HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-04-12, Page 7AUBURN, April 9.—Mr. and M.
,.'Usswe i a 1 of. P,lattsville' vrsited Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz last' Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. .Goddard of • Godes
tick' ate occupying the late Peter
Pft�at terson s ' beta •
'Mrs. Thos. S. Johnston attended a
• < convention . in Toronto last week, „
Mr.• Geo. itait'hby. has returned
home from GRderleh, where' he was
• a patient in the hospital;
Miss „A.tnelia Me lwain visited Mr.
tend Mrs.. W..Moantain, "Londesbcrro,
on Sunday: •
The monehly meeting of the W9 -
men's Institute will be held in the
on' >x
ForQs'fers Hall T csday, April
17th, at 2,15. The election' of of -
lacers will take 'place. '' hostesses
will be Mrs. 'Stuart Ament, Mrs
Chas. Million,, Mrs. W. J. Craig,
Mrs. ''Bert Deer, Mrs. Ken Mc-
DOugal and Mrs. Oliver Anderson. •
i4 dies' Guild. rhe Ladies' Guild
.of St. Mark's Anglican Church met
•in the church ` on ' Tlrursclay, with
Mrs, .Jahn, Daer in •charges The
meeting opened with a _Hymn, fol-
lowed bye prayer by Mrs. Daer.•
"The Scripture was read by Mrs. S.
•Daer', followed lkir a reading; by
Mrs. A. Neebit. A, duet was rend
eyed by Mrs ,A, Kirkconnell and
Mrs: 'Schneider, The topic was
given by Mrs,- Fordyce Clark, who
spoke on "Nellie 'McClung." , This
MIK ' foflo'wed by a duet by Mrs,
I. Deer and Mrslt A. Nesbit, ac-
eorapanied ,by Mrs. Frank Nesbit.
The president, Mrs: Tots. Haggitt,
took' charge , for the' businees per°ild..
A letter of thanks .wring read from'
Mrs. J. Taylor. It was• decided• to
send $1.50 to ' St. David's Guild,
[Windsor, who are building n church.
The roll, call, was answered •by the
givfng of the Easter th
'Plies were Made, to hold". a. concert
1i April by the North. 'Huron
and B's," also to bold a bazaar
. •
-iissipn Rand Meeting. — The
Light -bearers', Mission Band . met
ill the Sunday school 'room of; Knox
United Church on Sunday, ' morning,
with , •the president, Elizabeth
Grange, in charge. After the call
to worship, ' .-Ruth Million • .read
Psalm 100, and Gladys Meglinchey
led in prayer, after . which all , re
peated the .theme prayer. Mrs: 11.
Bean took the beginners., to their
The purchase of fertilizer is sometimes a
headache: Bectause the need for it usually
comes at 'a time when, there are a lot of
ex • enses • and •little income.
. Avoid . that hea • ache is year. ee your
w e •
B. of M maneger—ebour'a•Ioane-Repayment
B� • terms are easy-- suited to a farmer's require -
!!!!,,,,,V111„, ments. Drop in at your nearest B'of M
branch today, or as soon as convenient.
Durni 'tookruP .the Collection. 1a '
the Mission Band lighthouse and.
all s g the dedicatory pr
.�It wa announced that the Easter
t an.r nuwas going .to.rheiP
build °anKali) anevi kindergarten
to replace one destroyed by., 'bangle,
ing in l'npan. Fifty-three answered
the. roll call and eleven more joinetti.
The' story of Toshio and. Tama was
finished 'mud the characters in. til'
story were dieplayed on rt ie flannel
graph.' hoard. The alay roll calx.
is to be answered with a Bible
verse containing the word' "joy."
Copies of` "World Friends" were
distributed and the meeting was
closed witk a verse of "Tell Ale the
i .esus n the bene-
diction. of J d h b
�Sto m
diction.. ,
W.M.S.• , Meets. ''The April meete
ing of the .'W,M.S.,'of Knox United
Church Bras 'held , at the manse,
witlr Mrs. Earl Wightman in charge
and Mrs. W.. J. drag • at the, plane.
