HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-04-26, Page 1104th.Xear-4To. 17'
Fqunder and, First „President
Visits Festival after .
Ten Years
There was 4 capacity audience
at North Street United Chureh on.
Friday evening when. the Mesic
Festival was brought .to -a success-
ful conclusioo,. By 9 O'ciock peo,ple
were being turned away from the
edeore, Seating on the main Boo;
and in the galleries beirig .fully
occupied. A'delightful program was
• presented by winners of awards'in
the competitions of the ,prev.iona
four days, s '
• ele. J. H. Kinkead presided an
the Artists were introduced in
.eharming manner by „Mrs. •cilriettess
. Edward, vicespresideneewhq gave
- intereeting, descriptions of the test
. pieces, or the adjudicator's coin-
,•ments on the various.performances,
' Mrs. E. H. Jessop expressed
• gracious etippreeiation to the boys
„and girls% .the • teacieetis, the listen-
ing audience the adjudicators, the
donors of awards; to Rev. C. W.
• Cope and the official board of the
• ehurch; to Mr. Andrew, the .church
°Meer, OKNX, ,and others. • She
concluded by tendering eppreciation
to Mrs. F. It. Redditt, press repre-
' eesentativeseforeenewePePer coxerage-
for ten years of the Festival; and
,on behalf of the committee the.pre-
sentation_ of .eleveee basket of
flowers sees made .to Redditt,
who was quite taken by surprise.
Anether pleasing feature of the
evening was the .presentation on
behalf of the committee a a hand-
some coffee table to Mrs. Jessop in
recognition • of her untirieg and
efficient leadership. • •
Both • ladies • expressed , their
Daylight saving •time. copses into
effeet in Gedericli at .2 o'clock Sun-
day morning next, Apra 29th, and
all coneeraed." are advised to ad-
vance that; eloelts:"'one hoar on
Saturday eight. Thismeans that
if on Setwelay night the hourehand
is at, say, 10 'clock it should be
advanced to 11 o'clock. If you lose
aa .hour' sleep on Sunday morning
yotryill get it back when standard
dine is resumed in September.
1 Chu' h
Welcome's 'Rt. 4ev.
Dr. F. S. Mackenzie
The Right Reverend F. SCott
Mackenzie, p.n., principal of Pres-
byterian College, Montreal, and
moderator of the General Assembly
of the Presbyterian Chairea lirsCsaele
edit, yesterday visited the Huion-
Maitleod Preebytery, and the oc-
casion was one of special Interest,
the, meeting...being held in the:A.4e
field Presbyterian „ Church,- Dr,
Mackenzie's home, church: s' • • .
. A dinner wee served atS0 o'cloek.
by.. the . ladies of • the.,Ashileld and.
Ripley 'Presbyteriete. congregations;
to the members of Presbytery and,
their wives, to the number of About
eetglatsy,„„ Rev. ,J. seR° 1V1aeDonald,
presided at the dinner, and Rev,.
R G. MayMillan, of Knox Church,
Goderich, • -moderator of Enron-
Maitlend Presbytery, welcotaed *Dr;
elackenzie• and his wife. • The Ash,'
field. choir presented Mrs. Mtse;',
kenzie, ,who aleo is Se native ., of
A.shheld and i former member of
the cagregation and choirewith-ae
engraved silver. sp6on. The kirk
session made the preeentatien to Dr.
Mackenzie of a framed picture Of
the church. S The moderator, ack-
eiceelgeging. the ,reception ak the
gifts by which, he and his wife
had been honored, presented tothe
COU re atien‘a niodera.•torial 1 ictste
of hlinSeLf. •
• In. .the evening. the 'church was
filled to capacity, Rev. R. G. Mae -
Milian . conducted, a devotional sere,
vice, assisted. by Rev. J. R. Mac-
Donald. • An , anthem- Was sling 'by
the choir ' and a seleetlon • by a.
Male quartette: . .
Dr. .Meekenzie• spoke of his
pleasure In returning to the thpreli
02 hia.yepths„although he felt sor-
row bemuse natiny of hie friends
ofother daye 'had passed on. He
was. • privileged in b•eing able- to
travel from the ,Atlantic to. the.
Pacific,' and in this experience he
found .Presbyterians throughout
the Dominion a united family. HOF -
ever, he warned' against the :danger
ef .localizing .church efforts and
bitterest% • and forgetting members
of the church farniTy ,eliewhere. '
:"The Presbyterian family .in •the.
'world teday Is -the largest *Pro-,
teetant 'eminent= • in the: world,"
said . the 'moderator. :"We
not-pelt:1k thie. terries of pride,
but- in 'app,reciation'of the oppOi':.
Dungannon Agricultural Society
lb • sponsoring a stage shoW and
an at eur„ contest,. "Krossroad.
Kapens," at the Agricultural Hall,
Dungannon, on May 3 and 4.
professienai Stage • show dieector,
Mies Henrietta Rrown, of Kansas
willdirect the 'show and is
holding tryouts for talent at the
hall at Dungannon on Friday of this
week and •Monday and Wednesday
of next week. Those Wishing to
try out for parts are asked to 'phone.,
53sor 94...r 3, DitigamienePAttereed_
after popular- barndetice type pro-
gramerft east of -local talentsissesed
toe impersonate radio celeb ities.
