HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-04-19, Page 31A N (41 • 104th. Yeas =:.I . 0`__- • • r QDERIOH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 191.2 1951 BUSINESS DIRECTU►Y CHARTERED ACCOUNTOTr. W. . CECIL AriTaIDGr . .vr ACCO - QHI,RTPIRED A,CCSQ�•iTNTA,N'1` Phone Nn.—Office 343W. House 343j Goderich. ACCOUNTANTS' i'Roakim G; `McQA TN, Paw Brie Accountant Clinton, Ontario Phones; Office 561; Res. 455• Office: Royal Bank • MEDICAL . ORSTER r..AYE } EAR, NOSE, THROAT Imo._' House.=Surgeon fie York Ophthalmic and Aural assistant at, Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Tliroat $sapid, London,. Enggiand... GLASSESEXlaS TETESTED ,GLASSES - - SUPPLIED • 53. Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephone '267. Visits to Goderich .disc ntiIued; but Stratford office •still :open. " DENTAL R, it • W. lIUGHES- ' Dentist:-"' Corner Wellington and Lighthouse Streets . Phony CHIROPRACTIC DONALD111XE EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER .icensed for' Counees of Huron and Bruce RIPLEY, PHONE 49 'or information apply to a, N. Setl'aigilxu, •Divi$lon Court (24, Glederlck, Oat. • AD.. WAR1? °•W: BLUO T LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correa fdente promptly an— silvered., >mmediatearrangements ..F . tau be, made for Sales .Date.b;P' calling Phone 203, Clinton.. charge moderate -and satisfac- tion Guaranteed: .19tf . wv H-MtoLD-JAelt$011-- ICENSED AUCTIONEER ER ---' •-• HU a ' E S _ .. iilllilV •�.,"aA.M�...��'i.t�T 8eaforth Phone 11-661 or Harry EdwariT,-''Go_ derich, --phone 144 AWARD. FOR BEST PLAY GOES ..P TO ST. MARYS LUTLE THEATRE "By ;;harp marking all plays ralilt*,,the mother, "Mrs. Treetops, seventy Which makes it "diffi.cu1t toIyears young," by 'lJargaret. Wilson, well, wh adjudicate," llrs. Blanche Hogg, of.,tvho accounted , fer hexa seeming ex- , a travaganee lA lauying, flowers send London Little theatre, stated t otherwise enjoyiul; .herself . ibyT tell - the eonclusior of her adjudication ing the daughters she had sold an of t1ve plays presented - at the old: picture icor a fabulous slim. fourth annual;': Drawn Festira4 airs. B;,, E.. !Wilson was director, Goderich Dramatic'` and oils.. A. 'Wilkin` was property 'sponsored b the (node mantager. .. Club on Thursday, `ani'' I±'1: • ay Ho the ills ,P "Strange Road", evenings The second Play Of' the evening, :the'general.level of the Festival. "� trli i e.,Road,.' was presented by wits good,:n0ie Uof DHolmesville!Jolted ratulated tallurch, is high, director and Sybil -Palmer- as stage Stage 'properties :good, lighting manager. The play was a mystic one in which a young deep -thinking man, considered.- "odd'L -by the villagers, finds . the answer'- to Alis problems 0: F. OHAPMAN General Insurance Fire,' 'Automobile, Casualty • ,Real Estate: • West. St., Aided*. !_ Phone_. Insure in Sure 'ilisnrance Confederation • Life -Wind, Car ERE--i'referred • rates t.r Preferred .risks. .C, ACCIDENT 4 BICHNES9" Conenit . 'JOHN • FAB RISH Phone 7r15, D.unganuon - it-B1t:IiTJ B. SUCH, D Doctor of: Chiropractic., Office Hours: Mon., Thurs —9 a.m. tq 5 p.m: Tues;, Fri -9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 p.m. to S p.m- • Wed., •& Sat.—in Kincardine,, Vitamin Therapy Office --Corner of South St. and Britannia Roads Phone 341. INSURANCE'. " handled nicely ; careful and correct r costumes hi every play , and the level'o-aoting good- and well-sns-- tained:' Three -_.;,Bays.