The theme ofthe meeting was
"Ohrist's Disciples Tiring Light"
The call to vecreDi was "You are
the light' of the world," and -the.
theme hymn,, "Holy • Spirit, Pray
Dwell within •Our Heart `Always,"
was read as a prayer. Mrs. Jas.
Jacksongave an article on temper-
and • Mrs: C. C. Washington
offered prayer. Mrs. 0, Cox took
the second • chapter of the study
l in Ja aan;telling of condition
there. A' duet was rendered ; by
Mrs. ,Fred Plaetzer. and Mrs. ' Geo.
Million. Mrs. Ernest Patterson
gave a reading on Africa and Mrs.
G. McClinchey_. reported on Christian
stewardship. The offering was re-
ecived by Miss Viola Thompson:
The president, Mrs. ,Frei To11, took
charge for the'iliusiness period. The
secretary, Miss M. Ding, and the
treasurer, Mrs. E. Patterson, gave
rtheir reports. The Corresponding
secretary, ' Mrs. I-I.Mogridge, read a
letter of thanks from Mrs. Jas.
Mute. A. letter from the com-
mittee on overseas relief.was'retidl.
thanking the .Society for 'the' six
parcels sent for overseas relief. The
Meeting' dosed with a hymn.• and
The ' hostess, assisted by Mrs. Toll;
serve r- reshznerite. •
BE CIIApril ,10. ,,, r Milo;
Peggy Young of Goderfchfspent the
week -end, • with her' grandparents,
Mr, and Mrs.• Oixvin g'.
Mrs, Arthur Orange and•girls
and Mr. Clarence Walters- of
Auburn, vis ted ritlii,;Ors. I'olfiya'
Walters on Sunday •
'lir. and Mrs. Che:lter Sturdy add
Larry, of,,;Goderich° townshfp,; spent.
Sund€ty with'_ Mr. °and .Mrs.
Rernighan and lainily.
. Miss Dorothy Moore spent the
week -end . in Sarnia.
Miss Jean " "Willis ' of Goderieh
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Pfritnmer.
Miss Joann Fisher of Goderich
spent the week -end with her grand-
parents, Mr. . and . Mrs, Fletcher
+ T David Marr . of
..lir,npd.�11 s. � mer, -
London spent the week -end with
Rev. and Nils. J. IR rrower and
Marguerite. •
'The Young Adult Group are spon-
soring a ' eoncer't by. the E.urouic
Kale Chorus of Exeter in the church
on Friday, April 20th, at 8.15 p.m.
This promises' to be an ,evening
-of good music. Tickets may be got
from any member of the Adu:t
Group. • ,Everybody welcome. -15
Mrs. •,Olive Gardner ie a patient
in the 'Goderich hospital. Mr. and
Mrs. Eric Gardner were here•from
Kitchener on Thursday ,to see her.
We 'wish her a.speedy ref:overy.
The W.:11.S.' are •.' b:oIcltug their
thank -offering meeting on Sunday
morning a--11.30 acloek, the ladles
1 taking the;. service. Rev. J. Har-
i rower will be the sneaker, ,
The regttlalr meeting of the Gode•
rich. . •. r
.. xownship.Il,,ouncif, was' helyd
on Monday,: April 2ud, at,7.80 ;p,rn.,'
in kiotu esville, ,with., all ., i iemberis
IXarry Ford, Goderich,' Presented
a bylaw for the approval - of :athe,
erection of a new school tzar' the
Goderich district . Collegiate Inst -
tate area. No action was taken
at ' the, meetping, the- watt '• 'being
laid -•'»Ker' for. investrga.tion anda
special meeting to lie held on MOM-.