Winners in actieg will be selected
by the vote of the attending
audience. Singers, yodelers and
tap, square and jig dancers are
wanted. Those who play a musical
instrument such as a fiddle, guitar,
banjo, mandolin, . accordiop, har-
monica, or do animal or bird
also are wanted for. the•show.
•• Prikeswinners sang or played the
tat pieces of • the various classes,
after each of which elle:award Was
present•ed,• .follows:
Presentations • •
. 'Educational sqholarship, $25, don-
ated by A.hmeek 'Chapter, I.O.D.E.,
for girl's vocal solo, Classes 52 and
60, presented by .Mrs: A. H. Erskine,
•educatio•nal seceetare, ' to Linda
Sims, •Seafertli. •
Educationel seholarship, $25,
donated' :by . Maple •Leaf .Chaptels
forboy's vocal solo, classes
55 and 69, presentee by Mrs: J. M.
' Graham, ,educational !secretary, to
John •Shaddick, Landes's-ore: •-?
Cash prize, $20; 'donated by Clin-
ton Liens Club for,plano solo classes
1 •to • 4, presented to patricia
Boutilier, Goderieh: ,
, Educational ecluilarahlp, $25, by.
•Gaderich. Women.ts Institute; • for
piano solo Classes 5 to 10, presented
.by Mr. C.*Worsell, sr.,to Marjorie'
Webster, .Clinton. •
Cash prizes, $2.5"0 each, ' deflated
by French Dry Cleaners for vocal
deet, class • 57„. ,preseeted byl• .. Mr.
'Kinkead to May Dennieend Arlene
• Dlegels Seaforth. ' •
Caeli prizes, $2.50 ,eaCh; donated
thT'Dr.A.:e1r. ttrahanisfoiepianoseleet,
clops .23, presented ,bss Mr. Kinkead
to •Grace .Thempson and • Louise
Jefferson, Belgrave, •
• • Wrist watch, ,donated by, Mr. Reg.
••Rellefor boy's vowel •soli, class 56,
puesentecl'.by Kinkeed to Ross
Seaforth.• • s„
Educational scholarship, $25;. don-
ated hy the County of Huron for
brass and reed Solo desks, Pre-
sented by „Mr.' Kinkead for' the
Warden of Huron ‘County to Marie
Elliott, Bieseela. , •
3/1usical lyre, donatedsby E. J.
Pridham, for vocal solo classes .39
to 41,. presented to Ra ''Y •Gibbon,
'Educational ;scholarship, .$25, done
• *ate(' by Demist' ion Road 'Machinery
'Coo, for piano stile ,claeses 15, 16019,
21, „. preeeoted 'by, Mr. Langille .to
BarbarasAnn. WiLson„.Auhurn.•
Cash prises s $3.50, each, donated
by Goderich. Balkiness • Callege, for
piano trio classes 27 and 28,, pre-
sented to Janice ' Denald
' Noble and Seett AtfacTeggamt, acideo
Pen .and pencil net, donated by
Mr. F. T. Armstrong, for boy pianist
eboWing the best muSicianehip, pre-
sented to Ronald Philp, Myth.
Cash prizes, $2.50 eacle,„donated
by Mr. A. Campbell for vsital
duet,' elass II; presented to Diane
Elliott and, Robert. Wood, Goderich.
Wrist, watch,- donated by ,.Fil-
singer's Jeevelry Store, for bey's
vocal solo, eiase 70, •presented by
Mr.' George' Filsinger st4i, Peter
In tile recent eleetion 02'1am:hers
of the 141•W Soelety $:$2 Upper Can-
ada, R: C. Hays., LC., of Goderich,
was elected for the fottrai gine and
thus beCatnee a life member of the
Benchers are elected every Ave
year by vote of Ontario lawyers.
At a zone meeting of the Lions
Club held at Seaforthe klugh Haw-
kins,' president of the, Clinton Lions
Club, was elected. depety• district
governor. ' International • Coancilloe
Nelson Hill of Goderich presided
in the, absence of J. II. Kinkead,
deputy distriet governor. •
s William Edwards or London, a
tree eprgeon employed by the Gocie-
rieh • Publie Utilities -Commission,
was working. in a tree •on Hincks
R. C.
ix grain cargoes have,' been re-.
eelVed at the Godericia elevator
Within' the past' weeks:. Arrivals,
were; Friday - George Hindman)
122,000 hes. wheat ;- Saeliadoc,
249,000 bus wheat. 'Saturtlae-.
Superior, 91,000 bus. barley, wheat
and, wits ; 131anciie 'Hindniae, 89,000
bus. oats and barley. Tuesday -
Brampton, 102,00Q• has.- berley,
The Saskadoc is expected.at the
elevater Weight.
The first yacht of the season Was,
in port on. Tuesday.. It belonged to
Ellwood. Epps of Clinton, who N,v'tis
bringieg it down twin Port Elgin.
to Bayfield. and !Came in for gas. .
SUbgCriptiOn In Canada. $2.00
•Ir4 $3.00 •
Singlq COPY 0 "at'S
Bylaw for New. Collegiate
Building Given -
Third Reading
Aftef many years of trying to
,obtain permission of the Cartadien
17cationel Railways to cross their
track witk a. propoged road to, the
north side of the harbor, the 'rown
Council, has decided to put some
preSsere upon the way' compause
and at the meeting eriday night
last the following motion, sponsored
by Councillor'Jtaelthop. end Reeve
Elliott, Was passed:
"That we communicate with Can-
adian National Railways. by tele-
gram stating that if we have tie
agreement by May 1st granting the
Town permission to cross their
traellesewithe theepropesed -roaclet
the north side of the harbor we will
teke the matter to the Ceuet bar
arbitration." .