-- uere.., Presented ..on, in a "Strange iRoat1." In uthe. cast Thursday';night•. On -each evening'; sere Dora Heard, as "Mrs. Talbot," Mr. Bruce ' �Stewart, president' of mother of "Alan Talbot,"' played by the .Goderich. Dramatic—Club, opened ; Ewan' Ross "Mrs. Kadan," by Kay the Festival, and " introduced Mrs. Holmes, and.'`Annie Kadan," by !Hogg, whose • adjudications were Pam Saddler. - "It was a -very ,good attempt at a difficult play," Mrs. Hogg ' com- mentog.. P -• Bayfeld Group' The Bayfield Drama Group's pre- sentation of "The Singing Folk." fatorably 'ree4ived by large audi- ences in 'MacKay Hall- on both eGenings. = Women's Institute Play . Frgm "Five to ,Five -Thirty,"' pre- set)ted by the • Goderich Women's Institute, was it ` one -act comedy under the direction. of N. Miller by, Philip Johnson. with Dorothy Everett as stage man= The curtain rose on • a Il wer-be- ager, ended the first -night Program., ?decked living -mous Three Snob- :it is a .trmy__canadiau luy'.wrlt- Nish Sisters hale their lives„ Change a ten... by ..Oi:lo. 3iiller,sa .resident- of in half -an -hour 'when .their mother, Bayfield: .;Tire setting is a cottage whom' they wish to send to a rest in ' NeWfeundland _ villag • • and e ar ships o the • s el• -fol t were announces she is not their mother, well depicted in the play: "•Singin' but that Mrs. Boxer, her 'friend Dant a NewfOimilland. ballad ancharrtboman, is. "Mrs, Boxer" .1 singer," Assisi taken by .Orbe Miller' ; iwtz,s • played ' by Mary 'Clairmont, I ':Uncle George, a retired ilsherttn who we's, characteral-i-the time. of ninety years," 11y Maynard .I t e .. ,. -- 11' Corrie ; ..Do .Swiggins, st 'i intetguer" the vicar's wife," played by Helen I from N'ova ' Scotia," by' Helen J acksgn ; "Mice, , the soliitor's Davies ; "Joe Swiggins, hers leis - wife," by Vicki Thornton;,' and I hand, a Newfosundtnnd faritier- "Gertie, .games -mistress at the high , fisherman," by ;fi'iirry Nesbitt ; and school," Eby. ,Genevieve- •Lanawty . '.Sadie Il`rencliman, a neighbor tt•o- " men," by aiariulon Milder. . FARM. $WOR�wl�� WD HE D EuAP�HER SOeaker 1 ' r -terR' Goyernii,tent R. G. I3Cunett, agxlCultu al repre- i' sentative for Duron, reports; Cat -to War tie are being marketed in increasing numbers at exceptionally. good 'World, War II way, already prices a Farmer-' had become a bit have been started, .and if it ' has perturbed at the week's end because each one of us might a• well make ;of the dip in hog prices, but most of them have the 'hope that .these 'will soon level off. Wheat is looking fairly well, though there are a, nun'ber of !fields• Where' itseems to be killed out on the knolls and extreme, shapes. Hay and pastures' are also coming .along, well, with permanent pastures greening upparticuktrly well. A little plowing has been" done in the county ; however, work on the land for the most Bart might be said to be at a stitndstilh owing to eon- -tinned wet and disagreeable_ weather. Sideroads at the present time are' in .very poor condition. .1 McKILLO1' MUTUAL FIRE 14N- . S:URA1iCE CO. — •Farm" and • Isolated town property -insured. , .'resident, 1,1; J. Trewartha,` Clin- 'ton'; ,Vice -President, J. L:, Malone, Seaforth ; Manager. and Sec's -Trees., M. A..' Reid, Seaforth. ' Directors—E. J ;' Tretvartha' " C1in- ton ; J. L. idalone, Seaforth ; . S. 13. Whitmore, Seaforth ; Chris. Leon. hardt, Bornholm,; Robert Archibald, "Seaforth; John H: McEwing.Blyth; F `rank McGregor, Clinton; Wm. S. Alexander, ;Walton; Harvey fuller, Goderich. Agents—J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; eft. T. SMcEercher, Dublin; Geo. A:... Watt, Blyth ; .. J. F. ''Prueter, Brod- hagen ; Selwyn Baker Brussels.. Policy:holders can make all pay- ments and -get their cards, receipted at-*tbe-Royal Bank,''Clic-ten Keith- ,Cutt's • Grocery, Kingston . Street, Godttrich. ^• WESTERN ONTARIO • ' MOTORWAYS (STANDARD • TIME) lav: GODERICI•I—For 4,,ondon and •Stratford. • 7,45 .aim. _daily, except Sundays -and hofdays., I2,01) moon !daily. 