HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-04-19, Page 10• .04 ?kE'irWi ON .130:TARE': A ‘4, 013ITUARY WILLIAM IL ELLIOTT.. 11. Elliott, 'native of Goderitts township, died at the howe a his Son, Arthur 'Elliott, .Aerehaqui, New • Brunewick, on „iNlareh after a long period of failing health. Ile, was bent seventy• -eight yeare ago at Porter's Ili11, the :sou a iNir. and. Mrs. • jainee Elliott. For the laet tweuty years his sight had been failing aud for some thee he ilea been Pravtically blind. Ile \vas er member of the United Church aud until hindered by ill -health, was e active.' in chtirch work. The fun- A:ND .. „HERE Aa115 THERE eral service• wits etaidueted OU April • ,• •13rd in the United •Churelt at '•• In a move to rests.i•re green grass Anobaqui and was .4.•onducted • by thf the bare portions of the Claret I Rev,' W. Meliriee Rodger. Beautiful, • flower's extended love aud eympathy • Honse Ilittle lawn, considerable grese• seed, es being sown there thie, P.r113•g• • 'Swashbuckling boys with excited eyesarid raildenannered Ones with • timid, gaze „ bill nearly all with fpr the near relatives and those far away. Interment was in River, - bank ceinetery. ' • 1MRS. ROBERT WHITE , Mrs. W. Pronse has rreeeived the 'sad 'news "of .the 'death at Virden, •'eleenly •serubbed faces .and brightly- . Mane op • Friday, April 13th, of . . paiebed shoes - laughing • young her sister, Mrs, Robert White,' the former -Mary Jane •Yeung. ' Mrs. White was born in Colborne town- ship in 1883, the daughter of the late Henry and Jane Young. Going 'paerselpantein, the County Town's. west as a -girl; •she imirried. Robert girIS in Pretty frocks and • demure , oneS with -bashful countenances - they were all to be seen on the Square this Week • as •out-of-town -Telierintaratemusic- feetival, - • The Mailing Bet of The Signal - Star has been corrected this week. If you paid your • subscription: dur- ing the last two months,. check the , mailine•blabel on your paper to see - :that It reads correctly. . • " Thirty-ifive assessoVs from •vheious Auburn; Cephas, of Colborne town - parts -sof Huron eounty. went back I ship- Marshal, of Hullett•toWn.ship; to school for .a day on Wednesday. The Conet. House here was the school, two officials from. the . On - •_White of. Virden and they farmed .4.4.44••••••,..••••••-•••••,44,4,444. 1 Biief s, • el The W.A. of Victoria Street -Un- ited Church ,are haviug a rummage ,sale and bake stile ue April 14th, in Victoria Street Church at 2.30 pue • ' 43-15 fer nember of years; at. ",layfield,, Sask., then retiring te Eller, 'Man. She leayes her husband 'and three sous, Edward„ :of Vittoria, 13.C.; -Lleyel. end Brece, of Ebor di'strict, and four .grairdehildren ; aleo two sisters:and tive .broth•ers: WilUain Young; . of Bluevale ; Samuel, of tericeDepartetient..W... Mupecspiel Af- fairs • were . the teachers, and the • strbject for the -day was, "How to properly_ prep* Assessments," F. T. Armstrong plans to return to his office on the Square the lat- ter part of this week after an ab- sende of three weeks from Illness. Edward, 4,,f Wtmleor Mrs. William McCebe and Mrs. Wilbert Prow, of Goderich. Burial took place at Virden. • . _ , MRS. W. H. BEATTIE • --GUELPH, April 12: -After an • s Mrs, Wal -ter attie -died at her residence on -Seal "are'April 8. Wife of We H. Beattie, a mminent Guelph 'busi- neseruan, ,Mr-. Beattie will be Miesed in many of Guelph's. cone munite OrganIZIAtiQnS, particularly in the • affairS of the Norfolk Street United Church.- She. was president M -the -Woman's Asseciation of that ' TiE-GODJRICR SIONALATAR AVCiTION SALES AUCTION SALE .01, FARM PROPERTY ON WEDNESDAY,".APRIL •25.th,_ 1051. 'eommencing at 3.30 p.m. • on premise,s,f Johu Kelly, let 3, elmeeesion 10, Colborne townsaiP. Couseeting of 100 aeree; barn 40' x 56' eu the property, els.