HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-04-19, Page 7Dello,.•/ionemakersi' Dried fruits
niow grape the most elegant tables,
Previously prunes and .dried ,apples
were the poor.roan's dessert i pow
they have gained in fay!or as fruit
pie spiced:. for meat, chilled for
',sa`tads, or pureed for frozen des.
setts. •
its' which are
The three dried fru
iu abundance on our grocers shelves.
,are figs, prunes and apples. When
you cook one pdtl�nd of''figs you
have three cups of fruit; one pounce
prunes, ylelda . about'. —four cups
• cooked and one pound dried: apples.
.yielde ten cups cooked apples.. ' If
you are thinking of yotir bu.
copare cost . of a 20 -ounce ti'
*nit. which contains 2%. `ups,.
• Fruit Whip '6'
" 1 cup fruit pulp
1 tsp. salt
x/a cup "sugar
1 egg whites, beaten
tbs . lemon juice
'Heat mashed' fruit and Salt.
sugar together until sugar 'is
•solved. Pour hot syrup slowly
stiffly beaten egg whites, be
constantly. ,Add lemon 'juice
fruit. Pile into ,parfait -glasses
serve immediately'. ''Serves four.
Fig Turnovers
1 cup sugar
1 tbsp. flour
1 cup water and fig jut
..1 tbsp, butter ,
:•.1; egg, beaten'
1/3 cup lemon •ince'
2 bbsps. grated lemon..,
1 cup figs, chopped
1 �cecipe • Plaint Pastry
Combine -.first eight ingredients
and •cook slowly until thick
Cool. Roll. pastry one-eighth
thick and cut Into four -inch circles.
Place atablespoon of fig m
on half 'of each circle, moisten g
s/4,, eu cold lWa/ter
" 1 eup ,,hopped eookecd pruner '.
"W cup prune Juice ,
Op sugar
3' . tsp, salt -
2 taps, lemon juice;...
1:'tsb, grated'lemon rind
• 2 egg 'whites, stiffly beaten
;1 baked Pastry Shell
Soften gelatin in water five min.
utes; Combine prunes, juice, sugar,
salt, lemon juice and rind, and heat
to boiling. Remove• from heat, add
n, of gelatin and stir until dissolved.,
Oool. ' When. slightly thickened, told
in egg whites', Pour into-. ,pastry,
,shell and chill. Makes one ,,(niuee,'
filch) pie.
Prune Freeze
When you have just enough
cooked "prunes to make three-
quarters eup of pulp, try• this
dis- % cup milk
Oyer 1 egg, .beaten • ` .
Sting .cup sugar
and, % cup cooked prune pulp
and 3 tbsp's. orange juice
3 tbsps, lemon..juice
• -1 top. salt •
, 1 cup heavy ,Dream; whipped
Scald %silk. in the top of the
juice double..boiler over boiling water.
Add egg and one-quarter cup 'of
the sugar, stirring eoiistantly until
cos and coats' spoon. Remove, from
.rind heat .and , cool. Mix remaining
sugar with prune pulp,' fruit` juices,
and salt, Fold fruit and whipped
, cream into cooled custard. Pour
erred. into freezing •tray of electric re -
inch frigerator and freeze: Serves six..
ixtixre 1. To elean the waffle iron easily..
edges use a small stiff brush.
'fold , other—half -over -filling-, -2, .po-.r•enzeve.burnt. or..�,thick...grease-
pinch edges together and prick' tope from pan pour, one inch. water
water, then b�. ulnae in
warm water. lt7ry In wgun overs
• 'then store in: pap Rack,
�4, If food: Chopper is not uaed..Ire-
fluently run contact parts with.
unsalted fat or salad,,oiL
5. Only flue Powder ,such us/silver
polish or window cleaner should
be used on • stainless steel.' •
Mrs, J., W asks: lion to prevent
pie crust froze shrinking.
