The Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-04-19, Page 2PAT * o • Ch „Olio* r :gPli.igttat-**a,F R.IDN• COMITY'S FORE/ACV W'.FIgiY Published by Signal -Star, 'Lttniter1 , 8ubsdri$tivn IiatesCanada and Great Britain, $2,"50 a year; to united States, $3,00. request, ,Adtrertleing Rates on a lest Authorized' as seeond-class mail, Post t Telephone ?1, Office Department, Ot. awa. T p• Member. of Canadian Weekly Newspapefs Association. — Weekly' Virculetion .Overs 2000. EO. L. ELLTS • �/,'�y RO RTS(ON G 1111VRSDA,Y, APRIL 10th, 1051 THE 131YDGET UNDER, FIR The most vulnerable features of the Abbott budget are the increase of the sales tax and ' the special taton refrigerators, washing iva- • chines and eoeltstoves', and the . Opposition at Ottawa is concentra- ting its lire upon. these. It is to be borne in mimic however, that there is a dual purpose in ,the budget: one to raise the money needed for •defence 'purposes, the other to create 'a trend' against inflation, If prospective" buyers hold off purchases .in face of ,the" higher taxation, that will be a curb en inflation, which is the re- -8111r ' of' -it greater -demand -than -4 goods to meet the demand. If in spite of the "increased' taxation they still make" purchases as usual, Government seventies will benefit. Most .criticisms ' of the budget ignore the necessity of raising a large amount of additional revenue• to meet the costs of defence. At the last session of the Ottawa. House ' speaker after speaker on the . Opposition side assailed the Governiient for not doing enough in support of :.the United Nations' orts in Korea . and Europe. Pits - sibly , before the bu over there. will be some indication from the 'Opposition -ranks—as to •'how ,;they Would raise 'the needed additional revenue. • ' e at the prey aleuee of gamhiing, pro- poses to legalize gambling and thus to control it. He iiofnts to the Liquor ,Control Act as an. example and .his case .falls down at this very point. The .consumption of Uglier has increased-ettorniouslY under. the Li-gtior Control Act, and we. could .expect only an increase of gambii ,g froni legalizing it. ° • . • The, Stone of Scene is back, in Westminster Abbey. The . Scottish Nationalists, Who .took it from the coronation chair, perhaps not know - lug just wh#it to clo with it, placed it. in'an old ruined abbey in Scot: land that centuries ago.. was the eetle,.ftf . a _S,eottIsh - declaration of independence. Fi'Tim there. it` was taken back to' England and West- minster. Abbey, .With . it were, a letter addressed to the King assur- ing into that no indignity to .hint eor .the 'loyal family; had been in- tended and another letter stating that it was the desire of •S,cottlsh Nationalists -,that\the stone should remain in .Scotland.' This, it seems to' .' 's, was a . reason lbie a:9quest, as ,the stone was In the possession oftheScottish people fol:: centuries - before it was taken. to ingland, rac' ! us Ths EastPar ,and the a .�01�M r �A f i in o h g « outstanding r m the asters of Korea, and, the pastor of a,' very :large `:'congregation which now has thousands of. refugees Pear -'Frteinds,--` - NoAw, :don't worry; I. am not going to try to give a learned dissertation on conditions in the Orient. Iowever, •it has been id Il11 our minds • dor a number of months and. ' the a +encs of the past week have made us more Conscious than ever-- of the '`other hide" of the world.. So, wken ,the papers' last week announced f., that Rev. Dr. Kyung 'Chik Han of ]:Corea wasto speak at St. ,George's Muted Church on Sunday tnornlng, 1' made it my business to be there. recognition of Scottish national sentiment ' if it had been allowed to remain . in Scotland. * * • o �_at'u Of est Be -v n 2, retired a few Weeks ago from the post of Foreign Secretary in.,:,the Attlee .-Gpvernment on account of - ill -health, removes, an outstanding figure in British public life. Mr. Bevin came up from .a home of poverty 'to become • first . a' leader in the ranks ;of ,Labor and 'the'n' THE, 1VNOLtTI UR EPISODE • One of the tenets of deniocracy, that the, military':power b3 sobordin- : ate• to the. civil power, ' 'is ...,being . challenged today -iii the! tutted States. General McArthur holds views, a€ has persisted in making them public, which are -contrary to the policy laid dotitin. by President .. •Truman' with 'the support of the •United • Nations, under whose authority, the Korean campaign ;i's dieing prosecuted•, Adoption of, ,Gen. McArthur's :views would 'almost in-, • evi,tdb1y; 'in the view "of the United Nations, • iiting en a generalvar in which much • of the strength of .the democracies would 'be dis- sipated,' leaving Europe, regarded as. the key point .of resistance ..to Communism, an easy prize for Russia ;and her satellites. The Mc- Arthur name is a .power in the United States,` where he. is regarded, and rightly, as the hero of the war . with Japan, and it .required a great degree of courage for lir:' Truman to dismiss him. from his ;commattc • ie. Koreas There was nothing else, however, for • Mr. *man to do' if ire were not to disregard • the. hangers•' of the course ,which Gen:. McArthur seemed determined to a pi rsue,and which was Lreating con- sternatioli -among the United Na- tions as well as among those in the .Washington administration respon- _ Bible for' government policy. This week Gen. McArthur on his return to the United States is re- ceiving. the • popular acclamation which is .his due as a national hero, with n, Q t a little of political build- up • as an 'asset of 'the- Republican party ' ing` its opposition :. •to the Democratic • Administration. Whe- ther the • enthusiasm. can be main- tained 'at a high pitch until- ,the next Presidential election remains to, be seen, but far the present Mr,. Truman is the elected head of the nation and lipon him is the • re- sponsibility -that goes with that high office. He is not the greatest 'of U.S. Presidents, but ' he seems to rise to, great occasions as 'he meets the. St. George's . is a fairly new church -•-.I think it was built about twenty five ydars, ago. However, the original church, which' is now used as Northern Library, war dedicated in 1909 as. Eglinton Pres- byterian Church, the: ,first perinan- enk home of the congregation. Al- though there' atm records*', of a Methodist congregation as early' as. 1832; the' Presbyterians .do not .seem to have organized until about 1889, when a mission was established. And„ of course, in those days. Eglin- ton was a separate m'uiaicipelity and quite a trip "from the city' How- ever, the present congregation and building are a far cry from those days. St. George's is one of the largest churches in North Toronto and"hae- ''in.rgge and well -to -da con gregation: Dr. 'Willard" Brewing, thee-•present,aministP , ,was_Alle_ .,,._ crater of the United Church of Canada for the .two' years ending last fall. 'However, as 1 said be - fare, I Went to hear, the , Korean minister, Dr. Ilan. Dr. Han wan .introduced . as "one a forceful figure .'in Parliament. He was with Mr. Churchill in Britain's 'wartime Cabinet, and when Labor took over the Treas- ury -benches he was. Prime Minister Attlee's •right-hand man.; He was said' to• be self -Willed and obstinate, 'river • nalities that stood him well in his dealings with ,;the Moscow Government. He had to disagree with some of his fellow- memabers in 'the Cabinet, but he, stoWliiel rock ag Communist designs. and .gai`e powerful support to the league of the W, stern' na- tions ' against. Russian aggression. Mr. Churchill's tribute to him as one of the best of Britain's Foreign Ministers gives him a well deserved ,place in the annals ' of British political 'life. among its xtumbers.. a most Orientals 1 have seen, he IS rather a small man,, with the straight dark hair we always associate with the people of the Orient. He spoke. in a ltrud voice, He said',sKoreans. always pray in a lend voice i sa they probably preach -the Fame way. I felt that the loudness defeated its own' puirpose, rucking him harder, rather than easier, to understand. ,His English was extremely good, as he liad studied , in' the, States, but he had a strong accent 'which also made him difficult to , under- stand. I am not mentioning these: things in a critical spirit, but rather to rexplain why . I cannot tell you uore°of what he said. "I have just' been reading a ,.bit about the . history of Korea, too. It is an old country and was thriv- ing before the Middle Ages,' when it came under Chinese control, It was taken many times by Japan but returned each time 'to China: It was one of,,, the battlegrounds dur- ing, the Russo-Japanese war. In 1904, , the Japanese promised pro- tection to the Koreans, but id 1940 it became a part of Japan and. re- mained Mader Japanese } iiitttion until 1,945. Then caine freedom, and, ' aeeofding to Di Thu; th' people ,were happy to be free and independent. ,There were a few Communists' at first, and. their teachings spread until Korea was arbitrarily divided. We know.some of • the story from 'there on. ' 1 was much' interested in the deferential manner in which' Dr. Brewing led Dr. Han to the pulpit: Dr. Han began by bringing greet- ings from the 'Korean Christians and thanks of the •Korean people for missionaries., food and , military help. They.. -are veffee-attpreeiative of the help of all the friendly nations Protestant missionaries under er a � r eed s'nof there