° .1 acres of bush ; weU Watered and fenced. lulluedinte PeSseseien will be glee'''. I am nowbuying rags aud 'old Tele taw, has eaten in grabs felt mattresses. Turn. thein out the past 8, year and. would be s uow while .1 have it buyer; next, able for flax or ets it pesture far mewli way be too late, C. WOODS, Subject: to reserve,. bid. 12 East 'street. Vhone 867.3. - 44 JOHN KELLY, 'Speen"' nylon demonstration and „ Proprietor. entertainment on April 24th At 8:15 MATT GAYNOR, ' pen. in t St. teeorge'e parish hall, ie. ss '• •Auctioneer. eponsured by the Margaret . Seeger , ., Club. 1)uer irrize. - -14' si , . p r • ' , A i LLARING AUCTION <SALE OF Fashion Show, ., women's . ants ',,,e children's wear etYled by Beitish HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS , FARK M STOC, IMPLEMENTS Knitwear, .spoirsored by e St. George's AND at Jot, No. 14, concession 3, (lode - Churl.% Woreen's Guild, Wednesday, rich 'Tewnship, one mile • east and May 2nd, Parish Hall, 8 pen, Pro - miles sonth of Godeeich, on grate; door prize. sedmissica 25e. 1;iii ,- _15 . • SATURDAY, APRIL 28th at '1.30 pare, the gollawing : . Miss Maty ,11. Howell will he HORSES -2 Civic"' mares, aged. placing an , order for •tropical tisle . CATTLE-Durhane cow, 4 years shertly and would appreeiate it if • 9th e .Durham and • you would let her koow whateyour old.due' May Holstein - COW, 3 years 4)1d, due ditioe. J. ALEX; STRAITON, 73 •requirements. are SQ she can in - BUY BABY CHICKS 11-tOM -- Crawford's • Chick : Hatchery, Lucknow. All. flocks Canadian Ap- proVed and, pulloruen-free. Locale agent, ;REX 11110K11.*ORTHe Teekes.,. side. Produce, - -6te Potential sponsors of hockey teanis in Goderich for next winter are being ..asked to make their wishes knoWn now -snot later -to- ' th.e Arena Corathission in an adver- tisement which appears in this issue of -The Signal -Star. • DUNGNON For Results Gassiffed Ad Fou wino POR SA.LE, BAIA' red brick bouee,,, heavy wited, with three:piece bathroom, full basement,' new ferua,ce arid built-in -laundry, tubs. Garage end. a' goucl-sized lot. Property in good eeielition. Phone 612.1t, Goderielt. -14-16 ArAwrmENT OR SALE. Seevn rooms, includieg three bedroome, hydro, newly decorated, private enteanee, et. Over - store on niain e.tree t -in Dung:Almon', Price $650, with $150 down, or $600 cash. THOMAS KOVIAK; JR,, It.R. 3, Goderich (Amberley). Phone 110 ring .27, Ripley. -1etf POR• SALE', - NINE -R00 - brick. house, stoker heater (new heating system). Peesession at oriercueit ,,,INTILNI'rAkNet. LOU, ZON, ,Goderich -14tf FOR SALE. -- MAN'S -C.C.. • bicycle • easy running, good con= ., Nelson street. Jime 27th; - seaeltne heifers. 43 IMPLEMENTS, .ETC.: --193-9 Ply - elude them in her order. Phone • 213W. - " mouth sedan; M. -F1. binder, 7 -ft. Bazaa•r and afternoon -.tea will cut; M. -H. 11 -hoe drill; FrOS be held in St. George's parislishall , mower, 6 -ft, cut ; Maxwell Saturday . .a.fternoeu,„ April 21st, Weigl: '. f rour 3 to 5.30, grader the auspiees luilluud'er--;-- -3-4'4mile . f3teeL- -N-•_1•;- ceetor ; 3 -Section harrows; dump lr of St, Andrew's ward group. " 4ulti .5 - rake; 2 -row scutTler';" farm wagon; 3elobe ;led Mail ,delivered morre-1 ;harack ; wagon box; set of sleighs; legs, 25c per, week. BILLY ' REID, yphsw ; . 2 -furrow welking Park etreet, phone 593e1._ 1546x I w"lking e Variety prograni and play, "The [ plow; ' 2000-19. cales; cutter; fanning mill; root pulpet; get of .Stuffed Shirt," *ill be even in the den* harnese; hole& collars; work TOW nship *Hall," Carlow, on 'Wed- bench ands steel' vise ; • brooder stove nesday, April; 18ili; at 8.30,- tinder ' and 'shield; exteneion ladder, other auspices of group I3 of Woman's I ; ladders; block arid taekle; quantity Association of ' Nile Church: -' Ad- mission-eAdulte 50,e, children 25c. I °f tools; a number of ash wagon , - • -._le • tongues. • • •,, . e Rea4niber the' Margaret Seeger '''''1,1 HOUSEHOLD E F,F E• C T S -.--e. , • ruiiiinage , eitle to be 'bell& in the Studio .couch evelour velvet) ; As. porieh hall, May 5, at 1 p.m.e. 15., nrinster rug, -10½ x 12" 1 - modern . Protect . your furs; Surnmer store; dining -room suite of 6' leather- ' N SHOPPE, Alter- eeuted • chairs and. extension table 1, '1.1 lin n t. . lreeser ing, rernodelling and repa.. iring a done. • Phone 590. • ' .„„ I , and washstand' (antique) ; 2- •Com- or orn ' •Lu Plete bedroom Suites and , 2 sinner DALL, MIL 5, Goderich. 