Approval by the Ontario Munici-
pal Board of the debenture issue
of $620,036 for the new Collegiate
Institute building was received and
Messrs. Munro add Ford of 'the
Collegiate Beard' were present to
aSk that the bylaw be given third'
eeading as, soon as 'possible. This
was done. • '
Big RCAF Building
- "At Goderich, the R.C.A.P. •bas
scheduled an $800,000 building pro-'
gram," says an article in The ,Globe
'and Mail dealing with defence plans.
Seeking confirmation and elabora-
tion of this 'statement, The Signal -
Star enquired of Wing Commander
it. F. Miller of tlie Clinton R.C.A.F.,
who said he knew of no plans for
the R.C.A.F. at Goderich. "In
• fart," lie stated, `lithis part of the
country, is a, dead loss; there are
They Aresponsible fo
regiilatinii.* too many days of gulverse flying.
-reWeather -lieres'andeiteisernoreelikely
the trhiningequalifications and pro-
R.C.A.F. plans will be for certain
feSsional eonduct of lawyers in the ,0
tiler ar's of
1014,1. ar °erne( a as,
meek a group of men from an un-
discleSed t entre were making An
inipeetion of both Sky I,larbor and
Port Albert airfields. Although
there seems' to be no source of
information at .thne of writing to
elhborate on The Globe and Mail's
announcbment, it would appear that
there is something in the wind in
the way of • Goderich district de-
veloPments. '
Director of the Canadian Govern-
ment Travel, Bureau, wile will ad-
dress the „annual: 'fleeting of the
Blue Water Highway Association
here on Friday night at the Bedford
Hotel. It will be a joint meeting
*with the Goderieh Lions Club.
Popularly known as "Mee Travel,"
this former New Brunswick news-
paperman ha's done much in •the
way of -selling Can,tula to United
States tourists as the place to spend
holidays. Mr. •Dolau is addressing
(Thursday) and will 'fly. back in
order to be in Goderich in ,time
for the meeting on' Friday.
street teday (Thursday)" when bee. tunity and respoiSsibilitY in extends
fell 35 feet to the ground. He was ing the Kingdom of Christ."
taken •to the hospital in -care. of stone notable feet impressed ueeo
me during my • travels,' 'said Dr.
'Mackenzie, "is that sv.eshaee streanis
12 inmaigrants coining into •Canada
from eourees beyond our borders
who adhere to Use Preebyteria.n
Church, especially' the 'Huugarian
•CalViniste, Detail Reform s• fuld
Peaches' Sipped and fell, suffering 'others." By way erillestfatio.n he
painful injury. to his leg. He Was told of a ,cOn.gre,gateen in ,British
token to Alexandra Hospital.• Columbia who have built, their own
church., without. a Minister .at all
for yea*. hut" now have Secured
iniStersevelueseene ep.ealsetheisseeevea
language ad • English; and .are en-
gaging in what are called bilingual
• Future' View Is Enc.ouraging
Dr. Maekenede told: the targie
congregation that his iinpression of
the Church's. • future life on, the
whole is 'encouraging, '•
"We have a great body of people.
who are willing O. rise up and. be
worthy of the faith they possess."i
He expressed his admiration of the
leadenship of the inirastry.".
revival of fagh with Christ at thel
"One of the great needs is the
centre of it-faitli like. that ssf
Paul or like that of our forefathers
vehros .cotild truly say, •, 'I* have
kepC the faith,' •° , • • •
. "Of all generation, we. need to
,be conscious that this iis,otir gen-
eration and need. to know why .we
are • here -that in our generation
We mast meet its demands amid
the false faiths which are exerttug
power in the world today.
great.faith that •will overcome all
false: 'faiths 'is' a genuine faith in
•Christ. Reconsecration to that
faith must' be our ideal, for VS.T.e
have • not been willing .t6 pay the
price of self-denial. ,I believe that,
ihe failure to keep mar. faith le the
source of the chaos of toddy."
What the World' Needs
"The Aurnioll we see in the •world
today is the result of, so manY
Christian people failing to be faith -
/el to •Ohrist. Men have made
sucle progress that .the • h
Ton' PiliWefliat-theyeente. getesalo
by themselves. !How dreadful the
"coriditide into ',which an .0therwise
wetiderfurworld has! .come -it world
in which, on a gigantic -scale, falae
faiths • are competing- With 'Chris-
tianity with. the purpose of wiping
out ef the world the Christian Wei
Dr. Mackenzie warned that, of
'all, times dile -is th.e time when:
-confessed Christiana must rise. to
put Me their faith mere and more
profeesitht, adding that it must be
real, for none other would be able
to • colnpete With the false falths.
He concluded by saying: "We are
concerned primarily With the -house,
hold of our eherele ..and • we
mtist see to it that we' be dedicated
in sueli a way that we may count
class•• 60, presented by Mr. •Holyer groiltlY something_ for lariat. Faith
to $e% No. . 8, McKillop. like the' early 'disciples, who turned
Shield, donated by ,, Goderleli
Board of. Tradee for two-part
•ehornS,),4ass 02, presented by Mr.