'day, April 5th, In the Clerk's•oflice.-
Irvine Teltbutt presented a peti-
tion from the Clinton District High
School Hoard for approval of the
erection of an addition, to the pre-
sent school. This approval was
• Graveltenders were received
fr'onr G. F. Elliott and the Lavis
Oontracting Co, The tender of the
Liivis', Co, was: accepted? subject
to the approval -ofthe district
engineer. The salary of the, Toad
Superintendent Was raised to 85e
per hour,,-'
lsubject to the con.
sent of the . district engineer.'
W. Harrison Was selected to re-
present this- township On theGode-
rich Alexandra and Marine. Hos-
pital I3oa'rd. ' '
Communications rend and filed
d;_aantario- MunicipalBoard;Board;
C.I.IY. ; llepartnient ef. Agrictil'ture ;'
Pedlar People; Stevenson & • Hunt ;"
F ;Cowan Ageney, .. • J ;
Accounts presented and ordered
_mid: Miss_ Achesoli1.t ien't, $10;
Signal Star, advertising, $2;40, Cl"Iii
ton NewszRecord, advertising,
44,20; C;punty of Huron,' indigent.
costs, $12.35; J. ;Tloward, insurance,
$50; relief and indigent care, $85;
0, •-E. Wise; telephone loan, $1,000;
Sulieeintendent's payroll No. 4,
;Council then'' adjourned till May
7th at.7;30,,pan. '
'At: ':a ,special meeting' held on
Thursday, , April 5th, • the " Council
passed bylaw No. 5, a bylaw giving
ap royal of the erection of a new
Britain maintains 'the world's
largest merchant fleet -. 25.8 per
cent. Of the world's . total- tonnage.
�., A0104
Get'New Peps Vim,' Vigor,
"'dlillt'iritrftirr'l3iB irltljltti 1nrssvru rJiinr•
`till up; body loses' its sickly, "bean-ppole" look.
Thousandspraise 'Qstrcx. weight -building tonic.
Enriches blood; aids appetite, digestion, so food
<gives you more pep, nourishment, puts flesh ori
bare bones. Ioh't. fear getting loo fat:Stop when
you mach weight you desire, Introductory size only
60¢. Try •Ostrex- Tonic Tablets for new pounds,
new pep, vim and vitality, today. At all druggists.
If you don't sleep well
(if nights are inter= —y' •.
look' toour lad-
neys..1f yot your
- are out of order and
failing to cleanse the v `►, j.
ialood of poisons and • , ` �1
• eicess acids -your rest is likely suffering
tooQ . Then is the time to use Dodd's "
Kidney Pills. Dodd's help your kidneys get
4-id-ef.trouble-making.pai4ena and..acids•o,.-»
help restore them to•notmal action. See
flow much better you restat night --how
Much brighter you feel in the morning. Get
and use Dodd's Kidney Pills today. 145
„ •WESTOIELD, 4prii o.—E PAM,
from this Viciuity> . ttextded. the
church. 'service in the 'Wingbal#`
United Church on Sunday morning
anal” listened t� a tine address given
by a . former Westfield lady, 'in the
p rsou of Mrs. i1o'bt: Longley of.
China, na'w residing In Toronto,
Mr. and! Mrs. ' 'Melvtti Taytoor
visited, tan Sunday • with Mr, and
M'rA..'Fdgar Dane of Corrie.