154.6x FOR SALE • FOR, SALE. -SEED OATS, AJAX *In" oats and Galore barley. Cleaned. IVAN 13EA,N, Relis 1, Auburn. Phone Myth 1Q, r 5." 14-16X pOR SALE. - CABIN, LARGE - size, fullss 'insulated, wired and gyproced, Caw easily, be moved. Also 1'035 C1tev. Master DeLuxe, in A4 • condition. A:1), one lot; access to water, hydro and, sewer- ageLU1 F1HEJl, 'Cypress street. 15x FOR SALE. : Six-rdoni, -frame cottage on New- .gate,street4-possession April 1st. Foursrobni 2 -story house 'coVered with brick siding, new, $2,200. For quick sale. . Several sunnuer cottages., - C. F. CIIAPMAN, Real Estate Ilirolters,--phone 18, Goderich, Ont.' • -13tf JUE FOR SALE: - CRYSTAL, ,pLEArt, hard -frozen ice for sale,, Manufactured in 300-19. blocks, scored for •easy cutting. Year- round supply . avaitable to ice paters, or othere interested in •de- eeloping retail ice roats. For fur - Cher information, write KITCH- ENER TRI -PURE 001VIPANY, 476 King street W.; Kitchener,, On- tario. ' -15-6-7 POR. SALE. - '34 PLYMOUTH cOach; '39 Plynisiuth 4 -door sedan; '37 Studebaker coach; '37 Willys sedan. -SCRAM'S AUTO 11-11117•10E, road: 15x • FOIR SALE. NEW DOUBLE • soil cruihers or land packers in the new 10- and 11 -foot isizes. Or they•-eanes be - -Made-, to your own. spedlieetionClIrwo-and tour -wheel spreaders now available. One used W30 McCormick -Deering tractor, with four speeds ahead. One used ;W4 • McCormick -Deering tractor. Nfi•w and used disc harrawe' still available.' GEO. WRAITH, phone, 1285, % block from Square on Clins ton, highway, ' -15-16 FOR 'SALE. -- WELL -CLEANED red clover seed.' EDWIN HOUTZHAUSEN, phone, Carlow 29 r7. -15tf OR SALE. -TWO REGISTERED FOR SALE. - CLARE JEWEL kitclen stove, in 'good condition. Phone Carlow. 3010, i• 15x so Euchre „and e500," April 25tle, at. g niatt.resses; complete bed St Peter..s School, under Auspices room.suite with, %-bed ,.-and inner of St. Peter's P..T.A. Lunch will. he mine mattrees • 'tubular single bed . se•reed. Admission,.'35c. I end antler .spring muttress s-wopden FOR SALE:".- PLANT YOUR head lettuce NOW. This &Op is frost -hardy 'and needs ceol tk, nIURSDIAX, APRIL 19tb, 1051 ClIOCOLATE MAUI) CAKES 35e each: with raspberri and. malted creme icing - Doughnuts, 35e. doz. ' Opttneal Date Scones, 24e doz. - CULBERT'S-BAKERY "TliE HOME OF TASTY PASTRY" Orders of $1.00 and over deliiered. Please phone your orders in by noon. Phone. 465 ' WANTIEO WANTED. -LISTINGS OF PRO- PERTIES for sale. C. F: CHAPMAN, Real Estate Broker. Phone 18. 39tf WANTED •TO BITY.-4101. OLD liaises and dead, - If suitable for mink feed will pay more .than fertilizer prices. If net, will paifertilizeipKices. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT. BROS.' MINK RANCH, Goderich. Phone collect 9,46 r 21 or 936 r 82. . . WANTED.-LIST1NGS OF PRO- •PERTIES for sale. No charge to you until property is sold. MALCOLM MATHERS, R e al Estate Brqer, The Square. Gae- rich,. . Phone 115W. . 1420. VW-0ED AT woman to to take over esta6lished 'sante Of customers for famous TENDERS WANTED' TENDE4,S,. , Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to May 8th for crushing 600 yards of %-inch, chin at the beach in Goderich and 2000 yeti& ,1" road gravel at the town pit ler Goderich. Chips. to be delleered.. to stock pile; gavel to? be delivered te stock pile or where the Town foreman may direct. - • Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. S. H. 16 -18 - BLAKE, Town .of Clerk, • - Goderich, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO . CREDITORS. All persons having claims against. the eetttte -ofe,SuenueP-Jsunes patrick, late. of the Township of Ashtield, in the County Of Enron, en or: out the. _ FOR SALE. - MAROON -COL- . ORED baby. carriage, 'good eon- Gendron. Phone 8303. -16 FOR 'SALE BY' TENDER: For alterations and dresses, eints,is.n gle •bed and ' inner spring mat- Wetithers fer,good heading. Box of Tenders will ISe•received by the. teuls "11s Grill. head sewing machine.; cherry record 32 'plants • for • $1.00. • JACKSON , for • the- sale of a 'brick buildiug, ete., neide-teetwasure, • call Mrs. .11. tress ; • feather ticks ; White drop -1 elght-i plants for ..30e, Or a flat of undersigned up to April 25th,. 