Coultharst 5.8. No. 8, Me-
Eversharp pencil, &elated • by
Rrolilicy 'Funeral- Home, for boy's•
voeal „solo, class' 54, presented to
Kenneth Gilkinson, Wingliam,
tocket,' donated by lirophey Fun.
eral HOW, for girl's voeal• Sole,
class 61, presented to Wanda Wil.
son, Godericit •
• Cash prizee $5,, donated bY kibtle-
• i'Continped on page 4)
, • ‘.7
Dr. Watters and was found to have
suffered severe chest injury., •
This (Thursday) a•fternoon,
while helping to lead .5 truck at.
the Puri y :.Flour mill, , Wilfred
P.U. Commission
Has Net Profit of
$21,354.75 for 1950
Spittal, „Spa forth_
reatienst--I scitelk rshidmr.,
ated by -Goderich. Elevator and
Traneit Conipanksmfor girl's vocal
solo,. classes 53 and 67, presented
by Mr. George Parsons to Betty
Sinapson, $eaforth.
.Rose .bowl, dbnated by Goderieh
Elevator and Trahait Co., for high-
est mark awarded' in girls'- vocal
crasises 31: to .33, presented by -Mr.
George Parsong to ,Agnes Chisholne
Cash prize, $5, detiated by Re-
bekah Lodge No. 89, for boPs vocal
solo, "chase 38, presented by Mrs.
W. Bannister to Douglas Fleisch-
auer, Clitton, and Douglas Leaceeh
Brussels (tied). - ' • ems
Rose bowl, donated Ws Sherlock,
Manning Co., of Clinton, for high-
est mark awarded in: piano sole
elassee, presented by Mr. Kinkeitd
to Doris Grierson, Londeebere:
Educational scholarship, po., don -
by Goderieh "hinge Club for
piano sold, classes to; 14, ifre.
sented by Mr. George Itueleinan
to,David Watt, Goderich. •
donated by •00deriCh
rehire Selioorlreard,•rer-WitiiierS ih
double triO 'clasa 72, presented by
Mrs. 5.,AtulerSon to Goderieh Publie
School trio No. 1. -Kathleen 11111,
Ruth Westbrook, ''titrurftie Mae/Soft-
aid, Ilelen Pridliam, Ramona Mac-
Kay and Robert Woo,
Cash prizes, $2 eiteh, donated by
Clinton{ • Women's institute, •
TeniPe- rattiY4 of the .ptiets-wee
in Goderich, with those of the
corresponding week ti year ago, as
offigially recorded, were as :follow s :
1951 • 1950
"Max. Min. Max. Min.
burs.; Apr. 19.44 36 59 40
ri., Apr. 20 ....46 33 50 44
at., Apr. 21 ..,A4 ' 30 01 45
un., Apr. 22....50 34 ' 59 29
Apr. 231.....44 40 60 35
Tues., Apr. 24 -50 41 47 ,33
Apr. 25,.48 • 39 ' 41-2 35
• . •
-.At the 'meeting of . the Publie
Cenneiesien on Tuesday
night Stateinent from the Pro-
vincial Power Commission was sub-'
reittee • .on the operations of • the
local electric .powerand light de -
Pertinent for the year ending, De,
cember 31St, 1950. 'Earplugs. were
$138,717.67. Largest' revenue wee
from .doineestic -service, $65,888,04.
Next was' Zsimmercial light service,
$32;760.1211, third Wit S' eOlinuereittl
power, $27,572,,63.. • •
Net, surPlus from the yeaes oper-
ations was $21,354.75 after. depreci
ation and other reserves.. •
The ILE.P.C. ;bill for power sup-
plied in _March, 1951; NV/lS-$7,744.75:
, It was _decided to hare a -meter
:installed set4the public School, the
'late to be set later ' ' • - •
• Atehe request of the Town coun-
sel, street light is toile installed'
an t.Patrick's street between
Waterloo and Arthur streets. .
Weter rates are to °be increased
ten peP (sent. fetal July 1.st next for
all consumers. • • - •••
••Goderich - Collegiate institute
Cadets are • to •be inspected •May
on May 4th;' Clinton High 8ehool
Cadets on May llth, according to
advice„ from •district. military head,
quarters. at 'London, .. •
double trio, chose '72, presented to
Goderich Public School trio.
.Shield,. donated.; by County, of
Huron, for double trio,' class 59,
presented to S.S. 11, .Goderichlown-
..ship.• 4. •
Shield, donated by, Goderich Sig,
Ifni -Star; for 'double, trio class 58,
Presented by Mr. George Ellis to
S.S.' No. 8e1VIcKillop. • , • •
' .Record•certificates, value $5 each,
.doeated, by •Cornish Eleetric, • for
eae,ia. winner in Rhythm Band,class
64, presented by Mils; Cainish to
S.S.-.No. 8, McKillepesand to No.
Hullett2-4ied.. • . • ,
.Shield, donated by the County of
Huron, for Collegiate. vocal, en-
semble, class 89, presented to Miss.
'Pond for Clinton District Collegiate
Institute. •
• ,Cash ,prizes of $5 'each, 'donated
by Hamm ,Ceunty, were presented
as' follows by, Mr. Kinkead .foi•
Warden A. Ntcholson: in class 53;
lete svocasssolo to Edith, Jones,
;Soles to Do.nna Walden; Blyth; and
in eines 0.9se boy% vocal ,solo, to
Arthur' Peaehey, Goderich. s •
Presented tin AdjudicdtiOn Days
The .following awards were pre-
sented (hiring the Festival on the
respective days on which adjildica-
dots was made: . • ,
Cash prize, $2.50 each, donated
by Ctansthn .& Walter, for ° piano
°duet, eiliSS 22, presented by Rev.