4.20 ,p,m. ;daily. • 6.25 ,p.m. Sundays (to Stratford toil y).. •�..� 135 ,palm. Sundays and holidays. 'Sundays and holidays. (Londononly) • • Charter Coaches for all -occasions. For ",information phone Reg. McGee & Sons at '765: • IL M. FORD Get Inl .r _ , Sxay.. assured- • — Rest Assured • North St. ' i : Tel. 2614. MALCOLM MATHERS .. - MEW LOCATION on the Square -formerly Mr. Craigie's office Real Estate --General . surance Phone 115VGt • FIRE! Protect Yourself ith,Fire • Instiranee!•: See.. Gordon Sewell R.R. 6,- " GODERICH Phone Carlow 30-r-4 • F. T., Armstrong OPTOMETRIST - Phone 1100 for appointment SQUARE ' • GODERICH , Geo:' G. MacEwen . Dire, Accident and • Motor Csr Insurance ornat-.41.8.80NIC TEMPLE WEST 'STREET . PHONIC $3f. ' GODERICU Bonds ,of loyalty and, love are real' things in • the story, which is enhanced by the singing of • "Singili'. Dan." •-(Consternation .is portrayed when "Joe Swiggins" is reported lir ,difficulty sat sett, and later •lights aret.seeiion all island which. indicate his safety. • A ' Hogg con ra to la ted M r. Miller ort ..his "charming play." • iln Friday .night • two excellent 'plays were staged, and .Both .won commendation 'from the adjtidica,tur. North Street,. Church Young Adults • "The Late Miss Cordell," by Philip .Johuso a`, was presented ivy North -Sh=eet F nit-cth€`htorch Ysung Adults, under the direction of Gar- field. Payne; with. Rverett Tial rrs as stage' manage •. The ghost of Miss Cordell seems to pe.rrade 'the 'house, .causing a „ d C►Or s to Oen misteriutl.;lt• as her three. nieeSS, "Miss ••Bowl' .(Harriet), "Mrs. :1'i'ooll►rook" (Rhoda) .and - -"Mrs.. . Sidbirry" (Jane )., played ' respectively by Kathy ..Snider, -Marg. Young and. Marie 'Siuiibert, discuss the death f_Miss-Cordell.With her,Compan=ion "Miss sSillllison," played by Alit'e ,Wilson, All .express hatred for the •departed spinster; ' while • her' maid "Bessie," Loraine 'Stewart, • feels • fear'of her., sllrrouriclings . •The role of "Mr. Bodleigh, a solicitor," .was. taken 11y, -.Jim Stoner, 'who an- • nounces : the • estate i$ left, to the nieces; .and- leads up to- the eon- :fessiou of the ,conitanion • df having ;pout poisan, in, k tea 'canister' belong- i:ig, to „"Miss: Cordell•.'s ' • , Throughout the play the laudi•ence isseesseessissisismisis- • • fo•r 8,IiCW moor at'tihe arena,< 'Armed with facts collected over r t ec fl. period'Of yesxits, Zyti. I u Gi1 his s .speak.ing" cif a Possible \ " t'rld War III, stated Einstein, has figured that one-third oY the worxd's population will survive if 'World War 111 takes lace. he guest speaker° added that the rpyg hies. in .Africa would `probably be the Iuain survivors of the world's population. Slavery that ante existed' in the our.- peace with God naav and .get. 