1951, Scrinigeour, apartment over E'squire president of t'lle ,Womene4 Miesion- , The Beta Sigma cabinet ; wardrobe ; numerous cane- FLORISTS, phone 105. - bottorn.ehairs; 2 lawn .chairs day- •-it' 130 ft. x 50 ft., 2.0 -ft. Walls. and a f. Known as Smith's Hill church and served t WO FOR .SALE. -8 -ROOM iih-srrom". g(,)°(-1, Cu° , • _ • . • 1 lined Church at carlow. The try Socrety.. she was a lite mem el Fantasy ' be held at the I a\ 11- bee; Eureka Vacuum cleaner • n'Mas7, lith, With Johnny !Prin,Ass -A enamel range; Coale stuceo .houses goed. condi ion. , building to be- reinoved by Septem- of.the latter organilation. the also - served' for four years onethe ex- LINecntive.of the -Guelph Presbyterial. . . -- • . Born at Merpetle e.)nt.; 'she epent DUNGA.'NNON, Apeie 19: Mrs:( west of. her early 'years in Ridge - Nellie. 'Little of Cierrie's CornerSd.towne FormerlseTena M. Tflatcher, spent e few ,days rest she. as later it schosil teacher in Ithat commimity prior to coming to week- ''with Mr.' and Mrs. naive • 1 . • Guelph forty-six 'years, age. lie the Aitenee. • ::-• 'young bride of \Vatter II.. Beattie. . . Mrs. J. Killough and daughters Besides her husbend, 'surviving are: • have sold their homeein -the village two sons, Brine 1% Beattie, of Godse, to Mr,' Barney Bennihger; .giving righ, . a'ed , ,•Walter IL Beattie, of " - iminediate possession. • Mrs. " Kir- London ; three' daughters, Mrs. Wil: • lough lied a private. eale of some liam .Dr. Anna ) Hardman, 4)f Lon - of ' the furnishingS and t•he .re- •don ; - Mrs. ' George Cheatham, . of e mail:aloe ie moved etc) ehe 'home of Saes:bury, South Africa, and °Mrs. hee daughter,' Mrs. Win: Kellse Sea- Ress, . Gammage, of Midlnede one *forth. Miss Eva KilleuglessR.N.,, of esieter, Mrs. II. W. Unswerth,. of Connaught Teiberatoriess .Terentee-Sarnia. • and eight geindchildren, ' and 'Miss Mabel 'Killough, .e'inpleyee The funeral took plaee on ,Of Byron Sanatorium, London, were negday and interment was in Wood- ' . here fot a few drays. es ,. . lawn cemetery, Guelph. , , , (Other Dueganhon-enews reeeived ' • . ' ' .. too. late. . . • " IN.41EMORIAM • . CANTWELL.-e-In hiving memory of a deer Wife, Mrs. Wta. Cantwell,. • win; passed aweye•sir'years ege .„., AVM 19th, 1945. CREWE • .,CREWE, s‘pril 17. -Mrs. S. Kil- patrick And •MiSi" Susie Kifpateiek were week-en'd Visitors hi Dungan- non with Mr. arid„Mrs. C. Blake and family. - Mrs. Harvey "Ross and Janette, of Lticknow, are at present. Staying • with. the fermer's•piirentse• Mr. and_ Mrs. Jini Sherwood. Flarvey left on Saturday to join the steamer Bricoldoc for the 'sailing season. . s ,Borne -To Mr. and Mrs. Don 'Paquette; on- Monday, April 16th, in Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, a son.' Congratulations. Mr. Ivan Rivett moved on Tues- day to his farm oir the 4th con- cession of ::Ashfield, formerly owned by Mr. R. J. Duenin. Mr: "aiid Mrs. Chester Finnigan attended the funeral of ,Mr. Ly -ops in Lucknow oa Wednesday, he being an uncle Of Mrs.: Finnigan. " eserreseseseieseesseemesee , ikIADES • i1I01.4rs and sizes. • Afly size iVindow' Shade • made to order. ' .Smitli's Art 86 Gift Store paq St. - Phone 198 1.111-1.111PPY hours we once an -ed How sweet their mein -dry still; But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill. --Sadly missed by Husband. ° Close e i of . contact, followed by it member I elle stove . and oven; • 6 racking 1;her 30.th. • The pure laser o i • Downs' orchestra.- Watch for letter , selling tickets. Proceede .will be shales; 4 kitchen chairs; hereethe garden. Apply#15 Wellington street' . see all the' 'building above the founda- ichaie ; 2 kitchen clipboards ; ,small , '''_'-'-' Pion.. The highest' or any tender donated to the hespital. • -16 south:, ,, . • . ' _ ,.. The monthly meeting of the* woe tables; card' table ;. flower stared; jc, ,,,...e e.sesee,,, -•,19;s3 Celisess not neeessarily accepted, For fur- than's Rosined .AuXiliary r* will be scatter regS;•some linoleum ; West- ! ,i,''''''' * . • . . .. ' theit particulars apply' to THOS. held • on: Monday, April "3rd; at highouse eleetric washing. machines! • ; eoaela Pi 1' 4 pm., in - the board room of the scaleset :,.), ..1,Ailiet el.,,le„deors; 1 s. hespital. A full attendance hs. ie- i 'tree ;'T-`491.1, SALEs. -se -GRAVEL, •SAND, , see.041, esse.,E. ,.,- questeq,,,,, • ' , ' -16 kaClien table; extension table; ..