C. W. Cope.. to Paul Wilson and
Seett MeTaggatt; Goderieh.
Cath prises, $2.50 each, 'donated
by Aberhart's Garage, for plane
duet, class 25, 'presented by Mr.
cope to Berbarsi Wileort end Ken-
neth elcAllister„ Auburn. - •
• Shield, donated by Holeproof
Hosiery Co., for • unison chorale,
Rev. Charles D. Cox of .Ilderton
United ',Church has received and
accepted as unanimous call :from
Knox United Chureh, .Tovistoek, the
change to take effect July lst. Mr.
Cox, a ,native of Goderich township,
has been. three . yeats at. Merton.
ends -at- present is „chairman of the
prdperty ..and ,finanee coeimittee *of
. •
Middlesex. Presbytery.
, •
_ -
Municipal Tax
Figures for 1951
The municipal tae rate of po
mills for 1951 (for both, public
school and separate" school Sup-
'porter:3S is made up as -follows: •
22.04. mills for general . purposeS.
-- .5 milks for band 'purnoses.
:3.8 milis for ,Collegiate Inetitute
Boa rd. .• •
14 mills ,for School•'Board
'and the eaine for Seperate-
Sehool Boards ,
1.5 mins, forecharity, relief and
indigent hospital petients.:
510 milts - County :rates.
50.00 ••
•Estimates•-• .9f revenue, and eX-
peeditures, a5. adopted by the Town
' GANNON Council, are as follows': •
Cars driven. by •Wililem 44elesic,
Goderiph, and,;Howard Godfrey, of
•Oungenrion, were in a head-on -col-
lision on the •boundary'line between
Ashfield add ' West Wawauosh
townships, two end encequarter
nines smith of Lecknow, on Sour-
doysnight. -Godfrey was 'removed
to the Wingham • hospital with
laceratimis and later released. Both
care were demolished. ,llelesic
escaped ipj•ury. Provincial Con -
Stable John Finnigan, Goderich, in-
--Les -S. `e• _ e_. _
.The rainy •skell let up lorig etiough
to anew e.grass fire en Newgate
street eto Whieh the brigade wes
caned on Saturday ,afternoones„
liep the Old High -Wheels Gave Way
t� the "Safety" &cycles
By Alex. ,Mclvor, Winnipeg
WINNIPEG. ---After a •moderate
winter, with very little snow ,Win-
iiipeg fe.els •fairly cblifident there
wilr-be no- repetition of last year's
Is.XI EN DI .111.S
Deficit from 1950 • .$ 1,979.58
keen ries.; , .,' 11,500
'Past service pension ,,,, , •905 •
Public works, rim ds .26,000 -
Public works, general ..4 11,500 •
Charify. rellef,"hospital -7,000
Printing, advertising, sta-
tionery and postage -1,700
Legal and audit .... 1,600
Pa rks
"C•eint tery
Blue WI ter Band - 1/2
• ... • . .......•••••, ....... -••••••'s
Harbor ,../ -•
Park House
lumtratice ' • , ..•
Goderich-, District ColL
Int. • • 4,
Public ,School Board
Public ,School (sleben:
tures) • • •
Separate •School Board
Board of
Debe,riture principal and
. •
2,383.64 the eleite_f_cieselple given at an
-600 Open meeting.Orthe JuniorC am ei•
12,500 of Ceinmerce in the arena auditor-
' 6,000, ; lune on :Wednesday night.
1,200. . -Enthesiasna "p. sell Goderich to
,1,600 -the, eindestrialises" was shown
. , Markedly by repres.entatiees of the
1 Harold'
IlarveY,. *appeared before . •• • '
° • • . • - ' - .Sulty and , other members of • the ' A-"- cation for a permisttrfeeoit• atofraincoset
41,236.25 4: E. Huckins, • president „John . lee. .. •
- 21 233.75 'Board of Trade; members • of •the i• deo) 5(e 1)loin
gThon.‘ "M11•1:3: ' b"t'• ' -
4,271,72 .
2,000 .
and. Europe generally. prices rtuaged . Joseph.- Allaire, O la rman o ac •
frhere 'were of.' course many .real .Xliteket •. 100 Colleen, was chairman of 'the meet-
street 'When. other ,housee should • • .
0,000, :
•6,750 •
• taker, •industrial Commissioner for
Health Asattlationand.;the 'Malt;
eand Air thulete for financial assist-
ance were •rbferred to the ihratiee -
Radio& Permits ,
0. The Clerk, reported npa,e, building
PerMits granted, with 'total eat*. "
ated.,costs of *7,345e One -was for . •• ,
a frame and (ander block house to
be erected on Mary Street by Lloyd • •
Bradley, at a met Of 44509; an" '
other to. Edgar lria,Ropgh for a
••$2,000 addition' to 5 house on Wil-
liam street, and one 'to Arthur • '
Lawlor,' Winghame •Lor 'a frame , •
bungalow on McDonald , street, to .
coat $3,000. Other .permits were •
issued to 1'. J. Maclhvan, Maitland•
woad; C. E. Allison, Britannia road; -
C. E. Allison, Raglan street; C. E.,, •
Robinson, Warren street' (garage);
Mie,s. Hazel Hartwell, Cameron -
streets- Da.vid-Loe.kba-rty-Batit-street.sese,
An applieation from the Junior A
Chamber of Commerce for penal's- • ,
sion to sponsor a midway at Goeder-".
ham Park foi three days in May
wen to the parks committee.
letter from the Lions Club ' •
advised that the club will continue • .
the management • • 'of tbe Judith
Gooderham Park again this year. ,
Northwest Steamships Limited , ' •
advised that they wished to suie
render their lease of° part of the • •
former C.P.R. 440 at the harbor, ,
as they had not .been using it for • ,
some ..teme_....e.ReXerx.ed_to., _seater, _ •
light and harbor committee.