a r h . tt thea. a. total • dictatorship, tChristiania, were e not 0 t keptt in their eir � � i t lon a schools or factoriesandtho child- ren and hild-yenand Dung People are.keptfrum Church and 'Christian schools as much as pepatiale,Dgcause the Gem- htunfst •rulers know that Maris the way to destroy Christianity. Vari- ous attempts were made to, unify Korea;. -,but they ail failed because' of the attitude ofMae Free elections have, not been, possible in the North, orth but there wer elections in the South in 1948. The North. hits had war supplies for some tine , but the South' had not. Then came the invasion ,on, June 25 of .last year, In three days the„ Commun- ists swept over the country. Dr,, Han again., escaped. He has seen ehurches and whole cities destr'dyed and people shot 'before his eyes, and many Christian ministers killed or "liquidated.” I think, it was in Dr. Han's own 'congregation that 500 families of the •1400 lost their ,homes.' In one city,. which was called the Jerusalem of. Korea, there are only four or live -ministers left,; and 80 per cent, of those in the. North .are gone. W}'Vhen Dr. flan . left Korea ' a month ago, conditions were most chaotic; There were ,hundreds of thousands of refugees in Seoul. They had come for help, but in a few days the Northern forces ar- rived •and they had to move on. To date, it 1,1 estimated-ttrat--there. are four and one-half million; eiugees- itithe- ou-tl r-one-art-illion•. people have been destroyed and half a million killed in the ,war: -The Christian Church in -Korea has tried to meet the situai:ion but of course it has not the facilities to cope with the tremendous need. Dr Hae told of one •Christian pastor whose , two sons had been killed. by Communists. A High School teacher, who was also an active Christian Worker, was arrested and questioned; "Why teach the Bible?" He was sentenced to die, He asked ler ,five,aniiitites to way before his execution and then, prayed in a ,voi'ce" __ before- his students. Comwunist-dotninitted North,— AAs - • r Hmen- tioned n • i ce u . an w� . m l . stan e al n tt ped. taxes. • In the South, the •r f. t n .the if a � tR N e 20 ce ar rs f m y . P ke crops, , c �o ;but i, the North the rate is t 35 per cent iChristians musichelp tthe•orphans and refugees. They see and try to combat the cruelties and .atrocities in the, Coutm nistic So- ciety., Christians are working among the young people—not • Just' those already coaneoteci with the Christian church, but ' also others: IIS, I a said there- some0; 0•' prierouers undr 'United- Care. United care. Ohristian' chaplains. sire work- ing among' them and it -la ' hoped that when they are released they Will be different. 'Many Christians in the. Korean army have been taken prisoner and they are probably. try- ing to spread • 'Christian, 'principles a tnong non.-�Christian fellow- prisoners.. This war-' ' is not like other wars. TIO United. Nations are lightang the Communists who are unlawful, •robbers and mur- derers, Those are Dr,. Han's;exact words. Korean Christians are 'try- ing' to meet the Communist threat. from many angles, and they feel that, in' spite of devastation, God is `helping ,them and they are count- ing ,on ' the Christian nations to'. stand by them ' i ntil tln€U victory, I;t is a fight between 'Communist atheism and Korean Christianity and they • believe that Chris w,iU triumph in the end. D.r.. 'Han and theJChristian-Uhureh-"of _Koret r atone our „peay ers and help will continue s4 rte.�.1i1haJ11=�811Ctr,:•,il.,;-i?��;,' unified; 'Christian Korea. .Now, that is the gist of what ' could hear and understand oft Dr. Han's address., Sincerely., TH'E.,_ COUNTRY 'MOUSE. Toronto.. a ' • AMAZINGPRICES 1St. Cathatines " Standard ) The public might very properly be amazed if prevailing sale prices of licensed premises in the'Province were announced feoni tune to time. entered Korea in 1885 and, there Thtfr. he was shot., Many sincere :.. , .,.'..; __, , -•,-_ . t.t t_ t t.t .. .� Oriental Christians' are, trying' to meet •smmunism y o �. . hate Communism but not the people. That is surely a' fine. distinction.;: 'There are thirty to'forty Christians in the National Assembly' in the `outh.. They are trying', to make life• 'better there „t an ani er ' c tians in Korea now. '' With the rise of Cominunisni, the Christians were forced'to flee from Northern Korea, and I understand that `Dr, Han wets one Who fled at almost a mo- o tire. Tho -peoples shad longed for freedom, but. they found In the small ,town of Pa ris, a bee r *OthoxitY,cha ed handsfor ver ViO,Qpi - n: little. ago; in ;<not so' Ong village near Sudbury, the P r ic eW a s over $4'2,004), 0Q0avilla e of1ess than 1,000.people. ' In neither