Mt".fibward Campbell,' Mrs,
Frank Campbell and Misses' :Minn"i-
fred and Lois Campbell visited
on, Sunday with Mrs.-Itobt: Longley
and Mr, and Mrs. funcan (Meal
tum &f Myth,
o ,errei ',is rie 'ag" G,o0
R. E. TH•C)IVIPSON, Clerk.
1951 FORD V-8
i ::G04N�•'• r
ll'hirtfttg% city Warne, dese t heat and ouer'touiering '
+ mountains, the Ford V.8'eqqtu� ped with O,ierdr(ve ,
. arid, featuring Automatic , Mige Maher, saved
gas every mile. -
>4:;;${ {i r:�'v}ti,: ,r ,.:%{y}/ y:,r ! {;, •y' .ti;� fh' iy.,:.•;: •.}rr{,{;i:},.:%.;}..:
;•�: c}i::••r.{:}�{yi`Gt:•:.,{>,�;e•'•k;}Si:/5.•:;'•2:• r'•i.: x •:�•' �Y•..i•. ....i{ �ti•.. ;:�u.; r,: ;.; r.:;: • • i
�N,{.;:'}+.}::•�•r;. :•.�•:•'J,.'• :•:!:}: 'i.!..{.j}}{f �: rd �.•�;•: {•R;.•.;;.;;.+:t.Y.;:}�"}h,�7 �7J:•:�i:r:{7.xf:�ivs'1.{4rt.; •: {.�;}f ;•
with the C,7t,ss
" I." Oup Award
FORD OVERdelye ... optiional at extra post .. pays'
'for itself in gas savings. it lets the engihe `loaf"
Oiie the car hustles! Gives you smoother, quieter
lerformmant:e . ".: and reduces engine
r1it■�raiwriiiii► ` .r►'..r sir
'Mr. and Mrs. James Doak and
Jamie, of Crewe, and miss Margaret
Boak, nurse -in -training at Wing-
ham,uv'isited on Sutillay with° Mrs.
Fred Cook and ramify; '
Mr., Jasper MCBrien of Goderich
and Mrs. Annie „Walper of Auburn
visited• , on Monday with Mr. :and
Mrs,. GordonSnell.
Mr. and 'Mrs.. Mansel Cook and
sons, of Kinburn, ancl,,,, Mr. Leonard
0p k, pf Blyth,' visited on • Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell,•'
.M+r. and Mrs, Norman Radford
of .1'urkhili visited -on. Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Donald . •Snell.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wightman
of Pine River visited recently with
Mr,--•-and--Mrns-.. Ivan - Wightman.
Mr. and Mrs. Melburn Cox, son
I everly, 'h.nd Sharon Smith, • of
G�bder'ich, visited ;on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Taylor and
Mr.'"and-MTS. Charles Smith, at --
tended the eighty-first , luirthdey
celebration on Saturday: night.' of.
their aunt, Mrs. Joan 'Henderson of
Brussels. • '
Mr. and ; Ars. Arnold, Vint and
family visited on Friday With Mrs.
Vint's, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Scott of Teeswyater.
M+r. And Mrs. Earl Wightman-and,
Norman • visited on Sunday 4. with
Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Stackhouse
of Brucelield '
Mr. 'Forest ...Me eller and sons,
The Municipal 'Council met in the
Township Hall, Carlow,, on Tues-
day evening,. April 3rdr with mem-
bers all present •and Reeve Snyder
in the chair.
The foll93ving, correspondence was
C. R: Wilmot, assistant district
iteine•E'•l'y^ eel 'll"•aC'n-el eedeewe-getevel-
Contr'acts for the current year.
The Ontario M'unicipal•Board, in-
forming municipal cduncils. of', the
Board's scheduling all 'vacations
for tire month of August. Any
apklication• for approval sltou.ld be
sent to the Board uot, later. , than
June 30th. . '
Department of 'Highways, -with
enclosed audit report. ' • ' •4
Department . ;of . Agriculture,
acknowledging • receipt of fb it w No.
7, ' re warble fry, and ;also' at`he
appointment of Frank Rising as
ifsspeetor to • enforce this bylaw.'
.The Municipal, World,• requesting
Annual subscriptions.,•
s'he''Pedlnr People,,sowing priee
lists for culverts, etc..,,
• Mr, S. H, Brace, re the matter
of . suafl,]ying fire protection for
" fol ierne♦ 'The Town • of Goderich
is prepared to enter inti an agree-
ment with Colborne 'Council to sup-
ply fire protection ' covering the
entire, ,to,•nship•-. fpr a .standby fee
of $��.5O per annum .pegs $75.00 per
call. . The Town' would retain the
$?50 find the $75 per<, call• would
be divided' among the firemen. So
tar no action" taken: •
A:-de1•ef atlon, --from.- -niembers---of
the ' High School. District Board
was presents giving estimated ,costs.
of -newbuilding" and '.egtr'ipluent.