Mvo the•ReeVe and the ,
Deputy Iteeveo s-Te'Ve-aMt rbrr „
attend the annual ••conference of • • 1, •
the Association of Ontario. Mayors • ' -
and Reev'es, to' be• held at Owen' . •
With referencesto a request from.
the Council ,fois reConsideration of
the Collegiate Boardsestimates ..for
1951, the secretary,' wrote that if
Jeee eSele,,SeeLi• seAtieseesr
schote is approved the evy this
year Can. be reduced froth .443 mills
to 4,2 mills. •
$ •
:WaiterH°Ru?thlaNuulnrni!4rhlepgreee. and
Sound May 31st, -June 1st' and Znd. . •
the. Junior .Chamber of Cointherce,
was heard regarding • the. house
mislabeling' Project and stated., that
the J,C,'s were eetidy.•to go ahead
if the Connell would •• provide the'
plan and the numbers. . The Council
turned', the metter oyer to the
special 'committee with the proviso
that it :should not .cost the ,Tovvii
more th.an $600. •••
• Enquiries with regardSto the. Park
:Melee Were 'received from.. Toronto
and Clethatn, end there was a
held diseussion/-es to the, future
of .the hotel. The •-parks committee
was asked totake into consideration
the. sale of the property and' report
at the next meeting of Council.
A request from .-the tire brigade
for sixteen
seniforig was sent the,•ffre clean-
'hetteete and sixteen new
e -
• Requee'te feces). the Canadian Child
A request from' the TrOtting and
A.gricultural•Asseeiation for permiss
'sloe to hold twilight raee Meet
ilt•Agricultural , Park •on June 6th "
was, Sent' to the parkesconlmittee.
Joint Effort for New 'Industry
'President*J..k.' Sully of the'Board
of .Trade-..wrete -suggesting that 'the
indestriel coininittee of the Council,:
the .Board of Trade andsthe Junior ".
Chamber of Commerce ',join forces
•in the, Campaign fee new industry. .
by , the formation of. an industrial s
counnibtee „representing all three •
.orgauizations, in orde, 'that ever- r.
fappieg• of effort. 'might' be avoided.
The proposal was referred the
Council's indiastriaS cemnalttee, ••
A!..Suggesthin was .reeeived. from
the Ontario Municipal- Asseciation - •
that the Council. pas's' resolutiOn. -
protesting againet S a - proposed •
a in endnien t to. the- B.N.Aseket•givieg,
the Provinces power to •'levy a s
per cent. ternov'er tax on, business. • •
Industrial •Plans This went to the finance comraittee. •
..48. letter to ths ,Mayor from Thos.
Pryde, M.P.P., recounted the sev- • .. •
Need Investmen .
. . , oral grants to the Town from the . • s ,. :, ,,,,.•
Provincial 'Treasury.
of Local Capital
' _ . A •Policy that Backfired .• '' ' '
• , .. . With reference to thrs the Mayer • • .
. . .
're'called •that a few years ago the
" Inclus'trial rcia•tiens anti, -Gude- Previficial. Geyernment edoptedethe • : -' • . ., , ••
rich'e potentialities' as a centre, for es,
let of • paying 50. per cent. of
More ilidustries was the subject of 1-''''--;
muniVpal ' taxpayers,' but instead
-white educatiOn .costs, in order 'to relieve -
- address 'by Edward L.-
the briklie was; paying much more • ••-•
f-er-schoolS-thenebefe.re. • -
A petition fort a curb' on the
south side of 13ritannie road, be-
tween South and Keaysstreetsewas • „ .
referred to • the publie werits com-
- •
• 18,138.76 Town •Council, heeded by IS
1•11sr the • Council With • reward te his eitp; •- .•
junior Chas:labor Of Commerde
I being placed too neer the sidewalk, • ' •
I I f tl •
repre sen fa five' citizens. .
on' the ground that the house was '
from about $175 down to -about $75.
wbich • ht '1 thetlin of the
Interest • 17,820.47., industrial committee of , the Town!
I how
,gooti. Machines •tunned out; but a Street lighting . .-... • • 9,733. . Mg; and Councillor Ray, Jacbe erected in future Finall kson, • • 7- -3' ,, • . ••
ever, " It was decided. to issue the • • •
terrific lot of junk, and would weigh !.Executive,•and legislative', 1,500 7- of the Junior Cbanaber of Com (1
• merce, lin-reduced the guest speaker, `•pernait.,
betweim 50. and 60 pounds. The/ Elections
• Hydrant rental .„....,... .. ,,.. 4,000 , who is a graduate of McMaster ' Committee' Reports
disaster.. However, St. Boxiiface is
not too confident and sonie anxiety County rate.s cianiniended that the -I.O.O.F., be . - • '
. . • .