• blaek earth and 1111. •MERVIN1 I' _ — • dishes ; sealers;. cooking ,utenells1 1 coupe, rebuilt MALLISTER, phone 1138R. ' I . . ,. • , heatei fan slip ' • h• •b r Good I . ' lex REE! “LocnciNc "Asieen'e e salswers thousands of career gim- titer*. It's paelied.witli informetion on job. opportunitieseWrite for your copy. ioday! Representative's Name - Address. ' Telephone No. , INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS CANADIAN. LIMITED. , Dept. 411D, Montreal, Canada. Please send Me free career iniormation. - J , good motor a•nd tiree.1 of eoeseseede ione 113811. ' • I ,SON, Goderich, Ont RR •• erea m eepa r a tor ; • sei•t . • ; - e • • A play, :The Aurelia Bridge from • 'tin d munerouss other a Tildes. . Hemlock Ridge," Will be -presented TERNIST-CASH. . in Victoria Street rnited Chnreli. . . _ No reeerve, ne fair iS sold ' • ,on FriOay, April 27th, at 6.10 Jew., . . JAM F.S W. BELL, , epenW sored by the ,A.‘of Victoria •' •. . • • Prt)prietor..1 street Church. -.' ' -' -16 • EDWARD- W. ELLIOTT, ... And ienee.-, For the best iirices and beet . ••• ' k. Ser; COLQUEOUN, . service on magazine subseriptions, 15_16_ phpne your order .to Miss Mary lee • • Clerk. .13ti CLEARING AUCTION SALE 01: • to: BUB SCOTT, Quebec etieet. •• • 16x The Goderich. Horne and, Schopl - pROPERTY AND HOUSE- . . . ' IT LD EFFECTS by the. Lueknow Women'S Institute, •„ ., - -lo-18 , -;"seen- -at 11' Cambria reed . or phone F1 i R SALE. •se, FEW . TONS °OF 'I.12'55W- • 1+;,, . .1 5 • R.R. „.2 .• Goderichs phone' 034 r 2'4.1 1933, DODGE motor, • redid, covers. ,Can be ^ feed corn. Apply FRED BELL, • FOR SALE. -MOD -EL • A FORD • 10 Antotrac, in good conditiOns t Minimum earnings -$45,90' weekly.' 26tle day of March, 1951., ere re - ..N•0 investurent necessary. We . help quired to file the same with • full. you get started. Write immediatelypartieelarS With the uudersigned. by: . to Dept: 00-G-1,.. THE J. R. -WAT- the 2let day of April, 11)51„ as after ' KINS , COMPANY, . 350 St:.. Rochs that date, . the estate will be dis- -street,' Montreal, Que. ' s 44-17 tributed; • „... Dated at the Town • of 'Goderich. inithe County of Huron,: this 2nd • day of April,. .1951... " , C. HAYS, K.C., • _ Goderich, "Ontario, 144540- •Solicitor for 11( the - ANTED. - , oPpICE • • AND : billing clerk, .with bookkeeping experience. Apply by letter only, stating age, qualifications, „experi- .ence:' and • salary expected,. to •WINGTIAM UTILITIES coMmis- SION, P.O. Box •68, Whighant, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Alt replies Will. he Jr -bated con- fidentially. -15-16 "Allepersone. baying claims against „ the „estate pf -Walker Murray, late the Township' of •Ashfield the County of Huron, who died en about the•27th day of March, 1951s, ' are required to tile ,he same with Aril particulars wi-th the under- signed sby the. 21.st ' day of. April,: 1951, .as. 'after that date the estate will 'he distribtited: . Dated.. at the. Town 'of Goderich, in the • C-ounty of Huron .this • day of April,e1051. • • R., C. ''HAYS;" K_C,-,' --Goderich; Ontario; • ANTED. -BI G ,B 0 A R S. Phone 2908, Caelow. 15-16x , 'WANTED. --A LADY ASSIST- ANT to work he a dental office. Experience not absolutely necesSary. Apply DR. HALL. -16tf •,, . ANTED. - STENOGRAPHER for law •office. Apply; R.-, E, BARNES, West'street, or call 1257. 16x • • . v.. - also four gasoline engines, various. ,FORD 00-A.Cee. Siees, One new. BverIANAN, • in good condition. Good, tires, RR. 3,, GoderiCh.. phone 'Carlow 5 . 