'world etas been virtually wiped out ready. for extermination, . because today, and duelling,` once . a means, that'swhat those . who know feel it will be," declared Rev. J. A. Pue- Gilehrist, of ;Toronto; addressing the Lions. Club' at 'the •Bedford: Betel o11 Friday' night on the subject; "Can 'World War !III Be Pre- vented?" For manyyears a student and advocate of a, world gov- ernment with worldwide laws and international forces to enforce those laws, the speaker maintained this was -the one way -to, prevent Werld War IJI or any future war. '' Rev. *Mr. ' 1'ue-Gilchrist, .minister of I<imbourne Park United Church, Toronto, was introduced by hiso'n- in-law, bion Andy Boutilier, who mentioned also- that the guest speaker was a past president of- the Toronto t} id District Ministerial Associationi It was "new members'' night," with new members in charge. Licin Bruce Armstrong was chairman, Lion Bert Drysdale read the min- utes and Lion Rolbert Barnes gave the treasurer's -report in , humorous fashion. Lion , President . Harry (Watson-. ,.called" • ai all,_members give fullsupport _to_ the perch derby. -_ Ile 'also stated. that $9157 had been Pais ., so •far tby the -club in the' way of a eon seemed to feel •the tenseness of the performance, which was' added to in the last scene ,when, with no one on the stage,. a .door mysteriously opened and window shades • were drawn by an unseen hand.. it was a- difficult play, extremely well done, . Mid the adjudicator. St.' Marys Little Theatre -Group The concluding play, "The Dear• Departed," by Stanley Haughton, was, a •ogle -act comedy by the St. Marys .Little _Theatregroup,_ under .the di>lection of T, ,Brogden, with` Mayme. Douglas as stage manager. "Grandfather" is apparently dead 1 an ups tors ,roans - ters and sons-in-lttw lose no tiigf' endeavoring to ,outwit one ' an- other in securing his meagre pos- sessions One family wearing' half - Mourning in the hope to outdo the other is taken • by .'ililtallse--when the others appear in deepest mourn- ing. "Graaidfather"' unexpectedly: -appears and at a . supper all ex- press their devotion, but he ' sur- prises them by telling them of his intended marriage., In the . cast were_gi'ma Khppler, as - "Stas. Slater ;!' Norma' 'Kappler, as "Victoria Slater;" -Gordon Smuith, as .".lir•. Slater'," Lillian Ullyot, as .• "Mrs. Jordon ;" Dick Marland, as "Mr. Jordon,', and Lon �Ii'te1re11, as "Grandpa ." . The play • was extremely .. 1�•ell dem', Mrs. • Ilogg i-Ititted. • Nwat'its i'resented ' ,The presentation of awards was made a> folluwrs : I)rrtluatic .'lull trophy for the .last •rilziy,',pres(:nted 1't'esident ., l;t•u(°e Stew -art to, the- *t1 Marys Little" L'heatre. • ' -'Purity Ffottr .rills •t-repll.y .fer_ sec- ond best .. play, • to North 'Street i'nitt tl ,Church, Young. A•dults, pre- sented by Mrs 13.rure tiiett an•t to Mr. 'Garfield t'u; ne; director:, D&.tluinian Tar and Chemieal COmpitay's .award, to best actress, presented •1►y Mr. Ki^hon Matilur to Erma, Ka,pple�r',,, of • tit. "Jlarys Litttle .Theatre. • �° , • ' I.)orinioe Roatl Machinery. Con1- 1.ii1y's itv ti•rd for best actor,', pre- sented, Ybs Mrs. John K. ' Sully- to Lou Mitchell; of - Sf: Mi iry*s "`Lit't,-L 'Thea tre:- .• ' , • Uoderich • Elevator. and Transit C'cc'mpa ry's award to .second ,best actress, --presented RV George i'ar- sQlrni to Alice 1t'4lson; Goderich, in "The Lae 'Mise Cordell by North St1 eet United Church Young Aclu1ts. • Goderich Lions ' Club award for. second best actor,, preter3t,ed- by Mr. 13. Bertge>; toy' Ma`yntri'd steorrie, 3ayfield, in '`The 'gingin' Folk-." Alripeek Chapter, I:O.D.E:, award to best • supporting, actress, pre- sented by Mrs. ,Hogg to Mary 'Clair - went, -Goderich, in "From Five, to 'Five -thirty." Mahle. Leaf-C"linpter•, award to best, supporting actor, presented by Mrs: tJ. II. Kinkead' to.Jim Stoner as Mr. Bodleigh in "Tile" Late Miss Cordell." • .. • . �. - competed d d c 11Lsiilger ati aril, to 1 e p . R for annually (a rose lxiwl)t to s•t ige. designer ^responsible for the . best r iisilal presentation of the Festival, to• Proctor ,'Fairer, • directorof '`Strange (Road" -presented lay fir. George Filsfni er. Robert ,'Simps"an Co. • Ltd.