•Ga•rbage.colleetion • '38,894 Peiversity,s and' for the past, three The public WOrks conimittee re-
5,•300s. ' ',ear •hite :been indhstrial commlie' se
le expressed abeut , the solidarite granted an extension of ,their ,leaee . , '•‘;
2,500 sioner •In Guelph and manager 'a
of the dikes bent last fell, espe.cially . -' of -MacKay Hall for five 'years and • • - s ..
Purebase of armory site 2,000 - the Board of Trad- there..
that they be permitted to censtruct •,,
around • St. •Bonifftee liespital .tincl
Agricultural Park • ' 50a • After telling of OuelPh's induS-
Lynilale Drive.. The. river was ale
normally high at freeze-up time last Hirebor road 1,000
Tax ,discoupts allow 1,850 •'.
year. Fakther sontta .in the Dake tits
.Surplus ' 1,278.11
the Red 16, r.ifillIg. yliteY ,had. eon-
• ti
snow there than the
Dunlop tire people had the patent'
on the shu,ple wired tire ,end the
other tire manufacturers; had to
devise 'their 'own, Way of attaching
tires. A 'great Malay' bicycles 'were
fitted' with Morgan &Wright tires„.t.
pretty good wearing tire, but ()nee
you got a punetuee. you had quite a
little chore ahead Of You, •esPkiallY
if you happened to be some mile -slit
the eenntry and.didn't have, all the
necessaries for repairs. This tire
was cemented to the rifie with sub-
etantial cement. Well, you filet
had to tear this tire from the rini;
thee you'unlaced the 6eneh slit in
the otter tire to get at the inner
tube, then yen tied -heavy cord to
one' enof the eribe •ec) yoe could
pull the tube back after repairs.
By this, time you are probably
pretty hot ' under the collar. Next
ifidate the tube to look for the leak.
trial expansion in recent years, the a. regalia room at their own -ex- • -.
speaker told ' of Some of the Pease. ' . , , . •. •
essential's tossueh pregress. • The special tommittee ,recom-, . • -';
"Unless the Peole •p - •areebehind mended that the 'Comniunitse Nurs-
you, you cannot expand industrial. ing Registry be granted permission , • . • e
ly; tbe TOWil r-OULleii and Boards
e ,
to hold a tag da on .lune 30theand
of Trade must be backed bythe the Air Cadet committeatag day
. ,
on April • 21st. •
siderably more
Winnipeg district had. The Assini-
bane, .which earpties -into the Red
at Winnipeg, is already dobag some
,minor fleoding -around Brandon and
Per:tage Is •l,rairie,-bilkt that is' not.
• unusuffl for the Assiniboinee Near-
ly every year there is some flooding,.
A i•ot. now depepele, on. the rainfall
for the coming weeks,
I have heen .asked to write some-
thing about, bicyclee and bicycling.
ve &me' ; pielifory,. goes back to the late
--eightlesw- sestirtettitieseyofi
high•wheels held sway:There were
a fOW town. I believe Dr. Mc-
Leani had one, and Mr. Lloyd,a
banker, erode one, also Jack Mc-
Cullough., I remember a London
Club which held all enema ran to
Goderich, probably thirty to .forty
of them, and made quite an Maples-
sion in their „nifty suits and. ineuy
'colored ribbons .attached toss'the
handlebare. Ineldeetally, nearly
all sported handlebar moustaches
too. This was in the late eightieS;
About '89 a few -of the safety• type
began to appear lu this Londpn
cavalcade. It wase't log, before
the dangerous high wheel was on
the wily out. The. New York six-
-day ,faiee goes back to the high
wheel days. Then one day one of
the ride's; appeared on .one of the
neeefanirled safeties and proceeded"
to ride rings ,asound the high
wheelers. That demonstration pretty
well settled the bashof the old
high /wheel.
• Safeties ,Replace' High Wheels
fTlie new safeties eaught on wltli
uningspoodiPhe.ftrut (Ws were
heavy and cumbersome, with solid
rubber tires -real 'bone shayers.
IIeweverf before long the pneumatic
tires came along, which was a big
linprqeinent, and -the' bicycle crake
was On in'earneSt. 'Bicycle faetories
were pringing ti» ail over the 1)d.
hthdoh, the, and Great 'Within
their . world Upside' down, , will de
the same in our generetion. Our
future greatness ass a church will
depepd .on that type Or
_ • • ,
The engagement is -announced of
Audrey Doreen, dnughter of Mr.
George C. Ohm and the late Mrs.
Ginn ,of Goderielt toWnShip, to
Donald lames Scott, .son of Mr,
and MM. Andrew R. Scott of Gode.
rich. The wedding will take pitied
911 Saturday, May 19th, at Holmes -
Ville Milted Church, pt2'b'elock.-
Hhi1t tilt 1 1
•the tube in water to locate the
Then sins Ind yoe need to immerse
'leak. This •Iss. solved by ti quarter -
mile walk to the neareet farmhouse.
.There you locate the leak, ands if
the rubber cement in your repair
outfit isn't; dried up you make your
repair,, then youpull your tube
beck in the cover and lace it up,
Now . if sem had the. foresight to
bring also Sollle rim cement, to re:
atraeh the tire to the riin your
troubles are practivally over, exc'ept
pumping pp with a dinky little
handpump.Otherwise you just
stayed there „,enjoyitig the fresh
eountry,:air. Mesh° someone would
-come along who could help you out,
possibly a farmer goleg into town.
