr. Geo. Bradford of Gode.
rich. •
Mr. Arthur Spiegieberg of Water-
lo9 Spent a few days recently with
Mrs, J.. L„ :Hollowell and Miss
sold. their :farm to Mr. •Deftlann of
Mr. and' Mrs. Wm. McVittie have
Clifford,Orozier and
family, of Crewe, visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell.
You. get a softer, smoother.ride with the
Extra Cushion Silvertown Tire. , More air
.volume soaks up road bumps, impacts and
of -quality when you use_these .big turest-',.
The EXTRA CUSHION Silvertowntis available
Phozie-53F ,
The 1.4st -omfort
leis dye—a positive protection for you—an CISSUratme
Ow you're getting %The world's finest anthracite."
There is no better method of,
enttrig. 'sheep losses 1)y dogs than
to keep a goat or two With the'
The authority for tiriti'-v4,tatement
IS Reeve 14051 le 0:4bortto of South
Dumfries tewnship. He made the
I. Connell titat slieep4breeders who re-
quest incletnnifientlim for sheep
killed by dogs be reqUired to keep
4 41.1, dog ;ill chase at sheep ter
the slime reason Ike will ,,,,have 4
"A. 'goat will- chap , it deg' for
,A,Slue Cross Subscriber.
Case at' $0.00 i320.00 320.00
, TOTAL t450.00
4871114V 'en "' salftooa
to, the rising cost of living'? . BUT through Blue Cross
yoU can banish ihe worfir of oth large and stria hospital'
e. 4412t operates without ' red. tape. .Your doaor
makes the ukial arrangements and, atriving at the
hospial, you just show your Blue Cross card. No
letters of inquiry, no ispeCial perrtitssionS", no cakh
deposit. Without fuss or worry Blue Cross pays
howital bills for you and your family. .
avitt non,profit plan for hospital care, offers
the gteatest Protectidn the lowest, possible 'Cost.
ft allows no conimissions, the executive committee
serves without pay, and only 8.4% of'Plan Income is
used for operating:expense.
: 'in order to enloy the be'ne4ts 1;1, Olue dross
for. you and your lanuflip,\ write or telephone-
4400, KAN POR,'*I-104ITAL CAit.t
4: 136 St. Clair :West