Answer, To avoid shrinkage roll
pastry lightly, Piece In pie' pan
without stretching and set aside live
minutes- before .fluting the edge,' Or
;place" another pie pan ,on; ^ pastry.
before' baking... Remove extra pan
after fifteen aninute�s of baking and
bake another, five minutes.
1VI, R. S. asks. For Date Cream
Pie Recipe? -
Date Cream Pie
z/4 recipe Plain Pastry
1 :egg..,
1 cup sugar .
tip• .salt
1 cup evaporated milk
2 tbsps. lemon juice
1 cup chopped dates •
Line pie pan with pastry; Cern-
bine reipalriizig ingredients and pour `,.ellone is out only a few cents",
into pastry shell. Bake 'in electric worth of seed and an hour's healthy
oven, (425 degrees) ten minutes ; exercise. Just •' as , soon. as -the
reduce temperature. to sloW (300 ground is fit to wor4, one can take
degrees) ,and bake fifteen minutes a chance on .a few. feet of lettuce,
longer untie firm. "Makes one (nine -
inch) • pie.
-Exactly 35Q years since Shake-
speare's aw�xn company first acted
"Twelfth Night" in, the Middle
le,• Hail, in the'Citby of London,
was performed again In
same hall. The Queen was
pi`ctu�re slitivcs a scene e rehearsal.of the play; which
produced by actor -manager
d Rrolfit. Shakespeare's plays
prominently among the
attraction's � planned for Festival
in I3ri�tAin.
Clinton, Exeter, Seaforth
Write Box 150,for phone.'413,
Exeter i' '`
and we. shall be pleased to
Place on baking -sheet and bake in
hot electric . oven (450 'deg'r`ees.)
about fifteen minutes. Makes eight
to ten. - • '
' Prune Chiffon Pie
1, bbsp” unllavored gelatin
emetery Inscription Work
into pan, add a, tablespoon baking
sods,, heat without a cover. (Do,
not let . it boil b.v`er. )
3. Care of flour . sifter is necessary
to prevene collection of grease
and dust. Soak • in clear cold
,- Fdr 0the main plantings it IS 'not
advisable to "plant or Set out too
soon. With • .moderately tender
things little is ta. be gabled, by
Planting uzltil - tooth $oil and • air
spring' Lias really arrived. But this mixture. The general rule . for
advice, 'cif course, :does not apply ' depth is three times the diameter.
to very„ hardy flowers and vege- Now that does not'inean getting out
tables p r to' most nursery stock, a ruler or calipers. It simply sag-.
grass seed, etc. And it does not gests that fine seed such as that
.apply rigidly to a few extra early of onion, . poppy, por"tuiaea and car -
vows of almost anything, in the rots should be merely pressed into
vegetable line: the 'soil; larger seed like , •-
If these come along and escape and peas•"or corn cavered about an
the frost on gets a good deal of inch; still larger such as potatoes'
satisfaction In boasting , to 'the and gladioli, three . to .six • inchek.
If planted• teo' deep, the tiny seed
especially may not,germinate at all.
"'° Save It
"Nothing that grows should; be
thrown away."This would' be a
mighty good motto -for any rrd-
`ever, or farmer too, for. that anat-
dump the leaves, w ' *u4. �a1
whatever is collected. aver, th. we'i 1 `.
winkle prOcesaIs reper a earth and the ated eaeh time we oil Oat.
the PUMP.fi r Mr. mind
add some refuse. ' If available add. eyed a solo. A. lane n. .
some Manana • mind possibly a little calls were reported. wig"
lime and' commercial fertilizer. It's 1 owers rind othele reported.