10-17x new clutch "and neW battery: -Apply Howell, .4 St; Vincent street, Goele- • • • • • Name • • • • Address. •..... • Ciey .... ... Preyince.. •-. . ... liarold Hill,' Field 13Ouniellor 299 Dundas greet, (2n1.1 FloOr) • •'London, Out. Telephone: MOralfe 7946: 1000-01e Job Let Sima,IALtstis do . that vital, every-1.000...mile lubrication job! , pert mecb.anics' have the toOls -and training to do it speedily, efficiently save you tinke and money! Come in today, .:and every 1000 railesi poi ti • ruck Ott PIONt.34:4 rich, pleene 213W. . • • • Club will hold its. regular. meeting • 0, • • F°4 MAN'S ,BICyCLE, Phone 22 r 5 Dungannon. • size 28 ' -tires, in . fair conditiloonx. echool 'auditerieni. Highlight will the town of Goderich, on- ' • • 0A.C. 214 cleiined and treated. . -- FOR SALE. --WEED SPRAYER, be the, report of the• :annual con- SATURDAY,. APRIL 21st on• April 24th, at 8 o'clock,. in the will be held at 18 Bruce street; in FoR SALE. -, SEED •BARLEY • 10 gals. Of Spray, also corn. cultivator, both nearly new. CREE FREEMAN, R.R. 3; Goclerich. -16. Apply CHAS. CRAWFORD & SON, 11..R. 3, Godefichr , Phone Dungap4 non 22 r 21. • • • . 16x vention and musical numbers/will , coinmencing at 1 o'clock . eacd A.oln, „the Ieetival. -161. Estate of the late Albert Mero.' ag y ' Cheeterheld, suite; 'nee -lir . A - -64-TsALE.---T.E.A4 -OF , .1v0.1:W ilumm e sale b Ahmeek Chan- ter, 1.0.D.E., in "MacKay Hall-, at piano '; kitchen table and chairs; horses, 9 and 11.. JOHN HIND- . . Members kindly send -articles in on • 1.30 pan., ' Saturday, ' April 28th. kitchen range , (dew) ; rocking ' chair ; :lazy boy , ha-ir; , kitchen MARSH, Baylfield road: P h 0 n e Friday.1k cabinet; icebox; writing dak.f 11.90J• - ' . . . 46 Remember the Sunset Cirde ruin- -6- bookcase; %Quebec heater ; electric F • 'nage and ,bake 'sale,. APril 21st, a.t cook. _Stove; two -burner ' hotplate' . It 71MMEDIAT,E SALE. - 2 p.m., • at, MacKay • Hall. ,, • ' _16 (new) ; ; Coffee table; 7.number of . Leneestablished ' grOcerY 'and 4ibilie Bale,. Saturday, April, 28th serail tables'; 5 • wall mirrors; 4 fruit busineme-Priced reasenablye Apply R. H. THOMPSON & 'SONS, at 2.30 p.m., to be held•in Jack .a.nd: *bedroom' - suttees- - complete - with Jill store on West' street, by :j3e,n_ spring -filled mattress; number of miller Young Adult Group. • .1647 stands ' and dressers; toiletry., set; :Adult •Group of North. Street United Church will present. their prize -Winning play, "The Late Miss Cordell," it MacKay Hall, Wednes- day, April' 25th, at 8.30 sharp. On the same program Mr. , Frank Schubert, viOnist, and assisting :artisets. Adults. 50c; •students 35c. • 216 Reserve Friday,: April 2.7tite, for, "All' a "Mietakb," a farce Comedy to be presented by local„ talent in Porter's Hill Church at 8.15 p.m., under auepices of ,W.A. Admission 50c and 25e. •living -room rug, 9 x 12; 3 he- oleums ; Singer • sewing machine; Atwater Kent radio; Westinghouse washer; electric clock; 2 electric irons; 2 footstool's; 2Snicker's, stands; 2 medicine cabinets; 2 Zem- plete sets of dishes and a nuffiber of fancy dishes; teapots; coffee perco- lators,' also a nuMber of • corner whatnots; get of bedroom- lamps; trilight lamp; a number of fancy lamps; 'birdcage; fancy 'glassware; ladders; garden tools; lawn 'newer; garden :hoseand lawn sprinkler; lee , number pf. books ; coal ecuttles hall leree fancy •cushions; magazine - rack; crokinole board; iron board; OST. GREYpARKER sealer, curteinS and drapes,- bed - fountain pen. $5 rewar. • dwee Pig, • linene, pillows and woollen BISSET,. Postmaster. , blankets porch furniture ; . -7„ girl's Incyele; kitchen utensils; washtubs; flower • pots and. manse other articles too numerous to - AUCTION SALE mention. 10 'Ltteknow, Ont • TO RENT RNT. LARGE 'DOUBLE cabin, 12% X '181/2 ; can be equipped, for 'light.. housekeeping. Hot and -cold _shower • available; springfilled' bed • oil -heated and - • _le fully winferized.. MAP -LE LEAF CA13INS, corntie*Victoria and, Biaek streets, Phone 1282. — .44tf pRAVATE SALE. OF THE..FOL- LOWING household •articles ilt the house of 'Morris Neal,' Bayfield road (phone 140W), on Menday and Tuesday,' April '28rd arid 24th: Nece living-reem set; Zenith con- -sole radio; General Electric stdve.; rocking chair; desk; Spin -Dry' Miey washing machine. • . 