case was the value placed on the physical property; lit was on the value of the authority to dispense. lbeer.. #And , with such ea tai, , outlay far - a r license, it cart be wondered little, if the owners or 'lessees strive to go the ,limit in volume of- -business. -The- only restraint is the law that customers must be seated and can- not be served standing up. 10ah►tida's new $1 stamp, issued in February,' emphasizes, the great wealth of Canada's fishery re- sources. TnO'RsnZZZ APRIL, 18 8, lot ope If BACKACIIE Back oldiagiriu �'s podd's Xou may Neod11 1 upand backache When your iJ"'ay acts Kidney Pills, and use Dodd Y , thfolrows'--Beta .. ear -u11 Canadian remedy. Oodd'o Ki 5eyY • and safely help restore Kidney Pella quickly •dmal action--ifelp relish. itr lu eYs to not ' iced-all-the*tie"' ta *cl oche and' a . the' ludney: Ask any drfeeling by tr tuts est for ,Dodd'.* Kidney Pills, look •for the, b with the red band. 156 tho, lslua ho* Is do � D�cld's • Tri:':f;:;::7:$:•»S;'s " EDITORIAL •NOTES Among 'those wiio • • are ' enjoying the- g-rentr7shv-v►>-heit ..- l-t-41ri:-ncrchss.. the border this week are Mr. J. Stalin and his comrades in: the Kremlin; " to * •,, • 'According to The Free Press; they have -a 'Study Week at the Western University. Rather too. bad to interrupt the • normal course Of university life. -. ' ' • •t, • . Some people in London the -Less are not satiaded with the 'itame of their city, and it is suggested that it 'be named •1VIaeGregor, after the first settler. • yV'ee MacGregor of course, a name already well ktiowfl. • t•ode>•ich is just. bursting Math &tilttire' these days. Last week 'toe devotees of the drama had their innings,- and this 'week musical, talent , vocalafid' instrumental, from All Paof the •Canty, is centred sere.' A eredih¢�•to thou: wlid have otrgln red hese denuoitstrtittotis of . ealturai pirog1e 5 fit Niirott, * o , ' 4,, 00%4401 sConatit;, 4»l , 4 raemhe. i of the ontario'' oveflht t'it .'4011• if '.a 10144 ' 'iierriOd .rx.emier, ala.rmt 4 You EXPECT the men and women in • 111 • your local• bank to be sk � d, �ourteoiis . , interested in their work and in you: J -1, Whey are. Because they. find satisfaction, in. meeting the standard of banking soli .: , require, rendering •the variety of services you expect ' in -a chartered bank. And there is always the drive of .competition. ' Manager, accountant, teller, junior they all know that if you are . not satish"ed aty our present bank you { will :go to another. - e t , You can count on alert' and friendly service from the'ni i}anc "women, a mho look after your banking needs. :� �rl,.r•.}:?rti:•::{3C::: :r�$}: ti•{'r:,i:r �; ::: . ' New. automatic driving comes to the' low -price fifiieldt ,Its all 1951 Pontiac Flectleader• Deluxe models you' can have the wonderful case ands smoothness of Powxnot tng-la proved, com• pietely automatic transtniision. There is tto.' clutch pedal. In normal:.driving'na gears ever shift for PoWartcttnis is +a torque convertor drive. Wear is reduced, efficiency increaded. Your cat's lift) i:s 1.ongeriits trade-in value higher!. Powraattntg is optional equipment at extra cost on Fleetleader Deluxe models. , r ' • ' Ei We call' it the `teWONDEREUI. S1LVE1t :ANNIVERSARY PONTIAd" for the obvious reason that it offers' so'many wonderful.. new things to' 'win your • approval. •w Its new Gull Wing styling is smart and distinetive" Its"new interior luxury T'he most powerful engines' in Pontiac historygive 'is apparent at a lance. you. S oiith, spirited; satisfying; prformance. Improved springing adds to . your riding comfort. - • • . ' •• , ,., . , •* • Among themere than 20 Models offered by, .;Pontiac in 1951, there is a car for'•, eve puree-rniodels in' the lowest -price field, models in the •l xury e • class. Thema your choice of 6:, or &cylinder engine . your'choice synchro. - ss .. mesh transmission, or the delightfully, Past' ydra:Matic* unci •PowerGlidet automatic transmissions'. _ . .. , And • of course every model is built to last 100,000 miles give, y Ou years o eun e• dab)le� econoniicttl, ttrd'nble-free'operation. So plan to add .the d one feature this really great car lucks --you, behind. die ateerilg toheel, a proud and happy' anineH •— • 'rn te.b/I Ttc,'the autotaatic drive tlietphas been acclaimed by motorists for over tencaeca can 1 e yours on any 1951 Pontiac Chieftain or. Strean*liner. Step on the gas to go, step on the brake to stop --that's all you do in'normal driv' ingwith rivnlIA-MATXG the drisc that hag out- moded the'clutch pedal entirety! And this year • it features new instant Reverse! ' IIY`DtA•MATICF 1lrive ss optional equipment at • extra Cost on Chieftain and Streamliner tnedeila only. ' P4511 •