The total amount set - at
1000: a'
•00110i1 .aerate to assume its proportion
• Uordon Jewell, along wi�tb :'insux-
ance •agenfs, appeared before the
Codicil to explain various +insur-
ance "policies. ''
The only tender for _crushing and -
'hauling gravel for 2ownslip roads
was' received from the (,,avis Con-
tracting Co, et 59e per cubic: yard.
The follort'ing i_notions wewerecar-
ried : •
Kernigllan— ]anter : That, work-
" 'compensation ''be reIle''(ved
with the Frank Cowen Agency,
Hunter.,—.'Kernighan .That we
donate $100 as a grant to 'the Gode-
rich arena fund. •
.11ontgofnery=ifforton ; That the
Township Council''accept the tender
from the Lavis Gontractfng Co. for
crushing' and litiul�ing' approximate-
lv 'GQ00 cubic "yards of .gravel at
51)c. per cubic yard. •
ITorton•=•Hunter : hat the (Clerk
notify ,all • ratepayers interested in d
the Allin • rain 'scheme to meet the
Council at 9 a:Ir,., ,April'.Otb, cola -
cession's 3„ 'and 4, between lots ' 5
and G. ' •
Montgomery --•• Kernigllan `: That
the Township of Colborne assume
its 'proportion , of, the . capital cost
and "thecurrent coast, nt• operation
of the .G•od rich District Collegiate
Tnstpte;; ~IrtedrtI nge :to• the r egu1a.
Nous as set ; forth lir the -High
.School Act.. • •
;Hueter : That •we
have the Township i Fane repaired
and tuned..'
•Hunter--'HTorton That •Cdtiueii
confirm the 'signati'ire of the Reeve -
for township to pay an equal share,
with Certain rafepayers in the eost
of -a • 'fence to" protect it certain
int"p1i ` to be. dug rind maintainedmaintainedined
by the -•County" of Huron on con-
ee.csfon 8, . •
Montgomery --Horton : , T it a t
Council'.`. Insure With .the 'Prank
Gowan Agency on a romprehenath'e
contract, including �t�alible. fly spray-,
ini , at n prempremiumof $212.7e,.
The following , amounts were
passed: 'Ruud vomit rs , amount;
$.700.75 ;' John Durst, fox bounty,
$2.00; .Toltri Feagain, rot ' bot`tnty,
$2.00; Wen. Renews, vital statisties
for -1I) 0, $1.50 relief neeottnts,
+$22,3.50 'ti`ln. Westlake, eatery for
Mnreh, $90; Comity'txf Iiaroil;'in
ci.i�gent patients, $98 ; Goderich
0reno fund, $100.
;Moved by James' Horton that We•
adjourn to.meet Mey 1. t at fi' ir.tti.
W I, �tAL ,01*$f, Clerk,
$020 • Each municipality C+-atS'
it • Is believed, England'sfirst theid 3n York in 521 AND., on order
or an edh istmas
festival w s.!,
of Kg
Cemetery .Inscxpton Wor
Modern equipment - Prompt service
Phone 723M, Goderich
1, Shen ,e
weekend with Mr. and • Mrs. Earl.
Wightume ;
•MI':' and Mas. Arnold Vint and
family visited oh Sunday with Mr.
and .Mrs. Cliff. Hackett of Belfast.
..Mr„ and• Mrs. Frank Kershaw
and Miss Gladys McDoWell .of 'Goa -
rich visited on Sunday with' Mr.
and Mrs. Marvin ,McDowell. •
On - Thursday evening a few
neighbors met' at the home of Mr.