- • award to playwright .ofbthe4tbest Canadian play,, to •O•rlo •Mjjier, Bayfield,• author of "The Singin'• Folk," pre- sented by President Bruce Stewart. The Y.P.V. of Floltnesville United Church ,award • ►f merit was, .awarded'. to Bruce ' Stewart for. Mechanics itr '=The Late,Miss. Cordell," and was presented b -Mr's. Ewan `Ross: - Juvenile award, dcmatf'd by Dr. H..13. 'Sash,. was presented by Ml's., sift; tit :St'ise rr:t--Kzapessa ; stssw :Marys,. 'in "The Dear Deported." I'n 11)4£3, Canadians on theaverage attended motion '1)ieturces eigbtebn' times and paid irtorit +1 each .in admL cons. ° 000gool0000mmodolOONNIOOO • WISE IS THE MAN, WHO' BUYS 'UR-MOE IfI4E= IIT CAN. Confederation Life Association Goderich, Ontario • • INCOME TAX RETURNS PRIVATE , '• BUSINESS FARM REPORTS' Bookkeeping records;,,insta`tled and chectted monthly • or -at -request.. ROY N. BENTLE$ Phone 909J Box 5S ' 36 Regent St. G,ODERICH,'•ONT; ' '. 1.40/13 %WWI of ' settling personal 'quarrels, is. seldom used, said the speaker, as he• pointed out that the - attitude. of people in the world • towards ,things changes. B•y..the ,same token, he felt that war couldbe stopped, because people's attitude' can be changed. People can be roused into objecting to wars and have their governments do something 'about It —join a world 'government with an international police force' to en- force the carrying out Of the laws LAWN. MOWER S ERVIC -• , Sharpen mower .. .• $1.00 Sharpen,•iap and adjust.-.. $1.50 Leave at residence of . J. E1 Aires_ V, Thomas, t;4. gal,. e Phone D. Harman, 820W. 14tf dYI•.Tq iii LI ry FAR* WE S. and WELI)1144 SUPPLIES always in, . 6toe.' W, •G. SIMMONS & . SONS Huron Bd. ° ..Goderich. Phone 1132 -0tf Such a government would make. Terming national . sovereignty "pure bunk,'1' " be stated ." PebVie, swallow this stiff the very ' stun that causes War." He urged la►i* - listeners to urge their Government to join in with the idea of a world government, which would, stop n1.1 *future wars. Drift bottles,, -released ,in Rildson Bay twenty ' years ago'to check - ow 'Water .currents, .ar,e .Still turning up; All returns are1-frons ' Hudson 'Bay - shore points. �✓y rU n eon 0 e i A.-. L. "COLE Optometrist--Optlelae tree Examined. Glasses Fitted Phone• 83' Goderich, Ont. G�derich : Pavilion Dancing Wednesday, Saturday andholiday evenings -Saturday Night -Ross Pearce 'and *his orchestra. . Every Wednesday Night--CBNX Barn band Gang. The Pavilion is available for afternoon and 'eg ren- tals. The management caters to banquets, wedding re - 70191117 -7 ERIGH THEATRES -_ _PRESENT liernoiii0iiiiHOOMi00i 0iMi Oiiitiii0,41.1 iii tAs ONN USOrIiDist/osooDODisOO*NOios000tirNNii At . 1P The; � Square.: Th ��� K °o,ene a` CAPITAL West •. -- PHONE 1150 - Now Marta Toren ansa Jeff Chandler, in "DEPORTED." Molt, Tues:- and Wed.