The above may sound like an ex-
aggeretion, but it' isn't. On .the
Mild /IS MIAMI flS'i WAS, 1 ran into
Many, ouch situat•ioes and wasable
to help out often. As this inet•ory
sis too long., for one orticle 1 will
leave the' many mere memories.
ITilVO we sthes sebjeet • to a 'later
• Congratulations to Peewees, ..
eougratulations to the sur -
rising hockey team. whieh
. has brought Ooderich back to 'the
hoekey limelight. Coaeh Vestbrook
Surely Must have worked tangle.
with' the little, fellows in a • Short
Relief • 2,000 '
Read rebate, Departinent •
of 10.000
emetery . 1,400
Transfer -, cemetery
perpetuity fund • 1,200
Park Heuse 1,200
Relate • 1,100
Terenee&• 1,100
Public works • • 500
eeeses-se•e-s • .
Fire • grant .from Ontario 15
Legal and audit 350
Parks 400
Sundry • 1,000
Wartime housing re.
taxes 2,145
Tax penalties .and inter-
.est • -
'Dog terkee
Ont. grant re Home for
Ont. grant re Children's
Ont. grant re police
Loeal improvement • taxes
Current taxes ,
•Current t1lx:es-57A*
',time. • -
ratepayers; preparation and execu-
tiousofth.a program must he done
by e committee with wide respons-
ibeities. Put all your information
en readable 'conapilatton; make a
survey of.preeent town induetries-..
^ .
The parks committee recom-
mended that the Canadian Legion lie" • " -see ee
advised that carnivals are not being •
pertatted in 'Court Horse Peek. • •
The Water, light and harboreona- - •
mittee recommended that the P.I.T.C.
whet things they manufacture and
where soldIn elle wayou win be requested to install street • .,•,
, y'
Petrick's etreet, between
W •
find what the degree of co-opeeation, 01.).
Waterloo endArther streets, and •
s, us!. 'e -0 r •
1 NO
706' -
23.8,472.28 in
"The mensure of your success ,907
3•.000 • town' is no good, has no prospects.
100 in u ni t,';‘. is the exessop who says his
The greatest ' disservice to a cm-
securing industry will be in
eee direet proportion to the enthusiasm,
• __ ..... alertness end money you put itato
This is an estimate of takes, on He advised email badustries ern-
trinTrocirs.truction net yet on , the plosing fifty persons.
etetires ease--a-ehe7Tiath-Tit "7 -
be .reviewed. . . ,
Local CaPital Should .Be Invested .
The fire committee recommended
The speaker asivised, that.,,new
industry that Lloyd Bradley he granted per, '
be *develePed with lueal mis.siote to build, a fraine and Mudd' . .
ca pita l. The municipality makes
block Story -and -a -half dwellipg on
your' livings and . the man moSt en 0('
Street: . .
thusiasticaily behind industrial- pro 11-3
re`commendaticins, were WI 4
niOt iOn should be the retailer."
adepted. . . .
rile first thing s•ou Wive to de .•. , A „.„.
ill GOdelthil • is ° to make Up your ',Debenture issue tor Jr.u.u. , ' ., •
mind whether vini went lo expand. u`tAlltitietishecdmreicintlisessitonc!fa ntilioetioin'tiwhialcs • ,.. , , , .. .:,',
passed that ,the II.E.r.O. be asked. ' ' • ' '
to. authorise the Town to issue '
twenty-year. ' deberatutee in. the. •
a mount of ‘' $125,000, at four per - ' • '',
cent., to provide ,for freqUenesr• ' '•• . 's, ' '
stendaedizntiOne conatrtietien Of No: . • ,
.2 substation, improveinents tO No.
1 sOstittion, new lines 'ands trella- ' ' • ' •' '
formers' mid, rebuilding of exiStitig' .
lines. ,
. Factors*to Be *Considered .
Taxwill Is, payable In twe in -
Three prime factors considered by"
loentiee are labor,
. es,, :
3sivti., nents, on,May 31st and October hullistries for
markets and trabsportatiote •
'You have the latter • in abund-
----,--------- '
good labor eonditions, a,
John Rimmer, • Bennett etreet, "gscoeilidul iniLt-thesaitlatttLiireio. pie, and a
has„.a biddy....that_lm heard „the .
•- •
eale for increased production.
few tlayg-ligo she prodUccd an egg
Mea.suring. 8 inches by ,01/ lne1ie In
circumference, jack has badeour
eggs • Measuring four ouneeso efCCli,'-
.whiCh • is, _just. ithotit double • the
-Panted- qtrestiene -",hy Te�iiiy
interested audience were fired at
t'speaker when he Invited theM
to do so Atter address.
n. W. llitickstorteLjr„- ehairman
a the industrial committee of the
Conn. Jackson proposed that the . •• •
area at the rear of elaitlanil come.
tory be developed to provide. top • ,
soil and •sod for 'rise in tile eeine. ,
tory, andthe cemetery committee • ,
MS authorized to follOW uz,.,the
propasal, - ' , •
-4h 'Offer -•-by
$900 for two lott,4 eb ',;111tit1atid
iieights; Gloueester Terrace, was -
aecepted after consideration in Cout.
mittee of the w)fole.;;.. •
•All members of the Coulfell, were,
4tvengt . ogg,i, Iv.ere double. Junior Chamber of 'Cb'llarrierce, progent except Coml. Aliaire,Thsek
Yolked. . • thanked the speaker. for lt•is address. ttnd -Vineent.
„.. •
• $ •