:rud..•Ia }s.,oEiwin� Ta ." ,. , a , ,
and on behalf of the church and
community presented them with a
'trilight lamp: ,The Taylor family
thanked them for the lovely gift -
Leader in 'Collegiate Sports. —
James IT. Buchanan;, eighteen -year-
old son,of Mr. and Mrs. 'Jack Buch-
anan,- has been nailed to: represent'
the 'Goderich .. District Collegiate
Institute in the Leaders' Club' 'Jim
is a strong competitor in track_ id
field . sports, including baseball, and
names baseball as his, _favorite
sport,' because it is a clean, , fast'
game,' requiring team play ds' well.
its i'hdiivdual effort. . Congratula-•
.tions are extend 'to Jiin from
the community. We are quite proud'
1 of- his abilities:
Everywhere iia► ,'anfiatt, owners o the new "ard"V >arei on a agtrc-"
ally` reporting exceptioi'ral 'saving's on gasoline.. Now, in the famous,
'anneal Mobilgas Economy Run, traditional"'Ford economy' has Been
provecii in, open competition. ,''here is no toti:g }ear test than this
. gruelling 840 -mile grind. • Competing against all 'cars in its Price field,
the new Ford equipped with' Uveii4rtt;e took first place in Class "A"l •
, Wily. not prove. Ford economy for yourself?, See your Ford Dealer
and "Test -Drive"' the. Economy Winnerl 'There'srio better, . .
,•••• way to be convinced that, "You can pay more .but
w you can't 'buy better."., -
j 3µ The Famous Ford Hp.. Engine
.V -8.100I
.... owneriptov'ed...',road prved
... tops4n 4conony in its, class.
The AAA Cbttteat' uoard determinetl the winnet by a'ttsn-mile per
gallon" formula. to insure equal chance for all cars in each class
regardless of size and weight, Ton -miles per 'gtttlon equals the car r
Des travelled, dviddl»n�?bsr of gallnsbgsoie "me.
PORTE'S 'iII'IrL, April -10.
ongratulations to' ler,. and Mrs.
Gordon *Manning*Manning.on the ;arrival,' of
theirbaby, John Charles.
Don't forget the play, "All • a
Mistake," to be presentecl in 'i;rnce
'Church on April. 27th - • -15
.: The `V.A.. will meet `on Thursday,
Beth#est t'ht hoarse' of Mrs.-
Lock Mr. and. Mrs. J. S. •Locharr,'
Clinton,, spent the •week -end. et the
home` of their •,stIn and cIftughtAr-
in-law, Mr. and .Mrs. A: i'"ocl�hart.
`,+r•i•-ww.m.v..ow.-.,.•nr...�na.-wM+..e•.••--..+-a+- . � QSw�.�.na.r. fo rYelli Prov,e.n fr;tr maximum
• growth
• Is Cruinblec • No waste•-z-saves'feed—
more palatable
, •. Is,Balanced Full Nutrition—•Iscientifi-
dilly controlled
O Has Chick, Appeal Attractive to chicks .from
.the start'
. ,
• Has Baru Growth' Gaontains A.P.F. supple-
gttors . - rent with ;anti -biotics•
" prus fI`sh'sblubles
*We guararttee the actual count ofvitamins in our Chick Starter to be
in excess of the`reyuiremettts recognized by' best known authorities:
Blatchford Feeds Limited.
'Has' the expetience.'artdL,
the P
rod ucts to h
and better service from
your car or truck every
day in the year! .
Moving of flttatwa's freight yard
,aystetn from downtown to at city
fringe will cost $2,004,000, and •3s
part oft, the capital 'beatttifieatiitli
,ti�Ilfi, d s c'a ,
• It's • the complete answer to econi
i omical, Spring' and Summer' driving.
'Delay could be 'costly! So, get this
essential job clone, tomorrow with th'e'
d finest oils acid greases: •n'iade! .`