--- • • Kathryn Grayson; 'Fait Johnson and Paula Rayniond A colorful, romantic and entertaining story of a man who dis- covers his childhood sweetheart starred on the operatic stage.' . GROUNDS FOR MARRIAGE" Thul's., Fri. and Sat. ' "MORNING DEPARTURE'', . P - Ali thei' 'tradition, roinatwe and dory of the .Britisht`avy packed into' a dramatic story aatnd produced tigainat authentic backgrounds. , ' Starring John :1'iii1s aitttl' rtichard Attenhorottgh pointing i"l'l h1 PRINCE OF PEACE "—The story of Christ , f • In T,eclniteolor. .' TFe 'Stree he --Street -�„_ --- PHONE 47. Now ---"Canyon .Passage" with Susan Hayward and Technicolor. wMon., Tues.„and r ►'4'ell. . Myrna Loy( Don Anieclie and 'Rhys Williams , • A briliit,nt (stellar call cremes to the Capital screen with `a' light liearted_t:ornatitae iiud some siihrkiiiig ftin.. r "SO GOESMY LOVE" Thurs., Fri. and • Sate..•. ' RED ti,.DX (ITT .and LOU (COSTE.LLO • "The setJeef's..fntruiest tenni •bwoines involved in Ai mystery thriller to give OP an evening of rllb•ro(yking laughter. " IlO DONE IT" Coaling - •"Thhedventui s < of l ailaat Bess' in taleir. • ti ' v 3 WAYS 'TQA, B1l'Y CHARGE._' 0 : LAY -AWAY- .' CASH ` - • MADE -TOS MEASURE, SUITS AND TOPCOATS, FEATURING • • TIlE-IIOUSE --OF STONE -15t • THE VOICE OF'TEMPER ANCE A year ago the W ingli,am Arena Conunittee was' making plans for the installation of arti$oial ice:- One of the mei. 'remarked "Our biggest head=, ache' is• going to be liquor." Then he drew a .picture 'of drinking in the bleachers and bottles thrown on the ice. • Now the first season on artificial ice is nearly over. It is very gratifying to learn that there has been 'a very minimum of trouble becthan �n � outlinbrt, This • 1 + 1� young eple. do not need a bottle of liquor for an ' evening's enjoyments ; - It also proves that the 'lurid;: '. r tip! t''t6 *flritiltil<i , i,n -.rubric „re largely loose °bulk.° • This Advt. sh usort1(l <'i);c' l'lur'on County Tentpoduee Iketleratioa. iT`S. J -FEAT that the Sun ' Life Assurance Company 'of Canada has • well over • a million 'policyholddrs throughout • the world. . In the more than three-quarters ▪ of a, century of the, Company's' existence over two 1�t:llic�rt dollars has^been' paid tai policyholders arid beneficiaries_ • , • Harold W. Shore. . , Representiitive ` of . Sun .,Life _'assurance Company of 'Canada North St. :Phone 766vca'' r &P"s �.�ilY R�tICE IW PR��iT POLICY ' (ft Oe Fad Dollar Sale .. • • PROVES YOU'CAN SAVE OR YOUR: WEEKLY FOOD BILL Customers'.: Corner Have ' you. ever read the .list of seven baste lideP policies prominently (displayed i i'.your stoke? ? These: are . the policies' that ;guide A&P operations ,at all times. , They are your ' guarantee of friend- ly 'service,;, •'quality • ,food, °correct weight and mtoney-saving p�rIees.t. They 'are* your asstiraitee that 1i, •for, any reason, your purchase is not sati5f tetorj, your money will be cheerfully refunded; , • The loyal employees in your A&P, will welcome . any suggestions you may have for making these policies work to solve yourshopping-prob- lems. 'Please writes • Customer Relations Dept.. - ARiP Food Stores, . 135 Laughton Ave., . Toronto,' Ont. !(raft ' SV anky WigS. '`Hershey', Small Chocolate dais, Sunnyfield Face.. Sweet Treat Pineapple Juice 2 Quick or Regular Quaker Oats Aylmer ' ,Catsup . York grand ' - Kam Canned Meat McLaren's Jelly Pol'rders Long Grain 4 -oz glass 27c' .6for41c 2:Ib bag 3°3C 20 -oz tins 23C 48 -oz pkg•36c ii -Qt t�tl 17c. 12 -oz tin 49c 3 pkgs 25c Milk Ann Poge, Sliced • read white or rows • 24 -oz foafryt1,Q,, W , Bokar. Coffe� .Custom GrcuncI Ib, 9 Boiled Onions Culverhouse. 