46 R,SALEe-SMALL BUILDING, t' x 8'; Quebec heaterwith pipes, nearly neve; medicine cabinet; 2 snaall tables; new .aece; scoop. shovel; 2 -plate burner, and G.E. siren. -Phone 9121. • 16x , PROPERTY -At the same time CLEA.RING :AUCTION 7 g A LE OF . •plithe the property will. be - HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE (411aild offered.tor sale, subject to a reserve TUESDAY, ATRit, 2.40 . ibid. House insulatei And heavy. "1 ' at 1.30 o'clock " wired. 4. • at .1.8. Eest street, Goderich, con- -s14Th•nr-s-01:1--01=11-4-sentrtletitiele TERMS-Chatele, cagh; property, R. SALE. -TEN LITTLE. PIGS, 7 weeks old. L,E 0 N R D RODGES, 11.11„ 1, Goderich. Phone 933 r15--• • 46 . • • .POR SALE" - CARDEN TRAC- "•"*. TOR, riding model, 6 h.p. Gib- son with plow and disc Complete. BA.NNISTER MOTORS. " :46 It -SALE. --'1950 VANGUARD sedan, , air-conditioned; • 1948 English , Standard; first:class eon- dition se.1939 .Plymotith sedan; new •( •- - - .1-- "e es-- s -0 oe-a-ese,--.---'5-a- - dri-e.'"` " . • double seat, cabinet, 1 rocking chi Ir„ - co t----) lint--rekv-IPB1.11-2WO-V - , . • MRS: .TACK' SCRUTON end -u-e, c . ' 1 2 1 'Quebec. heater, 2 lamps, 1 clock, mn. -WA-- • AGE, St. David's 'streets • -16 , . esi.-r:R Ninno, . Execitors. . FOR- SALE.-CERTIFIDD •-• "1935 II 1 FR RENT. - MREE-R001VI - furnished apartment, bathroom. Immediate possession. phone 289R. -14 1 bed, 2 sets of' springe,e1 kitchen table, 1 kitchee One -burner FRANK DONNELLY, W,ANTEIS.---JSKLES GIRL. AP- PLY WILSON & DRENNA', •or pne ho1019W. 46 , • WANTED. -TWO WAITRESSES for • Club MonOtta. $20 per week if exPerienced. Summer help at Grand Bend also needed. Phone 881e, Exeter. 1(3x * WANTED. TO te RENT. -BY JUNE _esee_nt O-roohouse. -Care- ful tenants. *Write BOX 17, SIGNAL-STA:R. ' • 16x WANTED. -BY COUP.LE, GIRL or woman for steady house- work ;- every convenience. Write 130X 1-8, SI_ONAL-STAR. -16 HELP 'WANTED, -- C LEAK-. TYPISm Tieale oefemale. 'Typ- ing Must be fast and, acenrate. Pere- mandirt position, modern_ equipment, holidays with pay, peneion plan, group insurance, eth. .TIVE DOMIN- ION SALT .00.,, LTD.; 'Phone 118. Ask for Mr, Fatedale. ' -16tf TO RENT. -TWO -ROOM -APART- .. MENT downstairee.Phone 787M. -14tf . TO RENT. FOR PASTURE. - -Great Meadows, Sanford Flats, 'for season.. Phone 429. • •-•16 NOTICE NOTI.CE L. Floor sending new and old 'floors. J. C. COOK, Phone 23J; Clinten. Summer months; Ilayfield; phone 45 r 2. -1.4te NOTICE. PARMERS-Be sure to get your help in time. ,Small and large .Dutch fanfilles are available for next Spring. Apply' NOW: C. A.A.,N,-,13eleeave, Ont. -7tf • hotplate, 1 sidebeard," 41 dinifig Capitol soybeans, also a quail- , • ,,Selicitor file the Estate. ''' • 'Chairs 7 kitchen chairs, 1 dilesser '• e 'MATT GAYNOR, -Auctioneer. titY• of haled mixed hay. 'R. T. • KILPA.TRICK, conceesion 8, Ash- field Township.. Telephone Dungan- non 77r 77r '2. • and stand; 1 ..eli4st itt drawerse, quantity' of dishes and glassware, quantity of sealers, and erinie frit, icebox and; other articles too. numerous to .mention. ' - TERMSse-CASIL'. , MRS, WILLIAM' MIME, „ ' Proprietress. , MATT GAYNOR, • . .Auctioneer.. 16- 1540, .• ‘11.14"`"aml".' Hygenje supplies l'rebber go6d,O, mailed postpaid In plain, sealed, envelope with price list: Six sane pies '25ce 24, Saimples $1.00. Mali Order Dept, 7-53... N0V-RUB/3ER CO., Box N. Hamirton, Ont. THE GODERICH MEMORIAL,. ARENA COMMISSION 4s. desitotti of. ithiming whether or . 'local firms, grottps,,:of. merchants or , service clubi vrill consider sponsoring tn iitermedi- aie, junior otSjulienile hockey team for nod , Season, tntierested persons 4:ir groups are aSked to contact XX D, bloomy', &Minipill,- . or A;R. Sdott, secretary,'of Jirent dom. vision before' PRIDAI, 1&1Rth .27th, • , .16-7-8 e0R. ,SALE.-AVITAT WILL YOU • . bet we *make a sale If s'rott corile 'to site. the lovely pan;sy plants we have. to Offer? They are in bloom, are fully hardened. and Should be set out it once' for best, results. J'AOKSONS FLORISTS, &gee '105. • -16 • SALE. -BABY SUNSHINE walker ; tall. ninn's grey sPrilig coat, size 38; walnut kneehole desk. Phone 418J. • 46 FOR RILE. - BUILDING LOT, good 'garden , soil e _ hydro and OTICE, storage a Vitilable,_ i'ho e 748M any. Hine before.' 