a good pian. to soak this pile be- shut-ins and'aick• mee
.casionally w,it water and •also ' :unj,,elossed with prayer by 'Um � 'v
it •over ..onve, or 'tw% ' to assist Stevenson, and a tasty lunch W
deeowposition, ' In a few: months 'served during a .Social half ho,
Fclass, rich garden, soli, The pro-
this pile
Will breaks down into first-
we plant, . but with, tiny seeds it is cess can be bastes}ed by. na4ng'sorue Y
ore difficult and after :the planta of the varbus patent chemicals on
e upthe , should • be Thinned.. the rnnrket. •
cool � Y •
a s read ry sinal ' geed more
• v • ome x its mix with tt . W(7•,ii, MEETING •
•eniy s e �
to turn warm and little sand of fine'sail and saw the The April sweeting of the W.O,
a'Ye .'be�,UttL
the play
ing th
will feature
a ttra
some radish, • carrots, onions,
spinach, and such things.' 'Even • a 'ter. The mann who dumps all the
few •hills of • potatoes may be weeds and cut grass into the • gar -
planted. Mainplantings, however, bage ,pail is actually tossing • away
of vegetables and •flovvprs should his soil. All garden refuse, �l•eeds,,
wait until practically 'all • danger grass, clippings, leaves, etc., will rot
of frost has passed. • down into excellent soil, and so
Two Commonest Mistakes , will a lot of other things if we ,
Probably • the two commonest give 'them ' a Tittle encouragement.
mistakes are too thick and too deep Usually a corner of , the garden,
sowing :orflow•e `ai d'vege ithre ;stied:„`.screenedk itlieFfiriibbery or some-
thing else and away from the house,.
is selected for this soil -Making
business. It is technically known
as -composting, and the tnter•ia'l a
compost heap. SiMply select a
fairly well -drained spot and here
T.U. was held at the home of Mrs.
Thos. �Gra�bani, Bayfield road,. with a
good attendance,. ,including several
visitors. 'Mrs. Dougherty, presi-
dent,' vas in; charge of the meet-
ing, • Mrs. •Ceo. Johnston offered
prayer, Arrangements ,were .made
for the convention to be held next
month In the Baptist Ohnrch,. 'The'
clip"sheety ori ""I'Yooman's itizenship"
;ivas'taken by the members. The de -
AefOre ►'ou .diispose of 1
clip, get in touch with oto'.
collector `
FRED Wil71,1f0134-111)
Pone 91.0r21. . i t
William Stone Sons, ltd,
Ingersoll, . Ontario
One should remember that all these
things , require room, even tiny •
things like alyssum or radish or
'With big things like peas, beans,,
etc., it 'is, not hard to space. as
• y ,Check the discomfort of a
•cold- -fast! Inhale Minard's
Liniment. `You'll breathe easier,
feel better. Just try it you'11� see.
Credit `%or the purchase, of 'milking machines
and many other time -saving improvements can often •
be obtained, through Farm !n arovement Loans. . •
BANK, If you need farm machinery to speed
TO A 1111/DA' MAIN our odiiction, wh roe xre alio
tl iit
a FarmI bn provement Loan ' at. your
nearest B of M branch.
See how the ordinary inner spring
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Then compare Beautyrest'i
independent coil springing, giving
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give firm, buoysint support to every
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Air vents allow free circulation of air
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freih. Taped handles for convenience
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Precision "Jiffy -Join" iluf!Ing
prevents side-swqy and sag, and • ,•
keeps everything in position. Tiler
cannot be left by the sleeper.
YEARS of 'perfect rest and relaxation are yours,
when you have the famous "Luxury Comfort" of a
Beautyrest Mattress and its' matching box sizing. They
—_ form the 'wor1d's- lnest sleep uorabmation --
All our yesterdays assure your coMfortable tomorrows.
... these 'are examples of the modern products,.
deve,lopecl by 60 years* leadership in the' man.ufactUre
of sleep "egurpment, which have made Sfinmons4rpur
suresquality "buy word" for beds and bedding:
°Please have *all paper titit 'on the. street for collection
*For furthers information, ,plionp, C. W. Stiles at 11014
NOTE—its coiieet-4;trepaper pr.Oducts—Magazines, car-
tons, etc.; as weft ha'newspapeil.