20 -oz tint; 29c Von Dse u.t '20 -oz tin lOc Tornato Juke Black Tea . A&P Special' Blend 'Ja-lb pig 38C' Plum Jany Iona (Pectin added) 24 -oz ler 29c Green Giant Niblets '8 -oz tu' Ilc Mushroom Soup Clark's 2—l0 -oz tins 19t a►ymer Jumao yeas Parity Flour Jewel Shortening 20 -oz (in 4,C ' 24 -Ib bag. 1.49 39c. rat r6 : art - A Real Spring ' Tonic CALIFORNIA FRESH,. GREEN, TEN,15ER, FANCY itspetragus 21/2 -Ib bunch 6'9c 'Ib bunch 29C California Navol, r Best e at Fancy, 150's, 'Now Thi 4 Oranges._...dol 5 5,;° Fresh Curly Lea(, No. 10 Washed, ready to cook -0 Spinach cells pkg 19c Pas(:al., No. :I..elery . H cams 1G lga,bunth NO) .41 er,.,,,,,r, 'INDEPENDENT • ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS '. Huron Lodge No. 02, • Goderich, meets first and third. Monday' nights 131 every month in MacKay ' .Visitors Woicome • INCOME TAX RETURNS PRIVATE , '• BUSINESS FARM REPORTS' Bookkeeping records;,,insta`tled and chectted monthly • or -at -request.. ROY N. BENTLE$ Phone 909J Box 5S ' 36 Regent St. G,ODERICH,'•ONT; ' '. 1.40/13 %WWI of ' settling personal 'quarrels, is. seldom used, said the speaker, as he• pointed out that the - attitude. of people in the world • towards ,things changes. B•y..the ,same token, he felt that war couldbe stopped, because people's attitude' can be changed. People can be roused into objecting to wars and have their governments do something 'about It —join a world 'government with an international police force' to en- force the carrying out Of the laws LAWN. MOWER S ERVIC -• , Sharpen mower .. .• $1.00 Sharpen,•iap and adjust.-.. $1.50 Leave at residence of . J. E1 Aires_ V, Thomas, t;4. gal,. e Phone D. Harman, 820W. 14tf dYI•.Tq iii LI ry FAR* WE S. and WELI)1144 SUPPLIES always in, . 6toe.' W, •G. SIMMONS & . SONS Huron Bd. ° ..Goderich. Phone 1132 -0tf Such a government would make. Terming national . sovereignty "pure bunk,'1' " be stated ." PebVie, swallow this stiff the very ' stun that causes War." He urged la►i* - listeners to urge their Government to join in with the idea of a world government, which would, stop n1.1 *future wars. Drift bottles,, -released ,in Rildson Bay twenty ' years ago'to check - ow 'Water .currents, .ar,e .Still turning up; All returns are1-frons ' Hudson 'Bay - shore points. �✓y rU n eon 0 e i A.-. L. "COLE Optometrist--Optlelae tree Examined. Glasses Fitted Phone• 83' Goderich, Ont. G�derich : Pavilion Dancing Wednesday, Saturday andholiday evenings -Saturday Night -Ross Pearce 'and *his orchestra. . Every Wednesday Night--CBNX Barn band Gang. The Pavilion is available for afternoon and 'eg ren- tals. The management caters to banquets, wedding re - 70191117 -7 ERIGH THEATRES -_ _PRESENT liernoiii0iiiiHOOMi00i 0iMi Oiiitiii0,41.1 iii tAs ONN USOrIiDist/osooDODisOO*NOios000tirNNii At . 1P The; � Square.: Th ��� K °o,ene a` CAPITAL West •. -- PHONE 1150 - Now Marta Toren ansa Jeff Chandler, in "DEPORTED." Molt, Tues:- and Wed.--- • • Kathryn Grayson; 'Fait Johnson and Paula Rayniond A colorful, romantic and entertaining story of a man who dis- covers his childhood sweetheart starred on the operatic stage.' . GROUNDS FOR MARRIAGE" Thul's., Fri. and Sat. ' "MORNING DEPARTURE'', . P - Ali thei' 'tradition, roinatwe and dory of the .Britisht`avy packed into' a dramatic story aatnd produced tigainat authentic backgrounds. , ' Starring John :1'iii1s aitttl' rtichard Attenhorottgh pointing i"l'l h1 PRINCE OF PEACE "—The story of Christ , f • In T,eclniteolor. .' TFe 'Stree he --Street -�„_ --- PHONE 47. Now ---"Canyon .Passage" with Susan Hayward and Technicolor. wMon., Tues.„and r ►'4'ell. . Myrna Loy( Don Anieclie and 'Rhys Williams , • A briliit,nt (stellar call cremes to the Capital screen with `a' light liearted_t:ornatitae iiud some siihrkiiiig ftin.. r "SO GOESMY LOVE" Thurs., Fri. and • Sate..