2 p,m. • -lel -C1A-1.' n .."-- *T0 Y 0+1.7t eep` tee.' for expe. .rieneed . t‘ruck Applications nre now being ac - ..t? -- —"IL '... rt ' * driVeres Apply -1,4•AlsID-Y--- VON. - stroller, high *. chdir, electric ., TIVACTING CO.. mot In P.Pr...<3,0 1.i Washer, electric Sewing maelnuos ihet,"en 1 and 5 p.p.. chesterfield, dresserg,',,ieebox, elec. tric ranges and used furniture,, _______,„ . _,„ ._,,,,_, Canaries, budgies and Mid supplies, ' .00,1e4 , 0 WOODS 12 East street, .14 • , PACIIIETINE:----,At - Alegandra IIAS- - Pitt:0: Goderieh, on ;Apri 1 th„ . 1051, to Mr: and :Niro, Donald Paquette,' Itit..1, Dungannon, a son.: Jar, DaYld. ' . •NOTIOE. LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS, O 71133, SIDEWALKS, SEWERS Parties desiring, work Completed this Year under the Loeal Improk-= meat Plan shoutthsubinit their pet"- ben's to. Council not' later than April 30th. • Blank petiblen forms; may be picked tip at • the down Hall. • S 11. BLAKE,' 14-15-16- . . Town Clerk. •NTICYTICE 0•I1' MEETING. "1-1. ......,1••••••••••••• 14-16-, „, Solicitor for the Estate. NIOTICE TO CREDITORS. • All persons having. claims against. the estate of- William John. Mac- Millan, late of the Teien Gode- rich in. the County of Huro-n, marine engineer, who "died on or about the 4t1.1 day of Alien; 1951, are required • . to file same with full pa•rtieulars withetheeundersignedeby the 3rd daY of "key, 1951, as after tl.eat date the' estate will be dietriblited. 'Dated at s Goderich, Ontario, the .• 9th day of •April, 1951. • FRANK R. DARROW, 'Goderich, ,Ontario, s , Solicitor for the Estate. VITANTED.- VERY URGENTLY, , vet house with all convenienms by reliable tenant.. Write BOX 19, SIGNAL -WAIL -16-17 • WANTED. --WOMAN TO ASSIST 'in to' ere- ti home where there is illn4ss. 'No 'ehildremi. -Apply BOX 20, SIGNAL -STAR. ' -16 • - • • PERSONAL , DO YOU HATE YOUR FACE? You should use "Kleerex," the salve speclfically medicated to il 11 TEACHERS WANTED • TEACHERS WANTED Ir 0 R Goderich Township schedol. Ape ply, stating qualifications and sal- ary expected. Duties to eoennence Septensber ,ISt. FRANK. -Y15E-106., Sec'y-Tr R.R. No. 3, Clinton.- - TEACHER FOR AUburn, S.S. No. 9, Hallett Township. • • State experience and wages: expected. Apply to ELLIOTT 'LAPP, Aubtrre, Ont. .••• -16-15 R4VM AND BOARD ROOM AND Bomti) IN PRI- . VATE • horne with all'' convert - 'mice& 10 Wellington street, pliOne .9843R. -16tf, 'remedy, eczema, -pimples ,an , a other stabborn skin ailments: Use it and be convinced. All druggists. -16 kitINNY "MEN, WOMEN! GAIN 5 to 15 new pep. Try Oetrex Tonle Tablets ' for new, t,. id flesh • new vigor. Intro- -eltuctory-- go " The 13lue Water Grit -up of Alco. holies Anonythous is -holding an, open meeting in the Masonic Hall, Goderich; on Sunday, April 22, at 2.30 liana quest speaker Ian W. of Toronto. Interested persons - welcome. -16 Preen ita .14,‘ 60c. All drUggistS. •••!...1 Fog, flAt;11, PRAltin Hurls% 00N:e11 4001ns ,And bath; good rage * and garden!' Call at, 75 .st street, 15-101t • Lon T,OtS,T. ---: IN GODERIO1T, IN vicinity' of " highway 21,, in a restaurant, a sand ribbed gabardine topcoat. Finder please send C.O.D. to R. P. WYSYNSKI, 143 Letcher -„ • "mot metion Drug Store Corner West St: and Seitiare., „ Phone 45. We 'deliver. • • "As handy.as the Postoifice" O EM, SPRING IS COMING? Believe it or not, Spring is •coming, and with its coming we need a spring tonic. May we suggest you try SSAarEnNaltA4''. ' is.ah'erbal tonic with the add▪ ition of Iron and Aiinumium Oitrate and will :reklly gi've you a lift you: need at this -time oT Tear. • SARNA.K-7$1.i35 per bottle • ou ThAT,SPB,ING_PERMANEti try Richard liudnut. with' the lievir Whirl-AMave Curlers.... Easy to use. Eudnut ga,#e you 'tile new permallx and now, new whirl.a.wave curlers, \Y-7.° toniplete with both, $3,25 . Eudruit refill with generous Oath. pie of egg cream. sham - D0(4 *both for . ... — $1.70 0