•. ' RED ti,.DX (ITT .and LOU (COSTE.LLO • "The setJeef's..fntruiest tenni •bwoines involved in Ai mystery thriller to give OP an evening of rllb•ro(yking laughter. " IlO DONE IT" Coaling - •"Thhedventui s < of l ailaat Bess' in taleir. • ti ' v 3 WAYS 'TQA, B1l'Y CHARGE._' 0 : LAY -AWAY- .' CASH ` - • MADE -TOS MEASURE, SUITS AND TOPCOATS, FEATURING • • TIlE-IIOUSE --OF STONE -15t • THE VOICE OF'TEMPER ANCE A year ago the W ingli,am Arena Conunittee was' making plans for the installation of arti$oial ice:- One of the mei. 'remarked "Our biggest head=, ache' is• going to be liquor." Then he drew a .picture 'of drinking in the bleachers and bottles thrown on the ice. • Now the first season on artificial ice is nearly over. It is very gratifying to learn that there has been 'a very minimum of trouble becthan �n � outlinbrt, This • 1 + 1� young eple. do not need a bottle of liquor for an ' evening's enjoyments ; - It also proves that the 'lurid;: '. r tip! t''t6 *flritiltil<i , i,n -.rubric „re largely loose °bulk.° • This Advt. sh usort1(l <'i);c' l'lur'on County Tentpoduee Iketleratioa. iT`S. J -FEAT that the Sun ' Life Assurance Company 'of Canada has • well over • a million 'policyholddrs throughout • the world. . In the more than three-quarters ▪ of a, century of the, Company's' existence over two 1�t:llic�rt dollars has^been' paid tai policyholders arid beneficiaries_ • , • Harold W. Shore. . , Representiitive ` of . Sun .,Life _'assurance Company of 'Canada North St. :Phone 766vca'' r &P"s �.�ilY R�tICE IW PR��iT POLICY ' (ft Oe Fad Dollar Sale .. • • PROVES YOU'CAN SAVE OR YOUR: WEEKLY FOOD BILL Customers'.: Corner Have ' you. ever read the .list of seven baste lideP policies prominently (displayed i i'.your stoke? ? These: are . the policies' that ;guide A&P operations ,at all times. , They are your ' guarantee of friend- ly 'service,;, •'quality • ,food, °correct weight and mtoney-saving p�rIees.t. They 'are* your asstiraitee that 1i, •for, any reason, your purchase is not sati5f tetorj, your money will be cheerfully refunded; , • The loyal employees in your A&P, will welcome . any suggestions you may have for making these policies work to solve yourshopping-prob- lems. 'Please writes • Customer Relations Dept.. - ARiP Food Stores, . 135 Laughton Ave., . Toronto,' Ont. !(raft ' SV anky WigS. '`Hershey', Small Chocolate dais, Sunnyfield Face.. Sweet Treat Pineapple Juice 2 Quick or Regular Quaker Oats Aylmer ' ,Catsup . York grand ' - Kam Canned Meat McLaren's Jelly Pol'rders Long Grain 4 -oz glass 27c' .6for41c 2:Ib bag 3°3C 20 -oz tins 23C 48 -oz pkg•36c ii -Qt t�tl 17c. 12 -oz tin 49c 3 pkgs 25c Milk Ann Poge, Sliced • read white or rows • 24 -oz foafryt1,Q,, W , Bokar. Coffe� .Custom GrcuncI Ib, 9 Boiled Onions Culverhouse. 20 -oz tint; 29c Von Dse u.t '20 -oz tin lOc Tornato Juke Black Tea . A&P Special' Blend 'Ja-lb pig 38C' Plum Jany Iona (Pectin added) 24 -oz ler 29c Green Giant Niblets '8 -oz tu' Ilc Mushroom Soup Clark's 2—l0 -oz tins 19t a►ymer Jumao yeas Parity Flour Jewel Shortening 20 -oz (in 4,C ' 24 -Ib bag. 1.49 39c. rat r6 : art - A Real Spring ' Tonic CALIFORNIA FRESH,. GREEN, TEN,15ER, FANCY itspetragus 21/2 -Ib bunch 6'9c 'Ib bunch 29C California Navol, r Best e at Fancy, 150's, 'Now Thi 4 Oranges._...dol 5 5,;° Fresh Curly Lea(, No. 10 Washed, ready to cook -0 Spinach cells pkg 19c Pas(:al., No. :I..elery . H cams 1G lga,bunth NO) .41